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Juho Paavola

Managing Director 0400 241 961 juho.paavola@ky.fi

Jutta Sibakov

Editor-in-Chief of Kylteri Magazine jutta.sibakov@ky.fi

Matti Marttunen

Legal Advisor 040 353 8280 matti.marttunen@ky.fi

Antti Perttula

Chair of the board 044 023 5697 antti.perttula@ky.fi

Arttu Lääkkölä

Representative Council 044 507 2500 arttu.laakkola@ky.fi

Kim Jokinen

Representative Council VICE CHAIR 044 314 1885 kim.jokinen@ky.fi


What do people mean when they’re talking about ‘kuntis’? Where can I find a place called ‘Espilä’? KY life is wonderful, but at times the colourful vocabulary can be confusing. To start things off a bit more smoothly we made you a little KY vocabulary.


A student dormitory located in Etu-Töölö on Arkadiankatu 28, right next to the old School of Business.

Aalto BIZ

The official abbreviation used of the Aalto University School of Business.

A Bloc

The mall at the heart of Otaniemi on top of one of the metro entrances. A Bloc has a number of restaurants, two supermarkets and Alko, for example.


A student caféteria in the Undergraduate Center (Otakaari 1) in Otaniemi. Also Alvarinaukio, the name of the main square in Otaniemi located next to the Undergraduate Centre.


Pub crawl.


ARTS student.


KTK. An abbreviation used for Bachelor’s degree.

BIZ 3.0 / School of Business

The new School of Business in Otaniemi. The building is located in the epicenter of the Otaniemi campus, Ekonominaukio 1, right next to KY Office, Espilä.

Career Evening

Urailta. An evening including meeting company representatives, hearing about career opportunities and information about working life. Usually organized by a subject club.


An association registered under KY. Clubs are self-governing, but supported by KY.


Organisations functioning directly under KY and chaired by its board members. KY has six committees that organize diverse cultural and sports events, look after student advocacy and develop cooperation with our corporate partners.


oli offers the entire Aalto community and its stakeholders meeting places and work spaces as well as event and exhibition facilities. The building also houses several cafeterias and restaurants that are open to all.


An apartment application system. Through Domo you can apply for AYY’s apartments. Check out domo.ayy.fi.


Opintopiste. European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System. You will need 180 ECTS for Bachelor’s degree and 120 ECTS for Master’s degree.


KY Office in Otaniemi located at Konemiehentie 4. The KY Board and employees work here.


Excursion. A trip to visit a company or an organization.

Executive Director

Toiminnanjohtaja. Formerly known as pääsihteeri, ‘Pässi’. The head of KY Office.

Extended reservation pass

Jatkoaikalupa. When you’re organizing an event in KY Premises and would like to continue even after 22 o’clock, you will need to ask for an extended reservation pass.

Fringe Study Guide

Varjo-opinto-opas. This informal online study guide reveals you the secrets WebOodi’s course descriptions don’t – when you’ve finished a course, add a description yourself to help the generations to come! Find Fringe Study Guide at ky.fi/voo. Master’s thesis, the dissertation for Master’s degree.


Student association for tech students (each field has their own).


Student rep. A student representative in the administrative councils of the university.


Hanken School of Economics. The Swedish-speaking business school is located next to the old main building of Aalto BIZ in Töölö.

Harald Herlin Learning Center

In short Learning center or ‘oppimiskeskus’. Here you can find the library, cafeteria and spaces for both individual and group work.


An association for business school graduates in the Helsinki area. A regional association of the Finnish Business School Graduates (Suomen Ekonomit). Check more on page 94.


Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region. AYY and HOAS are the two key organizations offering housing for Aalto students.


A pub crawl by metro, arranged by KY’s Cultural Committee in April. Takes you both to Eastern and Western Helsinki.


An electronic portal through which you’ll find useful information about studies and services of the university. Check out Into at into.aalto.fi.

A pub crawl by tram in October.


Jämeräntaival, one of the bigger roads in Otaniemi where lots of student housing and Smökki are located.


Bachelor’s thesis, the dissertation for Bachelor’s degree. Also used when referring to Bachelor’s students.


KY’s very own song book. Used particularly at lauluilta parties.


Nickname for academic affairs. Derives from the word ‘koulutuspolitiikka’.


Derives from the word ‘kuntailta’. Kuntis is a party organized for KY members in a bar.

KY Corner

A break room for all business students, conveniently located on the first floor of the U-wing in the Undergraduate Centre.

KY Executive Board / KYH

KY Board.

