1 minute read
Zero is Infinity
The English word “both” is the rare remnant of the dual case. When people say they’re attracted to “both genders” they’re using the dual case of the word "all”. Never in history has there been an intentional exclusion when referring to “both” genders. Bisexual has always meant all genders. On the other hand, non-binary, a more recent invention, has always been intended to mean “none of the above”. Non-binary rejects traditional systems of gender all together. To be non-binary is to be both outside and beyond gender. So while bisexual referes to all, non-binary referes to none. Zero = infinity. It really doesn’t add up; that’s why I like it so much. People try to tell me that there are rules to what non-binary is and what bisexual is. They’re really missing the point there. I’m a rule breaker, an outlaw, a criminal, and the more people try to impose rules on the anarchy that is my life, the more likely I am to break them. Don’t try and tell me who I can date, and don’t try and tell me to be androgynous. You were raised to enforce the rules. Is that who you want to be?