7 Apr

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Amir attends national operetta PAGE 2

conspiracy theories

Brutality that’s beyond belief By Badrya Darwish


came to the Kuwait Times in the evening as usual to find my old colleague Islam sad and running up and down the editorial room showing a picture. When I approached him seeing him so panicky, he showed me pictures of dead cats. Islam is well-known in the newspaper as a cat-loving person. At one point he had some 20 cats under his supervision who were running up and down inside the offices. It took us long time to convince him to stop bringing them inside. It is either him or the cats on the premises. Don’t misunderstand me - I love animals - but the cats started running even inside the printing machines. This caused damage to both the machines and the cats. Yesterday, Islam was shocked by the piece of news which arrived in our offices that a guy in Rumaithiya had allegedly poisoned 30 cats. Why would someone poison cats? What kind of a personality does he have? Isn’t it enough that cats are killed on the road and we do not want to blame it on the drivers, so, we justify it as an accident? But when somebody on purpose gathers cats and poisons them, I don’t call it an accident. To me this is premeditated crime and a brutal action. A crime is a crime. If somebody can torture a cat, he is capable of torturing humans. It is beyond my tolerance. What does this guy have against cats? Doesn’t he have anything better to do than chase and poison cats? To my shock, I learnt from my colleague Maher that killing cats was not as surprising because many guys here apparently enjoy torturing dogs as a form of amusement. They spend evenings inventing different ways of torture for the poor dogs by sticking iron rods in the dogs and laughing. They go as far as using dogs as shooting targets. If a dog survives all these insane games, then the ceremony ends by hanging the dog. To add to our depressing evening another colleague Mustafa shared the news he heard on Marina FM about kids setting cats on fire just merely to enjoy the scene of a cat running around in flames. Imagine it! How creative can the human mind be when it comes to torture? What would you call such actions? Is this sadism, cruelty or both? Who is responsible for all this? Where are the parents of these kids and what kind of upbringing they have had? Even religion does not allow this. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was merciful towards animals and he advised all his companions to do so. The sad part of it is that there is no law that punishes people for animal abuse. I am not asking to have the same luxurious rules like in Switzerland where animals can have lawyers representing them. All I am asking for is the authorities to introduce rules against animal abuse.

At least 7 blasts rip through Baghdad, killing 49


150 FILS

Egypt police violently disperse pro-reform protest

Barcelona qualify for Champions League semifinals




Meeting to focus on discipline, priorities MP to reveal Rafale violations • Financial market tribunal set up By B Izzak

KUWAIT: A boy swims in an Olympic-sized swimming pool at the Kuwait Sea Sports Club after the club officially inaugurated its swimming pool complex late Monday. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat (See Page 17)

25 killed in US mine blast MONTCOAL, West Virginia: Rescue crews battled to move heavy drills to reach four missing miners yesterday at a West Virginia coal mine where an explosion killed 25 others in the deadliest US mining disaster in decades. Initial search crews reported damage so severe at the Upper Big Branch Mine after Monday’s explosion that train rails in the mine “looked like they had been twisted like a pretzel,” said Governor Joe Manchin. “It

had to be a horrific explosion to cause that kind of damage,” Manchin told a news briefing. Crews planned to drill four holes into the mine in Montcoal, owned by Massey Energy, Manchin said. Drilling may not begin until today as the rigs are not yet in place and an access road must be plowed to the site. Efforts were hampered by the hazardous buildup of methane gas and smoke underground, posing a danger that

forced the earlier teams back from the search area 48 km south of the state capital Charleston. “It’s a slow process,” Manchin said. Three of the holes were for ventilation, and rescuers were targeting an area some 335 m below the surface, he said. Miners’ families remained hopeful, the governor said. “I don’t want to give anybody any false hope but ... we’re still seeing people clinging on to Continued on Page 14

KUWAIT: The informal meeting of MPs due to take place today at the speaker’s office is expected to focus mainly on discipline during sessions and to reschedule the list of priorities. Secretary of the Assembly MP Dulaihi Al-Hajeri said yesterday that a committee headed by deputy speaker Abdullah Al-Roumi has been assigned to draw the list of priorities for the remainder of the Assembly term expected to wind up late June. At the start of the term in late October, MPs had agreed on a host of issues to be debated and completed during the term, but because of political tension, grillings and new developments, the Assembly is way behind on the priority list. Speaker Jassem Al-Khorafi said that after approving the new list, it will be debated and approved by the Assembly during a session. He had also said that he will convey a message from the Amir to MPs without disclosing its contents. But it appears that discipline by MPs during sessions and finding a mechanism to stop fights and heated exchanges between MPs like what happened last week is likely to dominate the meeting. Ahead of the meeting, MP Youssef Al-Zalzalah said he will submit a proposal to amend the Assembly’s internal charter to give more powers to the speaker to punish MPs who do not abide by Continued on Page 14

Women judges stir old debate in Egypt

Brown calls UK polls for May 6 LONDON: British Prime Minister Gordon Brown fired the starting gun yesterday on a month-long election race, setting May 6 as the date for voting in what could be the closest poll for a generation. Announcing the widely-anticipated date after asking Queen Elizabeth II to dissolve parliament, a sternfaced Brown said Britain’s fragile economic recovery was at risk if the opposition Conservatives took power. “Britain is on the road to recovery and nothing we do should put that recovery at risk,” he told reporters. “Our economy is now moving forward, but to withdraw millions of Brown pounds from the economy would put recovery at risk.” Brown’s confirmation of a date triggers a month of campaigning in which his centre-left Labour will battle to claw back ground from David Cameron’s centre-right Conservatives, who are ahead in opinion polls. A Labour victory would secure the party’s fourth consecutive term in office and would be a first under Brown, who took over as leader from Tony Blair in 2007. The Tories are vying for their first win since a surprise 1992 victory. In a contest likely to be dominated by the economy, Brown, 59, is Continued on Page 14

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BAGHDAD: This frame grab image shot from a US army Apache helicopter shows a group of men, including two Reuters staff in a street on July 12, 2007, just before the group was fired upon by the helicopter. — AFP

Video posted of deadly US strike WASHINGTON: Whistleblower website WikiLeaks released graphic video Monday of a US military Apache helicopter strike in Baghdad three years ago which killed two Reuters employees and a number of other people. The gun camera footage includes audio conversations between Apache pilots and ground controllers in which they identify the men in a Baghdad street as armed insurgents and ask for permission to open fire. WikiLeaks said that it had obtained the

video “from a number of military whistleblowers” and decrypted it. It posted the video at collateralmurder.org. The July 2007 footage shows an aerial view of a number of men on a Baghdad street including two later identified as Reuters employees Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh. At least two individuals in the video appear to be carrying weapons but most are unarmed. Continued on Page 14

CAIRO: When women tried to join the bench on Egypt’s top administrative court, the uproar from its judges was fierce. Women are too emotional, they insisted - and who will take care of the family if the mother is busy with the arduous tasks of the courtroom? In Internet chat rooms, the response from Egyptian men and women was even stronger. Women are too fragile, they’re not up for making life-changing rulings, and menstruation and pregnancy make them unfit to be judges. It took a street protest, government intervention and a Constitutional Court ruling over the past weeks to get women appointed to Egypt’s State Council court for the first time. The final result was a victory, but many women’s rights advocates are dismayed that after decades of struggle it took such a fight, and that such views still run so deep, even among the country’s elite. Especially given that women have already been judges for years on most Egyptian courts. “I was surprised and confused why are we going back to square one to discuss something that is our constitutional right?” said Tahany ElGebali, who in 2003 became Egypt’s first female judge when she was appointed to the Constitutional Court, the country’s highest judiciary body. Egypt has a century-old women’s movement, and women have long served as government ministers and business executives, doctors and other professionals - not to mention the large numbers working in factories, small businesses and household industries.

CAIRO: Egyptian women protest in front of Egypt’s state council court March 6, 2010, as they call to join the bench on Egypt’s top administrative court. — AP But the dispute illustrated how so far, progress for women in the workplace has not soaked down in the public consciousness to create a widespread change in attitudes - particularly at a time when many popular Islamic clerics on television and other media promote a message that women’s roles are inherently different from men’s, and more centered around family and the home. The judges dispute centered around the State Continued on Page 14

in the news Dozens of cats poisoned KUWAIT: Residents in Rumaithiya were stunned by the sight of dead cats on the streets yesterday. It was later determined that the felines were poisoned by insecticide. Kuwait Municipality inspectors later gathered the remains of nearly 30 cats from underneath vehicles parked on roadsides. Preliminary laboratory tests indicated that the cats were killed by a toxic insecticide. Investigation was still underway to identify the perpetrator.

NBK eyes Garanti stake KUWAIT: Kuwait’s largest lender, the National Bank of Kuwait (NBK) said yesterday it was considering buying a stake in Garanti Bank as Turkey was one of the emerging world’s most attractive banking sectors. “NBK wants to expand in Turkey, a country that has a lot of potential,” said NBK’s chief executive, Ibrahim Dabdoub, in an emailed statement. “We need to have a stronger presence there,” he said. “One of the options is a share in Garanti Bank.” General Electric said in February it would sell its 20.85 percent stake in the Turkish lender, currently valued at $4.3 billion. NBK is the first bank to come forward publically and declare its interest.

Only 11 B’deshis find work DHAKA: The number of Bangladeshis heading abroad for work hit a four-year low in the past three months as job opportunities in the Middle East and Asia were hit by the global slump. About 100,000 people left to work overseas in the JanMar period, the lowest quarterly number since 2006. In Kuwait, which the Bangladeshi prime minister visited earlier this year, only 11 workers have found jobs in 2010. Malaysia, hit hard by the recession, has accepted no new Bangladeshi workers for a year, while in 2007 and 2008, it took in total more than half a million. Saudi Arabia - which employs more than two million Bangladeshis - signed up only 2,255 in the first quarter of 2010. The UAE was the top recruiter of Bangladeshis despite the fact the country being hit by the downturn.

Per capita waste 1.4 kg KUWAIT: Kuwait Municipality is doing its utmost to dispose of waste as per capita waste generation in Kuwait is 1.4 kg per day, Minister of Public Works and Minister of State for Municipal Affairs Fadhel Al-Safar said yesterday. The remark was made by the minister in a keynote speech at an international conference and exhibition on waste management. Kuwait Society of Engineers Member Mansour Al-Murri said Kuwait has a high waste generation, having exceeded one million tons of waste in 2007, up 1.5 percent over 2006. He said Kuwait Municipality spends roughly KD 60 million to collect, treat and dispose off waste. (See Page 4)

Dubai nabs con surgeon DUBAI: Dubai police have arrested a man impersonating a US celebrity cosmetic surgeon and operating on women attracted by his rock-bottom fees, local newspapers reported yesterday. The 69-year-old general practitioner performed plastic surgery on women in his private villa, leaving his patients with serious complications, the Gulf News daily reported. He operated in the UAE under the name of Dr Steven Hopping, a renowned American surgeon who has been featured in newspapers and magazines in the US and who formerly headed the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery in the US. The Arabic-language Emarat Al-Youm identified the fake surgeon as Steven Moose. Harvard-educated Hopping told Emarat Al-Youm from Washington that the fraudster is wanted for trading in uncertified medical supplies and sedatives, and that he has committed several violations in more than one country.

Maoist rebels kill 76 police PATNA, India: Maoist insurgents claiming to fight for India’s rural poor killed at least 76 soldiers yesterday in a series of carefully planned ambushes in the forests of eastern India, underscoring the rebels’ strength despite a government offensive. The attack by hundreds of Maoists in a rebel stronghold in Chhattisgarh state was the deadliest by the militants against government forces in their 43-year insurgency. The rebels launched the initial attack early in the morning, firing on a group of soldiers as they returned to base from a two-day patrol in Chhattisgarh’s Dantewada forests, S K Pillai, the federal home secretary, told reporters in New Delhi. Continued on Page 14



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Amir patronizes, attends national operetta KUWAIT: His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AlSabah patronized and attended the national operetta titled “Kuwait for those who love it” held at the Bayan Palace theater yesterday. HH arrived at the operetta scene at 10:30 am, where HH was received with utmost welcome by Chairman of the Permanent Committee for National Holidays and Occasions, Minister of Oil and Minister of Information Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Ahmad Al-

in my view

Notions about Kuwaiti politics, policy By Fouad Al-Obaid s I begin to reflect on a Master’s thesis that I am about to write, notions about Kuwaiti politics and policy come to mind. The challenges of tomorrow need to be addressed today. We need to realize the gravity that quarrels and fights have on the stability of the country, they tend to lead to destabilization, which is not in our best interest. Cautioned many times by HH the Amir of the danger of seditious elements, our national unity should be upheld as the highest priority not only on behalf of the government, but more importantly on behalf of every single citizen. We have seen recently how issues can escalate easily. Sensitive topics that some would like not to have open for the risk of assertive action on the part of the government could drastically change the current status-quo. The broader


question of national identity is today on the minds of many. It is being played out on two distinct fronts with the question of the bedoons (stateless), and that of dual nationality. It leads to the question of whether Kuwait would or should tolerate some of its citizens, who are also citizens of other countries. It is placing in doubt their allegiance and loyalty, but also brings in the concept of benefit versus duty into the center of debate. More broader a theme, yet just as pertinent, should free speech justify vile personal attacks against policy makers and decision takers, or should constraints be placed on such acts? If such, what are the constraints and limitations, and more importantly what would the punishment be? On a different note, time and again, we come to see the elected officials’ interference - those who vehemently try to impose an austere interpretation of religion and doctrine on people who may not share their views by force. I, for one, believe that personal freedom need to be maintained and sustained

by the government. We are a state that follows laws and is governed by a Constitution. A government who wishes to transform Kuwait into a regional business hub should not tolerate justifications on baseless limitations. If we are to develop into a regional powerhouse, we need to understand that people and cultures differ from country to country. We need to realize the potential of cultural dialogue and the benefits of developing our culture by bringing forth our heritage. At the same time, we ought to understand that heritage is a creation just like modernity, and we need to weed out the useful from the mundane. As a means of developing Kuwait, we should make sure that we develop tourism infrastructure that would take into account the demands of a tourist, who is, by no means forced to come to us. But out of curiosity, he crosses over with the aim of discovering our culture and country. We should ensure a focus on the development of art and culture through the building of numerous museums and galleries that would

host exhibitions and bring together a host of tourists. We should further focus on the aesthetics of arts by bringing art and culture to the streets of Kuwait through a government-sponsored initiative to commission various artists who would build monuments, statues and other art works that would be placed in our countries’ roundabouts and avenues. Lastly, we need to firmly believe that the best way to prevent conflict is to foster dialogue at both the national level within the country and across ideologies, faiths, and political affiliation. Just as much, we should work towards spreading a positive image of Kuwait to the world at the official level through various dignitaries. We should also come up with an official policy of educating the future leaders of the world by targeting top universities in friendly countries by inviting them to come on a trip to Kuwait where a tour will be organized. In exchange, they should write a research paper on Kuwait. fouad@kuwaittimes.net

Sabah, Minister of Education and Minister of Higher Education Dr Moudhi Al-Humoud and senior officials at both ministries, as well as members of the operetta’s organizing committee. The event also saw attendance of HH the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah, National Assembly Speaker Jassem Al-Khorafi, Deputy Chief of the National Guards Sheikh Mishaal Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AlSabah, His Highness the Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad

Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, visiting Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Swaziland Lutfo Ephraim Dlamini, Acting Minister of Amiri Diwan Affairs Sheikh Ali Jarrah Al-Sabah, senior sheikhs, state officials and dignitaries. The operetta commenced with the National Anthem followed by a recitation from the Holy Quran. Then, groups of school students from all stages performed a potpourri of musical acts that reflected spirit of national loyalty and belonging. — KUNA

KAU partners with CUHK to offer MBA KUWAIT: The Kuwait-Asian University (KAU) launched its masters in business studies program, in partnership with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), reported Al-Watan. A ceremony was held to commemorate the event at the faculty of engineering and petroleum under the patronage of HH the Prime Minister, Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad AlSabah. It was attended by Education Minister Dr Moudhi Al-Hmoud, and Kuwait University’s chairman of the board of secretaries, Sheikh Ali Al-Khalifa. In a speech he delivered at the event, Al-Khalifa asserted the significance of the relationship between Kuwait and Asian countries worldwide. He pointed out that the visits of HH the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, to China, Hong Kong, Japan, Singapore, Korea and other southeast Asian countries during his tenure as the country’s foreign minister and currently as its leader demonstrates that importance. He added that HH the Amir’s commitment has encouraged Kuwait to invest

public funds into the region, which he recommended be transformed into a KuwaitiChinese investment company in the future. Al-Khalifa talked about the selection of CUHK for the partnership, and stated that the university is ranked among the 30 best universities in the world. It was recognized as the second best university in Asia while its higher studies program was considered among the best worldwide. He noted that CUHK has a master’s program in business administration in partnership with Harvard University. Additionally, Al-Khalifa acknowledged the scholarships that CUHK offered to Kuwaiti students in coordination with the Minister of Education. During her speech at the event, the Minister of Education, Dr Moudhi AlHmoud stressed the importance in improving education in Kuwait. That is the reason why Kuwait signs partnerships with various prestigious universities and educational institutes from around the world, she added.

in the news Blackout in Jahra KUWAIT: A number of homes in Jahra were hit by a two-and-a-quarter hour power cut on Sunday night that blacked out large parts of the area. Minister of Electricity and Water Dr. Bader Al-Shuraiaan reacted quickly to the power failure, calling for an emergency meeting the same night with senior ministry staff, while technical personnel worked hard to reconnect the power as fast as possible, reported Al-Watan. A statement on the incident issued by the Ministry of Electricity and Water (MEW) on Monday explained that the power cut, which began at 9.25 PM, took place due to a malfunction at a local electricity substation, adding that the power was partially reconnected to many properties within approximately 40 minutes. Full power was restored to the area by 11.40 PM, the statement added, further revealing that the ministry has launched a special investigation to determine the cause of the power cut and find ways of avoiding such incidents in the future. Delayed certificates KUWAIT: The Kingdom of Bahrain’s Higher Education Council has accredited 355 degree diplomas from private universities in the country, with a number of Kuwaitis among the recipients. The accreditation follows a decision handed down by Bahraini Prime Minister Prince Khalifa Bin Salman Al-Khalifa, reported Al-Watan. Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah praised the Bahraini premier’s initiative, saying that it had addressed the problems faced by these students over the previous suspension of their diplomas being issued. Several Kuwaiti MPs also expressed their gratitude to the Bahraini PM and the kingdom’s Minister of Higher Education for keeping their promise to satisfactorily resolve the graduates’ problems.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

3 One-month ‘grace period’

Overseas Filipinos set to begin voting on Saturday By Ben Garcia KUWAIT: From Saturday, April 10, a total of 20,256 Filipino residents of Kuwait registered to vote in their nation’s election will be able to begin casting their votes for the country’s president, vice president, senators and party list representatives. The Overseas Absentee Voting (OAV) starts one month ahead

KUWAIT: At Dar Al-Salwa yesterday, His Highness the Amir Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah received former US President Bill Clinton, along with Clinton’s accompanying delegation. Also attending the meeting was His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah, as well as a number of senior Amiri Diwan officials. Following the reception, HH the Amir hosted a banquet in honor of the former president and the accompanying delegation. — KUNA

Amendments on women’s civil, social rights KUWAIT: Chairperson of the parliamentary women and family committee Maasouma AlMubarak said yesterday committee members made a number of amendments on the draft law regarding woman’s civil and social rights. Al-Mubarak said in a press release that the most important amendments were the rights of women employees who accom-

pany their husbands abroad to have a “fully paid salary” during the husbands’ terms. A woman, according to the amendment, will be fully paid if she accompanies her ailing husband or child within or outside the country. The committee also approved to give women a social promotion on condition that the husband is not privileged with the same

promotion. Other proposed amendments call for giving women two-hour fully-paid leave for breast feeding their newly born babies. Meanwhile, Speaker of the National Assembly (Parliament) Jassem Mohammad Al-Kharafi held here yesterday a meeting for the parliament’s office with attendance of its members.

kuwait digest

Kuwait development plan n his column with Al-Qabas, Ali Abdulaziz Al-Namash spoke on how the Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Affairs and Minister for Development and Housing Affairs is handling the development project. ‘Sheikh Ahmad Al-Fahad Al-Sabah acts as if KD 30 is on the line instead of KD 30 billion,’ he began. ‘Or, as though the budget’s checks are in his pocket. His rush and chaotic way of dealing with the matter is similar to the way he dealt with sports; he sends clear messages to traders and tells them to either cooperate with him or give him complete control.’ He added that when the plan was agreed upon, Al-Fahad announced that the development process had been launched. ‘What was actually launched that day is the process of delaying the development projects,’ he argued. ‘It has been 60 days since the development plan was agreed upon and several projects have been postponed, including the Jaber bridge and oil projects, all due to disputes within the government. Even Al-Fahad himself confessed that there are flaws that need to be addressed


before the beginning of the development process.’ Al-Namash wrote that Al-Fahad’s problem in dealing with all these issues is that he claims to take consultation from all concerned parties but only follows his own perspective. ‘Soon enough,’ he continued, ‘Al-Fahad will realize that this development cannot be achieved unless the government’s flaws are addressed. While Al-Fahad indicates that the flaws can be taken care of in three months, it seems as though not even three years are enough time to overcome the flaws of such a naive strategy.’ He pointed out that the development project is a state project, and that it is meant to save the nation and elevate its people, not a project from which political victory can be achieved. State services need to be equipped with an emergency culture of development and honest national manpower, he added. ‘The way by which Al-Fahad is marketing the development plan to enhance his public image at the expense of the development process encourages pessimism,’ he concluded.

KUWAIT: The 24th meeting for GCC Airports’ Chiefs concluded here yesterday. The two-day meeting was held under the auspices of Interior Minister Sheikh Jaber Al-Khaled Al-Sabah. The meeting saw “noticeable” cooperation by all participants, and discussed latest developments concerning airport safety, including the rehabilitation of human resources and adopting latest international techniques in detecting banned materials of all kind. The delegations were briefed with work mechanism at Kuwait International Airport and the Amiri Airport during their visit to both of them. — Photos by KUNA

The Parliament’s Secretary MP Dulahi Al-Hajri said that the office approved a request by Kosovo’s Parliament Speaker to visit Kuwait with the date of the visit to be scheduled via diplomatic outlets. The office also touched on issues concerning the administrative procedures pertinent to the parliament’s Secretariat. — KUNA

The necessary election paraphernalia, including secrecy folders, ballot papers, ballot boxes, election tally boards and the final list of registered voters arrived in Kuwait yesterday and was inspected by Taja Guinomla, the chairman of the newly-established Special Board of Election Inspectors (SBEI), tasked by the Commission on Election with overseeing election procedures throughout the period. In an exclusive interview with the Kuwait Times, Guinomla, who is also the Philippine Embassy in Kuwait’s Administrative Officer, explained, “Overseas voters have been given a one-month period to cast their votes. This has been a tradition since the start of OAV in 2004. But even at that, we want to call upon Filipinos to cast their votes early; the earlier you vote, the better.” Filipino eligible voters can cast their votes even without the identification cards issued by Comelec. “They only have to present themselves, show their valid ID, which could be passports, OWWA ID, SSS ID or even OWWA or Pag-Ibig ID’s. One identification card will do,” said Guinomla. Voting will begin on Saturday from 8am4pm and continue every day, including week-

of the actual election date in the Philippines scheduled for May 10, in order to give Filipinos who may be having difficulties with finding the time amid busy work schedules time to vote. By giving a one-month grace period, the Philippine election agency (the Commission on Elections, also known as the ‘Comelec’) believes that registered voters will be able to choose a suitable date to visit the embassy in order to cast their vote.

ends, until May 10, 2010, Election Day in Manila. “The embassy will be open even on Fridays and Saturdays just to accommodate Filipino voters. The opening hours will be same even on Fridays and Saturdays, but on the final day, which is May 10, we will close simultaneously with the Manila Elections which are set to take place at 6pm there. We shall accommodate all voters who are in the vicinity of not more than 30 meters away from the election precincts,” he said, explaining that Filipino voters in Kuwait will be divided into five election precincts which are to be set up inside the embassy compound. “They’ll be arranged alphabetically. Four election precincts will be stationed at the embassy building, with the other precinct stationed at the labor office building [located next door to the embassy building in Jabriya],” he added. “We want the conduct of the election to be orderly without problems, so we divided the precincts accordingly.” This year, for the first time, the electoral voting in the Philippines is to be conducted via a computerized automated process, but the overseas voting will still be conducted manually, either at the ballot box or by postal voting,

except for Filipinos in Hong Kong and Singapore, which have been chosen as the pilot locations for automated overseas polling. “I hope there will be no last-minute casting of votes on May 10,” said Guinomla. “Nonetheless, we are prepared, but you are only given up till 1 PM on May 10th to deliver your vote. If you fail to do so, I am sorry to tell you that there will be no extension granted,” he stressed. Philippine Vice Consul Rea Oreta, the overall election coordinator urged all eligible voters to take advantage of the lengthy voting period to choose their best candidates. “This is our chance to really exercise our rights of suffrage and be heard,” she stressed. There are approximately half a million overseas Filipino registered voters worldwide. The candidates for president in this year’s election include Gilbert ‘Gibo’ Teodoro, Manny Villar, Noynoy Aquino, Joseph Estrada, Richard Gordon, Eddie Villanueva, Jamby Madrigal and JC Delos Reyes. Unlike the automated polls where candidates are selected from the list of names on the computerized ballot forms, the forms used in the manual voting system are empty, with voters having to write their choice of candidates by hand.

KFU calls for lifting ban on zubaidi KUWAIT: The Kuwaiti Fishermen Union (KFU) urged the Interior Ministry to lift the ban on fishing around the perimeter of Boubyan Island until the middle of next month, reported Al-Qabas.

During a KFU sponsored press conference, head of the union Hamad Al-Ali explained that local fishermen have been unable to fish for zubaidi in that location since the ban was imposed back in 2003. He added

that fishermen from neighboring countries sell zubaidi in Kuwait after catching the fish in their regional waters after they breed in Kuwaiti regional waters. He blamed the ban for the

increase in the price of zubaidi which is up to KD 10 a kilogram. Al-Ali further proposed that the fishing process be supervised by coastguard officials and that it be allowed during the day.



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Byproduct of industrial development

Waste Management Conference tackles environmental issues By Nawara Fattahova KUWAIT: Environmental issues, especially pollution, is among the mostdebated topics in the country. The third Kuwait Waste Management Conference and Exhibition addresses common problems. The ongoing event is being held from April 6-8 at the Radisson BLU Hotel, Al Hashimi ballroom, under the patronage of Minister of Public Works and State Minister for

KUWAIT: Health Minister Dr Hilal Al-Sayer inaugurating a new health center yesterday. — Photos by KUNA

Al-Mubarak slams undemocratic behavior of some MPs KUWAIT: The National Action Bloc has decided to submit parliamentary questions to Oil Minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah related to oil contracts signed last month, without going through the Central Tenders Committee. The bloc has asked MP Musallam Al-Barrak to prepare the questions and submit them as soon as possible. It is expected the questions will be a prelude to a new grilling motion for the oil minister after 22 MPs voted in favor of a no-confidence motion against him in his capacity as information minister. Sources said that liberal MP Saleh Al-Mulla agreed with Musallam Al-Barrak to submit “oil” questions to the minister that may become joint grilling material. The bloc decided to postpone the grilling of finance minister Mustafa Al-Shamali after failing to oust the information minister. MP Adnan Abdulsamad described yesterday’s

meeting of MPs at the invitation of National Assembly Speaker Jassem Al-Kharafi as “healthy and necessary,” saying that it had precedents during the 1992 parliament, and that it was wise to attend the meeting, though there was no problem if some decided not to. MP Maasouma Al-Mubarak attacked what she said was the undemocratic approach adopted by some MPs during dialogue in the parliament’s chamber. “It is a shame for the dialogue to go so low under the ‘Abdullah Al-Salem dome,’ to an embarrassing level for us as MPs and citizens,” she said. “This is not part of our morals or the behavior of Kuwaiti society, which believes in logic and respect for others.” Al-Mubarak voiced her support for fellow MP Yousef Al-Zalzalah’s proposal to give the speaker powers to admonish members and even to eject them from the chamber if they disgrace the National Assembly.

In the past, people lived in a safer environment. “The water, air, and land were all clean in the past, when our forefathers had to only meet the needs of water, food, and safety. With the advancement in technology, agriculture lands have shifted, huge factories were set up, high buildings, running trains, cars, and planes. The world has turned into a smoke ball, and human beings are inhaling polluted air and diseases instead of clean, fresh air,” he added. People weren’t aware of the danger of pollution on environment until this century. “Environment pollution has turned into an international problem. Even developed countries suffer from industryinduced pollution, including nuclear pollution and smoke emitted from factories. Also, developing countries are severely polluted as a result of the overuse of industrial and technical machines and the waste it caused. One person causes a wastage that amounts to 1.4 kilograms in Kuwait,” Safar pointed out. Kuwait Municipality is working hard to decrease pollution. “We work hard to eliminate pollution by conducting scientific studies and holding seminars about getting rid of the waste in a safe manner. We

Weather outlook changeable KUWAIT: Further sandstorms and continuing low visibility are forecast for Kuwait for the next week, with scattered showers across the country throughout this period due to the change of seasons, according to prominent local astronomer Dr. Saleh Al-Ajairi. The country is now entering the pre-Sarrayat (sudden isolated storms) season, which is renowned for its changeable weather, said Dr. Al-Ajairi, adding that these unsettled weather patterns would continue until the end of next week. Meteorologist Essa Ramadan, meanwhile, predicted that temperatures would rise gradually from Thursday or Friday.

KUWAIT: Participants of the Sheikha Fadia Al-Saad Scientific Contest for Girls pose for a group photograph. — KUNA

Fadia Al-Saad contest promotes creativity KUWAIT: The 10th Sheikha Fadia Al-Saad Scientific Contest for Girls aim at promoting creative thinking and brainstorming, an official at the Kuwaiti Science Club said yesterday. The contest, which sees participation of five GCC countries for the first time, seeks to explore creative thoughts, nourish and then market them, Narjes AlNami, Director of Future Scientists’ Department at the club said. Al-Nami, who doubles as

chairwoman of the contest’s organizing committee, made her remarks during an open meeting with participating delegations at the club’s theater. Workshops on brainstorming and creative thinking were held as part of the contest’s activities in an attempt to create a sort of connection among young participants, AlNami noted. On her part, head of the Qatari delegation Eman Jamil said her country is taking part in the event for the first time

and is showcasing a project on battery waste. Aisha Bint Mohammad Bin Salem from Oman said the sultanate is chipping in with two projects; one on (Future City) that involves all the contests aspects of environment, traffic and energy. The other project is on the (Safe City), she added. On her part, director of general department of talented girls at the Saudi ministry of education Mona Bin Hassan, said there are two Saudi projects participating in

the contest; the container project and the flexible street project. Bahrain is participating with a project on filtering car exhausts and the UAE with a project on using solar energy to water plants. On their part, the contestants expressed their utmost thanks to Sheikha Fadia, the contest’s sponsor for providing them good opportunities to achieve their scientific ambitions in cooperation with the Kuwait Science Club. — KUNA

Municipality Affairs Dr Fadhel Safar. Perplexing environmental problems were caused by large-scale industrial development and the needs of comfort and entertainment. “These needs have resulted in an increase of the earth’s temperature and also cause various previously unknown diseases that are caused as a result of air, water, and soil pollution. It’s time for human beings to make peace with the environment,” said Minister Dr Fadhel Safar during the conference’s launch yesterday.

KUWAIT: Public Works Minister Fadhel Safar tours the exhibition held on the sidelines of the conference. — Photo by Yasser Al-Zayyat also care about carrying out projects that solve this issue. We also hold awareness campaigns by sending messages that teach people about consumption and cooperation with the Municipality,” he noted. According to statistics,

Kuwait emits the highest amount of house waste annually. “The house waste in 2007 reached 1,002 million tons, which amounts to a 1.5 percent increase when compared to 2006. The Kuwait

Municipality pays about KD 60 million to treat and bury waste,” stated Mansour AlMiri, from the Kuwait Engineers Society (KES). The conference also includes seminars that will be conducted by different speak-

ers from many countries. These seminars will cover issues like the Use of Plastic Bags in Sudan, Developing Sanitary Landfills in Kuwait, Biodiesel Production from Catalyst Free Process, and many other issues.

in the news Dual citizen jailed KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti citizen with Saudi nationality was sentenced to jail after he was found guilty of forging official documents, reported Al-Watan. The man was previously arrested for a drug related case, which revealed his dual citizenship status. He was registered in the database as a Kuwaiti national and provided officials prior to his arrest identification indicating that he was a Saudi citizen. During interrogation, the man admitted he earned his Saudi nationality by marrying a Saudi woman. Police workshops KUWAIT: The Interior Ministry’s Officer Training Institute carried out many significant activities in 2009, including holding 37 training courses and workshops. Such workshops contributed to the improvement and development of skills pertinent to inter personal relationships, psychological effects on policemen, strategic plans, new criminal phenomena and work success strategies. The Ministry’s Security Information Department said in a release yesterday. As many as 1,000 Kuwaiti police officers and civilians benefitted from such training courses, which were held in 2009, it said. The Police Academy held several activities last year, including the involvement of its students in parliamentary and municipal elections in 2009, it added. Furthermore, the first batch of 16 Kuwaiti policewomen graduated in March 2009 and the second group graduated in March 2010. They were dispatched to several GCC member states in order to be familiarized with major accomplishments for policewomen, to share police experience and shore up inter-Gulf communication and coordination, it noted. Suicide case KUWAIT: A 13-year-old Kuwaiti girl ingested a large quantity of pills, fell into a coma and was taken to Adan Hospital. The reason behind the attempt is yet to be determined. An attempted suicide charge was filed against the girl in the Riqqa police station.

KUWAIT: A fire broke out in a commercial office in the Al-Arbeed complex of Farwaniya. Fire departments from Farwaniya, Ardhiya and Industrial Shuwaikh responded to the emergency. The fire was extinguished without injury. — Photos by Hanan Al-Saadoun

Union reaffirms commitment to ensuring pay demands are met KUWAIT: The National Union for Kuwaiti Workers and Employees (NUKWE) on Monday reiterated the union’s commitment to seeing that the pay demands of Kuwait’s labor sectors and workers’ syndicates are met. Senior union staff emphasized that they continue to reject any use of intimidation by employers to defeat pay requests, adding that such behavior is unconstitutional and goes against international labor treaties. At a conference held to discuss the forthcoming

Training and Rehabilitation Forum, which is scheduled to take place at the Movenpick Hotel in Shuwaikh’s Free Trade Zone from April 18-20, NUKWE’s head Abdurrahman Al-Sumait, who is also the chairman of the Public Authority for Applied Education and Training’s (PAAET) workers’ syndicate, said that the main objective of the event is to ensure that the best available technology is used in the country’s training programs in order to maximize Kuwaiti workers’ professional per-

formance. Also during Monday’s conference, according to AlWatan, Fanees Al-Ajmi, the Secretary General of the PAAET’s workers’ syndicate, reaffirmed its members’ commitment to implementing the proper pay grades for the authority’s administrative staff, equal to those awarded to their peers at Kuwait University. The syndicate will continue to persevere with its efforts by all legal means until it attains its objectives, he said.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


‘Neck catheters offer treatment for MS’

Kuwaiti urges to launch research program ASAP By Ahmad Saeid KUWAIT: A Kuwaiti doctor and academic has urged the Ministry of Health to take the necessary steps to launch a research program to investigate the possibility of venous catheterization being helpful in treating Multiple Sclerosis (MS) symptoms. Speaking during a seminar held at the Arab Media Forum headquarters in Yarmouk on Monday evening, Assistant Kuwait Dr. Sinan explained that Multiple Sclerosis is an incurable disease that usually occurs in young adults, which is caused by an as-yet unexplained condition, wherein the human immune system attacks nervous system. It occurs more in females than male, and its symptoms include visual problems, fatigue, muscle weakness and other nervous system related symptoms. “So far there is no known cure for this fatal disease,” said Dr. Sinan. “There was, however an experiment by an Italian doctor that found a correlation between many symptoms of the disease and narrowed neck veins, and many of those symptoms can be removed by a simple procedure to widen the neck veins.” In many cases where this procedure has been carried out, he said, patients’ conditions improved enormously. Amira Al-Mashhoody, a Kuwaiti woman with MS, was extremely positive about the treatment’s benefits, telling the Kuwait Times, “We were so desperate to find a solution for our problem that we were constantly browsing the internet and following all the research about MS round the world. We found out that this was done in Poland, and that the results were amazing,” she said. Al-Mashhoody, who is the vice president of the Kuwaiti MS Patients’ Association said that after finding out about the amazing results of this procedure, a number of association members visited Dr. Abdulaziz AlMuzaini, who formed a team of doctors consisting of Dr. Sinan and Dr. Hussain Safar, who visited the health minister and explained to him that the procedure is safe, simple and extremely beneficial. After receiving the permission of the minister to carry out the procedure, doctors needed someone to volunteer to be the first neck catheter recipient in Kuwait, with Amira AlMashhoody decided to volunteer herself. “I used to be very depressed, angry, and my life was miserable,” said Al-Mashhoody, “I wasn’t able to do anything alone,

and my daughter used to help me dress, but right after the procedure I felt that my arms and legs were warmer, and I was able to dress myself alone and leave the room without help.” She continued, “Since then, and until the ministry’s decision to halt these procedures, 12 Kuwaiti patients have gone through the catheterization process and they’re all in great shape and feeling much better than they used to.” Muna Al-Musairea’ was one of the 12 patients who went through the procedure. She said that during the catheterization operation, she was asking the doctors whether the level of lighting in the room had been turned up because her vision improved immediately. “A neurologist was standing next to me, and he said that he didn’t believe what I was saying!” she noted. Dr. Sinan noted that many neurologists don’t believe that vein width is related to MS symptoms, explaining that this disagreement was the reason behind the ministry’s ordering the suspension of the catheterization procedures. “They asked to stop these ‘operations’ until thorough research is carried out to prove their safety, and their effects on patients’ health,” he said. The prominent doctor added that doctors on both sides are concerned about the patients’ wellbeing, emphasizing that differences of opinion between doctors don’t necessarily mean that one party is wrong and the other is right. Dr. Sinan asserted that the MoH is expected to approve the launch of a research program into the benefits of venous catheterization in MS treatment within the next few days. He urged the ministry to issue its decision on the matter and form the necessary investigative committee as quickly as possible. “Time is always working against MS patients and, in some cases, the damage is completely irreversible, so delay in this regard will cost many people part of their lives,” he stressed.

University Professor Dr. Tariq Sinan said that the catheterization procedure is completely safe, with very few risks. “It only takes around 15 minutes, and it reduces the [MS] symptoms drastically,” he said, adding that neither the health minister or his deputy have suggested that the procedure should be completely stopped. “All they said is that we should hold back a little bit until we are sure this procedure is safe, and I agree with them,” he explained.

MANAMA: Bahraini Minister of Culture and Information Sheikha Mai Bint Mohammad Al-Khalifa yesterday received the Kuwaiti Ambassador to Bahrain Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah. Sheikha Mai assured Ambassador Sheikh Azzam that she would partake in the forthcoming media forum to be held in Kuwait under the auspices of His Highness the Kuwaiti Prime Minister Sheikh Nasser Al-Mohammad AlSabah. —KUNA

kuwait digest

Abdali border, a disaster orders provides visitors and tourists with the first and lasting impression about the country. This is why governments all over the world have been caught up in a rat race to build gigantic luxurious airports and fancy land border exits by providing them with the best facilities’, wrote Dr Sami Nasser Khalifa in his Al-Rai column. He pointed out that land border exits have now been resized into small check points where travelers never get out of their vehicles. ‘The situation is different in Kuwait, namely the Abdali border to the north of Kuwait. I’m sure that travelers who pass through that exit go there with only one concern on their minds, to get through with the least amount of humiliation they can take,’ he added noting that officials had been turning a blind eye to many complaints that


KUWAIT: Dr Tariq Sinan (center) speaking in the seminar.

Kuwaiti student dead in NZ car accident

KUWAIT: Amira Al-Mashhoody, (left) listens as Muna Al-Musairea’ (right) speaks. —Photos by Ahmad Saeid

KUWAIT: One Kuwaiti student died while another was seriously injured in a car accident in New Zealand, the Kuwaiti Ministry of Higher Education announced yesterday. Abdullah Al-Dossari lost his life and Salem Al-Ajmi sustained severe injuries in the accident, which also involved three other Kuwaiti students, named as Jamal Al-Enezi, Hamza Baqer and Ali Al-Harbi, who left hospital after receiving treatment, a ministry statement said. The Kuwaiti Embassy in Australia took all the necessary steps as soon as it learnt of the accident, said the ministry statement, with embassy staff closely monitoring the procedures being taken to return the deceased victim’s body to Kuwait for burial. The ministry offered its condolences to Al-Dossari’s family and wished a speedy recovery for the other students involved in the accident, adding that it had immediately informed the families of the tragic accident and was maintaining constant contact with them to update them on any new information. —KUNA

were filed on this regard. ‘Once you are there, you’ll have to wait for at least an hour or two till you board a special bus that will take you through,’ he said. He noted that at the passports check up point, a passenger will have to wait before all other passengers have had their turn, before he can carry on with other procedures, including inspection. This will affect all other passengers just because one appears to be suspicious. He also stressed that customs inspectors treated passengers rudely and snobbishly. ‘Once this stage is completed, the bus drops the passengers at a certain point where they have to carry their own luggage to the Iraqi side of the border on foot. ‘This is complete humiliation and can harm Kuwait’s reputation and image,’ he concluded.



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Duo admits attacking expats

Teenage thugs held after hot car chase KUWAIT: Two 16-year-old bedoon (stateless) boys were arrested following a 30-minute car chase between Abdullah Al-Mubarak and Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh, on charges including robbery, mugging and a series of attacks on expatriates. An operation was launched to apprehend the boys following a number of complaints about crimes carried out by youths in both areas, with Lt Gen Khalil AlShamali, the Ministry of Interior Assistant Undersecretary for Public Security Affairs, ordering an investigation. A team of officers was deployed in Abdullah Al-Mubarak, where they witnessed an Egyptian man being purposefully run down by the vehicle driven by the two juvenile delinquents, who then fled the scene with police in hot pursuit, reported Al-Watan. Following their arrest, the youngsters admitted to attacking 20 expatriates, as well as stealing or breaking into and robbing 28 cars. They are being held in custody awaiting trial.

Nuclear medicine showing development KUWAIT: The Ministry of Health (MoH) announced yesterday that more than 3,000 patients visit the Chest Disease Hospital’s nuclear medicine department annually. Dr. Masoud Jawad, the department’s head, said that nuclear medicine plays an important role in developing Kuwait’s healthcare services. He explained that nuclear med-

icine is primarily concerned with safely using radioactive material to diagnose various diseases, explaining that these methods enable the detection of any malfunctions in internal organs in order to assist in early diagnosis of medical conditions. This branch of medicine is about more than diagnosis alone, however, Dr. Jawad

stressed, since it also plays a role in radiotherapy and providing treatment that affects specific growths without harming the rest of the body. The main significance of nuclear medicine lies principally in the early diagnosis of diseases, helping to determine the percentage of infection and the best methods of treatment, the senior consultant explained.

Nuclear medicine was first deployed in Kuwait at the Sabah Hospital in 1965, where a device was utilized that could test only the thyroid glands. Later years saw remarkable levels of development in this field, with the best and most up-to-date equipment in the world being used in Kuwait’s state medical facilities. — KUNA

in the news

KFH offered KD 11m to support education, health, charity in 2009 KUWAIT: Kuwait Finance House (KFH) issued a report about its social responsibilities, which includes all the fields and activities that KFH participated in or sponsored in 2009, in order to document this leading social activity in a prestigious book that can be found by researchers, students, and clients. The Marketing and Public Relations Manager Fahad AlMukhaizeem said that the report includes KFH’s vision and social role, where it discussed the roles played by KFH is many fields, such as education, health, youths, people with special needs, people in need, and struggling families, in addition to supporting charity. Last year, KFH offered KD 11 million to support the society through official authorities, in addition to other fields, such as supporting the social insurance and Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement of Sciences. KFH’s Chairman and Managing Director Bader AlMukhaizeem stated that KFH plays its social role based on the conception that money is a tool to serve the society by participating in projects that suit the Kuwaiti society, while KFH’s CEO Mohammed AlOmar stressed that this report comes as part of the reports that KFH prepares, such as the annual report that includes financial indicators, the rate of labors report, the quality report, and the market share report, since all those components lead to KFH’s success that is based on social contributions. Moreover, KFH gives great care to the educational process, since education is the means for nations to develop and prosper. After the Ministry of Education announced the names of the distinguished Kuwaiti students, KFH honored the top 10 students in a celebration that was attended by Dr. Saleh Al-Oajairi and the students’ parents.

Fahad Al-Mukhaizeem In addition to that, KFH offered more than 1,500 free airline tickets for the distinguished Kuwaiti students in Bahrain, and organized a celebration for them in Bahrain that was attended by the Kuwaiti Ambassador Sheikh Azzam Al-Sabah. KFH also sponsored the celebration of distinguished students in the College of Higher Studies in Kuwait University, and organized several programs for the Kuwaiti students in the United States that included a workshop in the field of Islamic banking that was attended by Al-Omar, not to mention the Ramadan festival that was sponsored by KFH in Kuwait. KFH highlighted the importance of health, which prompted it to establish the drug addiction hospital that cost KD 4 million, and to establish 15 medical emergency centers in Kuwait that cost KD 1.5 million in conjunction with the Ministry of Health. On the occasion of the World Diabetes Day, KFH organized several forums to raise awareness in conjunction with Al-Salam Hospital, Dasman Research Center, and the Ministry of Health; in addition to participating in the open day organized by Dasman Center, and the walking festival that was organized on the sideline of that occasion and attended by the Ministers of Health and Information. KFH has also organized several walking campaigns in various walking locations in

Kuwait, which were applauded by the walkers, and visited the children at the Al-Razi Hospital during Eid. Furthermore, KFH sponsored the 21st diving voyage, honored the Kuwaiti Jet Ski team for winning the world championships, and sponsored the indoor football tournament organized by the Administrative Studies College. In addition, KFH hired many fresh Kuwaiti graduates and passed over to them the Islamic banking experience. Concerning the segments of people with special needs, KFH built a resort for them in Al-Zour area in conjunction with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Labor. The project was executed by Al-Enmaa Real Estate Company and cost KD 1 million. KFH also organized a series of educational programs regarding banks for the students with special needs. KFH honored the police officers working at the Traffic Department, where senior officials at the Ministry of Interior attended the celebration, in order to encourage them to exert more efforts. KFH also honored the firemen working at the Al-Shuhada Station at Al-Nuzha area, in addition to other distinguished police officers. In the field of offering aids to other Islamic countries around the world, KFH offered aids through the Zakat House, the Awqaf, and the charity societies. In its attempt to offer its best services to clients and at the same time to make profit, KFH offered its clients the AlKheir banking card. The returns of this card are paid to the poor who cannot go to Haj. KFH has also offered an insurance policy that protects the family in conjunction with AlMuthanna Insurance Company, in addition to issuing its first postal stamp that carries KFH’s name, which is currently used by the Ministry of Communications.

Al-Sour on air KUWAIT: The owner of the recently suspended satellite TV channel Al-Sour, former parliamentary candidate Mohammed Al-Juwaihel, has vowed to find another satellite broadcaster to transmit the controversial channel’s programs, asserting that he would do so within 48 hours of the previous broadcaster Noursat refusing to do so. Al-Juwaihel accused the Ministry of Information of sending a high-level delegation to Noursat’s headquarters in Jordan to coerce the broadcaster into taking AlSour off the air. He further alleged that the ministry “used all the possible means” to have the channel suspended, and that senior ministry officials “promised to reimburse [Noursat] for their losses.” He continued, “The ministry claims that our broadcasting is a threat to national unity, but we had only broadcast patriotic songs for the whole week before they suspended us is that a threat to national unity or to those with dual citizenship?” Al-Juwaihel urged information minister Sheikh Ahmad Al-Abdullah Al-Sabah to closely monitor officials at the ministry, saying that one of them, who he did not name, was “oversensitive to Al-Juwaihel and the Al-Sour channel.” Teen confesses guilt KUWAIT: A 17-year-old girl rearrested 48 hours after she was helped by a police officer to escape from jail where she was being held after being reported missing has pled guilty to the charges against her, with the officer also admitting his guilt. During questioning, the teenager, who is under Kuwait’s legal age of consent, said that after having a sexual encounter with the officer during her incarceration, she had threatened to expose his actions unless he married her. He was not keen on this idea, however, offering instead to buy her silence by smuggling her out of custody, which she agreed to. Detectives revealed that the girl and the officer did not apparently have full sex, with traces of semen only found on her outerwear. The investigation into the case is continuing. ‘Complaints’ diwan KUWAIT: Many MPs responded positively to the proposal suggested by MP Waleed Al-Tabtabae on establishing a special ‘diwan’ that addresses grievances that are filed. It would be modeled on a similar one that he and the Speaker of the House Jassem AlKhorafi had found in France, reported Al-Rai. The MP pointed out that the lawmakers considered it a legitimate demand.

Doha assault A drug addict physically assaulted his parents in their family home in Doha, reported Al-Watan. The family called police for assistance and when they arrived the young man tried to escape. Police arrested him and he was taken to the proper authorities. Drug possession Mubarak Al-Kabeer police arrested two youngsters found under the influence of drugs in a car in Sabah AlSalem, reported Al-Watan. Three bars of hashish were found in their possession and they were referred to the proper authorities. Meanwhile, Kuwait International Airport customs officials arrested an Egyptian man after he arrived on a

flight from his home country using a visitor’s visa, reported Al-Watan. An amount of hashish was found in his possession during the search. Suicide cases An Egyptian construction worker committed suicide in his apartment in Mangaf by hanging himself from the ceiling, reported Al-Watan. Investigators are looking into the circumstances of his suicide. In an unrelated incident, the body of an Asian man was found in a remote location in Abu Halifa, reported Al-Anba. Investigators indicated that the man committed suicide a week before his body was discovered. Fugitives nabbed Ahmadi police arrested a fugitive wanted for drug related charges and found him in possession of illegal drugs, reported Al-Rai. The arrest was made in Abu Halifa, where the man was pulled over and discovered to be wanted for a 6-year jail term. The police also found 110 ille-

gal drug pills and an amount of hashish in his possession during search. He was taken to the proper authorities. Meanwhile, Hawally police arrested a fugitive sentenced to 25 years in prison, reported Al-Rai. He was taken to the Central Jail. Salmiya harassment A citizen beat up an Asian worker inside a boutique in Salmiya after the worker sexually harassed his wife while she was shopping, reported Al-Rai. The man then called police and security personnel arrested the worker. Sexual assault A juvenile was sexually assaulted by his friend in Taimaa, reported Al-Rai. The youth informed his father about the incident and the two reported the incident at the local police station. A case was opened and police are searching for the assailant. Student hurt A 9-year-old student was injured after his teacher

stabbed him in the hand with a pen at a school in Subahiya, reported Al-Anba. The student’s father took his son for medical attention and delivered the medical report to police while filing a complaint against the teacher. Citizens saved Rescue teams saved three citizens whose boat was trapped in mud during a sea cruise in Khuwaisat between Sulaibikhat and Jahra, reported Al-Anba. The rescue operation was difficult due to the lack of amphibious vehicles needed to traverse the muddy location. The men were freed after rescuers saved them on foot. Fatal accident An Egyptian man was killed, and an Indian man badly injured, in a car accident on Liah Road, reported AlQabas. The accident occurred after their car lost balance and overturned causing their passengers to sustain serious injuries. The injured man was taken to a nearby hospital.

Bid to empower women in law field AMMAN: Kuwaiti and Arab women have been trying for five years to increase the number of female law figures who hold decision making posts. The Arab Women’s Legal Network (AWLN) was launched in Jordan in 2010 with the participation of 16 Arab countries including Kuwait to exchange expertise and information. Head of AWLN Judge Ihsan Barakat of Jordan said that the network increases cooperation among

Arab legal figures and supports them. AWLN supervises professional development programs for women in the law field in the Arab world, she said. Kuwait took part in the network’s establishing ceremony that was held in 2005, she said, adding that Kuwait is represented at AWLN by Fatma AlKhalifa. On April 14, the network will hold a lecture that will be given by Dr Mashael Al-Hajri of Kuwait

University, she pointed out. AWLN is led by a council of six members from Jordan, Bahrain, Libya, Algeria, Palestine, and Yemen, she noted. AWLN’s member countries are Kuwait, Algeria, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Palestine, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen. The network has 500 members from 18 Arab countries. — KUNA

KUWAIT: The German Ambassador Dr Michael Worbs visiting the Science Faculty.

