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MY WORD: THE STRING OF RHYMES Copyright Š2010 by Bedwei Kwaku Sonny All rights reserved. International copyright secured. ISBN E33 Manet Court DTD, East Airport Spintex Rd, Accra Ghana +233 24 6419861 No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means- electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, or any other- except by for brief quotation in printed reviews, without prior permission of the publisher. All scripture quotation, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the King James Version( Thomas Nelson Inc.)

Cover photo by Robert/ Lina Photos Cover design by Edgar Collingwood-Williams Initial layout by Bedwei K. Sonny

Printed in Ghana by





“Kwaku is a man of rhymes, blessed with a way of words that lives you in amazement and amusement”. - AMEYAW DEBRAH...Publisher /Editor of “Rhymesonny is one of the fastest rhyming brothers I know, humble and gentle but his rhymes are hard as steel and cut to the core. His rhymes are full of wisdom and wit. Cant wait for the book "MY WORD" to come out.... - MARISKA TAYLOR-DARKO .....Poet/ Writer “Rhymesonny has the gift of rhyme and he uses it well to his advantage, I like his pieces, its not a crime to rhyme, anytime you want to belt out a hyme, it will be prime rhyme to mime, great work with two thumbs up and a 10 for this project” - ALLEN STEBLE....American Poet/writer “Rhymesonny brings feeling, soul, dexterity and finesse to poetry, weaving reflective reality in rhyme. Keep it up and real, brother!” - NANA AWERE DAMOAH... Engineer/Poet and Author, “Rhymesonny in not phoney, he can be funny, but not corny, as some who are phoney in the art of poetry. His rhymes is the money, he has honey of rhymes for the art of poetry, his mouth flows with honey of rhymes. My poet Rhymesonny, you are the honey and money of modern day poetry” - NII LANTE(the higher fire) Poet/Co-founder EHALAKASA You are one of the best in writings and your rhymes make meaning. keep it up. I just love reading his poetry. - KWABENA FRIMPONG Businessman “Rhymesonny is simply gifted with powerful lyrics that rhyme naturally” - ACHIEBOLD ACHEAMPONG Poet/ Teacher “A poet whom I look up to and is an inspiration to me to revive my passion for writing. There's more and I can say he is my mentor and a dear one. God bless you Rhymesonny” - MAAME TWUMWAA BAFFOUR Poet/Student The epitome of rhyming's most advanced rhymes - JASE YAO TAY Poet/songwriter/student I call him the rhapsody of rhymes - BAAH EMMANUEL Photojournalist His choice of rhyming diction is breathtaking, carefully woven with ease and straight to the point, this always endears him to his audience who wait for what he'll say next. He is a nightmare for his colleagues in the trades. He is your favourite poets' favourite poet. - NII AYERTEY ARYEE freelance journalist/Writer rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


Progress does not come by it self, either time nor desire can alone ensure progress. Progress is not a gift but a victory. Rhymesonny has won progressive victory in the world of rhymes. - BEN BOTWE .....Accountant, Zepto Ltd Heavenly inspired - AFOKO WINSTON CHURCILL ...Graphic designer/musician ‘Master, you are too good, these are rhymes from a true dude - DANIEL ANTWI BOSIAKO ....UK



My Word: The String Of Rhymes


.. To all those who have encouraged, discouraged, criticized, praised and supported me throughout this journey. In memory of Madam Mary Larbi and all who did not live to see the success of this project. To my lovely sisters, Sandra and Sarah Mrs. Matilda Boateng (Mattie), how great a mother you are, you will always have a place in my heart. I love you. I can't forget Mr. Boateng and Michael Boateng (UK). To my uncle, Mr. Adu Gyamfi and family, your wife Jane and your children Christine, Mitchell and Jeffery ...



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ACKNOWLEDGMENT CONTENTS This book would not have been possible without the loving support of so many people. As a man usually too full of words, I find myself overwhelmed in offering them all my thanks in dedicating this book to them First, I thank my Manager, Ben Botwe, for his continuous support in this project. Ben was always there to listen and to give advice. He is responsible for involving me in this project in the first place. He taught me how to ask questions and express my ideas. Thanks also to all my friends Mash, Martin, James Anti, Henry Lavoe, Evans, Mark, Davis Jeremy Ofori, without your encouragement and constant guidance I could not have finished this book. You were always there to meet and talk about my ideas. What’s up guys Special thanks go to Mr Rami El Ashkar and Dr Radwan Ashkar (Mansell Gh. Ltd). Mr. Hussni (Digital Document Solutions), Mr. Bakri, Mr Hassan Makkawi, Mrs(Rev) Jennifer Secku, Mr Gati and Navin Kumar and wife Lynda deserves a special mention. Mr Ametefe, Mr. Dankyi, Mr. Essel, Mr. Asante, Mr Seth Asare ,Elsie Lotsu, Mary Dzimado, LucyAnang (Mrs), TONKA , Joseph, Abdul Kadri and all my colleagues at Mansell Ghana ltd, Drum Logistics and Top Transport Rev. Addae, Rev Ofori Mensah, Rev. Ampofo, Prof Akanmori, Mr. Sackey, Mr and Mrs Aboagye, Mr Vogbe, Auntie Adwoa Brainoo, Bro. Asomaning, Ekow Thormford, Evans Appiah, Kofi Appiah, Nana Amoakowa (all of Grace Community Baptist Church, East Airport), Rev. Chris Tekpo and wife, Cynthia Ashley and the wonderful congregation of New Covenant Baptist Church, Abelemkpe Mr. Samuel Afari Dartey (Moki), Mr Jacob Osei Yeboah (Vital source Ltd), Mr Kofi Marfo, Victor Moffat, Dr Danso, Kwasi Boakye and all UMC members nationwide, Mr Ato Brew, Mr Tony Hassan, Mr&Mrs Blankson, Mr&Mrs Akolaa, Mr Kwapong, Rev Bernard Blessing (Rescue Int), Mr&Mrs Anti, Mr&Mrs Sey, Mr&Mrs Ghansah, Let me also say 'thank you' to the following people, Kofi Nketia (Aguage) whats up bro, you are highly appreciated, Nana Yaa Ahenkora, Karen Awuku Boateng, Mame Esi Brew, I can't forget you, To you Reggie Rockstone, Mimi Divalish (BBA 3) Panji Anoff, Wanluv, Mensa, Mr Maxx, Okyeame Kwame, Obour, Aplus. Mframa, PY (Miprime Ent.), Miss Naa(Yfm), NOKUS(Yfm), Pope Skinny, Skillions, Brownberry and the Livewire crew, Mantse (ReddKat), Nanaquame Addai, Trigmatic, Eddie Blay, Kwaku T, D Black, Seton To all Ehalakasa poets, Sir Black, DK, Martin Egblewogbe, Nii Lante, Nana Nyarko, Obed, Phillip Oyinka, Nana Fredua, Achiebold, Yom, Jahwi, Crystal, Chief, Mamacita and all Ghanaian Poets. How can I forget you Mariska Taylor Darko, Billy Richardson, Ras Fawzi, Bibi Brew and the New Morning Crew, Paulina Oduro, Nana Awere Damoah, Kafui Dey The Big Akatakyie family especially the AX group Paa Appiah Menka, Agyabeng, Sly Jingles, Tony Bravo, Benedict Agyapong, Kwame Gyamfi, Ansu, All my fans, facebook friends, remembered and forgotten names I can not mention, love you all My biggest thank to the Almighty God for giving me life in the first place, and also for the talents. rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

INTRODUCTION “Having been a voracious reader from a tender age, I have seen the power that words have to change a person, a nation and the world. The bible, the Qur'an and other books have change people's perception of the universe, morality, good and evil, sometimes for good, sometimes for evil, but the undeniable fact is the words in those text contains power”.

It is not only in religious text that words hold power. You can recall for yourself the number of times you have been moved to tears by the quality of writing, the sentiments being expressed. Words are powerful and when well chosen have so great a force in them that the description often gives us more lively ideas than the sight of things themselves.

The is a project that entails the combination of words particularly rhymes (a repetition of identical or similar terminal sound in two or more different words) to reach, teach and preach to this generation about life in the aspect of arts, morality, politics, religion, societal issues, sports etc.”MY WORD” is the first part of this project. The reading of poetry provides pleasures of the highest sort: wisdom, joy, consolations of the heart, engagement of ideas, insight to the human condition, and above all, a connection to our shared humanity. Reading poetry will make you a better reader. If you write poetry, reading poetry will make you a better poet. This book is designed in a way to enhance the reading of poetry. I always ask this question: how much difference and impact can words stop indiscipline, stop poverty, corruption, HIV-AIDS, war etc. my conviction has always been yes: and so the beginning of this project. This book contains creative writings (porhymes..pronounced: poems) i.e., combination of poems and rhymes) which will inform, educate and entertain readers about this life and the vices associated with it. It also contains advices and measures to some of these vices.

