Politics, Bah Humbug! page 7 Louis Prichard Profile page 10 Bankers on the Move page 20
December 2015
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Van Davidson
John Clark
Derek Hetherington
Chairman Mr. Louis Prichard Kentucky Bank
Mr. Bill Allen Bank of the Bluegrass and Trust Co.
Mr. Glenn Meyers Kentucky Federal Savings & Loan Association
Mr. William Alverson Traditional Bank, Inc.
Mr. Michael Mineer Citizens Deposit Bank & Trust
Mr. James W. Beach Peoples Bank & Trust Co.
Mr. Dale Sights Field & Main Bank
Mr. J. Wade Berry Farmers Bank & Trust
Mr. Thomas J. Smith, III American Bank & Trust Co., Inc.
Mr. W. Fred Brashear, II Hyden Citizens Bank
Mr. Ryan Curtis Steger Town Square Bank
Ms. Lanie W. Gardner First Southern National Bank
Mr. John T. Taylor PBI Bank
Mr. Gordon Kidd United Cumberland Bank
Mr. Jed Weinberg Bank of Hindman
Vice Chairman Mr. Michael H. Mercer First Security Bank of Kentucky Treasurer Mr. Timothy E. Barnes Hometown Bank of Corbin Past Chairman Mr. H. Lytle Thomas Heritage Bank, Inc.
Cover photo by Lanny Hubbard Horses in the Snow from Scenes of Kentucky photo contest
KENTUCKY BANKERS ASSOCIATION STAFF Ballard W. Cassady Jr. President and CEO Debra K. Stamper EVP / General Counsel & Director of Compliance Matthew E. Vance Chief Financial Officer Selina O. Parrish Director of Vendor Solutions Paula B. Cravens Sturgeon Director of Education Solutions Josh Fischer Director of Communications Managing Editor Kentucky Banker Miriam Cole Executive Assistant Paula Cross Education Services Coordinator
Jamie Hampton Education Services Coordinator
John P. Cooper Legislative Solutions
Natalie Kaelin Billie Wade Assistant General Counsel Executive Director Michelle Madison KBA INSURANCE IT Manager SOLUTIONS Lanie Minton Administrative Assistant
Chuck Maggard President & CEO
Tammy Nichols Finance Officer and Asset Manager, HOPE & KBA Convention Coordinator
Lisa Mattingly Director of Sales & Service
Katie Rajchel Staff Accountant Yvonne Savage PAC Services Coordinator Angie White
Sponsorship Relations
Steve Whitlow Systems Engineer
Tim Abbott Account Representative Brandon Maggard Account Representative Donna McCartin Benefit Support Specialist Audrey Whitaker Insurance Services Coordinator
Story Idea? Questions? Contact Josh Fischer, Kentucky Banker Managing Editor. Call 502-736-1283. Email: Kentucky Banker magazine is a monthly periodical publication of the Kentucky Bankers Association. Published in Louisville, KY, USA Contact the KBA: 600 W Main Street, Suite 400, Louisville, KY 40202. Phone: 502-582-2453 Fax: 502-584-6390
One Voice, Unifying Banking in the BlueGrass Welcome to the KBA, a nonprofit trade association that has been providing legislative, legal, compliance and educational services to its member institutions since 1891. KBA’s directors and staff work together with its members to make the financial services industry a more effective and successful place to work. The strength of the KBA is bankers unifying as an industry to speak as one voice.
Mission Statement The purpose of the Kentucky Bankers Association is to provide effective advocacy for the financial services industry both in Kentucky and on a national level; to serve as a reliable and responsive source of information and education about areas of interest to the industry; and to provide a catalyst and forum for collective industry action. The KBA does this in four ways: 1. Government relations and industry advocacy 2. Information interchange 3. Education 4. Products and services
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Write Down Specific Goals & Develop a Plan to Reach Them
s we close in on the end of 2015 and begin to plan and budget for 2016, it may be an opportune time to discuss the importance of Strategic Planning. Just recently, we at Kentucky Bank completed putting together our next three year plan. In today’s world of regulatory change and the rapid pace of technological advances, along with the additional competitors in the banking space, it may seem a rather daunting task to engage in a three year plan. Yet, I contend that it is of the utmost importance, especially since our goal, as leaders of our banks, is to grow the value of our franchise.
6.4% increase of the larger “non-community” banks. Over 60% of community banks reported higher yearover-year earnings. Much of this improvement came despite decreased margins and constantly increasing regulatory costs. Our industry has done its planning and done it well. We have learned that how things were done years ago are not the ways that are going to lead us to success in the future. We have learned and “planned” for new avenues for income streams. We have learned to adopt change, plan, and ultimately succeed.
As we are painfully aware, regulators ask for a copy of our strategic plans now as a matter of course, when they arrive for an examination. Yet, the “Plan” has far more value than just to satisfy a regulator. Our goal should be to put a plan in place that accomplishes the goals of our boards and shareholders. This is no easy task, given the issues listed above.
Jim Ikard, the outgoing ABA Chairman and President and CEO of First Bank and Holding Company in Lakewood, Colorado, wrote in his recent article in the ABA Banking Journal, that because of the uncertainties and challenges that face our industry, we face “unchartered territory” which is, and can be, disconcerting. Yet, he goes on to write that we are up to the task. He states, “By and large, the vast majority of bankers are comOur plans should do the following: mitted to working through the challenges and finding 1. Define our success over a specific period of time. the new path for their institutions.” (Planning!) “That’s leadership. This attitude is one of ‘I’m going to go out 2. Ensure we have more than one way to get there; there and compete and be successful.’” Again, I say, we need to be able to adapt. that is good strategic planning in action! We understand 3. Communicate the goals of the plan to those who and do that in the Commonwealth. are executing it. If you’ll permit me, I want to shift gears and take the opportunity to wish everyone a wonderful Holiday and 4. Constantly measure and report on progress. Christmas Season. We have a lot for which to be grateThere is nothing particularly new in what we have just ful. Let’s appreciate that fact and share with others in outlined above. We bankers, and especially we bankers our gratitude. This time of year is an appropriate time in Kentucky, have been keenly aware of these efforts to take stock in the blessings of family, friends, and opas our group performance ratios indicate. Our banks portunity. in Kentucky have consistently done very well when compared to our neighboring states’ banking perfor- Happy Holidays to all! mance. It is not by accident that we have enjoyed this success; rather I choose to believe it is by planning and by execution. Nationally, community banks have done well, again, I believe, as a result of hard work and good Louis Prichard planning. Through the second quarter of 2015, aggreKBA Chairman gate earnings for the FDIC defined community banks increased 11.8% over the same quarter in 2014. That percentage increase was almost at twice the rate of the SEE THIS MONTH’S KBA BANKER PROFILE ON LOUIS PRICHARD PAGE 10 December 2015 | 5
Congressional Madness
have work to do in 2016.
