German Village Magazine Issue VII

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Contact Stylist Kyle Haines to schedule a fitting for Custom Clothing at better prices. 646.660.1786

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Contents Issue VII 7



GO Barcelona


FAMILY Bailey, Sebastian & Hugo


CREATIVE German Village House Histories

31 Frankie & Rosie


Contents | Issue VII

Table of Contents

8 Barcelona



PET – Frankie & Susie


Two Authors with Books for Sale that live in GV


HOUSE – 767 South Sixth St. recently sold by realtor Regina Acosta Tobin

Publisher’s Letter Publisher’s Letter Issue VII Photo credit at Hausfrau Haven on 3rd Street

Welcome to Issue VII! As I mentioned in the last issue, our former editor John M. Clark, an enthusiastic German Village advocate, decided to step down for now, but may be back at some point. We hope so! In this issue we feature resident Robert Caplin (of South Third St) fabulous photography of Barcelona, Spain. A depiction of some of Antoni Gaudi's architectural masterpieces. The circular stairwell of CosmoCaixa Science museum, traditional Catalan fire devils participating in correfocs, a joker strolling through Old Town and more!

A wonderful family you need to know, the adorable and fun Bailee, Sebastian and Hugo on Mohawk St. They recently spent six weeks in Cartagena, Colombia. Before moving to German Viillage, they tried out different neighborhoods for housing in Columbus - Clintonville, Grandview, and the Brewery District, but found their "forever home" in German Village. We are off to 787 South Sixth St, a historic house recently sold by realtor Regina Acosta Tobin. Featuring a modernized 19th century cottage, with a complimentary addition and a private landscaped back patio area. Two delightful dogs, Frankie and Rosie, Boston Terriers on South Third St. Find out who the actors are and the movies they were in that inspired Frankie and Rosie’s names. Learn about your German Village home history with David Randal (East Beck St) through You may be surprised about what he finds, it happened to me. Cheers, Kyle Haines Publisher


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Photography by Robert Caplin

estination "Barcelona" with photographer Robert Caplin 3rd Street

The best decision I’ve made in my life was marrying the Catalan girl next door with whom I shared an epic roof deck in Manhattan. In those 14 years since we met, married, and had children, I’ve had the privilege to visit one of the most beautiful and cultural cities in the world on a regular basis, camera in hand. Breathtaking architecture of past and present, daily life in the streets, traditions that seem out of a dream, food that makes my mouth water just thinking about, all while building decades-long friendships; please enjoy a taste of my experiences over the years as I dip into my Barcelona archives for for German Village Magazine.

Solar panel at Parc del Fòrum Ceiling of La Sagrada Familia, designed by Gaudi


CosmoCaixa Science museum

Hotel Porta Fira, designed by Toyo Ito, located in L’hospitalet de Llobregat, a suburb of Barcelona Park Güell, designed by Gaudí

Park Güell, designed by Gaudí

The next three photographs are traditional Catalan fire devils participating in correfocs, taking to the streets with fireworks ablaze typically to open and close weeks-long neighborhood festivals.


The above and below photographs are Street scenes from Barri Gòtic (Gothic Quarter) “Gegant" being loaded into a truck outside the Casa dels Entremesos, a folklores art cultural center and museum that house the traditional giants, bigheads, and beasts that are paraded through the streets during festivals. A joker walks through a shaft of light in the Old Town.



Welcome to the Delightful Grisales Family: Sebastian, Bailee and 8 months old Hugo! Mohawk Street Hi there - What do you all do in terms of your careers, hobbies and interests? It seems like we are always staying busy whether we mean to or not! We love traveling and make it a priority to take an international trip each year. With the pandemic, our plans of heading to Morocco were put on hold so we made the best of the situation and decided to move our family to Cartagena, Colombia to work remotely for six weeks. Sebastian is originally from Medellin, Colombia so it was a great opportunity to see a different part of his country and expose Hugo to his heritage at an early age. When home we love having friends over to spend time on our patio, going for bike rides in the audubon, and trying out new restaurants around the city. For work we are both in construction; Sebastian is a Project Manager at American Electric Power and Bailee is an Executive Recruiter for a search firm, ProSearch International, recruiting exclusively in the construction industry.

