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Turiya Consciousness and Mount Sinai

The history of the world must be re-written. Too many biases, assumptions, bigoted opinions and twisted religious fantasies have crept into the pages of so-called history. There is nothing new under the sun. Today’s awkward attempts at a one world government or United Nations is a new effort to reconstruct the ancient world order which was headquartered in Ethiopia. The ancient sages were endowed with wisdom and their leaders had undergone advanced spiritual cultivation. Therefore, their truly United Nations lasted for millennia. They were successful. Modern would be “internationalists” are not much more advanced than cavemen in suits. They are motivated by profits through exploitation and thus their “one world government” becomes simply code for European re-colonialism and must therefore fail. For want of a better term, for now we’ll call the earlier United Nations the “Ethiopian Empire.” In actuality, it was a planetary government headquartered in Ethiopia. Before Ethiopia was the capital an even older civilization was the center, but that takes us further back in time than we are presently prepared to travel. The semitic name for Ethiopia was Kush. The various “sons of Kush” refer to civilizing colonies that went forth from Ethiopia to establish nation-states. And the sons of Ham [i.e., Africa] Kush [i.e., Ethiopia], and Mizraim [i.e., the two Egypts], and Phut [i.e., Somalia], and Canaan [i.e., Palestine]. And the sons of Kush, Seba [i.e., Yemen], and Havilah, and Sabtah, and Raamah [India], and Sabtechahi and the sons of Raamah; Sheba and Dedan. -- Genesis 10:6-7 Raamah is India. The original name of the country was Rama (Raamah). Europeans renamed India after the Indus Valley River and renamed the people – who called themselves Dravidians – “Hindus.” Raamah’s sons refer to the great Black civilizations at Mohenjo Daro and Harappa Valley.

The people of Raamah (India) were very advanced. One of their scriptures, the Ramayana, describes their use of flying machines and very advanced weapon systems. During the Age of Aries the great Dravidian culture was overrun and demolished by the savage and barbarian Aryans (i.e., Aries people, reddish, warlike people ruled by the war god/planet Mars). Yoga, Ayurvedic medicine, “Hindu Astrology,” mantra, tantra, Upanishads, Ramayana, Mahabarata and more were created by the Ethiopian Dravidians. After they were conquered by the Aryans, their descendants became the Dasyus and Sudras – the untouchables – who are segregated and oppressed in Apartheid India to this day. And Kush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. …And the beginning of his kingdom was Babel, and Erech, and Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar [i.e., Sumer]. Out of that land went forth Asshur [Assyria], and builded Ninevah, and the city of Rehoboth, and Calah. -- Genesis 10: 8,10-11 Nimrod for some strange reason, gets a bad rap. He was a great African king who founded mighty civilizations through divine dispensation. The Ethiopian Empire included Africa, Palestine, Syria, Iraq, Persia, Europe, India, Arabia (including Mecca), Anatolia, South America and North America. It included the Polynesian Islands, Japan and Hawaii. Its priest entered Kamit (Egypt) and gave them the Supreme God Amen and the hieroglyphics writing system. Prior to Ethiopia’s influence, the Kamitic equivalent of Amen was Nu (The Anu of the Sumerians). Mayan civilization in the Americas was created by advanced Black African civilizers and teachers now called the Olmecs. Giant statues of their heads can be seen in Mexico. Do you really think two whole continents are named after Ameriga Vespucci? That’s silly. In Egypt (which succeeded Ethiopia as the world government capital) a holy person, a seer, a prophet, a psychic was called a “Mir.” The apotheosis of that became “Amir.” That is similar to how Min’s highest expression is Amin (Amen/Amon); Tem’s is Atem; Nu’s is Anu; Sar’s is Asar (Ausar/Osiris), etc. 2

The Amir gave spiritual advice or high counsel. The near savages like the Hyksos and Arabs misinterpreted the Amir’s counsel or oracular reading as a “command” and thus mistranslated “Amir” to be “commander, prince” in the Arabic language. The Amirs traveled extensively throughout the America’s. They helped establish civilizations in Peru and North America. They gave governmental science to the Indians and that became the Constitution of the Iroquois Federation of Nations which Thomas Jefferson and others stole and claimed as their own Articles of Confederation. The word “Ek” (or IC) means “spirit” or air. “America” is actually Amir-Ica or the spirit (Ek/IC) of the Amirs who founded it way before Columbus ever learned to sail (after even he studied under African mariners). Columbus himself sailed with an Amir teacher/guide, falsely identified as a slave by historians. Things Fall Apart There is a quite that says: “The center does not hold. Things fall apart.” Cataclysms, natural disasters and revolts occasionally broke the links between the various nations and headquarters. When all else failed, the kind would have to launch a military campaign against rebel states to bring them back into Maat (law). Many of the military campaigns by kamitic kings were not military adventures in an imperialistic sense. They were campaigns to put down armed rebellions. They are somewhat analogous to Lincoln’s suppression of the rebellion by the Southern Confederate States. But because Eurocentric historians either don’t know or hid the existence of the global government, they try to portray Tutmosis and Amenhotep as imperialistic war mongers. All other kings were as governors. But the kamitic king was the Shekem ur Shekem or king of kings. He was the president. And the Pope! The Ethiopian “Empire” gave way to the Egyptian “Empire.” It was the same people, but the capital had moved. The Egyptians governed the same territory. But, at times, the rebellions were both more frequent and of longer duration. Eventually, various barbarian tribes (i.e.,) Hyksos and Greeks occupied parts of Egypt herself. The 18th Dynasty was a renaissance of Kamitic culture that put the foreign occupiers to flight. There are very strict, matrilineal rules of succession. Conflicts often arose out of violation of the rules or differences in interpretation. 3