“Poetry connects us with our deep roots, our evolution as an animal that evolved rhythmic language as a means of transmitting vital information across the generations. We need the comfort and stimulation that this vital part of us gets from the ancient art." -Robert Pinsky (Former Poet laureate)


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


CONTENTS CONTENTS · Introduction · Dedication



· Foreword · Introductory Poem (My Word (the string of rhymes) SECTION 1-SOCIETAL ISSUES 1.

The Teacher


World food day (Hunger)


Africa arise


Poetical Biography of “Osagyefo” Dr Kwame Nrumah


The plight of the orphan


Drug Abuse


Taxi driver (rhyming rules for Drivers)




Ama Korkor (Mother’s Day Special)


Hear My Cry

11. Tribalism 12.

Payola (policy of gift)




My life as a student


Campus life






Painful experience


A new day


Who Are They ?pt 1


Valentine’s Day

10. BMW 11. A new day 12. Who Are They ?pt 2 rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


Letter of prayer


The sermon


My testimony




Exalt him


Psalm 23




Prayer Of Restoration


Grace (Stigmatization)




True Story


The landlord




What is love




God bless Ghana


To you Citizens



My Word: The String Of Rhymes


Poetry has taken a positive turn in this beautiful West African country called Ghana. As it steadily climbs, poets who are capable of bringing about a positive change with simple but yet powerful words are needed to fuel this course so it attains its deserved heights.

It has been poetry since I met Bedwei Kwaku Sonny, popularly known Rhymesonny in 2007 and I see the depth of his love for poetry in every poem he writes, and the passion in his performances. He has improved over the years and his several invitations to shows and other TV and Radio interviews will attest to this.

This maiden book of his, My Word: the string of rhymes is definitely a-must-read and I will prescribe this book to anyone who loves poetry. I always get baffled with his rhyme schemes which is so present in this book. How he rhymes always plays a rhythm in my head and that will definitely make you enjoy reading this collection of poems. The content in My Word is timeless, and talks about things that are so common in our daily lives. He talks about love, religion, and even science and I assure readers that they will enjoy how Kwaku Sonny interlaces simple words with each other and the rhymes that will speak in every single poem.

This collection of poems is undiluted and original and it is coming from one of Ghana's finest who is making Ghana soar when it comes to poetry. I can bet on that. As pages are turned, nostalgic feelings will be tickled, smiles will lay bare on faces, and hearts will even be warmed. The author employs the use of some indigenous African proverbs in his poems and that reminds readers of their roots and rich culture as a whole.

I believe that you will enjoy this book of poetry from Bedwei Kwaku Sonny. Each poem has its own unique and separate message. There are no redundancies, so each new poem you turn to, urge you to go to the next. Recommend this book to friends, both old and young and anytime you read a particular poem again, a new meaning is derived. Enjoy My Word: The String of Rhymes and remember that you are a part of history as you turn the pages. PERCY NANA OSEI APPIAH (MUTOMBO DA POET)



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

INTRODUCTORY POEMS My Word Nothing in this world can take the place of persistence Nothing can derail my poetical existence There is hardly anybody good for everything And there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing Everybody has got one thing, that is the zeal to do anything This always makes that thing, something A really great talent finds its happiness in execution You as in you is the only motivation Don't expect to build up the weak by pulling down the strong This talent has been with me for far too long Since I was young So If I give you this gift, I am right because God corrected the wrong He has placed me where I truly belong He touched my tongue To sing this song He again touched my hand to write this book And I have to obey him by hook or crook So I have to burn the fire day and night in order to cook this book This book is going to eliminate boredom And bring to our society total freedom It will show the world the responsibility of a poet when he/she reaches stardom And his/her versatility when he/she is on a stage or platform to perform This book is going to inform It is going to shape and transform Our society which has been deformed By all sort negative norms This book is a bomb It is a thunderstorm The hand of God that withered the storm It comes in no particular form It is just poetic And I know you all will like it rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

INTRODUCTORY POEMS How It All Started One day, I heard a voice clearly in my ears Saying Sonny, wipe away your tears Rise above your peers And do away with your fears I will add more years to your years And your name will go farther than the Picassos and the Shakespeares I will take you to the promise land I will bless the works of your hand And make them grand Your name will be a brand That will go beyond your homeland I will give you the power to command And it shall stand People will not understand Bring before thee your wrong' I will correct them and make you strong I will place you, where you truly belong I will touch your tongue And you will sing a song A song that will revitalize, sensitize and energize The youth that they are living for a prize A song that will change the thoughts of fools and make them wise I said to myself hmm, these are lies The voice said again, my son, if you are troubled, Where do you look up to, I said the skies Then my son, be wise, arise and open your eyes I have sown in you a seed That will bear fruit and on it, million will feed Multitudes that is what you will lead You will provide them their need' Just be confident and you will succeed I received it, I accepted it, I agreed rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes





My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES The Teacher Our progress as a nation Can be no swifter than our progress in education Teaching is the profession that teaches all the other professions A master can tell you what he expects of you. But a teacher awakens your own expectations Education is a right not a privilege A teacher's purpose is not to create students in his own image But to develop students who can create their own image Let's take advantage of our teachers and acquire more knowledge So we can open our own page And write our own passage This will give us the courage To cross any bridge Let's stop building prisons and build more schools and colleges We should build in the cities and the villages We should be prepare to build for all ages And also expand the facilities at all stages A good teacher is like a candle: it consumes itself to light the way for others You can recall for yourself what a teacher has done for you, my sisters and brothers Lack of knowledge will make you perish Lack of knowledge will also make you Impoverish Don't be a fool Go to school You can make one plus one, three instead of two And you will start believing in you Education is the only thing that can give you liberty It is also the main source of true security The human mind is our fundamental resource “Bitter are the roots of study, but how sweet their fruit.” “Teach the children so that it will not be necessary to teach the adults.”



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Hunger When someone is hungry He or she becomes angry But when he or she gets food from the kitchen or the pantry He or she tends to forget about his/her misery

Thousands of families go to sleep hungry every night We have forgotten that food is energy, food is light The right to food is a universal right and indeed a birthright And not just food but balance diet

Hungry people has typically been view as an object of sympathy And we look at them through the lens of charity Among the causes of hunger include conflicts, HIV-AIDS and poverty We should create peaceful, stable free and prosperous environment in which people can feed themselves in dignity

It is a pity The way beggars and hungry people are living in the city Government and civil societies should be one and have a common vision Our vision should be a world without hunger and malnutrition

A world in which people can be assured having the food they need to be healthy and well-nourished A world in which children can grow, learn and flourish A world in which everyone will cherish If this mission can be accomplished Then you will agreed with me that we should not be selfish



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Arise Africa Marcus Garvey said “There is nothing in this world common to man that man cannot do What others have done, we can do”. And Mensa Otabil also said “The more we know the more we do, but God doesn't need to know before he does” He already has all knowledge Yes and God created us in his own image And gave us his word from heaven When you read the book of proverbs chapter one verse seven The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom Africa is also part of God's kingdom So we also have some knowledge Truly knowledge can be acquired in the college But some people have been through universities like Lincoln and Cambridge Yet they could not cross the bridge Others don't have this privilege But they have their self image Knowledge has nothing to do with age Africa this is the time for us to open a fresh page And write our own passage In the passage We should put in a message A message the will urge us to prepare Because preparedness is the watchword for this age Every race has something to its advantage Let them paint us black from the farthest range We are already blacks so this shouldn't cause a change We shouldn't be discourage We should rather gather courage And forge ahead rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


