1 minute read
Keller Williams holds the number one spot for real estate brokerages in the county. This is due to having the highest numbers in agent count, units and sales volume, and their sales force is one to be reckoned with.


To ensure all of KW's newest agents are equipped to uphold the standards and beliefs of the industry and the company Keller Williams has a training program that encourages growth and connects newer agents with those with experience and success! With his tract record and his knowledge of real estate, Jason was chosen as one of the coaches in the Walnut Creek office to help mentor and teach newer agents the ins and outs of real estate.
We believe that the company we keep can contribute to our lives in untold ways. To help cement this understanding, we’ve formalized a belief system called the WI4C2TES that guides how we treat each other and how we do business:
Headlines & Awards
Win-Win: or no deal
Integrity: do the right thing
Customers: always come first
Commitment: in all things
Communication: seek first to understand
Creativity: ideas before results
Teamwork: together everyone achieves more
Trust: starts with honesty
Equity: opportunities for all
Success: results through people
A m e r i c a ' s B e s t L a r g e E m p l o y e r s 2 0 2 1
R E A L T r e n d s 5 0 0
F r a n c h i s e 5 0 0
B e s t P l a c e s t o W o r k 2 0 2 1
T o p F r a n c h i s e 2 0 2 1
M o s t P r o f i t a b l e F r a n c h i s e s 2 0 2 0
T o p F r a n c h i s e s f o r V e t e r a n s 2 0 2 0 i s e R a n k i n g s