The Egyptian king was not a man, he was a god. Likewise the Chinese Emperor, Japanese Emperor, Mayan king, etc. Were all these ancient rulers just ego tripping or was there something to their claim? And there were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old men of the Shem [i.e., Fiery rocket ships]. -- Genesis 6:4 The kings of the nations of antiquity had to be descendents of one of these Nephalim or giants. It was that celestial blood that gave them the right to kingship. Yes, all men are created equal, but some men are gods. Europeans and Americans like to trace their blood back to some supposed nobility. Why? Because the original nobles were only “nobility” due to their possession of some “holy blood” (i.e., Anunnaki DNA). Ironically, the “nobility” to which most “pure-bloods” trace their lineage are no more than barbaric usurpers of nobility, low-class, no-class pretend nobles who were, in fact, filthy in all their affairs. The USA want to collect everybody’s DNA. They pretend that their purpose is to fight crime, but the real aim is to identify the special markers in the DNA of some true nobles who are alive to this day. A similar event happened when Herod took his “census” to try and locate the Christ. Well they’re still looking for him now. The Emperor of Japan is the last publicly acknowledged “son of heaven.” When fake wannabe’s wrested more and more control, the center could not hold and things fell apart. With the Barbarians literally at the gates, the true nobles went underground and taught people in secret. One duty of the enlightened King was to spread the royal blood among the people. That is the true reason that divine kings had many wives. But there are so many humans that it became nearly impossible for the royal DNA to not get diluted 4

to the point of being nearly non-existent. And the Lord said, My Spirit [i.e., DNA] will not always strive with man, for that he is also flesh: yet his days shall be an hundred and twenty years. -- Genesis 6:3 Without an infusion of royal DNA, humans are degenerating rapidly to the level of beasts. Human flesh (animalistic instinctual tendencies) is overwhelming the celestial DNA (“my spirit”) to the point that there is no longer much striving between higher and lower selves. The lower self has become the heavy weight champion of the world. One hundred twenty (120) years is but code for the 12 zodiacal (animal) signs. It’s saying that man lives according to the animal (khaibit) part of the spirit and, absent Elohim’s DNA, he will live on the level of a beast. Here is wisdom. Let him who hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is six hundred threescore and six. -- Revelation 13:18

Hebrew letters have numerical value. In Hebrew, “W” is 6. So everything you logon to some www side you are typing in the 666 number of the beast. And without your 666 (www worldwide spider’s web), you can scarcely buy or sell. Remember, the serpent is a subtle beast. We’re unwittingly worshipping the snake and don’t even know it. After the deterioration of Egypt, the Moroccan Empire tried to put the band (world government) back together, using Islam as its guiding ideal. But the Islam they espoused was a mere fragment of the true, complete Hotep (Islam) practiced in Pharaonic Egypt. The Turk’s Ottoman Empire tried to pick up after the Moroccan’s decline, but they also failed. World Wars I and II pretty much buried any true global government aspirations. At last, the king was dead. Now, if history is so mistaught, how far off the mark are our spiritual assumptions? The Yoga Vasishtha contains the teachings given to Rama (Raamah) by his guru, the sage Vasishtha.


One passage says: “The subtle body exists all the time. Its deep-sleep state is inert and insentient, its dream state is the experience of this creation, its waking state is the transcendental (turiya) consciousness, and the realization of the truth is liberation. The state of liberation-while-living is itself the turiya consciousness. So the wakened consciousness that the Buddha had is the turiya consciousness. It is consciousness that is liberated from entanglement in maya (illusion) and separate existence. It is this turiya (transcendental) consciousness that is the subject of these Quran verses: By the Fig and the Olive And Turi Siniyn And this City of Amen. -- Quran 95: 1-3 Here is how most translations render those ayats. By the Fig and the Olive And Mount Sinai And this City made secure -- Quran 95:1-3 China’s ancient name was Sinai. This shows up in terms like “Sino-American treaties.” “Turi” is usually translated “mount,” but it is actually referring to turiya consciousness, not some mountain. Mountains are themselves symbols for elevated consciousness states. There is one Being (Allah) who peers out of the eyes of every existing thing. The grand illusion is that there are zillions of beings. In reality, God is All That Is. When we climb up to that level of consciousness we have attained turi/turiya consciousness or the mythical Mount Sinai. Amen represents the original state of unconditioned energy/matter. It is undifferentiated and thus its nature is peace. Mecca is here called “this city of Amen” (hadhaul-baladi-I-Amin) because Mecca was a significant center in the vast Ethiopian Empire. Amir Fatir is the author of the Egyptian Tree of Life which provides a clear understanding of the mystical Qaballah.


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