God has given everyone head To think, he also gave us his word And he said If we have faith we can move mountains and even raise the dead We should classify ourselves as first and the best And forget about others classifying us as third and worst Anytime I preached to any multitude Especially Africans, I say let us express our gratitude To God and change our attitude And I know we can reach a higher altitude Africa arise, Africa arise Be wise, Know your true allies Let us not kowtow to their lies They come in sheep skin but they are wolves in disguise They sing sweet melodies into our ears but we don't know what it implies They dance to the tune of our cries The ideas and advices of our forefathers should not be despised But rather be revised Let us look up to the skies If we look up to them, we will be demoralized and disorganized Because the plans and policies they have devised Is to make our economies destabilize Look at the way our flaws are being advertise, Is it nice? When we take clockwise They chase us with bad policies in the anti-clockwise I will advice That we should be precise and prioritize Else, if our people see their place as paradise I wouldn't be surprise Africa should revitalize We should embark on a self-image building exercise Otherwise ... rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Poetical BIiography Of “OSAGYEFO� DR.KWAME NKRUMAH Oh wonderful Born in Nkroful In the Gold coast What a clean ball in our goal post Educated at Achimota School and Lincoln University A man of great integrity An educationist and a great philosopher A man who is always willing to suffer, willing to offer Himself for the people This made him earn for himself so many disciples He encountered the ideas of Marcus Garvey And became more innovative like William Harvey He was awarded honorary doctorates by so many universities He met the Queen George Padmore and Martin Luther King And so many other personalities He returned to Ghana in 1947 With a vision of making Ghana second to heaven He joined the UGCC as a secretary And was part of the Big 6 Who were then in a terrible fix This man has made a tremendous impact on our history He despise autocracy Believed in democracy Hated bureaucracy And he never exhibited hypocrisy In 1948, some ex-servicemen protested Sergeant Adjetey, Corporal Attipoe and Private Odartey were shot dead The blame came upon Nkrumah's head So he was arrested rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


After his release He disagreed with the British policy Concerning the containment of swollen shoot disease He appealed for women at a time when women's suffrage was new to western democracy He formed the CPP in 1949 Making moves for the British government to resign British called for the drafting of a new constitution To be drawn by a selected commission Nkrumah proposed a universal franchise without property qualification The amendments was rejected by the colonial administration This rejection Led to Nkrumah's call for positive action For this reason He was arrested and sentenced to three years in prison for treason The British organized the first General elections to be held in Africa Though in jail, Nkrumah conquered He won the election by a landslide 90% of the people were on his side He was appointed the Ghana's first Prime Minister The affairs of the nation were giving to him to administer The motto of his party was Self Government Now Wow, now one will ask how At 12 am, March 6.1957 Sad, the British have to be leaving In his own wisdom Ghana attained political freedom He was given the name “Osagyefo “ The antivirus that captures jeefo These were his words and I quote "At long last The battle has ended And Ghana, your beloved country is free forever” rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


SOCIETAL ISSUES The Plight Of The Orphan Another day of mourning has began The plight of the orphan I always ask myself these questions... How can I cope with the suffering in the urban Whom should I put my hope, the Christian, the Muslim or the pagan Who is the architect of my suffering, is it God or Satan Man, Woman Your children are not the only ones you brought forth And should not be the only ones you fight for Your children are the ones your wisdom can preach They are the ones your knowledge can teach And the ones your resources can reach I don't think you want to see us selling on the streets and fishing at the beach All we ask for is a pinch of your salt And an inch of your mile Put a smile On a face Create a space For one orphan at your place And I know by his grace You shall be raised We have walked a long distance Just to have a chance To change our circumstance For instance If you could do the tune, we will dance And the scale will balance We've been accused, refused and misused We have no opinions, we have no views Now child abuse is no news We are confused rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES ...The Plight Of The Orphan

Our ideas are of no use We all have pain and sorrow But our pain is like a bow and arrow Piercing through our bone and marrow We are your shadow Your footsteps is what we follow Nobody knows tomorrow So when we cry, you cry along with us And when we smile, you smile along with us Please fuel our bus For us to reach our destination Search your emotions Show compassion Help an orphan and bless your nation One generations plants the tree, another gets the shade This wasn't how we were made Death, poverty, distortion, abortion, racism, tribalism, terrorism, Homicide, Genocide, slavery, robbery, HIV-AIDS Just to mention but a few has made it so So please understand Revise your plan Stretch your hand And help the poor orphan



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Drug Abuse Drugs like Marijuana, heroin and cocaine Can destroy your brain Because of the substances they contain So refrain and abstain It cause me so much pain To see people who have been trained By the country to maintain, retain and sustain Our economy are dealing in cocaine Can someone please explain This is not what Ghana bargained It grieves me more to see our leaders and businessmen who conspire To Import drugs that have expired At the detriment of other people’s life for their own selfish desires Who do they intend to inspire To me, this is dire We have to relocate and locate to a better location We have to generate and regenerate our generation We have dissociate and associate ourselves to a good association Nobody has been able to trace The source of this menace Drug abuse is something we must not embrace It is covering our space at a fast pace And it is a disgrace People take drugs for pleasure Others take them to overcome the pressure But for most young ones it is through curiosity and peer-pressure All I want to tell you is that keep your composure and limit your exposure Don't become a problem for the community Don't become a burden on society Keep your integrity and preserve your dignity Don't let the illicit use of drugs be your habit Else you will become a drug addict Please! Please!! Please!!! QUIT rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Rhyming Rules (The Taxi Driver) I drive a taxi People call me by the sound 'sssss' I carry all kinds of passengers Both town dwellers and strangers I go up and down and In and around town I need to register, pay my tax before I can operate If I really want to meet my target, then my rate should be moderate I work hard to get my sales, fill my tank Eat something and save some in the bank I provide an essential service So people now respect my office Many times, I have to tolerate insults and embarrassments And also, police harassments This business is a duel We battle with high cost of spare parts and fuel In this business, I am a don I wake up at dawn Work till 12 mid day Then take my car to the washing bay I hate being caught up in traffic Working on a rough road And carrying a heavy load These make me sick I always keep my vehicle in good condition I pay particular attention To my brakes, tires, lights and indicators for direction I make sure I am comfortable in my seating position before I turn on my ignition I am always attentive when my vehicle is in motion I obey any lane indication Especially when I am approaching a junction I don't park my vehicle contrary to a waiting restriction rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES ...Rhyming Rules (The Taxi Driver)

I don't park on the road to cause unnecessary obstruction Generally, I avoid wrong parking and wrong overtaking I always revise my lessons on road signs and road markings I hate driving and talking Driving and smoking Driving and drinking Listen up fellow drivers, please make allowances for your physical limitations Avoid distractions Beware of intersections Avoid changing lanes in intersections Open up for questions Open up for police inspections Be current, be informed If you are not, be transformed Know the laws and reforms Know the norms and conform Most of the accidents on our roads are as a result of negligence, Over confidence And lack of driving experience Learn how to write and read Know your speed limits and don't exceed Don't over speed I know of a driver called Rashid He was so much motivated by greed So you will see him on the road always at top speed His words were I have a wife and child to feed He always argued and never agreed He went on a trip and could not succeed Leaving his wife Fatima and son Waleed You can imagine how I felt Rashid never like the use of seat belt Please your country and family needs you alive Be revived and be careful of the way you drive Be strong, survive, thrive and arrive When you see a speed limit of fifty, reduce yours by twenty five And stay alive rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES AIDS If you don't share Then you don't care True love these days are rare And living without love and care Is also hard to bear So be fast as the hare Watch out what you wear and beware Because if you dare You won't be spared Aids is very much alive Get revived Dive into the pool of life Strive hard to survive Don't stab yourself with your own knife Work like the bees in the hive Stop AIDS, love life Brothers be careful, Sisters be faithful We all should be truthful It doesn't pay to be sinful To be successful One must be forceful and resourceful For anything to be fruitful It must be purposeful A word to the wise is enough Words in the heart come out through the mouth Life is tough but you don't have to be rough Because a big disease can start with just a cough Because one mistake And your life is at stake The national cake Has already been baked Let us not fake On how to break Else we cannot take Please I am on my knees I know with ease We could all help make the disease cease rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Ama Korkor (Mother’s Day Special) All I am today, I owe to my mother What I get in future, she deserves more than any other She did not kill me in the womb So, I will adore her till I am laid in the tomb Whenever there is darkness in my room Mama will struck a match to dispel the gloom Every day, she kisses me on my forehead and wishes me well Anytime she prays, she says, Lord any evil hands on my son's life let him quell Whatever he wants to be let him excel As an egg, my mother is my shell The positive end of my cell The best item I could ever sell With her in mind, I have a great story to tell As the kangaroos carry their babies in their pouch so is my mother Anytime I go wrong she will never hesitate to give me a reproach She will then show me the right approach And tell me never to encroach She is my teacher, my counselor, and my coach She bought me a football, and showed me how to strike She bought me volleyball and showed me how to spike She knows the things I like and things I dislike Mama got me a bike To keep me busy and stop me from getting into mischief To her, I am a chief My tears always soaked her hand kerchief So it cause her so much grief When I decide to make this story brief Anytime I enter any kitchen, I remember mama's jollof rice and beef The beauty of her love is not in her kaba, slit or blouse The beauty of her love is the way she keeps her house My daddy is really a lucky spouse In my sky, she is my clouds So anytime I go to the internet cafÊ to browse As I click the mouse To google about mother love All the results I get from points to the fact that their love comes from above They are the greatest assets, any man could ever have rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Hear My Cry Attention! Attention!! I have something to mention So please give me permission To talk to the nation Child prostitution is an abomination I am a child; I have a right of protection A right of good health and good education To be out on the streets wasn't my intention I want to be in school to learn addition and subtraction But my parents are dead, I have no accommodation I have nothing to call my own possession If you are listening to me please show compassion Come release me from this condition with no hesitation I came to this world with a great vision Teaching was dream profession But now my mind is in a state of confusion Many thanks to the NGOs for showing some dedication Other big thanks also to the people of this nation But this is not enough Life is becoming tough The road is really rough Most of the days of my life I have never laughed I can see some children playing video games and eating jollof I don't think this is my destiny Today is rainy, tomorrow will be sunny I believe I will also be eating honey But without your help it will be an unending journey Because children out there on the streets are many Please try, don't let my tears run dry Hear my cry‌ rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES Tribalism I have to bring out my heroism To tackle this serious issue, I am full of optimism That with massive criticism We can eliminate this act of barbarism It is killing our industries, especially trade and tourism It is taking away our spirit of Patriotism From the length and breadth of this great country Ghana People have exhibited this bad mannerism I am talking about Tribalism All of us know what is going on, no need describe You are not from my party; you are not from my tribe This is the talk, either you park off or you pay bribe We are one people; this is what we have to imbibe You can play with dogs but beware of rabies The finest investment for a country is putting milk into babies Look gentlemen, listen ladies Tell them all, men of different ages Traditional leaders and the clergies The presidency, parliament and the security agencies Especially the military and the police Tribal wars are on the increase Anytime I go on my knees And pray to God, I say God please We want peace, we need peace Touch your people and let them understand That peace is much more precious than a piece of land A house divided against itself cannot stand rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