KU Science Faculty hosts German envoy KUWAIT: The Ambassador of Germany Dr Michael Worbs paid a visit to the Science Faculty of Kuwait University in Khaldiya. Prof. Bader Al-Saqawi, the dean of the Faculty of Science welcomed the ambassador who was accompanied by the commercial attache Stephan Hiller-Larhzali. The dean of the faculty was accompanied by the vice deans of research Dr Azza AlMussalam, the Vice Dean of Academic Affairs Dr M. AlZanaidi and Vice Dean for students affairs Dr Khalid Al-Qatan. They were joined by the Head of the Physics Department, Dr Mustafa Marafi and the Head of the Biological Science Department Dr Majed AlNaqib among other faculty members. The two sides discussed possibilities of cooperation and exchange between Kuwait University and universities in Germany in the advanced fields of Science and Technology. Dr Worbs pointed out the possibility of exchange of professors

within the framework of German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). The possibility of exchange with the well-known Max Planck institutes was also discussed. Exchange of academicians with the Humboldt Foundation of Germany was also mentioned. The Ambassador stressed upon the potential of undergraduate programs in German universities in various disciplines especially natural science subjects for Kuwaiti students and that younger students have a possibility to benefit from the technological expertise of German universities. He outlined that in the recent times German universities have reorganized their undergraduate and graduate programs as compared to more composite masters programs given by universities so far. This gives a possibility for graduates to undertake programs in Germany, which are now offered in English Language at many universities. The German envoy visited the Centre for Research

in Environmental Radiation. The former director of the Centre, Professor Madan M. Sharma highlighted the objectives of the Centre. He mentioned that the Centre was established with the aim of monitoring and detecting radioactivity in the country from any undesirable nuclear accident in and around the country. The Centre has necessary world class equipment to handle and mitigate the emergencies of this kind. Professor Sharma pointed out that the Centre has undertaken a mapping of the soil, water and marine life in Kuwait. This project has been funded by the Research Administration of Kuwait University. The director of the Centre Dr Tareq Refai demonstrated to the ambassador the various laboratories of the centre and its capabilities. The German ambassador was also shown the Biotechnology Centre of the faculty by its director Dr Suad Al-Mazrooi. Equipment for modern biological research involving genetic decoding and pro-

teomics among others were demonstrated. The ambassador also visited the electron microscope unit which is used for various purposes in biological science, physics, chemistry, nanotechnology and other applications. The head of the electron microscope unit Dr Ali Bu-Majdad made a demonstration of the amplifications achieved at the nano-scale level with the help of modern Atomic Force Microscope. The ambassador visited the Physics Department and met with Dr Mustafa Marafi, the head of the Department together with Prof. Madan M. Sharma. The need to harness the expertise of German professors for Kuwait University and especially for the benefit of the Physics department was expressed. The two sides expressed the desire to maintain contact with a view to further the exchange of academicians between the two countries. The ambassador expressed the appreciation of the facilities available for research at Kuwait University.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Syria condemns ‘terrorist attacks’

39 killed as six bomb attacks rock Baghdad CAIRO: Undercover Egyptian security forces detain an opposition supporter during a protest against the country’s emergency laws, in Cairo yesterday. The demonstration was called by the April 6 group, established in 2008, to protest against the high cost of living and to fight for a lifting of Egypt’s emergency lawas, in place since 1981. —AFP

Protesters seek change in Egypt, scuffle with police CAIRO: Egyptian protesters demanding an end to President Hosni Mubarak’s rule scuffled with security forces yesterday and dozens were detained, witnesses and security sources said. “Down, down, Hosni Mubarak,” members of one group of more than 200 chanted as they tried to gather in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square. Hundreds of riot police were stationed across the capital, encircling small groups of protesters as they gathered to converge on the centre. Police beat some protesters with sticks and dragged dozens away, witnesses said. Such demonstrations are rare in Egypt and are usually swiftly quashed by security. The April 6 group which called the protest is seeking constitutional amendments and an end to an emergency law that sanctions indefinite detentions. Egypt holds a parliament election later this year and a presidential vote in 2011. Mubarak’s National Democratic Party is expected to win an overwhelming majority in parliament. Mubarak, 81, has not said whether he will run for a sixth presidential term but, if he does not, many Egyptians believe he will try to hand power to his politician son, Gamal, 46. Rules outlined in the constitution make it almost impossible for any candidate to mount a realistic challenge for the presidency without the backing of Mubarak’s ruling party.

“What we are calling for is political freedom for Egyptians through peaceful means. Our aim is to instigate political movement among the people to demand their rights,” Omar Ali, a April 6 movement organiser, told Reuters before the protest. One group of more than 20 protesters that included opposition politician Ayman Nour, who came a distant second in the 2005 presidential race, was blocked by security from reaching the square, witnesses said. Another group, which had gathered outside parliament, were also swiftly surrounded by police. Some men in plain clothes with guns in holsters hauled demonstrators away. A security source said about 60 people had been detained in protests in central Cairo for demonstrating without a permit. Earlier yesterday, police detained seven students as they headed to central Cairo from Helwan University on Cairo’s outskirts and 16 students were held as they made their way from a city south of Cairo to the capital, a security source said. The Arabic satellite channel Al-Jazeera reported that Egyptian police confiscated tapes from one of its TV team in Cairo covering the demonstrations. The main opposition group behind the protest, the Sixth of April Youth, was formed after a protest in 2008, fuelled by surging prices, that turned violent. It has since transformed into a broader anti-

Israel begins distributing biochemical protection kits JERUSALEM: Israel yesterday began distributing millions of protection kits against biochemical warfare, Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai announced, stressing the campaign was not linked to any imminent threat. “We have equipped ourselves with millions of protection kits against biological or chemical warfare, and a massive distribution programme for the population started today,” Vilnai told army radio. “Every family in Israel can receive these kits at home and be instructed on how to use them by Israeli postal workers, at an average cost of 25 shekels (five dollars), or pick them up free of charge at post office counters.” The distribution came as an aide to Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, quoted by the Islamic republic’s Fars news agency yesterday, warned that his country would hit Tel Aviv with missiles if it came under attack. “If the enemy takes its chance and fires a missile towards Iran, the dust from an Iranian missile strike will rise in the heart of Tel Aviv

even before the dust from the enemy attack settles” in Iran, said cleric Mojtaba Zolnoor. Iran has regularly boasted of its missile capability, saying it has an arsenal which can strike Israel, which along with Washington has not ruled out a military strike to halt Tehran’s controversial nuclear programme. But Vilnai emphasized the distribution of the protection kits was “not linked to any precise current threat.” The Israeli government decided on January 5 to distribute eight million new gas masks, one for each citizen, by 2013 and already distributed gas masks to 70,000 residents of Or Yehuda, near Tel Aviv in February. Israel has long feared chemical or biological weapons may be used against it in a future conflict involving the Jewish state’s archfoes, Iran or Syria. The country came under sustained attack during its 2006 war with Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia, when more than 4,000 Katyusha rockets were launched at north Israel in 34 days, sending hundreds of thousands of residents fleeing south. —AFP

ASHDOD: A young girl is fitted with a mask at a distribution point in the coastal city of Ashdod yesterday. Israel began distributing millions of protection kits against biochemical warfare, Deputy Defence Minister Matan Vilnai announced, stressing the campaign was not linked to any imminent threat. —AFP

government movement. Yesterday’s march was supported by Nour’s liberal Ghad (Tomorrow) opposition party. Some demonstrators voiced support for Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the UN nuclear agency who has said he might consider a presidential bid but has set terms such as constitutional changes that analysts say are unlikely to be achieved. —Reuters

BAGHDAD: Six bombs rocked Baghdad killing at least 39 people yesterday, the second time the capital has come under attack in three days, fuelling fears insurgents are making a return due to a political impasse. The explosions destroyed residential buildings in mostly Shiite neighbourhoods, with Baghdad security spokesman Major General Qassim Atta saying four of the bombs detonated inside the buildings. “Six bomb attacks in several neighbourhoods of Baghdad occurred, and seven buildings collapsed,” an interior ministry official told AFP, speaking on condition of anonymity. The official added that 35 people were killed and 140 wounded, but several victims are thought to be trapped under the rubble of collapsed buildings. Ambulance sirens were heard across the city as emergency service workers rushed to the scenes of the blasts, and a large plume of smoke rose from near a destroyed building in the neighbourhood of Allawi, central

BAGHDAD: Maryam Abdullah, 3, is treated at a hospital in Baghdad after she was wounded in a bomb attack in Baghdad, Iraq, yesterday. At least five massive bombs hit apartment buildings across the capital, killing at least 39 people and wounding more than 130. —AP Baghdad. The building housed several apartments with shopfronts on its ground floor. Dozens of passersby gathered at the site of the blast, close to a secondary school, to sort through the rubble in a bid to rescue survivors as military

helicopters flew overhead. “I was picking up bricks and sand to find victims, and just when I succeeded to remove the rubble, the man I saw died,” said a 25-year-old man who gave his name only as Mustafa. “His wife came to me to see if I had seen him, and I told her

he died.” A 30-something woman was at the scene screaming, “Mother, mother, answer me!” in the hopes that her mother, trapped underneath the collapsed building, would respond. An army officer in Allawi said that three days ago, two unknown men approached the owner of the destroyed building wanting to rent one of the unused shopfronts for a falafel restaurant. “Yesterday, they brought lots of equipment, and today there has been an explosion in that shop,” said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. “We have sent someone to find the owner.” Along with the Allawi blast, which destroyed two buildings, two bombs struck Shurta Rabiyah, west Baghdad, while at least one detonated in Chikouk, which houses a camp for internally-displaced persons in the north of the capital. Bombs also hit Shuala, north Baghdad, and Al-Amil in the south. The latest explosions come after three suicide vehicle

bombings minutes apart targeting regional and European embassies killed 30 people and wounded more than 200 on Sunday. Foreign Minister Hoshyar Zebari, who said Sunday’s attacks bore the signature of AlQaeda, attributed those bombings to groups who wanted to derail the formation of a new government. “This is a political attack, aimed at derailing the process, sending a message that the terrorists are still in business,” Zebari told AFP on Sunday. “Because of the vacuum of forming the next government, they wanted to send that message.” Sitting Prime Minister Nuri Al-Maliki’s State of Law Alliance finished with 89 seats in the 325member parliament after March 7 parliamentary elections, two fewer than ex-premier Iyad Allawi’s Iraqiya bloc. Allawi, however, has accused Iran of seeking to prevent him becoming prime minister again by inviting all major parties except his secular bloc to Tehran. —AFP



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Anger, tears in L’Aquila one year after quake L’AQUILA: Italians yesterday marked the first anniversary of the earthquake that devastated the city of L’Aquila and killed 308 people amid growing anger at the slow pace of reconstruction. The centre of the medieval walled city is still a picture of desolation, with most of it designated an off-limits “red zone” because of the dangerous state of the buildings and the rubble-strewn streets. After a tense council meeting in a tent late Monday at which displaced residents laid out their grievances against the government, thousands of people held a torchlight procession to mark the anniversary of the April 6, 2009 disaster. Four lines of marchers converged at 3:32 am (0132 GMT), the exact time the quake struck, on the city’s central square where the severely damaged cathedral tolled its bell 308 times in honour of the dead. Men and women of all ages marched in silence through the streets in the chilly dead of night, carrying candles and torches, joined by volunteers from the emergency services, the Red Cross and other aid groups still working in the region. Many families carried pictures of relatives who died in the quake. “A year has passed, but we haven’t yet found the strength to live with it,” said the father of Matteo Vannucci, a student victim. “It’s the first time I’ve come back to the centre

L’AQUILA: Hundreds of Italian paramedical volunteers participate in a candle rally in L’Aquila yesterday to commerate the first anniversary of the major earthquake which struck the area. Thousands of people started on a torch-lit procession to commemorate the disaster. — AFP

and it’s shocking. All the little streets are closed, and one can imagine how bad it is further in,” said one displaced resident. The names of the dead were read out as many wept, before heading to attend a mass at 4:00 am in memory of the victims at L’Aquila’s Collemaggio basilica. A landmark of L’Aquila, the romanesque basilica’s cupola, transept vaults and triumphal arches collapsed in the quake. Another ceremony was to be held later yesterday and a plaque will be unveiled at L’Aquila University in memory of student victims of the earthquake. In the afternoon, children will release balloons carrying messages to friends lost in the disaster, and local people will form a human chain to mark the anniversary. Throughout the observances, many expressed anger at the lack of progress on rebuilding the city. Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi and President Giorgio Napolitano were not due to attend yesterday’s commemorations, but both sent messages to Monday night’s council meeting, which began with singing by a local choir followed by a minute’s silence. “Berlusconi did not come because he would have been booed,” said Father Nunzio Spinelli of the Collemaggio basilica. “That is the real reason for his absence,” he said, according to the ANSA news

agency. Of some 120,000 people affected by the earthquake in and around L’Aquila, more than 52,000 have yet to return home or move into new housing. Many are living in hotels along the Adriatic seacoast or in barracks at public expense. Some displaced residents have taken to spending Sundays loading wheelbarrows with rubble in L’Aquila’s “red zone” in a bid to shame officials over the slow pace of reconstruction. Although 14,000 people have been rehoused in the new housing estates, nicknamed “Berlusconi homes”, campaigners say that they are in the middle of nowhere. They have no supporting transport links, no public services-or even shops, the critics say. “This money could have been used differently, especially since these homes cost three times more than planned,” said Eugenio Carlomagno, a cofounder of an advocacy group called L’Aquila, A City Centre to Save. “With that sort of money they could have housed 45,000 people, not only 14,000,” he added. Mayor Massimo Cialente called on those attending to look to the future: up until now, he said, it had been a time of grieving. And he called on the government to set up a special solidarity tax to help finance the reconstruction work, as has been done after other earthquake disasters. — AFP

Leaders call for tough new measures to fight extremism

Russia names second metro suicide bomber MOSCOW: Russian investigators have identified the second Moscow metro suicide bomber as a w oman in her late 20s from the volatile, mainly Muslim province of Dagestan, officials said yesterday. “Mariam Sharipova, born in 1982... set off an explosive device at the Lubyanka metro station,” the

Investigative Committee of the Prosecutor General Office said in a statement. The announcement w as issued four days after officials confirmed the identity of the other attacker in the March 29 double suicide bombing in the Moscow metro, naming her as 17-year-old Dzhennet Abdurakhmanova.

VENTERSDORP: A South African family supporting white supremacist Afrikaner Resistance Movement (AWB) leader Eugene Terre’Blanche hold AWB flags yesterday outside a South African court in the northwestern town of Ventersdorp, where hundreds demonstrated ahead of the appearance of two men accused of the April 4 killing of the far-right leader. — AFP

Tensions rise in S African white supremacist case VENTERSDORP: Whites and blacks faced off angrily in song in front of a heavily guarded courthouse where a teenager and another farm worker who allegedly confessed to killing a white supremacist leader in a wage dispute appeared yesterday. The older of the two suspects was walked out of the courthouse hours later, placed into a police vehicle and driven away. By then, white protesters had left, leaving only hundreds of blacks who screamed, ululated and whistled in support. “We are celebrating the death of the man who has abused us so much,” one woman in the crowd shouted. The killing of Eugene Terreblanche, a militant leader once convicted of beating a black farm worker so badly the man was left brain damaged, has focused attention on simmering racial tensions less than 10 weeks before South Africa hosts the World Cup. Police officers rushed to separate nearly 2,000 people split into white and black groups after a middle-aged white woman sprayed an energy drink on blacks singing the Zulu choruses of the country’s national anthem. Whites had earlier been singing the parts of the national anthem that are in Afrikaans and that date to the apartheid era. Police set up coils of razor wire to separate the groups — whites who said they were there to support Terreblanche’s family and blacks supporting the family of the 15-year-old suspect and his 28-year-old co-worker. Authorities say Terreblanche, 69, was bludgeoned to death Saturday in his bed. The 15-yearold’s mother told AP Television News that the suspects killed the farmer because he hadn’t paid them since

December. Police have not identified either of the suspects by name. Menzi Simelane, a spokesman for the prosecutors, had described yesterday’s hearing as an initial appearance. The results were not immediately announced, but Simelane had said he had expected only the scheduling of a new hearing while investigations continued. Prosecutors also met informally yesterday with members of Terreblanche’s white supremacist group, community members and the suspect’s lawyers to explain recent changes in court procedures when minors are involved. As whites and blacks outside the courthouse advanced on each other and police scrambled to keep them apart, a police officer on the run yelled: “We need more people in here — quick!” After calm was restored, Pieter Steyn, the provincial leader of Terreblanche’s Afrikaner Weerstandsbeweging movement, better known as the AWB, apologized for the woman who sprayed the blacks. A day earlier, Steyn had retreated from threats made by other militants to avenge Terreblanche’s death. Steyn said the AWB renounces violence, and that the earlier threats were made “in the heat to the moment. We have spoken to every one and told them to be calm.” Terreblanche’s AWB has blamed African National Congress Youth League leader Julius Malema for the death, saying his insistence on public performances of an anti-apartheid song that includes lines about killing white farmers was hate speech that led to Terreblanche’s killing. Malema says the song has nothing to do with Terreblanche’s death. The ANC insists the song is part of its heritage and that the lyrics — which also speak of

white farmers as thieves and rapists — refer to those who supported apartheid and now oppose democracy. Bomber Matinyane, regional director of the South African National Civic Organization, a civil rights group, equated Malema’s song and the display of apartheid-era flags, saying both inflamed racial tensions. “Malema must stop it and they must stop flying those old flags,” Matinyane said outside the courthouse Tuesday. Blacks outside the courthouse sang other songs from the struggle for majority rule that finally came in 1994 after years of state-sponsored violence by the white minority regime and urban guerrilla warfare waged by the African National Congress. Brenda Abrams, a 30-year-old black businesswoman who was at the courthouse Tuesday to support the family of the younger accused, said a “big fuss” was being made about Terreblanche’s death. “But nobody says anything when black farmworkers are killed,” Abrams said. AWB members still seek to create an all-white republic within mostly black South Africa. The group’s red, white and black insignia resembles a Nazi swastika, but with three prongs instead of four. The movement always has been on the fringes, estimated to have no more than 70,000 members at its height in the early 1990s out of a population of nearly 50 million. Terreblanche was sentenced to six years in jail in 2001 for the attempted murder of former security guard Paul Motshabi in March 1996. Terreblanche was released in 2004. Motshabi suffered brain damage, and was left paralyzed and unable to speak for months after the attack. — AP

The dual morning rush hour attacks on the Lubyanka and Park Kultury metro stations, around 40 minutes apart, left 40 people dead and around 80 injured and marked the deadliest violence in the Russian capital since 2004. The Investigative Committee said Sharipova was a native of the Dagestani village of Balakhani. A spokesman for the FSB security service told AFP that Sharipova was the wife of Magomedali Vagapov, an Islamist fighter whose whereabouts are unknown but who is believed to be alive and active. Rasul Magomedov, also a resident of the Dagestani village of Balakhani, told the opposition daily Novaya Gazeta in an interview published Friday that Sharipova was his daughter. He specified her age as 28. “My wife and I immediately recognized our daughter” after photographs of the severed heads of the two suicide bombers were published in Russian media, Magomedov told the paper. Abdurakhmanova, the suicide bomber already identified, was also from Dagestan and the widow of another Islamist militant who officials said had been killed by security forces December 31. The two young women blew themselves up on the packed metro, killing 40 people and wounding dozens in what became the deadliest suicide attacks in Russia for the past six years. The Islamist group “Emirate of the Caucasus”, which is waging an insurgency to impose an Islamic state based on sharia law in Russia’s North Caucasus region, claimed responsibility for the attacks. Magomedov told Novaya Gazeta that Sharipova graduated with honours from a local university in 2005 and since 2006 had taught computer science in Dagestan. Magomedov told another Russian newspaper, mass-circulation Komsomolskaya Pravda, that his family, including Sharipova’s two brothers, had been under pressure from the authorities for the past several years. His elder son, Anvar, was once found abandoned in the woods after having been tortured hours after he was detained by police, Magomedov told the paper. His younger son, Ilyas, was detained in a special operation and given a nine-month jail sentence, Novaya Gazeta said. Russia’s leaders have called for tough new measures to fight extremism and a junior member of the Russian legislature told AFP yesterday he had proposed legislation to tighten restrictions on how media may report on extremism. “In my opinion, news about militants should be reduced to reports about their annihilation,” Robert Shlegel, a member of the State Duma from the proKremlin United Russia party, told AFP. — AFP

SAN JOSE: In this Feb. 9, 2005 file photo, Archbishop-elect Jose H. Gomez greets parishioners following an Ash Wednesday service at Mission San Jose in San Antonio. Pope Benedict XVI has selected Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio, Texas, to take over the Los Angeles archdiocese when its current archbishop retires. — AP

Pope names Mexican-born Gomez to take over in LA VATICAN CITY: The pope yesterday named Archbishop Jose Gomez of San Antonio, Texas, to take over the Los Angeles archdiocese when its current archbishop retires. The appointment of the Mexican-born Gomez as coadjutor for Los Angeles puts him in line to become the highestranking Latino in the American Catholic hierarchy and the first Latino Cardinal in the US. Gomez, 58, is a priest of the conservative Opus Dei order. Cardinal Roger Mahony, who has been dogged by the clergy abuse scandal during his quarter-century tenure in Los Angeles, turns 75 next February. Under church rules, bishops submit their resignation at age 75. Pope Benedict XVI can decide whether to keep him on the job longer. But the appointment of Gomez as coadjutor indicates Benedict wanted a smooth transition to a new leader for the nation’s largest diocese. Gomez will have to oversee the fallout from the abuse scandal that came to light during Mahony’s tenure. In 2007, Mahony agreed to a record-setting $660 million settlement with more than 500 alleged victims of clergy abuse. A federal grand jury is also investigating how the Archdiocese of Los Angeles handled claims of abuse, and has subpoenaed several witnesses, including a former Los Angeles priest convicted of child molestation and a monsignor who served as vicar for clergy under Mahony. Mahony’s attorney has said the cardinal, the longest-serving US cardinal since the Second Vatican Council, is not a target of the investigation. Mahony said he and his bishops would work closely with Gomez until early 2011, when Gomez takes over the archdiocese, which counts more than five million members, 70 percent of them Hispanic.

“I welcome Archbishop Gomez to the Archdiocese of Los Angeles with enthusiasm and personal excitement,” Mahony said in a statement. Gomez said he was grateful for the appointment and the trust that the Vatican’s nuncio had in him. “I will try with all my strength to earn that trust,” he said in a statement. Mahony was to introduce Gomez at a press conference later Tuesday in Los Angeles’ cathedral. Gomez was born in Monterrey, Mexico and studied theology at the University of Navarra in Spain. He was ordained an Opus priest in 1978 and worked in the Houston-Galveston area and in Denver before being named archbishop of San Antonio in 2004. At a future concistory, the pope will likely name Gomez a cardinal, given that Los Angeles is such a large and important archdiocese whose leader has traditionally worn a red hat. Hispanics are the fastest-growing group in the American Catholic church. Latinos comprised 32 percent of all US Catholics in 2008 compared to 20 percent in 1990, according to the American Religious Identification Survey from Trinity College in Hartford, Conn. There are currently 65 million Catholics in the US Benedict acknowledged the importance of the growing Hispanic Catholic community when he named Archbishop Daniel N. DiNardo of the heavily Latino Galveston-Houston archdiocese a prince of the church in 2007. “This just recognizes the reality on the ground that the center of gravity of US Catholicism is moving to the South and West and is becoming increasingly Hispanic,” said David Gibson, a Catholic author who covers religion for PoliticsDaily.com. — AP

ISTANBUL: Lawyers speak to the media as retired Turkish army generals arrive at a courthouse in Istanbul, Turkey, yesterday. Turkish prosecutors have started questioning six retired officers, including retired army commander Gen. Sukru Sariisik, to determine whether they plotted several years ago to overthrow the Islamic-rooted government of Turkey. — AP


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


US unveiling new, more restrictive nuclear policy US to urge Russia to begin talks on adopting limits on nuclear weapons WASHINGTON: The Obama administration is unveiling a new nuclear weapons policy that seeks to narrow the circumstances under which the United States would use such weapons while preserving long-standing assurances of nuclear protection for allies, US officials said. It is a delicate balance that the administration will describe in a policy document, called a nuclear posture review, released yesterday following a full year of deliberation led by the Pentagon in consultation with allied governments. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, Secretary of Energy Steven Chu and Joint Chiefs chairman Adm. Mike Mullen planned to unveil the new policy at a noon Pentagon briefing. The document is expected to include language reducing US reliance on nuclear weapons for its national defense by narrowing potential US nuclear targets. That reflects President Barack Obama’s pledge to move toward a nuclear-free world, and could strengthen US arguments that other countries should either reduce stockpiles of nuclear weapons or forgo developing them. The review of nuclear weapons policy is the first since 2001 and only the third since the end of the Cold War two decades ago. The White House also planned to urge Russia to begin talks on adopting first-ever limits on shorter-range nuclear weapons, an arena in which Russia holds an advantage, said the officials, who spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to discuss details of the nuclear policy

MOSCOW: Russian soldiers wear chemical protection suits as they stand next to a military fueler on the base of a prime mover of Russian Topol intercontinental ballistic missile during a training session at the Serpukhov’s military missile forces research institute some 100km outside Moscow yesterday. The US-Russia nuclear arms treaty to be signed this week enhances trust between the Cold War foes but Moscow may quit the pact if US missile defence plans go too far, a top Russian official said yesterday. — AFP review prior to its release. These would be follow-on negotiations to the newly completed “New START” treaty reducing long-range nuclear weapons — to be signed by Obama and Russian President Dmitry Medvedev in Prague tomorrow. Yesterday, Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said

Russia reserves the right to withdraw from the new treaty if it decides a US missile defense shield, now planned for Romania, threatens its security. He also said Moscow shares Obama’s goal of a nuclear-free world, but other nations must join the disarmament process. UN.Secretary-General Ban Ki-

moon, in Kazakhstan Tuesday visiting a former Soviet nuclear testing range, called the new US.nuclear policy “an important initiative.” The US officials said the administration’s new policy would stop short of declaring that the United States would never be the first to launch a nuclear attack, as many arms control

advocates had recommended. But it would describe the weapons’ purpose as “primarily” or “fundamentally” to deter or respond to a nuclear attack. The officials said the document would say it is a US goal to move toward a policy in which the “sole purpose” of nuclear weapons is to deter or respond to nuclear

attack. That wording would all but rule out the use of such weapons to respond to an attack by conventional, biological or chemical weapons. Previous S. policy was more ambiguous. In an interview with The New York Times on Monday, Obama said his administration was explicitly committing not to use nuclear weapons against nonnuclear states that are in compliance with the Nuclear NonProliferation Treaty, even if they attacked the United States with biological or chemical weapons. Those threats, he told the newspaper, could be deterred with “a series of graded options” — a combination of old and newly designed conventional weapons. The Obama administration plans to urge Russia to return to the bargaining table following Senate ratification of the new START treaty. The White House hopes to overcome Russia’s expressed reluctance to move beyond START, especially if it means cutting Moscow’s arsenal of tactical, or short-range, nuclear arms. These so-called theater nuclear weapons play a key role in Russia’s overall defense strategy and are regarded in Moscow as an important bargaining chip on security issues. The timing of a planned US push for new, broader arms talks with Russia is uncertain. But officials said the proposal would only come after US and Russian legislative approval of the new START pact, which isn’t expected until the end of this year. The Russian parliament is almost certain to sign off on any deal negotiated by the Kremlin, but the US Senate’s ratification of the new START treaty is far from a sure thing.—AP

Evangelist on trial in US in wife’s death

RIO DE JANIERO: Picture showing part of the destruction caused by a landslide in the neighbourhood of Ilha Governador, in Rio de Janiero yesterday where a woman was killed and two girls injured. Flooding from more than 15 hours of uninterrupted rain has claimed many lives in Rio de Janeiro, and left streets in many parts of the seaside city under water, local television reported yesterday. — AFP

Heavy rains kill at least 81 in Rio RIO DE JANEIRO: Torrential rains in Rio de Janeiro have triggered landslides that killed 81 people as rising water paralyzed traffic and suspended most business. The ground gave way in steep hillside slums, cutting red-brown paths of destruction through shantytowns. Concrete and wooden homes were crushed and hurtled downhill, only to bury other structures. The future host city of the Olympics and football World Cup ground to a near halt yesterday as Rio Mayor Eduardo Paes urged workers to stay home and closed all schools. He said more rain was expected and urged people living in high-risk areas not to leave their homes. Potential mudslides threatened at least 2,000 homes after 20 cm of rain fell. “It is not advisable for people to leave their homes,” said Paes. “We want to preserve lives.” A representative for the Rio de Janeiro fire department that is coordinating rescue efforts said 80 people have been killed and another 44 hospitalized. Most of the vicitims were from Rio’s hillside shantytowns whose homes were buried under tons of mud and rubble. “We expect the death toll to rise,” said the spokesman, who declined to be iden-

tified because he was not authorized to speak to the press. Thousands of motorists were stranded overnight on highways blocked by rising floodwaters yesterday. Sergio Simoes, head of Rio de Janeiro’s civil defense department told the Globo TV network that the amount of rain that fell was “more than any city is capable of supporting.” Claudio Ribeiro, a 24-year-old taxi driver, spent eight hours stranded on a Rio highway. “I have never seen anything like this,” he said, wiping steam from the inside of his windshield to reveal a flooded highway with cars, taxis and buses packed together. Poor workers walking between the vehicles, broken umbrellas and plastic garbage bags protecting them from rain. “Tell me, how is this city supposed to host the Olympics?” Ribeiro said. “Look at this chaos!” Neither the 2014 World Cup nor the 2016 Olympics will be held during Brazil’s rainy season, which normally takes place during the Southern Hemisphere’s summer in December through February but this year has lasted into April. — AP

MOBILE: People who heard traveling evangelist Anthony Hopkins deliver sermons in the rural Southern towns where he preached sometimes called him a psychic or even a prophet. But prosecutors say the former soldier kept dark secrets while spreading God’s word. They accuse him of killing his wife, storing her body in a freezer for years and raping and molesting a young female relative. Opening statements in his trial were expected to start yesterday. Hopkins, 39, was arrested in 2008 while preaching a rural revival in Clarke County. A teenage relative allegedly pregnant with his baby led police to the body of 36-year-old Arletha Hopkins, a mother of eight ranging in age from an infant to late teens. Investigators say Hopkins killed his wife in 2004 after she caught him having sex with a female relative, then stuffed her body into a freezer at the Mobile home he shared with her, six children and two stepchildren. Nicholas L. Jackson Sr., pastor of a small church in Jackson where Hopkins sometimes preached, told a local newspaper in 2008 that many who heard him considered him a prophet with psychic abilities. “When he told you something was going to happen, you could pretty much count on it,” he said. He described Arletha Hopkins as quiet. Authorities have said the children were homeschooled and largely kept out of sight of neighbors and others in the community. Hopkins told some church associates that his wife had died in 2004 giving birth to their youngest child. He faces life in prison. He looked on attentively during jury selection Monday, making frequent and lengthy eye contact with jurors, taking notes and

conferring with his attorneys as about 60 potential jurors were questioned. One said she watched Hopkins and several of his daughters perform as part of a family musical group at a religious event a few years ago. Several others said they had attended churches with ties to Hopkins. Only four said they had not heard or read news reports about the case. Assistant District Attorney Ashley Rich said several of Hopkins’ young female relatives are expected to testify during a weeklong trial. “It is a very sensitive, emotionally difficult type of case,” she said. Hopkins was previously arrested in Saraland, near Mobile, in 1998 for being absent without leave from the US Army from June 15, 1995, until April 6, 1998. It is unclear how military authorities resolved the case and attorneys declined to answer questions about Hopkins’ background Monday, saying Circuit Judge John Lockett had ordered them not to discuss the case with media. Prosecutors have previously said Hopkins has no steady employment record and has ties to Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas and North Carolina through his time in the military and his church work. He lived in Mobile for about eight years before his arrest, working for about four years as a nurse’s aid at a state mental facility and four years at a ship yard. Defense attorney Jeff Deen asked jurors Monday if they thought preachers or those in the clergy should be held to a higher standard because of their profession. One potential juror drew laughter from others when he answered quickly. “Yes, they should practice what they preach,” he said. —AP

CHICAGO: Chicago Police Officer Tony Washington watches surveillance videos at the 18th District Chicago Police Station March 19, 2010. Thousands of surveillance cameras keep Chicago under closer watch than any other US city. — AP

Colombian refugee project could serve as model: UNHCR GENEVA: Some 26,000 Colombian refugees in remote areas of Ecuador have come forward under an innovative registration project that could serve as a model for Latin America, the United Nations refugee agency said yesterday. An estimated 500,000 Colombians who have fled violence or persecution in their Andean homeland are scattered across Ecuador, Panama, Peru and Venezeula, it said. Many fail to register-a vital step in the process towards formal recognition as a refugeebecause of fear or a lack of funds to go to major cities to lodge asylum requests, according to the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR). Over the past year, mobile teams of Ecuadorean government and UNHCR officials fanned out in northern border

areas to register Colombians and issue identity documents giving them legal protection and access to aid, it said. “The project is considered a model for Latin America, where the majority of refugees often have to go to towns and cities to be registered,” UNHCR spokesman Andrej Mahecic told a briefing. Previously, refugees had to wait for months for a government decision on asylum claims, but the mobile teams decided on many claims in a day, he said. Those whose cases need more analysis received a document confirming they were asylum seekers. “Documentation makes a real difference in the lives of these refugees who are now able to move freely in Ecuador and can access health centres, schools and other services,” he said. —Reuters



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

US, S Korea to jointly probe ship sinking SEOUL: A top American military officer said yesterday he was confident that a joint probe by South Korea and the US would solve the mystery of an explosion that sank a South Korean warship 11 days ago. The 1,200-ton Cheonan exploded March 26 and sank a few hours later during a routine patrol near the tense western border with North Korea. Fifty-eight crew members were rescued soon

after but dozens of other sailors remain unaccounted for and are believed trapped in the wreckage. No survivors have been found among the 46 sailors initially listed as missing, but divers found the body of one crewman Saturday. No cause has been determined. South Korean officials have said they will look at all possibilities including that the ship might

have been struck by a floating mine or a torpedo from North Korea. South Korea’s intelligence chief Won SeiHoon told lawmakers in a closed-door session yesterday that it was difficult to conclude whether North Korea was involved in the incident, Chung Chin-sup, a lawmaker in the ruling Grand National Party, said after being briefed by Won. The US has promised to send

a team of naval disaster experts to help find the cause. “I’m confident that we will find out” the cause, Gen. Walter Sharp, chief of the 28,500 American troops in South Korea, said at a meeting with US businesses in South Korea, where he gave a speech yesterday and then took questions. “We want to get to the right answer, the correct answer and we don’t want

to rush to that conclusion.” Sharp refused to speculate on the cause of the blast. “I’m not gonna speculate on this because again, the experts haven’t started looking at it,” he said. The US and South Korea “watch North Korea very closely every single day of the year and we continue to do that right now,” he said. “And again, as this has been said, we see no unusual activity at this time.” Earlier this

week, South Korea started work to salvage the ship after ending its underwater hunt for the missing sailors at the request of their families, who raised concerns about additional casualties among divers. One military diver died during a search while a South Korean fishing boat that participated disappeared. Two aboard that vessel died and seven others were left missing. — AP

Survivors endured eight days of darkness by eating tree bark

Rescuers race to find missing in China mine XIANGNING: Rescuers were searching yesterday for 32 workers still trapped in a flooded Chinese coal mine, as the joy of seeing over 100 others pulled out alive was tempered by the first news of fatalities. Six bodies have “We now have six fatalities in the Wangjialing mining disaster and we have yet to find the 32 workers that are trapped,” China News Service quoted Shanxi Governor Wang Jun as saying after the latest victim was found yesterday afternoon. “We will do everything to rescue alive the 32 mine

workers.” On Monday, rescuers wept with joy as 115 workers were brought one by one from the pit-some rare good news for an industry plagued by fatal accidents which last year killed more than 2,600 miners, according to government figures. Survivors have said they

been recovered from the Wangjialing mine in Shanxi province, China’s coalproducing heartland in the north but authorities insist there is still hope the rest will be found alive.

endured the eight days and nights of darkness by eating tree bark, sawdust, paper and even coal, while occasionally drinking the dirty water swirling around and below them. “Many of us collected paper floating on the water, put it in our pockets and ate it when we felt hungry,” Xinhua

news agency quoted one unidentified worker as saying. “Some even chewed the coal to quench the hunger,” the man said in the Shanxi Aluminium Plant Hospital, as he tucked into a bowl of noodles. But as workers installed more pumps and other drainage equipment at the

XIANGNING: Chinese police officers guard the area around rescue efforts at the Wangjialing Coal Mine in Xiangning county in north China’s Shanxi province yesterday. Floodwaters kept rescuers from reaching 32 miners still trapped in a Chinese coal pit yesterday, and the recovery of five bodies dimmed hopes of another miracle a day after 115 survivors were pulled out after more than a week underground. — AP

HK democrats march for universal suffrage HONG KONG: Hundreds of democracy campaigners took to the streets of Hong Kong yesterday to call on the public to vote at a by-election which they hoped will be a de-facto referendum for universal suffrage. The protest was held after five prodemocracy lawmakers resigned in January in a high-profile push for Beijing to give Hong Kong people the right to choose the city’s leader and the 60-seat legislature. Pro-Beijing parties have vowed to boycott the by-election on May 16, after the

Chinese government condemned the campaign as a “blatant challenge” to the city’s constitutional set-up under mainland rule. Martin Lee, the founder of the Democratic Party and an organiser of yesterday’s march, said the “referendum” would not be trivialised by the boycott. “We should not focus too much on the turnout at the polls. We only need to remember that we must cherish the one vote in our hands. Cast your vote on that day,” he said. The former British colony was returned to Chinese rule in 1997.

Only half of Hong Kong legislature is directly elected from five geographical constituencies. The remaining “functional constituency” seats are largely selected by doyens of the pro-China business elite. An 800-member election committee picked by Beijing chooses the city’s chief executive. Democrats are calling for universal suffrage in 2012 but the Chinese government has said Hong Kong’s chief executive can only be directly elected at the earliest by 2017 and the legislature by 2020. — AFP

HONG KONG: The five legislators, who resigned to pressure China for democracy including, from left, Albert Chan, Tanya Chan, Alan Leong, Leung Kwok-hung and Wong Yuk-man, hold mock voting cards during a demonstration in Hong Kong yesterday. — AP

state-owned mine, with nurses at the ready to tend to eventual survivors, anxious relatives desperately sought news of their loved ones. “We don’t know whether he is still trapped underground or in hospital,” Yang Xiaolin, 45, said of his nephew, a 35-year-old electrician. “We’ve been to the hospital but they refuse to tell us if he is still trapped and they refuse to let us in,” he told AFP. Hospitals where survivors were being treated turned away AFP journalists and even relatives seeking to see their loved ones. Xinhua quoted doctors saying it was for the patients’ well-being. Officials also however seem keen to control information about the disaster after workers had earlier angrily accused the mine’s owners of ignoring safety risks. About half of the survivors were taken to the provincial capital Taiyuan for treatment. A few relatives were lucky enough to have spoken to their loved ones. “I was so happy when I heard his voice. But I never thought he’d actually died,” Lu Huidong, 28, told AFP in a hospital in the nearby city of Hejin, where his 22-year-old brother was being treated after his ordeal. President Hu Jintao and Premier Wen Jiabao have urged all-out efforts to save the men still missing in the pit, which flooded on March 28 during construction work. But Liu warned that rescue work was getting more treacherous. Workers were feeling “extremely tired” with some falling ill, and the build-up of toxic gases was a serious problem-with the risk of an explosion mounting. Among the survivors, 26 were in “relatively serious” condition, suffering from dehydration, malnutrition and skin infections from prolonged water exposure, Xinhua quoted doctors as saying. Xinhua quoted the survivor at the aluminium plant hospital saying he and colleagues built a wooden platform to stay above the water level. “More than 20 of us huddled on the platform to stay dry in the flooded pit. We also built rafts in the hope that we might row out, but we failed,” he said. The accident occurred when workers apparently dug into an older adjacent mine that had been shut down and filled with water, a practice used to stabilise the geology in abandoned collieries, press reports have said. The national work safety watchdog blamed the accident on owner Huajin Coking Coal Company, which failed to heed repeated warnings that water was building up days before the disaster. Safety standards are widely flouted in China’s mines in the quest for quick profits and to meet surging coal demand-source of about 70 percent of the country’s energy. Amid anger over mounting mining deaths, China in recent years touted a drive to shut unsafe mines, saying it had closed thousands, many in Shanxi. However, deadly mining disasters have remained a near-weekly occurrence. — AFP

BANGKOK: Police officers stand guard outside a fast food restaurant in downtown Bangkok, Thailand, as anti-government demonstrators flood the streets of the capital after breaking through police and military lines yesterday. Protest leaders continue to defy a government order to vacate the commercial district as they try to pressure Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva to step down. — AP

Red Shirt protesters flood streets of Thailand’s capital BANGKOK: Tens of thousands of red-shirted protesters took over sections of Thailand’s capital yesterday, pelting police with eggs and dancing in the streets as they pushed through barricades to press the prime minister to call new elections. Minor scuffles erupted around Bangkok, and a grenade exploded in the parking lot of the ruling Democrat Party’s headquarters, injuring two police, party officials said. Dozens of similar unclaimed blasts have targeting government offices since protests started March 12. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva went on national television to say that the protests had broken the law but the government would continue its policy of tolerance to avoid violence. “We are working to ensure that the country returns to normal as soon as possible,” Abhisit said, adding that the government has requested arrest warrants for the protest leaders. “We are confident we can use the law to resolve the problem.” For several hours yesterday, traffic was stopped along main boulevards in Bangkok’s business district before the anti-government protesters retreated to the city’s upscale shopping district, where they have been camped since Saturday. Malls there remained shuttered for a fourth day. The protesters, many of them farmers from impoverished provincial areas who have characterized their movement as a class war against the Bangkok elite, have sworn not to let up their pressure until Abhisit steps down and calls new elections. Abhisit has offered to call elections by the year’s end, but the protesters want quicker action. The movement — known formally as the United Front for Democracy Against Dictatorship — contends that Abhisit came to power illegitimately in the years after ex-Prime Minister Thaksin Shinawatra was removed in a 2006 coup on corruption allegations. The group is made up largely of Thaksin supporters and pro-democracy activists who opposed the putsch. Political tur-

moil has increased in the years since the coup and deeply divided Thai society. On Tuesday, the so-called Red Shirts, named for their signature attire, staged convoys through 11 main roads the administration has declared off-limits to them. Thousands of soldiers and police in riot gear initially blocked protesters from joining the convoy. Demonstrators pushed against police lines and pelted the riot squads with eggs and plastic water bottles along the tree-lined Rajdamri Avenue in front of the barricaded Four Seasons and the Hyatt hotels, where a street lamp was ripped from the concrete. Tourists watched from inside. The security gave way and a tide of red streamed through the streets and into the Silom Road financial center, with horns blaring and loudspeakers playing the folk music of rural Thailand. “Today we marched to every corner of your 11 forbidden roads,” a protest leader, Nattawut Saikua, shouted to a cheering crowd. “The rule of law is meaningless. You brought in soldiers? We got rid of them!” Abhisit later said police backed down “to ensure that no confrontation would spiral out of control.” Several stations of Bangkok’s Skytrain, the overhead rail service, were shut in the protest zone, but residents and tourists used its overhead vantage points to watch the action in the streets. “We were going to see a movie,” said Les Stanley, a 55-year-old Australian resident in Bangkok, as the gates closed at a Skytrain station. “Oh well, this is more interesting than a movie.” Business leaders have called for an end to the crisis, predicting even greater shocks to the economy and tourism if it persists. A joint statement from three leading business associations estimated up to 900 million baht ($28 million) in losses in the shopping area over the past four days. Protesters have turned the shopping thoroughfare into a festive, litter-strewn campground. Guests at the area’s luxury hotels were checking out in large numbers. — AP

China executes Japanese drug smuggler: State media BEIJING: China executed a convicted Japanese drug smuggler yesterday, making him the first Japanese citizen to be put to death in the country since diplomatic ties were re-established in 1972. Mitsunobu Akano, 65, was executed in the northeastern province of Liaoning, Xinhua news agency reported, quoting an announcement from China’s top court, the Supreme People’s Court. Tokyo confirmed the execution had taken place, saying Chinese officials had informed Japanese diplomats shortly afterwards. Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama again said the case was “regrettable”, but both sides said they hoped relations would not be affected. “The seriousness of the crime of drug smuggling is widely recognised around the world,” foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told reporters. “The death penalty is beneficial to the deterrence and prevention of serious drug trafficking crimes... we hope this case will not affect the normal development of bilateral ties.” Akano was arrested in September 2006 at an airport in the northeastern city of Dalian while reportedly trying to smuggle 2.5 kilogrammes (5.5 pounds) of narcotics from China to Japan. “The courts had clear and

irrefutable evidence of drug smuggling and the death sentence was handed down and carried out in line with Chinese law,” the supreme court said, according to Xinhua. It added Akano had been “treated legally”. The report said some of the drugs were in the luggage of an accomplice but gave no other details on that person. Akano was initially sentenced to death in June 2008 and the punishment was upheld last year, Chinese state media have said. “It is regrettable, as I have said all along,” Hatoyama told reporters late yesterday. “The

government will work hard to ensure that this does not lead to cracks in the Japan-China relationship. We ask the public to remain calm.” Justice Minister Keiko Chiba earlier expressed concern that the case “could trigger a backlash from the Japanese public”, according to Jiji Press. Beijing has informed Japan it plans to execute three more Japanese drug smugglers as early as ThursdayTeruo Takeda, 67, from Nagoya city; Hironori Ukai, 48, from Gifu prefecture; and Katsuo Mori, 67, of Fukushima prefecture. — AFP

TOKYO: Members of human rights group Amnesty International shout a slogan in front of the Chinese Embassy in Tokyo, Japan, yesterday after China executed a Japanese man for drug smuggling. —AP


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


NATO probes civilian deaths in Afghan air strike KABUL: NATO launched an investigation yesterday into whether its forces had killed four civilians- two women, a child and an elderly man-in an air strike overnight on a compound in southern Afghanistan. In a separate incident, the NATO-led force said it was also investigating how one child had been killed and three wounded during a clash with fighters in the east of the country. The issue of civilian casualties

is an emotive one in Afghanistan, feeding a common perception international forces do not take enough care when launching air strikes, and undermining support for their continued presence in the country. The United Nations says new guidelines issued by the commander of NATO and US forces last year have helped reduce the number of civilians they kill, but such incidents still cause deep anger among Afghans the foreign

troops are meant to protect. In a statement released yesterday, the NATO-led force said it had carried out an air strike on a compound in Nahr-e-Saraj, a district in southern Helmand province also known as Gereshk, after coming under fire from insurgents inside. Troops later found dead civilians inside the compound. “Insurgents were using the compound as a firing position when combined forces, unaware

of the possible presence of civilians, directed air assets against it,” it said in the statement. “Later, once they were able to enter the compound, combined forces found four dead civilianstwo women, an elderly man and a child-inside. Four males, suspected insurgents, were also found dead inside the compound.” NATO and Afghan forces were investigating the incident, it said. Dawood Ahmadi, a spokesman for the provincial governor, said the

government had also sent its own team to the area. In the second incident, four children were wounded during a clash between the NATO-led force and militants in Kapisa province northeast of Kabul. One of the children died of wounds. “It is unclear who caused the children’s injuries,” the force said in a statement. “The incident is under investigation.” Under guidelines issued last year by US and NATO comman-

der General Stanley McChrystal, air strikes should only be used if troops are sure there are no civilians in the area or if troops are in imminent danger and cannot retreat. The incident comes only two days after NATO acknowledged it had killed five Afghan civilians, including three women, during a botched night raid on a home in the southeast of the country in February. While the United Nations says

foreign and Afghan troops killed 25 percent fewer civilians last year than in 2008, civilian deaths rose overall, because the number killed by insurgents rose 40 percent. More than 2,400 civilians were killed in 2009, making it the deadliest year of a war now more than eight years old. There are some 130,000 foreign troops in Afghanistan, set to rise to 150,000 by the year’s end. —Reuters

Assailants planned attack methodically

Investigators probe US consulate attack in Pakistan

KATHMANDU: Unified Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) supporters watch from a window as unseen Party Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal, also known as ‘Prachanda’, addresses a mass meeting to mark the anniversary of the 2006 people’s uprising in Kathmandu yesterday. Leader Pushpa Kamal Dahal, known as Prachanda, demanded the government to step down, calling it the main obstacle to peace. — AFP

Sherpa to scale Everest to scatter Hillary’s ashes KATHMANDU: A record-setting Nepalese Sherpa flew to Mount Everest yesterday to prepare to ascend the world’s highest mountain once again and scatter the ashes of its most celebrated climber, Sir Edmund Hillary. Apa, who with 19 successful climbs holds the record for the most trips to the summit, flew from the Nepalese capital of Kathmandu to Lukla, where he will begin yet another trek up Everest — this time to deposit the remaining ashes of the legendary Hillary and clean up the peak. Some of Hillary’s ashes were scattered into the sea off New Zealand by his family soon after his death in 2008. “I have three goals during my 20th climb of Everest. I will be taking and scattering the ashes of Edmund Hillary at the summit, clean up the mountain and promote Nepal as tourism destination,” said the 49-yearold Apa, who like most Sherpas goes by one name. Apa and his fellow climbers — 17 other Sherpas and 12 Westerners — plan to collect 15,400 pounds (7,000 kilograms) of garbage, a growing environmental problem on the Himalayan peak. They plan to pay porters to help bring down the refuse.

Apa first climbed the 29,035-foot (8,850meter) mountain in 1989 and has repeated the feat almost every year since. His closest rival is fellow Sherpa guide Chhewang Nima, who has made 15 trips to the summit. Apa and his team plan to scale the summit in May, when the weather is most favorable. Climbers generally have a window of a few days to attempt to reach the summit before weather turns treacherous. He said he also wants to promote Nepal’s campaign to attract half a million tourists in 2011, as the country recovers from years of instability and communist insurgency. Apa grew up in the foothills of Everest and began carrying equipment and supplies for trekkers and mountaineers at age 12. He moved to the United States in 2006 and lives in the Salt Lake City suburb of Draper. Sherpas were mostly yak herders and traders living in the Himalayas until Nepal opened its borders to tourists in 1950. Their stamina and knowledge of the mountains makes them expert guides and porters. —AP

Court martial of S Lanka’s ex-army chief adjourned COLOMBO: A court martial of Sri Lanka’s former army chief was adjourned yesterday, two days ahead of parliamentary polls at which he is a candidate. Sarath Fonseka, who has been in detention since February 8, appeared over two separate cases in the tightlyguarded naval headquarters in Colombo and repeated his objections to the panel of judges, a military official told AFP. Fonseka, 59, led the military to victory over the Tamil Tiger rebels last year but fell out with President Mahinda

Rajapakse and unsuccessfully tried to unseat him in elections in January. He is a candidate from the opposition Democratic National Alliance at tomorrow’s parliamentary polls. His party has said that his arrest and detention was aimed at preventing him from campaigning. Thousands of Fonseka supporters led by Buddhist monks staged a peaceful sit-down protest in Colombo yesterday, a day after police broke up a fast by a dozen monks who demanded the general’s immediate release.