Why did you choose German Village for your home? We tried out a few neighborhoods around Columbus - Clintonville, Grandview, and Brewery District, but have always known that we wanted to find our "forever home" in German Village. Our very first date was at the Book Loft so the neighborhood is even more special to us. When we were house searching in summer of 2019 we were well-prepared to be on the hunt for months but as luck would have it, our perfect house came on the market 4 days into our search. We made an offer, quickly sold our condo, and before we knew it we were moving in with a baby on the way. It happened so fast but it was clear that it was meant to be.


What are your favorite activities in GV? German Village has such great restaurants and cafes, streets to explore, and a beautiful park to play in that it's hard to not have anything to do. We also love being home - whether it's sitting on our front steps talking to neighbors as they walk by, working on our garden or being in our backyard. The pandemic motivated us to really turn our outside space into the perfect place to be when the weather is nice. We have fires, listen to music, swing in the hammock and last summer we set up an outdoor movie screen with a projector. Chances are if the temperature is above 60 you can find us outside as a family.

Do you have any pets? We have two dogs, a Boxer, Johnny Walker, and a crazy French Bulldog/Boston Terrier mix named Tio. We love living close to Schiller for our daily walks around the park to try to burn off all their energy!


Do you plan to stay in German Village as your family grows up? We love living in German Village and hope to call it home for many years to come.

Please tell us about the advantages of being a family in an urban neighborhood? There are so many! One of the things we love most about German Village is the walkability. On a typical Sunday we will take the dogs for a walk, stop for coffee and a pastry, and soak up the charm of the neighborhood before getting into the day's plans. We also love having friends over and the location makes it so easy to go out for dinner or drinks then home to enjoy a fire on the patio. We cannot wait for all the experiences that German Village has to offer to make a come back too - Shakespeare in the park, the Haus Tour and our favorite, the Village Lights at Christmas. Friends from both out of town and the suburbs love to visit to experience some of the special perks the area has to offer. 22

Do you have a stay-at-home mom or dad in the family or caregiver?

Right now, we are both working from home and Bailee has flexibility in her schedule to go into the office as needed. Over the past few months we have gotten pretty good at juggling work, a very active baby and our typical day-to-day responsibilities and can help cover each other in a pinch. The working from home life looks like it's going to continue on so this spring we are starting a mini renovation of our spare bedroom, making it a "multi purpose room" as office, guestroom and mini play room. If anyone is an interior designer and would like to throw out some ideas, we are all ears!

Do you have other help?


We tackle childcare with a handful of resources. We were fortunate to find an incredible babysitter who watches a small number of children in her home, right here in the village. Hugo has baby friends his age and we know he is well taken care of and loved. On the days he is home, his grandpa watches him once a week and we'll either tag team care on Friday's or he will come along with mom to the office.

Historic Histories of Businesses in German Village

Enjoy learning about your historic home through GV Ohio Histories publisher David Randal East Beck Street Hi Dave - Where were you born, raised and educated? I was born in Mansfield, Ohio and a proud graduate of Mansfield Malabar High School in 1965. I did both my undergraduate and graduate work at Ohio State University. Prior to my retirement in 2005, I worked as an administrator and a clinical counselor for the State of Ohio in both the Departments of Corrections and Developmental Disabilities. My interest in history goes back to my earliest days in Mansfield thanks to some inspiring teachers. There was also a lot of local history in Mansfield, starting with it being the home base of Johnny Appleseed for a period of time. This caught my interest. 26

My involvement in the history business in Columbus started with my first week of retirement. My wife Alison decided that the best way to get me off the couch was to encourage me to research the history of our German Village home., which was something I had talked about. After searching the City Directories at the library for our home address, it dawned on me that researching all the homes and shops in the Village would be an interesting pursuit. It took me four years, but I managed to create a database covering the names and occupations of the folks who lived in the fifteen hundred homes in our special neighborhood going back to the Civil War.

