Smart city english

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KYIV SMART CITY CONCEPT 2020 LEADERSHIP ♦ INNOVATION ♦ COLLABORATION FOREWORD Today we can confidently say that there is an idea that can bring together the city government, community activists and the business community. This idea is to make Kyiv “smart.” We all want to be surrounded by smart people, live in a smart environment and have a smart government. The KYIV SMART CITY Initiative has seen develop and energize a network of talented, proactive people who love their city. And people are the most important asset of any city. They are the driving force behind its initiative, development and desire of a higher quality of life. Without their energy, the city risks becoming a neglected, depressed, dull place. We are confident that Kyiv has a bright future. And we are excited that we can join our efforts not only “against” various social problems, but also “for”— for our children living in a comfortable, modern, safe, and bright Kyiv. This Kyiv is the Smart City of the future; the future, that is starting right now. Yuriy Nazarov Co-Coordinator KYIV SMART CITY Initiative (Kyiv City Government)

Anton Moyseyenko Co-Coordinator KYIV SMART CITY Initiative (Community and Business)

Who would have thought just two years ago that Kyiv would have the ambition to become a smart city, a city of smart technologies, smart governance, and smart citizens? Today we have this ambition and, moreover, it is already being realized. We have taken the first steps towards this goal and the overwhelming support of the Smart City vision among Kyiv’s citizens is really inspiring. And proves – Kyiv’s residents strive for advancement and renewal. Smart cities of the 21st Century are the foundations for the economic growth and social development throughout the world. The future of our planet is built around them. Joining this club of the best cities on the planet is a daring and motivating aim. I am confident that Kyiv is capable of achieving this goal as it is a city of proactive and strong-minded people who drive changes, dream about the future, and aspire for the best — top standards of living, tangible results and shared successes. Our city, together with our country, has strived to build a bright future and Kyiv has the opportunity to embrace a new force to propel us forward. Getting smart for the capital is more than just an opportunity to get things moving. It is a chance to enter a new era, a new dimension of the developed, post-industrial world, and to become a leading city. The Smart City is a modern model for urban transformation—one in which advanced technologies help solve the greatest challenges of the city, transform the system of the governance, and create conditions for the development of communities and citizens. Victoria Podgorna KYIV SMART CITY Initiative Strategy Group Coordinator


SMART CITY – URBAN DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY Cities have always been centers for the development of civilization. Modern cities are facing various challenges, and probably the most difficult challenge today is combining comfort and social appeal for citizens with developed infrastructure, environmental sustainability and rapid advancements of technologies. Today cities are the driving force of culture, economy and education; they become a platform for the implementation of technological and social innovations. Not surprisingly, cities compete with one another as the development of comfortable infrastructure has a direct impact on the economic performance of the city and determines its attractiveness to skilled professionals and investors. Kyiv, a city with ancient history, has repeatedly been at the center of events that have determined the historical trajectory of European civilization. Furthermore, it is a city of extraordinary talents and creativity. Kyiv is a capital city that seeks to be on par with the most successful cities of the world, ensuring a prosperous future for every citizen. This ambition requires a balanced strategic approach to the improvement of economic, social and environmental performance of the city, which is attainable only as a result of effective integration of urban infrastructure and municipal services. Such an approach will require not only «smart» solutions for Kyiv, but also radical transformations in the ways the city is governed. The KYIV SMART CITY Concept and Vision is designed to create opportunities for the growth of the Ukrainian capital by combining a strategic approach, technological advances and wide public engagement in the creation of a new quality of life. The KYIV SMART CITY Concept lays the foundation for further infrastructural, technological and social development of the city and defines a new trajectory in the transformation of its urban space in accordance with the standards of the future. KYIV SMART CITY Concept takes into account the interests of all residents, businesses and non-profit organizations and defines new roles and functions of city governance. The implementation of KYIV SMART CITY Concept and its strategic objectives will contribute to the transformation of the Ukrainian capital into a technologically advanced, comfortable, and socially responsible metropolis of Eastern Europe.

Top 5 World Smart Cities * Smart Cities, Juniper Research, 2015

Barcelona New York London Nice Singapore

Ukraine in The Global Innovation Index









Barcelona London Paris Copenhagen Vienna

Top 5 European Smart Cities * BSI Ranking, 2015

* ranking among 142 countries

KYIV SMART CITY Concept envisages the development of the city in the following key areas: ♦♦ improving the quality of life for residents; ♦♦ upgrading the physical and developing the technological infrastructure of the city; ♦♦ using technologies for effective management of the city; ♦♦ assuring compliance with standards for environmental protection, sustainable economic development and social inclusion; ♦♦ engaging the people.