COLOMBO: A group of Sri Lankan protestors call for the release of detained former army chief General Sarath Fonseka in Colombo, April 6, 2010. A monks’ protest calling for the immediate release of Fonseka from military custody was broken up by the police April 5. —AFP

Fonseka’s wife told reporters in Colombo that her husband’s health was failing and accused the government of trying to kill him. “He had been injured in battle thrice and his lungs had been affected,” Anoma Fonseka said. “The government is not allowing his own doctor to treat him. They want to ensure that he is pushed towards a natural death.” Rajapakse, whose party looks set to win tomorrow’s elections easily, has been accused by political opponents and international human rights groups of suppressing dissent since his resounding re-election. At the court martial, judges put off until May 5 charges that Fonseka was engaging in politics while in uniform. Other charges over allegedly illegal procurements were postponed until Friday after his lawyers objected to the judges, saying they were biased against him. Fonseka, who was arrested 12 days after he lost the presidential election to Rajapakse, denies all charges and says they are part of a political vendetta against him. He entered politics after quitting the military in November, six months after the separatist Tamil rebels were finally crushed. —AFP

PESHAWAR: US and Pakistani teams were trying to piece together yesterday how parts of the city in Pakistan’s northwest and exploded two suicide car bombs outside the Taleban launched gun, grenade and double suicide car bomb attack on the heav- the American mission. Five Pakistanis were killed, including at least two guards who ily guarded American consulate in Peshawar. In the sophisticated attack, six mili- worked for the consulate and the outer security barrier damaged, but the attackers tants armed with suicide vests, guns and grenades drove into one of the most secure failed to storm the compound and no Americans were hurt. Pakistan’s Taleban claimed responsibility, saying the attack was to avenge a US drone war targeting top militants in Pakistan’s border areas with Afghanistan, and threatened further assaults on American targets. The assault underscored the potency of their threat despite Pakistan stepping up military offensives and a significant increase in US drone attacks targeting Taleban and Al-Qaeda-linked commanders in the nearby tribal belt. Pakistani security officials said the assailants planned the attack methodically, using local scouts and safe houses, smuggling explosives into a dump site near the consulate and assembling the car bombs locally. Intelligence agents suspect the bombers infiltrated Peshawar either west from the nearby Khyber tribal district, approximately 30 minutes drive from the US embassy, or northwest from the neighbouring tribal district of Mohmand. “It was a well planned attack. The militants collected their material dumped somewhere near their target area before launching the attack on the US consulate,” said PESHAWAR: Pakistani private security guards gather at the site of Monday’s suicide car bombing near the US North West Frontier Province consulate in Peshawar. Islamist militants unleashed a car bomb and grenade attack against the US consulate in police chief Malik Naveed. northwestern Pakistan, killing four people and striking back after months of American missile strikes against A senior Pakistani police official told AFP on condition of anonymity Taleban and Al-Qaeda fighters in the region. —AP that American security officers were in Peshawar and also investigating, but there was no comment from the US embassy in Islamabad. “We have traced the engine number and model of the cars used WASHINGTON: The United that there are things that leaders gestions that already strained troubling. The substance of the in the blasts and we have collected States and Afghan President will say in their own countries for diplomatic relations between his remarks as have been looked into evidence and sent it to the relevant government and the international by many are obviously not true.” Hamid Karzai traded fresh domestic consumption.” laboratories,” said Peshawar bomb disposal chief Shafqat Malik. Gibbs also said he sympaBut as for Karzai’s latest community would be affected. recriminations Monday after failBut Pakistan’s embattled secu“This should not affect trust,” thized with Americans who ing to put a lid on a row over elec- remarks, “it was a head-scratchrity forces, which last year fought he said in the strategic southern might be troubled by the fact the tion fraud which is tearing at er,” the official said. bloody offensives to push out the The Wall Street Journal city of Kandahar, where he has remarks by the Afghan leader their uneasy alliance. Taleban from Swat and the South Karzai reignited a controver- reported on Monday that Karzai spent two days shoring up sup- occurred after Washington had Waziristan tribal district, said they sy which is frustrating the White had told lawmakers that the port from local tribal leaders poured substantial money and managed to thwart the attackers. House in a reported meeting United States was interfering before an expected US-NATO manpower into Afghanistan. “Our security forces and rapid “On behalf of the American with Afghan lawmakers and with Afghan affairs and that the push against the Taleban in comreaction force sealed the area withpeople we are frustrated,” Gibbs refused to back down from claims Taleban would become a legiti- ing months. in five minutes and the attackers Karzai’s latest reported com- said. that foreigners helped to rig mate resistance movement if it were forced to off load and blow up “I think that families all over ments set off new tensions in the Afghan elections in an interview did not stop. their explosives some 25-30 this country have watched their US-Afghan relationship, after the The paper said that in the priwith the BBC. metres away from their target,” “The remarks are troubling vate meeting, the Afghan presi- White House condemned and loved ones go off a long away to said Naveed. “We did not let them and the substance of the remarks dent even suggested he could sought clarification over a similar serve bravely in our armed enter the consulate building and is simply not true,” White House join the Taleban himself, if parlia- tirade by the Afghan leader last forces, to help a country establish that was the biggest achievement peace and security. spokesman Robert Gibbs said, ment did not support his efforts week. of the security forces,” he said. “I think anyone can underGibbs said however that following the latest Karzai out- to take control of the country’s “We have set up three investiKarzai’s defiance would not yet stand that would be frustrating.” bursts, just a week after election commission. gation teams and we are hopeful Obama in December took a The Afghan leader meanwhile cause the United States to cancel President Barack Obama’s surwe will soon get some leads,” Naveed added. told BBC television in an inter- his visit to the White House next significant political risk, announcprise visit to Kabul. Two Pakistani civilians and Another senior US official, view that his claims last week of month, and would not effect fund- ing that he would send an extra three security personnel were speaking on condition of meddling and intimidation by ing requests pending in Congress 30,000 troops to Afghanistan in a killed and 51 people perished in a troop surge designed to finally anonymity, said Obama’s admin- overseas embassies and organi- for the US Afghan war effort. massive suicide car bombing tar“As of now the meeting on defeat the Taleban after a gruistration was struggling to under- zations in the disputed vote were geting a political rally in the northMay 12 is still on the schedule,” elling eight-year war. stand the motivation behind “all true.” western district of Lower Dir In his meeting with lawmak“That is exactly what hap- Gibbs told reporters. Karzai’s recent comments. shortly before the Peshawar blasts. “The remarks are genuinely ers, Karzai criticized those “Up to a point, we understand pened,” he said, dismissing sugCiting security fears, the rejecting his efforts to wrest conUnited Nations said its offices in trol of the country’s Electoral Peshawar would remain closed Complaints Commission from yesterday and today, with staff the United Nations. instructed to work at home. Five of the legislators gath“We took this step as a precauered at the presidential palace tionary measure and for the protectold the Journal that the tion of our staff, we have advised Taleban’s revolt would “change them to work from home for two to resistance” if the United days. This step was taken because States and its allies kept dictating of security fears,” UN spokeshow its government should run. woman Ishrat Rizvi told AFP. There has been a significant On Friday, the United States decline in bombings in Pakistan rejected a previous Karzai outsince a massive attack on a volley burst as “troubling” and “preposball match killed 101 people on terous,” prompting a hurried New Year’s Day, which analysts effort by the Afghan leader to attribute to the US drone war and make amends. Pakistani military operations. Officials said Karzai called Attacks such as those on Monday Secretary of State Hillary Clinton underscore that the Taleban have on Friday and did not specifically been able to regroup to some apologize for his outburst but extent, said security analyst Hasan expressed “surprise” at the furor Askari. over his claims. “They do not have the kind of The row came just a few days facilities that they had in South after President Barack Obama Waziristan where they were trainmade a secret trip to Kabul to ing a large number of suicide bombers. Some of those bombers PATTI: Indian woman Veer Kaur holds a photograph of her son Sukhjinder Singh, press Karzai on tackling corruption and to demand progress on are still with them, but the new who was sentenced to death in the United Arab Emirates, in the village of Patti, good governance, as his troop crop is not coming,” he said. He some 45 kms from Amritsar yesterday. An Indian minister said that death sen- surge strategy unfolds against drew a link between the attack and US offensives on Marjah and plans tences given to 17 Indians in the United Arab Emirates for killing a Pakistani man the Taleban. to widen the battle to the Karzai was declared reelectwere “shocking” and that New Delhi will help them. The 17 were accused of being Taleban’s spiritual capital of ed in November by his own offithe leaders of a mob of up to 50 people who beat the Pakistani man to death with Kandahar in order to end nearly cials after his challenger metal bars in a fight over control of an illegal liquor business, according to media nine years of war in neighbouring Abdullah Abdullah abandoned a Afghanistan. —AFP reports in the UAE. — AFP run-off. —AFP

US, Karzai embroiled in new row



Wednesday, April 7, 2010


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Cocktails, wiretaps signal anti-graft era By Dan Margolies


hen 17 employees of a dozen or so small and mid-size companies gathered for a cocktail reception last year at Clyde’s restaurant in Washington, DC, they toasted what they thought was the imminent completion of a $15 million arms deal to outfit the presidential guard of an African country. Unbeknownst to them, FBI agents were secretly videotaping the meeting. To nail down the deal, the employees had allegedly agreed to pay 20 percent “commissions” to a sales agent they thought represented the African country’s defense minister. The sales agent turned out to be an undercover FBI agent. The mid- and senior-level managers were among 21 individuals arrested on Jan. 17 at a shooting and hunting trade show in Las Vegas, where they had gathered to meet the mythical defense minister. Simultaneously, 150 FBI agents fanned out across the country to execute search warrants at the employees’ companies. The case underscored the increasing prominence of a law that was rarely enforced in the first 30 years of its existence but now, with attentiongrabbing headlines, is front and center in corporate governance considerations. The 1977 law, the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, or FCPA, makes it a crime to bribe foreign officials to obtain or keep business abroad. The Las Vegas sting represents the single biggest prosecution of individuals in the history of the FCPA. And it marks the first use of undercover techniques in an FCPA investigation. Heralding a more daring and aggressive approach to rooting out corruption, the arrests were intended as a strong signal by the US Justice Department that no one is immune from the increasingly long reach of the statute. “It’s important that we hold individuals responsible,” Mark Mendelsohn, the Justice Department official who oversees enforcement of FCPA, told Reuters in a recent interview. “If not, we wouldn’t have the deterrent effect we seek.” The statute had long lain dormant, but in the last three years the Justice Department and the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission - the criminal and civil enforcers, respectively, of FCPA - have brought more cases under the law than in all previous years combined. The stepped-up pace is testament to heightened international cooperation - the City of London Police executed seven search warrants in the undercover case - and to US authorities’ willingness to use unconventional tactics to bring bribers to heel. Foreign companies, once virtually immune from prosecution under FCPA, are now settling cases in droves. And at least 130 additional FCPA cases are in the pipeline, according to Mendelsohn. In the last two

months alone, no fewer than five foreign companies have entered into or announced FCPA-related settlements with US authorities. On Thursday, a federal judge approved a $185 million settlement by German luxury Daimler AG to resolve allegations it lavished money and gifts on officials in at least 22 countries in exchange for contracts. Some observers have questioned whether the penalties are sufficient to deter corruption, or are simply a manageable cost to achieve a competitive advantage. The Daimler penalty, for example, represented a fraction of a percent of the carmaker’s overall sales. “Any time someone settles a case for $400 million or $180 million, you’re like ‘Wow they really got hammered!’” said Mike Koehler, a business law professor at Butler University in Indianapolis and a critic of the way FCPA cases are handled. “But when you go through the DOJ’s own allegations and add up the amount of the bribe payments and the amount those bribes caused the companies to get in business, you’re still in a situation where they come out net positive.” Other experts say the penalties represent just a portion of the costs involved in defending and resolving an FCPA case. Philip Urofsky, a lawyer at Shearman & Sterling and co-author of an exhaustive survey of recent FCPA developments, said he knew of no company “that approaches FCPA issues as a cost of doing business.” The penalties, he said, come atop the costs of internal investigations, developing and implementing compliance programs, legal and accounting fees, disruption of the business, reputational harm, and hiring an independent monitor, a requirement of most FCPA settlements. “Further, the government deliberately seeks to reward companies that self-disclose, cooperate, and self-remediate. The costs of the latter element are often very significant,” Urofsky said. In fact, few companies take the law lightly anymore. Wendy Wysong, an FCPA attorney with the Clifford Chance law firm, said that at virtually every conference she attends, three or four compliance officers from Siemens AG invariably show up. There’s a reason for that. In late 2008, Siemens agreed to pay a groundbreaking $1.6 billion in US and German penalties and to retain a compliance monitor for violating the FCPA provision requiring companies to keep accurate books and records and to maintain adequate systems of internal controls. Although it was not charged with bribery as such, the case stemmed from payments Siemens had made to officials in Argentina, Bangladesh, Greece, Iraq, Italy, Nigeria and Venezuela. “It takes a lot of money to repair your reputation,” Wysong said. —Reuters

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Tact needed as Saudis take lead monetary role By Souhail Karam


audi Arabia has put dominance above diplomacy in crafting a Gulf monetary union but it will need to work on its relationship with smaller Gulf neighbours if it wants the project to succeed. The world’s top oil exporter and biggest Arab economy wants a cohesive Gulf political and economic bloc that it can lead and which would also counter rival Iran’s sway in the region. But its insistence on dominating the monetary union, with a planned single Gulf Arab currency, risks adding to disgruntled voices in the six-member Gulf Cooperation Council. Two states, Oman and the United Arab Emirates, have already dropped out of the monetary union. “The Saudis will definitely dominate the currency union and eventually get more political influence, which will have a geopolitical impact,” said Mustafa Alani of Dubai-based Gulf Research Centre. That was natural in a union comprised of one big state and five smaller ones, he said. “This is the problem for the GCC and the source of the existing sensitivity and mistrust: The belief that the big

brother is trying to dominate us.” Saudi central bank chief Muhammad Al-Jasser was named last week to head a forerunner to a regional central bank, the Riyadhbased Gulf monetary council, underlining the kingdom’s sway in a single currency project. His term will last a year. Riyadh, a US ally, is already home to many Gulf entities including the GCC General Secretariat, an executive body similar to the European Commission. The monetary council will mainly work on the regulatory framework of a Gulf central bank and push for more coordination of monetary and foreign exchange policies to pave the way for the launch of a single currency. But any strengthening of the Gulf union would also bring more political cohesion to the bloc. That could serve Gulf states, several of whom have marginalised Shiite populations, in efforts to counter non-Arab, Shiite Iran. Saudi Arabia has voiced concerns over Iran’s sway in neighbouring Iraq as well as in Lebanon. “The GCC has not always shown a great coordination when it comes to its foreign policy. The existence of a consensus within the GCC will help to limit the

influence of Iran in the region,” said Khaled al-Dakhil, a prominent Saudi political writer. “We have seen some consensus within GCC towards the UAE-Iranian dispute about Abu Musa islands and toward Iran’s nuclear ambitions,” he added, referring to a longstanding territorial dispute over Gulf islands. The Gulf monetary union, designed to emulate the euro zone, has been delayed by old political rivalries. The UAE, the second largest Gulf Arab economy, quit the project after heads of state chose to base the central bank in Riyadh, dealing a serious blow to a plan that had been languishing since 2001. Diplomatic ties between Saudi and the UAE have remained strained ever since. Now only Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar and Saudi Arabia are forging ahead with the project. Last year, the GCC abandoned a 2010 deadline for issuing common notes and coins, and the monetary council has said fixing new dates for launching the single currency was not a priority. “Saudi Arabia is telling other GCC countries that if this Gulf economic entity was to ever see the day, then its centre of gravity will have to be here in

Riyadh not in Dubai or Abu Dhabi. The Saudis want to dictate the pace of change,” a Riyadh-based Western diplomat said. That dominance will increase pressure on Riyadh to deliver on the project and to prevent any more defections. Recently improved ties between Qatar and Riyadh have helped keep Qatar on board, analysts say. “There is a form of an alliance building up between Saudis and Qataris. Qatar has a very active foreign policy so it is a bonus to the Saudis. Losing Qatar would pose a serious problem to the monetary union,” Dubaibased Alani said. Kuwaiti analyst Ali Al-Nimesh, whose country has made luring the UAE and Oman back a main aim, said it was not wrong for Saudi to play a leading role, but the union should be inclusive. “There is no Gulf currency without the UAE and Oman. The UAE is the second largest oil producer in the Gulf after Saudi. It is also commercially active in export and import and free trade zones and in Gulf tourism. Oman is not less important,” he said. Oman, which opted out in 2006, is seen as close to Iran and

jealously protective of its cultural identity from the influence of Saudi’s austere brand of Wahhabi Islam. Dakhil said Saudi dominance had been natural when its smaller neighbours, including a younger UAE, looked to Riyadh as a natural mentor. But the UAE now wanted more equality. Those who back the Saudi push to dominate decisionmaking in the GCC point to its large native population, its ability to defend Gulf Arab interests as a member of the G20, and a higher concentration of native workforce in its financial system. “Has the UAE managed the repercussions of the global crisis better than Saudi Arabia?” Saudi economist Mohammed Al-Jadeed said. Jawad Al-Anani, an economist who had held ministerial portfolios in Jordan, said a prolonged absence of the UAE from the monetary union would erode Saudi influence in the region. “The UAE’s absence will dilute the gains for Saudi Arabia as a leader of this project. It will expose more what GCC has achieved in 30 years, which to the exception of a perfectible customs union, remain very little,” Anani said. —Reuters

Can Woods win at Augusta after lengthy break? By Mark Lamport-Stokes


he highly anticipated return of Tiger Woods at the US Masters from a selfimposed exile of almost five months has raised one burning question among his peers and many of the fans. Can the greatest player of this generation, and arguably of all time, win a 15th major title with his game showing obvious signs of rust and his emotional state of mind questionable after his spectacular fall of grace at the end of last year? Time will tell once the tournament starts tomorrow, and perhaps even Woods is uncertain how his game will react under the pressure of again trying to contend for a major. He has not played competitively since winning the Australian Masters on Nov 15 following revelations at the end of last year he had had a string of extra-marital affairs. Perhaps the biggest factor, though, in the world number one’s favour is his huge comfort level at Augusta National where he has triumphed four times. Woods is ideally suited to the par-72 layout, which was stretched to a formida-

ble 7,445 yards for the 2006 Masters, making it the second-longest course in major championship golf at the time. The 34-year-old American is among golf’s biggest hitters, has a superbly creative short game and is arguably the best putter of all time from inside 15 feet. Augusta’s biggest challenge comes on the slick, severely sloping greens and Woods has become well acquainted with their nuances since making his Masters debut as an amateur in 1995. On Monday, he played 18 holes of practice with 1992 Masters champion Fred Couples who could easily envisage the prospect of Woods slipping into a fifth green jacket on Sunday. “Tiger is swinging very well,” Couples told reporters after he and Woods had toured the heavily contoured layout with huge galleries trailing in their wake. “He’s the best player in the world ... and he will do well

here at Augusta. “His intimidation factor is always there but you have to play good golf and he hasn’t played much,” added the American, himself a former world number one. “It would be crazy for me to say he’s not going to so well but it would be crazy for me to say he’s the guy to beat because he hasn’t played competitive golf for four or five months. “If he’s in the lead on Sunday, he’ll have no problem. If he’s not, he’ll say: ‘Well, this is what I need to work on’.” South African Ernie Els, one of the hottest players in the game after winning twice in his last three PGA Tour starts, also felt Woods was capable of clinching victory on his return. “Tiger is just a different player,” the three-times major winner said. “He’s the one guy who probably could make a success, but it will be tough.” Britain’s Luke Donald, who set off for a practice round a couple of hours after Woods and Couples had teed off at the par-four first, agreed. “It is tough to get back into the playing routine,” Donald said. “As

much as you practise out on the range, it’s not quite the same as being out on the course. “But I am sure Tiger feels ready, he wouldn’t be back here otherwise.” British Open champion Stewart Cink scoffed at the notion Woods might struggle to shake off the rust in his game at Augusta National. “We’re talking about Tiger Woods, the best player that’s ever played golf,” the American said. “I’ve seen the players who are usually in that conversation. I’ve never seen anybody that plays golf like Tiger Woods does. So yes, I believe he can be a factor (at the Masters).” Undoubtedly the biggest obstacle for Woods to overcome this week will be the mental challenge following his so-far unsuccessful attempts to repair his marriage. “It’s all about where Tiger’s mind is,” mental coach Dr Joe Parent, who helped Fijian Singh become world number one in 2004, told Reuters. “How much can he let everything that’s off the golf course stay off the golf course, and not encounter the flickerings of hope and fear that many of his colleagues are used to but he hasn’t experienced before?” —Reuters



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Karzai remarks risk US-Afghan rift By Robert H Reid


resident Hamid Karzai’s startling threat to join the Taleban if foreigners don’t stop meddling in Afghanistan and his strident criticism of the West’s role have worsened relations with Washington at a time when the US military wants closer cooperation ahead of a potentially decisive offensive this summer. Karzai has been fuming for months about what he considers Washington’s heavy hand. He’s gambling that blaming outsiders for the troubles in a society with a long tradition of resisting occupation will bolster his stature at home - while carrying little risk because the US has no choice but to deal with him. But managing the rift has now become a major problem for both sides, threatening even to rival the threat from the Taleban. President Barack Obama’s strategy depends on working with a strong, reliable Afghan partner to turn back a resurgent Taleban, raising the question of what will happen if that partnership fails. Karzai’s comments suggest that his understanding of partnership differs from Obama’s considerably. On certain issues, Karzai clearly wants Washington to back off. “Troubling” is how White House spokesman Robert Gibbs described reports Monday that Karzai threatened to abandon the political process and join the Taleban insurgency if the West keeps carping at him to reform his government. “On behalf of the American people, we’re frustrated with the remarks,” Gibbs told reporters. “These comments can undercut the kind of support that we think we need on all sides of this equation if we’re going to move forward,” State Department spokesman P.J. Crowley said. “Clearly, you know, what he says does have an impact back here in the United States and he should choose his words carefully.” In Brussels, NATO spokesman James Appathurai said the Western alliance was making an enormous effort to help the Afghan people defeat terrorism, and “we hope and expect that that is recognized by the Afghan people, including at the highest levels”. Karzai has long chafed under what he considers excessive international

pressure. Those complaints escalated Thursday when he lashed out against the UN and the international community, accusing them of perpetrating a “vast fraud” in last year’s presidential polls as part of a conspiracy to deny him re-election or tarnish his victory - accusations the US and the United Nations have denied. Two days later, Karzai told a group of parliament members that if foreign interference in his government continues, the Taleban would become a legitimate resistance - one that he might even join, according to several lawmakers present. “He said that ‘if I come under foreign pressure, I might join the Taleban’,” said Farooq Marenai, who represents the eastern province of Nangarhar. “He said rebellion” against a legitimate Afghan government “would change to resistance” against foreign occupation. Two other parliament members gave the same account but asked that their names not be published to avoid problems with Karzai. Calls to two Karzai spokesmen went unanswered because their mobile phones were shut off. Karzai told CNN on Monday that he has no intention of breaking with Washington, which is pouring 30,000 more troops into the fight against the Taleban. “It’s just to make sure that we all understand as to where each one of us stands,” Karzai said. “Afghanistan is the home of Afghans and we own this place. And our partners are here to help in a cause that’s all of us. We run this country, the Afghans.” The lawmakers agreed that the threat to join the Taleban did not appear serious but reflected Karzai’s anger over US and international pressure on several issues, including electoral reform, combating corruption and contacts with Taleban insurgents. Those differences were sharpened by Obama’s unannounced visit to Kabul on March 28. In advance of the trip, Obama’s national security adviser, James Jones, told reporters that Karzai needed once and for all to confront corruption and “be seized with how important that is.” Karzai’s advisers found the public tongue-lashing humiliating especially coming from a guest. At the same time, the US and its partners have been urging Karzai to reform the electoral system to avoid the corruption that marked the Aug 20 presidential bal-

loting, when a third of the president’s votes were thrown out by a UN-backed anti-fraud watchdog. That forced him under US pressure to accept an embarrassing runoff, which was called off when his remaining challenger complained that the second election would be no cleaner than the first. The US and its partners want changes in place by September, when Afghans choose a new parliament. Karzai associates have said the president considers Western complaints of corruption a smoke screen to discredit his government and draw attention from the fact that most of the billions in international aid have been squandered by the donors themselves and not wasted by his government. Last February, Karzai issued a presidential decree taking control of the anti-fraud body and removing

UN-appointed foreigners from any watchdog role. Karzai’s outbursts over the past week came after the parliament overturned the decree, a move the president believed was in response to international pressure. Moreover, Karzai has been frustrated by the reluctance of the US to endorse negotiations with the Taleban leadership. The Obama administration is keen to offer incentives to rank-and-file Taleban fighters to switch sides but believes negotiations with insurgent leaders are pointless as long as the insurgents believe they are winning. Karzai suspects the US or the Pakistanis engineered the arrest in February of the Taleban’s No. 2 commander, with whom the Afghan leader had been in communication, as a way to cut off or take control of the negotiations, according to Karzai aides. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the information was confidential. Nevertheless, Karzai’s remarks have raised concern among some parliament members, who fear he may overplay his hand by undercutting public support in the United States for the war. “This was an irresponsible speech by President Karzai,” lawmaker Sardar Mohammad Rahman Ogholi said of Thursday’s remarks. “Karzai is feeling isolated and without political allies. ... The fight against terrorism, corruption, and narcotics requires a strong government. Unfortunately, the Karzai government is far too weak to fight all these elements.” The friction comes at a time when the US and NATO are preparing for the war’s most challenging offensive - a major bid to drive the Taleban

from Kandahar, the biggest city in the south, the insurgents’ spiritual birthplace and the Karzai family’s hometown. US commanders believe control of Kandahar is key to defeating the Taleban and that the operation could be the decisive campaign of the war. “We should also keep in mind that we are in Afghanistan to defeat AlQaeda and prevent them from using Afghanistan as a safe haven from which to again attack us,” said Rep. Ike Skelton, chairman of the House armed services committee. “I do not think that we should allow some intemperate remarks clearly designed for domestic political purposes to undermine what I continue to believe is the best strategy to protect American security.” US commanders have said repeatedly that the operation cannot succeed without improvements in local governance to win over public support. To do that, NATO needs the backing of Karzai, who is also chief of a tribe that lives in the Kandahar area. Efforts to sideline ineffectual local leaders could put NATO in conflict with the interests of the Karzai family, including the president’s wheelerdealer half brother Ahmad Wali Karzai, who heads the local provincial council. Yet the West has little choice but to work with the unpredictable president, whom Washington and its allies hand-picked after the fall of the Taleban nearly nine years ago and who began a second five-year term only four months ago. In a country without established political parties, there are few credible alternatives to support. On Sunday, Karzai flew to Kandahar with a delegation of top NATO figures for a meeting, or shura, with about 2,000 officials and tribal leaders. He promised that there would be no offensive without community support. US commanders were pleased that Karzai appeared ready to do his part - for now. “Karzai acknowledged he’s the commander in chief, that’s helpful,” Maj Gen William Mayville, NATO deputy chief of staff for operations, said after the meeting. “You’ve got to have the community really wanting in, otherwise things are stalled. ... Karzai’s convinced, he’s onboard. We would not have had this (meeting) if he wasn’t convinced this is the right stuff.” —AP

US faces domestic fallout from Karzai outburst By Sue Pleming and Susan Cornwell


rritated by Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s anti-Western outbursts, the Obama administration is expecting some fallout in the US Congress and further erosion of public support for the war. With congressional elections looming in November, many from President Barack Obama’s Democratic Party see a fight at the polls not only on economic issues but also on whether the war in Afghanistan is worth it. Karzai’s tone may weigh on that. Karzai accused embassies of perpetrating election fraud in Afghanistan last year and of seeking to weaken him, claims the White House said were “just not true” and “disturbing”.

“These public comments have a certain constituency in Afghanistan but it could have a ripple effect on Capitol Hill,” said a senior US official, who asked not to be named. “We are seeking funds for Afghanistan as it is in our interest but obviously we will need to sustain political support on Capitol Hill and these comments will not be well received.” The Afghan leader also told tribal elders on Sunday that government officials should not let “foreigners” interfere in their work, statements likely to get close scrutiny when US lawmakers return next week after the spring break. What is embarrassing for Washington is the timing of Karzai’s comments, less than a week after Obama made his first trip to Afghanistan since he

took office in Jan 2009. Obama pressed Karzai to follow through on promises after last year’s fraud-plagued election to tackle corruption and govern in a way that helped rather than hindered the US counter-insurgency strategy. David Obey, who chairs the powerful House of Representatives committee that appropriates money for the war, echoed some of the doubts in Congress. “Mr Karzai’s performance demonstrates why I have raised the question of whether or not, in the government of Afghanistan, we have a tool that is in any way reliable in implementing our policies in that region,” Obey said. Representative Ike Skelton urged Karzai to retract or clarify his statements but suggested Americans should not overre-

act. “I do not think that we should allow some intemperate remarks clearly designed for domestic political purposes to undermine what I continue to believe is the best strategy to protect American security,” Skelton said. Senator Russ Feingold, an outspoken proponent of a timetable to bring US troops home, said even before Karzai’s recent comments that the Obama administration’s strategy depended upon a “lessthan-reliable partner”. “Rather than pursuing a large-scale, open-ended military strategy in Afghanistan, we should focus on achievable counterterrorism goals,” said Feingold. The White House, fighting to keep public opinion on its side, has acknowledged frustration with Karzai. “I think that families all over this country have

watched their loved ones go off a long way away to serve bravely in our armed forces and to help a country establish peace and security,” said White House spokesman Robert Gibbs. But experts agree that for the US counter-insurgency strategy to work, Washington needs the support of Karzai and his government and that US criticism can go only so far. “You can’t have a population-centric strategy without the support of an Afghan government and the problem at this point is that both sides are playing hardball and doing it from different perspectives,” said Anthony Cordesman of the Center for Strategic and International Studies. Analyst Brian Katulis of the Center for American Progress said the Obama team was trying its best to work with Karzai and

to play down the latest conflict. “Karzai will be with us for the next five years and I think it is a more difficult road to embark on if they try to undermine Karzai,” said Katulis. “Many see the comments for what they are worth - trying to shore up his domestic political base.” Afghanistan expert Lisa Curtis of the Heritage Foundation predicted US public opinion would swing more on how military efforts pan out rather than any war of words. “If we have a really tough summer, that will affect public opinion even more than what Karzai is saying. That is more of a driver,” she said of US military action against the Taleban that will focus on Kandahar, Afghanistan’s second-biggest city, in the coming months. —Reuters

Karzai now battling to save face at home By Steven R Hurst


n the surface, Afghan President Hamid Karzai’s angry, anti-Western flare-up after last week’s visit by US President Barack Obama might be dismissed as a minor glitch, a verbal clash of political cultures. But Karzai lost face during Obama’s lightning visit. Now, he must show the Afghan people that he is not a puppet of Washington, his protector in the intricate mire of Afghan politics. This does nothing to help close fissures that are deep and serious. Obama and Karzai are at odds over the way forward in Afghanistan. The US soon will have 100,000 troops battling militant Taleban insurgents and their Al-Qaeda allies across the border with Pakistan. Karzai wants to open negotiations with the Taleban. Experts are puzzled about why Obama would have - so publicly taken the prickly and mercurial Karzai to the woodshed, pressing him to do more to battle corruption and cronyism in his government. The meeting was “mishandled”, said Jessica Matthews, president of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. “It’s a bizarre relationship now. Here we are with Americans fighting and dying for his country, and here we are, too, with the deepest levels of distrust on both sides.” Karzai was put in place by President George W Bush. Since Obama took office, Karzai’s stock has fallen. The administration has routinely criticized Karzai - subliminally or in coded language - for failing to eradi-

cate corruption. Then, just before Obama and Karzai met last week in Kabul, US National Security Adviser James Jones got blunt. The Afghan president needed conclusively to confront corruption and “be seized with how important that is”, Jones said. Obama stayed just six hours. Karzai seethed for three days, then hit back. In a blistering attack, he lashed out at the U.N. and international community, accusing them of interfering in last year’s fraudtarnished presidential election and trying to weaken his authority. State Department spokesman P J Crowley returned the volley, saying, “Karzai has to step forward, lead his government in terms of convincing the international community and the Afghan people that they are taking measurable steps to reduce corruption.” The White House said it was deeply troubled, and Karzai and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke by telephone Friday to straighten things out. But Karzai wasn’t finished. Afghan lawmakers said Karzai, in a subsequent closed-door meeting, twice threatened to join the Taleban insurgency if the US continued pressuring him publicly to do more to end

graft, cronyism and electoral fraud. The While House again voiced consternation. “On behalf of the American people, we’re frustrated with the remarks,” Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs said Monday. And Crowley said, “Clearly, you know, what he says does have an impact back here in the United States and he should choose his words carefully.” But short of deposing him - the US is stuck with Karzai, and he knows it. And while the White House asserts its frustration, Karzai feels the same way. He and the White House are at loggerheads over tactics for ending the eight-year-old war. The Afghan leader has been courting some members of the militant Taleban leadership and one powerful warlord, looking for a way to bring them into the government and end fighting, on some fronts at least. The Obama administration is sending 30,000 more American troops into the fight - the total will soon hit 100,000 to focus on dislodging the Taleban from southern strongholds. At the same time, the CIA is successfully targeting Al-Qaeda leaders and foot soldiers who have taken refuge in ungoverned tribal

regions across the Pakistan border. Strikes by the agency’s unmanned aircraft are thinning the ranks of the terrorist group’s leadership and producing chaos in the organization that carried out the Sept 11, 2001, terror attacks in the United States. US strategists believe the Taleban, which hosted Al-Qaeda when it controlled Afghanistan, needs to be further weakened and discredited among the Afghan people. Only then does it make sense to negotiate with the insurgents. Meanwhile, additional US forces have helped blunt Taleban ground advances, and have taken the offensive in recent weeks. American troops had spent years on the defensive against the resilient Taleban, which bounced back after it was driven from power in the US-led invasion in 2001. Karzai’s noisy uproar changed locations but not tone Sunday when he joined US commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal in Kandahar, where US forces are expected to open an offensive in June. Karzai finally put his complaint right out in the open, showing the extent of the US-Afghan chasm. “Afghanistan will be fixed when its people trust that their president is independent and not a puppet,” Karzai told an assembly of tribal leaders. “We have to demonstrate our sovereignty. We have to demonstrate that we are standing up for our values.” Karzai hasn’t blinked. Nor has the Obama White House in what has become a test of wills, a matter of pride and bets about which side holds the stronger hand. —Reuters


Yuan revaluation to yield limited gains By Alister Bull and David Lawder


hina’s revaluation of the yuan could yield longterm benefits for both China and the world economy, but analysts say it won’t restore vanished US manufacturing jobs if past experience is any guide. The Obama administration said on Saturday it would delay publication of an annual currency report, which US lawmakers had demanded be used to name China as a currency manipulator. Lawmakers argue Beijing deliberately holds down the value of its yuan currency to boost Chinese exports, unfairly harming US companies and costing American jobs. Critics of this stance point to evidence from 2005-08, which was the last time China let the yuan rise. This experiment neither quickly aided US exports, nor curbed massive Chinese trade surpluses, and probably limits the odds of a significant move over the currency from Beijing. “Anyone looking for a revolutionary change in policy may be very disappointed,” said Tim Adams, a former Treasury undersecretary for international affairs under Obama’s predecessor George W Bush. Analysts say the Chinese experience with a rising yuan failed because it was not allowed to crawl higher at a fast enough pace. But they acknowledge plenty of Chinese think it shows foreign-exchange adjustments simply do not work. “There is a raging debate between the technicians, the technocrats and the academics who are arguing for change, and those who want to maintain the status quo,” said Adams. US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner, in explaining his decision to delay the release of the April 15 report, said he would continue to encourage China through the Group of 20 that developed and emerging economies should shift toward a more market-oriented exchange rate. Nicholas Lardy, a China expert at the Peterson Institute for International Economics in Washington, cautioned not to

expect any yuan movement until Beijing saw clear evidence of sustainable economic recovery in Europe and the United States. Lardy said there were compelling arguments for China to relax the yuan’s peg against the dollar. But he saw no prospect that this would return employment to the United States that was lost years ago to cheap imports from foreign producers like China. “That is a fallacy,” he said. “Production is going to shift to the next lowest cost center, probably somewhere else in Asia. But that is not going to be the United States. “Chinese appreciation would help from a global point of view by reducing imbalances, but should not be regarded as the principle solution to the US current account deficit.” The current account is the broadest measure of US external trade. It measures how much America must borrow from the rest of the world to fund its spending. A large US current account deficit and a massive Chinese surplus are seen as unsustainable in the long run. G20 leaders, including China, pledged in September to pursue policies that would lead to a better balance in world growth. Analysts translate that as a commitment from Beijing to let the yuan rise at some point in the future, but offer no firm predictions on timing. China has held the yuan near 6.83 against the dollar since July 2008, when desire for stability amid the global financial crisis prompted it to suspend a three-year experiment in which the yuan rose 21 percent versus the US currency. A weaker dollar makes US exports cheaper, while raising the cost of imports for US consumers. But the yuan move begun in 2005 had not translated into a significant improvement in the US trade balance by the time Beijing restored the yuan/dollar peg. The US current account deficit grew in 2006 and remained high through most of 2008, before beginning to drop as a steep US recession curbed American spending on imports. —Reuters

Policy outlook murky as opposition unravels By Linda Sieg lans by a band of ageing lawmakers to bolt from Japan’s main opposition party are the latest sign the once-mighty force is unravelling, but that doesn’t mean the ruling party can relax ahead of a midyear poll. Sagging support for Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) seven months after it swept to power is eroding its chances of a decisive victory in the upper house poll expected in July. If the DPJ falls far short of a majority in the chamber, which can delay bills, they might need to find new partners, raising the prospect of even greater policymaking confusion as the country grapples with a frail economy recovery and a huge public debt already worrying investors. “Japanese coalitions are rarely based on policies,” said Tsuneo Watanabe at the Tokyo Foundation think tank. “Numbers (of lawmakers) and personal ties come first, and policy follows.” Voter doubts about Hatoyama’s leadership and distaste for funding scandals have eroded backing for his party. However, the public is also loth to see an LDP comeback, which had enjoyed a half-century of near-unbroken rule until its 2009 defeat, prompting opposition lawmakers to bolt in hopes of faring better under a new label. Former Finance Minister Kaoru Yosano, 71, who favours raising the 5 percent sales tax to get Japan out of its fiscal hole, is preparing to start a new party with Takeo Hiranuma, 70, an ultra-conservative who touts “traditional values” and left the LDP in 2005 because he opposed privatising the postal system. Few expect a groundswell of support for the new party, dubbed the “Silver New Party” by media wags noting the average age of members is 69, given its stale image and policy ambiguity. The “Your Party”, a small reformist band of LDP rebels


who defected last year, looks more likely to benefit from voter disgust with the two main parties. And popular ex-health minister Yoichi Masuzoe could gain support if he makes good a threat to start a pro-reform group. “I suspect the new parties, especially Your Party ... will do pretty well since voters don’t like either of the two big parties,” said Columbia University professor Gerry Curtis. “The DPJ won’t get a majority but it will patch something together. The big issues won’t get resolved and will keep dragging Japan down.” Hatoyama has little time to repair his limp image. The premier faces a selfimposed deadline of the end of May for resolving a feud with close security ally Washington over relocating the US Marines’ Futenma airbase on Okinawa island in southern Japan. Failure to do so could force him to resign. The government is also working on a mid-term plan to repair state finances despite campaign pledges to give consumers more cash without raising the sales tax until the next lower house poll, to be held by late 2013. The LDP’s fragmentation increases the Democrats’ options for expanding or rejigging the existing coalition with banking minister Shizuka Kamei’s pro-spending People’s New Party and the small Social Democrats if they fall far short of a majority. As in the existing coalition, small partners may punch above their weight in terms of policy, making agenda-setting messier and frustrating investors’ and voters’ hopes for clarity. Linking up with the Your Party could dilute the outspoken Kamei’s clout, but drafting another potential ally, the New Komeito party, could tip the government toward more spending. The New Komeito, a former partner of the LDP, has already backed some of the Democrats’ spending plans to help consumers. —Reuters



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Israeli FM warns against declaring Palestinian state

RAFAH: Medical personnel check newborn conjoined-twin Palestinian girls Retag and Retal in an ambulance at the Rafah border crossing in southern Gaza Strip, as they wait to cross into Egypt yesterday. Saudi King Abdullah has facilitated the transfer of the twins from the Gaza Strip to a Riyadh hospital where surgeons will attempt to separate them, local newspapers reported. — AFP

Cleric warns Iran will strike Israel if attacked JERUSALEM: Israel’s hardline foreign minister warned Palestinians against plans to unilaterally declare independence next year, saying in an interview yesterday that such a move could prompt Israel to annex parts of the West Bank and annul past peace agreements. Avigdor Lieberman also made harsh comments about Turkey, Israel’s increasingly alienated ally, saying the Turkish prime minister was coming to resemble Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi. Lieberman, who heads an ultranationalist party, has become known for a belligerent tone that has earned him critics abroad and inside Israel. His remarks yesterday on Palestinian independence took aim at a Palestinian policy that has emerged as US attempts to restart peace talks have stalled. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, whose Western-backed administration has a limited governing role in the Israeli-controlled West Bank, announced plans to unilaterally declare a Palestinian state, possibly as early as 2011 - even without a peace deal. Lieberman warned that if Palestinians declared independence, Israel could revoke 1990s peace agreements or annex parts of the West Bank. “Any unilateral decision will release us from all of our commitments and will allow us also to make unilateral decisions,” Lieberman was quoted as saying by the Ynet news Web site. “For example, imposing Israeli sovereignty on certain areas, cutting off all kinds of ties and transfers of money and a string of benefits and agreements put into place since the (peace) accords.” An official in Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office said it is Israel’s long-standing policy that unilateral moves by the Palestinians would draw similar action from Israel. He spoke on condition of anonymity because Netanyahu’s office released no official comment on Lieberman’s remarks. The Palestinians claim all of the West Bank and east Jerusalem - areas captured by Israel in the 1967 Mideast war - as part of their future

state. The Palestinians have demanded that Israel halt all settlement construction in the two areas before peace talks can resume. Negotiations between Israelis and Palestinians have been on hold since late 2008. The Obama administration has pressed Israel to stop building. The Jewish state has imposed a 10-month slowdown on West Bank construction, but the order does not include east Jerusalem. “I think we have to make clear to Obama that we are not only not freezing construction in Jerusalem, but after the 10-month freeze we will go back to building” in the West Bank, Lieberman said. He also criticized Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan for his increasingly confrontational stance toward Israel, saying he was damaging decades of “excellent” ties and is “slowly turning into Gaddafi or Hugo Chavez”, a reference to the leaders of Libya and Venezuela. Lieberman said Erdogan should deal with Turkey’s “problems with the Kurds” rather than “preach” to Israel. Kurdish rebels have been fighting for autonomy in southeast Turkey for more than two decades, killing tens of thousands. Turkey’s Foreign Ministry dismissed Lieberman’s statements as “inappropriate and impertinent remarks which bear no truth,” and called on Israel to “trade their meaningless and unacceptable attitude with common sense.” Israel and Turkey have built strong military and economic ties, but tensions have been increasing since Erdogan began publicly censuring Israel over its military offensive in Gaza more than a year ago. Meanwhile, a top official with Iran’s elite Revolutionary Guard reiterated yesterday his warning that Tehran would strike archenemy Israel if the Jewish state and its Western allies attacked Iran. The remarks by cleric Mojtaba Zolnour were not unusual. Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has since 2005 often called for Israel’s destruction and predicted the demise for the Jewish state. “The enemies

know if they fire a missile toward Iran, the dust from explosions by Iranian missiles will rise in Tel Aviv” even as “their missile is still in the air,” Zolnour was quoted as saying by the semiofficial Fars news agency. The same cleric issued a similar warning in October, when he said Iran would “blow up the heart of Israel” if the United States or the Jewish state attacked it first. Tehran has missiles with a range of up to 2,000 km, making Israel well within their reach. Iran and the West are at odds over the country’s controversial nuclear program, which the US and some of its allies fear is a cover to develop nuclear weapons. Iran denies the charges, saying the program is geared toward generating electricity, not a bomb. Separately, the Israeli military said late Monday its two investigations found wrongdoing by soldiers in the killing of four Palestinians in the West Bank last month. One probe looked into a March 20 incident in which two Palestinians were shot dead. Troops claimed they fired rubber bullets to disperse a riot, but the investigation said they were “apparently” live rounds, terming the incident “unnecessary” and saying it will be investigated further. The following day in the same area, troops killed two men they believed were trying to attack them. The military said it was weighing disciplinary steps in that case. Also yesterday, the family of a 62-year-old Palestinian with a French passport said he died after soldiers wouldn’t let him through a West Bank checkpoint because he did not have Palestinian documents. Palestinian medical officials said Mohammed Olayat’s death was caused by a heart attack but could not say if it was related to the checkpoint delay. A military statement expressed sorrow but said his death was unrelated to the delay. It said the man was eventually allowed through a different checkpoint and received medical treatment. His son said Olayat had a history of heart problems. — AP

Meeting to focus on discipline, priorities Continued from Page 1 rules during sessions. At present, any action against such MPs must be accepted by the Assembly. MP Maasouma AlMubarak said she totally supports Zalzalah’s proposal and regretted that arguments have reached such a low level. In another development, Islamist MP Jamaan Al-Harbash said he will hold a press conference on Sunday to reveal what he claimed as violations in the planned deal to buy a number of Frenchmade Rafale warplanes. A number of MPs have warned the government against the deal, and some of them have warned they will grill either the prime minister or the defense minister if the deal is signed. The lawmaker said he and other MPs have obtained documents about the deal that have been concealed by the ministry of defense from the Audit Bureau, adding that it will be a big catastrophe that a $5 billion deal is signed by hiding informa-

tion from the Assembly. Harbash also said his Reform and Development Bloc began collecting signatures for a request to allocate two hours in the April 27 session to debate a steep rise in prices. The lawmaker said that the current wave of price hike is highly inflated and unjustified, and the ministry of commerce must bear its responsibilities. Harbash said that the request asks the financial and economic affairs committee to prepare a report about the causes of the price rises. Meanwhile, MP Mohammad Hayef has asked Electricity and Water Minister Bader Al-Azemi about allowing employees who have been suspended pending a criminal investigation to resume duty at the Shuaiba power plant. Hayef said the public prosecution has been conducting an investigation with a number of employees on suspicion of financial violations and wrongdoing. The lawmaker asked the minister about the reasons of

allowing those employees to resume work and if the public prosecution has cancelled the suspension. Separately, Deputy Prime Minister for Legal Affairs, Minister of Justice and Minister of Awqaf and Islamic Affairs Advisor Rashid Al-Hammad issued yesterday a ministerial decree setting up a tribunal for financial markets. A Justice Ministry statement said the decision was the implementation of the Law No. (7) for the year 2010 on the establishment of capital markets and regulation of the activity of securities. The statement added that the law stipulated creation of a competent court consisting of non-criminal, criminal and appeals departments and will be based in the Palace of Justice as a temporary headquarters. He explained that the court will also include a special prosecution to be called money prosecution to investigate and prosecute crimes looked into by the court of financial markets and appeal the verdicts as well.

Video posted of deadly US strike Continued from Page 1 The Apache pilots also appear to mistake a camera carried by one of the Reuters employees as a rocket-propelled grenade launcher or RPG. At one point, the Apache pilots tell controllers they have spotted “five to six individuals with AK-47s” and ask for permission to “engage”. The Apache pilots open fire with the helicopter’s cannon after which one says there are a “bunch of bodies lying there”. “Look at those dead bastards,” one says. Another replies: “Nice.” One of the pilots urges a wounded man to “pick up a weapon” so he can justify opening fire again. Shortly after the initial shooting, a van pulls up to pick up the dead and wounded. The Apache helicopters requested permission to attack the van and waited impatiently. “Come on, let us shoot,” said one voice. The fliers were granted permission to engage the van and opened fire, apparently killing several people in and around the vehicle. Two children wounded in the van were evacuated by US ground forces arriving at the scene as the Apache helicopters continued to circle overhead. “Well it’s their

fault for bringing their kids into a battle,” one of the US fliers said. A US military official did not dispute the authenticity of the video but said it “doesn’t give new information, it just gives footage”. “Since 2007, we acknowledged everything that’s in the video,” the official said. “We acknowledged that the strike took place and that there were two Reuters employees (killed).” “We know that two kids were injured,” the official said. “The RPG in the video is real,” the official added. “We had insurgents and reporters in an area where US forces were about to be ambushed. At the time we weren’t able to discern whether (the Reuters employees) were carrying cameras or weapons,” the official said. In a statement, Reuters news editor-inchief David Schlesinger said “the deaths of Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh three years ago were tragic and emblematic of the extreme dangers that exist in covering war zones. “The video released today via WikiLeaks is graphic evidence of the dangers involved in war journalism and the tragedies that can result,” he said. WikiLeaks, run by Sunshine Press, describes itself as a “non-profit organization

funded by human rights campaigners, investigative journalists, technologists and the general public.” The release of the video comes shortly after WikiLeaks released a Pentagon report that cited the whistleblower site as a possible security threat to US troops. The 2008 report by the US Army Counterintelligence Center said WikiLeaks poses a potential danger to safeguarding troops, protecting sensitive information, and “operational security”. Following the release of the video, Clothilde Le Coz of media rights group Reporters Without Borders urged the Pentagon to show “more transparency” about the shooting and called on the Obama administration to “show its commitment to justice”. The Iraqi Journalists’ Union called on the Iraqi government to investigate. “This is another crime added to the crimes of the US forces against Iraqi journalists and civilians,” the head of the journalists’ union Mouyyad Al-Lami said. “I call upon the government to take a firm stance against the criminals who killed the journalists.” Government spokesman Ali Al-Dabbagh could not immediately be reached for comment. — Agencies

Brown calls UK polls for May 6 Continued from Page 1 contrasting his role in steering Britain to safety after the global financial crisis with what he says is 43-year-old Cameron’s inexperience. Cameron, who has extensively modernised the party of Margaret Thatcher since becoming leader in 2005, called it “the most important general election for a generation”. “It is about the future of our economy, it’s about the future of our society, it’s about the future of our country,” he said. “It comes down to this. You don’t have to put up with another five years of Gordon Brown.” Whoever wins faces tackling a budget deficit of around £167 billion ($254 billion). Cameron wants swift cuts to public services but Brown says these must be delayed to protect the fragile recovery. Brown - whose campaign team has been inspired by Barack Obama’s US presidential election victory - kicked off official campaigning at a supermarket in Kent,

southeast England. Cameron headed for a hospital in Birmingham, central England, while Nick Clegg of the centrist third party Liberal Democrats was meeting young people in Watford, north of London. Experts and polls suggest the election will be the closest for a long time. “I think this is going to be the most thrilling election Britain has had for more than 20 years,” Fraser Nelson, editor of rightwing political magazine the Spectator, told AFP. “The two parties are far closer than anyone would have thought possible at this stage in the game.” Bookmakers Paddy Power make the Conservatives favourite to win the most seats in the vote but say the chances of a hung parliament - where no one party has an overall majority -are high. The Conservatives held a double-digit opinion poll lead for much of Brown’s premiership but that fell to single figures after January’s announcement that Britain had emerged from its worst recession since World War II. While a Daily

Express/Opinium poll yesterday gave the Tories a 10-point lead, a Guardian/ICM poll put Labour just four points behind Cameron’s party, an outcome which would trigger a hung parliament. The Conservatives need a huge swing of 6.9 percent to secure victory - equivalent to the landslide which swept Labour led by Blair to power in 1997. Labour currently has 345 seats in the House of Commons, a working majority of 56, compared to the Conservatives’ 193. If there is a hung parliament for the first time since 1974, the Liberal Democrats could play a key role in a minority or coalition government. Clegg told reporters yesterday: “Now is the time for all those people who want real change and real fairness in Britain to choose something different and turn to the Liberal Democrats.” One highlight of the campaign is likely to be the first-ever televised debates between Brown, Cameron and Clegg. They will go head-to-head in three live shows on April 15, 22 and 29. — AFP

25 killed in US mine blast Continued from Page 1 hope,” he said. “We are hoping that we can still, by a miracle, recover some miners.” Shares of Massey Energy fell more than 10 percent on the New York Stock Exchange. The Richmond, Virginia-based Massey is the largest coal producer in Central Appalachia, operating in West Virginia, Kentucky and Virginia. Analysts said Massey might suffer a short-term financial hit, but Wall Street was bullish on the company’s long-term ability to ramp up production to reap higher prices for steel-making coal. Massey said on its website its accident rate fell to an all-time low in 2009, which was the sixth consecutive year its safety record was stronger than the industry average. But according to federal records, the Upper Big Branch Mine has had three fatalities since 1998 and has a worse than average injury rate over the last 10 years. Two miners died in roof collapses in 1998 and 2001, and a third was electrocuted in 2003 when repairing an underground car. Kevin Stricklin of the US Mine and Safety Health Administration said: “Something

went very wrong here for us to have the magnitude of this explosion. We’ll leave no stone unturned to get to the bottom and tell you exactly what was not going right here.” The governor said 18 miners remained inside the Upper Big Branch Mine, and 14 of them were dead. “We don’t know the fate of four,” Manchin said. Michelle McKenney, daughter of Benny Willingham, who was among those killed, said she was angry at Massey for not contacting them. “No one from Massey has called my mother or any of us children or his mother. He still has a mother that is home grieving,” she said. The federal government was ready to assist in the rescue operation, President Barack Obama said at a White House gathering of religious leaders for a prayer breakfast. “Pray for the safe return for the missing, the men and women who’ve put their lives on the line to save them, and the souls of those who’ve been lost in this tragic accident,” the president said. The mine, owned by Massey’s Performance Coal subsidiary, has two emergency chambers stocked with food, water and enough air to survive for four

days, and rescuers hoped the missing miners had made their way there. Massey CEO Don Blankenship said the company was “taking every action to locate and rescue those still missing”. Ellen Smith, the editor of Mine Safety and Health News, said the Upper Big Branch mine had been repeatedly cited for safety violations going back years and continuing this year. The death toll is the highest in a US mine since 1984, when 27 died in a fire at Emery Mining Corp’s mine in Orangeville, Utah. If the four missing bring the total to 29, it would be the most killed in a US coalmine since a 1970 explosion killed 38 at Finley Coal Co, in Hyden, Kentucky. The Montcoal disaster occurred just as China was celebrating the rescue of more than 100 miners from a flooded coal mine. The miners endured more than a week underground. Five miners died in the Chinese mine in Xiangning, in the northern province of Shanxi, and 33 were still missing. In the worst coalmine disaster in US history, 362 miners died in an explosion in 1906 in West Virginia’s Monongah mine. — Agencies

Women judges stir old debate in Egypt Continued from Page 1 Council, which is the judicial body that settles legal cases brought against the government. Twenty-five women applied to become judges on the council, but the body’s general assembly voted in February to ban women from serving on the court. Women’s groups picketed the State Council, defending their right for the position. They argued that the women had passed all the necessary standardized tests to become council judges. “They say their decision to ban women from the bench is out of compassion for us, they want to spare women the tiring, difficult work,” columnist Amal AbdelHadi wrote in the independent daily, AlMasry Al-Youm. “These judges have obviously not worked as a public school teacher, a nurse or a midwife. Thirty percent of homes in Egypt have women as heads of households,” she wrote, “and the reality is that Egyptian women will even travel abroad, leaving their families behind, to find a way to feed them.” The council’s supervisory body overruled the assembly on Feb 22, and council chief Mohamed Al-Husseini called the ban unconstitutional. That sparked legal action by the judges in the assembly to oust him. Finally, the prime minister referred the question to the Constitutional Court. On March 14, it ruled that all citizens are equal before the law, and backed the State Council’s supervisory body’s jurisdiction over the issue. The flap was similar to an uproar in 2007 when the head of the Supreme Judicial Council gave 31 women judge or chief judge positions. The women had been working for years as state prosecutors and passed special testing with high

marks to qualify as judges. The nomination raised heavy opposition from many judges, but the women eventually attained their posts. Egypt’s top Islamic cleric at the time the late Sheikh Mohammed Tantawi issued a religious ruling that nothing in the Holy Quran bars women from becoming judges. As head of Al-Azhar, the leading Muslim center of religious thought, Tantawi’s rulings carried substantial weight in the Muslim world and his statement at the time lent legitimacy to feminist campaigns to get women on the bench. This time, many opponents of women judges avoided religious arguments and instead warned of the dire social impact. “A woman’s role in the family is vital,” Judge Mahmoud Al-Khudairy, former deputy head of Egypt’s Cassation Court, who also spoke out against women judges in 2007, said. “Who will take care of the family if they take on these other roles?” Hossam Bahgat, director of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights, warned that the victory in the State Council did not represent a societal change. “I caution against portraying what is happening as a progressive enlightened situation,” he said. He noted that President Hosni Mubarak has never appointed a female governor, for example, which might go further in changing the image of woman as unable to hold important decision-making posts. Still, he said, the debate is good. “At least the tension inside the judicial community and the different schools and views in society is in fact a positive sign,” Bahgat said. There was a similar hysterical fear of social collapse in 2000, when Egyptian law changed to allow a woman to file for divorce if she agrees to forfeit her

financial rights and repay any dowry. Before, only men were allowed to initiate divorce. The law also took steps toward ensuring payment of child support. People said “that it’s going to break too many homes, that women are too emotional to take on such a decision as divorce,” Baghat said. “But once women started to practice this right they proved they were as capable as men of taking on such an important decision, if not more.” Before that, a law that allowed women married to foreigners to pass their Egyptian citizenship to their children raised outcry among some that women would be used to bring foreigners into society. “Patriarchy is still very much part of our culture,” said El-Gebali, the first woman judge, noting that no sector of society is immune from the perception of women as lesser citizens with weaker natures. “Judges remain a product of their environments, and with the wave of extremism in religion in Egypt these days, women will always pay the price.” El-Gebali has long been a leader for women in the justice system. She was the first woman appointed to Egypt’s Lawyers Syndicate leadership in 1989. She and 24 other female lawyers applied for judges positions in 1998 - the first women to do so, and it took her five years to finally gain a post. She says her experience is that, with time, men in the courtroom - from plaintiffs and defendants to lawyers to fellow judges - came to accept her presence and respect the knowledge she brings to her occupation. “Now they know they have to be prepared when entering a court I preside over,” she said. “They say, Watch out, El-Gebali is coming! You better be prepared!” — AP

Maoist rebels kill 76 police Continued from Page 1 More soldiers were killed when they stepped on land mines the Maoists planted throughout the ambush zone, he said. R K Vij, the inspector general of the Chhattisgarh police, said 17 more soldiers who went to recover the bodies were killed in land mine explosions. More than 500 guerrillas - known as Naxalites - were involved in the attacks, said Vij. He said 76 soldiers were killed and seven wounded, three critically. The government found no rebel bodies. Indian Home Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram, the nation’s top law enforcement official, said the soldiers were part of a joint operation involving state forces and paramilitary fighters. “But something has gone very wrong. They seemed to have walked into a trap set by the Naxalites. Casualties are quite high and I am deeply shocked,” he said. Few other details were available from the isolated, thickly forested area. The rebels rarely speak to the press. Inspired by Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Zedong, the rebels have tapped into the rural poor’s growing anger at being left out of the country’s economic gains and are now present in 20 of the country’s 28 states. Named after Naxalbari, the village in West

Bengal state where their movement was born in 1967, they have an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 fighters. While many are poorly armed - often going into battle with handmade weapons forged from plumbing pipes they regularly launch bloody attacks on government forces. In February, they killed at least 24 police officers in West Bengal state in an attack on their camp. The government dismisses Naxalite claims to speak for the country’s poor, arguing they do little but wreak havoc in some of India’s most impoverished regions. “The Maoist ideology is a dead-end ideology. The killing of innocent people as well as destruction of public property, including schools, bridges, roads and culverts has really nothing to offer to people whom they claim to represent,” Pillai said. The soldiers attacked yesterday were part of the government’s “Operation Green Hunt” offensive, which is aimed at flushing the militants out of their forest hideouts. Prime Minister Singh expressed “shock and grief over the horrific incident,” his spokesman said. The rightwing opposition Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) said the attack was an assault on democracy and it urged the government to launch an “all out offensive”. “There is no scope for discussion or debate

anymore. First we have to hit them hard. This must be a fight to the finish,” spokesman Rajiv Pratap Rudy told reporters. Several experts questioned the government offensive, saying inadequately trained and poorly equipped soldiers were often sitting ducks for Maoists much more familiar with the terrain. “It’s a flawed operation,” said K P S Gill, a retired senior police officer involved in operations in several insurgencyhit areas. The heat alone, he said, would weaken soldiers on long patrols. April temperatures in the area often hit 43 degrees Celsius. Rahul Bedi, an analyst with Jane’s Information Group, a specialist defence and intelligence publisher, said India would need to re-think Operation Green Hunt to counter the guerrilla tactics of the Maoists. “India’s police and paramilitary forces fighting the Maoists are under-equipped and they lack training,” he told AFP. “India needs more people and more sophisticated weapons.” In the past few months that the Indian government has cracked down on the rebels it has also said it was ready to discuss all their demands, but only if they gave up violence. About 2,000 people - including police, militants and civilians - have been killed over the past few years. — Agencies



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

India gears up for Formula One fever SINGAPORE: Formula One continues to break new ground away from its traditional European base and as Asia expands its interest with the addition of the Korean Grand Prix this season, India is next in line to join the fray from 2011. The series’ supremo Bernie Ecclestone has championed India’s cause for a number of years and as a man accustomed to getting his own way, the Briton is highly likely to witness the sub continent’s maiden grand prix in October next year. Organised by industrial conglomerate the Jaypee Group, who signed a 10-year

contract to host the race, initial problems over exchange control issues and an unsupportive sports ministry have been resolved and construction for the circuit is well under way. “We fully expect the race to go ahead next October,” vice president of JPSK Sports, a Jaypee Group subsidiary, Mark Hughes told Reuters by telephone from the Delhi-based company’s offices. “The circuit is part of a sports city being constructed 35 kilometres outside the Indian capital on a 2,800 acre site with areas set aside for the Formula One track and a

100,000-seater international cricket stadium,” Hughes added. Hughes is the former operations director of the Bahrain Grand Prix, which has been part of the Formula One calendar since 2004, and believes JSPK Sports’ campaign to host a race had been aided by the company’s determination of help India succeed. “(Jaypee Group founder) Jaiprakash Gaur is passionate about sport and he has a dream to develop Indian youngsters with talent and prospects to progress,” Hughes added. “The sports hub is part of that

dream.” Construction started in Nov. 2009 and initial plans to host a race this season were put on the back burner for a year as the Indian government is focusing its attention on the Commonwealth Games in Delhi from Oct. 3-14. “The circuit is a private venture and has a budget of $350 million, so without government assistance we fully expect to stay within cost,” Hughes said. “We expect to complete construction by July 2011 and once (Formula One governing body) FIA has given its approval we can finalise training for marshals, track officials and medical staff in time for an October

race.” Hughes forecast an attendance figure of around 120,000 spectators for race day and believes the sport ministry’s initial cool response to an Indian race would be warmed by the increase in tourism for the event. The track itself has been designed by renowned German architect Hermann Tilke, who was responsible for the circuits in Bahrain, Istanbul, Shanghai, Malaysia, Valencia, Abu Dhabi and this year’s new addition in Korea. “It’s an undulating 5.5 kilometre track which we expect to have the second fastest

average speed of any circuit on the calendar behind Monza,” Hughes added. “We sent the details to all the teams and they programmed the information into their simulators and gave us feedback on where we could make improvements and add overtaking opportunity points.” Because the company specialises in infrastructure Hughes said accessibility would not be a problem as they were building an eight-lane highway that runs past the circuit with a long-term goal of a metro station from central Delhi out to the sports hub. — Reuters

WASHINGTON: Nationals starting pitcher John Lannan delivers the first pitch of the season during opening day baseball game between the Philadelphia Phillies and Washington Nationals. — AP

Phillies rout Nationals, Cardinals triumph WASHINGTON: Placido Polanco hit a grand slam, Ryan Howard also homered, and Roy Halladay struck out nine batters over seven innings in his National League debut as the Phillies opened the season Monday with an 11-1 rout of the Washington Nationals. The centerpiece of the Phillies’ drive for a third straight World Series appearance, Halladay (1-0) allowed one run and six hits and settled down to dominate after the Nationals scored in the first. Ivan Rodriguez doubled to lead off the second, but Halladay then faced the minimum number of batters — with help from a pair of double plays — until the seventh, when he worked out of a two-on, one-out jam. Cardinals 11, Reds 6 At Cincinnati, Albert Pujols went 4 for 5 and hit two of a team-record four homers as St. Louis downed Cincinnati.on opening day Monday. Yadier Molina completed the Cardinals’ first four-homer opening game with a grand slam in the ninth. Only two other Cardinals have hit slams in season openers — Scott Rolen and Mark McGwire. McGwire has returned to baseball as the Cardinals’ batting instructor this season, acknowledging that he used steroids

when he broke the home run record in 1998. On his second swing of the season, Pujols drove a 2-2 pitch from Aaron Harang (0-1) into the Reds’ bullpen area in leftcenter. Joey Votto and Rolen hit solo homers in the fourth. Rockies 5, Brewers 3 At Milwaukee, Ubaldo Jimenez stayed out of big trouble with his fastball and Ian Stewart homered on his birthday. Jimenez gave up a run and struck out six in six innings. The Rockies won the matchup between the last two NL wild-card teams. The 26-year-old Jimenez (1-0) became the first Rockies starter to win on opening day in six years. Stewart, celebrating his 25th birthday, hit a solo homer off Yovani Gallardo (0-1). Carlos Gomez also homered in his Milwaukee debut.

