LIBRARY REPORT The Vidyalaya Library has excellent collection of books, periodicals and multimedia. Its provides variety of services, Acts as a support center and inspiration to the teaching and learning community of the School. It is fully automated through library automation. There are various activities held in the library like book review writing, book mark designing, book greetings, monthly e-Newsletter and so on. Vidyalaya Library Blog is a virtual platform of the library which is up to date with on line public catalogue (OPAC) and giving all the information with just in a click. Library Book Adventure reading activity is the one of the most popular activity in the vidyalaya. Students are reading books offline and taking part in online Quiz anytime whether they are at school or at home. This is fun, freeway to motivate students to read and win. Book adventure not only rewards children for reading, but also enables parents and teachers to take a child’s progress and help develop their love of reading. I/C Alok Jaiswal Librarian