SOCIETAL ISSUES PAYOLA (Policy of Gift) Musicians are crying in their graves especially Bro. Phillip and the legendary Fela It's been criticized by living legends like Agya Koo Nimo, Reggie Rockstone and Hugh Masekela Who do you want to listen before you stop, Mensa Otabil, or Nelson Mandela I am talking about PAYOLA The music industry's biggest Wahala When problems falls like rain, remember music is the umbrella And when you need energy music could be solar Payola is killing music industries in Ghana, Nigeria, Togo, and Angola So Kwame, KSK, KOD. KSM, KKD and BOLA Tell your colleagues in the radio and TV industry That when you take money before you play a sound, it is bribery And when you take "gifts" after playing that sound, you are putting talents into slavery And this activity could eventually take musicians to the cemetery This is my discovery In reality Payola is causing a breakdown in morality It is undermining greater works of creativity It is promoting profanity and sexual promiscuity This is fatality So DJs, presenters who engage themselves in this activity I must say leave doubts at the back of our mind about your credibility as a celebrity It lives marks on your integrity And scars on your dignity Payola is a canker eating into our society So when it enters your locality, vicinity or community Reject it with alacrity Payola is taking our music industry back to captivity And it makes musicians feel like they are some kind of nonentity The media entity has gain notoriety for this activity I plead to you in authority To help us eliminate this canker from our music industry rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes





My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Life Every man's life is a fairy tale written by God's fingers On this earth, you and I are just strangers This earth is not flat, it is round We were not put here to play around So Live your life each day as you would climb mountains Not flowing up and down like fountains It is not how long you live, but how you live Age doesn't matter unless you are cheese It is not how much you give, but how you give Money is not everything, so please Pray to God and say God give me hills to climb, and strength for climbing Say to your Lord today Lord, give me pills to swallow, and strength for swallowing No one can leap from earth to heaven But you and I can move from zero to eleven Only if you believe You will achieve And when you give You shall receive So with every rising of the sun Think of your life as just begun Think of love not hatred Think my brother think; he that tilleth his land shall have plenty of bread And if you have plenty of bread, share with others Because man shall not live by bread alone Be Joseph, be a dreamer, forgive the wrongs of your brothers Be inspired by Ryan Shupe's song on that phone When you dream, dream big as the ocean When you dream it might come true For me, dream big as the earth You might get some portion to rule Life is the childhood of our immortality Life is a long lesson in humility rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE My Life As a Student As a child, I always felt good Because there was always food on the wood I was the second successful product from my mother's womanhood And so loved by almost everybody in the neighborhood Two years down the lane since I came from the womb I have already started using comb My mother use to dress me in a way which was fancy So I found myself on every arms and laps especially Sister Nancy At 3, I have already passed the stage of crawling Though walking tall, I kept falling At 4, I started Kindergarten My best friend in school was Martin Martin and I were both in section blue We were taught to be true and not to play the fool You will always find us on the school field playing “Chaskele” Our pocket money was always budgeted for “abele” Though very clever, I knew it would not be the same forever So my motto was forward ever, Backwards never I always thought about the future And this made me always want to listen to my teacher One day, I told my teacher about my future career That I want to be an engineer But most importantly I should settle my school fees arrears In the school, I was among the pioneers And also part of the group of volunteers For my male friends, I learn to teach them and not to cheat them And for the girls, I learn to chat with them and not touch them High school was a different story rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE ...My Life As a Student

Even when you mention his name to his glory One will ask why worry When all your needs are been provided Making you swollen headed Inter-schools and colleges activities To me was like having a chunk of product from McVities And I love those festivities I proceeded to University of Ghana, Legon When I first logged on I knew I have to be strong, hold on and move on I met John and Yvonne They were the only ones I could rely upon Earlier on, I have messed up with friends like Joe, aka Akon First year was rough Second year was tough Third year, I have to combine studies with making money and other stuff But when you hear from any mouth That university education is easy Believe me it is a bluff Ask my good friend Suzzy And she will tell you, it is not easy but a bit cheesy Final year, I have to forget about the class And just focus on pass Maxi, Selase, Ray, Kolla, miss you guys Cindy, Tracy, Yaa, Priscy, I miss your hi's Thanks for wishing me well I will also not disappoint you, I will strive and excel Truly, life after school is a different ball game But I promise to fight for the fame, The riches and good name rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Campus Life Cynics criticize And winners analyze But I realized That is not civilize To criticize Someone who has been hypnotized To organize a prize of this size But I sympathize with them who want to Temporize our dreams I recognized That they want to vandalize and jeopardize What our ancestors have immortalized. So let's conceptualized The way we syncretize Else our campuses will once again be colonize By immortality, indiscipline, duplicity Perversity, proclivity, mediocrity Profanity, apathy, and sexual promiscuity Democracy, you know I have paid my dues So please give me an excuse to express my views Sex abuse, drug abuse must reduce Examination malpractice all over the news Vandalism, hooliganism, alcoholism Racism, tribalism, occultism Radicalism, favoritism and pessimism Is taking over Let's take cover And roll them over And I know we are going to discover Where we want to be. rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Civilization If you conceive To live with grieve You shall be deceived So get relieved Whatever you want to achieve It is God who gives Just be positive And believe And you shall receive Know that the devil is evil And will always destroy your grains like the weevil So be civil Move up your level And you shall overcome the heat It is not anybody you meet On the street That you greet Don't dance to any kind of beat Don't sit on any kind of seat Don't cheat Know the kind of meat you eat Know the difference between rice and wheat Be neat If you can't fight them, please retreat Because there is no sweet defeat If you want to compete Then try to complete Because hard work and success coexist Whatever you resist, persist And if you insist There will be a twist rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE ...Civilization

In everything, know the gist And what it consist Before you add it to your list To exist You must subsist A shoe is to feet as a watch is to wrist So know your height Stand upright Clear your sight Do what is right Make your corner bright Hold on tight, Don't fight It is neither your power nor your might It is he who created darkness and light And made day comes after night He knows your plight And will always give you something to bite Even before twilight



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Work God gives the birds their food But he does not throw it into their nests God created the wood, But man converts it into tables, chairs, books and the rest

Man should approach any work he/she is engaged in with boundless zest Everybody has his or her own interest But you do what you have in your hands first And you analyze carefully the job coming next

Work comes before success The only place where success comes before work is a dictionary If you want to achieve success Work harder, I'm speaking to every Tom, Dick and Harry

The vocation of every man and woman is to serve other people. And the only way one can receive God's blessing is to be humble Work harder, trust in the Lord, study the bible And God will make your enemies your foot stool and they will crumble

They cannot look at you twice, they will stumble You will be greater, far from approachable There is hardly anybody good for everything And there is scarcely anybody who is absolutely good for nothing