As hard as it is to believe, Congress failed to provide regulatory relief for traditional banks in their most recent spending bill. Democrats on the Hill have drawn the proverbial line in the sand, failing to recognize that their blind, and already-antiquated support, of Dodd-Frank is akin to insanity. Unfortunately, we have become all too familiar with cases of Congressional Madness.
our resolve to place men and women in Congress who are willing and able to stand up for what is right for our industry and our customers, or resign ourselves to the doubt and suspicion that continues to be directed at those of us who are looking to relieve the stranglehold Dodd-Frank has on our financial industry.
Kentucky’s delegation, with the exception of John Yarmuth (D), have stood strong with our industry. I encourage you to ask Representative Yarmuth why he continues to jeopardize the health of banking in his state. His supporters all have bank accounts, they all need loans and they all do busiFor those of us who are concerned about the consequences ness with banks that play a central role in their interests. of Dodd-Frank, and Congress’ failure to provide significant Yarmuth’s party-tethered stance hurts the very Kentuckians legislation to mitigate the burdens that Dodd-Frank forces who put him in office. The insanity is that they don’t see it, on smaller, traditional banks, we are furious and frustrat- or haven’t experienced. Yet. ed. I know you are too. We should be. For anyone with a modicum of common sense, no matter what party affilia- The lack of institutional awareness all this reveals is telltion, regulating large, national and international banks with ing, scary and adds to our frustration. We could continue to the same set of standards and practices as smaller, state/ write it off as Congressional Madness, letting those Repcommunity-level banks is a madness that only the current resentatives in DC off the hook by questioning their sanity Congress could promote and perpetuate. and moving on to the next issue, but mad or not, at some point we have to hold these elected men and women who SYMPTOMS 2008+ continue to kneel before Dodd-Frank accountable. We have The current budget debate was our best and ONLY chance to meet madness with sanity. And that time is now, tomorthis Congress had to get limited, but meaningful, change row and 2016. to Dodd-Frank. Party politics once again clouded an issue SOLUTIONS 2016 which should have been straightforward. Rather than recognize that the burden of irrelevant regulation is stifling Kentucky is just one small piece of the large puzzle. Movcommunities and economic recovery, and hurting constitu- ing forward we will be meeting and coordinating with other ents in their private economic recovery, based on their own state associations to position ourselves for the future of our “post vote” comments, Congressional Democrats would industry and strategy needed to regain the support in DC. rather paint the need for reasonable relief as some under- We will achieve our goals. This is a setback, but we will handed attempt at repealing Dodd-Frank. This defensive bring leaders to DC who can rise above the nonsense that is paranoia is part of the set of symptoms that accompanies proposed by those who seek to continue to punish anyone Congressional Madness. (Perhaps they need a neurosur- associated with the financial industry. The overwhelming geon.) majority of bankers in our Commonwealth are conscientious, irreplaceable to their customers, honest and fair. You We earnestly thought that this Congress was beginning to should no longer have to pay for the sins of the corruptible understand the difference between Main Street and Wall who created the current financial climate. You deserve betStreet, but actions speak louder than words. The actions of ter. Democratic leaders during the final hours of the spending bill negotiations tell the real story. Why issue a blanket NO We need your help now more than ever; we need EVERY on ANY Financial reform? The real story is disappointing. banker, EVERY employee, EVERY customer and EVERY They let us all down. friend of our industry to focus on recovering from this defeat. We must demand the respect our industry deserves. TURNING POINT 2015 Regulatory reform awards a part of the industry that had This loss is bigger than a missed opportunity at regulatory nothing to do with the 2008 financial crisis. You were too relief. It is a turning point. We must regroup and strengthen busy helping your customers. December 2015 | 6
next page: Politics; Bah-Humbug
Politics; Bah-Humbug Congress Deals Banks a Setback
here seems to be a sea change, at least here in Kentucky, against politics as usual. Governor Matt Bevin’s election was the “shot across the bow.” It was surprising to me and devastating to others. Growing up in Kentucky I’ve always wondered why we vote Republican in national elections and Democratic in local and state elections. I always felt that the reason was that most every Democrat in Kentucky would be a Republican up North.
In other words, our Democrats (for the most part) are fiscal conservatives and social moderates, so they vote Republican in Presidential and national elections because they think that’s where it really matters. However, what happens when as a favor we vote for our buddies in state and local elections without regard to their political beliefs. Evidently you get a state whose public employee pension has the worst deficit in the United States (-$19B), signing on to Obamacare Medicaid expansion at a cost in 2017 of $200+M (not to mention the normal growth in Medicaid that will be over $200M) and an antiquated business tax and work environment. It was Margaret Thatcher who said, “The problem with Socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money.” Governor Bevin will be the first to tell you that he didn’t carry 111 counties out of 120 because everyone loved him. No, it was because the people of Kentucky said they want a change in leadership. That seems to be the same message we are hearing nationally. Who would have ever thought Donald Trump would be securing 35% of the vote in a Republican primary! He has evidently hit upon a nerve in the American people that is saying “ENOUGH!” We don’t seem to have politicians in the truest sense of the word anymore. What we have are job hunters, people who got elected telling the public what they want to hear and then immediately begin to play the Potomac-get-ahead game, which believes if I do what leadership tells me to do instead of what my constituents need me to do, I’ll get ahead.
