Inter-disciplinary Week Competition

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Interdisciplinary Workshop Report Vision for Leeds Carlsberg/Tetley brewery site. Aireport - Alternative Transport Hub Kirsti Williams c3252536

OUR VISION – PREPARING FOR A FUTURE WITHOUT FOSSIL FUELS With increasing fuel prices and levels of congestion within city centres, we plan to develop an Alternative Transport Hub (ATH), on the former Tetley Brewery Site. The ATH will provide transportation methods which are not dependant on fossil fuels. The ATH will be delivered in phases, highlighted below: Phase 1 – Park and Ride & Cycle Hub Phase 2 – Green Space Phase 3 – Mono-Rail Phase 4 – Airship Port Initially, Phase 1 and 2 would be delivered to immediately reduce congestion within the city centre, whilst generating income from parking, bus fares, the rental of cycles, allotments and retail units. A design master plan would be commissioned for the full development of Phase 3 & 4, so the city of Leeds is future proofed for the phasing out of fossil fuels.
































Benefits Phases 1 and 2 1st Park and Ride Takes Traffic out of the road and bus transport system, reducing congestion Increased vitally needed available parking in Leeds Retail Allotment helps offset portion of initial investment Cycle-Rental helps with green transport in Leeds Green Space provides asthetically pleasing view of the area.

Phases 3 and 4

International Pioneering Air Ship Port, the first in the UK, Providing links to other major destinations.

Inter-Rail Gives new green method of transport around Leeds.

Aids Congestion


Funding – Awaiting Backing from Leeds City Council

Planning Permission and Land needed for Mono-Rail Stations and structure around the city

Air Ship port needs foreign investment abroad for other Air Ship ports, Air Ships still need to be Validated as a accepted successful method of transport.

The Aire-Port Team Charter

Personal Response Group Work Being put into a group with people you have not previously known was a good experience as it teaches you to create relationships quickly, and to judge characters of those your working with. We had no problems with any of those in our group, however I believe other groups did come across challenges with conflicting personalities, which may become difficult. In these scenarios it would be best to try to compromise and try to accept the views of others. In regards to the seperate roles of those within our group, I did feel that the project managers seemed to take a step back and didn't necessarily provide their experience to organising the set tasks. This may be because of the strong leaders within the architects, however i believe they could have instigated more authority and possibly voiced their concerns a little stronger. The landscape architects did help to progress the design and put forward some interesting ideas, however they could have provided more presentable work to back these up. This exercise was very beneficial as it was interesting to see how other disciplines considered different factors. With the project managers, they would always try and push us to consider cost, which we haven't had to really consider before, so having to think about this and possible ways to create revenue was an interesting learning curve.

Personal Response Personal Contribution During the first stages of designing , I helped to initialise the thought processes and bring the different ideas together. A transport hub was brought into the conversation but was initially misread as a hub for existing travel, rather than designing a new way of travel. To help others to understand what exactly was meant i sketched some conceptual visuals. This made sure everyone knew what the concept was and allowed us to progress. Within the actual design I took charge of the vacuum tube monorail travel. I researched the various ways of linear travel and brought forward the idea to the table which was quickly accepted. It was then a case of researching more into the specific subject and creating a series of presentable visuals for the final presentation. During the presentation I felt that I should have explained more about how the structures would benefit the users, rather than just the economical and sustainable benefits, however this is what the panel seemed to want to know, if the design was economically feasible, which it was.

Graph depicting percentage of mode of transport within different areas of Leeds region. Most other areas are either train or bus, however leeds is mainly car. This is the reason we chose to develop transport as our brief.

Personal Response Solution I believe that our group manages to create a succinct and feasible design solution to the brief provided. After first identifying a problem that the City of Leeds needs to solve, which would be transport, we attempted to create a sustainable solution that would benefit the future of Leeds and it’s development as a city. The project managers did express that the project seemed too large and would never get funding, we recommended splitting the project into different sections, which could each be added as it gained funding. Each of the seperate phases were considered in regards to cost, and each seemed a logical solution. Given the time frame we were provided with, and the amount of research we could carry out within it, I feel that we provided an interesting design solution, and presented our work in a professional manner.

This image shows the different phases that could be implemented at different stages.

Personal Response Presentation and Feedback The presentation went well in terms of information relayed to the audience, and the project manager introduced the project and the ams well at the beginning. The majority of the group explained some section of the design, there were only a couple that decided not to participate, however as the group knew the design, all elements were covered. The feedback received was very positive, and they thought that the sustainable and economic factors were very feasible. There were a few questions about the allotment side of the design, which was only really added to help increase revenue onto the site, but it was felt that it detracted from the actual design and concept. It was mentioned that our presentation was very professional and well presented, both verbally and digitally. One other major point made was that we had a clear brand name : Aireport. This was made clear that branding is incredibly important within each discipline, and was well thought. There were many other aspects we would need to consider if this were to progress however considering the time frame we were provided, the presentation seemed to flow well and we worked together amicably. At the end of all the presentations it was noted that we were a clear winner due to the professional nature of the presentation and the feasibility of the concept.

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