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Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality
Elias Motsoaledi, a local municipality located about 206 kms North East of Johannesburg in the heart of Limpopo Province, has a rich historical heritage with promising economic potential.
Formerly known as Greater Groblersdal Local Municipality, Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality (EMLM), was established in 2000 as a category B municipality, in accordance with the Municipality Structures Act no 117 of 1998.
The municipality, with a population of about 268 256 and 30 wards, has a fascinating history and was named after the late veteran trade unionist and anti-apartheid activist Elias Motsoaledi.
Born on the 26th of July 1924 in Nebo Sekhukhune Land, Motsoaledi came to Johannesburg at the age of 17 in search of employment. Upon his arrival he helped establish the South African Congress of Trade Unions to fight for the rights of workers. Motsoaledi played a central role in many campaigns including the Defiance Campaign of 1952.
For his activism, Motsoaledi paid a price. Several times Motsoaledi was in and out of prison, expelled from work in the leather industry, and banned from taking any active role in worker unionism. He was detained in terms of the 1960 State of Emergency and imprisoned for four months. On his release, he went underground and served on the Johannesburg Regional Umkhonto we Sizwe. He was arrested in 1963, and as one of the Rivonia Trialists, Motsoaledi was sentenced to life imprisonment on Robben Island, a sentence he served until his release in 1989, after serving 26 years behind bars. On his release, he was elected to the National Executive Committee of the ANC.
Isitwalandwe - “the one who wears the plumes of the rare bird”
On 8 January 1992 together with Oliver Tambo, Nelson Mandela, Walter Sisulu, Helen Joseph, Ahmed Kathrada, Harry Gwala, Andrew Mlangeni, Raymond Mhlaba and Wilton Mkwayi, received an Isitwalandwe Medal. This award is the highest award given by the African National Congress (ANC) “to those who have made an outstanding contribution and sacrifice to the liberation struggle”, that is, those who resisted the apartheid regime in South Africa (1949−1991).
He sadly passed away on the day of the inauguration of the first democratic president of South Africa, his fellow Rivonia Trialist and Robben Island prisoner, Dr Nelson Mandela.
The new Mayor, Magetle David Tladi, elected late last year during the local government elections on an African National Congress (ANC) ticket, in his inaugural speech expressed commitment to work with everyone for the realisation of the aspirations and interests of the community. He made an undertaking to address basic service delivery and to improve the quality of life for residents.
He swore to fulfil the municipality’s vision “to ensure the provision of sustainable services, to deepen democracy through public participation and communication, provision of services in a transparent, fair and accountable manner, provide public value for money and create a conducive environment for job creation and economic growth.”
In its quest to improve the quality of life of its residents the municipality has launched a series of programmes.
Determined to be the leader in quality service delivery, the municipality is active in programmes such as upgrading and construction of roads and storm water control, electrification of households of high mast lights, refuse collection and waste management, water and sanitation, recreational facilities, educational facilities, health and welfare facilities, public transportation facilities, upgrading of cemeteries, and job creation. As the country commemorates Human Rights Month in March the municipality is aware that access to quality services and clean water is a human right.
Like other municipalities in South Africa, the EMLM is sustained by a variety of economic activities.
With agriculture, wholesale and retail, mining and manufacturing as some of the most important economic activities, the Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality is geared towards stimulating sustainable economic growth.
Groblersdal, part of which falls under EMLM, is the centre of a progressive farming community because of its fortunate location in the Olfants River Irrigation Area below Loskop Dam.
Intensive agricultural activities cover a total surface area of 28 800 hectares of land. With a gross agricultural production of R250 million per year, the area’s products includes grapes, wheat, tobacco, maize, soya beans, citrus fruits, cotton, vegetables and livestock production. It is envisaged agriculture will influence future development initiatives in EMLM.
Largely a mountainous area, EMLM has a promising tourism sector. Its exceptional performance has been noted in terms of hunting due to the number of game farms which are always fully booked during the hunting season. In South Africa, the hunting season mostly runs in winter, from May to August each year. Further to that, the municipality attends and exhibits tourism promotional material annually at the tourism Indaba in Durban.
The Elias Motsoaledi Local Municipality has about 577 tourism beds serving two district markets. Guest houses and game lodges serve business visitors while the dominant markets and game lodges serve hunters and weekend visitors.
In terms of mining, though it is not a significant economic activity in EMLM, its socio-economic contribution should not be underestimated.
As if not to be outdone, the manufacturing industry plays its part. In this, Groblersdal plays a prominent role in the manufacturing sector within the municipality’s economy. The construction sector offered amazing employment opportunities from 2002 onwards. Today dozens of young people are employed in the construction industry. Within the three magisterial districts which form part of the EMLM, the wholesale and retail trade sector accounts for as much as R433 million of total GVA in the Nebo Magisterial District a portion of this district is located in the EMLM. The total estimated number of employment opportunities in the wholesale and retail trade sector in 2005 was 3814, 3867 and 5187 in Groblersdal, Moutse, and Nebo Magisterial District respectively.
In a statement, the Mayor of EMLM, expressed his commitment to uplifting local industries.
“The EMLM is committed to economic participation of the local people thereby ensuring that they effectively and efficiently participate in the local economic development. The municipality is committed to ensuring that local businesses benefit municipal procurement processes.”