“We need Statesmen not politicians” Now not all politicians are like that, but enough are to be in the majority. We need Statesmen not politicians. To that end I would tell you, I always admired politicians who had the integrity to vote against leadership when they knew through their own intel-
lectual compass that leadership was wrong. It takes a certain je ne sais quoi to stand against the tide, but then again those are the men and women that history will remember, not the “Jell-O– shot” politicians who went along to get along just to stay out of the heat of the kitchen. That’s how this country has gotten into the shape it is in, and how this state got into the shape it’s in. One such Jell-O-shot example is Congressman Yarmuth. I like John Yarmuth because most of the time he truly believes in what he is supporting. I don’t happen to agree with his beliefs (actually none of them), but I respect his reasoning process. However, I don’t know if you noticed what I have, he has NEVER voted with banking. Not once. He has never voted with banking, and yet we have banks that still support his candidacy! I made a special trip to Washington just to speak to Congressman Yarmuth about Congressman Andy Barr’s portfolio lending bill. I explained that it would allow community banks to help their customers by making mortgage loans outside QM standards, only if they house them in their own portfolio and take all the risk internally. In other words, if the loan went bad it wouldn’t hurt anyone except the bank, thus insuring strong underwriting. I explained to Congressman Yarmuth how the loan guidelines in Dodd-Frank have crippled lending in rural America. That this would help get money back out into the local communities so banks could make good character loans again. He politely listened and stated he didn’t see any reason to oppose such legislation, and he even asked if the rest of the Kentucky delegation was for it, to which I responded yes, they were. After about a 20-minute visit I left Rep. Yarmuth’s office thinking, Yes, we will finally get him to support a good banking bill that helps citizens of Kentucky! Well, I couldn’t have been more wrong. Evidently Leader Nancy Pelosi and co-conspirator and Financial Services ranking member Maxine Waters sent the word out that Democrats were opposed to making any changes to Dodd-Frank; Yarmuth went along with the other lemmings in his party who voted blindly the party line. There were nine brave Democrats who voted with Representative Barr on this bill in a bi-partisan fashion and it passed. I just wish I could have said one of them was ours, but….
Ballard Cassady KBA President & CEO
What are your thoughts?
EMV Chip Technology Rules
Did They Change the World?
s you know, a new set of liability rules for “card-present” fraudulent transactions became effective October 1, 2015. But, here it is almost 2016 and many banks and retailers are still not ready. What does that mean for you? Before October 1, under the card processing rules, the financial responsibility for most counterfeit card fraud was borne by the card issuer. Generally, merchants who accept counterfeit cards are protected from all liability. If any merchant has been required to reimburse the issuing banks for their losses, which did not frequently occur, it would typically be the merchant from which the card information was extracted or that merchant’s processor. The new liability shift now means that whichever party in the payments chain lacks EMV chip technology will be responsible for the expense of any card-present fraud.
card has been stolen and later used and processed as a magnetic stripe transaction or a chip-and-signature transaction (as opposed to a transaction in which the consumer enters a numeric PIN), MasterCard and American Express will not cover any associated costs from that fraudulent transaction. Additionally: • Automated fuel dispensers are not required to make the shift to EMV until 2017. This means that until then, they will follow existing fraud liability rulings. • Retailers using mobile payment devices such as “Square” will have to purchase new equipment to read the chips on EMV cards. Until Square-based retailers upgrade, new EMV cards will be processed without the added layer of encryption security the card chip provides.
Thus, every time a fraudulent, card-present transaction occurs a determination must be made as to which party should be held responsible for the fraud. The determination will occur like this:
• If chip-card readers are not in place, the EMV card can be read with a swipe, just like traditional magnetic stripe cards. However, the added layer of security will be lost.
• If a merchant does not have EMV certified, chip-enabled POS terminals and a customer pays with an chip-embedded card, the merchant bears the liability.
• Chip and Signature is the standard which was decided upon in the US. Most other countries with EMV technology require Chip and PIN.
• If the merchant has EMV certified, chip-enabled POS terminals, but the card issuer has not supplied the customer with a chip-embedded card, the card issuer bears the liability.
• Online card fraud is expected to rise as it has in most other countries who have implemented chip technology
• If the merchant has EMV certified, chip-enabled POS terminals AND the customer pays with a chip-embedded card, the card issuer is liable. Obviously, this places a liability burden on merchants; a liability that they have skirted to date. But, will it really help? It has been made clear by the credit card brands, Visa and Mastercard, that these liability rules are intended to place an ongoing shift of responsibility to those who are responsible for the losses. Instead, this liability shift is only intended to encourage all participants in the payment system to make the EMV changes and to implement new branded equipment. Payment brands, like Visa and MasterCard, have issued some additional brand-specific guidance for the liability shift. Some liability shifts, such as counterfeit fraud liability, lost or stolen liability, and liability for cross-border transactions, apply only to specific payment networks. For instance, Visa, MasterCard, and American Express have all announced that they will not cover counterfeit fraud costs for merchants that are not prepared to process chip cards under the new EMV technology. Of those three companies, Visa is the only brand that will cover lost or stolen card fraud under the same circumstances. That means if a chip December 2015 | 8
Now, after all of this, what do we think this EMV certified technology will mean to our members long term? Nothing. The liability shift only comes into play until everyone has the new technology. After that, it goes back to the same old rules where the bank bears the full brunt of the liability. The temporary shift places no burden on the merchants which would incent them to maintain security of their own systems— under the EMV standards, merchants are not even required to check the signatures that they are required to obtain. It places no responsibility on customers to safeguard their cards or their information. In a nutshell, Chip technology whether it is with PIN or Signature will not change your world. It may minimally decrease the fraudulent use of a credit card at the POS. It will not, however, make remote payment (online or by telephone) safer. And, more importantly, it will not reduce the chances or fraud through hacking retailer systems—which was the cause of the Target breach, the Staples breach, the Home Depot breach, the Michael’s breach, the CVS breach, the Costco breach, and many others.
kba evp & general counsel
Kentucky Banker Profile Louis Prichard, 2015-2016 KBA Chairman
by Angie White Louis Prichard, President and CEO of Kentucky Bank, spent his childhood like most boys in Kentucky – playing sports and dreaming of becoming a college athlete. Born in 1953 in Paris, Kentucky, his days were spent playing baseball, football, basketball, and swimming; but as he got older, he realized maybe he wasn’t cut out for the sports life like he thought.
