For animal lovers, the Mystical Lenormand is especially attractive—each card carries the image of at least one animal. The Mystical Lenormand is modelled on cards which were used by Marie-Anne Lenormand, a prominent and popular French seeress of the 19th century. Much thought, research and consideration has been applied to the creation of these cards and therefore this beautiful and imaginative deck will find its way into the hearts of many people around the world. Card readers will be enchanted by the enigmatic and enjoyable Mystical Lenormand card deck!
Item: 3A0312947 ISBN 978-3-03819-411-8
Mystical Lenormand
In this book, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter describes the images and the interpretations of each card and explains how combinations affect the interpretation. Though tips and suggestions are provided, the reader’s own stimulated intuition is used to supply a successful and helpful interpretation.
Regula Elizabeth Fiechter
The Mystical Lenormand brings new insights, energy and delight to the art of card interpretation. Two Swiss specialists, the medium Elizabeth Fiechter and the painter Urban Trösch, have joined forces to create a deck of great wonder and power. The card images are elaborately painted in egg tempera— a technique usually used by painters of sacred artworks. The result is amazing, in its colour brilliance and detail which highlights the extraordinary iconography.
Regula Elizabeth Fiechter
The Fortune Cards of Marie-Anne Lenormand Painted by Urban Trösch
Note All information contained in this book has been carefully assembled by the author. However, it is not the intention of this book to give medical or therapeutic advice, in case of illness, please consult your doctor or therapist. Author and publisher exclude liability for any harm or loss to persons, matter, or money. Bibliographic information of the Deutsche Nationalbibliothek: The Deutsche Nationalbibliothek lists this book in the Deutsche Nationalbibliographie; detailed bibliographic data can be retrieved in the internet at:
First English Printing 20013 © 2004 AGM AGMüller Urania, Neuhausen/Switzerland © 2010 Königsfurt-Urania Verlag GmbH DE-24796 Krummwisch • All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, mechanical, electronic, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without prior written permission from the publisher. Concept and idea: Regula Elizabeth Fiechter Cover motif: Urban Trösch Cover design: Antje Betken Illustrations: Urban Trösch Translation: Ulrich Magin Layout & typesetting: Antje Betken Photos: pp. 10 & 11: Allerheiligen Museum pp. 12 & 13: Max Ruh, Schaffhausen, Switzerland pp. 278 & 279: Urban Trösch Printing and binding: Finidr s.r.o. Printed in EU ISBN 978-3-03819-404-0 (book)
Content Author’s Preface .............................................................7 Artist’s Preface ...............................................................8 Introduction ................................................................15 Card Information .........................................................16 How to consult the cards .............................................18 How to use the cards ...................................................19 Structure of the images ................................................20 The art of interpretation ..............................................21 The 36 Cards of the Mystical Lenormand ..................23 The Cards 1 The Rider ................................................................28 2 The Clover ..............................................................34 3 The Ship ..................................................................40 4 The House ...............................................................46 5 The Tree ..................................................................52 6 The Clouds ..............................................................58 7 The Snake ...............................................................64 8 The Coffin ...............................................................70 9 The Flowers .............................................................76 10 The Scythe ..............................................................82 11 The Whips ...............................................................88 12 The Owls .................................................................94 13 The Child ..............................................................100 14 The Fox .................................................................106 15 The Bear ................................................................112 16 The Stars ...............................................................118 17 The Storks .............................................................124 18 The Dog .................................................................130
19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36
The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The The
Tower .............................................................136 Park ................................................................142 Mountain ........................................................148 Paths ..............................................................154 Mice ...............................................................160 Heart ..............................................................166 Ring ................................................................172 Book ...............................................................178 Letter .............................................................184 Gentleman .....................................................190 Lady ...............................................................196 Lilies ..............................................................202 Sun .................................................................208 Moon ..............................................................214 Key .................................................................220 Fishes .............................................................226 Anchor ...........................................................232 Cross ..............................................................238
Laying Out and Interpreting the Cards ....................245 Preparation .................................................................249 Additional information ...............................................251 How to deal with negative predictions .......................253 Spreads .......................................................................255 Appendix ...................................................................269 People and animals in the cards ................................270 Index of Animals ........................................................273 The astrological correspondences of the cards .........274 Bibliography ...............................................................277 The author and the artist ...........................................278