KY Foundation

KY-säätiö. Founded to support the social, professional and intellectual goals of students in the Aalto University School of Business, as well as those related to studying and the student life. The foundation provides for example financial supports for students’ leisure activities and cultural and sports events. People employed by KY running the day-today operations at the KY Office. Consist of KY’s Art Director, IT Coordinator, Communications Coordinator, Sales Coordinator, Association Coordinator, Culture Producer, , Administrative Assistant, Corporate Relations Coordinators and Executive Director.


KY:n toimisto. Abbreviation for KY Office.


A pub crawl by tram 10, arranged by KY-mppi at the end of April. Part of KY Wappu.

KY Representative Council / KYE

Also known as ‘edari’. KY’s ‘parliament’ and the highest decision-making body. Elections every two years, next time this autumn.


KY’s own website at ky.fi.


A dinner party at which you sing, drink and dine in good company!


KTM. An abbreviation used for Master’s degree.


Computer halls and other 24/7 study spaces in Otaniemi, on Sähkömiehentie 3. At all Aalto students’ disposal.

Member service employees

Palveluneuvojat. KY’s three member service employees help you with all the practical KY matters.

Mentorointi. The process of a graduate already in the working life helping students close to graduation to plan their careers and give other useful advice.


Metallimiehenkuja or MMK is one of KY’s party venues in Otaniemi, located at Metallimiehenkuja 6.

Monday Mail

A newsletter sent to KY members every Monday, gathering all KY activities of the week.


A first-year student at Aalto BIZ.

Mursu Championships

Mursumestaruuskisat. A playful sports event where tutor groups will compete against each other collecting points from different kinds of checkpoints.

Mursu Expo

Mursumessut. An event during the orientation week at which you’ll get tons of information about KY and its associations. Home to UniSport in Otaniemi, Otaranta 6. Also used as an event space for bigger events.


The student organization of Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus. Probba is also part of KY. More information on page 24.


Also known as ‘Rantsu’. AYY’s rentable space at Jämeräntaival 7 that has two saunas, one small event space, a grill and an old-fashioned wooden bathing tub. You can also go swimming in the sea at the dock in front.


AYY’s student dormitory in Taka-Töölö. The nickname derives from the address Ruusulankatu 5.


KY’s own event space on Konemiehentie 1, the home of parties and KY activities in Otaniemi.


The Student Union of Hanken School of Economics.

Mursu Party

Mursubileet. A welcome party organized especially for mursus at the beginning of the academic year.


24 hours dedicated to familiarize mursus with KY traditions.


Opintopiste, ECTS.

OK20 Sillis

Usually quite a wild party organized twice a year by KUJ. The location, performer and theme of the party are always a surprise. Wear your overalls topped off with your funniest hat!

Sitsi party

Sitsit. A party at which you sing, eat and drink. Close to a lauluilta, but with its own rules and traditions. Often organized by NESU-KY.


Servin Maijan tie, one of the bigger roads in Otaniemi where lots of student housing is located.

Servin mökki. AYY’s event space where some of the bigger parties in Otaniemi are held.


A student-run interactive musical. Many student associations have their own speksi, including KY.


Jaosto. There are three subcommittees at KY: KUJ, KY-SUB and NESU-KY, each having a special function at KY.

Subject club

Subject clubs represent the variety of subjects taught at Aalto University School of Business. Each study programme has a subject club organizing leisure time activities and maintaining good relations with the faculty.


The National Union of University Students in Finland. Abbreviation for Suomen ylioppilaskuntien liitto. AYY is a member of SYL.


Tech student.


Student Association TOKYO is a student organization which aims to bring together students of Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture as well as its former students, the alumni. Kandidaattikeskus, also known as ‘päälafka’. Most of all Bachelor’s level courses, projects and events take place here at Otakaari 1.


One of the wings at the Undergraduate Centre, home to the facilities of Aalto BIZ.


AYY’s student dormitory located in Kallio district. The nickname derives from the address Vaasankatu 10.


Abbreviation for ‘vuosijuhla’. The Annual Ball, that celebrates KY’s birthday party where the dresscode is a tailcoat or a dark suit or an evening gown. The ball is held on the Saturday closest to Antti Chydenius’ birthday which is on February 26th.


Väre is the home to the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. Väre is located right next to the School of Business.


Finnish Student Health Service (FSHS). A health care service tailor-made for university students. You can use its services by paying the annual AYY membership fee.


Sports services for university students on six campuses within the metropolitan area at an affordable price. More information at unisport. fi.

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