You are part of the math So you should know the path Take your steps carefully, calculate your pace If you find yourself between a rock and a hard place rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


Pray for guidance, ask for his grace Be honest; be plain as the nose on your face Don't take your problems to the workplace Smile at every face

Find a place for everything and put everything in its proper place Don't rush, don't rat race The trouble with being in the rat race is that even if you win, you're still a rat Don't engage yourself in idle chitchat

Be smart, be quick as the cat Be a democrat Not an autocrat

Idle hands are the devil's workshop If you want to get to the top Then all the negative attitude towards your job should be stop Else you will flop



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Painful Experience I have been through pain Very strong pain That my heart could not even contain It affected my brain My senses, the blood that runs through my vein I went mad, I went insane Every night my tears drops down like the rain My friends complained Because they did not know my constrain What was happening to me words could not explain My life was been crushed down by a hurricane Weevils destroyed my grain I toiled for years in vain My hard earn money was just going down the drain They say the sun always shines after the rain And no pain, no gain But after going through all these painful experiences What have I gain Lord, if you can hear me, give me the strength to break the chain And fight my battles all over again They cannot take away my title, I need to retain Oh! they have taken it, I need to regain I don't want to be the Abel who killed Cain I don't want to do sakawa or cocaine That wasn't how I was trained Lies, crime, drugs I have been asked to refrain and abstain I want to be the Obama who defeated McCain I want to write poetry to educate, inform and entertain And when the thrown comes to me, I will reign again rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE The Hustler Using the right goggle And watching from the right angle You will see that in the jungle The old and young mingle But it's only the strongest that survive the struggle The weakest always get themselves entangled They love to play, they love to dangle But at the end thy get strangled And need to be wiggled By a hustler So I will hustle Everyday I will hustle Life in Accra is tricky like playing the cards I hustle so hard My friends tell me sonny you hustle so hard When they say that I get mad I tell them look I don't want children to be sad And feel bad About their dad I want them to be glad And feel proud about their dad So till the last drop of my blood I will hustle Everyday I will hustle I will go through the hustle and tussle The bustle and jostle And will wrestle Hard with my muscle Just to build my children a castle I will travel To unravel The chains of poverty So at the end of the day, I will not chew gravels rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE ...The Hustler

I will hustle Everyday I will hustle /2x I always say Accra, Ghana was a lovely place to stay But now things have slipped away School fees, bills, man can't even pay I decided to do stoway Plans have gone far underway People advice against, I disobey It was 2nd May, and a holiday MV protĂŠgĂŠ Heading towards Norway from Bombay When I got to Norway I fought my way Down to the UK But now I want to hustle my way to the USA I will love to stay in LA When I get to LA I will hustle Everyday I will hustle /2x Now, you know That in my dictionary there's no word like no I will go and score the goal And this will show That you reap what you sow You cannot cultivate yam and reap maize Hard work pays So don't be amazed When you see me like this, just give God praise. rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE A New Day The cock will soon crow Which direction will the wind blow Will it be a direction worthy to follow Honestly, I don't know May be I should ask this fellow Who has wore himself to a shadow He says tomorrow will take care of tomorrow What about that poor widow Who is full of sorrow Whose self esteem and confidence is very low And all the time she has to borrow Before she gets something to swallow How fair or unfair is life when you reap what you did not sow When you reap a good thing, no complain If it is a bad thing, pain It might even affect your brain And make you go insane Will there ever be a period without stress and strain Will there ever be a day when the desert will have rain Who can explain Why we keep losing in our own domain Why our efforts keeps getting vain Our resources going down the drain May be we are in a bad terrain And there is something we are doing that we must refrain Or we should go back to the drawing board and bargain again It seems our lost glory is now almost impossible to obtain But as far as our lord God still reign We shall break the poverty chain And celebrate by popping bottles of champagne rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Who Are They? pt 1 They raised you up today; tomorrow they try to bring you down They smile at your face, behind you they frown They pushed you up to the throne and later want to take away your crown They see your white as brown

They eat and drink with you They look and blink with you They learn and think with you But they are not with you

They came to help you get fame And will turn around to proclaim your name In a way to get you out of the game They know no shame They will never take blame Integrity destruction is their aim

They work their way to your heart And then tear you apart They have finish but will discourage you not to start They are good in art more than Mozart

They are horror Their acts are terror They take delight in your mistakes and error They join your army With the aim of destroying your economy Who are they? They are your enemy rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Valentine’s Day The absence of your love have made me ill And I will climb the highest hill Just to claim your love pill I will still declare my love for you even if I am to be killed I will pay all your bills All my promises will be fulfilled If your love is a land, I will be the first to till You will be the sole beneficiary of my will The first time I saw you, I was like a chicken that was about to be grilled I was like a corn that has been milled Please don't let me fail Let me be hail I know if I am about to be put to jail You will be there on time to execute my bail As the bible declares, let us be the head and not the tail Be the hammer, I will be the nail Hit me till I begin to wail Phone, text, fax or email Come and be the queen of my kingdom You will never experience sorrow, pain or boredom You will have total freedom To love you will be my first norm I cherish you more than my mum I will declare my love for you on any platform I will stand by your side Under your love that is where I will hide All your needs I promise to provide I have already decided That you will be my bride And I, be your groom So we can share one room And use one broom rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE ...Valentine’s Day

Your love is my delight In darkness you are my light I will call you snow white Ever since you came into my life, my world has forever remained bright This is a perfect example of love at first sight Truly, you are Miss Right I will give you affection and protection With me, you will never experience rejection or dejection I will build you a mansion So no man can trouble you with ejection Even if the road becomes rough and tough I will make sure there is something in your mouth When you are unhappy, I will make you laugh My love for you will always be on and never go off This 14th day of February I will be in your sanctuary And find meanings in your dictionary You coming into my life, to me was a mystery And I said to myself, this is victory I wrote it in my diary For generations to come and read it as history There is a wide bridge in my heart between your love and my hate My love is growing at a faster rate I can't even concentrate I can't wait To have a date With you my soul mate Now let me throw this debate It is seven, will I die for you at eight Yes, I won't hesitate to speak for this motion You have touched my emotions You smeared by body with your lotion And I felt like in the middle of the Indian Ocean Now I have found solution to my New Year Resolution rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE BMW As I had you I said to myself this is a good catch You were born beautifully like the incubator making a hatch This relationship to me is more than playing in the world cup final match I don't need to scratch a match Because your face, your eyes and your teeth brights like the torch And it is a delight to watch Oh lovely we were both born in the month of March We are a perfect match Just like the linen fabric and starch I am prepared to go through the hustle and tussle The bustle and jostle And will wrestle Hard with my muscle Just to build you a castle You are humble You talk clearly and do not mumble You are nervousness and do not fumble What a lady I have rumble Whoever comes between us shall stumble and crumble I will give you a ring That signifies that you are my every thing If I write a song, I know you will sing And if I play the string You will do the swing You are my darling And to you I will always cling Now I am in haste I have no time to waste I just want to have a taste Of your love paste Please, follow your heart Let me restart Let me make you my sweetheart Let me come and rule your heart rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes


I wish I have wings to fly like a dove To come and show you my love You are everything I have When it comes to starvation to get your love, I will starve I will not try to walk before I crawl I want you to be my one in all I want to be at your beck and call And I will be there for you whenever you call I will never let you fall You are my living doll And I will not let you beat your head against a stone wall In every man's life a rain must fall Be the storm in my life Be the stainless steel of my knife



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE Who Are They? pt 2 Shirt, Skirt, Belt, Corset, Bracelet They love things in set Drawing board and math set Handset and headset Their names; , Janet, Annette Margaret, Georgette, Elizabeth Antoinette, Harriet, Yvette Paulette, Bridget, Juliet They easily got upset Some of them doesn't respect They get hurt Especially when their men flirt Their handbag is their biggest assert They will always forgive but will never forget They love the bucket They love the basket They love the blanket They love the kitchen cabinet They love the market Their colours, pink, yellow, white and violet They are always in debt When they are with you, you will always exceed your budget And when you allow them to go, one way or the other you will regret When you give them a cell phone, they will always ask for a headset When you give them a video deck, they will ask for a video cassette When you give them an HP laptop, they will again ask for a HP LaserJet And if you are not lucky, you will add a modem for internet rhymesonny


My Word: The String Of Rhymes

ABOUT LIFE ...Who Are They

They will melt, when you tell them they are the reason why the sun set They have never seen you drive a car But believe me they will believe you when you tell them you have a jet They will still believe you when tell them the jet is in your pocket In the army cadet, they are the beret In clothing, they are the jacket In mathematics, they are the subset In fishing, they are the net In this computer age, they are the diskette In accounting, they are bad debt In packaging, they are the sachet In science, they are the pipette In carpentry, they are the mallet Their own species are always a threat But the best thing they love is men with fat wallet They are yet to hit our target Who are they?



