Market report for East Bay area July 2023

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July 2023 Copyright by KW Advisors 2023

East Bay area

County Comparison

Jump to County Comparison


Jump to Alameda County Report


Jump to Alameda Report


Jump to Albany Report


Jump to Berkeley Report

Castro Valley

Jump to Castro Valley Report


Jump to Emeryville Report


Jump to Fremont Report


Jump to Hayward Report


Jump to Newark Report


Jump to Oakland Report


Jump to Piedmont Report


Jump to Pleasanton Report

San Leandro

Jump to San Leandro Report

San Lorenzo

Jump to San Lorenzo Report

Union City

Jump to Union City Report


Jump to Contra Costa


Jump to Alamo Report


Jump to Concord Report


Jump to Danville Report

El Cerrito

Jump to El Cerrito Report

El Sobrante

Jump to El Sobrante Report


Jump to Lafayette Report


Jump to Moraga Report


Jump to Orinda Report

Pleasant Hill

Jump to Plesant Hill Report


Jump to Richmond Report

San Pablo

Jump to San Pablo Report

Walnut Creek

Jump to Walnut Creek Report

What’syourhome reallyworthin today’smarket?

That's really the question you should be asking yourself.

Our market is incredibly diverse and rapidly changing. Values vary not just by neighborhood but by street. Your home isn't necessarily worth what your neighbors’ home is. At the end of the day, it’s the current market that sets the value of your home.

So, do you know what your home is worth in today's market?

Contact me for a confidential, no obligation assessment of your home's value.


TwoQuestionsToAsk YourselfifYou’reConsidering BuyingaHome

If you’re thinking of buying a home, chances are you’re paying attention to just about everything you hear about the housing market. And you’re getting your information from a variety of channels: the news, social media, your real estate agent, conversations with friends and loved ones, overhearing someone chatting at the local supermarket, the list goes on and on. Most likely, home prices and mortgage rates are coming up a lot.

To help cut through the noise and give you the information you need most, take a look at what the data says. Here are the top two questions you need to ask yourself about home prices and mortgage rates as you make your decision:

EastBay— CountyComparison

SFR, Condominiums, Townhouses — June 2023

Comparing Average Price, Median Price, and Highest Price/SF

In Alameda County, the average price of properties is $1,263,954, with a median price of $1,081,416. This suggests that the majority of homes sold in the county fall below the median price. Additionally, the highest price per square foot recorded in Alameda County is $1,587, indicating the premium paid for certain properties based on their size.

On the other hand, in Contra Costa County, the average price is slightly lower at $1,154,882, with a median price of $850,000. This suggests a wider range of prices in the county, with a significant number of homes sold below the median price. The highest price per square foot recorded in Contra Costa County is $1,627, indicating a premium for specific properties in terms of their size.

EastBay— CountyComparison

SFR, Condominiums, Townhouses — June 2023

Comparing Number of Sales, Number of New Listings, and Days on Market

In Alameda County, a total of 884 properties were sold, indicating a healthy level of buyer activity. Additionally, there were 1,138 new listings, suggesting a decent supply of homes coming onto the market. The average number of days on the market was 17, indicating that properties in Alameda County were selling relatively quickly.

Similarly, in Contra Costa County, there were 912 properties sold, showing a robust level of buyer demand in the area. The number of new listings stood at 1,159, suggesting a steady influx of homes for potential buyers. The average number of days on the market was slightly longer at 20, indicating that properties in Contra Costa County took a bit more time to sell compared to Alameda County.

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Alameda County


SFR, Condominiums, Townhouses

June 2023

Comparing Average Price, Median Price, and Highest Price/SF

Alameda County


SFR, Condominiums, Townhouses June 2023

Comparing Number of Sales, Number of New Listings, and Days on Market

Alameda County

What's in the Alameda data?

There were 1,496 single-family homes for sa providing 1 month of inventory. There were 1 new listings, and 668 homes sold at a media price of $1.3m. The median overbid percenta was 108.6%, with an average of 16 days on t market.

There were 686 condo and townhome units sale, providing 1.5 months of inventory. Ther were 686 new listings and 216 units sold at a median sale price of $730k. The median ove percentage was 103%, with an average of 19 on the market.