FORMING RELATIONSHIPS Banking, as we all know too well, has changed over the years. One thing that Louis Prichard wants everyone to know is that while the industry is still changing, the core of the banking business remains the same – forming relationships. “Relationships with our employees, relationships with our customers, and relationships with our communities play such a vital role in our continued growth,” Prichard said. “The long and short of it is our ultimate goal is to take care of our customers. For years, we have been enduring one regulatory change or another, but we as bankers have survived and prevailed in spite of it, and we can continue to do so by finding ways to service the financial needs of our customers.” This doesn’t mean he thinks the battle against regulation is over. Not by a long shot. “The battle continues on a daily basis and is being fought full steam ahead by the Kentucky Bankers Association. (The KBA) wakes up every day trying to relieve our banks of over-regulations. But until that happens we have to adapt to our new reality.”
“Little did I know, my hopes of being a college athlete would be dashed because I realized I wasn’t as good as I As 2015-2016 KBA Chairman, Prichard is focused on 2 had hoped I’d be,” Prichard said. He then started thinking major goals – reducing regulatory burdens at the federal about a plan b - and it wasn’t “b” for banking. level and at the state level with Non-Judicial Foreclosure. Prichard attended Centre College in Danville where he was A TYPICAL DAY a double major in Government and History. He wanted to attend law school for his post-graduate education, to be- Wondering what would a typical day be like for the KBA come a business attorney, but felt he needed to get out into Chairman and President of Kentucky Bank? As Prichard the workforce for some real-life experience first. states with a chuckle, “no day is typical, except for the time He went to work for Citizens Fidelity Bank in it starts,” Prichard said. His work day begins around 7:30 Louisville. This is where Louis Prichard’s busi- a.m. by reading email and going over the general ledger ness life was born. of the bank, which usually leads into phone calls. He then Prichard started out in the Management training moves on to meeting the needs of employees and customprogram at Citizens Fidelity where he went on to become ers of his bank, which vary from day-to-day. Prichard also the Assistant Branch Manager of the Plainview branch, spends time during his busy work day following financial Branch Manager at the Old Third Street branch, and even- news on a state and national level. tually into Regional Lending. So now that we know how Louis Prichard, the boy who “Working at Citizens Fidelity, I had the opportunity to meet dreamed of becoming a professional athlete, became Louis a variety of people,” Prichard said. “I was introduced to a Prichard, the successful bank President, it’s time to get to variety of businesses, and was able to help so many people know Louis Prichard the family man. Louis is a husband to by providing them with financial solutions – all of this is Bennett, and a father of two. His daughter Lanier recently why I fell in love with banking.” continued on next page
December 2015 | 10
LOUIS PRICHARD continued from previous page
The Prichard family loves the beach. Their most memorable family vacation? Scuba diving in the Grand Caymans. Prichard, whose dream vacation is traveling to Australia and New Zealand, said; “Being underwater is a peaceful environment and there is always fun stuff to see.” Well that’s one way to get away from the regulators! FUN FACTS Things you may not know about Louis Prichard: Pictured left to right: Martin Prichard (son), Kara Beer (friend of Martin), Bennett Prichard (wife), Lanier Sachs (daughter), Nathan Sachs (son-in-law) and Louis Prichard.
married Nathan Sachs from Nashville, and his son, Martin, is currently working for LGE-KU in Lexington and holds his Masters in Electrical Engineering. Louis looks forward to time spent with his family, “Being together as a family is the most important thing to me. It doesn’t matter where we are, what matters is we are together.”
He is a history buff. Historical biographies are his favorite. The last book he read was The Quartet about the process of getting the U.S. Constitution ratified. If he could have a super power, it would be transport himself anywhere at any time, like the 2008 movie Jumper.
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Farmers National Bank Celebrates 125 Years “Generations of Commitment to the Community” MARION COUNTY, Ky. - The year 2015 marked 125 years of continuous service by Farmers National Bank (FNB) to the people of Marion County and surrounding areas. FNB President George B. Spragens says he is proud to contribute to Lebanon’s economic development, just as his father, T. E. Spragens, Jr., did for so many years.
Bank. Another feature, which was well received in the community, was the beautifully landscaped mall with a fountain adjacent to the bank. This park-like atmosphere has greatly enhanced the downtown area and continues to be a favorite spot by locals.
“Farmers National Bank is always looking toward the future while being mindful of our past,” said George Spragens. “My family’s history of serving the bank now goes back four generations and it is our intention to remain an independent community bank where local people can be employed to serve local people.”
Community One of the most recent investments in the community was made in 2012 with the construction of a new 2,856 square foot South Branch on Campbellsville Highway The Farmers National Bank of Lebanon had its origin in in front of Wal-Mart. The bigger, modern branch offers the office of T.S. Edelen on February 6, 1890, when he all the services of the main office in a convenient locaand several other citizens decided that Marion County tion to serve their customers. needed another bank. It didn’t take long for these men of action to get the new bank in operation as the doors Mr. Spragens says employees and management at Farmopened for business on April 1, 1890, with capital of ers National Bank are committed to knowing their cus$50,000. Serving on the Board of Directors were R.N. tomer and making sure they are satisfied: “As an indeWathen, Charles Beaven, L.C. Rawlings, T.S. Roberts, pendent community bank, our services directly reflect G.C. Hamilton, Dr. R.C. McChord, T. Horace Clelland the needs of our customers. Through advancements in and Lewis Edelen. Prominent stockholders included: technology, improved facilities, and invaluable human former Governor J. Proctor Knott, distillers J.W. Dant resources, we continually look for new ways to serve and Charles Kobert and Lebanon businessman B.J. the growing communities in the area. We want to continue to offer banking the way it should be - people you Molohon. trust, who go out of their way to help you.” In 1964, FNB purchased the Masonic building lot on West Main Street which joined its then current loca- Melissa Knight, Vice President of Sales and Markettion. Plans were initiated for construction of a new ing, says Farmers National Bank is intensely focused building which was occupied for the first time in 1966. on serving local families and businesses. “Our Bank is The beautiful new colonial structure was an immediate a locally-owned, small business, so we understand that hit in the community with its warm and friendly atmo- our success is dependent upon our customers’ success,” sphere, which featured the president’s desk just off the Knight said. main lobby where he could be seen and see customsee FNB 125 photos on next page ers, as had long been the tradition at Farmers National
December 2015 | 13
BANK HAPPENINGS continued from previous page
Farmers National Bank Celebrates 125 Years
NEW WEBSITE December 2015 | 14
Merchant Services Consulting NOW AVAILABLE!