My Word: The String Of Rhymes

MY FAITH Letter Of Prayer




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MY FAITH Letter Of Prayer You are my rock and my fortress I will come to your presence with humbleness I believe you will never leave me comfortless You will not leave me in the wilderness I will live Godly and deny ungodliness I will always be in the gospel business That is where I will achieve success Cleanliness they say is next to Godliness I pray for forgiveness Deliver me from all unrighteousness Deliver me from blood guiltiness Nevertheless leave me not in the darkness Keep me under your wings; cover me with your feathers And I shall give thanks at the remembrance of thy holiness Guide me with your hands of skillfulness Show me your marvelous loving kindness Incline my heart unto to thy testimonies and not to covetousness My God has covered me with robe of righteousness Therefore all that shall follow me is mercies and goodness I will worship the Lord in the beauty of thy holiness I will praise his name for his goodness To my people, I pray for deliverance from laziness Deliver them from every sickness including madness I will never be down with depress and stress For the Lord heareth the poor and despise not his prisoners He has cleanse me and I'm clean from all filthiness And his eyes are fixed on the helpless So as for me, I will see his face in righteousness And he will make me greater in his gentleness A judge of the widow and a father of the fatherless A God that can deliver us out of our distress This is my letter of prayer answer me in your faithfulness And in your righteousness AMEN rhymesonny

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MY FAITH The Sermon 1Timothy 1:15 This is a fruitful saying and worthy of acceptation That Christ came into this world because if our salvation He was wounded for our transgression For our sins, he is the propitiation Because of us, he suffered the crucifixion Three days after he rose, amazing resurrection Now we are under his protection This calls for celebration and jubilation The lord is gracious and full of compassion He will abundantly bless your provision He will accept your confession Blessed is a man that endureth temptation For this is the will of God that even your sanctification That ye should abstain from fornication Continue with accord in prayer and supplication And you will not see corruption His kindness is unto all generation He gives promotion The righteous have everlasting foundation So take your position Possess your possession Poverty, disgrace and sickness are not your portion But be careful of your actions Because pride goes before destruction Be righteous because righteousness exhorts a nation Very soon we shall experience the great tribulation Ask yourself, where you will be, resurrection of life or resurrection of damnation From Genesis, through Lamentation down to Revelation I have come to the conclusion rhymesonny

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MY FAITH The Salvation My brethren in Christ Please arise The second coming of the Lord will be a surprise The day will be even colder than ice You will see for your eyes That I am not telling lies The heavenly Kingdom will take over the earth, the Lord the president, Jesus his vice They will judge everybody according his deeds, no matter you did arts or science No matter you are a fool or you are wise Each and everybody will pay a big price You cannot blame the Lord for he has been very nice He release his only begotten son, Jesus Christ That whoever believed in him will not perish Yet you and I did not cherish You worshiped the fetish Now you have been punish and banish You don't have anything to eat, not even a fish You feel stupid and foolish That wasn't your wish But it is never too late, turn from sin and get yourself establish And see your stock replenish Your dreams accomplish And a new chapter in your life republish So when you appear, they shall vanish Because he made you in his own image therefore your image can never be tarnish You will flourish and relish All your foes shall be vanquish But don't sluggish, Don't relinquish The Jericho walls in your life shall be demolish Because whatever the Lord has started with you, he will definitely finish rhymesonny

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MY FAITH My Testimony Sometime ago I was wondering How to get my daily bread, I was struggling My heart was trembling I was suffering I was drinking, lying, backbiting people, killing and quarrelling I realize my whole life was falling and crumbling I needed someone who is loving and caring Who can do all my supplying In a moment, listen, my eye was twinkling and focusing on the most high God So I went on my knees and started praying Lord, take my soul I need your healing Now my days have started multiplying My path is just as the light shining My life is blinking and sparkling There is a new song in my mouth which I will be singing And as I sing, I will do the jiggy jiggling dancing I have hope in the Lord my heart is not troubling My cup is overflowing, it is amazing I will pray morning, afternoon and evening And as I pray, I say Lord show me the way And I will obey Grant me peace especially today You are with me, I will not be dismay Because you will make a way where there seems to no way Before I was afflicted I went astray But now I have kept thy word and I am in your presence to stay You brought me up out of a horrible pit, out of the miry clay You cleansed me, clothed me and served me on a tray Blessed be the Lord for not given us as prey For their teeth, for your thanks, I can't invite you for a buffet I can't present to you a bouquet If you name a prize, honestly I can't pay All I say is glory be to your name for not casting me away rhymesonny

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MY FAITH Me Your hands made me And formed me Gave me Understanding to learn your commands May those who fear you rejoice when they see me Let not the arrogant oppress me Let not sin rule over me I call out to you, lord save me Look upon my suffering and deliver me The wicked is waiting to destroy me They have set a snare for me Defend my cause and redeem me Have mercy on me The words from your mouth make me wiser than my enemies For they are always with me May your unfailing love come to me You've been my God, be not far from me For trouble is near, no one to help me Many bulls have surrounded me Strong bulls from Bashan have encircled me With their mouths, they gape at me My heart is like a wax, it has melted within me For dogs have surrounded me The congregation of the wicked has enclosed me Oh my strength, hasten to help me I will say the lord is with me I will not be afraid, what can man do to me I called on the lord in my distress and he answers me He is my rock and my fortress, he strengthens me The father of the fatherless, he comforts me The defender of the defenseless, he defends me rhymesonny

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MY FAITH Surrenderation Every day we use to communicate But now I don't even meditate All I do is to lie and fornicate Lord that was not how we use to relate Our relationship was very great I could not wait I forgot that good things come to those who wait The devil use material things as a bait The enemy caught me at the gate I was full of love, but now my heart is full of hate I can't even concentrate On my faith All I do is to comb round the estate Looking for girls to date Don't even care whether you are a banana seller or a graduate Whether you are indigene or an expatriate Tell me all the bullshit in the world, I will accommodate Throw all the insults at me I will tolerate Tell me you want to think about my proposal for years, I will wait Tell me to visit you at ten, I will never be late I will be there at 9:58 Every day of your life, I will buy gifts including chocolate I quite remember buying an airplane ticket for a lady from emirate But when it comes to church, I'm always late When they preach against my will, I will retaliate When they preach about giving, I always agitate My heart becomes hard like the steel plate Any church activity, I don't want to participate When they give me an assignment, I will procrastinate When people also take up that responsibility, I will never appreciate How can I abrogate This kind of lifestyle and turn to my old state rhymesonny

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MY FAITH ...Surrenderation

I have been told that the kingdom of God suffered violence And the violent taketh it by force Now open for me the church doors I want to take up the cross I have come to realize that you are the boss I cannot blame you, you have no flaws I surrender, you've won the toss You made me a profit, and took away my loss There is a saying that goes like a rolling stone gathers no moss I need the grace to learn the bible and know the laws I have become weak, I know am the cause I need to be strong; Lord let me tap it from your source Now let me put the cart before the horse I am a sinner, a big one of course Even in the midst of my sins, he blessed me, You will agree with me that he deserve a big applause What you are seeing is just the net; you don't wanna know the gross What you are seeing is just a touch; you don't wanna know the force I was married to sin, but glory be the his name, I have divorce And I will take this testimony to the offices, to the market place and to the stores To the hinterlands, to the shores To where snow and rain falls I will testify That he shouldn't have been crucified The people lied But he said to me that my son rejoice, it is for your sins, that ye had died So now my soul is satisfied In him I abide He is my guide, my pride and my allied His name be praise, his name be magnified His name be exalted, his name be glorified rhymesonny

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MY FAITH Exalt Him He that trusted in his own heart is a fool but whoso walked Wisely shall be delivered Beloved, I must confessed that I was wicked Evil minded, my dreams got shattered It didn't helped me, I became frustrated I decided to follow the God who created Heaven and earth, who could give me bread For he has not despise the afflictions of the afflicted I taught I was tempted To sin, but no, I repented The lord touched me, I am now tenderhearted I am covered and protected All that I needed, Has been provided All my questions have been answered He has granted me, all that I requested Now I can go to the ends of the world, My movements is not restricted Because when I cried out to you, you heard Thank you lord your name be exalted