He-Family Homes

96 ngs

668 Sold Listings

f Inventory

8.6% ale vs List

$1.3M Median Sale Price


Avg Days on Market

sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

C Cond

686 New Listings

1.5 Months of Inventory

103% Median Sale vs List


Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023
year. y year

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 4m last June 2022, to $1 3m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $778k last June 2022, to $730k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 112 9% last June 2022, to 108 6% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105.4% last June 2022, to 103% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 19 days last June 2022, to 16 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market remained the same with 19 days in June 2022, to 19 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
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Alameda City


What's in the Alameda data?

There were 53 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 53 new listings, and 26 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.5m. The median overbid percentage was 114.5%, with an average of 12 days on the market.

There were 48 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 1 9 months of inventory There were 48 new listings, and 13 units sold at a median sale price of $736k. The median overbid percentage was 105.1%, averaging 24 days on the market.

Mcondos and Danville, El Oakland, Lorenzo, San may include deemed Bay 2023.

48 New Listings

13 Sold Listings

1.9 Months of Inventory

$736K Median Sale Price

105.1% Median Sale vs List

24 Avg Days on Market


Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 AlamedaCity
JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has increased from $1 5m last June 2022, to $1 505m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $952k last June 2022, to $736k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 123 2% last June 2022, to 114 5% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 108.2% last June 2022, to 105.1% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 17 days last June 2022, to 12 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 19 days in June 2022, to 24 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
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What's in the Albany data?

There were 9 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.1 months of inventory. There were 9 new listings, and 6 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.3m. The median overbid percentage was 129.5%, with an average of 11 days on the market

There were 7 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 7 new listings, and 2 units sold at a median sale price of $631k. The median overbid percentage was 100.3%, with an average of 17 days on the market.

y Homes


6 Sold Listings

$1.3M Median Sale Price


Avg Days on Market

Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

7 New Listings

2 Sold Listings

0.8 Months of Inventory

$631K Median Sale Price

100.3% Median Sale vs List

17 Avg Days on Market

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 40 30 20 10 0 Albany

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 6m last June 2022, to $1 3m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $534k last June 2022, to $631k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 121 3% last June 2022, to 129 5% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 98.1% last June 2022, to 100.3% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 17 days last June 2022, to 11 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went down from 20 days in June 2022, to 17 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 200 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 150% 100% 50% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
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Berkeley ALAMEDA


What's in the Berkeley data?

There were 96 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.6 months of inventory. There were 96 new listings, and 46 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.6m. The median overbid percentage was 121.3%, with an average of 17 days on the market

There were 29 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 1.9 months of inventory. There were 96 new listings, and 14 units sold at a median sale price of $825k. The median overbid percentage was 106.3%, with an average of 18 days on the market.


Mcondos and Danville, El Newark, Oakland, Lorenzo, San may include data is deemed East Bay 2023.

Month 106 Medi


3 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 y y

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 7m last June 2022, to $1 6m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $950k last June 2022, to $825k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 132 8% last June 2022, to 121 3% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 116.6% last June 2022, to 106.3% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 16 days last June 2022, to 17 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 16 days in June 2022, to 18 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 150% 100% 50% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
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Castro Valley


What's in the Castro Valley data?

There were 69 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 38 new listings and 29 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.2m. The median overbid percentage was 103.9%, with an average of 22 days on the market.

There were 9 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.5 months of inventory. There were 6 new listings, and 5 units sold at a median sale price of $1m. The median overbid percentage was 106.1%, with an average of 23 days on the market.

mily Homes

29 Sold Listings


9% st

$1.2M Median Sale Price

22 Avg Days on Market

Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed eed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

6 New Listings

5 Sold Listings

0.5 Months of Inventory

$1M Median Sale Price

106.1% Median Sale vs List

23 Avg Days on Market

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 200 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 30 20 10 0 CastroValley

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 4m last June 2022, to $1 2m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $1.3m last June 2022, to $1m as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105 7% last June 2022, to 103 9% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 109.1% last June 2022, to 106.1% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market has remained at 22 days since June 2022

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 17 days last June 2022, to 23 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents

Emeryville ALAMEDA


What's in the Emeryville data?