Pirates 11, Dodgers 5 At Pittsburgh, Garrett Jones homered in his first two at-bats, and pinch-hitter Ryan Church doubled home three runs as Pittsburgh started the new season the way it wound down 2009 by downing Los Angeles. The Pirates, coming off a record-setting 17th consecutive losing season, won on opening day for the fourth season in a row as Ryan Doumit added a three-run homer in the eighth off reliever George Sherrill. Doumit also doubled and scored twice. Vicente Padilla (0-1) gave up seven runs and six hits in 4 1-3 innings for his first loss with Los Angeles. Mets 7, Marlins 1 At New York, David Wright hit a tworun homer and Johan Santana pitched six

Baseball results Major League Baseball results on Monday: Philadelphia 11, Washington 1; NY Mets 7, Florida 1; St. Louis 11, Cincinnati 6; Pittsburgh 11, La Dodgers 5; Chicago White Sox 6, Cleveland 0; Texas 5, Toronto 4; Colorado 5, Milwaukee 3; Detroit 8, Kansas City 4; Atlanta 16, Chicago Cubs 5; Arizona 6, San Diego 3; San Francisco 5, Houston 2; La Angels 6, Minnesota 3; Seattle 5, Oakland 3.

effective innings as the New York Mets finally got the better of Florida’s Josh Johnson. Newcomers Jason Bay, Rod Barajas and Gary Matthews Jr. each got two hits for New York, which improved to a major league-best 32-17 (.653) on opening day. Manager Jerry Manuel also got three scoreless innings from his beleaguered bullpen, which he said was his biggest concern entering the season. Johnson allowed four runs and five hits over five-plus innings in his first opening-day start, dropping to 7-1 with a 2.69 ERA in 10 career starts against New York. Braves 16, Cubs 5 At Atlanta, Jason Heyward hit a threerun homer in his first major league game not long after catching the ceremonial first pitch from Hank Aaron. Heyward, who had a run-scoring single in the eighth, was 2-for-5 with four RBIs. Yunel Escobar drove in a career-high five runs as Zambrano gave up eight runs in 1 1-3 innings, matching the shortest of 239 career starts. Giants 5, Astros 2 At Houston, Tim Lincecum pitched seven scoreless innings as San Francisco

beat Roy Oswalt and Houston. Lincecum (1-0) allowed four hits and struck out seven with no walks to shut down a Houston offense that started the season with star slugger Lance Berkman on the disabled list. The Giants got a boost from new left fielder Mark DeRosa, who scored in San Francisco’s three-run second inning and added a solo homer in the eighth. Oswalt (0-1) allowed seven hits and three runs in six innings as he extended his team record to eight straight opening day starts. D’ backs 6, Padres 3 At Phoenix, Stephen Drew hit an inside-the-park home run as Arizona pitcher Dan Haren held San Diego to three hits in seven innings. For the second year in a row, someone hit an inside-the-park homer on opening day — former Diamondbacks player Emilio Bonifacio did it for the Florida Marlins last year, which was the first one after 41 years. Mark Reynolds hit a two-run homer, the only earned runs among the six given up by San Diego starter Jon Garland (0-1). Adrian Gonzalez and Kyle Blanks hit consecutive two-out homers off Bob Howry in the ninth for San Diego. — AP

Rangers rally to beat Blue Jays ARLINGTON: Shaun Marcum didn’t give up a hit into the seventh inning for Toronto before the Texas Rangers rallied for a 5-4 win on opening day Monday thanks to a Jarrod Saltalamacchia RBI single in the bottom of the ninth. Texas scored twice in the ninth off Blue Jays closer Jason Frasor (0-1). Michael Young, the longest-tenured Texas player in his 10th season, had a leadoff double before Josh Hamilton took a called third strike. Vladimir Guerrero then had an infield single, though second baseman Aaron Hill made a diving stab deep behind the base to keep the tying run from scoring. But Nelson Cruz hit an RBI double down the right-field line and Chris Davis was intentionally walked to load the bases. Saltalamacchia’s flyball to right-center was well out of reach for the drawn-in outfield. White Sox 6, Indians 0 At Chicago, Mark Buehrle allowed three hits over seven innings and Paul Konerko got his 12th season in Chicago off to a good start with a tworun homer in the first inning. Buehrle simply shut down the Indians, spoiling Cleveland manager Manny Acta’s debut and Jake Westbrook’s first start in nearly two years.

Alex Rios added a solo homer off Tony Sipp in the eighth and ended the game with a diving catch on Travis Hafner’s line drive to center. Buehrle, starting his club-record eighth opener, looked more like the four-time All-Star he is than the guy who won just twice after his perfect game against Tampa Bay on July 23. Tigers 8, Royals 4 At Kansas City, Missouri, Johnny Damon and Brandon Inge drove in two runs each in a six-run seventh inning against Kansas City’s shaky bullpen. Earlier on the wind-swept opening day, Yuniesky Betancourt’s two-run home run and Billy Butler’s bases-loaded single staked Cy Young Award winner Zack Greinke to a 4-2 lead over Justin Verlander in a duel between two of baseball’s premier starters. Greinke departed after allowing six hits and one earned run through six innings. Robinson Tejeda (0-1) got just one out and allowed three runs. Joel Zumaya (1-0) went one inning and a batter, throwing 12 pitches. Angels 6, Twins 3 At Anaheim, California, Hideki Matsui drove in

the go-ahead run in the fifth inning and added an eighth-inning homer in his dynamic Angels debut, and Jered Weaver pitched six strong innings to help Los Angeles beat Minnesota. Jeff Mathis and Kendry Morales also homered as the Angels opened their 50th season and their run at a fourth straight American League West title with their sixth victory in the last seven openers. Delmon Young hit a two-run homer as the Twins opened chase of their sixth division title in nine seasons with an unimpressive effort from Scott Baker (0-1). Mariners 5, Athletics 3 At Oakland, California, Casey Kotchman hit a go-ahead, two-run single with two outs in the ninth inning to go along with two earlier RBIs in an impressive Seattle debut, lifting the Mariners over Oakland. Kotchman hit an RBI double in the first and a third-inning sacrifice fly that staked ace Felix Hernandez to a 3-0 lead that Seattle couldn’t keep. Brandon League (1-0) pitched the eighth for the win and David Aardsma finished with a 1-2-3 ninth for his first save. Brad Ziegler (0-1) took the loss. Chone Figgins — Seattle’s speedy new No. 2 hitter — stole two bases and scored twice. — AP

ARLINGTON: Toronto Blue Jays starting pitcher Shaun Marcum (28) delivers a pitch in the first inning of the baseball game against the Texas Rangers. — AP

Sanchez wins 1st stage of Circuit de la Sarthe VARADES: Luis Leon Sanchez of Spain sprinted to victory in the first stage of the Circuit de la Sarthe yesterday as Lance Armstrong finished in the fast-trailing pack. Sanchez was assisted by an Caisse d’Epargne teammate when he made his move near the end of the mostly flat 184.6-kilometer (114-mile) ride from Sable-sur-Sarthe to Varades. The Spaniard raised his hands in the air after finishing in 4 hours, 9 minutes, 5 seconds. Marko Kump of Slovenia placed second and France’s Anthony Ravard was third. Armstrong, who finished 24th, was selected for a random doping test after the stage and didn’t speak to reporters at the drug test trailer or at his Team RadioShack bus. The pack started quickly under balmy blue skies. Near the 117-kilometer mark, Yuri Trofimov of Russia and Slovenia’s Kristjan Fajt broke away and led for 66 kilometers before they were overtaken by the pack with about 21/2 kilometers left. Because of bonus seconds awarded for intermediate sprints and the finish, Sanchez has a four-second lead over both Kump in second and Trofimov in third overall. Armstrong is 29th, 10 seconds back. “St(age) 1 of Sarthe done. Fast stage. Took 120 (kilometers) before breakaway finally went,” Armstrong tweeted afterward. “Nuts. Good racing tho.” The American also wrote on his Twitter account that six of his eight teammates who rode Sunday in the Tour of Flanders were “down and out (with) a stomach bug.” RadioShack rider Sam Bewley of New Zealand dropped out of the race, and team officials said he felt ill. Riders passed through the reputed winemaking village of Bonnezeaux by the late 18th-century Pinsonnerie windmill and over the Loire River, known for castles along its banks. Armstrong is using the four-day race as part of his preparations for the Tour de France in July, where he will be vying for a record eighth victory in cycling’s premier event. Today is a 6.8-kilometer time trial. Armstrong won one at this race in 1999 in the town of Mulsanne. — AP



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Semenya returns to racing June 24 in Spain JOHANNESBURG: Caster Semenya will wait for the results of her gender verification tests before returning to competitive running, saying yesterday that she will race on June 24 at a meet in Zaragoza, Spain. The 800-meter world champion said in a statement that she had agreed to the request by Athletics South Africa to wait for the results of the tests, which are expected in June. Unless she is cleared by the IAAF, however, it is unlikely she will be allowed to run. Semenya said she still believed she should be allowed to compete but had reflected on the events of the past week. She was prevented from running in a competition near Cape Town last Tuesday and responded by threatening legal action. “I believe that the decision to bar me

from competing in Stellenbosch last week was unlawful and wrongful,” Semenya said in the statement. “I have, however, considered the request by Athletics South Africa (ASA) that I await the conclusion of the International Association of Athletics Federations’ (IAAF) processes by the beginning of June this year before I return to competitive athletics.” The 19-year-old South African, whose lawyers had said they would file legal papers against ASA if they did not clear her to run, said she wanted confirmation from the IAAF that her situation would be clarified by the beginning of June. “I welcome ASA’s public statement that it will ensure that the IAAF is held to its undertaking to complete its processes by the beginning of June,” Semenya said. “I trust that ASA will do the honorable thing

and stick to its word in this regard. “I have also instructed my legal representatives to seek confirmation by the IAAF that it will complete its processes by the beginning of June. I also trust that this will be forthcoming.” IAAF spokesman Nick Davies said Tuesday that he could only reiterate the track body’s official position on Semenya. “No comment until the case is concluded,” Davies said. The Zaragoza meet organizers said they would abide by the IAAF’s decision. The EAA Classic is not yet open for entries. In a statement released first to The Associated Press later Tuesday, Semenya’s lawyers said the lengthy IAAF process was causing the athlete “great harm and distress.” “Ms. Semenya has done her utmost to cooperate with the IAAF to try to resolve

this matter without resorting to formal proceedings,” said Jeffrey Kessler, the head of Dewey and Lebouef’s Litigation Department. “But (she) believes she is entitled to a definite schedule for a resolution of this matter so her basic rights and dignity are respected. “Caster has every right to compete in IAAF events. The current open-ended situation, with her status and eligibility the subject of constant speculation in the media, is causing great harm and distress, both to Caster and to all who believe in fair play in the sporting world.” Greg Nott, the head of the firm’s South Africa office, said Semenya’s lawyers had now contacted the IAAF to ask for a guarantee that a decision will be made in early June. Nott said Semenya needed “closure.” “Our firm has been in negotiations

with the IAAF for many months to resolve this matter.” Nott said. “We have now contacted them to confirm that a final decision will be made by early June so that Caster will finally be free to move on with her life and career.” Semenya had been expected to demand permission from ASA to run at a meet in Germiston, near Johannesburg, on Tuesday. ASA has upheld a request by the IAAF to not allow Semenya to run competitively until her “medical process” has been completed. Semenya has not competed since she blew away the field to win the 800-meter gold medal at the world championships in Berlin last August. Her dramatic improvement in times and muscular build led the IAAF to order gender tests. The IAAF has refused to confirm or deny Australian media reports

that the tests indicate Semenya has both male and female sex organs. Last week, Semenya’s patience appeared to have run out when she appeared at a Yellow Pages Series event in Stellenbosch, near Cape Town, and requested permission to run. An ASA official at the meet refused. Semenya’s lawyers then said they would file legal action “soon” in a bid to get the teenager back on the track. Semenya’s camp has now apparently backed down. “Together with my coach and agent, I have therefore decided that I will return to competitive athletics at the EAA meeting to be held on 24 June in Zaragoza, Spain,” Semenya said. “I reiterate that based on medical and legal advice, I am firmly of the view that there are no impediments to me racing in female athletics competitions.”—AP

Can Tiger change his stripes, observers ask

AUGUSTA: John Merrick chips out of a bunker on the second hole during a practice round at the Masters golf tournament in Augusta. The tournament begins tomorrow. —AP

Singaporean Feng lured by Commonwealth gold SINGAPORE: The lure of winning gold is enough for Singapore’s Olympic table tennis medallist Feng Tianwei to compete at the Commonwealth Games this year despite her security fears about travelling to India. The 23-year-old, who helped Singapore win their first Olympic medal in nearly 50 years when she claimed a silver in the team event in Beijing in 2008, is targeting a clean sweep in India. “I am nervous, a bit scared but I want to win the gold medals,” an excitable Feng told Reuters in her first interview in English before an exhibition match at a primary school in the city state on Tuesday. Athlete safety has been a huge concern and talking point for the New Delhi Games, which will be held

between Oct. 3-14. India has been on alert since terror attacks in Mumbai in late 2008 and several sports teams have refused to travel to the country since, citing security concerns. Officials also stepped up security on trains last week after a Maoist group had earlier forced a Delhibound luxury passenger service off the tracks with a bomb. The Chinese-born paddler, however, is focusing on the task of emulating the efforts of her country’s predecessors who won four gold medals on offer to the women at the 2006 Games in Melbourne. “Yes there is extra pressure (because of the 2006 success),” Feng said. “But we can do it, in singles, doubles, mixed and team, four gold medals.” —Reuters

Feng Tianwei in action in this file photo.

AUGUSTA: US commentators yesterday raised doubts whether Tiger Woods was really telling the truth about being a changed man after fooling his wife for years about his multiple sexual affairs. “Should we believe Tiger Now?” headlined a USA Today column Tuesday where Christine Brennan noted, “There is no way to know if the Tiger Woods we watched Monday is telling the truth,” while admitting “I want to believe Tiger Woods.” The golfing superstar won high marks for his answers at a yesterday news conference at the Augusta Masters during which he faced 35 minutes of questions from reporters, the first inquest since his adultery scandal broke in November. But after the revelation of his secret life, “living the life of a lie” as Woods put it in a television interview last month, the bigger question about golf’s number one player is “How can anyone believe anything he says?” Woods says he is meditating more and returning to core morals and Buddhism. “I had to really take a hard look at myself,” Woods said Monday. “That’s when I started finding peace and strength.” Woods has laughed and joked with spectators in practice rounds at Augusta National, but such moves are easy when they are vital to influencing the public reaction that will in large measure decide how Woods will be judged hereafter. “Woods said he’s a changed man. It’s impossible to know how honest he is when that is the quality he abandoned. He deserves a chance to prove himself. Grace transforms the grotesque,” wrote the Miami Herald. Without some level of public trust, the man who became the greatest pitchman in sports history for product endorsement deals might find even his life’s dream of 18 major titles a soured achievement. “I take full responsibility for what I’ve done,” Woods said. “I lied to a lot of people, deceived a lot of people, kept others in the dark and even lied to myself. “I acted just terribly, poorly, made just incredibly bad decisions that have hurt so many people close to me.” Deeds, not words, have been the trademark for Woods, his incredible shotmaker skills matched by zealous guarding of his private life. Does Woods regret his misdeeds, or only that he was caught? One person was quick to pass judgement Monday. “He is a big fat liar. He is not honest,” said Joslyn James, a pornographic film star who is among more than a dozen women claiming a relationship with Woods. “After the birth of his daughter he was with me 10 days later.” Only time and actions, perhaps a lifetime of both, are likely to provide a final answer about Woods the man, no matter how Woods the golfer fares in his return. “We know that he is special,” wrote Matthew DeBord in the online Huffington Post. “But we also know that Tiger Woods is capable of monstrously distorted conduct. There is Jekyll. There is Hyde. There is Tiger. “We know that Tiger Woods has now pledged to be a better man. We know he wants us to trust him again, to invest in him our trust, but he perhaps also knows that his transgressions, human oh-so human as they may be, are so huge that this will be impossible.” “There are so many people I have to make amends to,” Woods said last month. “That’s (by) living a life of amends.” Woods said his wife Elin will not come to the Masters to watch her husband return to competition, an event that will capture the attention of the world far beyond the usual golf and sport realms. Asked about family backing for his golf return, Woods said only that he had “a lot of support”. Woods, whose 14 major wins are four shy of the record set by Jack Nicklaus, has expressed remorse, apologized to supporters and those closest to him and delivered a mea culpa after having his sexual escapades exposed to the world-saying all the right things and distancing himself from the tabloid-hit Tiger. But Woods said he began finding the desire to play golf again after some workouts with swing coach Hank Haney. “I started hitting more balls and more balls and I started getting the itch to start playing again,” Woods said. —AFP

AUGUSTA: Thongchai Jaidee of Thailand hits out of a bunker on the second hole during a practice round at the Masters golf tournament. —AP

Thongchai aims for Masters milestone AUGUSTA: Thailand’s in-form Thongchai Jaidee is planning to complete another career milestone when he tees up at the Masters Tournament tomorrow. The Asian Tour No.1 is determined to play in all four rounds at Augusta National in what will be his second Masters appearance and emulate his previous performances in the three other Majors. Additionally, no Thai player, the others being Sukree Onsham and Prayad Marksaeng, has made the cut in the year’s first Major and Thongchai intends to play his way into the history books by becoming the first to achieve the feat. “My goal is simply to make the cut. I don’t want to think about the ranking right now. I only know that I will do my best to play in all four rounds,” said Thongchai who qualified for the Masters by being in the world’s top-50.. “I will be very proud to be the first Thai to do so. I have made the cut at the US Open, PGA Championship and the British Open — this is the outstanding Major that I have been waiting for.” Alongside Asian Tour honorary members KJ Choi and YE Yang, both from South Korea, Thongchai knows that strong performances by them will further reinforce the growing reputation of Asian golf to the rest of the world. Yang became Asia’s first Major champion last August when he won the PGA Championship, while Thongchai enjoyed a strong run at the WGCAccenture Match Play where he lost to eventual winner Ian Poulter in the quarter-final stage.The former paratrooper also finished tied 13th at the British Open last year. “Definitely, it is very important (to play well in a Major). Being one of the representatives of the Asian Tour and as its number one, I have to perform

well and let the world know that Asian players are as great as the internationals,” said Thongchai. “My results at the Match Play filled me with a lot of confidence and I know I can compete with the world’s top golfers. At least, I can tell myself I was able to defeat some of the top players.” Thongchai received an invitation to compete at Augusta National in 2006 but missed the halfway cut. The Thai, who holds the most number of wins on the Asian Tour with 12 titles, hopes to set the record straight this week. “I am really looking forward to it, and I’m actually very excited as I hope to set a new record for myself. I have had a rest and I put in some good practice over the last two weeks,” he said. “The course is tough and I remember it very well. But also, the thrill is with the atmosphere around the golf course. It’s great. You need to have a good game plan to shoot a good score. I have to be very careful on the detail of each hole and the greens are very difficult.” Strangely, Thongchai said he did not grow up dreaming of playing in the Majors when he learned the game during his teens. But once he made a name for himself on the Asian Tour, where his first Order of Merit success came in 2001, he knew that his greatest challenge was to match the world’s best players. “Honestly, I was not very interested in the Masters or the other Majors when I was young. I just enjoyed playing golf and hitting balls for a long time,” he said. “However, I got interested in the Majors after I turned professional and started to win Asian Tour tournaments. It then became my dream to stand side by side and compete with the world’s best players.” —AFP

Moto2 category debuts with the mark of Zorro LONDON: Zorro is getting ready for a new off-screen adventure in motorcycle grand prix racing this weekend with the debut of the Moto2 category at the Qatar seasonopener. Spanish actor Antonio Banderas, who plays the swashbuckling masked outlaw in the popular Hollywood movies, is involved in the 250cc replacement class with his Jack&Jones by Antonio Banderas team. “I am not going to get out Zorro’s whip to demand results. I want things to be done without stress,” he told Spain’s Marca newspaper yesterday. The 600cc bikes all have the same Honda four-stroke engines and Dunlop tyres while the bigger machines will make the category a more suitable training ground and feeder for the top MotoGP class. “I’m convinced that the birth of the new category, with more modest budgets and similar machines, is a good move,” added Banderas, who will have American newcomer Kenny Noyes and Spaniard Joan Olive riding for him. “It’s true that MotoGP is like the Formula One of motorcycling but I believe that Moto2... seems more interesting than MotoGP because of the level playing field. “I got into this because it will resolve the debate over whether the rider or the bike is more important,” said the actor, a keen motorcycling fan who owns five bikes of his own and almost got involved with a MotoGP team a year ago.

Carmelo Ezpeleta, the head of commercial rights holders Dorna, said Moto2 was already looking like a success. “The result is very clear. We have 40 entries plus two wild cards in any race...last year we had 25 bikes,” he told Reuters. “The 250cc has been a fantastic category for many years but the price to have a bike capable of winning has become so expensive in recent years that we need to reduce that and to maintain the competition. “It is important to have as many bikes as possible with the same chance of winning... all the riders who have tested the Moto2 in preliminary tests have said this is a real prototype bike with the 600cc engine,” he added. “It’s first of all a cheap bike for good performance. Secondly, the bikes must be a prototype because this is very good for development of the skills of the riders for MotoGP. Thirdly, it must be as much equal as possible for all the grid. “This is a big battle between chassis manufacturers. We have an enormous number of riders on the grid and this is the success of Moto2 for the moment.” Former MotoGP rider Toni Elias is one of the early favourites for the first Moto2 crown, despite the Spaniard fracturing his left hand and right ankle in pre-season testing. The entry list includes Mashel Al Naimi, the first Qatari rider to step on the world championship stage. —AFP


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


NHL results/standings NHL results and standings on Monday. Washington 3, Boston 2 (OT); St. Louis 2 Columbus 1; (OT) Edmonton 4, Minnesota 1. (OT denotes overtime win) Eastern Conference Atlantic Division W L OTL GF New Jersey 45 26 7 208 Pittsburgh 45 26 7 241 Philadelphia 39 34 6 229 NY Rangers 36 32 10 210 NY Islanders 33 35 10 209

GA 186 222 220 207 241

PTS 97 97 84 82 76

Buffalo Ottawa Montreal Boston Toronto

Northeast Division 43 25 10 223 43 31 5 215 39 32 8 209 36 30 13 195 29 36 14 209

198 227 210 194 257

96 91 86 85 72

Washington Atlanta Carolina Florida Tampa Bay

Southeast Division 52 15 12 304 34 32 13 231 33 36 10 215 31 35 12 199 31 35 12 201

224 248 245 230 245

116 81 76 74 74

Chicago Nashville Detroit St Louis Columbus

Western Conference Central Division 49 22 7 253 46 28 6 221 41 24 14 221 39 31 9 213 32 34 14 213

197 219 211 212 254

105 98 96 87 78

Vancouver Colorado Calgary Minnesota Edmonton

Northwest Division 48 27 4 260 42 29 7 233 40 30 9 199 37 36 7 214 25 46 8 203

211 218 199 241 270

100 91 89 81 58

San Jose Phoenix Los Angeles Anaheim Dallas

Pacific Division 48 20 11 255 48 25 6 215 44 27 7 229 38 31 9 222 35 30 14 228

210 195 207 235 244

107 102 95 85 84

Note: Overtime losses (OTL) are worth one point in the standings and are not included in the loss column (L)

TORONTO: Tuukka Rask No.40 of the Boston Bruins waits to face a shot against the Capitals. —AFP

Capitals down Bruins in OT WASHINGTON: Brooks Laich’s power-play goal 44 seconds into overtime gave the Washington Capitals a 3-2 win over the Boston Bruins in the NHL on Monday. The Bruins gained a point and moved into seventh place in the Eastern Conference with 85 points. Montreal is sixth with 86 points and Philadelphia is in eighth place with 84 points. Laich’s goal came 20 seconds after Boston’s

Dennis Wideman was called for high-sticking, and the Capitals had the four-on-three advantage. Laich beat Boston goalie Tuukka Rask, who finished with 27 saves. It was Laich’s 25th goal of the season. Alex Ovechkin finished with two assists. Nicklas Backstrom, who also assisted on the other two Washington goals, gave the

Capitals a 1-0 lead at 7:36 of the first period with his 31st goal. Backstrom took a pass from Ovechkin and his slap shot trickled past Rask. Blues 2, Blue Jackets 1 At St. Louis, Erik Johnson scored on a power play with 1:01 to go in overtime to keep St. Louis’ playoff hopes alive with a victory over Columbus.

Andy McDonald had a goal and an assist and Chris Mason made 27 saves for St. Louis, which has won a season-high five straight at home. The Blues are four points behind Colorado with three games to go for the final Western Conference playoff spot and need to finish ahead of the Avalanche, who swept them in the regular season. Colorado can knock out the Blues on Tuesday night with a

victory at Vancouver. Derick Brassard scored an early powerplay goal and Mathieu Garon made 32 saves for the Blue Jackets, who have lost three straight. Oilers 4, Wild 1 At Edmonton, Alberta, Dustin Penner and Ethan Moreau each scored two goals as

Edmonton snapped a five-game losing streak with a win over Minnesota. Tom Gilbert, Ryan Potulny and Shawn Horcoff each had two assists for the last-place Oilers, who have 58 points, hoping to eclipse their franchise-worst 60 points set in the 1992-93 season. Andrew Brunette scored for the Wild, who suffered their fourth consecutive loss. —AP

Odesnik tops Janowicz

Group photo of the top-ranking officials attending the launching ceremony. —Photos by Joseph Shagra

KSSC inaugurates Olympic swimming pool By Nawara Fattahova KUWAIT: The Kuwait Sea Sports Club (KSSC) officially launched their Olympic sized swimming pool complex on Monday evening. After cutting the ribbon, officials toured the complex and the swimming team made a display to mark the event. A doc-

umentary on the building of the complex was shown to guests. The complex represents a part of the state’s development plan. “PAYS will not hesitate to establish any sports utility needed by the sports clubs, said Faisal AlJazzaf, Head of the Kuwait and Asian Swimming Federation,

View of the Olympic swimming pool

during the ceremony. Establishing this complex represents a big transition for water games and sports in Kuwait. “The complex consists of an Olympic sized swimming pool and health club. This complex will strengthen the quality of the Club’s teams and will help them win

swimming competitions,” noted Chairman of the KSSC, Fahad Al-Fahad. Khalid Al-Fodari announced that the Club will hold a big celebration for its members, players, trainers and the administrative staff for their contribution to establishing the swimming teams. This swimming pool complex will

have a great effect on improving the activities of the club. Also attending the ceremony was the General Director of the Public Authority for Youth and Sports (PAYS) Sheikh Khalid Al-Bader, his Deputy Ahmad Al-Ghanim, Secretary General Khalid Al-Fodari as well as other members of the board and officials of PAYS.

KUWAIT: (From left) Sheikh Khalid Al-Bader, Fahad Al-Fahad, and Faisal Al-Jazzaf cutting the ribbon.

HOUSTON: American Wayne Odesnik, playing for the first time since pleading guilty to importing human growth hormone into Australia, beat the 19-year-old Jerzy Janowicz of Poland 6-3, 6-4 in the first-round of the US Men’s Clay Court Championships on Monday. Odesnik pleaded guilty late last month to taking HGH into Australia. He was fined $7,200 and could be banned by the ATP. Although the players shook hands following the match, Janowicz said he didn’t like playing against Odesnik. “I think it is unfair to do something like this,” Janowicz said. “It’s a misunderstanding because for me, he shouldn’t be playing at this moment. He should be suspended. There are bad feelings right now. He shouldn’t play and right now I’m playing with this guy. It’s tough to play with that kind of guy.” Odesnik declined comment, citing the ATP investigation into his case. He said he would have a statement yesterday. “I’m doing the only thing I can do right now and that is focus on my tennis,” Odesnik said. “I’ve worked extremely hard. I’m looking forward to the clay court season. That’s where I usually excel.” Asked if he had support from other players, he said, “I don’t know, I’m just trying to play tennis.” Odesnik, a finalist in the tournament last year, was in charge early until late in the second set when Janowicz broke Odesnik’s serve in the eighth game. Janowicz, playing in his third ATP event, fought off two match points before his backhand sailed long in the 10th game to end the match. Top-seeded Fernando Gonzalez of Chile drew a firstround bye and will play today. Odesnik had little trouble with his young opponent in the first set. Janowicz, who relies heavily on his serve, struggled to serve well. Janowicz fought off his first match point in the seventh game and held on a pair of backhand errors by Odesnik to finish the game. Odesnik missed a chance to end it at the second match point when he chased down a drop shot, but hit an easy shot into the net. —AP

Dominika Cibulkova in action in this file photo

Cibulkova defeats Czink PONTE VEDRA: Third-seeded Dominika Cibulkova of Slovakia beat Melinda Czink of Hungary 6-1, 6-4 in the first round of The MPS Group Championships on Monday. “The first match is always tough so I didn’t know what to expect,” Cibulkova said. “I was moving her around and I was playing pretty solid today.” Cibulkova broke Czink four times in four chances and won 69 percent of her firstserve points. She won only 32 percent of her first-return points. “My return was not at its best, it was really short,” she said. “I was just pushing the ball back on the return and in the rally just trying to move her. I was serving well and that helped me a lot.” Cibulkova is looking for her first win on the WTA Tour. She is coming off an injuryfilled season, in which she

retired from three tournaments and withdrew from nine others. The most serious of the injuries was a right groin strain. “Last year was up and down,” she said. “For now, it’s OK. We’re trying to prepare my groin for sliding on clay. I played today with it taped, but it’s not as bad as last year.” Sixth-seeded Aleksandra Wozniak of Canada, the runner-up here last year, defeated 17-year-old American Sloane Stephens 6-4, 6-3 in a night match. “She has a big forehand so I wanted to keep the pressure on,” Wozniak said. Fifth-seeded Anastasia Pavlyuchenkova defeated fellow Russian Ekaterina Makarova 7-5, 5-7, 6-4 and Alla Kudryavtseva of Russia beat American Jill Craybas 61, 6-4. Sofia Arvidsson of Sweden beat American Carly Gullickson 6-0, 6-2. —AP

Nieminen, Serra and Hajek roll CASABLANCA: Jarkko Nieminen of Finland and 2009 runner-up Florent Serra of France won in straight sets to advance to the second round of the Grand Prix Hassan II yesterday. Nieminen won 10 straight games in routing Mehdi Ziadi of Morocco 6-1, 6-1, while Serra beat 2004 champion Santiago Ventura of Spain 6-4, 6-3. Ventura landed only half of his first serves, hit seven doublefaults, and was duly broken five times. Jan Hajek of the Czech Republic and wild card Reda El

Amrani of Morocco also moved into the next round. Hajek ousted sixth-seeded Simon Greul of Germany 7-6 (3), 6-4 for the second time this year, and El Amrani outlasted Teimuraz Gabashvili of Russia 7-6 (5), 4-6, 7-6 (4) for his first win on the main ATP World Tour. Greul wasted nine break chances while Hajek converted five out of six. Gabashvili won more points than El Amrani (118 to 117), but the Moroccan made the difference in the tiebreakers of the 2-hour, 40-minute match. —AP



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Butler dream dies as Duke win NCAA title INDIANAPOLIS: Duke ended Butler’s miracle run through the NCAA basketball tournament by defeating the gritty underdogs 61-59 to win the national championship on Monday. The title was Duke’s fourth but the perennial powerhouse were pushed to the brink by Butler, a tiny Indianapolis school previously unknown on the national stage. “I’ve been fortunate enough to be in eight national championship games, and this was a classic,” said Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski. “This was the toughest and the best one. “It was a game that we won, but they didn’t lose.” Brian Zoubek’s foul shot with 3.6 seconds left gave Duke a 61-59 lead and when he missed the second attempt, Butler’s Gordon Hayward launched a 50-footer at the final horn that glanced off the backboard and hit the rim before falling away. “I just thought, ‘Please don’t’” Duke guard Nolan Smith said of Hayward’s potential game-winner. “It looked good. I was just praying it didn’t go in.” Duke junior forward Kyle Singler scored 19 points and was named the Final Four’s Most Outstanding Player. “It was the toughest game we played all year,” said Blue Devils guard Jon Scheyer. “I can’t imagine what those guys are feeling like. They gave everything they had, just like we did. “It’s hard that one of these teams had to feel that way.” Butler is a private school located just six miles from Lucas Oil Stadium, site of the Final Four. The crowd of 71,000 roared on each Butler basket and groaned when Hayward’s final shot misfired. “All you can ask for as a team and as a program is to have a shot to win it,” said Butler guard Zach Hahn. “That’s what every team asks for and we were right there, against a great Duke team. “They’ve got NBA talent and a great coach. A couple of more stops and it was ours.” Butler (33-5), whose 25-game winning streak was snapped with the loss, defeated West Region top seed Syracuse and then knocked off number two Kansas State to reach the Final Four. The Bulldogs, champions of the little-known Horizon League, defeated 2009 runner-up Michigan State to secure a date in the championship, the fifth successive tournament game they had held their opponents under 60 points. Butler had a chance to win it when, trailing 60-59, Hayward missed a fadeaway 15-footer from the baseline with four seconds left. Zoubek was fouled after grabbing the rebound, his foul shots setting the stage for Hayward’s desperation attempt. “We caught lightning in a bottle and ran with it the last 25 games,” said Stevens. “We just came up one possession short in a game with about 145 possessions. “It’s hard to stomach when you’re on the wrong end of that.” Jon Scheyer had 15 points and Smith added 13 for the Blue Devils (35-5), who held Butler to 34 percent shooting.“It was a battle,” said Smith. “Butler is a very special team and I won’t be surprised if I see them back here next year.” —Reuters

INDIANAPOLIS: Lance Thomas No. 42 of the Duke Blue Devils celebrates with his teammates on court after they won 61-59 against the Butler Bulldogs during the 2010 NCAA Division I Men’s Basketball National Championship. —AFP

Intruders spice up Ligue 1 French title race PARIS: Auxerre and Montpellier started the Ligue 1 campaign aiming to avoid relegation, which sounded reasonable given limited resources and unglamorous squads. Now, with seven games left, they are level on points with leaders Olympique Lyon in the tightest finale for years-just three points separate sixth-placed Lille from top spot. Champions Bordeaux and traditional challengers Olympique Marseille, fourth and fifth respectively a point off the pace with two games in hand, are about where they were expected to be. The same goes for northerners Lille, who have spent money over the years in a bid to play a leading role and can boast one of the most exciting Ligue 1 players in young Belgium winger Eden Hazard.

Auxerre and Montpellier, by contrast, have upset all the odds and have a strong chance of playing in Europe next season. Auxerre, from a small town in Burgundy surrounded by the chablis vineyards, are famous for regularly having over-achieved despite limited means. They won a domestic league and Cup double in 1996 and reached the UEFA Cup semi-finals in 1993. Auxerre have boasted great players in the past, including Eric Cantona and Laurent Blanc, and were guided for over four decades by coach Guy Roux, a father figure who left the club in 2005. They had suffered in recent years, however, and their current run, under astute and experienced coach Jean Fernandez, has surprised many. With seasoned warriors at the back and

talent up front in Romania forward Daniel Niculae and Poland striker Ireneusz Jelen, Fernandez has concentrated on building a watertight defence that has leaked just 25 goals in 31 games. Compact and dangerous from counterattacks, Auxerre are nothing extraordinary but have nevertheless proved to be tough opponents, although Fernandez is not getting carried away. “There is no chance we can win the title,” he told reporters. “Lyon, Bordeaux and Marseille are above the rest and will fill the top three spots. We’ll be happy if we make the Europa League.” Southerners Montpellier, back in the top flight this season after a long spell in the second division, looked even less likely to trouble

the usual suspects. They did not have that much money but spent it wisely, notably purchasing solid Bosnia defender Emir Spahic while retaining the best players from the young team that won promotion, starting with Argentine midfielder Alberto Costa. “We hate losing and are not afraid of anyone,” Montpellier coach Rene Girard told reporters, giving away one of the secrets of a successful team playing with no pressure. “We concentrate on what we have to do and don’t worry about the rest.” The troubles of the traditional powerhouses have helped Auxerre and Montpellier. Lyon struggled in the first part of the season after the departure of arguably their best players, Brazilian midfielder Juninho and France striker Karim Benzema.

Bordeaux, who started well, have slowed down lately, showing uncharacteristic weaknesses at the back, partly because central defender Marc Planus has been injured. Girondins, who have just lost three matches in three different competitions, have also been hampered by the fact that their inspiration, France playmaker Yoann Gourcuff, has looked below par. “It is normal for sides to have difficult spells,” Bordeaux president Jean-Louis Triaud told reporters. “The players know what our goals are and realise what they need to do.” Bordeaux and Lyon, who have strong squads but not as much strength-in-depth as the leading European sides, have also found it hard to have to fight on several fronts. —Reuters

Malaysia upsets hot favorites UAE KUWAIT: Malaysia eventually gave their supporters extra cause for celebration, with a two-wicket win over fancied UAE to reach the semi finals of the ACC Elite Trophy 2010 at Unity ground Ahmadi. It was a flamboyant victory, but a nervy, self-conscious one, and they only secured their place in the semi-final in the last over.

ACC Elite Trophy 2010 With the wicket looking true, UAE captain decided to bat and Malaysia struck soon by dismissing both the openers Indika Sampath & Arshad Ali quickly and took control of the match after a disciplined fast bowling performance by veteran war-horse Suresh Navaratinam and Hassan Ghulam who ran through the UAE innings. UAE at one stage were tottering at 70 for 7 but Salman Farooq & Shadeep slowly pushed the score to reach 116 when Shadeep was out. Salman & Shoib Sarwar played sensibly well to take the UAE total to 152 runs in the 42 overs. Suresh Navaratinam took 4 wicket for 29 runs and Hassan Ghulam accounted for 3 wickets for 35 runs. However, UAE have repeatedly shown themselves to be tenacious souls and Khuram Khan gambled in the opening overs by entrusting the new ball to Shoib Sarwar a young man with a bright future and high, easy action. Shoib responded to the challenge with a wicket of Rakesh Madhavan in the very first over and Qassim Zubair from the north end removed the dangerous Damith Warusavithana caught by Saqib

Ali at short cover. Rattling from 15 for 2, young Faiz and captain Suhan Kumar steadied the Malaysian inning to 79 runs, both catching up with the run rate which stood at run a ball. Khurram bowled Ahmed Faiz

for 43 well made runs against the run of play which opened up the match once again. His partnership with Suhan Kumar for the third wicket was worth 67 off 78 balls. UAE sensing victory now brought

Arshad Ali who removed new man Anwar Aruddin for zero. Suhan Kumar, firm as a rock stood between UAE & victory and played a match winning knock of 65 runs while Hassan Ghulam remained not out with 20 runs. Zubair Qasim was the most successful bowler for UAE, capturing 3 for 36 runs. Suhan Kumar was adjudged as Man of the Match for his enterprising knock of 65 runs Nepal sails into semi-finals A hostile spell of fast bowling by Nepal speedsters triggered the collapse of Kuwait as they were bundled out for 119 runs in the ACC Elite Trophy 2010 played at Hubara ground Ahmadi. Winning the toss, Nepal decided to let Kuwait use the pitch and the Nepal fast bowlers capitalized the damp pitch letting the bowl swing either way. Sanjam & Binod Das bowled exceptionally well and the pitch favored the Nepalese attack. Saud Iqbal top scored with a gritty 26 runs while Saifullah batted well to score 21 runs. Saad Khalid was the other Kuwait batsman who made a plucky 24 runs to stay unbeaten. Sanjam was the pick of the bowlers by taking 4-26 while Binod Das accounted for 3-24. Mehaboob Alam, the left arm swing bowler picked 2 wickets for Nepal. Nepal sealed the victory quite easily by winning the match by 9 wickets. Hong Kong knocks Oman to reach semis At KEC ground Doha, last ACC trophy champions Hong Kong edged the spirited Oman squad by a narrow margin of one wicket to reach the semi finals. In

a rain affected match Oman batting first scored 168 runs. Losing Hemin Desai earlier, Oman recovered through some magnificent batting display of Deep Trivedi and Vaibhav Wategoankar. Deep Trivedi a more stylish batsman than Vaibhav drove and cut with beautiful timing while Vaibhav was more aggressive. Trivedi top scored with 54 runs and Vaibhav made 37 runs. Moner Ahmed wrecked the Oman batting by taking 4 for 19 runs. Nadeem Ahmed claimed 2 wickets for 32 runs.

Chasing 169 to win, Hussein Butt & Nasir Hameed played positive cricket and laid a good foundation. Nasir hit a polished 34 while Butt made 32 runs. It was young Nizakat Khan who plundered the Oman attack to strike a handsome 57 runs to guide Hong Kong to a remarkable victory. Syed Tariq claimed 3 wickets & Khalid Rasheed bowled well to claim 2 wickets for Oman. Nizakat Khan was declared Man of the Match for his wonderful knock of 57 runs.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Australia joins Asian challenge in South Africa the finals for the fourth straight time. Australia joined the Asian confederation from Oceania in 2006 and went to the World Cup in Germany following an intercontinental playoff win over Uruguay. Guus Hiddink took Australia to the second round before a contentious late penalty against eventual champion Italy ended the run. Now Hiddink’s former assistant, Pim Verbeek, aims to do the same and progress from a group also containing Germany, Ghana and Serbia. Despite the tough group, the Socceroos have the strength and experience to handle their opponents. With Mark Schwarzer

SEOUL: The Asian challenge at the World Cup in South Africa will come from a two-continent front. Australia is participating in the World Cup as a representative of the Asian Football Confederation for the first time and is the most likely of the qualified quartet to achieve what would be considered regional success at the World Cup: The second round. The Far East has three contenders, with the Korean peninsula qualifying two teams — South Korea for the eighth time and North Korea for its first appearance since a quarterfinal run in 1966 — and Japan making it to

among the top goalkeepers in the Premier League, Tim Cahill one of its best midfielders and a whole host of stars playing in Europe’s top leagues, the Socceroos are confident. “The thing about this group is that it won’t scare us,” Australian captain Lucas Neill said. “We will be playing two European-style teams and we are quite European in our own style. That’s a good thing and I am sure it will be a case of two teams clashing on the day. We have a physical presence and we will be looking to assert that.” The major worry for Verbeek is the fitness of his stars as the tough

European season takes its toll. The Australian team’s weakness is a lack of strength in depth. South Korea, Verbeek’s former team, is preparing for a seventh straight World Cup. Manchester United midfielder Park Ji-sung is standout leader for South Korea, with young European-based stars such as Lee Chung-young of Bolton, Ki Sung-yong of Celtic and Park Chu-young of Monaco adding a touch of class for the 2002 semifinalists. The South Koreans qualified unbeaten through a tough group but defensive problems have since

emerged, as a 4-2 loss in January against Zambia and a 3-0 defeat against China in February demonstrate. The biggest challenge facing coach Huh Jung-moo is solving the lapses at the back. “We finished semifinalists in 2002 but, aside from this, we have never progressed beyond the group stage playing outside Asia,” Huh said. “So our first target is to reach the round of 16 and, should we make it, we will definitely strive to go one better.” Japan coach Takeshi Okada has repeatedly stated his target of a semifinal finish in South Africa.

Okada is under serious pressure after three poor results at home in February. Tepid, scoreless draws against Venezuela and China and a 3-1 loss in Tokyo at the hands of South Korea caused fans to jeer the team and Japan Football Association president Motoaki Inukai to demand improvement. North Korea is given little chance of reaching the second round because it is viewed as the weakest Asian representative and has also been drawn in the toughest group with Brazil, Portugal and Ivory Coast. Despite that, the team has never failed to reach

the knockout stage. In its only appearance so far, North Korea defeated Italy to reach the quarterfinals in 1966. Pak Do Ik was the hero then. This time, it is Jong Tae Se. “The People’s Rooney” — a nod to England striker Wayne Rooney — plays for Japanese club Kawasaki Frontale and is one of the biggest stars of East Asian football. “Our target is to make it through the group stage, though I think that it is a difficult group,” Jong said. “If we don’t believe that we can win then we won’t win. If we believe that we can do it, then we can.”—AP

United seeking to restore some order against Bayern

FRANCE: Lyon’s soccer team jog during a training session at the Chaban Delmas stadium in Bordeaux. Lyon play against Bordeaux today in a quarterfinal return leg Champions League soccer match. —AP

Lyon hold edge with semi place at stake PARIS: Pedigree, recent form and a two-goal advantage from the first leg suggest Olympique Lyon will knock out Girondins Bordeaux today to advance to the last four of the Champions League. Lyon, who won 3-1 at home last week after an exciting first leg of the all-French quarterfinal clash, have greater experience of European battles and boosted their morale by winning 2-1 at Stade Rennes on Saturday to go top in Ligue 1. Bordeaux, by contrast, have just lost three matches in three different competitions, the latest a 2-1 home league defeat by Nancy at the weekend to drop to fourth in Ligue 1, albeit just one point off top spot. A few months ago, when the French champions looked the most solid side in the country by a long way, many would have predicted they could overcome a 3-1 first-leg deficit to bounce back before their fans. The picture has changed, however, Bordeaux having fallen 3-1 to Olympique Marseille in the French League Cup final before losing at Lyon by the same score in

Europe and then stumbling against Nancy in domestic action. Once their main strength, their defence has looked shaky and porous in all those outings and there is a clear question mark over their ability to handle the pressure of big matches. “Our defence, which is what makes the difference at the highest level, is mediocre at the moment and that affects the whole team’s confidence,” Girondins Bordeaux coach Laurent Blanc told reporters. “It’s in difficult periods like this one that you see what individuals and teams are made of,” Blanc added. “If we have character, we will show it on the pitch, starting from Wednesday’s Champions League match, but I don’t feel too many positive signals before that game.” Good news for Blanc is that holding midfielder and captain Alou Diarra, who missed the first leg through suspension, will be back and might make his defence more stable. The mood is very different in the Lyon camp, where morale is high after a convincing

win at Rennes despite the fact that coach Claude Puel had rested a handful of firstchoice players. “We don’t have a team, we have a group,” Puel, who will miss Argentine striker Lisandro Lopez and fellow forward Sidney Govou through suspension to face Bordeaux, told reporters. “We’re in the last straight, with every game a final, and we need more than 11 players for that.” What is at stake for Lyon, who won seven Ligue 1 titles in a row before losing their crown to Bordeaux last year, is not so much to prove that they remain the top side in France. What they really want is to make an impact in Europe at last by reaching the last four of its premier club event for the first time to set up a clash with Manchester United or Bayern Munich. “We qualified for the Champions League for the last 10 years and this is our fourth quarter-final,” Lyon president JeanMichel Aulas told reporters. “Everybody at the club desperately wants to move a step further.” —Reuters

NEWCASTLE: Newcastle manager Chris Hughton has challenged his players to win the Championship title after celebrating their promotion back to the Premier League with a 2-1 win over Sheffield United. The Magpies’ return to the top flight was assured when Nottingham Forest failed to beat Cardiff before kick off at St James’ Park on Monday and Hughton’s team kept the crowd of 48,270 in celebratory mood by coming from behind to win thanks to goals from Peter Lovenkrands and Kevin Nolan. With promotion comfortably secured just a year after the misery of relegation from the Premier League, Hughton could be forgiven for resting on his laurels for a while as he reflects on a successful start to his reign. But the former Tottenham assistant manager, who began the season as Newcastle caretaker amid chaos off the pitch, is determined to ensure his side finish the season as champions. That goal is well within the Magpies’ reach as they are six points ahead of second placed West Bromwich Albion with just five games to play. “I must admit right at this moment, I am not even thinking about next season. Right at this moment, we have five games left and our aim now is to win the Championship,” Hughton said. “The fact that we have been at the top for so long this season, it would be a real disappointment if we didn’t win it. “I have a group of lads there and they know that is the next target, the next target is to win it.”