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MY FAITH Rabbi Don't be surprise when you see riding high Don't be amazed when you see me flying high Don't be astonished when you see me up high in the sky I am not afraid to fall because I am not afraid to fly I am not afraid to fail because I am not afraid to try I have seen people laugh and have seen people cry I have seen things wet and have seen things dry I will live and prosper, I will not die Though very shy I know when to say hi And when to say goodbye I have identified I have verified Now my soul is satisfied Because all that they planned against me, he has nullified My years on this earth, he has multiplied His name be exalted, his name be magnified His name be praise, his name be glorified And if I have to specify His name is Rabbi Teacher that is what it signifies Mount Calvary that is where he was crucified But he rose and this confirmed the saying that old soldier never dies My Lord flew to heaven just like a butterfly There is a seat at the right hand side of the father that is what he occupies And he is preparing a place in heaven for you and I So our faith in him should be fortified Rabbi, he taught me to watch and pray Never to put off until tomorrow what I can do today Wherever there is a will, there is a way rhymesonny

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MY FAITH Psalm 23 The provider of my daily bread I shall not be the tail but the head He gives me authority over all creatures He quenches my thirst with chilled waters He makes me whole He forgive me anytime I confess and watches over me till daybreak I walked through the belly of the beast on earth; I will fear not the devil You have blessed me Your angels and Holy Spirit, they guides me Thou made me a way through the land of my foes He took away my toil My heart lives forever Surely blessings and favour shall follow me All the days of my life I will take this testimony to the ends of the world Forever


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MY FAITH Kindness They who give have all things They who withhold have none of the things When you show kindness, joy is what it brings When you show kindness, goodness and mercies is the song it sings Don’t despise the days of small beginnings Don’t under rate the capacity of the eagle wings A good memory is one that can forget the day's troubles and remember the day's blessings We know where we are heading to, because we have our bearings We are receiving God’s blessings; So back to you sender, all cursings This world is not all about being part of big gatherings And showing off big earrings and wedding rings It is not all about big cars and high rise buildings Those are just worldly belongings Do we see ourselves as just mortal beings Or we see ourselves as kings and queens In the heavenly kingdom Knowing yourself that is the mark of true wisdom Praise your God on any platform Know his norms and conform Be straight, don’t be lukewarm Give him the chance to weather the storm And I know your life will be transformed……


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MY FAITH Prayer of Restoration I stand in awe of your regulation I pant with expectation Not to live far from your instruction You watches over me day and night placing me under your umbrella of protection I returned to you for forgiveness and restoration And you built my character and restored my reputation You gave me the power to overcome my temptation For my troubles: Lord, you gave me solution And the strength to overcome my addiction My sins did not only affect me, it affected my family, my friends and even my nation But you who can deliver man from the most hopeless situation I know you can help me repair this damaged relation The bottom line is that, i need your reconciliation Prodigal son, I went in the opposite direction But you still gave me grace to escape the natural slide towards pain and destruction You gave me salvation On top of a great redemption And other things I cannot mention What a privilege I have in Jesus, cos with him there is always hope for restoration This is my prayer of restoration


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My Word: The String Of Rhymes

POETICAL STORIES Grace There lived a couple, Steve and Eve They were diagnosed to have HIV-positive They couldn't believe They were so grieved The doctor told them they have a few months to live But Eve should not conceive He told Steve to continue to love his wife He should strive hard for them to survive and thrive Now they are in their year five And are still alive They had a child called Grace She is six years now and has also been tested positive to HIV/AIDS Her parents died a year later from AIDS Grace is still alive by God's grace Grace always cries anytime she wants to state her case The reason being that, family members and mates Don't want to see her face Friends and neighbors don't want her at their place Everywhere she goes, she is been disgraced Now, she is displaced People have refused to give her that warm embrace When she writes, they erase She is been crazed with pain Very strong pain That her emotions can't even contain It is destroying her brain She is getting insane So as I embarked on this campaign I wish to state that when you throw a ball Against a wall It comes back to you again rhymesonny

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That is the law of karma Grace is finding it hard to bear the stigma So let's stop the drama And help her overcome the trauma "Na biribia nnye Kama" Because, she is a kid, who has no Daddy and no Mama So please, if you hear me shout Just reach out Show Grace and all those who find themselves In this situation that you understand And I know you can


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POETICAL STORIES Roger I know of a boy called Roger Roger is an orphan who hails from Asuogya But lives in Weija He is only 14 years old, for that matter a teenager Roger is almost a stranger In his own area Weija They treat him like he has no blood, I mean 'mogya' When you go to Weija To look for Roger, You will be wasting your time, if you mention Roger Everybody calls him 'the villager’ The only job Roger has qualified for is a village messenger And sometimes work as a helper for a beggar Taking your salary from a beggar But I love Roger One thing I love Roger Roger believes in the king who was born in a manger He has a burning desire, that burns like fire 'ogya' Roger oni na, oni agya But his dreams are bigger Bigger than that of Abraham Lincoln and Henry Kissinger He wants to be famous like Jerry Springer Roger is eager, Roger is eager to make it in life But hunger, hunger, hunger. In the vehicle of no food, Roger is the number one passenger He eats anything that comes his way, from maize to pepper to ginger He is a scavenger Roger is potential future leader BUT BECAUSE OF THIS WORD.. HUNGER... HIS DREAMS MIGHT NOT BE A REALITY LET'S HELP ELIMINATE HUNGER FROM OUR SOCIETY rhymesonny

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POETICAL STORIES True Story There was this lady who engage herself in prostitution Every vacation to support her siblings and her education Though she had an ambition of getting a reputable profession Little did she know that to succeed through prostitution was a wrong vision At a point she got to know she have A.I.D.S through a medical examination She regretted her decision She was an orphan and had no father to give her direction and protection No mother to give her affection Now she is in a state of confusion She realize Her future has been jeopardize Her dreams has been temporize She is now traumatize Our society is civilize And so we should know how to analyze Such situations before we criticize Who is going to give her those pecks and hugs Who is going to give her money for her drugs Should she go back to prostitution to support her medication Big question To her, Society has been unfair Nobody showed her love and care Everybody wants something in return before they help her Now, she says she's going to share She's dark and fair She's here, she's there, and she's everywhere So beware Because, if you dare You won't be spared rhymesonny

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POETICAL STORIES I am a prostitute How can life be good When from childhood I have lived all my life in a poorest neighborhood No better home, no money, no food No source of livelihood Always in a bad mood My dream to be in Hollywood Was no more a likelihood I became a destitute Men took advantage of me; I gave up and became a prostitute Ah! So I couldn't get any better substitute Damn! How can I have been a constitute Of this institute Prostitution has putting my life into a state of disrepute I have taken a bad route This is bringing out a bad tune from my flute And my seed will probably bear no better fruit I ask, always I ask What is my attribute To the society what can I contribute Diseases, is what I will eventually distribute And if I'm dead and gone, how is it going to be, talking about my tribute How many people will give me a salute If few, then I have to be a solvent that can dissolve a solute A king who can resolve a dispute Enough is enough; seriously I don't want to do this anymore I don't want to be call a whore anymore I want to restore My dignity as before So I implore To each and everyone to help me reverse the score I have explored rhymesonny

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POETICAL STORIES ...I am a prostitute

I've been to Madrid, Milan, and Singapore I have witness prostitution galore The way women are being treated is an eyesore So all the things I have done, I shamelessly deplore Now it is one profession I abhor And today, I declare a war against prostitution Before I do that, I have to reposition Myself well and check my present condition Then set my vision and mission But first I need the backing from the constitution I also need the support of the nation Because in some parts of the country it is becoming a tradition And we need to break this transition‌


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POETICAL STORIES The Landlord Please Oga, my name is Evans I need your assistance Yes young man, what can I do for you? I need a place for a short period to enable me execute some plans Oh, you are the first person here so you have a chance I will like to rent this place for nine months Okay then give me the money at once Oh I will pay some advance And you will give me some time to pay the balance Then I need an assurance Because deception always goes with appearance You are a driver, right?. Yes at first we use to manufacture guns But now I drive an ambulance But before you move in, you will sign a tenancy agreement and you will give me a letter of acceptance I have rules in this house and these includes You have to declare your salary and allowance Because I can come to you anytime for assistance You have a chance to use only one appliance If I am home no music no dance Any car you bring in here should be properly registered and also have insurance My younger daughter will test your performance Before you have a chance to bring in your wife, girlfriend or fiance You will have to notify me in advance Before any act of romance In this house, I mark attendance When you step on my toes please be ready for vengeance I won't tolerate any malpractice and malfeasance I don't like arrogance, I don't like interference If you want us to live peacefully, then three words for you, tolerance, perseverance and endurance You have to be careful of your utterance' On your leisure hours you will have to manage the main entrance I don't want any disturbance' For instance, If women are your greatest extravagance Then I bet you, you find me to be a nuisance Because this house is my own inheritance And I don't care what people will say, this is my stands rhymesonny