There were 2 single-family homes for sale, providing 0 months of inventory. There were 2 new listings, and 1 home sold at a median sale price of $500k. The median overbid percentage was 71.5%, with an average of 38 days on the market.

There were 42 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 5.8 months of inventory. There were 42 new listings and 10 units sold at a median sale price of $622k. The median overbid percentage was 102%, with an average of 13 days on the market.

Kcondos and Danville, El Oakland, Lorenzo, San include deemed Bay 2023.

42 New Listings

10 Sold Listings

5.8 Months of Inventory

$622K Median Sale Price

102% Median Sale vs List

13 Avg Days on Market

CONDO Condo & Townhomes

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 6 4 2 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 Emeryville

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has increased from $0 last June 2022, to $500k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $650k last June 2022, to $622k as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 12 days last June 2022, to 38 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 12 days in June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 0% last June 2022, to 71 5% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 104.4% last June 2022, to 102% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Fremont data?

There were 125 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 75 new listings, and 70 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.6m. The median overbid percentage was 105.5%, with an average of 10 days on the market

There were 122 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 1.2 months of inventory. There were 64 new listings, and 40 units sold at a median sale price of $833k. The median overbid percentage was 102.3%, with an average of 17 days on the market.

64 New Listings 1.2 Months of Inventory $833 Median Sa 102.3% Median Sale vs List 1 Avg Days on 4 Sold COND Condo & Townho
y y

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 7m last June 2022, to $1 6m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $950k last June 2022, to $833k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 105 3% last June 2022, to 105 5% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 104.3% last June 2022, to 102.3% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 15 days last June 2022, to 10 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 16 days in June 2022, to 17 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
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What's in the Hayward data?

There were 149 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 80 new listings, and 62 homes sold at a median sale price of $917k. The median overbid percentage was 105.6%, with an average of 15 days on the market

There were 72 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 33 new listings, and 25 units sold at a median sale price of $687k. The median overbid percentage was 100.4%, with an average of 18 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

80 New Listings

62 Sold Listings

0.9 Months of Inventory

$917K Median Sale Price

105.6% Median Sale vs List

15 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

33 New Listings 0.9 Months of Inventory $687K Median Sale Price 100.4% Median Sale vs List 18 Avg Days on Market 25 Sold Listings CONDO Condo & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 400 300 200 100 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 150 100 50 0 Hayward JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023
Single-Family Homes
Condos & Townhomes

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $950k last June 2022, to $917k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $652k last June 2022, to $687k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 104 5% last June 2022, to 105 6% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105.1% last June 2022, to 100.4% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 19 days last June 2022, to 15 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went down from 21 days in June 2022, to 18 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
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What's in the Newark data?

There were 51 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.7 months of inventory. There were 25 new listings, and 25 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.3m. The median overbid percentage was 107.2%, with an average of 15 days on the market

There were 14 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.2 months of inventory. There were 9 new listings, and 7 units sold at a median sale price of $930K. The median overbid percentage was 104.2%, with an average of 9 days on the market.

He-Family Homes


7 f Inventory

25 Sold Listings

$1.3M Median Sale Price

7.2% ale vs List

15 Avg Days on Market

sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

Months of Inventory $930 Median Sa
Median Sale vs List Avg Days on Sold
Condo & Townho
Listings 0.2


JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023


ily Homes nths, year-over-year.

Townhomes nths, year-over-year

Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has increased from $1 3m last June 2022, to $1 36m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $1m last June 2022, to $930k as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 14 days last June 2022, to 15 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went down from 13 days in June 2022, to 9 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 106 3% last June 2022, to 107 2% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 109.7% last June 2022, to 104.2% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
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What's in the Oakland data?

There were 523 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.6 months of inventory. There were 523 new listings, and 173 homes sold at a median sale price of $1m. The median overbid percentage was 114.2%, with an average of 23 days on the market.