Chris Hughton

Hughton targets title after promotion

Promoted with six games to spare, the Magpies were in danger of having their party spoiled by the Blades, who took a 22nd-minute lead through Richard Cresswell’s deft header which took a touch off Darius Henderson on the line. The home side were far from at their best, but they got their chance to level when Chris Morgan, having already been warned by referee Andy Hall about his wrestling match with Andy Carroll, grappled with the

striker once again in the box and saw the official point to the spot. Lovenkrands duly dispatched the penalty for his 15th goal of the season, but it was left to Nolan to win it 18 minutes from time with an acrobatic finish as he matched the Dane’s tally. Newcastle owner Mike Ashley has often been criticised by fans for his chaotic reign, but he was at St James’ Park for the match and visited the dressing room in the immediate aftermath of the final

whistle as the party got under way in earnest. Hughton said: “He was down in the changing room, but it was fairly chaotic down there. I managed to speak to him very, very briefly. It was just congratulations. This is what we are all in the game for. “The moments you see in the changing room today, you don’t see that often and when you are involved in it and you do see it, you have to enjoy it.” —AFP

LONDON: Since the second minute in the Allianz Arena last week when Wayne Rooney stabbed the ball high into the roof of the Bayern Munich net the wheels have come loose on the Manchester United bandwagon. Consecutive 2-1 defeats have left their Champions League hopes and a fourth consecutive Premier League title in the balance and order must be restored quickly at home to Bayern today if United’s season is not to suffer a terminal crash. Everything was running smoothly for United when Rooney put them ahead in the first leg of their Champions League quarter-final but the England striker deflected a 77th minute Franck Ribery shot past his goalkeeper Edwin van der Sar, twisted his ankle in stoppage time and was prone on the turf when Ivica Olic snatched a last-gasp winner for Bayern. Rooney missed Saturday’s home league defeat by Chelsea which wrenched pole position from Alex Ferguson’s men in the title race and while the red alarm lights are not flashing just yet, the fact Rooney may be rushed back for the second leg against Bayern shows just how much United rely on their talisman. United’s late capitulation in Munich means they have to win, something they have managed just once in eight meetings with the Bavarian powerhouse-the epic 1999 Champions League final when they scored twice in stoppage time to claim a 2-1 victory. “They’re not the same team without Rooney,” Chelsea boss Carlo Ancelotti said after his side coped comfortably with a toothless United side. “Rooney is a fantastic player who is difficult to replace with anyone else.” Rooney’s 34 goals this season in all competitions have disguised a shortage of firepower from other areas for the three-times European champions. Their next highest scorer is Dimitar Berbatov with 12, followed by the injured Michael Owen who has just nine while the ageing Paul Scholes, such a reliable scorer of important goals down the years, has managed only six. “United are easier to beat this season, a fact underlined by their seven Premier League defeats and that is down to a combination of three factors,” Liverpool’s former European Cup winner Alan Hansen said in Monday’s Daily Telegraph newspaper. “They are getting older, they are less resilient and quite simply, United are not as good as they were.” Rooney was initially expected to be out for three or four weeks but is undergoing intensive treatment and could play some part in Wednesday’s return at Old Trafford. While Ferguson is unlikely to start him, his mere presence on the bench would be hugely reassuring for United as they aim to overturn a deficit against a Bayern side full of confidence after taking top spot in the Bundesliga on Saturday. Bayern, who had to battle hard to beat Schalke 04 at the weekend when they were reduced to 10 men for more than half the match, will arrive in confident mood and could also be boosted by the return of former Chelsea winger Arjen Robben who missed the first leg in Bavaria because of injury. “I have hopes he’ll be able to play, but we’ll have to wait and see. His muscles are still strained,” Bayern coach Louis van Gaal told the club’s website (www.fcbayern.t-home.de) on Monday. The German club, bidding for a fifth European Cup, have never lost against United at Old Trafford and their display in the first leg when they largely dominated after a poor start suggests they are capable of scoring an away goal. —Reuters

LONDON: Manchester United’s Nemanja Vidic smiles as he trains with teammates at their Carrington training ground before the team’s forthcoming Champions League quarter final second leg soccer match against Bayern Munich. —AP

Guerrero incident highlights Hamburg players and fans rift HAMBURG: Paolo Guerrero’s infamous hurling of a plastic bottle into the face of a disgruntled fan marks a new low as SV Hamburg’s season turns from bad to worse. Guerrero was fined and apologized on Monday, but the incident after Sunday’s 0-0 Bundesliga draw against Hanover 96 highlighted a growing deep rift between the players and the fans. Coach Bruno Labbadia is also under fire after just one league win in seven games and the imminent danger of ending up without a place in Europe. The latest setback came a week after a crisis meeting between players, coaches and officials and now overshadows preparations for today’s Europa League quarter-final return leg at Standard Liege. The sum was not disclosed but Hamburg president Bernd Hoffmann named it “a fine (of an amount) we have never had before” on Monday. Guerrero could face a ban from the German football federation (DFB) which is said to decide on Tuesday whether to take action. “I apologize to all I have done harm. This is the first time something like that has happened to me,” said Guerrero. Guerrero, who only just returned from a ruptured

cruciate knee ligament, was seemingly insulted by the fan as he headed to the dressing room after the game amid jeers from all around the stadium. Television footage showed him stop together with defender Joris Mathijsen, exchange a few words with the fan - located on the more expensive seats and not among the die-hards - and then hurl his water bottle into the face of the man before being led away by team-mates. The local Hamburger Morgenpost newspaper spoke of a “mega-scandal” on its website Monday and the worst player/fan confrontation since Eric Cantona’s infamous karate-style attack on a Crystal Palace fan in 1995 which saw the Frenchman banned for eight months. “That is totally unacceptable. He will face the relevant consequences. This does not belong in football,” said Hoffmann after the game. Labbadia said: “This can not happen. He was insulted in the most extreme way. But we must withstand that and react more professional.” Captain Frank Rost agreed that Guerrero should have simply walked away but also insisted that “he did not

do it without a reason” and that fans must face the consequences in such cases. “It was a clean hit - the New York Yankees would sign him up on the spot,” said Rost. Other players like Dennis Aogo also complained that the fans had turned against the team early in the match instead of supporting it. Disgruntled fans have made their presence felt and turned against their team before this season in the Bundesliga. Hundreds tried to storm the VFB Stuttgart headquarters after a lost match in the final countdown to the sacking of coach Markus Babbel last autumn, and around 150 Hertha Berlin fans stormed the pitch after a recent home defeat against Nuremberg. Ralf Bednarek, head of the influential Hamburg fan group Supporters, said that Guerrero’s action had to do with the team and not the fan dissent. “The team is trying to distract from its own problems. Guerrero lost it because the team is under pressure,” Bednarek said. “There is nothing that justifies this bottle-throwing. A fan would get a two-year stadium ban for that,” Bednarek said.—dpa


Magical Messi destroys Arsenal ‘No Rooney for Bayern decider’ MANCHESTER: Manchester United manager Alex Ferguson is unlikely to risk injured striker Wayne Rooney against Bayern Munich today in the second leg of the Champions League quarterfinals. Rooney injured ligaments in his right ankle last Tuesday when United lost to Bayern 2-1 in the first leg, but he is already ahead of schedule after initially been ruled out for up to three weeks. “We have made some progress with the lad, the medical team have done fantastic, but I’m not prepared to take a risk when the player is not 100 percent fit,” Ferguson said yesterday. “We are looking more at the Manchester City game (on April 17), maybe Blackburn as a sub (on Sunday), but the boy is making good progress.” Ferguson, however, didn’t rule out the possibility that Rooney would play against Bayern at Old Trafford. “I don’t think (he will be on the bench),” Ferguson said. “Maybe he will talk me into it. It’s a difficult one.” Rooney has scored 34 goals this season as the team chases a fourth straight Premier League title and a third consecutive Champions League final appearance. Without Rooney on Saturday, United lost to Chelsea 2-1 and dropped into second place in the Premier League behind the London club. Without Rooney, Dimitar Berbatov would be

expected to produce goals up front for United, but the Bulgarian rarely starts big matches and has scored only 12 goals this season. Federico Macheda, an 18-year-old forward who scored Saturday, is another option. He is expected to be on the bench against Bayern after an injuryplagued season. “He is on his way back. He is a terrific talent and a real penalty box player,” Ferguson said. “I don’t see him starting, but I do think he can play a part.” The Red Devils are chasing a spot in the Champions League semifinals for the fourth consecutive season, but midfielder Ryan Giggs isn’t looking past Bayern yet. “They have got strength in depth and players who can come on and make a difference,” Giggs said. “Together with the history of the club, you always have to be wary of these teams because they have experience in the Champions League. “We knew we were up against a good side (last week). We just did not play as well as we know we are capable of.” “Manchester to me is the favorite. They are playing at home. They are the joint favorite with Barcelona to win the competition,” Bayern midfielder Mark van Bommel said. “But it’s important for us to get through, because it has a financial impact and an impact on the image of the team.”—AP

BARCELONA: Argentinian superstar Lionel Messi’s first ever four goal haul saw holders Barcelona reach the Champions League semi-finals here yesterday in a 4-1 defeat of English side Arsenal in their quarter-final second leg clash to win 6-3 on aggregate. The 22-year-old world player of the year - who went into the match with three hat-tricks already in 2010 - destroyed Arsenal after Danish striker Nicklas Bendtner had briefly given the visitors hope with the opening goal. Bendtner scored on the counter-attack after 18 minutes, but then Messi stole the show with a hat-trick before half-time and a late strike two minutes before the end with Arsenal already beaten. Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger, whose Arsenal side had lost to Barcelona in the 2006 final, was gracious in defeat. “Congratulations to Barcelona, they were the better side,” said the thoughtful Frenchman. “We lost to the better team and the best player in the world (Messi). Over the two legs we gave away cheap goals, defensively we gave them the goals when they weren’t looking dangerous. But Messi when he gets the ball is unstoppable, he can change direction at any time.” Following Arsenal’s dramatic come-back to finish 2-2 in the first leg, the return at the Nou Camp was eagerly awaited and the anticipation ahead of the game was in no way dampened by the number of key players absent. Barcelona were without their central defensive pairing of Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique while in attack the scorer of their two goals at the

Emirates, Zlatan Ibrahimovic, was missing through injury. Arsenal possibly had the greater cross to bear without former Barca youth product Cesc Fabregas as well Andrey Arshavin, William Gallas and Alex Song. The surprise news before kick-off was that Mikael Silvestre was chosen ahead of Sol Campbell to partner Thomas Vermaelen in defence while for Barcelona as expected Bojan Krkic was given the nod by coach Pep Guardiola to play in attack, ahead of former-Gunner hero Thierry Henry. Arsenal took the lead in practically their first attack. Theo Walcott, such a danger for the Barca defence in the first-leg, burst clear down the right wing and crossed for Bendtner. While the Danes shot was smothered at close range by keeper Victor Valdes, Bendtner was up first to slot the ball home. The 98,000 capacity crowd was stunned into silence but they needn’t have worried because in Messi they have a player with exceptional talent who rose to the occasion. Just two minutes later with the Arsenal defence failing to clear their lines, the Argentine fired the ball past the outstretched arms of Manuel Almunia. Messi had moved up a gear and put Barca into the lead after 36 minutes. Having been set up 12 yards out by Pedro Rodriguez he slipped past Gael Clichy before scoring from close range. It was almost a single-handed performance as Messi latched onto a header from Seydou Keita in midfield and through on goal clipped the ball over the keeper for the third. Guardiola brought on Yaya

Toure to strengthen the midfield but their concentration on defence led to them taking their foot off the pedal. Except for a shot soon after the break, Messi faded from the game and Arsenal had the majority of the better chances and actually had themselves to blame for not getting back in the game. Bendtner was too often the culprit with his slow movement allowing Rafa Marquez to clear on one occasion and then he hit the post with a clear header from point blank range, although he was judged off side. As the Barca defence dozed Tomas Rosicky too stole in but blazed over the crossbar. Messi, though, wrapped up his match winning performance by tucking the ball past Almunia from a tight angle. Meanwhile, Real Madrid goalkeeper Iker Casillas has played down the importance of his side’s “El Classico” clash Saturday against arch-rivals Barcelona. “The winner’s position on the table will be strengthened, but the league is still far from over,” said Casillas after training yesterday. “The Clasico will be a great game, but it won’t be decisive. Three very important points will be at stake and our goal is to win the match. There are still many matches and points to win.” Real are on top of the standings on goal difference from Barcelona with eight games remaining after beating Racing Santander 2-0 on Sundaytheir 12 successive win in La Liga. “We hardly concede any goals because we all help out. Everyone is involved in defending set pieces. Our quality in attack can guarantee us to win games as long as we don’t concede any strikes,” he said. Real’s Brazilian playmaker Kaka, who joined the club from AC Milan for 65 million euros in June 2009, did not train yesterday and is in doubt for the weekend game because of a groin strain that has sidelined him a month. “He’s getting better slowly, but it’s a complicated injury,” said Casillas. “Kaka wants to help the team. The team will benefit if he’s in good form. He is angry because he hasn’t performed as he wished, but we’re delighted with him because he’s a team worker who sets a great example. “We want him to recover as soon as possible,” he added. —AFP

SPAIN: Barcelona’s Argentinian forward Lionel Messi celebrates after scoring the fourth goal during the UEFA Champions League football match between Barcelona and Arsenal at the Camp Nou stadium. —AFP

Inter ease into Champions League semis MOSCOW: Colorful Portuguese coach Jose Mourinho became the first man to guide three different clubs to the Champions League semi-finals yesterday as Italian champions Inter Milan defeated CSKA Moscow 1-0, 2-0 on aggregate. An early goal by Dutch playmaker Wesley Sneijder — who had been an injury doubt on the eve of the match — set them on their way for their first appearance in the last four in seven years. “The plan was to score before them,” Mourinho said. “In Milan we scored after 10 shots. Today after the first one. And the tie was in the pocket. “CSKA were under pressure today and failed to play at their best. We also didn’t play at our top in attack. I believe we should have scored at least one more goal.” Their task was made easier when Nigerian Chidi Odiah was sent-off early in the second-half for a second bookable offence. Mourinho, who has previously taken Porto and then Chelsea to the last four with the former winning the trophy under him in 2004, could be joined as a coach to have taken three different sides

to the last four by Dutchman Louis van Gaal if Bayern Munich beat Manchester United on Wednesday. CSKA manager Leonid Slutsky admitted that Sneijder’s early goal had taken the wind out of his side’s sails. “We came into the match looking for a win. But the early goal, along with Vasily Berezutsky’s injury made our task a great deal tougher,” he said. “The exclusion of Chidi Odiah virtually dashed our hopes completely. But I

can’t hold anything against my men today. They did all thay could.” He added: “I consider nevertheless that we looked good in both of our matches with Inter and deservedly had a place in the last eight.” Sneijder struck in the sixth minute with a freekick, which while finely struck would not have endangered the CSKA Moscow goal had Japanese international Keisuke Honda not jumped over the ball.

Matches on TV (local timings) UEFA Champions League Bordeaux v Lyon ............ 21:45 Al Jazeera Sport +5 Man United v Bayern ..... 21:45 Al Jazeera Sport +3 Al Jazeera Sport +4

MOSCOW: Inter’s Wesley Sneijder (right) battles for the ball with CSKA’s Pavel Mamaev during a Champions League quarterfinal second leg soccer match. —AP

CSKA Moscow goalkeeper Igor Akinfeev vainly stretched out his legs to try and stop it as he was diving the other way but to no avail, and was understandably furious with Honda. CSKA - who missed their most creative player Milos Krasic as he was suspended - rarely threatened to get back on level terms during the first-half apart from a neat move which saw Tomas Necid go agonisingly close in the 23rd minute with Inter ‘keeper Julio Cesar well beaten. CSKA also put together another dazzling passing move with 10 minutes remaining of the first period turning the Inter midfield and defence inside out only for Pavel Mamaev to lose control of his shot inside the area, the ball going sideways instead of at the Inter goal. Inter, though, almost made them pay again as Diego Milito - scorer of the goal in the first leg - turned inside a CSKA defender and with just Akinfeev to beat saw the Russian international ‘keeper save with his legs. Any hope of CSKA mounting a miraculous comeback ended in the 50th minute as Odiah was redcarded by French referee Stephane Lannoy for a second bookable offence after the Nigerian - who had come on in the firsthalf for Vasili Berezutski - clattered into Samuel Eto’o. CSKA did trouble Julio Cesar as Chilean winger Mark Gonzalez - once of Liverpool and Real Betis - fired in a shot but the Brazilian guardian was equal to the task and caught it smartly. Inter were strolling to victory, but they did draw good saves from Akinfeev through Sneijder and Dejan Stankovic, and the Russian stood tall when needed to deny Milito when he was one on one with him with 17 minutes remaining. —AFP

Al-Hassad Islamic Account announces winners

NBK is platinum sponsor of Tijarty Hiwayti youth exhibit



US, India launch high-level economic partnership talks


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Burgan Bank eyes diversification, positive growth KUWAIT: At its 2010 General Assembly and Shafafiyah Investors For um on Monday, Burgan Bank appointed a new chairman and presented the nominations for the new board. Majed Essa Al-Ajeel has been appointed as the new chairman of Burgan Bank, Mohamad Abdul R ahman Al-Bisher as the Vice Chairman, and the new Board of Directors are; Abdul Karim Kabariti, Pinak Maitra, Sadoun Ali, Faisal Al-Radhwan, Ahmed AlSumait, Dr Amani Burisly, Abdul Salam AlBahar and one reserve as Samer Khanachet. Majed Essa Al Ajeel, Chairman of Burgan Bank said, “We welcome the new board and look forward to the continued success that the bank has seen over the years as we move aggressively forward. I would also like to take this opportunity on behalf of the board and management of the bank to thank the previous board members for their guidance and Masaud Hayat for his commitment and successful leadership. We wish him all the very best. Meanwhile at annual Shafafiyah forum, Burgan Bank presented a review of 2009 and outlined its 2010 plans and outlook to its shareholders, partners, financial analysts and institutional investors. It also confirmed that it will continue to achieve positive growth and increased revenues despite the challenging financial climate. The Investor’s Forum followed the company’s General and Extraordinary General Assembly meetings. During the 43rd Ordinary General Assembly, Shareholders approved a list of items which included the election of new board members for a three year term. At the Shafafiyah Forum, Burgan Bank out-

lined its plans and future outlook for 2010 which included its subsidiary businesses in fast growing economies that have been resilient from the downward global economic trend. The bank also highlighted its performance and achievements as well as challenges that lay ahead. Speaking at the Forum, Burgan Bank’s Chairman, Majed Essa Al-Ajeel said that despite tough market conditions, the bank is performing well and will exploit the current economic situation to its advantage and it will overcome the crisis: “Through our long range plan from 2010-2014 we are looking at increasing our market share and revenues. Also, we are looking to substantially strengthen our foundations by introducing new products and services in Kuwait. Our eventual focus is to widen the scope of our activities through our affiliation and acquisitions of our subsidiary banks in the MENA region.” Commenting on the subsidiaries, Majed AlAjeel said: “The solid macroeconomics outlook within the MENA region will provide a solid platform for diversification which will inevitably lead to substantially enhancing both the franchise and shareholder value.” During the year 2009, Burgan Bank, posted a net profit of KD 6.2 million. The results were after provisions of KD 82.8 million taken during the year. These provisions are in addition to the KD 43 million of unallocated general provisions available in the bank books as of 31 December 2009. During the period, the Bank’s operating income of KD 155 million grew by 28% and operating profit grew by 26% over the previous year to KD 111 million.

Bank names Al-Ajeel as chairman, elects new board

KUWAIT: Majed Essa Al-Ajeel, the newly-elected Chairman and Masoud Hayat, the Managing Director (middle) with other board members during the general Assembly. — Joseph Shagra

Islamic finance bodies have Qatar to start Ras Laffan $5tn potential, says Moodys refinery expansion in 2011 PARIS: Islamic financial bodies, which adhere to religious proscriptions against interest, have a market potential of at least $5.0 trillion, Moody’s Investors Service said yesterday. But Moody’s added that such institutions needed to develop their own derivative instruments, avoiding conventional derivative practices, if they wanted to retain their popularity among Muslim investors. It said Islamic financial institutions had total assets in 2009, despite a gloomy international economic environment, of $950 billion. But it estimated that the sector’s

potential was “worth at least at least $5.0 trillion (3.7 trillion euros) and the industry is continuing to expand globally.” Islamic banking has been left relatively unscathed by the global financial crisis, largely because of rules forbidding engagement in the kind of risky business that sank mainstream institutions like Lehman Brothers. Islamic Sharia law bars the payment and collection of interest, which is seen as a form of gambling. Islamic finance also operates on the principle of risk-sharing between the issuing bank and the buyer of a financial product, making it a less risky alternative to some conventional banking

instruments. Moody’s Vice President and Senior Credit Officer Anwar Hassoune said that Islamic financial bodies now wanted to use derivative instruments to hedge against risk and to improve monitoring practices. “However they are keen to do so in a Sharia-compliant manner, rather than imitating conventional derivative instruments, in order to avoid losing their special status as Sharia-compliant banks, which makes them very attractive to a large population of Muslims. “For this reason a new innovation phase in the industry is critical.” — AFP

RAS LAFFAN, Qatar: Qatar will start work on expanding the recently inaugurated Ras Laffan conddensate refinery in early 2011, the Gulf Arab state’s oil minister Abdullah Al-Attiyah said yesterday. The 146,000 barrels per day (bpd) Ras Laffan plant, which currently produces 24,000 bpd of gas oil, 52,000 bpd of kerosene and jet fuel and 8,000 bpd of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) will be aimed at markets in Southeast Asia and Europe, Attiyah told reporters. “Markets across Southeast Asia and Europe in particular rely on these commercially valuable products for their

Kuwait’s Agility delays results amid US talks KUWAIT: Kuwaiti logistics firm Agility will postpone the release of its 2009 financial results until April 11 as it tries to reach a settlement with the US government on a fraud case. Agility, which had already delayed the results to April 6, said in a statement yesterday that it was waiting to see “whether or not it can resolve a legal dispute with the US government.” It did not elaborate. The company said that trading in its shares will continue to be halted. Agility, formerly Public Warehousing Co KSC, is in talks to resolve an indictment accusing it of overcharging the US Army on supply contracts in Iraq, Kuwait and Jordan. Yesterday, the Arabic language daily Al-Qabas, citing unnamed sources, said if no settlement is reached by April 11, Agility will announce the results after making “enough provisions.” Kuwait, which was the launch pad for the US-led invasion of Iraq in 2003. has become a major logistics base for American forces. — Reuters

NEW YORK: Traders gather at the post on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange that handles Teekay Tankers Ltd. yesterday. — AP

Greek debt muddle sinks euro, sends spreads soaring ATHENS: A spike in uncertainty over Greece’s debt strategy yesterday sank the euro and troubled bond investors as Athens was to confer with IMF experts on how to plug holes in its struggling economy. Greece’s borrowing costs soared on reports earlier in the day that Greece might be seeking to bypass the International Monetary Fund in a joint-but vague-EUIMF support deal that has so far failed to inspire investors. The Greek finance ministry rushed to dispel the suggestion, insisting that Greece had “never taken any action” to change the terms of the deal. “The agreement is important to both Europe and Greece as it defines the conditions under which a country can be supported under specific conditions by its peers,” Greek Finance Minister George Papaconstantinou said. But the damage had already been done and Greek borrowing costs mounted. The gap between Greek and German 10-year bond yields, or spread, widened again on Monday to 3.91 points from 3.42 points on Thursday. And the euro fell below the 1.34-dollar level as fresh doubts about the handling of the Greek debt crisis undermined confidence in the euro-zone, dealers said.

The new wave of angst came ahead of the expected arrival in Athens today of IMF experts and amid everrising urgency for Greece to borrow huge sums to pay its bills. Although Greek sources insisted that the IMF mission was merely to offer advice on managing Greece’s debt-crippled budget, there was mounting unease in financial markets about the country’s escaping partial default on old debt due for repayment. The sense that Greece might be losing interest in the IMF-EU bailout strengthened on a report that Athens would soon lead a “roadshow” to raise money in the United States in the face of weakening European demand for its debt. Greece, a member of the euro-zone, said last week it planned a huge operation to borrow in dollars the equivalent of 11.5 billion euros ($15.6 billion) to meet an urgent need for funds. The goal would be to raise the money by May to cover bills until the end of that month, the state debt management office said. But the country will still need another 32.5 billion euros to pay its bills to the end of the year, and faces paying about 15 percent of tax income in interest. —Reuters

Palestinians plan third mobile license in 2013 RAMALLAH: The Palestinian Authority said yesterday it plans to issue a third mobile phone licence in 2013, although the success of such a project will depend on Israel opening frequencies for Palestinian use. Telecommunications Minister Mashour Abu Daqqa said the Palestinian market, comprising 4 million people in the West Bank and Gaza Strip, could accommodate a third network. He said bidding will open in 2012. The project’s success depends on Israel opening telecommunication frequencies for Palestinian use, assuming the coming years fail to yield a peace deal granting Palestinians sovereignty over territories occupied by Israel since 1967. Abu Daqqa said a third network would enhance quality and lower prices. The Palestinian market is currently served by Wataniya Palestine, which is part owned by Qatar Telecommunications Co, and Jawwal, which is owned by The Palestine Telecommunications Co (Paltel).

“All the studies say there is room for a third operator,” Abu Daqqa told a news conference in Ramallah. Wataniya Palestine began operating in November and says its subscriber growth has exceeded targets. Jawwal, which began operating in 1999, has some 1.8 million users. Abu Daqqa said the Palestinians were asking Israel for access to the frequencies required for a third operator. Abu Daqqa said a third operator would help to squeeze out Israeli firms. Some Palestinians in the West Bank are forced to use Israeli networks because of the problems the Palestinian firms face erecting masts in the 60 percent of the West Bank that falls under full Israeli control. “We must impose facts on the ground,” Abu Daqqa said. The Palestinians aim to establish an independent state in the West Bank and Gaza Strip with East Jerusalem as its capital. — Reuters

petrochemical industry and to run their vehicles and jets,” he said. “By building this refinery it would diversify and expand our added value to world markets.” Contracts for the second phase of the refinery are expected to be awarded by the first half of next year, Attiyah said. The biggest product stream at the plant will be the petrochemical feedstock and gasoline component naphtha, he said. Production for naphtha at the refinery will be at 63,000 bpd, and Asia will be the main export market for the light fuel, Attiyah said.

Kerosene and jet fuel produced at t h e re f i n e r y w i l l s h i p p e d m a i n l y t o western markets, and the gas oil gas oil output will be redirected into the local Q a t a r i a n d re g i o n a l M i d d l e E a s t e r n markets, he said.The refinery will allow Qatar to cease diesel imports, Attiyah s a i d . S t a t e - f u n d e d Q a t a r Pe t ro l e u m operates the Ras L affan refinery and has a 51 percent stake. Other shareh o l d e r s a re To t a l w i t h 1 0 p e rc e n t , Exxon Mobil with 10 percent, Cosmo with 10 percent, Idemitsu percent with 1 0 p e rc e n t M i t s u i w i t h 4 . 5 p c t a n d Marubeni with 4.5 percent. — Reuters



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Bahrain’s AUB says Gulf buyer eyes 25% stake

Al-Hassad Islamic Account from Al-Motahid

Only investment savings account with prizes compliant to sharia KUWAIT: AUB has announced the results of the quarterly draw of its Al-Hassad Islamic savings scheme. The lucky customer, Badriah Rashed Al-Shabib, won the grand quarterly prize worth KD 500,000 (KD 2000 monthly as a salary of life). Two more winners, Ahmad Ibrahim Mohammed Faisal and Mohammed Yousif A. Rahman walked away with KD 250,000 each as a salary of KD 1000 monthly for life. When asked about her reaction when she heard the news from Al-Motahid, she said, “I didn’t believe the news when they called me and I thought it’s a joke. I called back the Hayakom call center agent and the Yarmouk branch to confirm the news, and then I realized that it’s true. I thanked God for such a great unexpected surprise that will definitely change my life positively.” The biggest-ever Al-Hassad Islamic savings scheme features 6000 prizes worth KD 10 million in total. The scheme’s structure gives eligible customers the opportunity to win KD 1 million in two quarterly prize draws, offering a single ‘Grand Salary for Life’ prize of KD 4000 a month for the next 250 months. Other ‘Salary for Life’ prizes include quarterly KD 500,000 prizes (KD 2,000 paid out every month) and KD 250,000 prizes (KD 1,000 paid out every month). With a total of three winners announced each quarter, all prizes convert to a stable source of monthly income for the winner over the next 250 months. Apart from the quarterly prizes, one Grand Weekly prize of KD 20,000 and five weekly cash prizes of KD 1,000 each are given away every week. Customers with KD 1000 and above invested in the Al-Hassad Islamic

Kuwait’s Tamdeen, others to sell stakes

NEW DELHI: (Left to right): Netherlands Foreign Economic Relations Deputy Director General Marten van den Berg, Netherlands Ambassador to India Bob Hiensch and Tata Services Vice President Sanjay Singh pose with a Tata Nano at Hiensch’s residence in New Delhi yesterday. The orange Tata Nano was unveiled to highlight Dutch-Indian bilateral cooperation in the field of technology and innovation. —AFP

DUBAI: Ahli United Bank, Bahrain’s largest bank, said a Gulf entity had agreed to buy a 25 percent Ahli stake from Kuwait’s Tamdeen investment firm and other shareholders, sending shares in both firms soaring. AUB, whose shares have rallied in recent days amid media reports of the stake sale, said a unit of real estate firm Tamdeen and others had agreed to sell the stake, a move that would form the single largest shareholder in the bank. The statement did not name the buyer. “An agreement has been reached with the buyer stipulating that the company and other shareholders agree to sell a stake totaling 25 percent in Ahli United Bank within 60 days,” AUB said in a statement on the Bahrain bourse website. AUB had a market value of $3.6 billion as of Monday, according to Reuters data. Ahli United Bank’s Bahrain listing ended 6.7 percent higher yesterday, taking its gains to 33 percent since March 28 as rumours of a stake sale spurred investors to buy into the stock. Its Kuwait listing rose 4.6 percent and was up 29 percent over the same period. Tamdeen was up 8.2 percent. “With regard to reports published ... on Tamdeen selling its stake in Ahli United Bank, ... the company received an offer from a Gulf entity to buy its stake and that of other shareholders,” AUB said. “The company has accepted this offer.” —Reuters

Dubai utility to tap bond market in litmus test for the emirate DUBAI/ABU DHABI: Dubai’s stateowned utility kicked off a roadshow yesterday to raise up to $3 billion in a litmus test of how Dubai entities will fare in debt markets after the Gulf Arab emirate’s refinancing crisis. Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) postponed plans to issue a bond last November when conglomerate Dubai World said it would delay repaying $26 billion in debt. Bankers at the roadshow in the United Arab Emirates said DEWA could expect a warm if pricey response, given demand for utility paper from the Gulf region. “If there is one company from Dubai that can raise funds, it is this one,” said a banker who asked not to be identified. “DEWA will be able to raise the money but they’ll really have to pay - at

least 8 percent they’ll have to pay.” DEWA is on the road to market its proposed $3 billion Global Medium Term Notes (GMTN) program, rated BBB- by Fitch Ratings on April 1. The roadshow comes after Dubai unveiled a $9.5 billion rescue plan for Dubai World last month. Bonds issued under the MTN program will not carry a Dubai government guarantee, according to the prospectus. Dewa’s debt at the end of February stood at 24.24 billion dirhams ($6.6 billion), of which 2.19 billion dirhams is due in 2010, the prospectus said. Proceeds from the bond sale will be used for general corporate purposes, and the notes will be listed on the London Stock Exchange. “It is a litmus test, this is a key deal,” said Chavan Bhogaita, head of credit research at National Bank of Abu Dhabi.

“It is significant because it is the first deal out of Dubai after the debt standstill. (It will show) demand that Dubai can generate worldwide and what cost of funding investors demand from Dubai.” Citigroup, Standard Chartered, the Royal Bank of Scotland and NBAD are mandated banks. The addition of NBAD to the group is a sign that Dubai’s wealthy neighbor Abu Dhabi is giving DEWA tacit backing. NBAD is majority owned by the Abu Dhabi government, which sprang to Dubai World’s rescue in December. DEWA, the sole provider of Dubai’s electricity and water needs, has ambitious-and expensive-expansion plans. But its monopoly market position makes it attractive for investors. In March, Chief Executive Saeed

Mohammed Al-Tayer said that DEWA has about 30 billion UAE dirhams ($8.17 billion) of projects in the works, with 80 percent almost completed. DEWA will meet with potential investors in Asia, Europe and the United States later in the week for the 144a issue, opening up the offer to qualified institutional investors in the US. “It will be interesting to see how much they raise from the 144a issue in the US. Even if it’s 5 to 10 percent it’ll be seen as good,” said a Gulf-based banker. DEWA last tapped the bond market in 2008 with a combined issue of 3.2 billion dirhams. A number of quasi-sovereign corporate and financial bond issues from the Gulf are expected to come to market in the second quarter, as the pipeline begins to open up. —Reuters

Badriah Rashed Al-Shabib scheme are eligible to win KD 500,000 in each of the four loyalty draws held over the scheme period. The concept behind the savings scheme is giving customers the opportunity to win a “salary for life”. AUB’s objective has been to create a lifetime change for the winners and allow them to invest their winnings in things that will make a lasting difference to the well being of their families. For more information on the Al-Hassad Islamic investment savings account, its prize structure and eligibility criteria, customers may visit any AUB Kuwait branch or call Hayakom 181 2000.

Qatar’s Barwa to sell more assets in 2010, 2011 DUBAI: Qatar’s Barwa Real Estate said yesterday it will continue to sell assets in 2010 and 2011 to meet its obligations after it repaid 4.3 billion riyals ($1.18 billion) in Islamic financial facilities. The developer, an affiliate of the country’s sovereign wealth fund, said in a statement it repaid the sum through the sale of some assets and on settlement of claims for projects undertaken for the government and other third parties. The fifth largest developer in the Gulf Arab region by market value, did not give details of the asset sales. “We will continue to pay down the financial facilities as per our long-term business strategy,” the firm’s chairman and managing director Ghanim bin Saad Al Saad, said in the statement on Qatar’s bourse website. “We expect to achieve our goals by selling assets and restructuring existing financial facilities during 2010-2011.” All of the earnings from this transaction were used to pay back Tamweelat financing agreements, it said. Executives at the company were not immediately available

for comment. Barwa, which is in the process of taking over Qatar Real Estate (Alaqaria), said in March negotiations were still underway on the sale of Barwa Financial District to Qatar Petroleum, and denied it was in talks to sell its Barwa City project to a government buyer. In February it said it was seeking a bridge loan, without providing details. The company’s Chief Financial Officer told

Reuters in April last year it was mulling asset sales to boost profit in the first half of the year. Barwa, which has properties in France, Switzerland and the United Kingdom, focuses on retail, office, hospitality and residential property development. The firm’s shares were up 0.3 percent at 33.8 riyals a share at 0712 GMT, outperforming Doha’s bourse which was down 0.2 percent.

Carlyle hires Eric Kump from Dubai’s DIC DUBAI: US private equity firm Carlyle Group has hired Eric Kump from Dubai International Capital (DIC) to join its European buy-out team, Carlyle said in a statement yesterday. Kump, who has more than 15 years of experience in the industry, has joined Carlyle Europe Partners (CEP) as a managing director for leveraged buyouts, the private equity firm said. At DIC, he headed the European private equity team. Kump will be joining Carlyle’s “European buyout team at a time when the investment pace is picking up across the region,” said William Conway, co-founder and managing director of Carlyle Group. DIC is the investment arm of Dubai Holding, the conglomerate owned by the emirate’s ruler. The investment firm made a large number of investments during the boom years, including buying a stake in UK bank HSBC. DIC was not immediately available for comment when contacted by Reuters. The Financial Times earlier yesterday reported that Carlyle had hired Kump. —Reuters

EXCHANGE RATES Commercial Bank of Kuwait US Dollar/KD GB Pound/KD Euro Swiss francs Canadian Dollar Australian DLR Indian rupees Sri Lanka Rupee UAE dirhams Bahraini dinars Jordanian dinar Saudi riyals Omani riyals Philippine peso Egyptian pounds US Dollar/KD GB Pound/KD Euro Swiss francs Canadian dollars Danish Kroner Swedish Kroner Australian dlr Hong Kong dlr Singapore dlr Japanese yen Indian Rs/KD Sri Lanka rupee Pakistan rupee Bangladesh taka UAE dirhams Bahraini dinars Jordanian dinar Saudi Riyal/KD Omani riyals Philippine Peso US Dollar Sterling pounds Swiss Francs Saudi Riyals

.2840000 .4360000 .384000 .2680000 .2850000 .2630000 .0045000 .0020000 .0781810 .7616900 .4020000 .0750000 .7467040 .0045000 .0500000 CUSTOMER TRANSFER RATES .2888000 .4384000 .3864510 .2698850 .2871630 .0519010 .0398950 .2654470 .0370790 .2061100 .0030640 .0065000 .0025370 .0034590 .0042190 .0784500 .7643090 .4073090 .0768390 .7484230 .0064350 TRANSFER CHEQUES RATES .2901000 .4414960 .2717960 .0773290

Al-Muzaini Exchange Co. Japanese Yen Indian Rupees


.2940000 .4450000 .3920000 .2760000 .2910000 .2700000 .0075000 .0035000 .0789660 .7693450 .4180000 .0790000 .7542090 .0072000 .0580000 .2901000 .4414960 .3891800 .2717960 .2891970 .0522690 .0401780 .2673220 .0373410 .2075700 .0030860 .0065460 .0025550 .0034840 .0042490 .0789500 .7691820 .4101930 .0773290 .7531950 .0064810

Pakistani Rupees Srilankan Rupees Nepali Rupees Singapore Dollar Hongkong Dollar Bangladesh Taka Philippine Peso Thai Baht Irani Riyal - Transfer Irani Riyal - Cash

3.443 2.538 4.077 207.800 37.262 4.175 6.440 8.964 0.301 0.292 GCC COUNTRIES Saudi Riyal 77.190 Qatari Riyal 79.522 Omani Riyal 751.920 Bahraini Dinar 768.700 UAE Dirham 78.824 ARAB COUNTRIES Egyptian Pound - Cash 55.500 Egyptian Pound 52.591 Yemen Riyal 1.297 Tunisian Dinar 206.400 Jordanian Dinar 408.710 Lebanese Lira 194.200 Syrian Lier 6.348 Morocco Dirham 35.240 EUROPEAN & AMERICAN COUNTRIES US Dollar Transfer 289.300 Euro 389.700 Sterling Pound 441.620 Canadian dollar 289.730 Turkish lire 191.810 Swiss Franc 272.410 Australian dollar 266.510 US Dollar Buying 287.000 GOLD 20 Gram 220.000 10 Gram 112.000 5 Gram 58.000

Bahrain Exchange Company COUNTRY Australian dollar Bahraini dinar Bangladeshi taka Canadian dollar Cyprus pound Czek koruna Danish krone Deutsche Mark Egyptian pound

SELL CASH 270.500 769.180 4.390 291.800 568.000 15.800 53.200 167.800 54.740

SELL DRAFT 269.000 769.180 4.175 290.300

208.300 52.595

Euro Cash Hongkong dollar Indian rupees Indonesia Iranian tuman Iraqi dinar Japanese yen Jordanian dinar Lebanese pound Malaysian ringgit Morocco dirham Nepalese Rupees New Zealand dollar Nigeria Norwegian krone Omani Riyal Pakistani rupees Philippine peso Qatari riyal Saudi riyal Singapore dollar South Africa Sri Lankan rupees Sterling pound Swedish krona Swiss franc Syrian pound Thai bhat Tunisian dollar UAE dirham U.S. dollars Yemeni Riyal 10 Tola Sterling Pound US Dollar

392.600 37.970 6.740 0.035 0.298 0.260 3.170 410.580 0.195 91.940 47.500 4.260 207.600 2.183 49.300 751.340 3.510 6.550 79.990 77.230 208.310 42.430 2.741 444.700 40.900 275.300 6.400 9.290 217.900 78.920 289.600 1.380 GOLD 1,221.250 TRAVELLER’S CHEQUE 442.700 289.200

391.100 37.820 6.495

408.850 0.194 91.940 4.080 206.100 751.160 3.450 6.440 79.560 77.230 208.310 42.430 2.538 442.700 273.800 9.120 78.920 289.200

Dollarco Exchange Co. Ltd US Dollar Canadian Dollar Sterling Pound Euro Swiss Frank Cyprus Pound Bahrain Dinar UAE Dirhams Qatari Riyals Saudi Riyals Jordanian Dinar Egyptian Pound Indian Rupees Pakistani Rupees

289.400 288.295 441.350 393.015 270.656 709.340 766.010 78.770 79.470 77.140 408.385 52.643 6.422 3.443

Sri Lankan Rupees Bangladesh Taka Philippines Pesso Japanese Yen Thai Bhat Syrian Pound Nepalese Rupees

2.525 4.185 6.386 3.132 8.935 6.314 3.994

Kuwait Bahrain Intl Exchange Co. Currency

Rate per 1000 (Tran)

US Dollar Pak Rupees Indian Rupees Sri Lankan Rupees Bangladesh Taka Philippines Peso UAE Dirhams Saudi Riyals Bahraini Dinars Egyptian Pounds Pound Sterling Indonesian Rupiah Nepali rupee Yemeni Riyal Jordanian Dinars Syrian Pounds Euro Candaian Dollars

289.050 3.435 6.460 2.545 4.180 6.450 78.760 77.250 768.000 52.550 446.300 0.000032100 4.100 1.550 410.300 5.750 395.900 300.800

Al Mulla Exchange Currency

Transfer rate

US Dollar Euro Pound Sterling Canadian Dollar Japanese Yen Indian Rupee Egyptian Pound Sri Lankan Rupee Bangladesh Taka Philippines Peso Pakistan Rupee Bahraini Dinar UAE Dirham Saudi Riyal *Rates are subject to change

288.900 390.750 441.800 289.900 3.120 6.501 52.540 2.538 4.175 6.433 3.450 768.200 78.710 77.100

BUSINESS 23 NBK is platinum sponsor of Tijarty Hiwayti youth exhibit

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Celebrating women at Ernst & Young

Maha Al-Ghunaim shares her journey at the special Women’s Day event KUWAIT: Ernst & Young organized a seminar to commemorate International Women’s Day. Maha Al Ghunaim, Chairperson and Managing Director of Global Investment House, was a guest speaker at the event. The event was also attended by Khawla Roumi, Executive Vice President, Global Investment House, in addition to female employees from Ernst & Young. Thanking women employees for the role that they played at Ernst & Young, Waleed Al Osaimi, Managing Partner, Ernst & Young Kuwait said: “The development and retention of women professionals is a local, regional and global priority for Ernst & Young. Embedding a sustainable, inclusive culture in the way we operate will enable our people to achieve their potential and make a difference.” Maha Al Ghunaim shared her experience and journey to success, the challenges she faced in a world of investment bankers dominated by men and her coping strategies. In her captivating speech she expressed that women have to work harder to prove themselves in order to move up the career ladder than their male colleagues. She stressed on the importance of continuous learning and said that women should enhance their knowledge through reading

and attending trainings and career development workshop to keep abreast with changing times. On being asked on whom she attributes her success to, she answered that she could not have achieved all of what she has without God’s blessings, the support of her family and excellent team at work. Maha also answered questions from the attendees and encouraged them to pursue their professional and personal dreams. Aisha Nadeem, Principal, Ernst & Young Kuwait promoted the concept of teaming and collaboration. She said: “The Ernst & Young network for women is intended to inspire our female employees to feel empowered. It is a platform that helps maximize their potential, promote networking and relationship building through events. This has seen it become instrumental in increasing the visibility of role models, connecting our women to share support and even encouraging women professionals across clients.” Several Ernst & Young studies have examined the relationship between corporate financial performance and women in leadership roles. Their undisputed conclusion is that having more women at the top improves financial performance. Research shows that women make significant and proven contributions to business and economic growth and now is

Markaz study

Opportunities in Dubai Real Estate market KUWAIT: Kuwait Financial Centre “Markaz”, one of the Middle East’s leading investment banking and asset management companies, in its new real estate report on the Dubai Real Estate sector, says astute market players can capture higher yields and gains from price growth in an operationally maturing market ailing from weak macro fundamentals. The authors of the report also suggest that the warehouse and logistics segment offers attractive investment opportunities. Macro trends and outlook: The report observes that trade is the founding pillar of Dubai’s economy while tourism & financial services and real estate & construction as the other two pillars. Excesses in the real estate sector lead to a 50% contraction in terms of prices and around 19% in terms of activity levels during 2009 leading to static prospects with downward pressures in the activity levels during 2010-11. The tourism & financial services sector suffered from a downturn as well during 2009 due to the slowdown in global economy with the additional impact from the structural issues with the Dubai World debt restructuring bid. However, while tourism is expected to stage a moderate growth during 2010-11 backed by global economic recovery, financial services is expected to wither the impact of the debt settlement and stage a moderate growth only by 2011. Trade can be classified into internal and external trade and due to lack of data, the report takes the statistics on the issue of commercial licenses as a proxy for internal trade. Data suggests that internal trade suffered during 2009 with a 28% contraction in commercial licenses issued. On the other hand, external trade grew during 2009 with a 23% surge in exports and 19% growth in re-exports. This suggests that the foundation economic activity is still intact and the authors expect the growth in trade, which is expected to continue during 2010-12, would lead the economy out of its current malaise resulting in an overall recovery by 2012. The population growth estimates provided by the Central Department of Statistics for 2009 at 7.59% is counterintuitive as despite a positive impact due to migration from other emirates, the negative impact from exodus is more likely to have dominated during 2009. The authors expect the population to start growing at the historic 4-6% range only by 2011.

Taking job creation as an appropriate proxy for income growth, the report argues that amidst overall contraction in jobs, jobs created in Dubai contracted from 43% of all jobs created in GCC during H1-08 to 22.4% during Mar-10. Job creation in Dubai would stage a gradual recovery from 2011 the year when the economy revives, thus leading to income growth. With reference to financing, while mortgage grew better than overall credit growth for UAE as a whole, seasonally adjusted mortgage transactions contracted 75% over a period of 16 months from its peak during Jul-08 before turning around during Nov-09. The turnaround from Nov-09 indicates that the persistent contraction got abated which by itself is a positive indicator. The authors expect the trends to remain flat during 2010 as Dubai banks manages the negotiated settlement of the Dubai World debt standstill which would hamper both the ability and willingness to lend especially to real estate projects. Residential: The segment contracted in all metrics such as transactions, rentals and prices and is expected to contract further during 2010. The authors expect transactions to stage a moderate contraction limited to the range of 0-2% month on month during 2010 and stabilize during 2011. Regarding rentals, the report observes that the instability in rentals due to the cannibalistic demand from communities within Dubai and demand from cross emirate relocations would continue to remain in the short term future. The authors advise investors looking for yield to await progress in the operational environment in terms of issues with service charges to reap attractive returns both from high current yields and from yield compressions when the market matures. Price trends are driven more by supply side and new construction permits approved are on the decline during 2009. However, projects worth USD 60Bn are currently under execution and RERA project audit suggests that 74% of the projects are on track, albeit with delays. This suggests that the short and near term supply would restrict prices from recovering on the whole with a negative drag on the longer term due to reverse migration as well. However, astute market players can tap opportunities arising from price fluctuations and from yield compression when the market matures in the property management front.

the time to realize and harness the positive effect that women’s economic empowerment and leadership can have on the global economy. Ernst & Young is an equal opportunity employer and has a very talented and diverse range of women representing over 13 nationalities in Kuwait, all of whom are encouraged to seek different goals in their careers and their work life in the firm.

KUWAIT: National Bank of Kuwait (NBK), the leading bank in Kuwait and the highest rated in the Middle East, announced that it is the platinum sponsor of the “Tijarty Hiwayti” entrepreneurial youth’s exhibition taking place at Kuwait University’s College of Business Administration. “The intention of sponsoring an event such as this is that we are provided with the opportunity to partake in bringing to the forefront our various talented Kuwaiti youth, who’s entrepreneurial spirit has already contributed to the economy through various initiatives which all began as small businesses and grew organically as a result of their hard work and determination.” stated NBK Deputy General Manager, Consumer Banking Group Khalid Al-Ali adding “this is just one of the ways that NBK supports our local talent, as exemplified by our very own Al-Shabab Talent Campaign currently featuring the 6th chosen since the inception of the company grown project. We are very proud of our youth generation, and usually spare no effort in supplying the necessary morale and financial support to our future leaders.” Al-Shabab is a youth account that caters to the various financial needs of the youth in the country. The account is for customers in the age group of 17-23 years. AlShabab Al-Watani offers custom made financial packages to suit the requirements of the students during their college years. The account has encouraged the culture of saving and regularly holds monthly and quarterly draws and rewards customers with highest savings with some of the best prizes in the country.

KUWAIT: Sheikh Khalifa Al-Ali with NBK Deputy General Manager of Consumer Banking Group Khalid Al-Ali at the exhibition.

KUWAIT: Dr Turky Al-Shimmeri from College of Business Administration with NBK Deputy General Manager of Consumer Banking Group Khalid Al-Ali and the NBK Team.



KSE ekes out marginal gains KUWAIT: The Kuwait Stock Exchange (KSE) along with major market indices ended yesterday’s trading session in the green posting marginal gains as investors were cautious ahead of the soon to be released first quarter results. Global General Index (GGI) added 0.37 points (+0.17 percent) during the session to reach 214.13 points. In addition, the KSE Price Index increased by 25.30 points (+0.34 percent) yesterday and closed at 7,561.80 points. Market capitalization was up KD65.28mn yesterday to reach KD35.13bn. Market breadth During the session, 124 companies were traded. Market breadth was skewed towards gainers as 52 equities advanced versus 39 that retreated. A total of 119 stocks remained unchanged during yesterday’s trading session. Trading activities ended on a negative note yesterday as volume of shares traded on the exchange decreased by 5.06 percent to reach 387.88mn shares. Furthermore, value of shares traded dropped by 7.08 percent to stand at KD79.20mn. The Services Sector was both the volume and value leader yesterday, accounting for 28.32 percent of total market volume and 28.64 percent of market value. Mubarrad Transport Company saw 23.46mn shares changing hands, making it the volume leader. While National Industries Group (Holding) was the value leader, with a total traded value of KD7.88mn. In terms of top gainers, Tamdeen Investment Company took the top spot for the day, adding 9.43 percent and closed at KD0.290. On the other hand, Salbookh Trading Company shed 5.62 percent to close at KD0.084, making it the biggest decliner in the market. Regarding Global’s sectoral indices, they mainly ended the day

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

AUB surges on stake sale; markets mixed MIDEAST STOCK MARKETS

on a positive note except for Global Insurance Index which was unchanged during yesterday’s trading session. Global Industrial Index was the top gainer with a 1.28 percent gain backed by National Industries Group (Holding) ending the day with a gain of 3.70 percent to close at KD0.420. Furthermore, Kuwait Metal Pipe Industries & Oil Services also had an impact on the index’s gain by posting a 4 percent increase and closed at KD0.390. Global Non-Kuwaiti Index posted a 1.24 percent increased yesterday making it the second biggest gainer backed by Ahli United Bank being the top gainer in the sector. The

scrip posted a 4.55 percent increase today and closed at KD0.230. In terms of decliners, Global Services Index took the top spot with a 0.24 percent drop. Contributing to the index’s decline were Oula Fuel Marketing Company and Burgan for Well Drilling Company, the top decliners in the sector, which ended the day down 5.56 percent and 3.77 percent, respectively. Regarding Global’s special indices, they all ended the day on a mixed note with Global Small Cap Index being the top gainer. The index posted a 0.67 increase yesterday backed by Strategia Investment Company ending the day up 8.62 percent.

Market news His Highness the Crown Prince Sheikh Nawaf Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AlSabah received at Bayan Palace yesterday morning the Governor of the Central Bank, Sheikh Salem Abdulaziz Al-Saud Al-Sabah, to discuss the implications of global economic crisis and its repercussions on the economic and financial situation in the country. Tamdeen Real Estate Development Company reported that it would generate nearly KD50.34mn earnings from divesting the stake of its 51.37percent owned Tamdeen Investment Company in Ahli United Bank. These gains would be recorded in Q2-10 financial statements.

DUBAI: Ahli United Bank (AUB), Bahrain’s largest lender, surged yesterday ahead of an after markethours announcement that a Gulf entity had bought a stake in the bank. The Qatar and Kuwait benchmarks edged up to 2010 closing highs and Dubai and Abu Dhabi also rose, but Saudi Arabia made its biggest fall in two months amid subdued regional trading as cautious investors awaited firstquarter results. “The numbers should give investors confidence and we should see a fresh allocation of funds coming into the market,” said Shakeel Sarwar, Sico investment bank head of asset management. “Regional institutions have been sitting on the sidelines and international investors may reallocate money from emerging markets to frontier markets.” AUB said a Gulf entity agreed to buy a 25 percent stake from Tamdeen. AUB rose 6.7 percent and is up 33 percent since March 28 as talk of a sale drew buyers. AUB rose 4.6 percent in Kuwait. Tamdeen rose 8.2 percent. Qatar’s index inched up 0.1 percent to a six-month peak, despite losers outnumbering gainers by 13 to four. “Most of the stocks have the same story of being near crucial resistance levels and the same is true for the index,” said a Doha technical analyst who asked

not to be identified. “Prices have gone up in anticipation of good firstquarter earnings and technically the market looks overbought.” Kuwait reached a 24-week high, rising 0.3 percent. Agility delayed its 2009 financial results until April 11, pending outcome of talks over a US fraud case. It shares remains suspended. “Now we have a time frame for Agility’s case settlement it will improve overall sentiment,” said a Kuwait analyst who asked not to be identified. Saudi Arabia fell 0.7 percent, its biggest loss since Feb 6, declining for a third day since Sunday’s 17-month high. Saudi Electricity Co plunged 6.4 percent after going ex-dividend, Saudi Basic Industries Corp (SABIC) fell 1.7 percent and Al-Rajhi Bank slid 2.1 percent. “The momentum has slowed down as we head into earnings season,” said Saleh Al-Onazi, a vice-president of Swicorp in Riyadh. “There was a good rally in Q1, so a lot of investors would rather book profits now ... Volatility is increasing.” Emirates NBD (ENBD) rose 4.8 percent, helping Dubai’s index advance for a first day in three. “ENBD will be one of the main beneficiaries of Dubai World’s restructuring and that’s the reason the stock is up,” said Mohamed Kamal, a Prime Emirates equities trader.