Wimsett & Company helps organizations achieve their goals and improve their small business relationships by improving the institutions’ current merchant services program The Kentucky Bankers Association proudly announces or by customizing a brand new program to fit the unique Wimsett & Company as our endorsed provider for indepen- needs of your institution and client base. dent payments consulting services for merchant services. Wimsett & Company was chosen by the KBA because of With the growing importance for banks to offer value addtheir expertise and unique consultative approach. ed services, we are happy to endorse Wimsett & Company as independent consultants to help your financial institution Wimsett & Company works as an independent consultant strategize and determine the best merchant services proto help banks identify the best merchant services program gram solution. for their bank as well as their bank’s small and medium businesses. In today’s competitive lending environment, For more information about Wimsett & Company and how maintaining relationships with small & medium busi- they can help your bank with its merchant services pronesses is more important than ever. Banks cannot afford gram, please visit their website at www.wimsettandcomto lose business clients due to poor service or constant rate For immediate attention, contact Selina Parrish at the KBA by phone (502) 736-1282 or email sparrish@ increases from the merchant services program the bank We know you will be pleased with Wimsett recommended. That is why Wimsett & Company has cre& Company’s expertise and unique consultative approach. ated their independent, consultative model, to help banks build and retain clients through outstanding merchant services programs thus increasing opportunities for additional loans, core deposits, and other income.
Governing Magazine Names Stivers One of the Nation’s Top Officials Governing magazine named Kentucky Senate President Robert Stivers as one of the country’s top nine public officials of the year. Stivers (R-Manchester) was nominated for the award by the magazine’s editors. The magazine has honored individual state and local government ofPBK Bank ficials for their accomplishments every Hwy 150 Branch year since 1994. Price is Right The publication commends Stivers for his December 2015 | 16
bipartisan work since assuming the role of Senate president in 2013. Landmark legislation that has passed during Stivers’ presidency includes bills to address abuse of prescription drugs and heroin, and providing funding for a new cancer research center at the University of Kentucky. “It is an honor to receive this award on behalf of our work in the legislature,” Stivers said in a statement. “We are fortu-
nate to have so many dedicated servants in the Kentucky General Assembly who were willing to put aside politics and do what was best for the Commonwealth of Kentucky. While there is still plenty of work to be done, I am very thankful to my colleagues and staff for their work on significant pieces of legislation. It has been a great year.”
findCRA Receives Capital for National Expansion LOUISVILLE, Ky – Louisville-based findCRA has launched a national expansion through an investment of $250,000 from Miami, Florida-based Charity Deposits Corp. (CDC). Although the partnership is only a few months old, findCRA has already begun work with community partners in New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania. Talks have begun with national partners focused on affordable housing, financial literacy and community services supporting communities as diverse as Harlem, Camden and Appalachia.
“We knew that we needed help to grow beyond Louisville, and CDC brought not only the funding but an existing regional network of offices as well as a passionate interest in fulfilling our objective of creating impact in each community. It would have taken us years to build that network,” added CEO Ben Loehle who along with Brian Waters founded findCRA. The founders of findCRA are committed to their work in Louisville, Kentucky. They recently moved to new offices on 5th Street right across from City Hall. Louisville’s Chief of Civic Innovation Ted Smith had this to say in a recent article, “findCRA has taken an innovative approach to a longstanding community need to bring capital to part of our community that have inspirational ideas for revitalization. I hope findCRA does well and inspires more companies to take those old tools out and make them work better.”