Smart urban solutions are creating additional opportunities for added value in today’s cities. Integration of technologies helps increase efficiency of using resources, boost economic development, open doors to new businesses, create new services and, most importantly, improve the quality of life for citizens. Building a smart city entails comprehensive social and technological transformations that are made possible thanks to modern information and communication technologies, the development of new energy efficiency standards and the emergence of a new quality of relations between the community and the city. Residents of a modern smart city are no longer only users, they also become suppliers of city services.

The implementation strategy for KYIV SMART CITY Concept involves active collaboration between all the stakeholders, namely: ♦♦ political leaders, deputies of the Kyiv City Council, managers and employees of the Kyiv City State Administration; ♦♦ public and private operators of utility services, telecom operators, educational and research institutions; ♦♦ end users: Kyiv residents and local businesses; ♦♦ investors: Ukrainian and international banks, investment funds and international organizations; ♦♦ solution providers: technology, finance and investment. Citizen-Centric




Thinking Digitization and Collaboration KYIVApproach SMART CITY Concept was developed with the active participation of the citizens, experts, the city government, representatives of national and international business, scientific and academic community.

KYIV SMART CITY is the new model of city governance based on advanced knowledge and implementation of modern information and communication technologies to create a comfortable urban environment and deliver a sustainable, prosperous and inclusive future for its citizens.


Citizen-Centric Approach

Strategic Thinking

Full-Scale Digitization

Openness and Collaboration

KYIV SMART CITY is the new model of city governance based on ad-


THE PRINCIPLES OF KYIV SMART CITY CONCEPT ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY is a strategic approach to make use of the existing advantages of the city and to minimize negative factors in order to achieve sustainable development and transformation of the city to the realities of the XXI century. ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY is a new formula for city transformation that balances the interests of citizens, city authorities and local businesses. It is a transition to a new, peopleoriented approach to city governance. SMART CITY is an effective and transparent management of the city through the use of modern information and communication technologies. ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY implements new standards of living through new technologies; safe and comfortable urban environment that is accomplished through effective management of city resources and continuous improvement of living standards. ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY helps realize the potential of a civil society in which the city becomes a place for social partnership and development in the common interest of the community. ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY is a developed innovative urban ecosystem fostering development of the knowledge economy and innovative industries.

Transformation in KYIV SMART CITY involves changes at three key levels:

Technology City as SoS (system of systems): data collection, storage and analysis, open data, open integrated architecture and operational city platform.




Integration and optimization of city governance: Department for IT and Innovations, Mayor’s Office for “Smart City,” city operational room (24/7 centralized management) and e-services.

Participation platform (community, universities, and businesses), social media as a cooperation tool, crowdsourcing, innovation cluster, incubators and networks, hackathons and citizens as smart end users.

BENEFITS OF THE SMART CITY CONCEPT FOR KYIV: CHANGES IN TECHNOLOGY: ♦♦Creation of an effective city platform for managing city infrastructure and data. ♦♦Effective management of utilities and housing services: energy, water, solid waste and wastewater, conservation, renewable energy and recycling. ♦♦Use of technologies to ensure safety, rapid response to emergency calls and timely response to citizens’ needs.

CHANGES IN GOVERNANCE: ♦♦ ICT will contribute to the transparency of city governance and administration. ♦♦ Development of a transparent and viable model of public-private partnerships to improve the investment climate and conditions for business development. ♦♦ Smart integration of information between city departments, the use of modern data management systems and high quality analytics for city processes and events.

SOCIAL CHANGES: ♦♦ Development of adequate social infrastructure and movement towards social equality. ♦♦ Engagement and citizen participation in decision-making and influence over policymaking in the city. ♦♦ Ensuring financial stability and sustainable economic development—important conditions for improving the quality of life of Kyiv’s citizens.

LEADERSHIP AND CHANGES IN THE CITY GOVERNANCE: ♦♦ Strategic approach to building Smart City in Kyiv – willingness of the local city government to invest and develop Smart City solutions across the city, not just isolated solutions. ♦♦ Systematic approach - a willingness to make changes not only in the automation of certain processes, but also the will for institutional changes and management of the city as a system and readiness to involve all the stakeholders in the process of transforming Kyiv into a Smart City. ♦♦ Willingness to eliminate legal and administrative barriers that prevent Kyiv from developing as a Smart City. ♦♦ Willingness to provide conditions for developing innovations in the city, creating conditions for investment, and setting up clusters for innovation and development of new and creative industries. ♦♦ Strong emphasis in city policies on improving the quality of life of Kyiv’s citizens.


KYIV SMART CITY: CHALLENGES City challenges determining the need for implementation of the Smart City Concept in Kyiv: ♦♦ complex problems of the city — aging and deterioration of existing infrastructure, smaller city budget, unevenness of economic development, deindustrialization and an increase in population due to internally displaced persons; ♦♦ increasing requirements of the citizens – urgent need to transform the city governance model towards meeting the needs of citizens and better services and the transparency and openness of city authorities; ♦♦ lack of a strategic approach to the city management – continuous deterioration of the city environment, instability of the city’s economy and a decrease in both the level and the quality of life in the city. ♦♦ public desire to strengthen citizen participation in addressing urban issues and governance of the city.


