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Crowning the King & Queen


Homecoming celebrations conclude during the halftime intercession of the football game with the crowning of the King & Queen.


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October 2011


Paint the Town Blue

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Each year, UK students & organizations compete for the best window painting design in this popular competition. The Kentucky Kernel | Celebrating 40 years of independence



Kate Carpenter OMECOMING comes around

through downtown actually opened

every year, but have you ever

the festivities. This led to a pep rally,

thought about what it was

the crowning of the Centennial

like years in the past? Surprisingly, it

Homecoming Queen and a street

wasn’t too much different.

dance. Fifteen years later, in 1980, the

This year, homecoming has many exciting events coming your way. On

classic pep rally was still going

Sunday, Oct. 16, there is a DanceBlue

strong. Except instead of just meet-

5K at Commonwealth Stadium.

ing for the pep rally, UK cheerleaders

Registration is from 1 p.m. to 2:30

led a “Wildcat Roundup,” and they

p.m., and the race is at 3 p.m.

circulated through the campus,

On Monday, Oct. 17, the UK

dorms, and sorority and fraternity

Symphony Band is performing a con-

houses to gather fans and head to

cert at the Singletary Center for the

the stadium.

Arts at 7:30 p.m. It is $5 for students

In 2000, the annual homecoming

and $7 for everyone else. After the

parade was modeled after New

concert, there is a pep rally to warm

Orleans tradition. Similar to today,

up your school spirit for the week.

there was a 5K Run/Walk at the

On Friday, Oct. 22, there is a home-

Arboretum, with proceeds going to

coming parade at 7 p.m. in downtown

the Helping Hands of Lexington.

Lexington. A parade is part of the homecoming tradition. In 1965, homecoming was actually only a two-day event. A parade


All in all, not much has changed in terms of homecoming traditions. Except, of course, in 1980 a six-pack of Miller Lite was only $1.99

Kernel Entertainment Guide




October 2011

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Homecomings Warren Wheat



OME call us the Silent Generation. Born of the Great Depression literally on the

This time of year the pleasant scent of dried burley

on the Kentucky River, but “the place” was Danceland

tobacco leaves stacked for auction in nearby ware-

featuring the music of Little Enis, a left-handed gui-

houses floated across campus on brittle fall air.

tar-picking rockabilly artist and Elvis imitator. We

Greatest Generation and the Baby Boomers they

Believe it or not, we wore sport coats and ties or

danced to “I wanna shout,” and did the Continental.

sired, we grew up being taught to duck under our

sweaters to most football games and felt hats with

Contrary to the hit “I could have danced all night,” we

desks in case of nuclear attack.

brims. Student ID cards admitted us and our dates to

couldn’t; women who lived in the dorms and sorority

all football and basketball games, thanks to the $89-

houses had strict curfews. Many an embrace broke

a-semester tuition.

when the warning lights flickered. One thing though,

cusp of World War II, wedged between the

The UK Alumni Association has invited us, the university class of 1961 — septuagenarians all — back to campus for homecoming this year and to be inducted

In our day, so to speak, a joint was a place to drink

when we danced, we actually touched, and you could

into the Golden Wildcat Society. The Thursday

beer; booty was a pirate’s treasure; thongs were what

through Sunday weekend will include a reception and

are now called flip-flops; and the only bogart we knew

dinner, races at Keeneland, Homecoming Parade and

was an actor. The only time the word gay was used

was president, Camelot was on, Americans were ad-

football game, classes — without quizzes — and a

was in “Deck the Halls” and “My Old Kentucky

vised to build bomb shelters, the U.S. finally rocketed

tour of the campus.


an astronaut into space, TV was labeled “vast waste-

A half a century since we received our degrees in

Few, if any, rode bicycles to class, and backpacks

understand the words of the songs. When the class of ‘61 left campus John F. Kennedy

land,” a wall divided Germany, Elvis began his movie

Memorial Coliseum? OMG, or LOL, as the great

were considered fitting equipment only for Boy

grandchildren of the Class of ‘61 would say.

Scouts and soldiers, certainly not college students.

Most of us arrived at the University of Kentucky in

Many of our classmates were older, veterans attend-

The Civil Rights Act is law, the U.S. beat the Soviets to

1957, the year a Soviet satellite, Sputnik 1, beat the

ing college on the GI Bill hoping to resume their lives

the moon, the Berlin Wall crumbled, the Soviet Union

United States into space, Arkansas National Guard

following the Korean conflict. They added a unique

collapsed along with communism, an actor was

troops blocked African-American students trying to

maturity and stability to campus life, not to mention

elected president and now, an African-American. The

attend classes at a white high school, “The Bridge on

stiff competition for grade curves.

U.S. fought a war in Vietnam, and wars on poverty

the River Kwai” won an Oscar and Elvis Presley ruled the pop charts.

Most of our favorite hang-outs exist today only in

career, and “West Side Story” won the Oscar. It’s nine presidents later. Everything has changed.

and drug abuse, open-heart surgeries are routine,

memory: The Buffalo on Euclid in Chevy Chase, the

human organs are transplanted, airplanes fly faster

Paddock at Rose and what is now the Avenue of

than sound travels, unmanned aircraft piloted re-

Men sported flat top haircuts, crew or burr cuts, wore

Champions next to a tiny eatery that specialized in

motely take out enemies, handheld wireless comput-

Bass moccasins and Weejuns, Converse Chuck Taylor

fried baloney sandwiches, and a bar you got to by

ers provide instant communications and data.

high tops, crew neck sweaters, felt hats with brims

turning left at a bent tree off Richmond Road where

So let them call us the Silent Generation.

and open collar shirts with tees. Women wore skirts

beer was free at 3 o’clock. Tree’s gone; don’t know

below the knee, long socks, saddle oxfords and penny

about the bar.

We hit campus with little individuality in styles.

loafers. We probably didn’t even know the meaning of the word “cleavage.”

Warren Wheat was a daily editor at the Kentucky Kernel in 1961. He is a retired journalist who worked for

On special occasions we danced at the Circle Bar on the road to Richmond, ate steaks at Johnny Allmans

USA Today, The Cincinnati Enquirer, The News-Enterprise in Elizabethtown and the Lexington Leader.

The Kentucky Kernel | Celebrating 40 years of independence



The Football Game UK was the first SEC school to play football. The first homecoming game was on Nov. 25, 1915. Kentucky played Tennessee, and won 6-0. UK has had a homecoming game every year since 1946 and has a 46-18 record. 1960 through 1979, as seen in the Kernel archives, were quite the lucky years. This year, the team hopes to be that lucky when it plays Jacksonville State on Oct. 22.


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October 2011

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