A social impact platform, findCRA identifies and promotes community needs that qualify under the Community Reinvestment Act and seeks the right bank partners to fulfill those needs. CDC is a network administrator of institutional deposits placed in banks through its relationship with a law firm (Charity Services Centers, P.A.) that works with over 300 charitable organizations in 11 states. Deposits are held by the law firm in trust accounts that benefit the local organizations in the form of donations that come from the interest on the deposits. Each community bank can select About findCRA the organization or organizations to which the donation is made, so the process strengthens the relationship between findCRA is an innovative, online platform that connects banks and service organizations in their community. banks and community partners to build stronger communities. Founded in 2013 and headquartered in Louisville, Several national banking institutions are anxious to find an Kentucky, the founders bring over 20 years of banking exeasier, more efficient way to meet their community reinperience to findCRA. The company works to identify and vestment needs. “In my career experience, matching bank promote community needs that qualify under the Commuinvestment with projects that deliver both a financial and nity Reinvestment Act and seeks the right bank partners social-economic return has been a challenge. The innova- to fulfill those needs to maximize social impact. For more tors at findCRA provide the impetus for a more targeted information, visit focus that delivers a successful outcome for all investment partners,” said Maria Hampton, retired Regional Executive What is CRA? of the Louisville Branch of the Federal Reserve Bank of The Community Reinvestment Act or CRA was enacted in St. Louis. 1977 and is designed to encourage commercial banks and William Burdette, CDC’s CEO stated “Our mission is to savings associations to help meet the needs of all segments support community-building projects, which is why an in- of their communities, including low- and moderate-income vestment in findCRA was so exciting to us. The relation- areas and individuals and small businesses. Banks are peship offers a platform that helps to locate organizations riodically examined by their federal regulator to measure that do the work needed in each community. Improving the their sustained performance and receive a public CRA relinks between those organizations and community banks garding based on how their performance in meeting comwas seen as a significant value, so we were willing to com- munity needs. Since its implementation, the CRA has supmit financial resources to help findCRA expand its nation- ported trillions of dollars in affordable housing, economic al market presence. CDC works with hundreds of banks development, financial literacy and community support throughout the United States.” initiatives throughout the nation. December 2015 | 18
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If you have any questions please contact Jamie Hampton
Loved it! I learned so much and had a great time doing it. Every bank should send as many of their staff as possible to this school. Joel Brashear, Hyden Citizens Bank, Hyden
KBA General Banking School is truly an awesome experience. It helps transform ordinary bankers into extraordinary ones and helps to grow knowledge and experience! I’m so glad I got the opportunity to attend and make lasting relationships! Dallas Young, Community Financial Services Bank, Benton
How to Improve your Collection Department, was a reminder of past years of collection basics. I have over 37 years of collection experience, and sometimes you need to hear again what the business is all about. These are tools of collection to keep you safe. It was great to have that piece presented again. Very good material presented. Floyd Smith, River City Bank, Inc., Louisville
I had the most beneficial experience at the KBA General Banking School! Our presenters were excellent at teaching how the balance sheet and income statement directly affect each other with every decision made. It provided an understanding of how community banking decisions are made. I made lasting relationships with classmates and keep in touch, utilizing each other’s banking knowledge and experiences. I’m so glad I was given the opportunity to attend and encourage co-team members to attend! Cherith Griggs, Community Financial Services Bank, Benton
My experience in Wisconsin was a confirmation of how well the KBA General School of Banking prepared me for the Graduate School. The faculty at the KBA school were not only just as qualified academically, but provided a great foundation upon which to build. Thank you so much for making the program a great stepping stone for my future career! David Kunze, Whitaker Bank, Lexington
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Anna Hovekamp
First Security Inc., the bank holding company for First Security Bank, Inc., announced the promotion of Amy Jackson to Senior Vice President, Chief Operating Officer of First Security Bank, Inc. Prior to joining the Bank in October of 2014 as President of the Owensboro Region, Amy served as the President and CEO of the Greater Owensboro Chamber of Commerce.
Central Bank announced the promotion of Anna Hovekamp to Assistant Vice President, Personal Trust Officer. Mrs. Hovekamp brings nearly nine years of experience with Central Bank to her new role. A native of Bardstown, KY, Anna holds a BS in Finance from the University of Louisville.
Cash Cassady
Chad Spalding
Central Bank announced that Ballard “Cash” Cassady has joined Central Bank as Investment Officer. Cash joins Central Bank with experience as an Asset Manager and Client Coordinator for Wells Fargo. Mr. Cassady is a graduate of Bellarmine University where he earned both his BA in Business Administration and his MBA.
Chad Spalding has been promoted to Loan Officer at the Farmers National Bank of Lebanon. “Chad is a welcome addition to the lending team at Farmers National Bank,” said VP of Lending, Brad Mattingly. Spalding has been employed at FNB since 2009. In his time at FNB he has served in the role of Teller, New Accounts Representative, Assistant Branch Manager, and Loan Processor.
Don Benzinger
Greg Mills
Donald Benzinger has joined Central Bank as Vice President, Commercial Lending. Mr. Benzinger joins Central Bank with 31 years of banking experience. A native of Northern Kentucky, Donald is a graduate of NKU, the Salmon P. Chase College of Law, and the National School of Real Estate Finance. He is a member of both the Northern Kentucky and Kentucky Bar Associations.
Greg Mills has been named Controller at The Farmers National Bank of Lebanon. Mills has been employed by Farmers National Bank since June of 2010 as Internal Auditor. He also serves as the bank’s Compliance Officer. Mills earned a Bachelor of Science in Finance and Accounting from the University of Kentucky in 2008. He is currently attending the LSU Graduate School of Banking.
Jimmy Taylor
Joe Russell
Jimmy Taylor has been hired as the Farmers National Bank’s Internal Auditor and Assistant Compliance Officer. Taylor joined the Bank in July of 2015. He graduated from Campbellsville University in 1997 with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, emphasis in Accounting. He is currently working toward becoming a Certified Public Account.
Community Trust and Investment Company announced that Joseph Russell has been hired as an Equity Analyst with CTIC’s Wealth and Trust Management division. Mr. Russell’s responsibilities include the research and selection of equity securities and contributing to the development of equity strategies. Mr. Russell earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Business from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio.
Laura Schweitzer
Kevin Carrico
Central Bank announced the promotion of Laura Schweitzer to Executive Vice President, Director of Operations. Mrs. Schweitzer has been with Central Bank since 1982 and has served as the Senior Vice President of Loan Services since 2006. A native of Lexington, Laura is a graduate of the University of Kentucky and Kentucky School of Banking.
First Security Bank, Inc., announced the hiring of Kevin Carrico as Senior Vice President, Chief Market Officer of First Security Bank, Inc. Carrico holds an undergraduate degree from Brescia University, Owensboro, Kentucky. He is the current Board Chair for the Board of Trustees of Brescia University.
Elizabeth Kip
Mattew Ratliff
Community Trust and Investment Company announced that Elizabeth J. “Liz” Kip has joined CTIC’s Wealth and Trust Management team as Marketing and Advertising Coordinator. Ms. Kip will work with Community Trust Bank’s Marketing Division and will be responsible for creating and delivering marketing and advertising initiatives, branding concepts and representing CTIC’s Wealth and Trust Management team at events.
Matthew Ratliff has joined Central Bank as Treasury Management Officer. Mr. Ratliff joins Central Bank with over 12 years of banking experience; he has prior experience as a retail banking Branch Manager and District Manager. A native of Winchester, Matthew is a graduate of Eastern Kentucky University where he earned his Bachelor’s degree in Finance.
