2 minute read

Chairman’s Corner

“At the beginning of 2020, I looked forward to enjoying my role as Chairman of the KBA, as it would lead to my retirement on September 30, 2020. However, I was quickly reminded that I was not in control! On January 13, 2020, I had surgery for a ruptured appendix, plus a second surgery to clear an abscess. This resulted in a 14-day stay in the hospital (not recommended for anyone). Upon my release, I was required to stay home for another two weeks. This was not a great way to start the year - an unexpected challenge! After settling back into my work routine for a couple of weeks, a new unexpected and unprecedented challenge came to the forefront - the coronavirus! It soon became called the “invisible enemy” and its impact was extraordinary. It closed down our global economy and our entire world went into shutdown mode. This is something that will be embedded in my memory forever and will have a lasting impact on how we do business in the future. It is also a reminder that we must have a plan for the unexpected. I have been inspired by the fortitude of community banks across the Commonwealth. Their individual stories of how they are taking positive action to protect their employees, assist their customers and help the communities they serve deal with this unexpected challenge can make us all proud. Wearing masks, displaying green and keeping each other safe are just a few things I’ve seen around Kentucky that makes this state great. out” as she keeps us constantly informed and up to date! Ballard and his team are once again in the forefront of advocating for community banking! In addition, I want to especially acknowledge the leadership and support of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Congressman Andy Barr for their leadership and assistance. Please take the opportunity to thank them. My hope is that soon we will be able to gradually transition back to some kind of normality. The impact on individual community banks remains to be seen; but I truly believe we will come back stronger than ever! The “invisible enemy” has given us pause to think about the little things we take for granted: our fellow workers (many of whom are working remote), visiting neighbors, going to church, Friday night dinners at our favorite restaurant, attending and supporting our favorite sports team, visiting your great barber or hair stylist, attending KBA events and many more. An Unprecedented and Unexpected Challenge

Being there for our customers in these difficult times is what makes Kentucky banks great.


Being there for our customers in these difficult times is what makes Kentucky banks great. This “invisible enemy” energized our creative juices and community bankers again set the example of leadership! Accordingly, I salute each and every one of you. I hope we are all grateful that we still live in the greatest country in the world and believe we will get through this together.

I am also proud of our team at the KBA. They have done a yeoman’s job in providing resources, conducting conference calls, working with state and federal agencies, working with our congressional delegation and answering questions from community bankers across the state. Debra Stamper requires a special “shout

Stay safe!

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