There were 208 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 2.8 months of inventory. There were 208 new listings, and 44 units sold at a median sale price of $587k. The median overbid percentage was 101.9%, with an average of 30 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

523 New Listings

173 Sold Listings

1.6 Months of Inventory

$1M Median Sale Price

114.2% Median Sale vs List

23 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

208 New Listings 2.8 Months of Inventory $587K Median Sale Price 101.9% Median Sale vs List 30 Avg Days on Market 44 Sold Listings CONDO Condo & Townhomes

Last 12 months,


Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 1000 750 500 250 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 400 300 200 100 0 Oakland JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023
& Townhomes

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 2m last June 2022, to $1m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $635k last June 2022, to $587k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 124% last June 2022, to 114 2% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 104.8% last June 2022, to 101.9% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 20 days last June 2022, to 23 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 26 days in June 2022, to 30 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,250,000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Piedmont data?

There were 37 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.4 months of inventory. There were 37 new listings, and 13 homes sold at a median sale price of $2.2m. The median overbid percentage was 99.9%, with an average of 17 days on the market

There was no data for condo and townhouse units this month.

mily Homes

13 Sold Listings


$2.2M Median Sale Price

% List

17 Avg Days on Market

Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed eed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

No data for this month.

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 100 75 50 25 0
data for this month

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $3 3m last June 2022, to $2 2m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

There was no data for condo and townhouse units this month.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 20 days last June 2022, to 17 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

There was no data for condo and townhouse units this month


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 118 8% last June 2022, to 99 9% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

There was no data for condo and townhouse units this month.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents

Pleasanton ALAMEDA


What's in the Pleasanton data?

There were 91 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.7 months of inventory. There were 57 new listings, and 41 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.7m. The median overbid percentage was 103.4%, with an average of 13 days on the market

There were 21 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.6 months of inventory. There were 14 new listings, and 9 units sold at a median sale price of $845k. The median overbid percentage was 104.3%, with an average of 15 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

57 New Listings

41 Sold Listings

0.7 Months of Inventory

$1.7M Median Sale Price

103.4% Median Sale vs List

13 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

14 New Listings

9 Sold Listings

0.6 Months of Inventory

$845K Median Sale Price

104.3% Median Sale vs List

15 Avg Days on Market

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Pleasanton
JUNE 2022 -

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 75m last June 2022, to $1 7m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $777k last June 2022, to $845k as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 19 days last June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 8 days in June 2022, to 15 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 100 4% last June 2022, to 103 4% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 102.4% last June 2022, to 104.3% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents

San Leandro


What's in the San Leandro data?

There were 70 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 43 new listings, and 41 homes sold at a median sale price of $865k. The median overbid percentage was 107.2%, with an average of 13 days on the market.

There were 33 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 1.6 months of inventory. There were 15 new listings and 10 units sold at a median sale price of $520k. The median overbid percentage was 101.5%, with an average of 27 days on the market.


an Sale Price

ays on Market

s single-family homes, condos and Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, hmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San to June 2023. This may include was gathered. All data is deemed Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023.



1 New List

1. Months of Inven

101.5% Median Sale vs


2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 dro y y

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $891k last June 2022, to $865k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $615k last June 2022, to $520k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 112 2% last June 2022, to 107 2% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 108.3% last June 2022, to 101.5% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 16 days last June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 18 days in June 2022, to 27 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents

San Lorenzo


What's in the San Lorenzo data?

There were 27 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 27 new listings and 12 homes sold at a median price of $859k. The median overbid percentage was 106.1%, with an average of 13 days on the market.

There were 3 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0 months of inventory. There were 3 new listings, and 3 units sold at a median price of $930k. The median overbid percentage was 101.2%, with an average of 0 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

27 New Listings

12 Sold Listings

0.8 Months of Inventory

$859K Median Sale Price

106.1% Median Sale vs List

13 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


New Listings 0 Months of Inventory
Median Sale Price 101.2% Median Sale vs List 0 Avg Days on Market
Sold Listings
Condo & Townhomes

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 15 10 5 0 SanLorenzo

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $860k last June 2022, to $859k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $0 last June 2022, to $930k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 106 9% last June 2022, to 106 1% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 0% last June 2022, to 101.2% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 21 days last June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went down from 4 days in June 2022, to 0 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 80 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Union City data?

There were 40 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 27 new listings, and 17 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.3m. The median overbid percentage was 105.1%, with an average of 9 days on the market

There were 15 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.5 months of inventory. There were 10 new listings, and 8 units sold at a median sale price of $695k. The median overbid percentage was 107.4%, with an average of 9 days on the market.