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POETICAL STORIES Shirley I think of you daily My one and only My lily of the valley If you live me, believe me I will be lonely I sometimes think of leaving you for Billy But on my part, it sounds silly I used to follow your exploits when you used to play volley For Kumasi Poly I admired your show in a grand finale I believe against Takoradi or Accra Poly I can’t remember clearly At the UDS campus, Tamale You were the greatest more than Ali I followed you closely I didn't know how to propose, because mostly You were with Billy And I learnt you are a 'Chrife', you were very holy So I was timing, I was doing it slowly But now I can boldly Say that solely You are the one I want to start a family I don't even know your name, but for the sake of my rhymes, I will call you Shirley Shirley I must confess That you are the love of my life Shirley, one thing I know about success Is that it comes when you strife And today I profess That you will be my wife I give you my throat, Slashed my head off with your knife rhymesonny

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I will be your boat Sail you to the shore and when you feel cold, take my coat Let me be your life jacket, I will always make you float I will make you eat eight times a day till you bloat Even if you don't like that, I will kill for you big goat Every week Anytime I see you, baby I become weak I can even speak Good English, Emanus due lintas deek This is Greek I remember the first day I ask your age, you said seventy two But Baby I knew that was a cheek I will make you apologize for that later not now For now Tell me whether the possibility of having you is bright or bleak I want to know because I have started investing in you, fried rice, khebabs and steaks My pocket have started to leak And look at you, look at your cheek You've become sleek


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POETICAL STORIES What is Love I have gone to my farm one morning to harvest my cabbage One my way home, I met this lovely lady with a luggage I approached her courage And said to her, please it will be my privilege To serve as a mode carriage for your luggage Or is it baggage Okay tell me the difference between a luggage and a baggage They are synonymous she said, I asked her name and age She answered Angel, nineteen years of age Wow she is just within my range I asked so what have you come to do here in this village I have come visit my grandparents and also get some wisdom from the sage So what do you do, I asked. I have just completed high school at Cambridge College Great, I am also a manager She asked what I manage I manage myself and my farm She laughed Okay tell me a little about farm management Farm management is the appropriate use of resources and the control of the farm To reduce insect damage that will to food wastage and shortage I always encourage the youth of this village To take advantage Of the large acreage of land and engage In faming so as to improve their standard of living and also to change their image So what have you achieve so far she asked I have been able to send my junior sister to the state college And I have also built a cottage with a garage Because I intend buying a KIA sportage But now I am focusing on building a very facility for food storage Wow, you are a great guy she said, So at this stage Can we arrange to meet again and exchange Ideas and also share some knowledge She said okay tomorrow 12 o clock noon on the bridge rhymesonny

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Please take some of my cabbage Thanks, she said The next day on the bridge I mastered the same courage And told her I love her, She said enough of this badinage I am serious; please open for me a fresh page In your heart so that I can change your image She said this is strange We met only yesterday and you are talking about marriage Please don't express outrage I have dreamt of this day at a tender age She asked, alright what do you know about love I know where there is love there is always a miracle Even meeting you yesterday ay was a miracle And if you are in love is like you've chained by some manacle So money, race and class can never be an obstacle She gave a chuckle In love there is no debacle With love you will reach the pinnacle I have already consulted the oracle And have also read some love chronicles And I know that you are my love Sent from above like a dove She said, is that all you know about love I said love is strong and swift Love is in the giver not in the gift Love is not adrift Where there is love, there will always be a shift Love conquers everything except poverty and toothache So if you think true love comes by finding the perfect person, you are making a mistake And when you learn to see the imperfect person perfectly that is where you get the opportunity to bake your own cake And anyone who tries to break this cake can never take He will be the only fish in your lake And you do more unthinkable things for love's sake You will not shake Even when there is an earth quake rhymesonny

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POETICAL STORIES Rose I called Rose As she came, she posed I said my dear Rose Please come close I want to give you a flower called Rose Rose, do you know what I like about you, your eyes and your nose I have even used your name in a song I recently composed She said let me hear it, I said this is not time for me to disclose I will do that in my room enclosed Rose said, as for your room, I oppose Even if I will come, I will come with my friend Akos No please I don't want to see any of your friends they all look like Eskimos And you know I don't have any igloos Rose said, you are lying, you know you will be exposed Rose, there is something about that I need to diagnose And prescribe for you the right dose Do you know why all those girls were disposed and you were chosen Please for easy identification when you come, knock the windows Some few hours later I heard a knock on the windows I said come in, she came in and once again she pose I said my dear Rose, please come close You know I have to prognose, Before I diagnose She said do it fast and let me go because by 10pm my gate will be closed I have to make sure my gate is locked and my windows are closed I started diagnosing Rose for headache, breast cancer and Female genital mutilation. Rose said, you have not even proposed And now you want to take of my clothes rhymesonny

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Okay Rose, suppose I propose Will you take of your clothes After you proposed You have to promise After the promise You will tell me some sweet stories After the stories You will share with me my worries After the worries Then your memories And you will buy me clothes, shoes and jewelries You will take me out and buy me some fried rice and some pastries You will find a job for me at the ministries before I agree But for now I won't disagree But if you want to go from one to three You have to take me on a shopping spree And spent on me and make me feel free


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My Word: The String Of Rhymes

POETICAL STORIES God Bless Ghana God bless our homeland Ghana and make our nation great and strong This is our country, right or wrong, If right, to be kept right and if wrong, to be set right But we will have to fight day and night for our fundamental human right It is beginning to be hinted that we are a nation of amateurs Politically immature When you tell the truth They ask for proof They behave like workaholic But their intentions are diabolic Their extravagant lifestyles are symbolic Cynics They know the price of everything But they don't know the value of anything I thought politicians were married to the truth That thought of mine was baseless, I've been disproved I realized, they are couples who live far apart They don't have the interest of the nation at heart Lies are their number 1 counterpart Looting of state coffers is their sweetheart Don't do what you cannot, Do what you can You talk of freedom But you have forgotten that a hungry man not a free man This nation has been crippled with all sorts of syndromes The PHD, the WYK, the YHYSWHOW and all sorts of syndromes Even the Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome 60% of this disease is attributed to high cost of condoms So where is the freedom rhymesonny

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POETICAL STORIES God Bless Ghana It is true when George Orwell wrote And I quote "All animals are equal, but some are more equal than others� What do we think of our brothers

Yes It is really, they are more equal than us They regulate the price of fuel in my bus They sit together in parliament and agree on car loans We lie on the streets and beg them for their crumbs and bones

Tis not necessary to light a candle to the sun What are teaching your son Take this advice Whatever you do, you will pay a price

It is better to lose elections than to mislead the people A good leader is the one who is simple and lead by example And not the one who always thinks of the next election Instead of the next generation

Government is too big and important to be left to only politicians I am calling on you, journalist, scientist, footballers and even musicians To come on board Instead of fighting unnecessarily for awards


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POETICAL STORIES To The Citizens Mr. Journalist, because someone has stolen ten million, You demand five million from him to drop the story And write to cover him with glory Policeman, you tell the driver to stop And tell him to give you something to chop Public officer, because he is not from your tribe So you want to take bribe You can be the highest bidder But because you're not a party member Remember, that bid will never attract A contract Civil servant, it is not for you but for the government so you will use it anyhow Spend hours on Office lines to call your boyfriend Yaw. How My sisters, you should dress in a way you will like to be address My brother, drugs will do you no good but harm If you have the strength, why don't you farm False prophets are you aware That the judgment day you will also be there Examination malpractice all over the news We are confused Students you all know about students and examination Doctors misconduct themselves during medical examination Police, always say the evidence is still under examination Lawyers intimidate people in court during cross examination Man don't litter there You are asking where Honorable, you don't talk in parliament you only sleep Please talk and share ideas, talk is cheap rhymesonny

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The interest of the nation should be our priority Let us live in peace and tranquility Let us protect state property Let us promote national security Let us help the cause of transparency, probity and accountability Let us always fight for our liberty And use our position to help our sub region achieve peace and stability As our hearts have been filled with true humility Let us use this opportunity To increase productivity This society needs men and women of integrity, Who will see the progress of this country only through the lens of objectivity And live up to their utmost responsibility Not speaking in favour of 'A' party or 'B' party Let us come together and fight against tribalism and ethnicity Let us join hands and clean our cities and communities Be a pillar in your community Freedom and justice should be a practicality Let us abide by the trinity That is Peace, love and unity,


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My Word: The String Of Rhymes

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My Word: The String Of Rhymes

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