Up to 15% improvement in environmental performance, reduction of CO2 emissions

Up to 20% reduction in traffic congestion

30% reduction in street crime

2-4 times lower consumption of heat, water and electricity

2 times better financial performance of the city

5 times faster decision making

3 times faster response to situations in the city


EXPECTATIONS AND REQUIREMENTS OF KYIV’S CITIZENS “Kyiv should develop to become hi-tech city, a city of modern industries” “Kyiv requires renovations, modern parking zones, industrial and business incubators” “Kyiv will only see improvement with the change of the system of governance” Key Challenges as reported by Kyiv Citizens: - Low social security, lack of concern for the residents’ needs; - Lack of comfort of living; - Outdated city; - Low quality of utilities; - Corruption; - Shortage of parking lots and poor transport infrastructure; - Pollution;

Expectations of Citizens: modernization of the city while preserving cultural traditions and historical heritage of the city; the transition to a new system of city management through fighting corruption, ensuring transparency in government, more government attention to the needs of citizens, and a systematic management approach; to provide more opportunities and active involvement in the management of the city.

Big Data

Smart Energy Smart Society Smart Home

Smart Care


Education ans Science

Smart Mobility


KYIV - A MODERN AND SAFE EUROPEAN CITY Kyiv today is one of the largest and most promising cities in Central and Eastern Europe—a capital city with developed infrastructure, significant resources, great human and knowledge potential, and gradually growing innovative sector, primarily in the segment of information and communication technologies. The future of the city is tied to its inevitable transformation from industrial to postindustrial, from a post-Soviet to a forward-looking city, primarily through digitization, innovation, and accumulation of social capital and by active engagement of the community in the transformation of Kyiv, with citizens being a key driving force and the city’s main asset for economic and social growth. Kyiv is a democratic city, where citizens enjoy greater participation and engagement in the local policy-making, defining the city’s development strategy, requiring transparency and executing supervision over city policies.


Citizens as key drivers of the city’s development

Smart, accountable and transparent citizen-centric city governance


Comfortable, safe, smart and healthy city environment

Fostering an innovation environment in Kyiv

KYIV – A CITY OF INNOVATIONS Leading city in Central and Eastern Europe for business, innovation and education

♦♦ Promotion of an innovative environment — creating exceptional conditions for business and attracting investment; establishing the city’s status as a special investment zone, where all restrictive barriers will be removed and transparent models of public-private partnerships developed and introduced; creating favorable conditions for small- and medium-sized businesses; development of digital forms of education, engagement of citizens and businesses in urban innovation. ♦♦ Technologies at the service of citizens — full-scale digitization and implementation of ICT aimed at improving the quality of life and city management, ensuring cost reduction and sustainable development in Kyiv. The use of technologies for achieving significant results in the priority Smart City areas: creation of modern city life support system, security and transport, medicine, open government and e-democracy.


Government transparency, open and effective management in the interests of citizens.

♦♦ Radical transformation of city governance - focused on meeting the requirements and needs of its citizens; optimization of management through integration of processes, systems and data based on the use of information and communication technologies; and introduction of e-governance and development of e-services. Drastic improvement in the quality of services provided to citizens. Reductions in the administrative costs. Transparency and accountability of the city government. ♦♦ Citizens as key agents of change in the city — establishing new forms of cooperation for the development of the city’s public-private partnerships, new urban industries by promoting civic initiatives and community projects, development of e-democracy and innovative forms of citizen participation, an open data policy and implementation of new technologies. ♦♦ Comfortable, safe, smart, and healthy city - improvement of living standards, safety, and well-being of Kyiv’s citizens and implementation of new standards of life in the city; introduction of green building standards, protection and development of city parks and green areas; efficient use of resources in the city to reduce costs – energy saving, water conservation, waste collection and disposal; creating conditions for improved medical services; and introducing new solutions in the fields of education and retraining.


FOSTERING AN INNOVATION ENVIRONMENT IN KYIV as the foundation for economic growth

Сurrent projects: ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY GROUP involving all the stakeholders becomes a platform for developing strategic smart city solutions for Kyiv. ♦♦ the general public, community activists and volunteers’ active engagement in developing the KYIV SMART CITY VISION and framework strategy. ♦♦ the city is developing a consortium cooperation model for the implementation of smart city projects and innovative initiatives based on a public-private partnership. ♦♦ KYIV SMART CITY HACAKATNON with more than 300 participants, 50 developed city applications and 5 winning projects has become the largest in the history of Ukraine.