17 Sold Listings

$1.3M Median Sale Price

% t

9 Avg Days on Market

Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


10 New Listings

8 Sold Listings

0.5 Months of Inventory

$695K Median Sale Price

107.4% Median Sale vs List

9 Avg Days on Market

CONDO Condo & Townhomes

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 40 30 20 10 0 UnionCity

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 37m last June 2022, to $1 35m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $810k last June 2022, to $695k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has increased from 103 6% last June 2022, to 105 1% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 103.9% last June 2022, to 107.4% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average days on market went down from 19 days last June 2022, to 9 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average days on market went down from 10 days in June 2022, to 9 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents

ContraCosta County


SFR, Condominiums, Townhouses June 2023

Comparing Average Price, Median Price, and Highest Price/SF

ContraCosta County


SFR, Condominiums, Townhouses June 2023

Comparing Number of Sales, Number of New Listings, and Days on Market

ContraCosta County

What's in the Contra Costa data?

There were 1,644 single-family homes for sale, providing 1 month of inventory. There were 1,644 new listings and 714 homes sold at a median sale price of $930k. The median overbid percentage was 101 8%, with an average of 19 days on the market.

There were 504 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 1.3 months of inventory. There were 1,644 new listings and 196 units sold at a median sale price of $628k. The median overbid percentage was 101.1%, with an average of 23 days on the market

SFH Single-Family Homes

1,644 New Listings

714 Sold Listings

1 Months of Inventory

$930K Median Sale Price

101.8% Median Sale vs List

19 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

1,644 New Listings

196 Sold Listings

1.3 Months of Inventory

$628K Median Sale Price

101.1% Median Sale vs List

23 Avg Days on Market

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 1000 750 500 250 0 ContraCosta County JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has increased from $925k last June 2022, to $930k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $600k last June 2022, to $628k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105 2% last June 2022, to 101 8% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105.1% last June 2022, to 101.1% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market has remained at 19 days since June 2022

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 15 days in June 2022, to 23 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Alamo data?

There were 49 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 49 new listings and 22 homes sold at a median price of $3m. The median overbid percentage was 98.5%, with an average of 19 days on the market.

There were 1 condo and townhome unit for sale, providing 0 months of inventory. There was 1 new listing, and 1 unit sold at a price of $1.3m. The median overbid percentage was 100%, with an average of 6 days on the market.


22 Sold Listings

$3M Median Sale Price

19 Avg Days on Market

includes all single-family homes, condos and Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include time the data was gathered. All data is deemed 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

1 New Listings

1 Sold Listings

0 Months of Inventory

$1.3M Median Sale Price

100% Median Sale vs List

6 Avg Days on Market

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 80 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 5 4 3 2 1 0 Alamo

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has increased from $2 9m last June 2022, to $3m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $0 last June 2022, to $1.3m as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 102 4% last June 2022, to 98 5% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 0% last June 2022, to 100% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 12 days last June 2022, to 19 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 0 days in June 2022, to 6 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $4,000,000 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents

y Homes


80 Sold Listings

$845K Median Sale Price

14 Avg Days on Market

Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

70 New Listings


21 Sold Listings

Months of Inventory
$437K Median Sale Price
102.2% Median Sale vs List
14 Avg Days on Market
Condo & Townhomes


Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 400 300 200 100 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Concord JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023
& Townhomes
12 months,

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $875k last June 2022, to $845k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $465k last June 2022, to $437k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105 6% last June 2022, to 103 2% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 103.5% last June 2022, to 102.2% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 15 days last June 2022, to 14 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went down from 16 days in June 2022, to 14 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Danville data?

There were 148 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 148 new listings and 58 homes sold at a median price of $2m. The median overbid percentage was 98.6%, with an average of 16 days on the market.

There were 20 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 20 new listings, and 9 units sold at a median price of $1.1m. The median overbid percentage was 101%, with an average of 13 days on the market.

SFH ingle-Family Homes

148 ew Listings

58 Sold Listings

0.9 onths of Inventory

$2M Median Sale Price

98.6% edian Sale vs List

16 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

20 New Listings

9 Sold Listings

0.6 Months of Inventory

$1.1M Median Sale Price

101% Median Sale vs List

13 Avg Days on Market

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Danville

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $2 3m last June 2022, to $2m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $1.2m last June 2022, to $1.1m as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 15 days last June 2022, to 16 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 8 days in June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 103 8% last June 2022, to 98 6% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 102.3% last June 2022, to 101% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the El Cerrito data?

