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THURSDAY MARCH 9, 2023 1:00 PM
Welcome to Transcon’s 5th Annual Next Step Bull Sale! Thorsby Stockyards is our host location. This awesome central Alberta auction market is operated by Jeff, Corey, Chance, and Amanda. It’s a great place to buy your bulls and sell your calves!

When I first started this sale, there were many skeptics who told me that a bull sale wouldn’t work in Thorsby. They were proved wrong and it has grown to a 60 head sale, creating a great market for this group of breeders. This has been a highlight sale with bulls regularly selling across Canada and into the U.S. with a loyal local following Nolara Farms and Gilchrist Genetics have produced their best collection of bulls yet! Sara and Ryan did a wonderful job this year bringing the bulls along. Larry is sure to be extremely grateful for their efforts. I viewed the bulls in January and found them to be very soggy, thick, and impressive. These two sets of bulls, located at Sara and Ryans place, are definitely worth stopping by for a look. They have a great variety of types and colours with power and calving ease from which to choose.

Langer Fleckvieh Simmentals is very well known for raising genetically impressive Fleckvieh cattle. Lyle and Pam blend polled and horned genetics to create the most balanced beef bulls possible. There is a high emphasis on birth weight and calving ease. You will see that there isn’t a bull over 100 lbs. at birth, as well as all of them being born unassisted. While it takes a lot of commitment, it will leave them with a truly amazing pen of steers in the Fall. At the same time, it leaves the type of bulls in their bull pen that their customers are looking for. You definitely can’t miss the cherry red ring eyed Velocity son that leads their pen!
Diamond B Simmentals has another impressive group of bulls this year led by Sun Rise Pillar sons. If you are looking for bulls with some frame that push down the scale, then the Pillars are for you; they are impressive! If it’s a calving ease bull you are after, then prepare to be impressed by Kasper 39K. He is soggy and hairy with a great set of numbers. Barry and Cindy do a great job producing cattle with that extra length of spine and growth.
Century Simmentals joined Next Step last year and led the way by selling their lead off bull to Virginia Ranch. It was a great start to what should be a very productive career for Jesse in the purebred business. Jesse also has a commercial cowherd, and he really understands the type of cattle that makes you money in the beef business.
Kreo’s herd at KZ Simmentals is still growing and while you won’t see big numbers quite yet, the quality is impressive. It’s a solid set of bulls led by Paramount 104K who is a stout, big topped, heavy muscled, blackblaze faced bull. This one will definitely stir up some interest on sale day. Kreo has a great understanding of the cattle industry and along with his dad, they run an amazing herd of commercial cows. Year-after-year, they sell one of the top sets of Simmental calves in Alberta.
This year, RDG Simmentals definitely have the strongest set of bulls they have ever brought to town. Ryan has a nice set of honest Fleck bulls that are very sound, and these bulls will definitely last you many years. Ryan is extremely easy to work with so make sure that you make an effort to visit him at the sale.
I hope to see you at Transcon’s Next Step Bull sale held at the easily accessible Thorsby Stockyards. If you are unable to attend, please make sure to give any of us a call at Transcon. We are always happy to assist in your herdbull shopping needs.
Sales Management Team
Jay Good........................................................................................403-556-5563
Glenn Norton...............................................................................780-542-0634
Darren Paget................................................................................403-323-3985 Cody Coupland.............................................................................403-877-0799
Sale Staff
Auctioneer.........................................................................................Don Oberg
Ringmen.................................................................Robert Lind • Darren Paget
A. $100 off per bull if picked up sale day.
B. Bulls will be delivered free of charge within 250kms of Thorsby as soon as possible after the sale, at the breeder’s convenience. Over 250kms will be arranged at cost.
C. Bulls will be kept at the seller’s farm at no charge until April 1, 2023. After April 1, delivery will be arranged suitable to both the seller and purchaser. All bulls returning to the seller’s farms must be insured.
Glubish Land & Cattle Co Ltd, AB*
Alfred Taylor, AB
Ash Berwest Farms, AB
Bailey Van Sickle, AB
Bar K Cattle Co., AB
Barry Soch, AB
Blaire Stone Simmentals, AB
Brian Kalev, AB
Creekside Custom Farms, AB
Dallas Frank, AB
Dar-Rox Farms Inc, AB
Darren Jaffray, AB
Dennis & Dianne Burger, AB
Dennis Herman, AB
Doug Norman, AB
Edwin Halwa, AB
Eldon & Debbie Rangen, AB*
Jeremy Robinson, AB
Jimmy Robb, AB
Ken Metzger, AB
Kevin D. Wigley, AB
KSL Simmentals, AB*
L & L Adams Farms Ltd., AB
Robert Ellingson, SD
Robert Logan, AB
Rod Lindballe, AB
Ru-bens Simmentals, AB
Sheldon & Karen Campbell, AB
Ted & Kris Commandeur, AB
Triple M P Farms, AB*
Vince Maltais, AB
Virginia Ranch, AB
Wallace Farms, AB
Westerose Stone Simmentals, AB
Wild West Farms, AB
Zadunayski Farms Ltd, AB
*denotes multiple purchases