Ambitions: ♦♦ to provide support for innovative businesses and new industries in order to attract investment and promote start-ups and business incubators in Kyiv. To this end, to create highly favorable conditions for the development of venture companies in the city and to remove existing legal and administrative barriers; ♦♦ to develop new forms of responsible partnership between the citizens, businesses and local government; ♦♦ to create favorable conditions for business and to attract investment by giving Kyiv a status of a special investment zone; ♦♦ to create an innovative ecosystem in Kyiv for the realization of innovative and creative potential of the city; to develop new forms of education and promote interdisciplinary educational and research cooperation (including KYIV SMART CITY SCHOOL and KYIV SMART CITY HUB); ♦♦ to define the leading role of the Mayor in ensuring investment attraction and fostering innovation in the city. ♦♦ to introduce the City Digital Agenda as a prerequisite for the development of a smart environment; to develop a road map and action plan for its implementation; ♦♦ to improve the use and access to the Internet in Kyiv as one of the conditions for the development of a smart community.

Expected Outcomes: ♦♦ obtaining the status of special investment zone for the city of Kyiv; ♦♦ creating a Smart City Hub to attract investments for the development of the city from the international and local solution providers and to serve as a platform for designing innovative Smart City solutions and their testing; ♦♦ developing Smart City solutions based on open data by the local IT community and citizens. The Open city data market as an incentive to create new business lines and implement community projects; ♦♦ development of digital literacy programs for citizens to ensure inclusion in the smart space; coding programs for youth; ♦♦ increased number of start-ups and successful innovations in Kyiv (e.g. Tallinn: 151 startup projects, 4674 business angels; Budapest: 168 startup projects, 4646 business angels); ♦♦ improved performance of Kyiv in international rankings for innovative cities.



transformation of city governance to ensure its maximum effectiveness, transparency and accountability

CURRENT PROJECTS: ♦♦ Online Budget aimed at ensuring transparency and free public access to information concerning the planning and execution of Kyiv’s city budget. ♦♦ Electronic Procurement (e-Tender) — system initiated by local public organizations, businesses, entrepreneurs and supported by city authorities, aimed at ensuring transparent and effective public spending and prevent corruption through public scrutiny and expanded range of suppliers. Another objective of this project is to implement to electronic paper flow, ensure comprehensive accountability and enable analysis of all public procurement. ♦♦ Property Management System — a complex system for managing communal properties of the Kyiv City State Administration that allows implementation of more effective use, control and execution of decisions related to the property resources of the city. ♦♦ Single Accounting System – unified information system for KSCA management allowing optimization and standardization of existing business processes, use of a single tariff system and building common approaches to data analysis. ♦♦ Electronic Services aimed at achieving maximum transparency and openness in the provision of administrative and public services to Kyiv’s residents. ♦♦ Continued implementation of an Electronic Passport Office and digitization of a registry of Kyiv’s residents and property owners. After the trial operation, the system will be integrated with the system of Electronic Administrative Services that will allow citizens to apply and receive services in a simplified mode, and later, to eliminate some of the redundant services.

Kyiv Smart City is an organization of all the city systems aimed at changes, integration, modernization, and innovation.

Ambitions: ♦♦ to ensure transparency, accountability and openness of government as the foundation for effective city governance; ♦♦ to use modern geo-information and information systems for the provision of access to all municipal data, such as city budget, municipal property, land cadaster, registry of buildings and houses, major utilities and traffic management. ♦♦ to ensure data exchange between municipal departments and agencies of the city and create an appropriate IT-architecture to enable this. ♦♦ to implement intelligent video surveillance technologies, monitoring of the city’s infrastructure, and develop big data systems to enable an effective management processes. ♦♦ use open data to improve governance and provisioning of new services that would benefit various users. 11

♦♦ to kick off implementation of a new operating model of the city based on the integration and optimization of operational processes and creating a platform for the management areas of the city through the use of new technologies: GIS, data analytics, big data and a specialized system for situational monitoring and rapid response. ♦♦ to create a situation room for operational monitoring, response and managing safety in the city (accidents, emergencies, traffic control and quality assurance of utility services) and a unified system of operational dispatch management to integrate and improve the quality and efficiency of all communal companies and city services. ♦♦ to transfer to integrated management structures implementing innovative changes in the city; to create a Department For IT and Innovation and Mayor’s Office «Smart City» — to improve business processes and change the model of city management responsive to the interests of its citizens as end users. ♦♦ to upgrade the city services portal, using which every resident of Kyiv will have an opportunity to receive services electronically; to transfer most services to e-format, while maintaining traditional service centers (for those categories of citizens who are not active Internet users); to create an integrated information system (platform) to Kyiv to reduce the number of certificates and permits; to create a directory of and introduce services using mobile technology platforms. ♦♦ to establish user-friendly and up-to-date forms of communication between local authorities and the citizens. ♦♦ to educate a new generation of public officers and integrate them into city management; they will be digitally literate, forward-looking and focused on delivering the best service for the citizens; they will be able to embrace new tasks and provide timely responses to city challenges. To establish KYIV SMART CITY SCHOOL and develop customized public administration programs.