There were 23 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.6 months of inventory. There were 23 new listings and 18 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.2m. The median overbid percentage was 116.3%, with an average of 13 days on the market

There were 5 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 4 months of inventory. There were 5 new listings, and 2 units sold at a median sale price of $857k. The median overbid percentage was 107.9%, with an average of 15 days on the market.

single-family homes, condos and Valley, Concord, Danville, El Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Leandro, San Lorenzo, San 2023. This may include gathered. All data is deemed Advisors East Bay 2023.

2M e Price ngs

Months of Inven

107.9% Median Sale vs

New List
2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 y y

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 3m last June 2022, to $1 2m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $0 last June 2022, to $857k as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 18 days last June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 12 days in June 2022, to 15 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has remained at 116 3% since June 2022

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 0% last June 2022, to 107.9% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the El Sobrante data?

There were 20 single-family homes for sale, providing 1 month of inventory. There were 20 new listings and 10 homes sold at a median price of $894k. The median overbid percentage was 101.8%, with an average of 34 days on the market.

There were 3 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 1 month of inventory. There were 3 new listings, and 2 units sold at a median price of $386k. The median overbid percentage was 98.7%, with an average of 9 days on the market.

He-Family Homes


10 Sold Listings

f Inventory

1.8% ale vs List

$894K Median Sale Price

34 Avg Days on Market

sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

Mo 9 M
023 May2023 Jun2023 2023 May2023 Jun2023 y y S

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has increased from $815k last June 2022, to $894k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $204k last June 2022, to $386k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 105 5% last June 2022, to 101 8% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 109.1% last June 2022, to 98.7% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 23 days last June 2022, to 34 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went down from 13 days in June 2022, to 9 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Lafayette data?

There were 61 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.5 months of inventory. There were 61 new listings and 27 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.9m. The median overbid percentage was 98.1%, with an average of 24 days on the market

There were 10 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 2.3 months of inventory. There were 10 new listings, and 4 units sold at a median sale price of $917k. The median overbid percentage was 97.4%, with an average of 49 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

61 New Listings

27 Sold Listings

1.5 Months of Inventory

$1.9M Median Sale Price

98.1% Median Sale vs List

24 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

10 New Listings

4 Sold Listings

2.3 Months of Inventory

$917K Median Sale Price

97.4% Median Sale vs List

49 Avg Days on Market

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 20 15 10 5 0 Lafayette
JUNE 2023
JUNE 2022 -

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $2m last June 2022, to $1 9m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $1.7m last June 2022, to $917k as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 13 days last June 2022, to 24 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 9 days in June 2022, to 49 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 109% last June 2022, to 98 1% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 108.3% last June 2022, to 97.4% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 80 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Moraga data?

There were 21 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.4 months of inventory. There were 21 new listings and 18 homes sold at a median sale price of $2.1m. The median overbid percentage was 104.1%, with an average of 13 days on the market

There were 10 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.7 months of inventory. There were 10 new listings, and 8 units sold at a median sale price of $807k. The median overbid percentage was 101.4%, with an average of 13 days on the market.

He-Family Homes


4 of Inventory

18 Sold Listings

$2.1M Median Sale Price

4.1% Sale vs List

13 Avg Days on Market

sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

New Listings 0.7 Months of Inventory $80 Median S 101.4% Median Sale vs List Avg Days o Sold
Condo & Townh

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023


mily Homes onths, year-over-year.

Townhomes onths, year-over-year

Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $2 3m last June 2022, to $2 1m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $905k last June 2022, to $807k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 111 3% last June 2022, to 104 1% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 101.6% last June 2022, to 101.4% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 14 days last June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 10 days in June 2022, to 13 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $3,000,000 $2,000,000 $1,000,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Orinda data?

There were 44 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.1 months of inventory. There were 44 new listings, and 20 homes sold at a median sale price of $1.9m. The median overbid percentage was 105.4%, with an average of 24 days on the market

There were 2 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0 months of inventory. There were 2 new listings, and 1 unit sold at a median sale price of $1.2m. The median overbid percentage was 100.1%, with an average of 0 days on the market.