“The market is consolidating after making big gains and this should continue this week,” said Kamal. “Investors want to be sure that company earnings are recovering.” Egypt’s bourse rose 2.7 percent following a four-day break. “International markets are doing pretty well ... the president is back in Egypt ... all these factors have a positive impact on sentiment driving the market up,” said Karim Hosny of Pharos Securities. HIGHLIGHTS BAHRAIN The index rose 1.3 percent to 1,595 points. SAUDI ARABIA The index fell 0.7 percent to 6,759 points. QATAR The index rose 0.07 percent to 7,609 points. EGYPT The measure climbed 2.7 percent to 7,051 points. OMAN The benchmark fell 0.3 percent to 6,848 points. DUBAI The index rose 0.1 percent to 1,839 points. ABU DHABI The measure climbed 0.4 percent to 2,848 points. KUWAIT The measure rose 0.3 percent to 7,562 points. —Reuters


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Oil scientist shifts focus from output to price, demand BALLYDEHOB, Ireland: The economic shock of global recession has led a prime exponent of the theory conventional oil output has peaked to shift his view of the consequences, but he still thinks the world has to go green. Retired petroleum geologist Colin Campbell, who worked for major oil companies, as well as smaller firms has long been associated with the belief the world’s oil supplies are dwindling. He does not waver from that and dismisses the argument of the so-called optimists that technology will manage to keep eking out more and more oil to keep pace with rising demand. What has changed is his opinion of the price impact and implications for fuel consumption after the spike of July 2008 to nearly $150 a barrel was followed by world economic recession, a deep drop in fuel use and a crash in oil futures to just above $30

in December 2008. “I have changed my point of view about future prices,” said Campbell, who used to think the peak in conventional oil production, which he believes happened in 2005, would lead to a relentless price surge. Instead, the record rally led to a peak in demand in the developed world. “Peak oil drives prices up in the first place. It has its own mechanism. We’re sort of at peak demand right now,” Campbell told Reuters from his home in the village of Ballydehob, West Cork. “I think presently the price limit is about $100.” For those who have painted alarming pictures of civil unrest as the world economy is forced to move away from conventional fuel and pay high prices for it in the interim, an inbuilt price mechanism to limit demand and move the world to other forms of energy should be a good thing.

“We have no alternative but to go green,” Campbell said. But he does not think reduced demand is enough to offset the gravity of peaking supply. He still sees a possibility of social anger as millions are forced to change their lifestyles in a too-sudden structural shift from economic growth driven by cheap conventional fuel. Campbell’s theory, which he developed from studying first Colombia’s oil reserves and then analyzing global data on the world’s oilfields, applies to conventional oil. The peak for difficult-to-extract, non-conventional sources, including oil sands and polar oil-for instance, in Arctic regions of Russia-is three years later, in 2008. The problem is non-conventional oil only “ameliorates the decline” and relies on high oil prices to be viable. “They are no substitutes for what we have built

the economy on so far,” said Campbell, whose oil depletion theory has been published in books and through the Association for the Study of Peak Oil, which gave its first workshop in 2002. Since then, the peak oil theory has nudged its way further into the mainstream and was widely publicized around the 2008 price spike, but it is hotly contested by many in the oil industry, including OPEC, which argues the world will rely on fossil fuels for decades to come. Campbell’s analysis of data questioned reporting of reserves by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, whose members’ upward revisions, he said, were not credible. “It’s absolutely implausible new discoveries would absolutely match that produced,” he said. He takes the view the reporting of higher reserves was designed to ensure higher output tar-

gets for individual OPEC members-targets, he said, were increasingly irrelevant. As OPEC heads towards its 50th anniversary in September this year, for Campbell the producer club has lost its “raison d’etre”. Prices, he argued, were likely to stay sufficiently high as supplies dwindled naturally and the danger for OPEC was the market would embark on another rally that could further focus attention on the pursuit of alternatives to oil. “OPEC’s purpose is to limit production to hold prices up. It no longer has any need to do so,” he said. The counter argument is OPEC’s output discipline helped to drive the market higher from its lowpoint in December 2008 to prices around $85 a barrel now, although the group’s compliance with agreed limits has dwindled to only around 50 percent. — Reuters

Trade with China eclipses commercial ties

US, India launch high-level economic partnership talks NEW DELHI: The United States and India formally launched high level economic partnership talks yesterday, aimed at boosting commercial ties that are often eclipsed by US trade w ith China. The partnership w as launched by visiting US Treasury

NEW DELHI: US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner (right) talks with Indian laundry stall worker Mohammad Yacub (left) at his roadside ironing stall as Abhishek Sinha (center), the CEO of Eko India Financial Services looks on during a visit to a customer service outlet for ‘Branchless banking’, in New Delhi yesterday. —AFP

Renault set for new tie-up with Daimler PARIS: French carmaker Renault was expected to approve yesterday a new partnership with Germany’s Daimler to exchange capital and to share know-how in building smaller cars. France’s number two carmaker convened a meeting of its board of directors in Paris to “decide on a new partnership with Daimler,” French Industry Minister Christian Estrosi told a news conference. Reports said Renault and Daimler, the manufacturer of the luxury Mercedes-Benz, have reached a deal to take three percent stakes in each other and work together to develop small cars and engines. Japanese automaker Nissan, which is 44.3-percent owned by Renault, will also reportedly take part in the new tie-up and a formal announcement was expected today. A Renault spokesman declined to confirm the plan. The global auto sector is struggling to overcome a slump caused by the economic downturn and is joining forces to share technology and reduce costs. German industry experts think that, by cooperating with Renault, Daimler could make savings of 600 million euros ($800

million) in its development sector. Estrosi said a senior official from the economy ministry, Luc Rousseau, was attending the meeting. The French state has a 15-percent stake in Renault. “I can confirm that we approve of this partnership and that our representative will defend the state’s industrial strategy,” said Estrosi. Renault shares were up 2.55 percent at 36.40 euros in lunchtime trading yesterday in Paris on news of the partnership with Daimler. Daimler was up 0.27 percent at 35.50 euros in Frankfurt. The deal would be a “win-win situation” for the two firms, said Philippe Barrier from Societe Generale Cross Asset Research. It would allow Daimler to buy technology at good prices while Renault and Nissan could share the cost of research and development for bigger models with the German partner, said Barrier in a research note. The agreement provides for exchanges of engines and technology, sharing car parts and production platforms for future Smart models, and developing electric cars, said Guillaume Angue, analyst with CM-CIC Securities.—AFP

The logos of carmakers Renault (left), Nissan (right) and Daimler. French carmaker Renault and Germany’s Daimler have reached a deal to take three percent stakes in each other and work together to develop small cars and engines with Japanese automaker Nissan, that owns 44.3 percent of Renault, and which will also reportedly take part in the new tie-up, according to several newspaper reports. — AFP

Geithner, on a debut visit to India where he lived for a while as a child, said the partnership underscored the need for both countries to work more closely together. “Our ability to cooperate on economic and financial issues will be critically important to the success of global efforts to create conditions for a more stable global financial system,” he said. “Our economic relationship presents huge opportunities,” he said, adding that both countries faced an “urgent challenge” in ensuring the benefits of economic growth could be shared by all. The two sides are working on a long-term strategy focusing on macroeconomic policy, regulation and infrastructure financing. The 48-year-old Asia expert met Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for half an hour before his talks with Mukherjee in which he pressed India to open up its highly regulated markets to US investment. Washington argues freer Indian markets would give the emerging nation cheaper access to capital to finance the billions of dollars needed to overhaul its dilapidated infrastructure, seen as a restraint to higher economic growth. The new US-India Economic and Financial Partnership was first announced last November by US President Barack Obama during a visit by Singh to Washington. It involves regular cabinetlevel meetings in line with a similar dialogue between the United States and China. Geithner said he was keen to talk to Indian policymakers about tightening global standards for controlling risk as markets become more integrated in the wake of the financial crisis. US-India relations have blossomed after years of Cold War mistrust, Indian unease about close US ties with Pakistan, and Washington’s displeasure over New Delhi’s acquisition of a nuclear bomb. Last month, the two countries signed a trade and investment cooperation framework which US Trade Representative Ron Kirk said would tap the “almost limitless potential” of their trade relationship. “This trip is significant just for the fact that it is happening,” said Arvind Subramanian of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. “First and foremost, this trip is about symbolism, aimed at establishing a parallelism with the US-China relationship,” he wrote in a recent commentary. Trade between India and the United States has roughly doubled in the past five years as India has become one of the world’s foremost emerging markets. But that relationship, for years focused on trade and outsourcing, is increasingly looking towards investment. Bilateral foreign direct investment was worth $21 billion in 2008, according to the treasury, a pittance compared with flows between the United States and Europe or China. “One reason I am going to India is to get a better sense of what is happening there-both in the economy and the broad reform process in the financial sector,” said Geithner. He will visit Mumbai, India’s business and financial capital, today. — AFP

Secretary Timothy Geithner and Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee. Mukherjee hailed the project as “a milestone” that w ould add a “new dimension” to ties betw een the w orld’s largest and fourth largest economies.

NEW DELHI: Indian Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee and US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner smile at each other as they give a joint press conference in New Delhi yesterday. — AFP

Iceland investment rating under review: Moody’s STOCKHOLM: Iceland could lose its investment grade rating if it fails to resolve debt claims from Britain and the Netherlands, Moody’s Investors Service said as it cut the country’s credit outlook to negative. The ratings agency on Tuesday warned the country might lose its Baa3 rating-which stands just one notch above junk level — if it was forced to refinance upcoming eurobonds from its own funds. The warning sent the cost of insuring Icelandic debt against default up by one tenth of a percentage point, data showed. Iceland has been trying for months to resolve the debt dispute with the two European Union states over failed online bank Icesave, and the delays have held up much-needed aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and its Nordic neighbors. Moody’s said it was most likely Iceland would find a way of resolving the dispute, allowing foreign loan programmes to resume and enabling the country to retain its investment grade rating. However the impasse with Britain and the

Netherlands, over more than $5 billion in debt incurred from Iceland’s 2008 banking crisis, could potentially create refinancing problems for the government in coming years. “The recovery of the Icelandic economy is threatened by the delays in the resolution of the Icesave dispute, which constitutes an obstacle in the resumption of official and private financial flows into the country,” said Kenneth Orchard, Senior Credit Officer in Moody’s Sovereign Risk Group. Iceland owes money to the two European Union nations after they compensated savers in their countries who lost deposits in a failed Icelandic bank in the global financial meltdown. Moody’s said the Icesave dispute created a risk Iceland may not be able to refinance December 2011 and May 2012 eurobonds. While the central bank would be able to repay the bonds, it said, “there is some doubt whether the size of the buffer that would exist following repayments would be consistent with an investment grade sovereign rating”. However, there could be new developments in Iceland’s aid flows in the coming days.

Icelandic credit default swaps widened 10 basis points to 411.5 points yesterday compared with last Thursday’s pre-Easter holiday close, data from CMA DataVision showed. The IMF, which agreed loans of more than $2 billion to Iceland, said last Thursday the country had met the necessary conditions to move ahead with a second loan review that has been delayed since late January. It made the comments after Icelandic ministers went to Washington to convince IMF officials to release the aid. Iceland needs the money so it can begin to lift capital controls and regain access to international markets. Moody’s said a resumption of the program would be positive, but might not be sufficient on its own to maintain Iceland’s external liquidity at an investment grade level. It said the outlook would be changed back to stable if Iceland could settle the Icesave dispute, although there was also a risk the rating could be placed on review for possible downgrade if it is unable to normalize international flows. — Reuters

Bosnia hopes to draw Islamic investments SARAJEVO: Bosnia, still recovering from the 19921995 war, hosted a conference yesterday in a bid to attract Islamic investors for projects estimated to total about 11 billion euros ($14.7 billion). Bosnia is highlighting its possible role as a link between Europe and Islamic states. “(Bosnia) could serve as a bridge between two worlds,” the chairman of the country’s tripartite presidency Haris Silajdzic said at the opening of the gathering. “Our two strategic goals are to join the European Union and NATO,” he said hinting that Bosnia’s aspirations to join the two blocs guarantee a stable future for the country ravaged by the bloody 19921995 war. “We certainly sometimes do have problems, political differences and we are some-

times noisy about it. But Bosnia-Hercegovina is a stable country and open for investments,” Silajdzic said. The inter-ethnic war between Bosnia’s Croats, Muslims and Serbs claimed about 100,000 lives, while 15 years since it ended ethnic tensions in the Balkan country still remain high. The two-day conference gathering Islamic investors and organized under auspices of the Islamic Development Bank (IDB) is attended by some 600 participants as well as Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. During the conference more that 150 projects that require foreign investments, worth some 11 billion euros, will be presented. The projects cover notably the fields of energy, tourism, agriculture and infrastructure. — AFP

SARAJEVO: Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan (far right) and Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) Secretary-General Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu (third left) attend yesterday the opening session of the Sarajevo Business Forum conference in the Bosnian capital. — AFP



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Toyota Prius tops Japan’s March auto sales

TOYOTA: A girl looks at a 2010 Prius hybrid model at Toyota Museum at the Japanese automaker’s headquarters in Toyota. An auto industry group said yesterday, Toyota Motor Corp’s Prius hybrid was Japan’s top-selling car in March.—AP

TOKYO: Toyota’s Prius hybrid was Japan’s top-selling car in March for an 11th straight month despite global recall woes, an industry group said yesterday. Toyota Motor Corp, reeling after recalls over issues that included braking problems with the Prius, sold 35,546 units of the gas-electric vehicle in Japan last month, according to the Japan Automobile Dealers Association. “The recall woes did not appear to dent demand for the Prius. Despite the recall trouble, the automaker cannot keep up with surging demand for the Prius,” said Toshiki Miyake, a spokesman for the association. Consumers were choosing the Prius with the help of tax breaks and government subsidies for environmentally friendly vehicles, Miyake said. Toyota’s Prius was also the top-selling car in Japan in the fiscal year to March 2010, with sales quadrupling from a year earlier to 277,485, the association said. The Prius, now in its third generation since its 1997 introduction, is the best-selling gas-electric hybrid in the world,

with a total of 1.7 million units sold worldwide, according to Toyota. It is so popular in Japan that it has a six-month waiting list. Rival Honda Motor Co’s fuel-efficient FIT was in second place in March sales in Japan, with 23,076 units sold, the association said. The FIT also was No. 2 for the fiscal year with sales of 173,154. Toyota has been fighting to regain its once-sterling reputation for quality after recalling more than 8 million vehicles worldwide, including more than 6 million in the US alone, due to acceleration problems in multiple models and braking shortcomings in the Prius. In Washington, the US government accused Toyota of hiding a “dangerous defect” and proposed a record $16.4 million fine Monday for failing to quickly alert regulators to safety problems. There could be further penalties under continuing federal investigations. The Japanese automaker faces private lawsuits seeking many millions more. —AP

Toyota plans to recall nearly 13,000 vehicles in S Korea SEOUL: Toyota will recall nearly 13,000 vehicles in South Korea due to problems with floor mats, the government said yesterday. Vehicles affected are the Lexus ES350, the Camry, and the Camry Hybrid, the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs said. Problems related to the fitting of rubber floor mats presented potential danger in safe operation of the accelerators, the ministry said. Toyota says no accidents related to the floor mats have been reported in South Korea. “In the US, Toyota recalled its vehicles citing three different reasons,” said Transport Ministry official Park Gwang-yul. “The defect found in Toyota vehicles in South Korea coincides with one of them.” Toyota Motor Corp has recalled more than 8 million vehicles worldwide since October, including more than 6 million in the US, because of acceleration problems in multiple models and braking issues in the Prius hybrid. A total of 12,984 vehicles — 11,232 Lexus ES350s, 1,549

Camrys, and 203 Camry Hybrids-will be recalled in South Korea, the ministry said. It is Toyota’s second recall in South Korea after 444 vehicles were recalled in February over defects in gas pedals and floor mats. Lee Byung-jin, a Toyota spokesman, said the cars to be recalled are all Japanese-made but the floor mats are manufactured by Toyota’s South Korean unit and added to vehicles sold in South Korea. The company said they will be repaired for free starting April 19. Vehicles manufactured after January 2010 were found to be without fault, the ministry said. Lee and the Transportation Ministry’s Park said neither the floor mats nor the vehicle design were at fault but that there was a problem with the compatibility of the two when assembled. The president of Toyota Korea said he was sorry for the recall. “I sincerely apologize to our South Korean customers and the many parties concerned for all the worry we’ve caused,” Hisao Nakabayashi said at a press conference. —AP

China defends yuan stance, keeps door open for change Economists eye eventual rise in yuan but urge caution BEIJING: Beijing stoutly defended its currency policy yesterday, denying it manipulates the yuan and rejecting the argument a stronger exchange rate would erase the US trade deficit with China. At separate news briefings, a

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman and two government economists held out the prospect of the yuan’s being allowed to resume its rise after a 20-month pause but said Beijing would proceed with caution and on its own terms.

SYDNEY: An office worker walks past the Museum of Australian Currency Notes next to the Reserve Bank of Australia in Sydney yesterday. Australia raised interest rates by 25 basis points to 4.25 percent and flagged further rises to come as the economy returns to normal after the global downturn. —AFP

Australian interest rate rises to 4.25% ADELAIDE: Australia’s central bank raised its key interest rate yesterday for a fifth time in six months and said the economy no longer needs the stimulus of low rates with unemployment lower than expected and housing sales robust. The quarter percentage point rise took the benchmark rate to 4.25 percent and followed a warning last week by the central bank governor that mortgage rates would continue to rise. “It is appropriate for interest rates to be closer to average” because this year’s eco-

nomic growth and inflation are likely to be near target levels, the Reserve Bank of Australia bank said in a statement. Australia weathered the global downturn better than most developed countries and the economy grew at its fastest pace in nearly two years in the fourth quarter of 2009. The central bank cited indications that lenders were more willing to lend, buoyancy in the housing market and lower unemployment than expected. “With the risk of serious economic contraction in Australia having passed some

time ago, the Board has been lessening the degree of monetary stimulus that was put in place when the outlook appeared to be much weaker,” the bank said. Federal Treasurer Wayne Swan said rates are still lower than they were before the global downturn and the central bank was making moves to bring them to normal levels. “I know that is cold comfort for a lot of families and a lot of people in businesses,” he told reporters. “But that is the reality of a strengthening economy.” —AP

UK lawmakers attack US firm Kraft after merger Controversy to have fallouts on British takeover laws LONDON: A cross-party committee of British lawmakers has accused Kraft Foods Inc of acting “irresponsibly and unwisely” during its 11.5 billion pound ($17.5 billion) takeover of Cadbury. In a highly critical report yesterday, the Business Select Committee said that the controversy surrounding the deal would have long-term implications for Britain’s takeover laws. The months-long hostile battle by Kraft, based in Northfield, Illinois, to win the 195-year-old British chocolate maker dominated headlines in Britain, where Cadbury is a much-loved brand, amid criticisms about the US company’s tactics. The Business Select Committee said that Kraft’s promise to keep open a British factory — only to announce its closure after the takeover was completed earlier this year —

had left the company open to charges of either “incompetence” or a “cynical ploy” to win support for its bid. “Kraft acted both irresponsibly and unwisely in making its original statement that it believed that it could keep the Somerdale factory open,” the report said. “Its actions have undoubtedly damaged its reputation in the United Kingdom and has soured its relationship with Cadbury employees,” it added. “Kraft will now have to invest significant time and effort into restoring its reputation and regaining the trust of the public, its UK workforce and government and ourselves.” Kraft Executive Vice President Marc Firestone apologized to lawmakers when he gave evidence to the committee in London last month, saying he was “truly sorry” for the uncertainty caused by Kraft’s backtrack

on the factory in Somerdale, western England. But his apology was met with scathing comments from lawmakers about Chief Executive Irene Rosenfeld’s decision not to attend the inquiry’s evidence session herself. Brian Binley, a member of the opposition Conservative Party, said her absence was a “sizable discourtesy.” Kraft’s pledge to keep the plant open, saving 400 jobs, would have reversed earlier plans by Cadbury to close the factory and move production to Poland. The US company said it changed its mind once the deal was completed, announcing the plant would close by 2011, because it had become clear that it was “unrealistic to reverse the closure program.” An official complaint has been lodged with the UK Takeover Panel, alleging that Kraft misled shareholders and workers.

Firestone told the inquiry that Kraft did not plan to shut any more British factories or ax further jobs for the next two years. Peter Luff, the committee’s chairman and Conservative Party member, said that lawmakers would be keeping a “very close eye” on Kraft’s commitments to Cadbury’s future, including the retention of two research and development centers in Britain. “Any stripping out of the highly skilled work force at those centers would represent a serious breach of trust, and one that would require a robust response from both Government and Parliament,” Luff said. Union leaders used the publication of the report to renew calls for a socalled “Cadbury law” to prevent hostile takeovers of successful British companies by large multinationals. —AP

“We don’t want to see our exchange rate kept unchanged,” said Zhang Yansheng, directorgeneral of the Institute for International Economic Research, a think-tank under the National Development and Reform Commission, a powerful planning agency. China has repegged the yuan near 6.83 per dollar since July 2008 to help its exporters weather the global credit crunch. In the preceding three years it had let the yuan gradually climb 21 percent against the dollar. US Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner said on Saturday his department would delay a report due by April 15 that could have labelled China a “currency manipulator”, a finding that would have been sure to draw China’s wrath. Zhang welcomed the announcement from Washington as “a good thing”, but said currency reform would take time. Making the yuan more flexible was a challenging task, not least because of a lack of hedging instruments in China and domestic companies’ lack of experience in handling a fluctuating exchange rate, the economist said. With US unemployment near 10 percent, President Barack Obama is under pressure from Congress to persuade Beijing to allow the yuan to appreciate. US lawmakers contend the yuan, also known as the renminbi (RMB), is grossly undervalued, giving Chinese exporters an unfair advantage in global markets and destroying U.S. jobs in the process. Jiang Yu, a Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, said China never manipulates the yuan and called for trade differences to be settled through dialogue. “The RMB exchange rate is not the main reason behind the US-China trade deficit,” Jiang told a regular briefing. “So naturally, RMB appreciation is not the solution to rebalance Sino-US trade.” Financial markets expect Beijing to permit the yuan to resume its rise some time this year in order to cap inflation and help promote domestic demand. The yuan rose in offshore forward markets yesterday as traders read the postponement of the “manipulation” decision as a sign of an easing in bilateral tensions that could buy time for policymakers in Beijing to reach a consensus. The market is now pricing in a 3 percent rise against the dollar in a year’s time. One possibility is that a renewed rise in the exchange rate will be accompanied by a widening of the yuan’s trading band, presented as an enhancement of China’s present currency regime. The yuan now may move no more than 0.5 percent, up or down, from a central rate fixed every day by the central bank. Ba Shusong, deputy director-general of the Financial Research Institute, sketched out this scenario but said China should be very careful about the timing of any shift. Everything would depend on economic conditions in China and the United States. —Reuters

LAS VEGAS: Samsung’s ultra thin flat screens are displayed during a news conference at the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in Las Vegas. Samsung Electronics says yesterday, operating profit surged in the first quarter of 2010 and may have hit a record high as the world’s biggest seller of flat screen televisions is predicting a banner year. —AP

Samsung forecasts first quarter profit surge SEOUL: Samsung Electronics Co yesterday forecast a surge in first quarter operating profit to near-record levels, heading into a year for which the biggest flat screen TV producer is predicting double-digit sales growth as global markets recover. The company said it expects operating profit of between 4.1 trillion won and 4.5 trillion won ($4 billion) for the three months ended March 31, according to a statement. That would be at least seven times the 590 billion won profit for the same period last year and might top its record of 4.2 trillion won for the third quarter of 2009. Samsung gave no reasons for the strong first quarter performance and spokeswoman Hwang Eun-ju said it would explain when it releases results at the end of this month. Operating profit is seen as a direct indicator of business performance before taxes, dividends, asset sales and other items that are figured into net profit or loss. Samsung had a net earnings of 620 billion won in the first quarter of 2009. It does not release net profit forecasts. Samsung, based in Suwon, South Korea, is the world’s largest manufacturer of flat screen televisions, computer memory chips and liquid crystal displays and the No 2 maker of mobile

phone handsets after Finland’s Nokia Corp. Samsung last month predicted a strong 2010 as economic growth in advanced and large developing economies gains speed. The company said it is aiming for double-digit percentage growth from last year’s record high sales of 136.3 trillion won. Samsung made headlines last month when it announced that Lee Kun-hee, its former chairman who was convicted of tax evasion and later pardoned by South Korea’s president, returned to the top post after a nearly two-year absence. The company began issuing earnings estimates, or guidance, last year in hopes increased transparency would help minimize market speculation over its performance. The estimates include the performance of its overseas and domestic subsidiaries. Samsung estimated consolidated sales of between 33 trillion won and 35 trillion won for the first quarter. That compares with sales of 28.7 trillion won a year earlier. Shares in Samsung fell 0.1 percent to close at 869,000 won yesterday after finishing at a record price of 870,000 won the day before. Samsung’s stock price surged 77 percent in 2009. —AP

German car sales plunge but exports rise: Data FRANKFURT: German car sales plunged by 27 percent in March on a 12-month comparison but exports climbed owing to a rebound of global markets, figures from the VDA auto federation showed yesterday. German sales had been boosted in 2009 by a statefunded car scrapping scheme that expired in early September, and had been expected to fall as the subsidy was removed. A total of 294,500 vehicles were sold last month in Germany, the biggest European car market, a VDA statement said. Overall auto production climbed however by 27 per-

cent to 555,300 vehicles, and exports leapt by 51 percent to 419,400 units, the statement said. And “in March alone, German auto manufacturers recorded a jump of almost 29 percent in foreign orders,” VDA president Matthias Wissmann was quoted as saying. German car makers were hit hard by a global sector crisis last year, though Volkswagen, the biggest European manufacturer, fared better than rivals as buyers boosted by cash-for-clunker subsidies ordered smaller, cheaper autos. This year, the German

market “will certainly not reach record levels set before the crisis, but we are expecting a good year for exports,” Wissmann said. The auto sector has begun to consolidate via alliances to lower research and development costs, and Daimler, the German maker of Mercedes-Benz, is set to join Renault of France in a deal that would see them share know-how in building smaller cars. German industry experts think that, by cooperating with Renault, Daimler could make savings of 600 million euros ($800 million) in its development sector. —AFP


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Computer-enhanced vision adds ‘6th sense’ Engineers, scientists unveiled cutting-edge research on boosting human perception MEGEVE: Picture this: As your eyes alight for the first time on a skyscraper in a foreign cityscape, a disembodied voice whispers in your ear the phone number of a posh bar on the top floor. Or this: You have been spotted on the

BEIJING: Indian Minister for External Affairs Somanahalli Mallaiah Krishna delivers a speech at China Institute of International Studies yesterday. —AP

China-based hackers stole India secrets BEIJING: China-based hackers stole Indian national security information, 1,500 e-mails from the Dalai Lama’s office and other sensitive documents, a new report said yesterday. Researchers at the University of Toronto said they were able to observe the hacking and trace it to core servers located in China and to people based in the southwestern city of Chengdu. The researchers said they monitored the hacking for the past eight months. The report said it has no evidence of involvement by the Chinese government, but it again put Beijing on the defensive. Separate reports earlier this year said security investigators had traced attacks on Google and other companies to China-based computers. “We have from time to time heard this kind of news. I don’t know the purpose of stirring up these issues,” Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu told a regular press conference in response to questions about the report. “We are firmly opposed to various kinds of hacking activities through the Internet,” Jiang said. She said China will fight cybercrime according to law. She added the researchers have not formally contacted China. The report describes a hacking operation called the “Shadow network” that researchers were able to observe as it broke into computers and took information, including computers at Indian diplomatic offices in Kabul, Moscow and elsewhere. The report said the researchers were able to recover Indian national security documents marked “secret” and “confidential,” including ones referring to security in India’s far northeast, which borders China. Others related to India’s relationships in the Middle East, Africa and Russia. Researchers also recovered 1,500 e-mails sent from the Dalai Lama’s office between January and November 2009, the report said.

A map in the report showed computers were compromised on every continent except Australia and Antarctica. One was a United Nations computer, at the U.N.’s Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific. “In addition we found personal banking information, scans of identification documents, job (and other) applications, legal documents and information about ongoing court cases,” the report said. The identity and motivation of the hackers remain unknown, the report said. “We have no evidence in this report of the involvement of the People’s Republic of China,” it added. “But an important question to be entertained is whether the PRC will take action to shut the Shadow network down.” There was no immediate comment yesterday from the government in India, China’s massive neighbor to the south with which it has a growing military rivalry and lingering territorial disputes. Foreign Minister S M Krishna is visiting China this week to take part in celebrations to mark the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations between the countries. The office of the Dalai Lama was aware of new hacking report. “These things are not new,” said Tenzin Takhlha, a spokesman for the office of the Dalai Lama, the Tibetan spiritual leader accused by China of supporting independence for Tibet. He said the office is working closely with the researchers to secure its computer systems. A Canadian research group involved in yesterday’s report, the Information Warfare Monitor, released a similar report a year ago that said a cyberspy network, based mainly in China, hacked into classified documents from government and private organizations in 103 countries, including the computers of the Dalai Lama and Tibetan exiles. Tibet’s government-in-exile quickly denounced that network at the time. —AP

Apple to unveil new iPhone operating system WASHINGTON: Apple on Monday extended invitations to an unveiling of the next generation operating system for its smash hit smartphone, the iPhone. Apple said it would offer a “sneak peek” of the latest iPhone operating system tomorrow at an invitation-

only event at company headquarters in Cupertino, California. “Get a sneak peek into the future of iPhone OS,” the invitation said. It did not provide any further details. Apple released the iPhone in 2007. It sold 8.7 million iPhones in the last quarter of

its financial year, up 100 percent from a year ago. The unveiling of the latest software for the iPhone comes on the heels of Apple’s launch on Saturday of its eagerly anticipated iPad tablet computer. Apple unveiled the iPhone 3.0 operating system in March of last year. —AFP

YouTube drops Moscow attack claim after Russian protest MOSCOW: Internet giant Google is removing a video of Russian Islamist militant leader Doku Umarov from its YouTube platform, a spokeswoman said yesterday, following complaints from a Russian lawmaker. “The first video with this declaration was taken off YouTube yesterday afternoon,” Alla Zabrovskaya, spokeswoman in Russia for Google, which owns YouTube, told AFP. She was referring to a video in which Umarov claims personally to have ordered the double suicide rush hour bomb attacks on the Moscow metro on March 29 that killed 40 people and wounded around 80. “We withdrew it after it was flagged by Internet users,” Zabrovskaya said. “Our moderators deemed that this video contained propaganda of hate, violence and intimidation, banned under YouTube’s rules.” Google began deleting copies of the video available through YouTube from March 31, she said. The move by Google

comes as lawmakers from the country’s dominant United Russia party circulate a bill that would ban media outlets from carrying statements by “terrorists”. The bill’s author, parliamentary deputy Robert Shlegel, told AFP he had filed a request to Google asking them to withdraw the Umarov video. “Does Google support terrorists? If so, the security services should look into the company’s activities in Russia,” Shlegel threatened on his personal blog. Despite Google’s decision, the video of Umarov, the self-proclaimed head of militants who say they want to create an Islamic state in Russia’s North Caucasus, was still easily available through YouTube yesterday. In the video, Umarov-filmed crouching in battle fatigues in a forest clearingvowed more attacks on the Russian heartland, saying: “The war will come to your streets, and you will feel it with your own lives and skins.”—AFP

Welcome to the world of augmented reality, the hereand-now enhancement of everyday experience through virtual, interactive technology. Prototypes of both of these applications-based on the novel use of eye-tracking tools-were presented last weekend at the inaugural Augmented Human International Conference. Over two days, engineers and scientists gathered in the French Alps ski resort of Megeve unveiled cutting-edge research on boosting human perception with information from the Internet, customized databases, or even biofeedback from our own brains. The first devices for monitoring eye movement collected data from pilots in the 1940s to help improve cockpit design. They have also been used to figure out the most effective ways to get people to see advertising. More recently the systems have became interactive, making it possible to instantly provide computerenhanced feedback to someone about what he or she is gazing at. These newer technologies has been used mainly by the military, and to develop lifeassistance tools for the severely disabled. But a team of researchers from The Telecommunications Research Center in Vienna decided to take a state-of-the-art eye tracker designed for Web-use analysis out of the laboratory and onto the street. They hooked up the devicewith one camera trained on the user’s eye, and another on the scene being observed-to a smart phone with a built-in compass and global positioning system (GPS), to get a fix on the user’s orientation and location. They added sensors that show whether one was looking up or down, and attached the whole kit-designed to navigate urban landscapes-to a bicycle helmet. Closing one’s eyes for two seconds triggers a request for information about the building, bridge or monument in view. A remotely-accessed computer scans geo-referenced databases on the Internet such as Google Earth, and then forwards the result back to the user’s cell phone, closing the loop. “We wanted to make the system as non-intrusive as possible, so we used a text-tospeech engine. Data is received through an ear piece,” explained Matthias Baldauf, one of the researchers. “It should be like a sixth sense.” A representative from a major international oil company, asking that he not be identified, said the application could be useful for security training or work on oil platforms. “We consider this to be a transformative technology,” he said. Another “proof-of-concept” invention presented in Megeve- functional, but a long way from commercial development-adapted eye-tracking technology as an a memory aide. Rather than training a camera on the eye, the “Aided Eye” system developed by a team from the University of Tokyo uses tiny infrared sensors. While less accurate, additional data about eye movement and the frequence of blinking make it possible to pinpoint a face or a book cover within a field of vision. And rather than matching the object to content on the Internet, the program devised by the scientists draws from a hand-tailored database of images and files, sometimes called a personal lifelog. “For the experiment, we registered 100 images for the database,” explained Yoshio Ishiguro from the Graduate School of Interdisciplinary Information Studies. “When the eye trained on an object, it was recognized by the computer and a corresponding file was extracted,” he said. The system is light enough to be mounted onto a pair of reading glasses, but researchers have still not figured out how to provide the wearer feedback. A tiny screen embedded inside the glasses or an audio system are both options, Ishiguro said. —AFP

street by an old friend whose name suddenly eludes you. But even before there is time to shake hands, a glance at your smartphone reveals her identity and the date of your last encounter.

FLORIDA: In a photo provided by NASA, a time-elapsed photo made in Cape Canaveral, Fla, captures space shuttle Discovery’s path to orbit during liftoff from Launch Pad 39A at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida at 6:21 am yesterday. —AP

iPad debuts strongly, but key tests remain SAN FRANCISCO: Apple Inc sold more than 300,000 iPads on the tablet computer’s first day in stores, a strong showing that roughly matched Wall Street forecasts and mirrored the iPhone’s debut in 2007. Despite a solid opening weekend, which prompted several investment banks to raise their earnings and revenue forecasts, the bigger test will come later this year, as consumers outside the company’s core fan base size up the iPad. Questions remain about whether consumers will shell out $500 or more for a device that fits between a smartphone and a laptop, and which Apple hopes pioneers a new class of device. It hopes the sleek iPad, which hit Apple stores on Saturday, joins the iPod and the iPhone in its stable of successful consumer products, providing the next driver of growth as sales of its multimedia player and smartphone begin to moderate. Should it take off, the iPad would not only provide a new market for component makers, but another platform for which software developers and content companies would hawk their wares. Time will tell whether Apple has another bona fide hit on its hands, but media companies like New York Times Co and News Corp are betting the iPad will erect a profitable bridge from print to digital content. “The launch went pretty much as expected; it was well received,” said Shannon Cross

of Cross Research. “There is widespread enthusiasm for the product, but it’s a new category, and it will take time for people to understand it.” Apple has staked its formidable reputation on a 9.7-inch touchscreen tablet with no clear-cut case for use other than pure media consumption. Rivals including HewlettPackard Co and Dell Inc are preparing tablets of their own later this year, so consumers will have a range of choices, particularly in the crucial holiday period. “From a bigger strategic picture, the iPad is a content gatherer for Apple; that’s what separates it from the others,” said Broadpoint Amtech analyst Brian Marshall. “This has been a successful strategy for Apple in the past with iTunes,” the company’s online music store. Many analysts believe the company likely sold 350,000 to 400,000 iPads for the weekend. A number of Apple stores in the United States were closed for the Easter holiday on Sunday. At least four brokerages lifted their full-year earnings estimates and price targets for Apple following the iPad launch. JPMorgan raised its price target on Apple stock to $305 from $240; Kaufman Brothers increased it to $295 from $253; and Thomas Weisel Partners lifted its target to $280 from $270. Susquehanna raised its target to $275 from $260, while Barclays kept its target unchanged at $285. Shares of Apple closed up 1.1 percent at $238.49 on Nasdaq, close to its all-time

high of $238.73. The stock ran up last week in anticipation of the debut of the tablet computer on Saturday. BMO Capital Markets analyst Keith Bachman called the first-day sales figure “reasonable, but not a blowout number.” He said the iPhone, which was launched in 2007, sold at a similar pace to the iPad in the beginning. Sales passed the 1 million mark after 74 days. Apple’s first-day iPad sales included deliveries of preordered iPads to customerswhich may have helped depress opening day crowds at some locations-as well as shipments to sales partners and sales at Apple retail stores. Analysts expect the company to sell 1 million or more iPads in the current quarter ending in June. Wall Street expects about 5 million to be sold in 2010, although estimates vary widely. Only the Wi-Fi version of the iPad went on sale on Saturday, and only in the United States. Apple will expand to nine international markets, and roll out a 3Gcompatible iPad, later this month, with wireless service from AT&T. Media companies are not the only ones counting on the success of the iPad. Companies found to have supplied some of the key components to the iPad received a boost in trade on Monday. These include Samsung Electronics Co Ltd, up 1.5 percent; LG Display Co Ltd, up 2.2 percent; Broadcom

Corp, up 4.5 percent; and Texas Instruments Inc, up 3.1 percent. An analysis by research firm Chipworks also identified chips in the iPad from suppliers such as Cirrus Logic Inc, which jumped 8.3 percent on Monday, Atmel, Linear Technology, Intersil and STMicroelectronics. Others may be quaking. Susquehanna Financial analyst Jeffrey Fidacaro said the iPad was likely to take share from Amazon.com Inc’s Kindle because of its robust e-reader capabilities. Amazon shares were off 0.2 percent. There did not appear to be any supply issues on the iPad’s opening weekend, as some had feared, with only a few reports of stores selling out, as was the case during the iPhone’s launch. Long lines and boisterous crowds emerged at Apple stores in big cities such as New York and San Francisco, but some stores in suburban areas were not as crowded. Oppenheimer & Co analyst Yair Reiner said in a research note that the launch day performance was “a measure of brand loyalty among Apple devotees, who would buy virtually anything bearing that magical fruity logo. For others, it will take time to recognize a compelling use case for the device.” Apple said iPad users downloaded more than 1 million applications from the company’s App Store and more than 250,000 ebooks from its iBookstore during the first day. —Reuters

NEW YORK: People at the SoHo New York Apple store try out Apple Inc’s new iPad on April 3, 2010 in New York City. —AFP



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In social dealings, older is wiser: Study WASHINGTON: It turns out grandma was right: Listen to your elders. New research indicates that older people are indeed wise, both in knowing how to deal with conflicts between people and accepting life’s uncertainties and everpresent change. It is not a question of how many facts someone knows, or being able to operate a remote TV channel-changer, but rather how they deal with disagreements among people, their social wisdom. And researchers led by Richard E Nisbett of the University of Michigan found that older people were more likely

than younger or middle-aged ones to recognize that values differ among people, to acknowledge uncertainties, accept that things change over time and to acknowledge others’ points of view. “Age effects on wisdom hold at every level of social class, education and IQ,” they report in yesterday’s edition of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. In modern America older people may not have greater knowledge about operating computers or TV remotes, Nisbett acknowledged, “but our results do indicate that the elderly have some advantages for analysis of

social problems.” “I hope our results will encourage people to assume that older people may have something to contribute for thinking about social problems,” Nisbett said. In one part of the study, the researchers recruited 247 people in Michigan, divided into approximately equal groups aged 25-to-40, 41to-59 and 60 plus. Participants were given fictitious reports about conflict between groups in a foreign country and were asked what they thought the outcome would be. For example, one of the reports said that because of the economic growth of

Tajikistan, many people from Kyrgyzstan moved to that country. While Kyrgyz people try to preserve their customs, Tajiks want Kyrgyz people to assimilate fully and abandon their customs. The responses were then rated by researchers who did not know which individual or age group a response came from. Ratings were based on facets like searching for compromise, flexibility, taking others’ perspectives and searching for conflict resolution. About 200 of the participants joined in a second session, and a third section was conducted using 141 scholars, psy-

chotherapists, clergy and consulting professionals. The study concluded that economic status, education and IQ also were significantly related to increased wisdom, but they found that “academics were no wiser than nonacademics” with similar education levels. While the researchers expected wisdom to increase with age, they were surprised at how strong the results were for disputes in society, Nisbett said. “There is a very large advantage for older people over younger people for those,” he said. Lynn A. Hasher, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto,

called the study “the single best demonstration of a long-held view that wisdom increases with age.” “What I think is most important about the paper is that it shows a major benefit that accrues with aging, rather than the mostly loss-based findings reported in psychology. As such, it provides a richer base of understanding of aging processes. It also suggests the critical importance of workplaces’ maintaining the opportunity for older employees to continue to contribute,” said Hasher, who was not part of the research team. — AP

Hunt for drugs to fight wide spectrum of ills

Pharma seeks genetic clues to healthy ageing LONDON: They may be a little wrinkly, and there may not be many of them, but centenarians are the fastest growing demographic in the developed world. Scientists believe people who live to 100 years or more hold

valuable secrets in their genes that can reveal targets for medicines to tackle a wide range of age-related diseases, as well as improving longevity itself.

US navy plans to ban smoking in submarines WASHINGTON: The top US naval officer has vowed to stop people lighting up in submarines, where the confined atmosphere has serious passive smoking implications, a report said Monday. “We are going to stop smoking on submarines,” Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Gary Roughead told a recent meeting of senior submariners, according to the Navy Times magazine. Navy spokesman Lieutenant Commander Mark Jones confirmed a ban could be in the pipeline, telling AFP: “We are currently looking at changing the policy, but we have not changed the policy.” At present, smoking on US submarines is up to the commanding officer’s discretion and there are designated areas on many vessels where the crew are allowed

to smoke. “That atmosphere moves around the submarine. You don’t smell it but the damaging things from the smoke are still present,” Roughead was quoted as saying by the Navy Times. A Pentagon study last year carried out by the American Institute of Medicine revealed that soldiers smoke a lot more on average than civilians and that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan had seen a spike in smoking. The last official figures for the US military, in 2005, showed that almost one third of personnel in the armed forces, 32 percent, smoke as opposed to just one in five of the American population as a whole. Jones said up to 40 percent of US submariners smoke, making it all the more important to look into a ban for the overall health of American sailors. —AFP

NEW YORK: This March 24, 2010 photo released by the Wildlife Conservation Society shows Ares, a male baby coquerel’s sifaka, clinging to his mother Kate’s back in the Bronx Zoo’s Madagascar! exhibit. Ares is making his public debut during the Animal Tales Extravaganza at WCS’s Bronx Zoo. Coquerel’s sifakas, one of the endangered lemurs, are found only in northwestern Madagascar where their numbers are rapidly declining due to devastating habitat loss. —AP

“If you make it to 100, you must have had good health and a good life-otherwise you wouldn’t be at the tail end of the age distribution curve,” Kaare Christensen of the Danish Ageing Research Centre told Reuters in an interview. “So basically, we’re trying to figure out how they do it.” Of course, genes are not the whole story: experts believe genetic factors account for a only fraction of longevity. Other factors like a healthy lifestyle, good diet and safe environment combine to play a role in determining when we die. Yet so-called “longevity genes” certainly exist, and their importance grows the longer a person lives, so identifying them and finding out what they do to fight off killer diseases is a hot area of research. With lifespans already increasing at a breathtaking rate- an average of three months is being added to life expectancy every year at the moment-scientists stress that a “magic pill” to help people live ever longer is not what anyone should be seeking. Instead the aim is known as “compression of morbidity”improving the health of rapidly ageing populations and squeezing to a minimum the amount of time at the end of their lives when they are sick, in pain, or dependent. “None of us, probably, wants another five years in a nursing home,” said Linda Partridge, director of University College London’s Institute of Healthy Ageing. “But an additional five years without any particular health problems would be another matter.” One thing is sure: the pool of people to work with is growing fast. There are around 450,000 centenarians in the world today and experts estimate that thanks to ageing baby-boomers, there could be a million across the world by 2030. Genetic science and technology is developing rapidly too, allowing scientists to scan the genes of the super-old in search of the secrets of long life-and drugs to mimic them are starting to appear. “The drug companies have got lots of patents out on some of these targets,” said Partridge. “Nothing has actually emerged yet, but they are clearly working on them.” Until recently, only one candidate had shown any promise as a potential “longevity gene”. It is known as APOE. On the one hand, its variants have been linked with an increased risk of heart disease and of developing the brain-wasting disease, Alzheimer’s. On the other, it is associated with a greater chance of a longer, healthier life. Scientists have found that a particular variant known as APOE4, which gives carriers a higher risk of developing Alzheimer’s and heart disease, is about 50 percent less common in centenarians than in younger people, suggesting that those without it are more likely to live longer. Other “longevity gene” candidates are now starting to emerge, including one called FOXO3A and another called humanin, both of which have links to the body’s insulin pathways. With them comes more evidence that genes associated with long life are also linked to decreased risk of major killers like heart disease, Alzheimer’s

and diabetes. Nir Barzilai of the Albert Einstein College of Medicine at Yeshiva University in New York has been conducting studies with a group of several hundred centenarians in the United States to see if he can find gene patterns that can be chemically copied. “We are assuming that the 100 year-olds are enriched with longevity genes,” he said in an interview. “And when you find genes, you discover the pathway, and then you can try to modulate the pathway with drugs.” As well as with the humanin gene, his team has been working with variations of a gene known as cholesteryl ester transfer protein, or CETP, which they have linked to long life, good heart health, a reduced risk of cognitive decline with age, and a smaller chance of developing Alzheimer’s disease. Drug companies are already targeting the CETP gene with an eye to helping prevent heart disease by upping so-called “good” or HDL cholesterol. The US drugmaker Merck & Co, for example, has a CETP drug in late-stage clinical trials to test its effectiveness in raising good cholesterol. But Barzilai thinks it may turn out to do much more than that: “We believe that once this drug is out it could be the first drug to be used as an anti-ageing drug,” he said. Swiss pharmaceutical company Roche also has a CETP drug, called dalcetrapib, in late-stage clinical trials in partnership with Japan Tobacco, in which it sees great potential. The emerging link between long life and disease resistance has already been seen in animal experiments. Last week, British scientists found in experiments with laboratory worms that the DAF-16 gene, similar to FOXO genes in humans, is linked to ageing and immunity. And several studies have shown that when scientists successfully target the underlying ageing process to make an animal live longer, they also protect them against ageing-related diseases. Resveratrol, a drug being developed by Britain’s GlaxoSmithKline and based on a compound found in red wine, has been shown in studies on mice to give them longer and healthier lives. And the antibiotic rapamycin, sold under the brand name Rapamune by Pfizer and designed to suppress the immune system in transplant patients, has also been shown to slow age-related disease and extend life-span in mice. “These things are all very interwoven in each other,” said Christensen. Partridge also sees this as a sign that some medicines now on the horizon may be bigger hitters than previously thought. “What it shows very clearly is there is an underlying ageing process which acts as the major risk factor for ageing-related diseases, and if you can somehow ameliorate its effects, then the animals become relatively diseasefree,” she said. “They (the drugs) may be being developed specifically for dementia, or cancer, or some specific agerelated disease, but the biological research is telling us that they’re probably going to turn out to have surprisingly broadspectrum effects.” —Reuters

One hour daily exercise fights ‘fatso’ gene in teens CHICAGO: One hour of moderate to vigorous exercise a day can help teens beat the effects of a common obesity-related gene with the nickname “fatso,” according to a new European study. The message for adolescents is to get moving, said lead author Jonatan Ruiz of the Karolinska Institute in Sweden. “Be active in your way,” Ruiz said. “Activities such as playing sports are just fine and enough.” The study, released Monday, appears in the April edition of Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine. The research supports US guidelines that tell children and teenagers to get an hour or more of physical activity daily, most of it aerobic activity such as running, jumping rope, swimming, dancing and bicycling. Scientists are finding evidence that both lifestyle and genes cause obesity and they’re just learning how much diet and exercise can offset the inherited risk. One gene involved with obesity, the FTO gene, packs on the pounds when it shows up in a variant form. Adults who carry two copies of the gene variant , about 1 in 6 people , weigh on average 7 pounds more than people who don’t. In the new

study, 752 teenagers, who had their blood tested for the gene variant, wore monitoring devices for a week during waking hours to measure their physical activity. Exercising an hour or more daily made a big difference for the teens who were genetically predisposed to obesity. Their waist measurements, body mass index scores and body fat were the same, on average, as the other teenagers with regular genes. But the teens with the gene variant had more body fat, bigger waists and higher BMI if they got less than an hour of exercise daily. The results were similar for boys and girls. The teens lived in Greece, Germany, Belgium, France, Hungary, Italy, Sweden, Austria and Spain. The study was funded by the Spanish and Swedish governments and the European Union. The new study found that most of the teenagers had at least one copy of the variant gene. Only 37 percent had regular genes. The rest had either one of two copies of the pesky fatso gene. An earlier study in Amish adults in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, found they need-

ed three to four hours of moderate activity daily to beat the gene. The adults in that study did things like brisk walking, housecleaning and gardening. The teens in the new study may have exercised more vigorously than the Amish adults, Ruiz said. The new analysis was designed to see whether the current US guidelines , which specify a moderate to vigorous level of exercise for an hour a day , made a difference for kids. The lead author of the Amish study, Evadnie Rampersaud of the University of Miami, said the new findings are “very interesting” because they suggest one hour daily spent exercising can be enough for teenagers at risk. University of Miami researchers now are studying adults in an employee wellness program to see what it takes for them to overcome the fatso gene, Rampersaud said. “The message is clear: genes are not destiny,” said Dr Alan Shuldiner of the University of Maryland, a co-author of the Amish study. “Those with obesity susceptibility genes should be especially motivated to engage in a physically active lifestyle.” — AP

in the news More breastfeeding could save US billions: Study NEW YORK: If most new mothers could follow medical experts’ recommendation to exclusively breastfeed for six months, the US might save $13 billion in healthcare and other costs each year, a study published Monday suggests. Researchers say the findings, published in the journal Pediatrics, underscore a need to make prolonged breastfeeding easier for women to manage. US private Medicare plans see flat payment change WASHINGTON: US health regulators on Monday called for flat government payments next year to private insurers offering Medicare health coverage to the elderly, in line with recently passed health care legislation. So-called Medicare Advantage plans would see the same payment rates they saw in 2010, instead of a previously proposed increase of more than 1 percent, according to the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Funding squeeze to force patient-focused healthcare LONDON: Pressure from global recession and relentlessly rising costs of chronic disease will force healthcare systems across the world to become more patient-focused, a report on the industry said yesterday. A report by the consultants PricewaterhouseCoopers’ (PwC) Health Research Institute said the industry’s response to the pressures would be to encourage people to take more responsibility for their own health. Radiation ups risk of breast cancer in young women NEW YORK: Women treated with chest radiation for cancers in childhood or adolescence are at increased risk for breast cancer at a young age, and their risk does not appear to plateau over time, according to a new study. Regular screening for breast cancer is a must in these women, and “further research is required to better define the harms and benefits of lifelong surveillance,” senior author Dr Kevin C. Oeffinger, from Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center, New York, and colleagues note. Cancer deaths drop as colonoscopy rates soar NEW YORK: Colonoscopy appears to slash colon

cancer deaths, according to the largest study of the procedure so far. Although colonoscopy is considered the gold standard for colon cancer screening and is used in millions of people every year, it hasn’t been clear how its widespread use impacts the disease’s overall death toll. Too many pregnancy pounds ups future obesity risk NEW YORK: Gaining too much weight while pregnant can have consequences that last well after the pregnancy is over, new research shows. The findings are probably no surprise to new moms who have struggled to lose that weight, but they are the first to show that these pounds may stick around for decades. Is robot prostate surgery best for quality of life? NEW YORK: Despite the popularity of robot-assisted procedures for prostate cancer, when it comes to men’s long-term quality of life, patients with earlier stage cancers generally fare better with non-surgical approaches than with surgery, according to a new study. Researchers say the findings, reported in the Journal of Urology, offer men more information to consider when deciding on treatment. Soy won’t reduce cholesterol after menopause NEW YORK: Eating extra soy for one year doesn’t help postmenopausal women cut their cholesterol levels, new research shows. The findings support the Food and Drug Administration’s 2007 move to reevaluate its decade-old decision allowing soy product makers to claim heart benefits, Dr Sara Chelland Campbell of Florida State University in Tallahassee and her colleagues say. Being overweight ups stroke risk, study confirms NEW YORK: Excess weight increases stroke risk, a new study including nearly 2.3 million people confirms. And the heavier a person is, the greater their risk. “Being obese (but indeed even just overweight) puts an individual at significantly higher risk of ischemic stroke, with a serious possibility of permanent disability and reduced life expectancy,” Dr. Pasquale Strazzullo of Frederico II University of Naples Medical School in Naples, Italy, one of the study’s authors, told Reuters Health. —Reuters



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ISCP holds Graduation Ceremony

eventeenth Kindergarten Graduation Ceremony was held at International School of Pakistan, Khaitan, on Tuesday, March 23, 2010. On this auspicious occasion, a large number of guests and parents were present to acknowledge the achievements of the young graduates. Abdullah Rashid Al-Hufaiti, the owner, Madam Nadia AlHufaiti, the director, Anjum Masood, the Principal, and Bushra Karamat, the Head of Primary Section, welcomed the guests. They were presented bouquets by the kindergarten students. The chief guest was Sheikh Duaij Al-Khalifa Al-Sabah and the guest of honor was Rab Nawaz, community welfare attache, Embassy of Pakistan. On behalf of the UKG students, Daniyal Ahmar of UKG-B, welcomed the guests. The ceremony commenced with the recitation of a few Quranic verses by Amal Ali of UKG-D. Translation into English was done by Hanin Muhammad of UKG-C. While the National Anthem of Kuwait was played the audience stood to pay homage to the anthem with full national and patriotic fervor. Next, the principal accepted the graduates, presented by Jennelyne on behalf of UKG teachers and congratulated the children and their parents on the completion of their kindergarten. He commended the efforts of the kindergarten staff, especially the Head of Primary Section, Bushra Karamat. He added that ISCP pays special attention to the students’ learning facilities and environment. Concluding his address, he paid gratitude generally to all the parents for their co-operation and especially to Madam Anne & Asma’a Bader for decorating the hail for that occasion. Afterwards, Sheikh Duaij gave away certificates to UKG teachers. The chief guest, guest of honor and all the honorable guests distributed diplomas to all the UKG graduates and had group photographs with them. The songs between the distributions of


IMA youth wing Science Expo ndian Muslim Association youth wing is glad to announce that it will conduct a Science Exhibition on the day of its “Youth conference” on the theme ‘From darkness to light’, which will be held at the Masjid Kabir [Grand Mosque] on April 23, 2010. Students of all Indian Schools in Kuwait are invited to take part in the exhibition by presenting their models.