CARD INFORMATION The Mystical Lenormand deck consists of 36 cards. On each card you will find, in the upper left hand corner, a figure from 1 to 36. When you first remove the cards from their case, hold them for a moment and quickly look at each card. What do you spontaneously think when you look at it? What could each card mean? Make some notes before you read the explanations of the meanings. Use your own intuition. Whatever thoughts immediately enter your mind might be important for your interpretation. To imprint the cards with your personal “spirit”, I suggest you spread them onto a smooth surface and then shuffle them for a few minutes with both hands. This will charge the cards with your energy. Always treat your cards with respect. Never let the cards lie around collecting dust and don’t forget to thank the oracle for the answers it supplies. Divining with the cards will work best for you if you use them to learn about matters in your own life. To start using the cards in this way, each day draw a daily card. You may view the image or lay it down unseen. Then, in the evening, look at the card and ponder it for a while. Does the card mirror the events of the day? What could its message be on this special day? When you perform this regularly, you will learn the meaning of all the cards and will also begin to understand their deeper meanings. When you begin to interpret spreads which use several cards, you will interpret each card separately. This will provide many conclusions, yet the “salt in the soup” of the Lenormand cards is in its combinations. Two or more cards combined result in particular meanings. You will find examples of these combined meanings for each of the cards in this book. 16
HOW TO CONSULT THE CARDS We consult the cards when something in our life needs clarification. However, the card—a piece of paper with a beautiful printed image—does not provide the answer. Cards are only a tool, similar to, for example, the pendulum, runes, crystal ball and so on. It is you who provide the interpretation, and this comes from your inner world, your higher self or the spirit world. Perhaps you have already made contact with this place of wisdom and understanding, have made contact with your spirit guide—who teaches you, or you might have a power animal or a guardian angel to help you with life’s questions—often a whole team of helpers are at your disposal. If you want to treat the cards as though they are an entertainment, do not be surprised to discover that the spirit world has a sense of humor! It may be that your lesson includes making you into an April fool! If you believe that you produce the changes and wonders in your life, you might develop delusions of grandeur and you are no great mage or magician but only a channel who receives and interprets messages via the images on the cards! What happens if you do not keep to these rules? The spirit world will withdraw. It takes many years to develop mediumship and interpreting cards is a first step along this path.
HOW TO USE THE CARDS To interpret the cards in a responsible way, you need personal maturity and this is especially true when you read the cards for someone else. Never predict a serious illness or death, no matter how much you are convinced that you can tell the future from the cards. Predictions of death are taboo on ethical grounds and be careful when you predict a divorce or a relationship separation too. Focus on the constructive and the positive, because these are what will help someone through a crisis. However, these stipulations do not suggest that you whitewash or close your eyes to potential problems. Ask your inquirer questions and feel your way diplomatically. You might, for example, explain that you perceive certain problems and ask whether these areas of life are difficult. Whether you read the cards for yourself or for another person, carefully consider whether you, or they, can deal with the answers that are received. If not, it is better not to ask the question in the first place!
STRUCTURE OF THE IMAGES In iconography, a distinct and traditionally regulated frame invites us to enter another world. In the Mystical Lenormand, the windows frame the images. When you spread the cards for a reading, you enter a higher reality such as when angels look down from a heavenly sphere. This is similar to when we meditate upon the card images and look into another world where time and space are different because the people, motifs and symbols originate from different times and cultures. Each illustration offers at least one animal image (you will find an index on p. 273). The cards Rider, Snake, Owls, Fox, Bear, Storks, Dog, Mice, and Fishes portray animals as the major meaning of the card. On card 29, the Lady holds a piglet in her hands indicating that all animals are of equal significance. It may be that, when you use the Mystical Lenormand deck, a power animal enters your life in a magical way. In the left upper corner of each card, you will find the card numbers, from 1 to 36. On the opposite side you will see the astrological symbol for the card. The 12 signs of the zodiac have been assigned to each card, the 12 houses, and the 10 planets that modern astrologers work with, in addition to Chiron as a further planet and Lilith (which is not a planet in the strict sense). These astrological correspondences may enlarge the range of interpretation of a card and deepen our understanding of it (these are listed on p. 274).
1 The Rider This card will appear whenever something new will occur. At times of stagnation, this card is eagerly longed for, but he only appears when he wishes! Through him you learn news from near and far. Thoughts are fleeting and are as fast as he appears upon his steed. Without hesitation, he jumps over obstacles and comes to you as quick as the wind!
THE IMAGE The rider is dashing along. He wears a winged helmet and winged shoes, his red cape billows in the wind. He does not beat the animal but rides without spurs and without a snaffle bit on the harness. This is a unicorn, an animal which, according to legend, fights its enemy with its horn, but can heal—and even raise the dead! Both the horn and the rider’s helmet act as antennae, receiving information from other worlds and carrying it to those whom they are directed to inform. A serpent lurks on the side of the path. At the end of its tail is a horn. Danger may appear everywhere and be an obstacle for news. The image is framed by a gothic window with a trefoil decoration at the top.