Mhomes, condos and Concord, Danville, El Newark, Oakland, San Lorenzo, San This may include All data is deemed Advisors East Bay 2023.

2 New Listings

1 Sold Listings

0 Months of Inventory

$1.2M Median Sale Price

100.1% Median Sale vs List

0 Avg Days on Market

CONDO Condo & Townhomes

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 6 4 2 0 Orinda
JUNE 2023
JUNE 2022 -

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $2 3m last June 2022, to $1 9m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has decreased from $1.5m last June 2022, to $1.2m as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 13 days last June 2022, to 24 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market has remained at 0 days since June 2022


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 106 8% last June 2022, to 105 4% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has increased from 95.5% last June 2022, to 100.1% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,500,000 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents

Pleasant Hill


What's in the Pleasant Hill data?

There were 45 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.6 months of inventory. There were 45 new listings and 22 homes sold at a median price of $1.1m. The median overbid percentage was 103.8%, with an average of 18 days on the market.

There were 19 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.8 months of inventory. There were 9 units sold at a median price of $711k. The median overbid percentage was 101.3%, with an average of 23 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

45 New Listings

22 Sold Listings

0.6 Months of Inventory

$1.1M Median Sale Price

103.8% Median Sale vs List

18 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.


Condo & Townhomes

19 New Listings

9 Sold Listings

0.8 Months of Inventory

$711K Median Sale Price

101.3% Median Sale vs List

23 Avg Days on Market

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 125 100 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 50 40 30 20 10 0 PleasantHill
JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 2m last June 2022, to $1 1m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $700k last June 2022, to $711k as of June 2023.

AVGDays OntheMarket

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 17 days last June 2022, to 18 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 22 days in June 2022, to 23 days as of June 2023


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 108 2% last June 2022, to 103 8% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 104.2% last June 2022, to 101.3% a year later.

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,250,000 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Alamo data?

There were 121 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.1 months of inventory. There were 121 new listings and 36 homes sold at a median price of $747k. The median overbid percentage was 108.2%, with an average of 17 days on the market.

There were 41 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 2.6 months of inventory. There were 121 new listings, and 36 units sold at a median price of $628k. The median overbid percentage was 98.9%, with an average of 26 days on the market.


ays on Market

s single-family homes, condos and Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San to June 2023. This may include was gathered. All data is deemed Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023.

747K 7
an Sale Price

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023


-Family Homes

2 months, year-over-year.

s & Townhomes

2 months, year-over-year

Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $818k last June 2022, to $747k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $550k last June 2022, to $628k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 110 4% last June 2022, to 108 2% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 103.8% last June 2022, to 98.9% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went down from 18 days last June 2022, to 17 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 15 days in June 2022, to 26 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $1,000,000 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 60 40 20 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents



What's in the Alamo data?

There were 33 single-family homes for sale, providing 1.4 months of inventory. There were 23 new listings and 7 homes sold at a median price of $640k. The median overbid percentage was 103.9%, with an average of 26 days on the market.

There were 7 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.2 months of inventory. There were 7 new listings, and 1 unit sold at a median price of $507k. The median overbid percentage was 101.8%, with an average of 14 days on the market.


7 d Listings

640K ian Sale Price

6 Days on Market

single-family homes, condos and Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, hmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San 2022 to June 2023. This may include data was gathered. All data is deemed Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023.

7 New Listings

1 Sold Listings

0.2 Months of Inventory

101.8% Median Sale vs List

14 Avg Days on Market

$507K Median Sale Price

JUNE 2022 - JUNE 2023

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 75 50 25 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 25 20 15 10 5 0

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $662k last June 2022, to $640k as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $417k last June 2022, to $507k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 106 7% last June 2022, to 103 9% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 108.2% last June 2022, to 101.8% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market went up from 18 days last June 2022, to 26 days as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 13 days in June 2022, to 14 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $750,000 $500,000 $250,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 200 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents

Walnut Creek


What's in the Walnut Creek data?