Kyiv Smart City is a modern, functional, and comfortable city for everyone. Expected Outcomes: ♦♦ saving city resources through the use of ICTs and the creation of the situation room; ♦♦ improving the quality of city services and improving efficiency of services delivery; ♦♦ time-saving in receiving administrative services in traditional and electronic formats and continuous reduction in the number of required certificates and permits; ♦♦ improved conditions for business; ♦♦ improved efficiency and effectiveness of response to situations in the city; ♦♦ reduced costs of city management; ♦♦ establishing an effective system for evaluating the quality of city services and increasing the number of their users; ♦♦ increased number of the city portal visits; services ordered and received; ♦♦ creating a new pool of specialists for Kyiv City State Administration.


CITIZENS AS KEY DRIVERS OF THE CITY’S DEVELOPMENT engaging citizens and business to tackle city challenges Current Projects: ♦♦ E-petitions to the Kyiv City Council is a new service for citizens that provides an opportunity to communicate community requests and initiatives to city management. Petitions that get signed by 1000 citizens within 90 days will be considered by responsible City Council officials and an official response will be made public; ♦♦ Participatory Budgeting is a project aimed at engaging Kyiv’s citizens in the decisionmaking of the development of the City, strengthening the dialogue between the community and the municipal government by planning and implementing participatory budgeting mechanisms. A participatory budget will let every citizen of Kyiv participate in the distribution of the City Budget. This option will be available to the citizens starting October 2015, and every citizen will be able to participate in forming the budget for 2016; ♦♦ City Web Portal for the territorial community of the city of Kyiv designed to inform Kyiv residents and visitors on social, economic, and political developments, events and cultural activities and provide feedback between Kyiv’s residents and visitors with the capital’s authorities.

Ambitions: ♦♦ to attract and empower citizen participation in governance and city development; ♦♦ to open data – creating and opening access to a sufficient number of databases that can be freely used to meet various needs of citizens; ♦♦ to involve citizens, businesses, IT-community and experts in shaping the city’s agenda and in decision-making through information and communication technologies (e.g. online platforms and social networks). To build a system of e-democracy in Kyiv: e-petitions, e-consultations, e-public hearings and public debates. To implement a mechanism and set traditions for polls and referendums (including electronic ones) for participation in decision making on issues of public interest; ♦♦ to introduce a system of direct communication between the city and its citizens through social networks and Kyiv’s web portal. Establishing direct communication between the mayor, key city officials and the citizens through profiles in social networks to ensure easy communication and timely response to the needs of Kyiv’s citizens; ♦♦ to develop new models of partnership between the public, business and government for the implementation of innovative and smart city projects (provide funding opportunities for smart city projects and initiatives through investment, public-private partnerships and crowdfunding); ♦♦ to set an independent KYIV SMART CITY Expert Council to evaluate the initiative and to enable public control over smart city project selection, decision-making and implementation of KYIV SMART CITY Concept; ♦♦ to encourage the development of public initiatives and projects addressing the problems of the city. Create a marketplace for KYIV SMART CITY projects and an online platform for increasing public awareness and finding alternative funding sources for smart city social projects and initiatives; ♦♦ to introduce clear criteria and key performance indicators to evaluate actions, decisions and performance of local authorities; to implement an online evaluation service of the Kyiv City State Administration; ♦♦ to promote lifelong learning using online education opportunities and encourage citizens to obtain new qualifications that promote innovation and sustainable development of Kyiv; ♦♦ to support creation of new forms of citizens’ associations and cooperation and to promote innovative participation formats (e.g. city hackathons, innovative and educational weekends, creating experimental science labs, expert networks, mentoring systems, etc). 13

Expected Outcomes: ♦♦ increased number of decisions taken and implemented with the active participation of citizens ♦♦ increased number of local initiatives, projects and solutions implemented in Kyiv by its citizens ♦♦ a significant increase in projects implemented on the basis of a transparent publicprivate partnership ♦♦ increased number of open databases ♦♦ number of initiated and considered electronic petitions, requests, etc. ♦♦ attracted investment and/or crowdfunded resources for the implementation of smart city projects ♦♦ continuous online monitoring and evaluation of the city government’s performance by the citizens