INTERPRETATION Dynamic movement is the message contained within this card—a new wind blows! News is on its way and will be received very soon. A new beginning may be foretold or you might discover a particular matter has an entirely new perspective. Be ready for a new phase or for spontaneous ideas and enterprises which will emerge. This card is generally positive. However, the reading depends on which cards surround it. Just as a telephone is neutral and may bring good or bad news, so is the Rider. The surrounding cards indicate the heart of the matter. If a woman is looking for a new partner, he is represented usually by the Rider (though in some cases by 18 Dog or, in case of an older man, by 15 Bear). This card also represents the thoughts of the inquirer. It symbolizes sports activities and vehicles, such as motor bikes or cars. It also represents large animals, such as horses and cattle. On a physical level, it indicates the feet and knee joints and the musculoskeletal system. Time factor: Soon; quick; at high speed; gaining momentum; already in creation. Characteristics: Agile; fit; flexible; dynamic. Persons: Younger, generally athletic man (may also be a woman); colleague; friend; lover; new partner. Astrological attribution: Mercury.
& Ship
& House
News arrives quickly ✦✦An announcement creates happiness Broadcast from abroad ✦✦Prepare for an imminent journey News reaches you at home are arriving soon
& Tree
Constant activity exercise contributes to good health ✦✦Time for a doctor’s check-up
& Clouds
& Snake
News reveals what has been unclear ✦✦Insight into a confused situation ✦✦Bad weather is forecast
News from a wise woman circuit rather than straight path ✦✦Winding road (plus 30 Lilies = danger of black ice.) ✦✦A
& Coffin
News is cancelled brings great changes
& Flowers
Invitation with flowers
& Scythe
Unexpected news concerning a separation
& Whips
& Owls
& Child
News delivered by mobile telephone, landline or email ✦✦News leads to quarrels ✦✦Arguments are unavoidable News in the late hours ✦✦Knowledge from a wise person News from or about a child beginnings
& Fox
Check the news from a cunning person ✦✦News about a cat
& Bear
& Stars
News from an older person ✦✦News from a very hirsute person ✦✦Wisdom from a spirit leader or power animal
Revelations in a dream information ✦✦Declaration of success
& Storks
News leads to changes about moving home
& Dog
Gossip from a friend makes a visit ✦✦Trustworthy news
& Tower
News from authority prison
& Park
Invitation to an open air event in public
& Mountain
Wait for news leads to responsibility
& Paths
A bright idea solves a problem speed ahead on the correct path
& Mice
Consuming thoughts news
& Heart
& Ring
& Book
& Letter
A new love! ✦✦Emotions are devoted to vehicles Thoughts go round in circles ✦✦You make or receive a wedding proposal Mysterious message ✦✦Mysterious young man Mailman brings a letter for speeding
& Gentleman
Man receives a message who drives (too) fast ✦✦Man who rides and/or loves horses
& Lady
Woman receives a message who drives (too) fast ✦✦Woman who rides and/or loves horses
& Lilies
Family excursion from a family member ✦✦Business man supplies information
& Sun
Very good news
✦✦Telepathy ✦✦Thoughts
of the last or next holiday in the sun & Moon
& Key
& Fishes
& Anchor
Going out until late at night ✦✦Receiving a visitor late at night ✦✦Sensitive young man ✦✦Dreams are interpreted Reliable news ✦✦Car keys Money is on its way ✦✦News regarding finances Writing a job application news about a job position ✦✦Work related to communication and travel ✦✦Receive
& Cross
News creates anxiety young man is ill
2 The Clover
Since ancient times, clover has symbolized good luck. You can be lucky, even if it’s only a little luck, it’s yours!
THE IMAGE For centuries, the four-leafed clover has been regarded as a beneficial symbol, but only when it is found without a search. The two ladybird musicians on the card emphasize this meaning. The four leafed clover may also be regarded as the cross of salvation—the Christian cross, and the equilateral Celtic cross which is a powerful symbol of protection. This card is a symbol of the world which includes the four cardinal directions and the four elements of water, earth, air and fire. The window is a creation of imagination, with columns which resemble plants and additional floral ornamentation.