Want to announce a promotion? Email photos & announcements to Josh Fischer: December 2015 | 20
BANKERS ON THE MOVE Wes Barringer Old National Bank announced the hiring of Wesley Barringer as Vice President, Commercial Lender. Barringer will be responsible for commercial lending in Lexington and central Kentucky. Barringer has over 15 years of financial services experience and holds his BA from the University of Virginia and his MBA from the University of North Carolina.
Tammy Carroll Central Bank announced the promotion of Tammy Carroll to Vice President, Retail Banking. Mrs. Carroll has been with Central Bank for more than 16 years. As Vice President of retail, Tammy will continue to work as a Retail Officer in the Winchester market. She is a native of Hazel Park, Michigan and a graduate of the University of North Dakota.
Rusty Ray
Susan Dean
Rusty Ray has joined Forcht Bank as Commercial Lending Officer in the London market. He previously had a similar role at Cumberland Valley National Bank as Commercial Lender. Ray will be focused on delivering business banking solutions and loans to local London businesses. Ray earned his Bachelor’s Degree of Business Administration from UK, and his Master’s Degree in the same field from University of the Cumberlands.
Kentucky Bank welcomes Susan Dean as a Vice President, Commercial Banker. She will be working with customers throughout Fayette and Madison Counties. Susan is a graduate of the University of Kentucky. She comes to Kentucky Bank with over 30 years of banking experience as a Commercial Banker in central Kentucky.
Todd Myers Earns Scholarship Pictured at left is Todd Myers accepting the BAB scholarship to the Graduate School of Banking at the University of Wisconsin. Mary Young is presenting the scholarship. She represents the state of Kentucky on the BAB and is currently serving as the Vice-Chair. The BAB is made up of banking leaders, who are GSB graduates. They endorse the program and serve as advisors to GSB on curriculum, marketing and leadership development issues.
December 2015 | 21
Community Trust Bank Honored as Kentucky’s Top SBA Community Bank Lender
PIKEVILLE, Ky. – Community Trust Bank, Inc. was honored with the “Gold Lender Award” by the United States Small Business Administration (SBA) as Kentucky’s top community bank SBA 7a lender in 2014 – 2015. This is the seventh consecutive year that Community Trust has received this award from the SBA. In the last six federal fiscal years, SBA has authorized more SBA 7a loans in Kentucky for Community Trust Bank than for any lender. Over the last seven fiscal years, Community Trust has closed more than 600 SBA 7a and 504 loans, providing in excess of $100 million for small businesses in the communities it serves. During the most recent fiscal year, Community Trust Bank closed or increased 101 SBA 7a and 504 loans, representing $19,504,586. In Kentucky, the bank closed or increased 90 loans, totaling $15,694,300. In West Virginia, Community Trust Bank closed or increased 7 loans, totaling $1,139,000. In Tennessee, Community Trust Bank closed or increased 4 loans, totaling $2,671,286. Community Trust Bank, Inc. has been originating loans for over 112 years. It has been an active participant in the government’s SBA programs for many years. In all, 35 loan officers at Community Trust Bank’s 80 locations in Kentucky, West Virginia and Tennessee were successful in obtaining SBA loans for their customers during the year. These individual lenders include: Bob Watson in Versailles, Kentucky, was the top SBA lender for Community Trust Bank in number of loans for the seventh consecutive year. Mr. Watson closed or increased 20 SBA loans for $1,112,000. Mr. Watson also received a special Louisville Slugger bat engraved with his name as a seven-time member of SBA’s Kentucky “Heavy Hitter” Team at the recent SBA Lender’s Conference in Louisville, Kentucky. Steve Belcher in Pikeville, Kentucky, had the highest dollar amount of SBA loans, with two loans for $5,037,000. “Once again we are pleased to receive this honor from the Small Business Administration,” said Mark Gooch, President and CEO of Community Trust Bank, Inc. “Over the years, the relationship with the SBA has been an excellent one for both Community Trust Bank and our customer base, allowing us to offer competitive business loan products across our service area. I’m proud of our employees as we look forward to continued profitable growth in this business in 2016.” “Community Trust Bank has led the way with SBA lending for many years in Kentucky and is one of the premier community banks in the entire country,” said Ralph E. Ross, SBA Kentucky District Director. December 2015 | 22
Ralph E. Ross, right, Kentucky District Director of the Small Business Administration (SBA), recently presented Community Trust Bank with the “Gold Lender Award” for being Kentucky’s top SBA 7a lender during 2014 - 2015. Terry Spears, SBA Small Business Banking Officer for Community Trust, accepted the honor on behalf of the bank.
Denim Days of Summer Citizens Bank of Northern Kentucky employee, Jen Jackson Weber (left) is pictured presenting a “Big Check” in the amount of $1,112.64 to the Executive Director of the Henry Hosea House, Karen Yates (right). The Denim Days of Summer campaign raised funds for the Henry Hosea House. Bank employees were given the opportunity to wear jeans on designated Fridays, and were asked to donate $5.00 for that privilege. Donation containers were placed on the counters. “We would like to thank you for the wonderful donation of $1,112.64 from your Denim Days of Summer program,” said Yates. “What a fun way for everyone to dress comfortably and help those in need at the same time! We truly appreciate your kindness and generosity. So far this year we have served 35,132 meals. With continued support from caring organizations like yours, we can continue with our ministry in reaching out to those less fortunate. Thanks again for always remembering the Hosea House.”
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CFSB Participates in A Dickens Christmas
Benton, KY - Community Financial Services Bank participated in Benton’s A Dickens’ Christmas on Saturday, December 12. CFSB Team Members (Pictured L-R) Jennifer Apple, Allen Waddell and Dawn Mack (not pictured Amy Waddell and CFSB team member Luke Thomas) served up hot apple cider and old-time peppermint sticks to those who attended the festivities.
