Kernel. "It's a great opportunity to ask lots of
year, an on-campus event can help you in
questions and compare apartments. There's no
your search for an off-campus apartment or
other place where you can reach so many
apartment managers at once."
The Kentucky Kernel will host its second
In addition to apartment representatives,
annual Housing Fair on Tuesday, Feb. 21, from
the Kernel will offer information about its new
9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Student Center Grand
website,, which offers
Ballroom. Information from all of the major
tips about housing and information about
apartment complexes close to campus will be
many of the apartment complexes around
provided. There will also be door prizes, includ-
UK's campus. A Kernel representative will be
ing an iPad and a new Kindle Fire, restaurant
there to give students a preview of the site.
gift certificates and other giveaways. "If you're new to off-campus housing, or
The site, in addition to offering details about nearby complexes and companies,
looking for a new place to live, the Kernel
offers a list of housing resources, the Kernel’s
Housing Fair is one-stop shopping for all the
classifieds, and a search feature that allows
information you'll need," said Hannah
users to search by number of bedrooms,
Schwartz, student advertising manager at the
neighborhood, price and type of property.
The Kentucky Kernel | Celebrating 41 years of independence
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F you’re still deciding where to live next
Becca Clemons ing and a statement of the estimated cost of
the premises or knowingly permit any person
not know about all your rights as a tenant.
to do so.
To know what to expect, the Lexington-
Fayette Urban County Human Rights Commission details tenants’
Have all electrical, plumbing, sanitary,
heating, ventilating, air-conditioning, and
Landlords must:
other facilities and appliances, including ele-
When requiring a security deposit, pres-
rights as well as landlords’ and tenants’ duties.
vators, supplied or required to be
Read about some of your rights and duties
supplied, in good and safe
below, and see a complete guide and more
working order and condi-
(such as information about security deposits)
before the landlord
before making any
enters the premises,
charge against the secu-
requirements under the Landlord Tenant Act.
except in case of emer-
rity deposit, and the ten-
All information compiled from the website
The following is not a comprehensive list of
ent tenant with a comprehensive listing of existing damages before tenant moves in and when tenant moves out.
Two days' notice
This listing is required
ant must be given a statement of the estimated cost
above. Tenants must:
of repairs.
Tenants have the right to:
and at the agreed time.
of applicable building and housing codes
landlord, signed by both parties, of existing
materially affecting health and safety.
damages at the time of paying a security
the condition of the premises permits.
deposit and taking possession of the premises,
sary to put and keep the premises in a fit and
and not be charged for repairs without the list-
deface, damage, impair or remove any part of
Receive a comprehensive listing from the
Pay rent in the agreed manner Keep the premises as clean and as safe as Not deliberately or negligently destroy,
Comply with the requirements
Make all repairs; and do whatever is neces-
habitable condition.
The Kentucky Kernel | Celebrating 41 years of independence
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F this is your first time renting, you might
tuesday 9am - 3pm
521 S. Broadway, Lexington, K Y 40508
859.368.0177 * N o pur c h a s e n e c e s s a r y. V i sit w w w.T h e L e x A pp e a l .c om / i Pa d2. p d f
Off-campus Safety
Be safe: Renter’s Insurance Allyn Proffitt Maybe you’ve heard that
about what your neighbors
would replace all of your belongings if
renters insurance is expen-
might be doing? What if they
someone broke into your apartment or
sive, but it isn’t. For less than
leave a candle burning and it
a dollar a day, you can insure
starts a fire on their side of the
your belongings.
building? If you have renters
If something happened, how would you replace
Also, your landlord’s insur-
insurance, your lost posses-
thousands of dollars worth of personal belong-
ance doesn’t cover you.
sions will be covered.
Typically a landlord’s insur-
if your apartment caught on fire? If not, you should check out renters insurance.
If you don’t have renters
ance only covers the building
insurance, you can call or visit
its inexpensive and covers all of your posses-
in which you live, not your
local insurance agencies, such
sions, including not just stuff in your apartment,
own possessions within the
as State Farm, Kentucky Farm
but also in your car and even stuff you may have
Bureau and Allstate for a
“Renters insurance is a great thing to have —
in storage,” State Farm representative Emily Earlywine said.
However, Earlywine said if you are cooking something
quote. You can also check online to see if your current
Don’t think you have enough property to
and accidentally start a fire, you are responsible.
insurance company or your parents’ insurance
insure? When you add up the value of your TV,
Liability insurance, something generally included
company offer renters insurance. Rates may vary
laptop, furniture, jewelry, cellphone and
in a renter’s policy, will cover the damage.
based on circumstances such as the age of your
wardrobe, you have more to insure than you think. Collectibles and other items also add up.
Even if you think you or your roommates will never catch the house on fire, did you think
Kernel Entertainment Guide | Housing Guide | Spring 2012
apartment or whether you already have insurance through that company.
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AVE you ever thought about how you
Newtown Crossing 351 Foreman Avenue (859) 226-5600
524 Angliana 524 Angliana Avenue (859) 368-8700
Campus Court at Red Mile 935 Red Mile Road (859) 255-5454
Kernel Entertainment Guide | Housing Guide | Spring 2012
The Lex 521 S. Broadway (859) 368-0177
The Courtyards 845 Red Mile Road (859) 258-2039
Red Mile Village 1051 Red Mile Road (859) 455-8208
The Kentucky Kernel | Celebrating 41 years of independence