3 minute read
What is a servitude?
A servitude area is a legally designated portion of land reserved for public or private infrastructure, such as water pipelines, power lines, roads, sewerage systems, or railway tracks. This area grants a specific right of access to an entity - such as a utility provider, municipality, or government department - allowing them to install, maintain, repair, and upgrade essential services without interference.
What is servitude encroachment?
Servitude encroachment occurs when structures, developments, or settlements are built within a designated servitude area. It also happens when a property owner violates the rights of his/ her neighbour by building on or extending a structure to the neighbour's land or property.
Encroachment can be classified into two main types:
Formal Encroachment
When authorised developments, such as houses, estates, commercial buildings, or roads, are built within a servitude area, often due to oversight or inadequate planning. This can not only damage infrastructure, but can hinder maintenance, repairs, and upgrades of infrastructure, leading to service disruptions.
Informal Encroachment
When unauthorised settlements that include informal housing, roads/ pathways are developed on or near servitudes. This not only imposes safety risks and causes damage to infrastructure, but also makes it difficult for service providers to conduct routine maintenance, repairs, or infrastructure upgrades.

Take a picture and location of any illegal connections/servitude encroachments you come across.
Send the information to Magalies Water GIS & Maintenance Department
Call the customer care line at: 0860 000 720 or Email: info@magalieswater.co.za
To be the leading provider of quality water and sanitation services in Southern Africa.
To provide sustainable, safe and reliable quality bulk water, sanitation and other related services to Water Services Authorities and other users in order to positively impact the quality of life and economic growth for communities in our area of operation.
Brief Description
Magalies Water is one of the 8 water boards in South Africa mandated to provide bulk water and sanitation services. The Board provides potable water to municipalities, mines and other private consumers within, but not limited to North West, Limpopo and Gauteng provinces. Magalies Water is an organ of state reporting to the Minister of Water and Sanitation and currently stretched over the Pienaars and Crocodile rivers which are the two major catchment areas. With a total staff compliment of +- 700, Magalies Water owns and operates four water treatment plants, namely, Vaalkop (Rustenburg), Klipdrift, Wallmansthal and Cullinan (Pretoria) with the combined capacity of 340Ml/d, as well as a state-of-the-art scientific services laboratory in Brits.
Website: www.magalieswater.co.za