Forcht Bank Announces Winner of Christmas Coloring Contest Lacedez Canada, age 11, of Whitley Central Intermediate School, is the winner of the 2015 Forcht Bank Christmas Card Design Contest. Her winning design will be on the cover of the official Forcht Bank Christmas Card this year, and she will be awarded a $500 College Savings Plan.
participate. The participants were required to design and color a holidaythemed picture that included the words “Merry Christmas.” Their parents could submit their entries via mail or in person at any Forcht banking center. Forcht Bank received entries from all over the state.
opportunity for the children to have fun and start the Christmas season,” said Tucker Ballinger, Forcht Bank President & CEO. “We’re excited that so many children took the time to share their artwork with us. It was not easy to choose one winner from all the great designs.”
The coloring contest began in midOctober. Children, age 4-12 attending school in Kentucky, were eligible to
“As a community bank, we look for opportunities to interact and involve community members. This was an ideal
The First Runner-Up was Madison Hill, and the Second Runner-Up was Shaeleigh Perkins.
December 2015 | 24
FNB Gives Back with Christmas Donations
Mayfield, KY - During the month of December, FNB Bank made a $500 Christmas Donation to two worthy charities on behalf of their customers in Murray-Calloway County. Both the Tiger Christmas and Santa Project Toy Drives and The Gentry House received $250 donations to assist with daily necessities and expenses.
“Giving back to our local charities is the best gift we can give during this holiday season,” stated Angelique Jones, FNB Office Manager. “Giving back is a great reminder of what the holiday season is truly about and how blessed we are to live in such an amazing community with programs that help those in need.”
In addition to the bank’s monetary Christmas donation to Murray and Calloway County Schools, FNB’s Murray Office also served as a drop off location for the Towing for Toys – Toy Drive, which also contributed toys to the Tiger Christmas and Santa Project Christmas Assistance Programs.
December 2015 | 25
Preventing Slips, Trips and Falls in Community Banks by Craig M. Collins, OneBeacon Financial Services
floor mats must be monitored as elements like water and snow can quickly make a floor mat ineffective. Be sure to keep spare mats on hand, and designate employees to replace soiled and soaked mats when necessary. Make sure mats are properly secured to the floor by using a mat with a rubberized back or with a base that can be adhered to the floor to hold them safely in position.
Some of the costliest insurance risks associated with operating a community bank include robbery, the threat of employees embezzling money and fire damage to the facility. However, one of the largest –and least expected – liabilities faced by banks today is right beneath your toes: the open, spacious lobbies with polished stone and Along with mats, carpets and rugs can deteriorate tile floors that leave bank patrons especially vulnerable quickly. Examine the condition of carpets often, paying attention to wear and tear and replacing carpets once to slips and falls. they become frayed, saggy or torn. A recent analysis by OneBeacon Insurance Group found that slips, trips and falls are a top cause of both Floors should also be monitored to ensure they are liability and worker’s compensation claims for finan- cleaned and dressed properly. It’s important to realize cial institutions in the United States. Furthermore, with that not all cleaning products are compatible with evthe younger generations turning to online banking in ery floor. For example, cleaning products used on hardlarge numbers, the average age of customers banking wood floors generally shouldn’t be used on stone or tile on site is steadily growing older. Older customers face walking surfaces. It’s also a good practice to evaluate more mobility issues and, among the elderly, falls are how and when floors are cleaned. Does water pool in the leading cause of injury and death – the likelihood of a heavily used walkway when mopping? Do certain death from a fall increases six times for those over the cleaning products or waxes create dangerously slippery surfaces? Before using a new cleaning product across age of 75. entire surface, test floors to see how they react. Now more than ever, community banks need to take steps to identify and manage this often overlooked risk If it seems overwhelming to monitor these factors, proand mitigate potential hazards in and around their fa- fessional floor safety auditing is available from Walkway Safety Auditors certified by the National Floor cilities that could cause a patron to lose their footing. Safety Institute. (Check with your carrier to see if the Create a Risk Management Strategy cost is covered in your insurance policy.) In addition to identifying surfaces where slippage is likely, an audit While you can’t control a bank patron’s gait or foot- can show where there are unexpected changes in elevawear choice, the potential for falls can be reduced with tion. the right prevention practices. The best defense against slips, trips and falls is through a strong risk manage- While banks are typically aware and recognize the poment strategy, focusing on factors you can control such tential for falls within the facility, the trip between the as the condition of walkways. parking lot and building can present just as many hazards. According to the National Floor Safety Institute, half of all slips and falls are caused by the condition of the Exterior Exposures and Safety Precautions floor. Performing a careful and thorough inspection of all walking surfaces and pathways, both internally and To identify potential exterior dangers, take an opportunity during the daylight and nighttime to examine externally, is the first step to managing these risks. conditions and observe the small details of how peoInterior Exposures and Safety Precautions ple move through your property. Pay close attention to sidewalks, stairs, ramps, parking lots and other areas Reducing the potential for falls inside your facility that incur a high volume of traffic. More people usmeans more than providing floor mats and marking wet ing these paths mean more rapid deterioration. If any spots with a caution sign. During inclement weather, improper activity (e.g. skateboarding) occurs on your December 2015 | 26
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KENTUCKY BANKER continued from previous page
property and causes damage, be sure to repair the building or pavement. Storm drainage and runoff can also create potential hazards for slips and falls. Wherever possible, use drains and gutters to divert water drainage away from walking routes. Certain drain openings can be covered in a slip resistant coating and have spaces narrow enough to prevent high-heeled shoes and small feet from slipping through. Additionally, determining where storm water runoff may occur can reduce hazards caused by debris buildup.
Establish Accountability Finally, the best way to maintain a safe walking environment is to make someone accountable for monitoring all surfaces. Create ownership of the issue by designating someone to be responsible for floors and walkways. You could even implement an employee training program to reinforce the value of maintaining a safe walking environment. By doing so, it is less likely that an issue will be overlooked.
While you may not be able to control every potential You can also reduce visible hazards by paying close at- hazard, you can reduce the risk. By creating and maintention to changes in surface elevation, such as ramp taining safe walkways for customers and employees, edges, curbs or speed bumps. Smooth down or mark community banks can minimize the chance of costly surface elevations with safety paint to help draw atten- and potentially dangerous falls. tion to the hazards, employing professional paving help if needed.
photo by Joel Brashear Hyden Citizens Bank
December 2015 | 27