Date of Exhibition: April 23 Last date for registration: April 10 Last date for submission: April 20 Timings: 4 pm - 6 pm Venue: Masjid Al-Kabir Scope: Students of all Indian Schools in Kuwait. Open to all irrespective of religion and nationality Participants: Students from class 7th - class 12th Topics: Global Warming; Quran & Science; Way/Path to Success; Islam’s Contribution to Medical Science Requirements: All participants have to prepare a model based on the given topics. The models can be prepared by a group of maximum two members. Help can be taken from their parents, teachers and also from the Internet. The best of the models will be displayed on the conference day at Masjid Al-Kabir. All the participants whose models shall be displayed on the conference day will have to come to Masjid Al-Kabir to present them.

Indian designer-wear


unna Bhasin and Kiki Siddiqi (Kiki’s London) present a cheerful collection of contemporary clothing by India’s leading designers: Pankaj, Nidhi Ahuja and Payal Jain. A collection that is sure to uplift your spirits with long and short tunics in vibrant colors, silk thread embroideries, sequined showers in floral patterns, and intricate chikan kari work. Pankaj and Nidhi will be personally present to meet with and book orders of those interested from April 26-28 between 10 am to 1 pm and between 5 pm to 8:30 pm at Bayt Lothan, Gulf Road, Salmiya. Contact: 25755866.

Rules and regulations Every participant can attempt the quiz only once Every participant has to answer 15 multiple choice questions. The participant at any point of time can get back to previous questions if he missed any Winners will be announced on the Conference Day at Masjid Kabir [Grand Mosque] on April 23. The winning participant has to be present during the announcement of the winners.

UKG-A, was dedicated to Pakistan since March 23 is the National Day of Pakistan. Towards the end of the ceremony, the principal thanked the chief guest, the guest of honor and the rest of the guests including parents. He especially, extended his gratitude to the reception and managing committee members for putting in their untiring efforts and to make the ceremony a success. The ceremony was conducted by Nadiya M Arshad and Mehwish Saleem. They extended their good wishes to the new graduates. The ceremony came to an end with the National Anthem of Pakistan.

Swadesh magazine honors literary contributor he Swadesh magazine honored its regular literary contributor Sanjib Bhadra Chandan who is leaving on vacation. The farewell function was held at Gulshan hotel in Kuwait City on April 1, 2010. Editor of the Swadesh Magazine Masud Karim presided over the meeting among notable literati and dignitaries respectively poet Salim Reza, editor Ekushe Bangla Jahangir Hossain Bablu, editor Shemol Bangla Nekmohammed, G S Awami Seschsasebak League Mohammed Lak Miah, Organizing Secretary Uandhan Nath, G S Joybangla Cutural Group Hasan Ali, Director of KCICO Towhidul Islam Harun, Jashim Uddin. Journalist Ahashanul Hoque Khokon, poet Morshed Alam Badol, and leaders as well as activists from Bengali Expatriate social-economic and cultural organization had graced the function. Masud Karim the editor of Swadesh Magazine along with other distinguished guests handed over the crest of honor to Sanjib Bhadra Chandan.


BSK supports Kuwait Chopin Project

Gulf Indian School holds environmental exhibition

Conditions: 1. The participants will have to register on or before April 6 either by visiting the following link of our website http://www.imayouthwing.org/science-expo.asp or by phone on following numbers: Mohammed Zabhi (99418088), Riyaz Ahmed (99629394) and Faheemuddin (66364720). . 2. All participants have to be present on the conference day 3. Prizes will be given on the conference day 4. For submission of models the participants will be informed by email or by SMS with all the details 5. The participants of the selected models for the exhibition will be contacted on or before 21st April to confirm their attendance on the conference day. If the participant is not available before 4 pm on the conference day then his/her model will be disqualified. ONLINE QUIZ to be held at the same venue on the same date: Three exciting prizes to be won include 1. Omra tour Package by Air 2. Laptop worth KD 250 3. Blackberry PD A handset Who can participate? The competition is open to all nationals and all age groups. What is the medium? The medium of language shall be English only How to participate in the quiz? The quiz contest will be available on IMA Youth Wing website www.imayouthwing.org from April 6-20. Please follow the link: http://www.imayouthwing.org/quiz/register.asp

the diplomas kept the spirit of the ceremony alive. The program was made relishable with the different songs by the children. The first performance was by UKG-C on the song ‘Reach up for the stars’. UKG-E presented Arabic song, ‘Ya Baba’. The presentations of UKG-G ‘Heal the world’, UKG-B ‘It’s a small world’ and UKG-D ‘Beautiful inside’, conveyed the message of peace and unity in the world. The traditional Fashion show by UKG-F enthralled the spectators. All the performances were highly appreciated by the audience. The Urdu patriotic song, ‘Tere bina dil na lage’ by

n Exhibition - ‘The Saga of the Earth’ was held at Gulf Indian School recently. It was a venue where students from classes one to twelve were able to exhibit their awareness on burning environmental issues. Their scientific skills and artistic talents were on display in the form of working models, still models, cut outs and informative charts which brought out the present day crisis, thereby sending home the message of conservation. The exhibition was inaugurated by the Manager of the school, Sreekumar. The theme, as the name suggested, showcased the different stages of the earth starting with the evolution, going on to early civilization then developments and inventions ending in the present day scenario. The students were seen keenly demonstrating the working of the exhibits. Younger children were bubbling with enthusiasm as they explained their projects. The student council presented an eye opener regarding the present deteriorating


he Chairman of the Kuwait Chamber Philharmonia, Professor Cezary Owerkowicz, presented a plaque to the Director of The British School of Kuwait Madame Vera Al-Mutawa for her exceptional support for the 2010 Project Chopin in Kuwait and the Gulf which was held to celebrate the bicentenary of the birth of the renowned Polish composer Frederick Chopin. The John Lennon Performance Studio at BSK was the centre for the first hearings of the Kuwaiti leg of the


competition and BSK was one of the main sponsors of the event. More than 200 students from over 50 nationalities took part in the month long event with heats held in Kuwait, Bahrain, Abu Dhabi, Dubai and Qatar. The project was honoured to have as its patron HE Sheikh Nasser Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber AlSabah, Minister of the Amiri Diwan, who presented a special dhow to BSK student Feixue Li winner of the first Gulf International Chopin competition.

Announcement old time’s sake, some Bikolano residents in Overseas Absentee Voting will FfrontorKuwait will meet at the Applebees Restaurant in Philippine start on April 10 and last until May10, 2010. of Kuwait Society of Engineers on Friday, April 9, 2010. For more information please contact the following telephone numbers: Milleth Cox-65121830, Cora Mailom-99510381, Julie Brooks-99530637, Cora Perez-97650411 and Lito Ragos-66178828.

Filipino eligible voters may vote daily from 8am-4pm at the Philippine Embassy in Jabriya. Please bring valid IDs.

condition of the earth and the dire consequences that can occur in future. Through an audio-visual presentation the students were able to make the visitors aware of the need of the hour - conservation of the earth and its resources. Some interesting and innovative exhibits included a solar energy powered house, a biogas plant, a refinery, rain water harvesting, vertical farming, horticulture, green house, wind mills etc. The exhibition was well attended by parents and well wishers who left positive comments on the ‘Tree of Hope’ with promises to do something to save our planet. The teamwork by the students under the guidance of the teachers and the principal and the support of the parents were the determining factors in the success of the event. The GIS family congratulates all the staff and students on this successful venture and extends its sincere gratitude to all those who contributed for the success of the exhibition.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010



Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed School visits Kuwait Times

The students of Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed High School pose for a picture.

Islam Al-Sharaa, the IT Manager explains page-making to the students. — Photos by Joseph Shagra

of 23 students who belong to the Grade 11 of Al-Jeel Al-Jadeed High School paid Kuwait Times newspaper a visit yesterday. The students were accompanied by their teachers, Hannah and Safah. Kuwait Times newspaper is a part of their sylAstoodgroup labus and this visit was a part of their educational tour. Islam Al-Sharaa, the IT Manager explained the working of the editorial department and the intricacies involved in making a page. The students also got a glimpse of the printing press and underwhat it takes to publish a newspaper daily.

Joybangla group celebrates 39th Independence Day of Bangladesh On the occasion of 39th anniversary of Independence and National Day of Bangladesh, the celebration amid discussion and cultural event took place in ECO hotel on March 29. The discussion meeting presented by Mohammed Hasan Ali G S Joybangla cultural group Kuwait chapter and it was presided over by Mohammed Masud Karim the President of Joybangla Cultural Group Kuwait branch. Abdur Rob the Founding President of Bangladesh Awami League Kuwait chapter and Chief Advisor of Joybangla cultural group Kuwait chapter attended the celebration as chief guest. The special guests were Sayed Ali Razu, Burhan

Uddin Faruk, Jane Alam Jahangir Advisor of Joybangla cultural group, Mohammed Lak Miah, G S Awami Volunteer League, Vice President Bahar Uddin, Organizing Secretary Bandhan Nath, Joint Secretary Nizam Uddin were the speakers at the event all are speakers mention that the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared the Independence on March 26, 1971. The program began with the recitation of verses from the Holy Quran by Tofajjal Hossain. That was followed by one minute silence observation honoring the memory of the Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and all the martyrs.

Technical meet on ‘Radiation Hazards and Safety’ merican Society of Safety Engineers, Kuwait Chapter continued its professional journey by organizing two more technical meets on March 16, 2010 at Hilton Resort titled “Radiation Hazards and Safety” and “Unveiling the Next Step in Energy Management”. The Program was anchored by Mohammad K S Mohiuddeen, Secretary. He welcomed all the participants and briefed about the significance of the technical meet. He introduced the speakers and the topics of the day , The first topic was Radiation Hazards and Safety by Mustafa Kadadha, HSE Manager, M/s. Weatherford and the second topic was Unveiling the Next Step in Energy Management by Ashok Kapur, B.Sc, BE (Mech), MIE (I), MIIRSM, Diploma in Industrial Safety, Chartered Engineer. During the first presentation Mustafa Kadadha delivered an interactive session where he briefed on the Radiation theory & basics, Definition of Radiation, Exposure and effects, ALARA Principals, Ways to minimize exposure, Radiation sources Type, Radiation safety & Controls, Laws and Regulations. During the second presentation Ashok Kapur briefed on the following topics Current Energy Management Practices , Development of BS EN 16001 : 2009 Energy Management System


Standard, Highlights of BS EN 16001 : 2009, Role of BSI , ISO / CD 50001 and Expected Benefits of Effective En MS. The informative technical sessions concluded with an interactive Question& Answer session. The technical meet was followed by the announcement on 2nd

GCC HSE Excellence Award on made by Ashok Garlapati , Head of Award, Steering Committee. As a token of appreciation ASSE Kuwait Chapter Executive Committee handed over a memento to both the speakers. The Technical meet was con-

Tulukoota family picnic 2010 ulukoota Kuwait cordially invites all its members to the 2010 TKK Annual Picnic as the beautiful blue sky and warm sun announce the arrival of summer. Come and join us for a fun filled play day at Mish ref Garden on Friday, April 9 from 9:00 am-5:00 pm. The day will be filled with fun activities for the whole family. Come out and enjoy great food, and games. This is going to be one of the biggest events of the year, spread the word out and invite all Tuluvas to come and enjoy this day. For more information call: Mohd Iqbal - 99483350; Chandrahasa Shetty-55941955; Sathya Narayana-66585077.


he Director of MEI for university services, P G Varghese met with Indian Ambassador Ajai Malhotra and discussed various educational services provided by MEI/KEC and the opportunities available to the Indian community in Kuwait.


Gethealthykuwait.com helps students lose weight ethealthykuwait.com, Kuwait’s national health campaign for better nutrition and weight management, continued its efforts to combat the rising obesity cases in Kuwaiti schools after visiting Lubna Bint Al-Hareth School in Sabahiya to provide 69 students and teachers with free testing and consultations, reaching 350 students in eight schools and 3,499 individuals since the initiative’s launch in June 2009. Students and teachers of Lubna Bint Al-Hareth School received information on the ideal eating regimens, as well as one-on-one testing of glucose and cholesterol by gethealthykuwait.com’s expert nutritionists. With the individual results, the expert nutritionists from Diet Care and Taiba Hospital, the sister founders of the initiative, empowered students and teachers to take the necessary steps to better their personal health lifestyles. Gethealthykuwait.com Chief Nutritionist and Diet Care Operations Manager, Sami Al-Bader said: “We continue to put a big emphasis on schools after the shocking results we found during our outreach visits since gethealthykuwait.com’s launch in June. From the students we’ve tested, 45 percent are overweight, and this is a grave danger for the well-being of girls in their teenage years. Our goal is to reach out to as many students in schools to provide them with the guidance and opportunity to make positive health changes.” Gethealthykuwait.com’s Head of Testing and Taiba Hospital’s Chief Operating Officer, Rashed Al-Fadalah


said: “The results that we are discovering during our outreach visits at schools are a health concern for the Kuwaiti community and we will continue the fight throughout the initiative. We thank all schools that have opened its doors to gethealthykuwait.com and its expert nutritionist to empower students, teachers, and parents

to take the first step to improve their lifestyles and we especially thank Lubna Bint Al-Hareth School and its encouragement towards healthy living.” As part of the initiative’s goal to spread health awareness, Gethealthykuwait.com experts conduct weekly visits to private business, schools, and public centers to

give free immediate testing and one-on-one consultations. The initiative visited 25 locations to this date, which includes The State Audit Bureau of Kuwait, The National Bank of Kuwait, Wataniya Telecom, and Marina Mall. Gethealthykuwait.com is extending an opportunity for the community to take the necessary steps to better their health through its 28-day program. Gethealthykuwait.com is also offering a free vacation for three people to the magical island of Bali, Indonesia, for the person who loses the most percentage of his body weight after the program. The winner during cycle one was Ivan Kristovic who lost 8.8 per cent of his body weight in 28-days. In cycle 2, Nawaf Al-Thabian managed to lose 32 kilograms in just three months, also winning him a trip to Bali. Three tickets await the person who loses the most percentage of their body weight during cycle three and four of the campaign. Gethealhtykuwait.com will also extend to every individual, couple, and family the opportunity to subscribe to a nutritional or weight-loss program provided by Diet Care at a heavily discounted rate as part of Diet Care’s efforts to help people overcome their weight challenges. On their part, Taiba Hospital is offering up to 50 percent discounts on full medical check-ups for every GHK participant. Once enrolled at GHK, every member receives free access to Diet Care’s dietitians and better health sessions provided by Diet Care and Taiba Hospital.

Birthday greetings

MEI director meets with Indian ambassador

cluded with vote of thanks by Subbarao Palagummi, Head, Environment & Health Committee. Around 70 ASSE members & 10 HSE professionals from different companies attended the technical meet. The meet concluded with a high tea.

any happy returns of the day to Diyyanshu (Bobo) who celebrates his fourth birthday today. May God bless him with abundant joy and good health. Best wishes from Papa, Mama, Bi, Aita, Rajdada, Babudada, Munuba, and Nikkyba.


Aware diwaniya WARE would like to inform you that tonight we will host Dr Adel Al-Yousufi (a prominent Kuwaiti businessman) to share with us his philosophical ideas on life and religions. The diwaniya will start at 7 pm at the AWARE premises in Surrah.




Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Orbit / Showtime Listings 13:30 Phineas & Ferb 14:00 Zeke & Luther 14:30 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 15:00 American Dragon 15:30 Kid vs Kat 16:00 Phineas & Ferb 16:30 I’M IN THE BAND 17:00 Suite Life On Deck 17:30 Aaron Stone 18:00 Iron Man: Armoured Adventures 18:25 Kid vs Kat 18:50 NEXT X EUROPE 19:00 Zeke & Luther 19:30 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 20:00 American Dragon 20:30 I’M IN THE BAND 21:00 Phil Of The Future 21:25 Iron Man: Armoured Adventures 21:50 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 22:15 Aaron Stone

00:00 ER 01:00 Dawson’s Creek 02:00 Life 03:00 One Tree Hill 04:00 Dawson’s Creek 05:00 Burn Notice 06:00 CSI 07:00 ER 08:00 Dollhouse 09:00 Flash Forward 10:00 Life 11:00 One Tree Hill 12:00 CSI 13:00 Burn Notice 14:00 Life 15:00 Dawson’s Creek 16:00 Dollhouse 17:00 Flash Forward 18:00 ER 19:00 CSI 20:00 Lie to Me 21:00 Law & Order 22:00 Burn Notice 23:00 The Janice Dickinson Modelling Agency

00:45 Animal Cops Phoenix 01:40 Untamed & Uncut 02:35 Cell Dogs 03:30 Animal Cops Houston 04:25 Miami Animal Police 05:20 Going Ape 05:45 Animal Battlegrounds 06:10 E-Vets: The Interns 06:35 RSPCA: On the Frontline 07:00 Wildlife SOS 07:25 Pet Rescue 07:50 Planet Earth 08:45 Austin Stevens: Most Dangerous... 09:40 Britain’s Worst Pet 10:05 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:30 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 10:55 Going Ape 11:20 RSPCA: On the Frontline 11:50 Miami Animal Police 12:45 E-Vets: The Interns 13:10 Pet Rescue 13:40 Animal Cops Houston 14:35 Wildlife SOS 15:00 RSPCA: On the Frontline 15:30 Planet Earth 16:25 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 16:50 All New Planet’s Funniest Animals 17:20 Britain’s Worst Pet 17:45 Animal Battlegrounds 18:15 Polar Bears: Living on Thin Ice 19:10 Crime Scene Wild 20:10 Animal Cops Phoenix 21:05 Untamed & Uncut 22:00 Polar Bears: Living on Thin Ice 22:55 Animal Cops Houston 23:50 Crime Scene Wild

00:15 The Ship 01:10 Red Dwarf 01:40 Red Dwarf 02:10 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries 03:00 Recovery 04:35 The Ship 05:35 Bargain Hunt 06:20 Teletubbies 06:45 Me Too 07:05 Tweenies 07:25 Teletubbies 07:50 Me Too 08:10 Tweenies 08:30 Teletubbies 08:55 Me Too 09:15 Tweenies 09:40 Bargain Hunt 10:25 Days That Shook The World 11:15 Red Dwarf 11:45 Red Dwarf 12:15 The Weakest Link 13:00 Eastenders 13:30 Doctors 14:00 Bargain Hunt 14:45 Cash In The Attic 15:15 Red Dwarf 15:45 Red Dwarf 16:15 The Weakest Link 17:00 Doctors 17:30 Eastenders 18:05 The Inspector Lynley Mysteries 19:00 Coast 20:00 The Weakest Link 20:45 Doctors 21:15 Eastenders

00:20 Come Dine With Me 00:45 Come Dine With Me 01:10 Big Chef Takes On Little Chef 02:00 Bargain Hunt 02:45 10 Years Younger 03:30 Rick Stein’s Mediterranean Escapes 04:20 Daily Cooks Challenge 04:50 Cash In The Attic USA 05:10 Hidden Potential 05:35 10 Years Younger 06:20 Rick Stein’s Mediterranean Escapes 07:10 Daily Cooks Challenge 07:40 Cash In The Attic USA 08:05 Cash In The Attic USA 08:30 Bargain Hunt 09:15 Antiques Roadshow 10:05 Antiques Roadshow 11:00 Cash In The Attic USA 11:25 Hidden Potential

Bride Wars on Super Movies 11:50 Big Chef Takes On Little Chef 12:40 Bargain Hunt 13:25 10 Years Younger 14:10 Bargain Hunt 14:55 Bargain Hunt 15:40 Antiques Roadshow 16:30 Cash In The Attic USA 16:50 Hidden Potential 17:20 Big Chef Takes On Little Chef 18:10 Bargain Hunt 18:55 Antiques Roadshow 19:45 Daily Cooks Challenge 20:15 Come Dine With Me 20:40 MasterChef Goes Large 21:10 Come Dine With Me 21:35 Come Dine With Me 22:00 Fantasy Homes By The Sea 22:45 The Clothes Show 23:30 Rick Stein’s Mediterranean Escapes

01:00 03:00 05:00 PG15 07:00 PG15 09:00 11:00 13:00 15:00 17:00 19:00 21:00 23:00

Map Of The Human Heart-18 Yasmin-PG15 Dialogue Avec Mon JardinierI Love You, I Love You NotWendy And Lucy-PG15 Max-PG15 CJ7-PG Hard Ball-PG15 Land Of Plenty-PG15 The Truman Show-PG15 De-Lovely-PG15 Go Go Tales-18

00:00 00:30 01:00 02:00 02:55 03:50 04:20 04:45 05:40 06:05 07:00 07:30 07:55 08:20 09:15 10:10 11:05 12:00 12:30 12:55 13:20 14:15 15:10 16:05 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 23:00

Border Security Destroyed in Seconds Miami Ink Street Customs 2008 Street Customs Berlin Mean Machines Mean Machines Mythbusters How Stuff’s Made Dirty Jobs Mean Machines Mean Machines Ultimate Biker Challenge Street Customs 2008 Mythbusters Ultimate Survival Street Customs Berlin Border Security How it’s Made How Stuff’s Made American Chopper Miami Ink Mythbusters Dirty Jobs Verminators Border Security Street Customs 2008 Destroyed in Seconds How it’s Made How Stuff’s Made Wheeler Dealers Wheeler Dealers Breaking Point Mythbusters

00:30 01:20 02:10 02:35 03:00 03:50 04:45 05:10 05:40 06:10 07:00 08:00 World 09:00 09:55 10:20 10:50 11:45 12:10

Mighty Ships Ecopolis Green Wheels Green Wheels Beyond Tomorrow Cosmic Collisions How Stuff’s Made Green Wheels One Step Beyond Mighty Ships Junkyard Mega-Wars How Techies Changed the Space Pioneer How Stuff’s Made Stunt Junkies Mighty Ships Green Wheels One Step Beyond

12:40 World 13:35 14:30 15:25 15:55 16:50 17:45 18:40 19:05 19:30 20:20 20:45 21:10 22:00 22:25 22:50 23:40

How Techies Changed the Space Pioneer Engineered How Stuff’s Made Junkyard Mega-Wars Brainiac The Greatest Ever How It’s Made How It’s Made What’s That About? How It’s Made How It’s Made Mythbusters How It’s Made How It’s Made What’s That About? The Greatest Ever

00:00 00:20 00:45 01:10 01:35 02:00 02:25 02:45 03:10 03:35 04:00 04:25 04:45 05:10 05:35 06:00 06:10 06:35 07:00 07:20 07:45 08:10 08:35 09:00 09:25 09:45 10:10 10:30 10:55 11:20 11:45 12:10 12:35 12:55 13:20 13:40 14:05 14:30 15:00 15:25 15:50 16:25 16:45 17:10 17:35 18:00 18:25 18:45 19:00 19:25 19:50 20:15 20:35 21:00 21:25 21:45

Hannah Montana Handy Manny Lazytown Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Imagination Movers Special Agent Oso Suite Life On Deck Replacements American Dragon Kim Possible Famous Five Fairly Odd Parents Phineas & Ferb Fairly Odd Parents Suite Life On Deck Higglytown Heroes Handy Manny Lazytown Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Imagination Movers Special Agent Oso Fairly Odd Parents Suite Life On Deck Wizards Of Waverly Place Sonny With A Chance Jonas Hannah Montana Brandy & Mr Whiskers Fairly Odd Parents Hannah Montana I Got A Rocket Suite Life On Deck Replacements American Dragon Kim Possible Famous Five Fairly Odd Parents Phineas & Ferb Replacements I Got A Rocket Wizards Of Waverly Place Sonny With A Chance Fairly Odd Parents Phineas & Ferb Suite Life On Deck Wizards Of Waverly Place Hannah Montana The Replacements Jonas Suite Life On Deck Sonny With A Chance Hannah Montana Wizards Of Waverly Place The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody The Suite Life Of Zack & Cody The Replacements

06:00 American Dragon 06:25 Power Rangers Jungle Fury 06:50 Kid vs Kat 07:15 Phineas & Ferb 07:40 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 08:05 American Dragon 08:30 Pokemon DP: Battle Dimension 09:00 Phineas & Ferb 09:30 Zeke & Luther 10:00 Phil Of The Future 10:30 Suite Life On Deck 11:00 Kid vs Kat 11:30 Power Rangers Jungle Fury 12:00 Aaron Stone 12:25 The Suite Life of Zack & Cody 12:50 Pokemon DP: Battle Dimension 13:20 NEXT X EUROPE

00:15 Streets Of Hollywood 00:40 E!es 01:30 Extreme Hollywood 02:20 Sexiest 03:15 25 Most Memorable Swimsuit Moments 05:05 Dr 90210 06:00 E! Investigates 07:45 Style Star 08:10 Style Star 08:35 E! News 09:00 The Daily 10 09:25 Keeping Up With The Kardashians 10:15 Ths 11:05 Ths 12:00 E! News 12:25 The Daily 10 12:50 Leave It To Lamas 13:15 Leave It To Lamas 13:40 30 Best And Worst Beach Bodies 15:25 Behind The Scenes 15:50 Behind The Scenes 16:15 E!es 17:10 Kendra 17:35 Kendra 18:00 E! News 18:25 The Daily 10 18:50 Streets Of Hollywood 19:15 Battle Of The Hollywood Hotties 19:40 E! Investigates 20:30 Ths 21:20 Bank Of Hollywood 22:10 E! News 22:35 The Daily 10 23:00 Dr 90210 23:50 Wildest Tv Show Moments

00:00 00:00 01:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:00 06:00 06:00 07:00 07:00 08:00 08:00 09:00 09:00 10:00 10:00 11:00 11:00 12:00 12:40 13:00 14:00 14:20 15:00 16:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00

00:30 01:20 02:10 03:05 04:00 04:55 05:20 06:10 06:35 07:00 07:50 08:40 09:30 10:20 11:10 12:00 12:50 13:15 13:40 14:30 15:20 16:10 17:00 17:50 18:40 19:30 20:20 20:45

00:50 02:50 04:35 06:20 07:55

Food Network Challenge Great British Menu Grill It! with Bobby Flay Iron Chef America Grill It! with Bobby Flay Barefoot Contessa Iron Chef America Barefoot Contessa Chopped Nigella Express Everyday Italian Nigella Express Great British Menu Iron Chef America Giada At Home Iron Chef America Chopped Nigella Express Kitchen Criminals Nigella Express Barefoot Contessa Best Thing I Ever Ate Food Network Challenge Barefoot Contessa Iron Chef America Teleshopping Kitchen Criminals Teleshopping Grill It! with Bobby Flay Teleshopping Teleshopping Barefoot Contessa Teleshopping Barefoot Contessa Teleshopping

A Haunting FBI Files Deadly Women Undercover Forensic Detectives Real Emergency Calls Dr G: Medical Examiner Ghosthunters Ghosthunters Forensic Detectives FBI Files Fugitive Strike Force Solved Forensic Detectives FBI Files Solved Real Emergency Calls Real Emergency Calls Royal Inquest Forensic Detectives FBI Files Fugitive Strike Force Solved Forensic Detectives FBI Files Solved Real Emergency Calls Real Emergency Calls

Triumph Of The Spirit Neon City No Man’s Land Playing Mona Lisa Death Rides a Horse

09:50 11:20 13:15 14:50 16:25 18:15 19:55 22:00 23:45

00:00 00:30 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:30 14:30 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:30 20:30 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30

The Escape Buona Sera, Mrs. Campbell Babes In Toyland Crusoe Just Between Friends Man in the Moon The Russians Are Coming Great Balls Of Fire Miami Blues

Chasing Time Lonely Planet Weird And Wonderful Hotels Weird And Wonderful Hotels Cruise Ship Diaries Bondi Rescue Destination Extreme Surfer’s Journal Treks In A Wild World Madventures Chasing Time Lonely Planet Weird And Wonderful Hotels Weird And Wonderful Hotels Cruise Ship Diaries Bondi Rescue Destination Extreme Surfer’s Journal Treks In A Wild World Madventures Chasing Time Lonely Planet Jailed Abroad Jailed Abroad Bondi Rescue Destination Extreme Surfer’s Journal Treks In A Wild World Madventures Chasing Time Lonely Planet Jailed Abroad Jailed Abroad Bondi Rescue Destination Extreme Surfer’s Journal Treks In A Wild World Madventures

00:00 Scrubs 00:30 The Office 01:00 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 01:30 The Colbert Report 02:00 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 03:00 Reno 911 03:30 Weeds 04:00 Sauturday Night Live 05:00 Scrubs 05:30 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 06:30 Everybody Loves Raymond 07:00 Just Shoot me! 07:30 Malcolm in the Middle 08:00 Frasier 08:30 Yes dear 09:00 The Nanny 09:30 Drew Carey 10:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 10:30 Just Shoot me! 11:00 Frasier 11:30 Eight Simple Rules 12:00 The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson 13:00 The Office 13:30 Tyler Perry’s House of Payne 14:00 The Nanny 14:30 Malcolm in the Middle 15:00 Scrubs 15:30 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 16:00 The Colbert Report 16:30 Drew Carey 17:00 Everybody Loves Raymond 17:30 Frasier 18:00 Eight Simple Rules 18:30 Just Shoot me! 19:00 Community 19:30 10 Things I Hate About You 20:00 Late night with Jimmy Fallon 21:00 The Daily Show with Jon Stewart 21:30 The Colbert Report 22:00 Reno 911 22:30 Weeds 23:00 Sauturday Night Live

00:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00 04:00 Leno 05:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 16:00 16:30 17:00 Leno 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 Leno 23:00

00:00 02:00 04:00 06:00 08:00 10:00 12:00

14:00 16:15 18:00 20:00 22:00

Speed Racer-PG Beverly Hills Chihuahua-PG Ocean’s Thirteen-PG15 Lakeview Terrace-PG15 Smart People-PG15

01:00 New Town Killers-PG 03:00 Behind Enemy Lines: Columbia-PG15 05:00 Devil’s Diary-PG15 07:00 High Crimes-PG15 09:00 Prisoner-PG 11:00 House Of Fallen-PG15 13:00 Twins Effect 2-PG15 15:00 Prisoner-PG 17:00 Capers-PG15 19:00 On The Doll-18 21:00 The Building -PG15 23:00 Break-18

00:00 Crush-PG15 02:00 In And Out-PG15 04:00 Heavyweights-PG 06:00 Loins Of Punjab Presents-PG 08:00 The Coneheads-PG15 10:00 Mchale’s Navy-PG15 12:00 Fifty Pills-PG15 14:00 First Sunday-PG15 16:00 Crush-PG15 18:00 Fever Pitch-PG15 20:00 Chatterbox-PG 22:00 Trainwreck: My Life As An Idiot-18

00:00 Barbie In The 12 Dancing Princesses-FAM 02:00 Velveteen Rabbit-FAM 04:00 Soccer Dog-PG 06:00 Max Keeble’s Big Movie-PG 08:00 Barbie As The Princess And The Pauper-FAM 10:00 Soccer Dog-PG 12:00 Patoruzito-FAM 14:00 Velveteen Rabbit-FAM 16:00 Labou-FAM 18:00 Space Buddies-PG 20:00 Just For Kicks-PG 22:00 Patoruzito-FAM

00:00 01:00 02:00 02:30 03:00 04:00 04:30 05:00 06:00 06:30 07:00 08:00 08:30 09:00

C.S.I: NY C.S.I: NY Sex and the City Sex and the City Survivor : Samoa Every Body Loves Raymond Coach 24 Emmerdale Coronation Street Law & Order Every Body Loves Raymond Coach Survivor : Samoa

10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 22:00 23:00 23:30

24 Law & Order Emmerdale Coronation Street Every Body Loves Raymond Coach C.S.I: NY C.S.I: NY 24 Survivor : Samoa Emmerdale Coronation Street Grey’s Anatomy Private Practice Criminal Minds 24 Sex and the City Sex and the City

01:00 Premier League 03:00 Brazil League Highlights 03:30 Premier League Review Show 05:00 Premier League 07:00 Portugol 07:30 Brazil League Highlights 08:00 Premier League 10:00 Premier League 12:00 Goals Goals Goals 12:30 Portugol 13:00 Brazil League Highlights 13:30 Scottish Premier League Highlights 14:00 Premier League 16:00 Futbol Mundial 16:30 Goals Goals Goals 17:00 Premier League 19:00 Premier League 21:00 Goals Goals Goals 21:30 Premier League Review Show 23:00 Premier League Classics 23:30 Premier League Classics

01:00 Kisses-18 03:00 Martian Child-PG 05:00 Barack Obama: The Man And His Journey-PG 07:00 The Visitor-PG15 09:00 Bride Wars-PG15 11:00 Broken Lines-PG15 13:00 American Violet-PG15 15:00 The Memsahib-PG15 17:00 Bride Wars-PG15 19:00 Quantum Of Solace-PG15 21:00 Management-PG15 23:00 The Duchess-PG15

01:35 04:00 06:30 07:00 08:40 10:15 12:30 14:05 15:50 17:30

Ice Station Zebra Where Eagles Dare The Screening Room Adam’s Rib Forbidden Planet Anchors Aweigh Born Free Travels With My Aunt Hotel Paradiso The Prize

19:40 20:10 22:00 23:45

The Screening Room The Asphalt Jungle X Y & Zee Liebestraum

00:30 Man Moment Machine 01:20 Ice Road Truckers 2 02:10 Mega Disasters 03:00 The Sinking of the Royal Oak 03:55 The American Revolution 04:50 The Nazi Plan To Bomb New York 05:40 Shootout! 06:30 Man Moment Machine 07:20 Ice Road Truckers 2 08:10 Mega Disasters 09:00 The Sinking of the Royal Oak 09:55 The American Revolution 10:50 The Nazi Plan To Bomb New York 11:40 Shootout! 12:30 Man Moment Machine 13:20 Ice Road Truckers 2 14:10 Mega Disasters 15:00 The Sinking of the Royal Oak 15:55 The American Revolution 16:50 The Nazi Plan To Bomb New York 17:40 Shootout! 18:30 Man Moment Machine 19:20 Ice Road Truckers 2 20:10 Mega Disasters 21:00 Nostradamus Effect 21:55 Angels & Demons Decoded 23:40 Rome: Rise and Fall of an Empire

00:00 01:00 01:30 02:00 03:00 04:00 05:00 05:30 06:00 07:00 07:30 08:00 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 20:00 21:00 21:30

Dr 90210 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane Dallas Divas & Daughters How Do I Look? Split Ends Dr 90210 Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane Area How Do I Look? Style Star Style Her Famous My Celebrity Home Style Star Dress My Nest Peter Perfect Whose Wedding Is it Anyway? Ruby Giuliana & Bill Clean House Clean House Comes Clean Dress My Nest How Do I Look? Split Ends Dallas Divas & Daughters Style Her Famous Running in Heels Kimora: Life in the Fab Lane Split Ends Clean House Dress My Nest Style Her Famous

The Martha Stewart Show 10 Years younger Turn Back Your Body Clock The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Monique Show The Tonight Show with Jay GMA (repeat) GMA Health What’s the Buzz The Martha Stewart Show Turn Back Your Body Clock 10 Years younger Jimmy Kimmel Live! The View The Ellen DeGeneres Show The Martha Stewart Show GMA Live GMA Health What’s the Buzz The Tonight Show with Jay Look A Like 10 Years Younger The View The Ellen DeGeneres Show Jimmy Kimmel Live! The Tonight Show with Jay The Monique Show

Humboldt County-18 Drawn-PG15 God Grew Tired Of Us-PG15 Capturing Mary-PG15 Beverly Hills Chihuahua-PG Genova-PG15 Meet Bill-PG15

Humboldt County on Show Movies

Star Listings (UAE Timings) STAR 20:35 22:35 00:10 01:40 03:15 04:45 06:45 08:20 09:50 11:25 12:55 14:30 16:05 17:30

Movies I Love Trouble A Woman’s Rage Christmas Caper The Fly Dr. Dolittle:Tail To The Chief I Love Trouble A Woman’s Rage The Santa Clause 3: The Escape Clause The Fly Jumper Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Iii Eleventh Hour I Think I Love My Wife New York, New York

09:30 10:00 10:50 11:00 11:50 12:00 13:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 17:50 18:00 18:25 18:50 19:00

STAR 21:00 21:50 22:00 23:00 00:00 01:00 02:00 03:00 03:30 04:00 05:00 07:00 09:00

World Boston Legal Who’s The Boss? Grey’s Anatomy [V] Tunes [V] Tunes [V] Tunes 7th Heaven Scrubs The King Of Queens Stone Undercover American Idol American Idol The King Of Queens

Granada TV 20:00 The Paul O’Grady Show 21:00 Warzone 22:00 Emmerdale 22:30 Coronation Street 23:00 Warzone 00:00 Parkinson (Series 7) 01:00 The Crunch 02:00 Romance Wednesday: William And Mary (Series 2) (Double Bill) 04:00 Britain’s Youngest Brides 05:00 Emmerdale 05:30 Coronation Street 06:00 Parkinson (Series 7)

The Bold And The Beautiful 7th Heaven Charlie’s Angels Grey’s Anatomy Who’s The Boss? [V] Tunes American Idol Stone Undercover American Idol EAST WEST Charlie’s Angels Cops S19 Cops S19 Married With Children American Idol

07:00 The Crunch 08:00 Romance Wednesday: William And Mary (Series 2) (Double Bill) 10:00 New Homes From Hell 2 11:00 Emmerdale 11:30 Coronation Street 12:00 Come Dine With Me (Primetime Series 2) 13:00 Romance Wednesday: William And Mary (Series 2) (Double Bill) 15:00 Parkinson (Series 7) 16:00 Emmerdale 16:30 Coronation Street 17:00 Come Dine With Me (Primetime Series 2) 18:00 Romance Wednesday: William And Mary (Series 2) (Double Bill) Channel [V] 21:00 [V] Countdown 23:00 Backtracks 23:30 Double Shot 00:00 Loop 00:30 [V] Tunes 01:00 [V] Plug 01:30 Loop 02:00 Backtracks 03:00 XO 03:30 [V] Tunes 04:00 [V] Plug 04:30 The Playlist 05:00 [V] Countdown

07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30

Backtracks Double Shot Loop [V] Tunes [V] Plug Loop Backtracks XO [V] Tunes [V] Plug The Playlist Keys To The VIP Double Bill [V] Tunes [V] Tunes Backtracks Double Shot Loop [V] Tunes [V] Plug Loop Backtracks XO [V] Tunes [V] Plug The Playlist

Fox News 00:00 Happening Now 01:00 The Live Desk 03:00 Studio B with Shepard Smith Live

04:00 05:00 06:00 07:00 08:00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 21:00 22:00 23:00

Your World with Neil Cavuto Glenn Beck with Glenn Beck Special Report with Bret Baier The FOX Report with Shepard Smith The O’Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record with Greta Van Susteren The O’Reilly Factor Hannity On the Record with Greta Van Susteren Glenn Beck with Glenn Beck Fox Report Special Report with Bret Baier The O’Reilly Factor FOX & Friends First Live FOX & Friends Live America’s Newsroom America’s Newsroom Happening Now

National Geographic Channel 20:00 Don’t Tell My Mother... -Don’t Tell My Mother : That I Am In Colombia S1-2 21:00 Long Way Down -Kigali To Malawi 8 22:00 Cruise Ship Diaries -The Final Countdown 6 23:00 Theme Week -Secrets of The 10 Plagues : The Final Torments 00:00 Seconds From Disaster -Puerto Rico Gas Explosion S2-11 01:00 ABOUT ASIA -Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy

: Borneo 4 02:00 Carrier -Full Circle S1-10 03:00 DogTown -The Outsiders 04:00 When Crocs Ate Dinosaurs 05:00 ABOUT ASIA -Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy : Borneo 4 06:00 Lockdown -Women Behind Bars 07:00 The Living Edens -Costa Rica: Land Of Pure Life 08:00 Carrier -Full Circle S1-10 09:00 Wild Detectives -Lions 09:30 Food Lovers Guide To The Planet -Grill Masters 10 10:00 Theme Week -Secrets of The Cross : Who Killed Jesus? 11:00 Seconds From Disaster -Puerto Rico Gas Explosion S2-11 12:00 ABOUT ASIA -Bite Me With Dr. Mike Leahy : Borneo 4 13:00 Wild Wednesday -Monkey Thieves : Divided We Stand 14 13:30 Wild Wednesday -Monkey Thieves : Hard Times 15 14:00 Wild Wednesday -Shark Men : First Bite 15:00 Theme Week -Secrets of The Cross : Who Killed Jesus? 16:00 Don’t Tell My Mother... -Don’t Tell My Mother : That I Am In Congo S1-3 17:00 Seconds From Disaster -Puerto Rico Gas Explosion S2-11

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

33 97879611. (C 2083)

ACCOMMODATION Sharing accommodation one room available in Sharq CAC, 3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms flat beach side need small Indian family or two working ladies or one executive bachelor sharing with Keralite family. Rent KD 100. Call: 99849490. (C 2097) Accommodation available for a single person with a decent Hindu bachelor in good location in Hawally. Convenient to all bus routes from 1st May 2010. Contact: 99821445. (C 2098) Sharing accommodation available for one bachelor to share with Goan family in two bedroom flat at Abbassiya near Unique store no. 2, opposite to Uduppi palace hotel from April 2010, kitchen facility is also available. Contact: 66110593 or 24313908. (C 2100) Sharing accommodation available in mulhaq room close to Khaitan Jamiya and bus stop with a Mangalorean Catholic bachelor (kitchen and bathroom attached). Rent KD 25. Call 66036893. (C 2089)

7-4-2010 Sharing accommodation available for Indian working ladies or couples in a double bedroom flat near Khaitan police station roundabout with all facilities. Call 99480468. (C 2091) Sharing accommodation for two Christian bachelors with food to share with a Goan family in Abbassiya. Tel: 66269035. (C 2092)

One spacious room in a decent fully furnished flat in Ashbiliya opp Farwaniya is available for a Muslim preferably Pakistani/Indian single, rent KD 100, serious person can contact. 99714430. (C 2081) 3-4-2010

FOR SALE Honda Accord Coupe (single door), full options, sunroof, 130,000 mileage, 1999 model, black color. Price KD 1,200. Call: 55522942. (C 2096) 7-4-2010 Mitsubishi Jeep Nativa model 2008, silver color, 6cylinder engine, alloy rims, excellent condition, cash price 3150 KD, negotiable, installment possible. Contact: 99105286. (C 2082) 3-4-2010

MATRIMONIAL Seeking alliance for Muslim girl, 27/148, MBA (Mar & Fin) CPA level 1 candidate. Prof qualified (M.Tech/MBA) grooms settled Kuwait or abroad are invited. Contact email: abdulksahib@hotmail.com (C 2095) 7-4-2010 Proposal invited for LC graduate boy from Cochin working in shipping co. in Kuwait (fair, 27 & 172 cms) from parents of graduate Keralite girls. Contact: samstanes@gmail.com (C 2086) 5-4-2010


Required English speaking maid. Please contact: 99824597. (C 2099) 7-4-2010 English speaking maid for a family living in Mangaf. Preferably Indian. If interested, please contact 60055305 or 23741548 5-4-2010

SITUATION WANTED Indian female (MBA in HR), 10 years experience in HR/Administration, specializing in recruitments, PMS, MIS reports & overall Admin functions. Proficient in MS Office. Good communication skills. Please contact: 66634322. (C 2084)

I am searching a suitable job as sales executive. I have valid Kuwaiti driving license, my qualification is MBA (Marketing). I have good PR skills. I can join within a week. Please call: 55355954. (C 2085) Indian male graduate BSc 30+ years experience mainly in purchasing dept (import) in Kuwait with furniture Mfr/Trd cos. Seeking suitable position in Kuwait. Contact: 66461406. (C 2088) 5-4-2010

CHANGE OF NAME Sivakumar Krishnamoorthy, Passport No: F9732440, new name K Abdurrahman. (C 2090) 6-4-2010

No: 14690

A furnished room is available with Keralite family in Abbassiya, looking for ladies or couples. Contact: 55687453. (C 2093) 6-4-2010 Sharing accommodation available behind Caesars bakery, Abbassiya. Only Keralites, decent bachelors. One room and separate bathroom. Call: 99153497. (C 2087) 5-4-2010 Two central A/C rooms available in Benaid Al-Gar, very near to Al Salam hospital, for decent working ladies. Please contact:

Flight Schedule Arrival Flights on Wednesday 07/04/2010 Airlines Flt Route Wataniya Airways 188 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 306 Cairo Gulf Air 211 Bahrain Turkish A/L 772 Istanbul DHL 370 Bahrain Emirates 853 Dubai Etihad 305 Abu Dhabi Qatari 138 Doha Kuwait 802 Cairo Jazeera 503 Luxor Falcon 201 Dubai Jazeera 527 Alexandria Jazeera 529 Assiut Kuwait 412 Manila/Bangkok British 157 London Jazeera 481 Sabiha Kuwait 382 Delhi Kuwait 302 Mumbai Fly Dubai 053 Dubai Kuwait 676 Dubai Kuwait 352 Cochin Kuwait 284 Dhaka Kuwait 344 Chennai Kuwait 362 Colombo Emirates 855 Dubai Arabia 121 Sharjah Qatari 132 Doha Iran Air 603 Shiraz Etihad 301 Abu Dhabi Iran Aseman 6791 Mashad Jazeera 425 Bahrain Falcon 203 Dubai Gulf Air 213 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 182 Bahrain Middle East 404 Beirut Wataniya Airways 102 Dubai Jazeera 165 Dubai Jazeera 447 Doha Jazeera 113 Abu Dhabi Saudi Arabian A/L 9355 Jeddah Alnaser 711 Baghdad/Najaf Mahan Air 5066 Mashad Jazeera 171 Dubai Egypt Air 610 Cairo Oman Air 645 Muscat Kuwait 672 Dubai Jazeera 525 Alexandria Saudi Arabian A/L 508 Riyadh Wataniya Airways 432 Damascus Royal Jordanian 800 Amman United A/L 982 Washington Dc Dulles Egypt Air 621 Assiut Wataniya Airways 422 Amman Jazeera 257 Beirut Kuwait 562 Amman Saudi Arabian A/L 500 Jeddah Kuwait 552 Damascus

Time 00:30 00:50 01:05 01:15 02:15 02:25 02:55 03:25 04:45 05:15 05:25 06:05 06:10 06:15 06:30 06:40 07:20 07:50 07:55 08:00 08:05 08:10 08:20 08:20 08:25 08:40 09:00 09:20 09:25 09:55 10:25 10:30 10:45 10:45 10:50 11:05 11:05 11:10 11:20 11:35 12:15 12:20 12:50 12:55 13:15 13:15 13:20 13:30 13:35 13:35 13:35 13:40 14:10 14:10 14:20 14:30 14:35

Jazeera Cargolux Nas Air Qatari Kuwait Kuwait Nas Air Bahrain Air Jazeera Etihad Global Emirates Gulf Air Wataniya Airways Jazeera Saudi Arabian A/L Jazeera Jazeera Araabia Jazeera Srilankan Wataniya Airways Yemenia Kuwait Wataniya Airways Kuwait Kuwait Wataniya Airways Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait Jazeera Kuwait Kuwait Kuwait India Fly Dubai Middle East Global Jet A/W Wataniya Airways Jazeera DHL Gulf Air Emirates Qatari Jazeera Jazeera Jazeera Lufthansa Shaheen Air Jazeera Kuwait India Express KLM Egypt Air Wataniya Airways Jazeera Pakistan

693 792 745 134 546 544 703 344 427 303 061 857 215 402 217 510 493 239 125 497 227 304 824 166 106 502 542 202 618 786 674 177 614 774 102 575 061 402 081 572 404 459 372 217 859 136 429 117 449 636 441 185 548 393 0447 606 108 263 215

Shiraz Luxembourg Jeddah Doha Alexandria Cairo Riyadh Bahrain Bahrain Abu Dhabi Baghdad Dubai Bahrain Beirut Isfahan Riyadh Jeddah Amman Sharjah Riyadh Colombo/Dubai Cairo Sanaa/Doha Paris/Rome Dubai Beirut Cairo Jeddah Doha Jeddah Dubai Dubai Bahrain Riyadh New York/London Chennai/Goa Dubai Beirut Baghdad Mumbai Beirut Damascus Bahrain Bahrain Dubai Doha Bahrain Abu Dhabi Doha Frankfurt Lahore/Karachi Dubai Sharm El Sheikh/Luxor Kozhikode/Cochin Amsterdam/Bahrain Luxor Dubai Beirut Karachi

14:45 14:55 14:55 15:05 15:30 15:30 15:45 16:40 16:45 16:50 16:50 16:55 17:15 17:15 17:20 17:20 17:25 17:35 17:40 17:55 18:00 18:35 18:40 18:40 18:45 18:50 18:50 18:55 18:55 18:55 19:00 19:05 19:20 19:25 19:25 19:30 20:05 20:20 20:30 20:30 20:50 20:55 21:00 21:05 21:15 21:35 22:15 22:25 22:25 22:30 23:00 23:05 23:10 23:10 23:10 23:15 23:55 23:55 23:55

Departure Flights on Wednesday 07/04/2010 Airlines Flt Route Jazeera 528 Assiut India Express 390 Mangalore/Kozhikode Lufthansa 637 Frankfurt Indian 994 Mumbai/Chennai Pakistan 206 Lahore Turkish A/L 773 Istanbul DHL 371 Bahrain Emirates 854 Dubai Etihad 306 Abu Dhabi Qatari 139 Doha Wataniya Airways 101 Dubai Jazeera 164 Dubai Jazeera 524 Alexandria Jazeera 112 Abu Dhabi Jazeera 422 Bahrain Jazeera 446 Doha Gulf Air 212 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 181 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 431 Damascus British 156 London Jazeera 256 Beirut Kuwait 545 Alexandria Fly Dubai 054 Dubai Kuwait 543 Cairo Kuwait 177 Frankfurt/Geneva Kuwait 671 Dubai Jazeera 170 Dubai Kuwait 551 Damascus Wataniya Airways 421 Amman Kuwait 561 Amman Arabia 122 Sharjah Emirates 856 Dubai Kuwait 117 New York Qatari 133 Doha Etihad 302 Abu Dhabi Iran Air 602 Shiraz Alnaser 712 Najaf/Baghdad Iran Aseman 6792 Mashad Gulf Air 214 Bahrain Wataniya Airways 401 Beirut Falcon 204 Baghdad Middle East 405 Beirut Wataniya Airways 303 Cairo Global 062 Najaf/Baghdad Jazeera 692 Shiraz Kuwait 541 Cairo Jazeera 492 Jeddah Kuwait 103 London Jazeera 238 Amman Kuwait 501 Beirut Saudi Arabian A/L 2099 Jeddah Kuwait 785 Jeddah Mahan Air 5065 Mashad Wataniya Airways 201 Jeddah Jazeera 426 Bahrain Egypt Air 611 Cairo Jazeera 216 Isfahan


Time 00:05 00:25 00:50 00:50 01:10 02:15 03:15 03:45 04:00 05:00 06:50 07:00 07:00 07:15 07:35 07:40 07:45 07:50 08:10 08:25 08:35 08:35 08:40 08:45 08:55 09:00 09:00 09:10 09:10 09:15 09:20 09:40 10:00 10:00 10:10 10:20 10:55 10:55 11:35 11:35 11:45 11:50 11:50 12:00 12:00 12:00 12:15 12:30 12:30 13:00 13:05 13:30 13:40 13:45 13:55 13:55 14:05

Oman Air Kuwait Wataniya Airways Royal Jordanian Egypt Air Saudi Arabian A/L Jazeera Jazeera Wataniya Airways Kuwait Kuwait Saudi Arabian A/L Nas Air Jazeera Kuwait Cargolux Qatari Kuwait Nas Air Global Bahrain Air Etihad Emirates Gulf Air Wataniya Airways Jazeera Arabia Saudi Arabian A/L Jazeera Jazeera Jazeera Jazeera Srilankan Wataniya Airways Yemenia Jazeera Kuwait Jazeera Kuwait Fly Dubai Kuwait Middle East Jet A/W Wataniya Airways Gulf Air DHL Kuwait Kuwait Emirates Falcon Qatari Kuwait Kuwait Jazeera Jazeera Jazeera United A/L Kuwait

646 673 105 801 622 509 176 496 403 617 547 501 746 458 773 792 135 613 704 082 345 304 858 216 305 262 126 511 116 448 184 428 228 107 824 434 283 512 361 062 331 403 571 187 218 373 801 675 860 102 137 203 301 526 502 636 981 415

Muscat Dubai Dubai Amman Assiut Medinah Dubai Riyadh Beirut Doha Sharm El Sheikh/Luxor Jeddah Jeddah Damascus Riyadh Hong Kong Doha Bahrain Medinah Baghdad Bahrain Abu Dhabi Dubai Bahrain Cairo Beirut Sharjah Riyadh Abu Dhabi Doha Dubai Bahrain Dubai/Colombo Dubai Sanaa Mashad Dhaka Sharm El Sheikh Colombo Dubai Trivandrum Beirut Mumbai Bahrain Bahrain Bahrain Cairo Dubai Dubai Bahrain Doha Lahore Mumbai Alexandria Luxor Aleppo Washington Dc Dulles Kuala Lumpur/Jakarta

14:15 14:30 14:30 14:30 14:40 14:45 14:55 15:00 15:10 15:35 15:40 15:45 15:45 15:50 16:05 16:10 16:20 16:20 16:35 17:00 17:25 17:35 18:05 18:05 18:05 18:15 18:20 18:35 18:40 18:55 19:00 19:10 19:10 19:40 19:40 19:55 20:00 20:15 20:20 20:50 21:00 21:20 21:30 21:35 21:55 22:00 22:00 22:10 22:25 22:30 22:35 22:40 22:45 23:20 23:30 23:35 23:40 23:50



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Calvin Aries (March 21-April 19) Stay within your budget for now—after the twentieth you will be able to see some relief with financial problems. New ideas and an independent or pioneering mental attitude will take on more importance. Teaching, learning, communicating and social contacts have a way of outlining new directions in your life and there is much activity and involvement with these kinds of issues. Imaginative ideas will keep your momentum going in the work place. Many connections you make this month will have a great deal of influence on your business and personal life for many years ahead. Be careful not to add any more information than is necessary in your communications with family members today—there could be confusion or upsets. Taurus (April 20-May 20) This is a great day to be

with others in an atmosphere of work and play. Your instincts are sharp and may lead you to new insights. There are favorable results when you engage in new projects or work with new people but caution is only wise. Your communication skills are high and much can be understood. You crave organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished but again, caution is going to get you to the end result surprisingly well. Your family is super-understanding when you need them to be. You take time to share some prime time with each member of your family. Interactions with parents, elderly relatives or long-time friends are bound to increase as well. A love relationship is rewarding this evening.