COMFORTABLE, SAFE, SMART AND HEALTHY CITY for its residents and guests

Current Projects: ♦♦ Kyiv Citizen Card — multifunctional electronic ID Card, which is a carrier of the cardholder’s personal data and supports various applications relating to the provision of social welfare benefits, city services and many other functional options; ♦♦ Single Public Transport E-Ticket for all public transportation options in Kyiv. The introduction of a single electronic ticket will automate fare collection, increasing revenues by 20-30%, and significantly reducing the costs of public transport services providers; ♦♦ Transport Dispatch Control for managing the movement of public transport in Kyiv and optimizing fuel consumption. The program will use onboard GPS-navigators on all forms of public transport owned by the Kyiv municipal companies to track their movement. In addition, public transport will be equipped with fuel consumption gauges. The program also provides for installation of software that will systemize collected data; ♦♦ City Mobile Applications to improve the usability of city services (e.g. electronic parking, single public transport e-ticket, etc.). Applications available for Android and iOS will let all the citizens use those services online; ♦♦ Electronic Parking — parking fare in the capital will be made more versatile and streamlined thanks to the options of paying via a parking machine or a mobile application; ♦♦ Smart Transport Management System – for passenger transportation management and regulation. A new Concept of the Transport System for the city is now being developed. The main objective of the project is to improve the efficiency of the City’s transport system and significantly optimize traffic within the city; ♦♦ Police Surveillance System and Operational Control (within the framework of the ongoing reform of the police sector) The aim is to introduce video surveillance intelligent tools and analytics to improve the efficiency of the work of the police; to reduce response time; to create municipal police units to ensure additional safety in the city; to implement a system of automated photo and video recording of violations of traffic rules in order to improve road safety and monitoring of the priority lane for public and city service transports that ensure overall safety of the citizens of Kyiv.


Ambitions: ♦♦ to increase the standard of living in the city; to speed up the adoption of International and European standards in the areas of urban building, sustainable development and green cities; importantly, to introduce EU standards for water treatment, waste collection and management, reducing CO2 emissions, and building and construction; ♦♦ to improve accessibility and comfort of the city for people with disabilities — installation of ramps, sound traffic lights and special devices for the visually impaired. To ensure the implementation of special social programs thanks to support for social responsibility programs by businesses, charities and alternative sources of funding; ♦♦ to ensure more efficient use of local resources and reduce costs by implementing technological solutions; ♦♦ to create the conditions for better and higher quality of educational services and the implementation of innovative solutions in research; ♦♦ to implement smart technologies for improving public safety in Kyiv — introducing intellectual video-analytics to identify offenses and offenders and automated system of photo and video recording for traffic management; ♦♦ to introduce smart technologies for improving the quality of services in the city’s medical sector; ♦♦ to initiate implementation of integrated billing systems for utilities and tracking the quality of public utility services in the city; ♦♦ to promote domestic and international incoming tourism using smart solutions and technologies.

Kyiv Smart City is an effectively organized city, with comfortable living space. Tolerant and accessible for people with disabilities.

Expected Outcomes: ♦♦ implementation of international and EU standards for sustainable urban development and city services (ISO 37120: 2014: Sustainable development of communities), which will result in higher quality standards for drinking water, separate waste collection and recycling and a reduction in CO2 emissions. ♦♦ improved performance in energy efficiency and environmental standards. ♦♦ reduced crime and offenses in the city. ♦♦ reduced traffic rule violations. ♦♦ increased convenience paying for utility services on Kyiv City Web Portal. ♦♦ increased quantity and quality of non-formal education programs and adult education, particularly in digital format. ♦♦ to improve the quality of medical services and the time needed to provide them.



total digitization and implementation of ICT aimed at improving the quality of life and city management, ensuring cost reduction and sustainable development in Kyiv.

Broadband connection: Kyiv enjoys a developed infrastructure of fiber optic communication, but the level of Wi-Fi and 3G coverage does not meet contemporary needs. Broadband coverage of the city is one of the urgent tasks of Kyiv Smart City. During 2015-2020 the City will see a significant increase in high-speed Internet coverage. Highspeed, reliable access to the Internet improves the business environment and provides opportunities for innovation in the city, and as a result, contributes to economic growth of the city. Development of a city-wide wireless network is possible by creating a consortium between the city mayor’s office and the telecom operators. The Internet of Things / The Internet of Everything: communication network between physical or virtual objects («things») based on technology that allow them to interact with each other and with the environment, to receive, communicate and produce new information without human intervention. The use of measurement devices, sensors, cameras, GPS devices, thermostats and weather stations, drones to monitor traffic, weather conditions and emissions of CO2, tracking public transport, safety control in poorly-lit areas, control of emergency situations in utilities services, tracking and informing on the availability of parking spots, control of traffic violations, monitoring and prevention of street crime and public order and in-building safety. The KYIV SMART CITY Concept envisages that all these devices are interconnected and interoperable, and integrate into the city operating platform for efficient collection, processing and data analysis in order to improve the quality of city management and enable prompt responses to various situations. Smart Personal Devices: giving residents and guests of Kyiv the possibility for better use of their personal devices (smartphones, tablets, etc.) for their needs by creating functional applications for fast and high-quality receipt of e-services, tourist itineraries and similar useful information, traceability of public transport and congestion, vacant parking spot locators, electronic voting, petitions, consultations, and more. Cloud Computing: a set of technologies that allows storing and / or processing of data (via CPU or software) as a service provided to the client, based on the use of hardware / software spread in the Internet with traditional client-server architecture. Today, Kyiv uses key technologies for data storage and processing – a city data center and a cloud computing service are an important part of the KYIV SMART CITY IT architecture used for the Online Budget project. Big Data Analysis: high volume, high speed, and wide-ranging data assets that require new forms of treatment including enhanced decision-making and process optimization. Big data is one of the most powerful tools for data processing and decision-making in the city at a radically different level, making it more accurate, more efficient, and effective. Using big data in Kyiv presents an opportunity to get to a new quality level of city management and produce better responses to the various needs of the City and its citizens. Big data is the latest technology which requires significant investment and a developed IT-infrastructure. Big data is already used for processing and analysis of data in the city’s budget and in the future it will also be implemented for improving city services and utilities. Technology standards provide conditions for high quality technological solutions.