There were 86 single-family homes for sale, providing 0.7 months of inventory. There were 86 new listings, and 47 homes sold at a median price of $1.5m. The median overbid percentage was 103.1%, with an average of 15 days on the market.

There were 179 condo and townhome units for sale, providing 0.9 months of inventory. There were 179 new listings and 77 units sold at a median price of $645k. The median overbid percentage was 99.9%, with an average of 27 days on the market.

SFH Single-Family Homes

86 New Listings

47 Sold Listings

0.7 Months of Inventory

$1.5M Median Sale Price

103.1% Median Sale vs List

15 Avg Days on Market

The data, sourced from Broker Metrics, includes all single-family homes, condos and townhomes in Alameda, Alamo, Albany, Berkeley, Castro Valley, Concord, Danville, El Cerrito, El Sobrante, Emeryville, Fremont, Hayward, Lafayette, Moraga, Newark, Oakland, Orinda, Piedmont, Pleasanton, Pleasant Hill, Richmond, San Leandro, San Lorenzo, San Pablo, Union City, and Walnut Creek from June 2022 to June 2023. This may include preliminary data, and may vary from the time the data was gathered. All data is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. DRE# 02029039. Copyright KW Advisors East Bay 2023. Each office is independently owned and operated.

179 New Listings

77 Sold Listings

0.9 Months of Inventory

$645K Median Sale Price

99.9% Median Sale vs List

27 Avg Days on Market

CONDO Condo & Townhomes

Single-Family Homes

Last 12 months, year-over-year.

Condos & Townhomes

Last 12 months, year-over-year

Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 250 200 150 100 50 0 Jun2022 Jul2022 Aug2022 Sep2022 Oct2022 Nov2022 Dec2022 Jan2023 Feb2023 Mar2023 Apr2023 May2023 Jun2023 400 300 200 100 0 WalnutCreek
JUNE 2023
JUNE 2022 -

Median SalesPrice

Single-Family Homes

The median sales price has decreased from $1 58m last June 2022, to $1 56m as of June 2023

Condos & Townhomes

The median sales price has increased from $587k last June 2022, to $645k as of June 2023.


Single-Family Homes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 107 5% last June 2022, to 103 1% a year later

Condos & Townhomes

The overbid percentage has decreased from 108.4% last June 2022, to 99.9% a year later.

Single-Family Homes

The average time spent on the market has remained at 15 days last since June 2022

Condos & Townhomes

The average time spent on the market went up from 16 days in June 2022, to 27 days as of June 2023

Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023Jun2023 $2,000,000 $1,500,000 $1,000,000 $500,000 $0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 40 30 20 10 0 Jun2022 Jul2022Aug2022Sep2022Oct2022Nov2022Dec2022 Jan2023Feb2023Mar2023Apr2023May2023 Jun2023 125% 100% 75% 50% 25% 0%
AVGDays OntheMarket
Back to Table of Contents

Team of Success and Excellence

We are an independently owned and operated franchise of Keller Williams Realty International Our unparalleled team consists of more than 217 associates and professionals with offices strategically located in Oakland, Alameda, and Castro Valley, covering territory from Crockett down to Fremont and through the tunnel to Lamorinda Our ownership group has offices along the California coastline from Napa to San Diego.

With uncompromising principles, our office has established a new standard of excellence within the industry Our company’s growth has been strategic and exciting. Since opening in June 2016, the team has successfully represented more than 5,391 transactions, totaling more than $5 4 billion in total sales

Dedicated to upholding unparalleled standards for integrity and client care, they strive to create a culture where agents thrive while developing their own businesses to their maximum potential The company has given its agents over $1,500,000 in profit share


2023. All rights reserved. Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated. DRE#02029039. This information may not be copied, used, or distributed without Keller Williams consent. Data is pulled from Bridge MLS and Broker Metrics. While information is believed true, no guarantee is made of accuracy. All data, including all measurements and calculations of area, is obtained from various sources and has not been, and will not be, verified by Keller Williams or MLS.
2437 Santa Clara Ave, Alameda, CA 94609 KellerWilliamsAlameda 20273 Patio Drive, Castro Valley, CA 94546 KellerWilliamsCastroValley 4937 Telegraph Ave. Suite A Oakland, CA 94609 KellerWilliamsEastBay :

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