Pooch Cafe

ACROSS 1. Deliver by singing. 5. A workplace for the conduct of scientific research. 8. The elementary stages of any subject (usually plural). 11. Using speech rather than writing. 12. A nucleic acid consisting of large molecules shaped like a double helix. 13. Electronic equipment that provides visual images of varying electrical quantities. 14. A golf shot that curves to the right for a right-handed golfer. 15. A local computer network for communication between computers. 16. The sense organ for hearing and equilibrium. 17. Jordan's port. 19. A radioactive element of the actinide series. 21. A rare silvery (usually trivalent) metallic element. 22. Remote city of Kazakhstan that (ostensibly for security reasons) was made the capital in 1998. 25. A defensive missile designed to shoot down incoming intercontinental ballistic missiles. 28. A former agency (from 1946 to 1974) that was responsible for research into atomic energy and its peacetime uses in the United States. 32. Cubes of meat marinated and cooked on a skewer usually with vegetables. 34. The blood group whose red cells carry both the A and B antigens. 36. A river in north central Switzerland that runs northeast into the Rhine. 37. A soft silvery metallic element of the alkali earth group. 38. A public promotion of some product or service. 40. A small cake leavened with yeast. 47. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 50. A flat wing-shaped process or winglike part of an organism. 51. A bachelor's degree in theology. 52. A Chadic language spoken south of Lake Chad. 53. Either of two folds of skin that can be moved to cover or open the eye. 54. Grass mowed and cured for use as fodder. 55. According to the Old Testament he was a pagan king of Israel and husband of Jezebel (9th century BC). 56. A plant hormone promoting elongation of stems and roots. DOWN 1. An upholstered seat for more than one person. 2. A republic in the Middle East in western Asia. 3. A quantity of no importance. 4. Fleshy spore-bearing inner mass of e.g. a puffball or stinkhorn. 5. A lipoprotein that transports cholesterol in the blood. 6. (Irish) Mother of the ancient Irish gods. 7. Obvious and dull. 8. (informal) Of the highest quality. 9. (informal) Exceptionally good. 10. (Greek mythology) Daughter of Zeus and Demeter. 18. Jordan's port. 20. A white metallic element that burns with a brilliant light. 23. A state in New England. 24. South American wood sorrel cultivated for its edible tubers. 26. A light strong brittle gray toxic bivalent metallic element. 27. A unit of information equal to one million (1,048,576) bytes. 29. The syllable naming the fourth (subdominant) note of the diatonic scale in solmization. 30. (Akkadian) God of wisdom. 31. A nonmetallic largely pentavalent heavy volatile corrosive dark brown liquid element belonging to the halogens. 33. A loose sleeveless outer garment made from aba cloth. 35. African tree having an exceedingly thick trunk and fruit that resembles a gourd and has an edible pulp called monkey bread. 39. An official prosecutor for a judicial district. 41. Title for a civil or military leader (especially in Turkey). 42. Being or befitting or characteristic of an infant. 43. An amino acid that is found in the central nervous system. 44. Surrealist Spanish painter (1904-1989). 45. English essayist (1775-1834). 46. An informal term for a father. 48. A federal agency established to regulate the release of new foods and health-related products. 49. The syllable naming the sixth (submediant) note of a major or minor scale in solmization.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Teaching, learning, communicating and social contacts have a way of outlining new directions in your life and there is much activity and involvement with these kinds of issues. New ideas and an independent or pioneering mental orientation take on more importance in your life. Breaking out of psychological bondage is a subject that you enjoy delving into and may find yourself enjoying several books at once. Do not try to solve long time problems in one day. Realize that this year is the opportunity to be free from some of those psychological boundaries and bring the changes into your awareness. Changes will happen gradually and naturally. Nurture and surprise a loved one by cooking a special meal for this evening.

Non Sequitur

Cancer (June 21-July 22) New projects may include a business with a family member. This is a good month for career advancement in position and/or salary. You will learn to improve your earning power. You will be pleased that others trust you with some big responsibilities. A dream and longtime goal since childhood seems to be finally materializing. You cannot afford to take anything for granted just now. You will enjoy your home life more than usual at this time. It is a period of true grace, healing and wisdom. Time can be set aside this evening for family interaction—there is plenty of giving as well as receiving—much support. There is a chance to understand those around you and to have a special time with those that you love. This is a happy time. Leo (July 23-August 22) Improved physical fitness can increase your vitality and give you greater selfconfidence. As your personal expression carries a more forceful influence, it’s a good time to assert your leadership. You may wish to express more intellectual self-confidence. This may take the form of training or leading others, short trips and visits or intellectual competition. Develop your power of positive thinking and speech. You tend to be more sympathetic and understanding toward those in need. You are sensitive to beauty; creative-imagination and you may enjoy quiet meditations from time to time. You may cherish a secret romance. Your activities may soon involve art, music, institutions and places of retreat. Consider teaching.


Virgo (August 23-September 22) You need to settle a work-related dilemma soon. If there is not enough data to solve the problem, do not hesitate to ask questions or conduct a research or investigate. Look for the facts, when or if you are involved with a questionable project today. Removing emotions will help you to problem-solve faster and with fewer frustrations - stick with the facts. The ability to see the truth is an important matter that will help you navigate problems and guide others in their problem-solving. If you are feeling impulsive, it is not a good time to sign contracts; buy appliances or purchase a car. Discussions today tend to be intellectual and psychological. Organize your responsibilities and gain control of your objectives. Enjoy your family tonight. Libra (September 23-October 22) The word today is enthusiastic! Taking care of business is a major theme where your emotional bearings are concerned. You crave organization and practicality and you want to get things accomplished. Do not forget to stop for your breaks and try to get some form of exercise during the lunch break. This will help you keep a mental and physical balance and help you to sustain this high-achievement all day. Playing detective and trying to figure things out take on a special significance. You have a heightened interest in health and diet, as well as an urge to get your time organized in a rational manner. Your home life seems more harmonious than in the past and creative people encourage you to express your talents.

Mother Goose and Grimm

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) This is a great time

to be with others and to work together. You may be sought after as just the person for a particular job. Your attitude is good when it comes to being able to lead, manage and direct others. There is a drive to do things properly and you may find yourself checking and rechecking and perhaps, working through some personal changes as well. Push too hard and you could be too dominating, even oppressive, to yourself and others. You may decide to create a little friendly competition in order to increase the speed with which a project is completed earlier than usual. You will be looking for a good investment soon but reviewing the options may be a better move for now. Consider the wine industry. A family member comes to you for advice. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) The plans you make today will go well. Group activities are emphasized. Teaching, learning, communicating and social contacts have a way of outlining new directions in your life. There is much activity and involvement with group issues. New ideas and an independent or pioneering mental orientation take on more importance in your life. You have a desire to free yourself from the chains that you have placed on yourself. You may find yourself reacting suddenly to things you used to feel was the normal or expected things to do. You may find yourself changing direction in some of the routine things with which you participate. Although your mind is sharp, keeping notes will help you remember details.

Yesterday’s Solution

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) This is


Yesterday’s Solution


INTERNATIONAL CALLS Kuwait Qatar Abu Dhabi Dubai Raas Al Khayma Al-Shareqa Muscat Jordan Bahrain Riyadh Makkah - Jeddah Cairo Alexandria Beirut Damascus Allepo

00965 00974 009712 009714 009717 009716 00968 009626 00973 009661 009662 00202 00203 009611 0096311 0096321

Tunisia Rabat Washington New York Paris London Madrid Zurich Geneva Monaco Rome Bangkok Hong Kong Pakistan Taiwan Bonn

0021610 002127 001212 001718 00331 004471 00341 00411 004122 0033 00396 00662 00852 0092 00886 0049228

Word Sleuth Solution

a good day for weeding out the things that do not serve you well. Eliminate projects that are going nowhere. If you want to plan a job-change or begin a new business, now is the time. Ask thorough questions and take notes. A hot financial opportunity comes your way. With study and research you will be able to feel secure about your decisions and efforts. You may find yourself at the library this afternoon with an increased desire to learn about the business trends and possible prospects. If you are not married, or do not have a sweetheart, you may become interested in matchmaker companies. Your friends may also introduce you to someone new . . . give this a chance; you might be pleased with the results. Aquarius (January 20- February 18) Making your mark on the world has a special significance for you. You seem to do well with anything that takes self-discipline. Achievement, ambition and authority are the things that take on a great deal of importance. You seem to have a focus on your ideas and enjoy discussing them with others. Organizing and administering to people and projects becomes central to your lifestyle. Your effort to build a good financial foundation is off to a good start. Teaching, learning, communicating and social contacts have a way of outlining your activities this evening. There is much involvement around teaching— you could find yourself discussing the profession. Fun times can be enjoyed with friends later tonight. Pisces (February 19-March 20) Create ways in which your superiors can support your enthusiasm by thinking that company comes first. Eagerness is commendable, but it must be timed for the best impact. Controlling your intensity may be the work that is set for this month. Look for ways in which to accomplish your work and let the advancements and promises for raises take care of themselves. There will be a time to work toward a raise, but not now; there could be some pleasant surprises along this line. You could find that you are appreciated for your ability to accomplish your work quickly. You love challenges, but remember not to act too quickly to issues. Find ways in which to help another person today. Through this effort your whole essence could change.


Wednesday, April 7, 2010

35 FIRE BRIGADE Operation Room 777 Al-Madena 22418714 Al-Shohada始a 22545171 Al-Shuwaikh 24810598 Al-Nuzha 22545171 Sabhan 24742838 Al-Helaly 22434853 Al-Fayhaa 22545051 Al-Farwaniya 24711433 Al-Sulaibikhat 24316983 Al-Fahaheel 23927002 Jleeb Al-Shuyoukh 24316983 Ahmadi 23980088 Al-Mangaf 23711183 Al-Shuaiba 23262845 Al-Jahra 25610011 Al-Salmiya 25616368

Ministry of Interior website: www.moi.gov.kw

For labor-related inquiries and complaints: Call MSAL hotline 128 HOSPITALS Sabah Hospital


Amiri Hospital


Maternity Hospital


Mubarak Al-Kabir Hospital


Chest Hospital


Farwaniya Hospital


Adan Hospital


Ibn Sina Hospital


Al-Razi Hospital


Physiotherapy Hospital

POLICE STATION Al-Madena Police Station Al-Murqab Police Station Al-Daiya Police Station Al-Fayha始a Police Station Al-Qadissiya Police Station Al-Nugra Police Station Al-Salmiya Police Station Al-Dasma Police Station

24874330/9 CLINICS













Abdullah Salim




Industrial Shuwaikh






Bneid Al-Ghar






Ayoun Al-Kibla










Maidan Hawally












New Jahra


West Jahra


South Jahra


North Jahra


North Jleeb














THE PUBLIC AUTHORITY FOR CIVIL INFORMATION Automated enquiry about the Civil ID card is 1889988 AIRLINES


PHARMACY Sama Safwan Abu Halaifa Danat Al-Sultan

ADDRESS Fahaeel Makka St Abu Halaifa-Coastal Rd Mahboula Block 1, Coastal Rd

PHONE 23915883 23715414 23726558


Modern Jahra Madina Munawara

Jahra-Block 3 Lot 1 Jahra-Block 92

24575518 24566622


Ahlam Khaldiya Coop

Fahad Al-Salem St Khaldiya Coop

22436184 24833967


New Shifa Ferdous Coop Modern Safwan

Farwaniya Block 40 Ferdous Coop Old Kheitan Block 11

24734000 24881201 24726638


Tariq Hana Ikhlas Hawally & Rawdha Ghadeer Kindy

Salmiya-Hamad Mubarak St Salmiya-Amman St Hawally-Beirut St Hawally & Rawdha Coop Jabriya-Block 1A Jabriya-Block 3B

25726265 25647075 22625999 22564549 25340559 25326554


PRIVATE CLINICS Ophthalmologists: Dr. Abidallah Al-Mansoor Dr. Samy Al-Rabeea Dr. Masoma Habeeb Dr. Mubarak Al-Ajmy Dr. Mohsen Abel Dr Adnan Hasan Alwayl Dr. Abdallah Al-Baghly

25622444 25752222 25321171 25739999 25757700 25732223 25732223

Ear, Nose & Throat (ENT): Dr. Ahmed Fouad Mouner 24555050 Ext 510 Dr. Abdallah Al-Ali 25644660 Dr. Abd Al-Hameed Al-Taweel 25646478 Dr. Sanad Al-Fathalah 25311996 Dr. Mohammad Al-Daaory 25731988 Dr. Ismail Al-Fodary 22620166 Dr. Mahmoud Al-Booz 25651426 General Practitioners: Dr. Mohamme Y Majidi 24555050 Ext 123 Dr. Yousef Al-Omar 24719312 Dr. Tarek Al-Mikhazeem 23926920 Dr. Kathem Maarafi 25730465 Dr. Abdallah Ahmad Eyadah 25655528 Dr. Nabeel Al-Ayoobi 24577781 Dr. Dina Abidallah Al-Refae 25333501 Urologists: Dr. Ali Naser Al-Serfy 22641534 Dr. Fawzi Taher Abul 22639955 Dr. Khaleel Abidallah Al-Awadi22616660 Dr. Adel Al-Hunayan FRCS (C) 25313120 Plastic Surgeons: Dr. Mohammad Al-Khalaf 22547272

22434064 22435865 22544200 22547133 22515277 22616662 25714406 22530801

Dr. Abdal-Redha Lari Dr. Abdel Quttainah

22617700 25625030/60

Family Doctor: Dr Divya Damodar 23729596/23729581

Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr. Dr.

Zahra Qabazard Sohail Qamar Snaa Maaroof Pradip Gujare Zacharias Mathew

25710444 22621099 25713514 23713100 24334282

(1) Ear, Nose and Throat Psychiatrists Dr. Esam Al-Ansari 22635047 Dr Eisa M. Al-Balhan 22613623/0 Gynaecologists & Obstetricians: Dr Adrian Harbe 23729596/23729581 Dr. Verginia s.Marin 2572-6666 ext 8321 Dr. Fozeya Ali Al-Qatan 22655539 Dr. Majeda Khalefa Aliytami 25343406 Dr. Ahmad Al-Khooly 25739272 Dr. Salem soso 22618787 General Surgeons: Dr. Abidallah Behbahani 25717111 Dr. Amer Zawaz Al-Amer 22610044 Dr. Mohammad Yousef Basher 25327148

Paediatricians: Dr. Abd Al-Aziz Al-Rashed 25340300

Rheumatologists: Dr. Adel Al-Awadi 25330060 Dr. Khaled Al-Jarallah 25722290

(2) Plastic Surgeon Dr. Abdul Mohsin Jafar, FRCS (Canada)

25655535 Dentists:

Dr Anil Thomas


Dr. Shamah Al-Matar


Dr. Anesah Al-Rasheed


Dr. Abidallah Al-Amer


Dr. Faysal Al-Fozan


Dr. Abdallateef Al-Katrash


Dr. Abidallah Al-Duweisan


Dr. Bader Al-Ansari



Internist, Chest & Heart: DR.Mohammes Akkad 24555050 Ext 210 Dr. Mohammad Zubaid MB, ChB, FRCPC, PACC Assistant Professor Of Medicine Head, Division of Cardiology Mubarak Al-Kabeer Hospital Tel: 25339667 Dr. Farida Al-Habib MD, PH.D, FACC Consultant Cardiologist Tel: 2611555-2622555 Inaya German Medical Center Te: 2575077 Fax: 25723123

Dr. Sohal Najem Al-Shemeri 25633324 Dr. Jasem Mola Hassan

Internists, Chest & Heart: Dr. Adnan Ebil 22639939 Dr. Mousa Khadada 22666300 Dr. Latefa Al-Duweisan 25728004 Dr. Nadem Al-Ghabra 25355515 Dr. Mobarak Aldoub 24726446 Dr Nasser Behbehani 25654300/3

Physiotherapists & VD: Dr. Deyaa Shehab 25722291 Dr. Musaed Faraj Khamees 22666288


Gastrologists Dr. Sami Aman


Dr. Mohammad Al-Shamaly 25322030 Dr. Foad Abidallah Al-Ali


Endocrinologist: Dr. Abd Al-Naser Al-Othman 25339330 Dr. Ahmad Al-Ansari


Dr. Kamal Al-Shomr


Psychologists/Psychotherapists Soor Center Tel: 2290-1677 Fax: 2290 1688 info@soorcenter.com www.soorcenter.com Dr. Naif Al-Mutawa, Ph.D. 2290-1677 Susannah-Joy Schuilenberg, M.A. 2290-1677 William Schuilenberg, RPC 2290-1677 Zaina Al Zabin, M.Sc. 2290-1677

Kuwait Airways Wataniya Airways Jazeera Airways Jet Airways Qatar Airways KLM Air Slovakia Olympic Airways Royal Jordanian Reservation British Airways Air France Emirates Air India Sri Lanka Airlines Egypt Air Swiss Air Saudia Middle East Airlines Lufthansa PIA Alitalia Balkan Airlines Bangladesh Airlines Czech Airlines Indian Airlines Oman Air Turkish Airlines

22433377 24379900 177 22477631 22423888 22425747 22434940 22420002/9 22418064/5/6 22433388 22425635 22430224 22425566 22438184 22424444 22421578 22421516 22426306 22423073 22422493 22421044 22414427 22416474 22452977/8 22417901/2433141 22456700 22412284/5 22453820/1

INTERNATIONAL CALLS Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Anguilla Antiga Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahamas Bahrain Bangladesh Barbados Belarus Belgium Belize Benin Bermuda Bhutan Bolivia Bosnia Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Cayman Islands Central African Republic Chad Chile China Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Islands Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Cyprus (Northern) Czech Republic Denmark Diego Garcia Djibouti Dominica Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador England (UK)

0093 00355 00213 00376 00244 001264 001268 0054 00374 0061 0043 001242 00973 00880 001246 00375 0032 00501 00229 001441 00975 00591 00387 00267 0055 00673 00359 00226 00257 00855 00237 001 00238 001345 00236 00235 0056 0086 0057 00269 00242 00682 00506 00385 0053 00357 0090392 00420 0045 00246 00253 001767 001809 00593 0020 00503 0044

Equatorial Guinea Eritrea Estonia Ethiopia Falkland Islands Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Gibraltar Greece Greenland Grenada Guadeloupe Guam Guatemala Guinea Guyana Haiti Holland (Netherlands) Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Ibiza (Spain) Iceland India Indian Ocean Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Italy Ivory Coast Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Liberia Libya Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Macedonia

00240 00291 00372 00251 00500 00298 00679 00358 0033 00594 00689 00241 00220 00995 0049 00233 00350 0030 00299 001473 00590 001671 00502 00224 00592 00509 0031 00504 00852 0036 0034 00354 0091 00873 0062 0098 00964 00353 0039 00225 001876 0081 00962 007 00254 00686 00965 00996 00856 00371 00961 00231 00218 00370 00352 00853 00389



Wednesday, April 7, 2010

James wants Bullock again esse James wants to live with Sandra Bullock again. The 40-year-old motorcycle entrepreneur’s lawyer Joe Yanny claims he is keen to get back with Sandra and continue their life together, despite removal vans being seen outside the couple’s home taking out furniture and boxes. Yanny told People.com: “When all is said and done, he wants the same people who were living in his house before all this happened to still be living there. “And he wants to save his marriage with the woman he loves more than anything in his life. He’s focusing on what he’s doing and trying to make himself better.” Sandra left Jesse after a series of allegations of multiple affairs were publicly revealed just weeks after ‘The Blind Side’ actress was named Best Actress as this year’s Oscars last month. In the wake of the revelations, Jesse checked himself into the Sierra Tucson Rehabilitation Center, in Arizona, to be treated for sex addiction before reportedly quitting last week over security concerns. A source said: “He was fed up with all the media leaks from inside. He had privacy and security concerns.” Jesse has since returned to the rehab facility for a reported 45day recovery program. Meanwhile, Jesse’s sister Julie has come out in support of her brother, but did not comment on the state of his marriage to Sandra. She said: “I am very, very, very much supportive of my family. We keep our family life very private.”


he stunning actress - who used to follow a strict macrobiotic eating plan - says she no longer restricts her food intake and instead makes sure she undergoes regular exercise. The mother-of-two - who is married to Coldplay rocker Chris Martin - said: “I had to work hard to get it like this, but now I’m here it’s so great because I don’t have to think about it. I can just enjoy life. What a relief is that. “I can eat what I want, as long as I exercise, which is just as well, because if I put the word ‘diet’ into my brain,

ake Gyllenhaal says it’s “awesome” he is starring in ‘Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time’ - because he is a huge fan of the original video game. The actor portrays hero Dastan in the forthcoming action movie - which has been written by the game’s creator Jordan Mechner - and admits he is struggling to comprehend the fact he is playing the big-screen version of one of his digital childhood heroes. The 29-year-old star said: “I played the original side-scrolling version of the game when I was a kid. And then I took a little hiatus. “I was actually kind of tripping out on that with Jordan the other day. I was saying to him, ‘Who knew when I was playing it after I closed out ‘Oregon Trail’ and went over to my ‘Prince of Persia’ game when I was I don’t know how old, maybe eight or something - who knew I would be playing the Prince of Persia?’ It’s kind of awesome.” Jake insists the movie will be better than any other video game adaptation because so much care has been taken with scripting the action scenes. He explained to MTV News: “The reason why most video games movies haven’t been successful up until now is the fact that most of the action that takes place is stuff that we’ve seen before [in the game], but hasn’t had a reason in the story line that makes sense. “So, in this movie we decided that everything the prince did in the movie had to have a reason. If he were going to jump on a wall and run over to get away from somebody, or he’s going to jump from building to building, there had to be an obstacle. It had to be based on something that he had learned, or based in the story line. “Most of the time you just see really cool stunts and people doing really cool things, but you don’t know why. Our action all ties back into the ultimate story.”


he former singer turned fashion designer has reportedly started on the new fitness regime - which combines the ancient meditative practice of yoga with astrology, the study of the stars and starsigns - after being introduced to it by actress Jennifer Aniston. A friend told Heat magazine: “Victoria hates working out in the gym, but she has to keep in shape, so she is always on the lookout for a new exercise regime. “She bought the Yogalosophy DVD and does her workout at home around four times a week to ‘align her mind and spirit’. She’s really starting to notice the difference.” Yogalosophy was invented by personal trainer Mandy Ingber and requires the user to do a number of challenging stretching routines to aid weight loss and increase muscle definition. Mandy said: “Yogalosophy can help you use the natural flow to recreate your body through intentions, emotions, and other motivational triggers.” ‘The Bounty Hunter’ star Jennifer has long been an advocate of Yogalosophy, previously saying it is “one of the most fun, challenging workouts I’ve ever had”.


essica and Ashlee Simpson have never gone off the rails because they are part of a “real family”, according to dad Joe Simpson. The former Baptist minister, who manages both of his daughters’ careers, is proud that his girls live relatively normal lives and haven’t been seduced by the trappings of fame like so many other young stars. Joe who is still married to Jessica and Ashlee’s mother Tina - said in an interview with Fox News: “We have a real family. You can’t just put these kids out in the world and they’re on their own. I can remember a time when Jessica was singing at Madison Square Garden and her outfit ripped before she went on. We were there for her.” Despite his reputation as a controlling dad, Joe is adamant he has never told either of his daughters who they should date. He stated: “I don’t tell my girls who to date or marry or what to do.” Ashlee, 22, is married to rocker Pete Wentz and the couple have a 16-monthold son Bronx Mowgli together. Jessica, 27, was wed to singer Nick Lachey but the couple divorced in June 2006. Since then she has dated womanizing musician John Mayer and Dallas Cowboys football player Tony Romo and was recently romantically linked to Smashing Pumpkins rocker Billy Corgan, although she insists they are just friends. Despite her painful split from Nick, Joe insists he has no hard feelings towards his former son-in-law - who tied the knot with Jessica when she was 22. Joe said: “I have nothing against Nick. But they got married very young. I told Jessica, ‘You’re going to hit an age when it’s all going to be clear to you life, that is - and you’ll know what you want to do.’ “I do blame 50 per cent of their break-up on the media.”


heryl Cole has retained her crown as the world’s best dressed woman. The ‘Fight for This Love’ singer beat off competition from models and actresses to claim the title in the UK edition of Glamour magazine for a second year while list staples such as Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham slipped down to seventh and eighth places respectively. Kate previously topped the poll in 2008, while Victoria couldn’t retain last year’s third place. Cheryl has recently sported a series of figure hugging outfits, typically smart with short, neat skirts, or cut away harem pants, accessorized with hats, as she promoted her new solo material. Second place went to singer Rihanna while ‘Gossip Girl’ actress Blake Lively


new movie ‘Love Don’t Let Me Down’. She said: “Never have I met such warm people, heard such good music, eaten so much fried chicken. I could go on and on.” Gwyneth was a regular visitor at the local restaurants, and singled out two in particular for their delicious deep fried delights. She added on her GOOP website: “At Sweet’s, the fried chicken is superb. crunchy and not oily on the outside and juicy on the inside. At the Loveless Cafe, their food is delicious, a traditional southern heart attack.”

Victoria Beckham has taken up ‘yogalosophy’

Best dressed Cheryl Cole

came third. Rihanna donned a series of tight cutaway outfits and a strong urban, heavy metal and military influence during the latter half of 2009, promoting her latest album ‘Rated R’. Blake is a key figure in US fashion and has been praised for her abilities to carry off both casual bohemian style and catwalk dresses, and she has been tipped to replace actress Sarah Jessica Parker in the fashion stakes. Newcomers to the list include Lady Gaga, Florence Welch, Pixie Lott, Leona Lewis and Kristen Stewart. Robert Pattinson was named the best dressed man by the magazine while Katie Price was named worst dressed woman, and, alongside with her husband Alex Reid, worst dressed couple.

Katy Perry has ‘moments of insecurity’

Gyllenhaal loves being the star of ‘Prince of Persia’

Jessica and Ashlee Simpson in real family


I immediately gain a stone.” Gwyneth, 37, credits celebrity trainer Tracy Anderson with her stunning figure and admits she’s pleased she no longer works with her friend Madonna. She told Britain’s Vogue magazine: “Yeah, it’s good that she doesn’t train Madonna any more. It was too much. She keeps people waiting - it takes up your whole day.” While Gwyneth tries to eat healthily most of the time, she recently revealed she had developed an obsession with fried chicken after spending time in Nashville to film

he ‘I Kissed a Girl’ singer - who is engaged to British comic Russell Brand - admits she is often shy and unsure of herself even though she has a huge pop career and famous fiance. She explained: “Even the most confident people still have their moments of insecurity. And even though I may come across as loud and bubbly and brimming with confidence, I can be a shy girl too.” However, the 25-year-old pop beauty - who is known for her skimpy outfits and energetic stage routines - fights through her insecurities for her fans. She told more! magazine: “For me, I wrote a lot of my songs in my hot little apartment and I didn’t think much of them - but then I started playing them in front of people and they were singing the songs back to me louder than I was singing them. It gives you goosebumps on your arms. It might sound cheesy, but I could swear that every artist would say that’s the most validating thing. Everything I do, I know it is for the fans and they are the reason why I exist.” Katy -


who is currently working a new album, due to be released later this year - recently admitted she was thrilled with how 2010 is panning out for

her. She added: “Being in the studio again and making this new album is really great, and then to get the Grammy nomination while I was writing it was a really lovely boost of confidence and encouragement and then of course there’s my engagement! So yes, I would say it’s all going pretty well.” — BangShowbiz


Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Music & Movies

Michael Jackson doctor back in court he doctor accused of manslaughter in Michael Jackson’s death returned to court Monday but no decision was taken on whether he will be allowed to practice medicine as he awaits trial. Conrad Murray, 57, who pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter in February, was flanked by his defense team during the hearing, which was also attended by several members of Jackson’s family including his parents. The hearing came roughly two weeks after California’s Attorney General Jerry Brown filed a motion asking the court to suspend Murray’s medical license in the state, a move the physicians lawyers had opposed. However Pastor did not make any ruling on the license issue on Monday as he fixed a further hearing for June 14, where the issue of Murray’s right to practice medicine may be re-examined. Brown’s office said in a filing last month that Murray “administered a lethal dose of propofol, as well as other drugs to Michael Jackson.” “We will argue in court that Murray was reckless in giving Jackson such a dangerous drug and has demonstrated a serious lack of judgment that should prohibit him from practicing medicine.” Murray, who was born in Grenada and grew up in Trinidad before moving to the United States, has denied causing the death of the King of Pop on June 25 last year. The court case against him followed a painstaking seven-month probe involving local and federal investigators. Murray, the last person to see Jackson alive, has admitted administering drugs to the singer to help him sleep shortly before his death. The doctor, who could face up to four years in prison if convicted, has acknowledged giving the anesthetic propofol to Jackson following the singer’s “repeated demands/requests” for the drug. —AFP


Janet Jackson arrives at the Los Angeles Criminal Court downtown Los Angeles.

Michael Jackson fans gather outside the Los Angeles Criminal Court. —AP

End of the road for India’s ‘touring talkies’? uhas stood barefoot among a maze of wires, as a cone of grainy light from his film projector shone over the few spectators gathered in the tent. “The crowd has thinned out,” said the 28-yearold, looking at the shadowy figures cross-legged or asleep on the ground under a giant white screen held up by rope and bamboo poles. “We used to have eight shows per day. Now it’s barely half that, even at peak times. I don’t know anything other than running the projector. I don’t know what I will do if the business goes to the wall.” Suhas, who uses only one name, isn’t the only one in a bleak mood. Others are also talking about the end of the “touring talkies”, the travelling cinema companies that have brought low-cost entertainment to Indian villages since the days of silent movies and black-andwhite. “Today we see dinosaurs only in books,” Suhas’ boss, Anup Ashok Jagdale, who runs Anup Touring Talkies, told AFP.

religious festival. Competition can be fierce. Each film is prominently advertised on col-


Indian patrons enjoy the matinee show at Prabhat Touring Talkies travelling cinema at Shikhar Shingnapur some 350 kms south of Mumbai on March 23, 2010. —AFP

“When the next generation grows up in four to five years, talkies will have gone the same way as the dinosaurs.” The mud-brick houses of Shikhar Shingnapur, in southwest Maharashtra, are 350 kilometers (220 miles) from the bright lights of India’s cosmopolitan entertainment capital

Mumbai. The nearest permanent cinema-a single-screen affair-is in Satara, some 70 kilometers or two hours’ drive away on a winding road with an irregular bus service. But for two weeks every year between October and April places like these can see Hindilanguage Bollywood block-

busters, south Indian action flicks, love stories and even dubbed Hollywood releases. Six of the 10 travelling cinema firms in western Maharashtra have pitched their tents on open ground, hoping for passing trade from the hundreds of thousands of Hindu pilgrims who have come to town for a

orful posters. Announcers publicize the shows over loud speakers, often talking over one another. Loud Bollywood music blares constantly. The pink paper tickets sell for 15 to 20 rupees (33-44 US cents) each. Shows run every three hours, 24 hours a day. “I never miss out on an opportunity to go to the talkies,” said Manisha Damble, 51. “It’s the only chance I get for time off

Madonna lays first brick for her Malawi school U

S pop star Madonna yesterday laid the first brick at the 15 million dollar (11 million euro) girls’ academy that she is building in Malawi, promising to bring quality education to young girls. The singer and actress laid a stone with an inscription “Raising Malawi Academy for Girls” and the motto, Dare to Dream. “It has always been my dream to

Lilongwe, was attended by education officials and curious villagers. “I grew up as a poor girl with my mother, I had no chance for good education,” Madonna said. “It is my aim to see Malawian girls get the right education,” she added. The pop star was accompanied by her biological daughter Lourdes and her two other children, whom she adopted in

US artist Madonna and her adopted daughter Mercy James pump water from a borehole whose construction she funded at a community school also funded by her during her visit to Gumulira Millenium villages. —AFP train women leaders who can help develop the country,” Madonna said during the event. The colorful ceremony at the site of the school in Chinkhota village, some 15 kilometers (nine miles) from the capital

Malawi. Madonna, who funds several initiatives in the southern African country, broke ground and planted a tree in October last year for the school, which will admit 500 girls from poor backgrounds. The school is

modeled on a similar academy built by US television talk show host Oprah Winfrey in South Africa. The iconic singer, who is known for her dramatic music performances and occasional films, arrived in the impoverished southern African country on Monday. Upon her arrival, she told journalists that “It’s good to be back in my adopted country”. Education Minister George Chaponda lauded Madonna’s project for helping educate girls from a poor background. “There is continued cooperation between the government and Madonna’s charity, which is involved in several initiatives to help end poverty,” said Chaponda. Construction of the academy was delayed over a dispute between her charity and some 200 villagers who claimed they were not adequately compensated for the land used to build the school. The government forcibly removed the villagers, who were paid 500,000 dollars in compensation by Madonna’s charity Raising Malawi. She has already built a multipurpose community centre at Mphandula village, 50 kilometers (30 miles) from Lilongwe, which looks after more than 8,000 orphans from scores of villages in the area. In 2006, the chart-topping musician adopted a baby boy, David Banda, who is now four years old. In April 2009, she came back into the country to file for the adoption of Mercy James, who was placed at an orphanage following the death of her mother. —AFP

from the family. Going to town for a movie is an eight to 10 hour round-trip for me. “This saves time as it’s on the pilgrimage route.” Govardhan Suryavanshi, 35, is just curious. “It’s my first pilgrimage and I wanted to see what it’s like to watch a film in a tent. I thought it would be fun,” he said. Bollywood is currently taking a nostalgic look at travelling cinema, whose sweltering tents and basic facilities contrast with the plush, air-conditioned multiplexes springing up in Indian cities. The film “Road, Movie,” starring Abhay Deol, follows a motley cast of characters as they roam the Indian countryside in a battered, old truck that used to carry equipment for the touring talkies. Deol’s character, Vishnu, is loosely based on Jagdale. In real life, the golden age of the touring talkies has passed. “Rates have gone up and audiences have gone down,” said Sheikh Mohammed, 36, who runs Sumaid Talkies. —AFP

In this image released by UNHCR, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, yesterday, Angelina Jolie shares a laugh and traditional painted Easter eggs with Bosnian women Babic Lena and her unnamed sister. —AP

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie in Montenegro ollywood actors Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie were in the former Yugoslav republic of Montenegro yesterday in the medieval coastal town of Budva following a visit to Bosnian refugees. The owner of the Splendid hotel near Budva told AFP that Brad Pitt knows Montenegro from when he shot one of his first films “The Dark Side of The Sun” there in 1988. “Brad Pitt told me that he had wanted to show Montenegro to his wife as he had nice memories of Perast, Sveti Stefan and Kotor where he had shot one of his first movies, at the beginning of his career in 1980s,” hotel


Houston cancels Paris date over illness op singer Whitney Houston has cancelled the Paris concert she was due to give Tuesday because of illness, the concert’s organizers said. Houston was suffering from a respiratory infection and a new date would be announced later in the day, said the statement. The Paris concert, at the Paris-Bercy arena, was to have been the first date in a European tour. But the next concert in the tour, in Manchester, England tomorrow, was still set to go ahead, said organizers. —AFP


owner Zarko Radulovic said. “He told me they could bring the kids here for a vacation as they like it and the nature is nice.” The Hollywood power couple were in Bosnia Monday to visit internally displaced Bosnians still living in collective centers, often in appalling conditions, 14 years after the end of the war. Jolie is a goodwill ambassador for the UN’s refugee agency UNHCR. The actors are due to fly back to Italy later today. Jolie is filming “The Tourist” in Venice with director Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, who was behind the critically acclaimed 2007 German film “The Lives of Others”. —AFP

In this Saturday, Jan 16, 2010 picture, Whitney Houston accepts an award at the Warner Theatre during the 2010 BET Hip Hop Honors in Washington. —AP

Hollywood mogul recalls Elvis, Sinatra in new memoir or decades he has worked with everyone from Elvis Presley and Frank Sinatra to Brad Pitt and George Clooney, but now it’s Hollywood producer Jerry Weintraub’s turn to take center stage and shine like a star. And as he promotes his pageturning memoir “When I Stop Talking, You’ll Know I’m Dead-Useful Stories from a Persuasive Man,” the Bronx kid turned movie mogul is not lacking in confidence. Ask him his age, he says, “I’m 72, I look great for 72, right?” Tell him he has a nice smile and he quickly retorts, “You should see me when I get a check.” Ask him what he would like inscribed on his tombstone and after a deep laugh, he says, “I was here and I did it.” “I didn’t miss anything, I’ll tell you that,” he adds. Published this week by


Jerry Weintraub Hachette Book’s Twelve imprint, the memoir tells of a hard-working, plucky New Yorker who through persistence and charm hit the big time at age 26 by convincing Colonel Tom Parker that he was the right promoter to take Elvis Presley back on the road for a nationwide concert tour. “I have never heard the word ‘No,’ the only word I hear is ‘Yes,’” Weintraub says of his business philosophy. As much as telling the story of his life, the memoir offers wisdom for others hoping to follow his path. “I am an open book, I don’t try to hide anything, I’m not trying to fool anybody...and I don’t give up when I believe in something,” Weintraub said. “I have a couple of things right now that people think I’m nuts for doing, but I’m going to do them and if I fall on my ass, I fall on my ass.” Tarzan and Liberace Among the projects the 72-year old is working on are a new Tarzan movie and a biopic of Liberace to be

directed by Steven Soderbergh, starring Michael Douglas as the bejeweled pianist and Matt Damon as his boyfriend. “I don’t know what else I would do,” Weintraub says when asked what keeps him going. “I play golf, but if I play more than twice a week, that’s lots.” Weintraub has worked with a who’s who of showbiz. As a promoter with his company Concerts West, his roster included Sinatra, Bob Dylan, Led Zeppelin and John Denver. Later as a movie producer he worked with everyone from George Burns on the 1977 film “Oh, God!” to Clooney and Pitt on “Ocean’s Eleven.” But when pressed about career highs, he remembers a simple connection with his father. “He didn’t understand what I was doing for a living. He couldn’t understand how I was driving a Rolls Royce and had a mansion in Los Angeles. He said, ‘You were never that smart.’” So Weintraub took him to breakfast across the street from Madison Square Garden where fans were lining up overnight waiting to buy tickets for $10 to see Elvis Presley. Weintraub recalls telling his father, “They’re going to buy tickets for Elvis and that’s my money-that’s what I do.” “Then he got it,” he said. “That was a big dealwhen my father understood what I did.” The book is riddled with stories of a simpler time. There’s the story in which he pays a sheriff to get prisoners to take seats from a concert hall so Elvis could believe every seat was sold, and the one where he paints cardboard boxes black, giving Led Zeppelin the illusion of more speakers and convincing them their music had been made louder. And no memoir is complete without a sprinkling of religion and politics; he argues with Burns about whether God would wear a toupee and tells how, as a lifelong Democrat, he became firm friends with President George H W Bush. Through it all, Weintraub details the story of a man who lived and worked by simple rules: ask if you don’t know, listen when someone else is talking, be honest, work hard. “I’ve been very, very fortunate and I have worked very, very hard,” Weintraub said. “I was a kid from the Bronx, I didn’t have anything, I made it all work.” “I’ve had a crazy kind of life.”—Reuters



Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Animal rights group targets Hermes over skins trade n animal rights group yesterday demanded French luxury goods company Hermes stop selling exotic animal skin products, and released gruesome videos of reptiles being skinned alive in Indonesia. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) senior campaigner Ashley Fruno said lax laws made Indonesia a poachers’ paradise and animals were being cruelly slaughtered and skinned. “There are a lot of rural areas which make it easier to hunt and poach animals. There are weak animal protection laws here and wildlife laws are difficult to enforce,” she told a press conference in the Indonesian capital. “Hermes produces exotic skin items in Indonesia and is a leader in the fashion industry, so PETA is calling Hermes to act like a real leader to raise the bar in animal welfare. “PETA encourages international retailers like Hermes to fully drop exotic skins from their lines.” The group’s researchers spent 2009 visiting more than a dozen companies around Indonesia to film reptiles being killed and skinned, she said.


This undated handout picture received yesterday by environmental group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) shows a crocodile farm in the Indonesian town of Tangerrang, used for the exotic skin industry. —AFP “Lizards had their necks slowly sawed open and were left to die on other dead and dying lizards... they’re struggling to breathe with blood pouring from their throats,” Fruno said. “Snakes which aren’t killed by decapitation are paralysed by having skewers shoved up their noses and then they’re pumped full of water to separate the skin from the organs while they’re still alive.” No one at the nearest Hermes office in Singapore was available to comment. —AFP

Pakistani Fashion

Paskistani models present creations by Rabia.

Paskistani models present creations by Shahla Rehman during a Fashion Week in Karachi. Pakistan began the new fashion week with an opulent opening ceremony in Karachi on April 5, hours after Islamist militants killed 46 people in bomb attacks in the northwest. The event is scheduled to feature 52 designers — 49 of them from Pakistan and one each from Malaysia, Sri Lanka and the United Arab Emirates-in a follow-up to a first event held in Karachi last November. — AFP

Wednesday, April 7, 2010





Bay Inc may be the biggest online clothing seller, but it’s still known for selling other people’s castoffs. Now it wants shoppers to think of it when looking for trendy duds like hipster jeans and red ballerina flats. eBay launched a new fashion microsite Monday. It’s the latest in a series of changes that will sometimes have it acting more like an outlet mall or “private sale” Web site. eBay is working with major fashion brands and retailers such as Hugo Boss and Lord & Taylor to act as sellers. The new microsite, fashion.ebay.com, will bring together several new ways of selling. The company began testing “flash” sales-short-term sales of a small selection of merchandise-late last year. It launched “Fashion Vault” last week, putting it directly in competition with private sales players like Gilt.com and Ruelala.com, which sell trendy clothing and accessories at deep discounts. eBay also is creating an online outlet mall that so far has enlisted Lord & Taylor; Brooks Brothers and shoe brand Aldo will be added later this spring. Meanwhile, eBay, which sold $7.1 billion worth of clothing last year and has 10 million buyers just looking for fashion, also hopes to add more exclusive fashions after successful deals with designers Narciso Rodriguez and Norma Kamali. The new selling formats, along with gallery-style photographs and a better search engine that will make it easier to browse, will eventually be rolled out in other categories including home and garden, technology and media as eBay tries to perk up sales. “We’re really transforming the experience,” said Lorrie Norrington, president of eBay Marketplaces, which also includes such e-commerce sites as Shopping.com and Kijiji and accounted for 61 percent of the company’s revenue of $8.7 billion last year. “We’re playing to our strengths” in clothing, she said. The fashion strategy will put it more in direct competition with Amazon.com and traditional retailers like Macy’s and Target. Some analysts are skeptical that eBay can remake its image. “eBay has a reputation for selling used goods,” said Forrester Research analyst Sucharita Mulpuru. She noted eBay’s new endeavor will be successful only if it has “great access to a phenomenal supply of merchandise that is priced well, and the site looks significantly better.” EBay, which has 90 million active buyers and sellers, makes money by charging sellers fees for listing merchandise and takes commissions on sales. However, with 200 million average listing worldwide, including 19 million in clothing alone, eBay’s site is cluttered and hard to navigate. That has made it more vulnerable to a growing number of startups such as Glyde.com and Gazelle.com, both of which are gaining popularity because they make it simpler for people to buy and sell items. eBay has taken steps to help shoppers and make it easier for sellers to list items. In an interview with The Associated Press, Norrington argued its new strategy will not make it more difficult for its mom-and-pop sellers to compete. Rather, it will benefit them even more as the big brands will attract more customers to the site overall, she says. Company officials and analysts noted that working with major stores and suppliers will help build more trust in eBay, which has long grappled with counterfeit goods and auction fraud. The new strategy will also further boost increased selling at fixed price than at auction. Currently, fixed-price selling accounts for more than half of eBay’s business, up from 35 percent two years ago. Norrington expects it to hit 70 percent eventually. “We’ll go where our customer wants us to go,” said Norrington. One goal is getting shoppers to browse more than just search for the name of an item. The new site will feature an improved search engine that will allow shoppers to better shop by brand, trends and price. The site will also have a new technology that helps buyers find the desired item more easily by taking a particular item of interest, and based on the picture, see other products that resemble it. So far, early signs from its big push into fashion have been positive, according to executives. The private sales, with 40 percent to 70 percent discounts that enlisted such brands as Hugo Boss and DKNY late last year, have fared well. Last week, eBay teamed up with fashion brand French Connection, featuring $188 dresses slashed to $75.20 and $68 leggings reduced to $27.20. As for the outlet mall offerings, many stores have expressed interest because they view the site as an efficient way to get rid of excess goods, Norrington said. The merchandise is anywhere from 30 percent to 50 percent off. Meanwhile, Narciso Rodriguez’s eBay collection has done well since launching in February, according to Kathy Kalesti, president of Narciso Rodriguez. The line is priced from $65 to $350 and caters to a different customer from the designer’s couture shopper. “This collection gives us the opportunity to reach a broad, global audience,” Kalesti said. —AP

Pakistani models present creations by Sana Safinaz during a Fashion Week in Karachi on April 5, 2010. —AFP photos

Paskistani models present creations by Zaheer Abbas.


This picture shows dwarves during a performance at ‘Dwarf Empire’. —AFP photos

This picture taken on March 26, 2010 shows China’s dwarf emperor, in an imperial yellow coat and stylish shades, walking through ‘Dwarf Empire’, a popular attraction at a theme park in southwestern Yunnan province.

Dwarves during a performance.


fly park-has quickly become the site’s main draw thanks to the popularity of dwarf performances that would likely evoke howls of protest in the West as an exploitative freak show. It includes a mini version of “Swan Lake”, and there’s even a male dwarf in leather pants and a punk hairdo handwalking and gyrating his hips to thunderous hip-hop. But the more than 100 dwarves-known in China as “xiao ai ren”, or “little small people”-who range in height from 79 centimeters (2 feet 7 inches) to 1.3 meters, dismiss suggestions the park demeans them. Several call it a haven in a country where their kind often face harassment and mistreatment and

rarely get to mix with like-sized comrades. “Before coming here, most of us faced discrimination. But here, we are equal and respected. We have our dignity,” said Ou Jielin, 24, who sold clothing in the southern province of Guangdong before coming to work at the park. Nestled in rugged hills about 40 kilometers (25 miles) west of the Yunnan capital Kunming, the park is the brainchild of flamboyant businessman Chen Mingjing, who made his fortune in electronics, real estate and other ventures. His hair slicked back and wearing a high-collared Chinese jacket not unlike that of the dwarf emperor, Chen said the

Silver-plated skulls from Tibet are on display at Schopmann auctioneers in the northern German city of Hamburg yesterday. The collection of works belonging to German adventurer Reinhold Kasten will be auctioned on April 29, and 30, 2010. —AFP

Traditional French cafes innovate to survive rance’s famed cafe culture is in deep crisis, forcing rural bars to defend their role as the hub of village life with services like theatre, groceries or wireless Internet. In the Breton hamlet of Sainte Anne du Houlin, Joel Hamard invites professional story tellers to his bar, the “Couleur Cafe”, to entertain customers who can also enjoy a bowl of soup made from local produce. “When I first came here, the old people in the village would say this used to be a really lively place and I wanted to re-create that,” he said. “You have to be open to everyone in a bar today, including children. It’s the only way you can hope to survive.” As in countless other villages, the cafe in Sainte Anne du Houlin plays a key social role as the only place where people can meet up regularly. “In the hamlet it’s all there is,” said Hamard. Judging by reactions to the story evening, Hamard’s gamble has paid off. “I really liked it. It was funny, really enjoyable. A rich universe,” said Matthieu Boucher who had driven three quarters of an hour to join the show’s audience of children, grandparents and adults of all ages. Local councillor Elisabeth Reperant said the bar has given a much needed boost to village life. “We are in a rural area and


we don’t have many places for young people to go. There is an event every weekend and on weekdays too in the summer. It’s definitely an advantage for us,” she said. It’s a similar story elsewhere in Brittany. In the picturesque port of La Roche Bernard, bar owner Eric Gerardin has organized an evening of improvisational theatre, with local actors playing to peals of laughter. “For me a cafe is a lively, dynamic place. It’s a forum. A village square,” Gerardin explained. Both Gerardin and Hamard are members of “Cafe de Pays Bretagne”, a network of 30 bars and cafes that offer cultural

events like theatre, concerts, art exhibitions and debates, as well as food made from local produce. “It’s crucial for me to be in a network. Having a recognizable label helps the bar’s image and it also allows me to meet with colleagues and exchange ideas and experiences,” Gerardin said. There is no denying the scale of the problem facing France’s cafes, however-particularly in rural areas. According to industry figures, there were more than 200,000 cafes and bars in France in 1960. Today there are fewer than 30,000. And the current financial crisis has hit survivors hard. —AFP

Musicians invite a customer to join in with their songs at the ‘Couleur Cafe’ bar in Sainte-Anne du Houlin village, western France. —AFP

idea came to him after he encountered midgets on a train. “We felt their lives were hard and bad, so we wanted to build a great place for them to live and a platform for them to work,” said Chen. Employees get room, board and free English lessons-to chat with a hoped-for flood of overseas visitors. Few can get past “Hello”, however, except for one who introduced himself as being from the empire’s “Foreign Ministry”. Altruism aside, dwarves are good business. On a recent day, Chen’s empire heaved with hundreds of mostly-respectful teenagers from Kunming, cheering wildly and posing for photos with dwarves. Chen is expanding the

“empire”, which now consists of more than a dozen mushroom homes from which the dwarves emerge and descend to their performance area. A nearby hill is topped by a fortress-like emperor’s “castle” opening later this year. New dwarves arrive weekly. “We will build a team of 800 to 1,000 dwarves and make it the biggest wonderland for dwarves in the world,” Chen proclaimed. Dwarves acknowledge the park could be seen as demeaning in the West, but say it is a step up for “little people” in China, whose opportunities in life are sometimes quite limited. Chinese dwarves need to be tough, said Pi Fasi, who faced bullying and was even robbed

Sean Connery-hosted runway is mad for plaid S ean Connery celebrated Scotland’s eclectic style with a fashion show featuring celebrities, athletes and wounded war veterans in modernized kilts, capes and beanies from that country’s top designers. Connery said Monday’s Dressed to Kilt, marking its seventh year, “certainly brings together a very interesting mix of people.” Mike Myers, in a kilt, argyle socks and sneakers, was first on the catwalk at the Chelsea nightclub space,

tive atmosphere on stage, the mood became respectful when veterans from the Wounded Warrior Project appeared as models. Amputees Dan Nevins, Ryan Kules and Dawn Halfaker were among those appearing in full Scottish garb who brought the audience to their feet. The fashion show raises money for Friends of Scotland, a nonprofit founded by Connery. Proceeds were to be split by between Wounded Warriors, the Paralyzed Veterans of America and the Scottish equivalent group, the Erksine Hospital. A pop-up shop on Madison Avenue selling some of the items from Dressed to Kilt will be open through April 13. Connery has been known to wear kilts for other occasions, but, watching from a roped-off VIP area with Donald and Melania Trump, he opted for trousers and a turtleneck. “I know nothing about fashion, but I’m very fortunate,” Connery said. “If the clothes are halfway decent, I can wear them-as long as I stick to my diet.” —AP

Actor Sean Connery and his wife Micheline Connery attend the 8th annual Dressed To Kilt charity fashion show in New York. — AP photos appearing sandwiched between bagpipers from the 48th Highlanders of Canada. Al Roker was close behind in a longer kilt, paired with bright yellow socks. Joan Jett was a crowd-pleaser in her door-knocker bra top, patent-leather trench coat, micro-mini kilt and an outrageous feather headpiece by William Chambers, and Kelly Bensimon and Kellie Pickler each wore tiny corset dresses. Scottish export Alan Cumming wore an allmatching plaid three-piece kilt suit, and actors Kyle MacL achlan and Sam Waterston also seemed pretty comfy in their kilts. Speed skater Shani Davis accessorized with his Olympic gold medal. But while there was a thoroughly fes-

Matthew Modine

‘Theatre is the source of inspiration’

n an imperial yellow coat and stylish shades, China’s dwarf emperor toddles from his tiny mushroom house to rapturous applause and a welcoming volley of ear-splitting techno music. Barely a metre tall, the mini-monarch squats proudly on a royal stool as his court of dwarves and midgets-dressed as fairies, warriors, cooks, and monks-regale hundreds of paying visitors with a highpitched, syrupy ballad. China’s imperial days may be long gone, but this scaled-down version lives on at the “Dwarf Empire”, a popular attraction at a theme park that opened in September in southwestern Yunnan province. The “empire”-part of a butter-

in his previous job driving a threewheeled transport vehicle. He says he has fought to defend himself his whole life against schoolmates and even adults. “Some would even be crying after I used my fists and legs,” he said proudly. Fittingly, he is now the emperor’s personal bodyguard, vowing to “stay at the park until I am too old to work.” Homesickness hurts, but life with fellow dwarves has changed the fate of people like Ou, who fell in love with another of the dwarf employees and hopes to marry. “I feel this is our destiny. We came from different places in China but have come together to live as a family. We are all very happy,” she said. —AFP

A scene from the play ‘A beggars’. heatre is a source of inspiration and jubilation and has the power to unite all cultures and people of the world,” said Secretary General of the National Council of Culture, Arts, and Letters (NCCAL) Bader Al-Rifaei. Al-Rifaei was addressing the opening of a ceremony marking World Theatre Day. He quoted theatre icon Judi Dench and repeated her definition of theatre on the occasion of World Theatre Day, March 27. The renowned actress defined theatre as a venue for a human activity practiced by all people of the world and a theatrical performance is the result of the cooperation of a whole set of people, not all of them on stage, but some behind the curtain. Al-Rifaei stressed plays should go beyond providing release and joy and venture into the realm of inspiring new trains of thought and means to address the current social issues of the society concerned. It brings big problems we no longer see, because they have been in the background for so long they are part of it by now, back into focus and makes us see them for the hazard they truly are. Stressing theatre means to express and encourage creativity, critical thinking, positive criticism, and enlightenment, he added its absence always coincides with spread of such bans as extremism and prolonged debate about issues that are no longer “current” to waste time, energy, and valuable resources. The official admitted theatre is currently suffering a state of degeneration in Kuwait, and almost absence of quality works altogether. “We (NCCAL) decided to fight this slow death and rekindle the flame, and hopefully it would grow into a torch that would brighten the days to come and help dispel the shadows here and there,” the official noted. The NCCAL is marking theatre day with many events, including a photo exhibition on the history of theatre in Kuwait, and performance of the play “A beggars’ Drama.” —KUNA


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