INTERPRETATION This is a card of luck, and being lucky in this case means becoming the beneficiary of a lucky coincidence. The card indicates minor luck or happiness which will light up your day. The faces in the blooms look directly at the observer. Does he or she recognize the luck that appears at the side of the road? As quickly as luck comes, it may be gone, just as the clover on the verges of the road blooms only for a short time. This card indicates that luck will not last long. This card also shows a new beginning. In combination with negative cards, it mitigates their meaning, but also strengthens positive cards. It informs of the best moment to take action. In addition, it represents animals which live in the fields, and plants and herbs. On the physical level, it assists well-being and quick recovery from illness. Time factor: Two to four weeks; shortly; completed quickly. Characteristics: Happy; lucky; optimistic; short. Astrological attribution: Sagittarius.
& Ship
Happy thoughts ✦✦Good tidings ✦✦A minor event Luck is on its way destination is close ✦✦A comfortable journey ✦✦Brief journey (& 8 Coffin = early completion to a journey) ✦✦Your
& House
& Tree
Happiness in your home
Luck in life delight ✦✦Good health ✦✦Finding
& Clouds
& Snake
hort anger ✦✦Reduced happiness (dark side) ✦✦Joy will return soon (bright side) A woman finds luck snake as power animal brings luck ✦✦Beware of snakes in the grass ✦✦The
& Coffin
& Flowers
Bad luck ✦✦End of a brief lucky period Happiness multiplied by four ✦✦Invitation brings joy ✦✦Short term invitation 36
& Scythe
Happy surprise spell of joy is in danger ✦✦It is time to mow your lawn
& Whips
Humorous talks, much laughter will end ✦✦(& 8 Coffin) Speechless, yet happy
& Owls
✦ Humorous
conversations on the telephone bird has fallen from the nest and is on the ground ✦✦Happiness brings unrest and excitement ✦✦A
& Child
& Fox
Brief and small luck ✦✦Happy new beginning ✦✦Happiness with a child ✦
False cheerfulness and clever
& Bear & Stars
Brief happiness for an older person
Happy ending to an endeavor all along the line ✦✦Happiness due to astrology and new age ✦
& Storks
Generally: changes ✦✦Changes in luck
& Dog
Happy friendship ✦✦Brief friendship ✦✦Happiness among friends
& Tower
Your luck will be limited with an authority ✦✦You are lucky, but you are in a gilded cage
& Park
Brief (public) luck with an invitation
& Mountain
& Paths
Luck and happiness are behind a mountain ✦✦Luck is struck ✦✦Luck in dealing with a friend Short distance term decision ✦✦Happiness is on the shoulder of the road —just pick it up! ✦✦Short
& Mice
Happiness will soon be “gnawed” away annoyance
& Heart
Luck in love affair
& Ring
& Book
& Letter
Good relationship ✦✦Brief relationship Happiness is not yet available ✦✦Happiness from a book ✦✦Luck in an exam Valuable message luck
& Gentleman ✦ Honest man ✦✦Man has luck ✦✦Man close to the situation & Lady
Honest woman has luck ✦✦Woman close to an event
& Lilies
Happy family sexual relationship
& Sun
Intense energy for a short while cornucopia for you
& Moon
Brief recognition nights ✦✦Success in an emotional matter
& Key
& Fishes
There certainly will be happiness ✦✦(& 23 Mice or & 8 Coffin) Key lost in the grass Luck in a financial matter term finances ✦✦Small donation of money ✦✦Short
& Anchor
& Cross
Luck at work ✦✦Reduced working hours ✦✦Work is completed quickly Distant happiness has a good ending
Generally, you may ask the cards any kind of question. However, all questions must be asked with an attitude of personal involvement and the desire to help others. When the cards tell you something about a person dear to you or with whom you need to deal, please consider the following: if somebody, for example, is described as hard-hearted, false or miserly, this does not mean that he or she does not also have positive aspects. But with your particular question, at this particular moment in time, and regarding you, he or she will act this way. But each person progresses and changes. Therefore, check these characteristics from time to time. Don’t pack too many questions into one. To write down an inquiry means formulating it more precisely. Often, it is not easy to find the right question, unless you have a really serious problem you have to deal with. Then the question must be asked simply and unequivocally. When you want to read the cards at any time without any pressing question in mind—which is of great importance especially in your training period—you may choose from one of the following suggestions: Do I need to be especially aware of something? Am I healthy? Do I eat the best food? Do I get enough exercise? Will my health improve? What kind of energies are around me? Do I have enemies in my surroundings? Do I do what is best for my child? Do I care enough for my parents? Do I spend my money on useful items? Do I have to contend with monetary problems? 246
Shall I continue with my education? Shall I become freelance? Do I have a good profession? Will there be a change in my job? Would I be successful if I became freelance? Is my workplace in danger? Does my partner suit me? What connects us? What dives us? Is there someone in our way of progress? Will I find a partner? Will my partnership remain stable? Will I move home? Will I progress spiritually? Where can I count on support?