Historic Workers of German Village

Historic Couples of German Village

After finishing this database, I began German Village House Histories about ten years ago. In that time we have completed about four hundred histories, which can be seen by going to our website: This started out as a way to keep busy and make a little money. Despite my efforts, there has not been much profit. I guess that makes it an unintentional nonprofit of sorts. In the last year, I have concentrated on researching families who have lived in the area, both in German Village and the surrounding communities 100 or more years ago. My hope is to put these remembrances on a website but I have also enjoyed sending these, at no cost, to the current occupants of the homes I have researched. I have done this house by house, street by street, though I invite anyone who wants to find out about a family who lived in their home (in or outside German Village) 100 or more years ago to send me their address at 28

I have lived in German Village since 1976, and at my present home on East Beck Street for over forty years. For much of the last fifteen years, Alison and I were known as the owner of Abbey, our chow mix, who passed about a year ago. She was more famous in the neighborhood than we were by far. In April, we are getting a Keeshond puppy, Tara, who we are anxious to show off. We look forward to living in and researching this special place for many more years. to come.

Publishers Note: Dave researched my home and I found out from him that there was a house on my lot in 1864. My house was built in 1883, which means someone tore down the original house and built another structure. He also showed me a map from 1872 which shows a house outline that is different from the house on my lot. I thought it all started in 1883 and that information was quite a surprise. It is very fun to find out who lived in your home through the years. Check out the website for and email if you are interested in information about your German Village home or business.

Meet Frankie & Rosie, the Boston Terriers of Kate and Brent Hammer South Third Street Please tell us about your pets. Frank & Rosie are Boston Terriers. Frank is 4 and Rosie is 9. Their full names (on their papers) are Miss Rosie Carver (from James Bond- Live and Let Die) and Franklin T.T. Hammer (Frank The Tank Hammer). Rosie is a feisty redhead who is a wonderful protector of our home, loves to play fetch, and kiss everyone’s noses. People are always surprised to hear that she is 9 because she still has so much energy but is such a sweet and good girl.


Frankie is black and white brindle. We say he has a chocolate chip neck and caramel swirl back because he really is a chunk. He is very laid back and loves everyone and every dog. We could probably get him certified as a therapy dog. He loves to lay in the sun, nap, eat, repeat!

Where did you get them and do your pets know any special tricks? Rosie came from a breeder in Loveland Ohio and Frankie came from a breeder near Akron. They both know sit, shake, lay down, and high five. And sometimes “stay”.

What are their favorite activities? Rosie loves playing fetch and Frank loves snuggling and naps

Why is having a pet important to you? We love all animals, especially dogs, especially Boston Terriers! I said after my first Boston puppy that I would never live a day of my life without a Boston next to me. They are the sweetest pups who were bred to be companions, protect their owners, and make them laugh. 32

Would you like to add anything? Frank and Rosie love when people stop to say hello to them on walks or when in the patio! Rosie may bark but if you look close, she’s wagging her tail and is just letting us know someone is here to say hi! I love how close this neighborhood is and everyone knows each other and especially their dogs! It makes me feel so good to know that if anything were to happen to them, this community would rally around us to help however they could. That’s the best part of living in German Village, the people and pets who care for each other.


Books from German Village Authors Click to Buy

787 South Sixth Street recently sold by realtor Regina Costa Tobin

Photo credit Kyle Haines

Meet Belinda, Jeff and Annabelle (8 months). Belinda was born and raised in Columbus. Steve grew up in Cleveland and moved to Columbus for his job. Belinda is a Primary Care Pediatrician and Steve is a Pediatric Sports Medicine Physician. Belinda moved to German Village after returning to Columbus and rediscovering this unique historic and lovely neighborhood. While they dated Steve grew fond of the area too. They moved into their home in the fall of 2014, just after getting married. .Belinda and Steve enjoy traveling (pre child/ pre Covid), cooking, & socializing with friends; Steve likes watching sports & reading and Belinda loves to dance. There is a secrete room above the kitchen, and the only access is through a window on the roof! 39

One of the reasons they bought this house was the private patio that’s perfect for entertaining. At one point the garden housed over 20 species of hosta. There are 6 goldfish in the koi pond that our neighbors’ son watches over.

A great part of living in German Village is living in a close knit community that is full of history and character and that also allows them to take advantage of Downtown amenities. They enjoy taking walks along the brick paths that frame charming houses; spending afternoons in Schiller Park; eating at amazing restaurants and attending unique GV events amongst friends and neighbors. Photo Credit for House pictures Jeff Tobin

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