KYIV SMART CITY MANAGEMENT MODEL Major institutional changes: ♦♦ Creation of the «SMART CITY» Mayor’s Office ♦♦ Creation of the Department of IT and Innovation, including its strategic objectives ♦♦ Creation of KYIV SMART CITY Expert Council for expertise and public control

SMART CITY expert supervisory board


Strategic level

Department of IT and innovations

Deputy team

Controlling level




Executive level




Mayor’s SMART CITY office

SMART CITY project office

Project manager

Project manager

SMART CITY Standards in the city management: ♦♦ Changes in the city management – from a functional model to an integrated model (planned and gradual transition to integrated management structures in the city) ♦♦Implementation of a service management model in Kyiv ♦♦Development of a market space for urban projects and smart city solutions ♦♦Implementation of an open service-oriented architecture of the city to create new high-quality city services ♦♦Creation of the City Operating Platform, as a prerequisite for integratingon of data and processes.

Kyiv Smart City is a city of accountable and transparent government and a strong self-governance.





Mobile applications and services

1234 5678 0000 0000

Kyiv Citizen card

Public portals and services

City mobile applications

Center for Administrative Services

Open Data



Online budget

E-procurement system

KCSA Internal portal

Electronic paperflow

Digital signature

Remote access

Unified authorizaion system


INFRASTRUCTURE Data storage and processing

1234 5678 0000 0000

Data centers

Private databases


Bank ID

Mobile ID



Kyiv Citizen card

Data protection

Comfortable, safe, Citizens as keyCITY drivers KYIV SMART OPERATIONAL MODEL smart and healthy of the city’s development city environment CITY GOVERNMENT


Mayor and City Council: Key areas of the city development Project management in the city Procedures and procurement rules

Vendors Collaboration Coordination Public-private partnership Budget funding

Business Banks

Special investment zone 100 100

Decision-making Involvement of citizens Representation E-governance

Economy and Infrastructure Job creation City services

Smart, accountableCITY ENVIRONMENT Homeowners associations City infrastructure and transparent and communities citizen-centric Fostering an innovation city governance environment in Kyiv Citizens

Business organizations


KEY PRINCIPLES OF CITY GOVERNANCE CHANGES UNDER THE KYIV SMART CITY CONCEPT ♦♦ active use of new, innovative smart technologies built on the principles of artificial intelligence to foster more accurate and informed decision-making capable of processing larger sets of various information and data. ♦♦ quality changes achieved by better use of data, open service-oriented architectures and a new management model for the city. ♦♦ Kyiv city government works effectively to meet the interests of Kyiv’s residents (citizen as an end-user) ♦♦ change in the communication model of the city (interaction with citizens) based on engagement and collaboration. ♦♦ the traditional system of functional city governance has become obsolete and the proposed new model is meant to change the existing management structure and ensure a significant reduction in unnecessary functions, officials, barriers and provide a more transparent, effective management in the interest of the development of the city. ♦♦ transition from a purely administrative to a project management approach, with management processes initially aimed at implementing specific projects with clearly defined and measurable end-states. ♦♦ creation of the Mayor’s Office «SMART CITY» with a strategic aim to drive transformation of the city management model towards Smart City Standards. ♦♦ implementation of e-governance in the city and the development of an improved system of service delivery. ♦♦ involvement of various suppliers, including civil society and local businesses, in an open and transparent collaboration and open tenders. ♦♦ use of open data, analytical systems and modern technologies for improving City management and planning; creation of new innovative markets for the local economy. ♦♦ involvement of creative citizens, innovators and the IT-community in the development of new smart solutions for service provisioning in the City. ♦♦ implementation of the City-Community-City partnership for addressing the most challenging issues in Kyiv. Creating new forms of cooperation for solving urban problem: public-private partnership, fostering community initiatives, etc.