I recommend you keep a diary and make notes of the cards dealt in the spreads. Write down your questions, the date, the cards and their positions. The numbers of the cards (1Â to 36) will suffice. At a later date, you can check the accuracy of the readings.
If you have a friend who has a deck of cards, ask them to perform the reading for you if you are feeling very anxious.
SPREADS PAST – PRESENT – FUTURE This is an easy spread with only three cards and is suited to when you have a problem that you need to solve.
Firstly, proceed as described in the chapter entitled “Preparation.” Lay the first card in the center as it represents your problem. Draw the second card and place it to the left of the first one as this represents the origin of your problem. Then, the third card is placed to the right, as this provides possible solutions.
THE CORE OF THE POODLE This spread is about foundations, the real origin or core of the situation. The name derives from Goethe’s Faust where Mephistopheles takes the form of a black poodle. When he transforms into his original shape again, Faust exclaims, “So this is the core of the poodle! A wandering scholar! This case makes me laugh!” A “wandering scholar” was a travelling student in the Middle Ages and since then, “the core of the poodle” has become a proverb in Germany, meaning, “the gist of the matter.” It indicates that one has understood the true origin of something and it inspired me to devise the following spread. Whenever you want to know what is truly behind a problem or a particular matter, try this spread. The spread uses seven cards which are laid down in the following order: four below each paw (from left to right), one on the head, one on the tail, and one in the center (in the core). The four cards on the paws represent the problem and show how it originated, how you yourself ploughed the soil to make it grow, and on which you now stand! The card on the head of the poodle is what you’d like to have, what looks good in your mind and what you wish for. The card on the tail is consistently mixed up by this wishful thinking. Poodles are fun loving creatures which often wag their tails. The card in the middle, finally, represents the origin of your problem. Depending on your question, it may also represent your true nature, what you are in the core of your soul but do not want to show the outside world. The cards surrounding it demonstrate what you show to the world. 263
5 6
THE AUTHOR Regula Elizabeth Fiechter was educated as a language teacher and has lived for many years in western Switzerland. She has university degrees in adult education, is a qualified journalist and has been working in the field of communications for over 15 years. Regula Elizabeth Fiechter is a trained astrologer (SFER) and has developed her psychic gifts (she is the 4th generation of her family to do so), and has studied with Swiss and British mediums. She is the creator and author of Mystical Kipper and Mystical Lenormand and has added to the latter four additional channeled cards. These are Ancestors, Spirit Guide, Power Animal, and Angel. All images were painted by the artist Urban Trรถsch from Berne; the two experts have been working together since 2003. She spends her free time with her pack of dogs and other pets.
THE ARTIST Urban Trรถsch was born in Zurich and has been living and working in Berne since 1968. His imaginative crayon and egg tempera painting is highly valued by private collectors and has been exhibited in Switzerland and abroad. He painted the images for the Mystical Lenormand and Mystical Kipper decks and his work is sought after by enthusiasts. He also provided the artwork for the cards of Ancestors, Spirit Guide, Power Animal, and Angel of the Mystical Lenormand.
For animal lovers, the Mystical Lenormand is especially attractive—each card carries the image of at least one animal. The Mystical Lenormand is modelled on cards which were used by Marie-Anne Lenormand, a prominent and popular French seeress of the 19th century. Much thought, research and consideration has been applied to the creation of these cards and therefore this beautiful and imaginative deck will find its way into the hearts of many people around the world. Card readers will be enchanted by the enigmatic and enjoyable Mystical Lenormand card deck!
Item: 3A0312947 ISBN 978-3-03819-411-8
Mystical Lenormand
In this book, Regula Elizabeth Fiechter describes the images and the interpretations of each card and explains how combinations affect the interpretation. Though tips and suggestions are provided, the reader’s own stimulated intuition is used to supply a successful and helpful interpretation.
Regula Elizabeth Fiechter
The Mystical Lenormand brings new insights, energy and delight to the art of card interpretation. Two Swiss specialists, the medium Elizabeth Fiechter and the painter Urban Trösch, have joined forces to create a deck of great wonder and power. The card images are elaborately painted in egg tempera— a technique usually used by painters of sacred artworks. The result is amazing, in its colour brilliance and detail which highlights the extraordinary iconography.
Regula Elizabeth Fiechter
The Fortune Cards of Marie-Anne Lenormand Painted by Urban Trösch