Kyiv Smart City is a city with intelligent management.



International and Ukrainian suppliers of smart solutions






Kyiv City State Administration (heads of departments and their deputies)










High-quality utilities for citizens


Kyiv Smart City Priorities Innovative safe transport


E-governance and transparent city management




We are now at the very beginning of transforming Kyiv into a Smart City, and its successful implementation requires the following action plan: ♦♦ to sign the Memorandum between the city, business, public and IT-communities to join efforts in the implementation of the KYIV SMART CITY Concept;

The city government: ♦♦to form the KYIV SMART CITY Expert Council at the Kyiv City State Administration; ♦♦to develop the KYIV SMART CITY Strategy with the active participation of the parties of the Memorandum; ♦♦to establish the Mayor’s Office ‘SMART CITY’ that will integrate governance in the areas of innovations and information technologies; ensure the execution of changes in the management of the city, and carry out projects and investment programs needed for the implementation of the KYIV SMART CITY Concept and Strategy; ♦♦to implement the KYIV SMART CITY standards and criteria for the effective transformation of the city and the realization of smart solutions in priority areas; ♦♦to identify and remove key barriers to the implementation of KYIV SMART CITY through an audit of existing business processes and a thorough analysis of the existing legislative framework; ♦♦to create conditions for attracting investment to implement the KYIV SMART CITY Concept and Strategy. Priority should be given to providing Kyiv with the status of a special investment and innovation zone; ♦♦to implement a transparent model of public-private partnership for the implementation of the KYIV SMART CITY Business Model projects; ♦♦to build up cooperation with other Smart Cities — partnering with world leaders in implementing SMART CITY strategies will enable exchanges of experience, supplement international expertise and foster collaboration on joint projects; ♦♦to enact an effective strategic communications policy in order to increase awareness, promote the ideas of KYIV SMART CITY, and maximize public engagement in the creation, use and assessment of the KYIV SMART CITY solutions.


The Business Community: ♦♦to promote and implement the best practices, experience and solutions of the smartest world cities in the implementation of the Smart City model; ♦♦to take part in creating public-private partnership for the implementation of the KYIV SMART CITY Concept; ♦♦to promote investment attraction for the implementation of the KYIV SMART CITY Strategy; ♦♦to contribute to the improvement of investment and innovation attractiveness of Kyiv as a Smart City; ♦♦to attract investment for the KYIV SMART CITY projects; ♦♦to take part in the implementation of the KYIV SMART CITY projects; ♦♦to provide expert support in developing and implementing the KYIV SMART CITY solutions.

The public and IT communities: ♦♦to engage in discussions and exploring ideas and solutions for KYIV SMART CITY; ♦♦to popularize the ideas of the KYIV SMART CITY among the Kyiv community and involve the citizens in the Smart City movement in Kyiv; ♦♦to participate in the development and evaluation of KYIV SMART CITY projects; ♦♦to collaborate with the local government and businesses via the KYIV SMART CITY Expert Council; ♦♦to take part in the development and implementation of the innovative approaches and good practices for the development of KYIV SMART CITY.


Our project team would like to express our gratitude to the International Renaissance Foundation, the City government representatives, to the teams of multinational and local tech companies, to civic organizations and social initiatives, to our volunteers, and above all to Kyiv’s citizens for their active and inspiring participation in forming the vision and developing the Concept of KYIV SMART CITY. Our special appreciation goes to the experts of the KYIV SMART CITY Strategy Group: Bohdan AHANIN, Kyiv Urban Council Yevgheniya ARATOVSKAYA, NoWaste Ukraine Olesya ARKHYPSKA, Transparency International Ukraine Artem ATEPALYKHIN, Kyiv Perspectives Olga BABII, Ukrainian Water and Sewage Association Andrii BIRIUKOV, IT-Alliance Denis GURSKY, SocialBoost Oleksandr KOLPAKOV, ISS-Ukraine Nadia KOPANITSA, facilitator Serge LOBOYKO, Center for Innovations Development NaUKMA, Reanimation Package of Reforms Ihor MALCHENNUYK, Innovecs Oleksandr KRAKOVETSKYII, DevRain Solutions Oleg KUCHERENKO, expert Volodymyr NOCHVAI, Institute for Modelling in Energy Engineering Viktor PUTRENKO, World Data Center for Geoinformatics and Sustainable Development Alex RIABTSEV, Kyiv Hi Tech Cluster Nina SHARAYEVSKA, Iquision Aleksey SOLNTSEV, Software Development Anastasia SYZENKO, Smart City Public Council Ievgen VLADIMIROV, expert With inquiries and suggestions please contact us at

The project is realized with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation.


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