Portfolio Product Design

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Portfolio Product Design By Kyle O Murchu







A . E . C Assistive Emotional Communication

AEC is a device that aids users with disabilitys to accuratley show there emotions at a more personal level. I t uses LED MJHIUJOH BOE mCSF PQUJD DBCMF UP TIPX UIF users emotions through slight movement, colour, texture and material. It allows the user to show more complex emotions in an intellagent manner. The device sits comfertabley onto the lower part of the arm and is activated through emotional touching,colour lighting is then activated BU EJGGFSFOU JOUFOTJUJFT PO TQFDJmD QBSUT BOE thourgh out the product. AEC Conceptual Elements AEC’s conceptual aspect is to also look at how people interact on an emotional level. It is asking the question question of whether people can express such personal and private issues as emotions through a device or product. Duration - 8 Months

A . E . C - Conceptualization , sketch work, prototype Assistive Emotional Communication

Prototyping 0ODF UIF mOBM EFTJHO XBT FWBMVBUFE work began on a prototype, this was done through sketching the product through CAD and Solidwork and using UIFTF mMFT UP QSPEVDF UIF QSPUPUZQF through both Plastic Rapid Prototyping and the use of Z corb protyping.

Sketch Work Sketch work was then undertaken to visualise ideas, brainstorm ideas and development was undertaken on ideas before continuing with the selected product.

Final Design 5IF mOBM EFTJHO XBT SFOEFSFE BOE completed through programs such as Solidworks, Cinema 4D, Photoshop and In Design, each program was used to produce the required images for the project.


Brief To design a case / package to house a socket wrench and a miniNVN PG mWF TPDLFUT UIF BTTJHONFOU BMTP IBE UP JODMVEF DPOmHVSBUJPO programming through Solidworks and Excel. The Product An industrial style package was designed to house the socket wrench and sockets, the design exposes the rough exteriors of the product and also allows the user to easily choose a size of socket from the available selection. The design also cuts down on manufacturing and material costs. Duration - 1 week



Exploded View The view below shows an exploded view of the Packaging design, the design is Industrial and obvious and gives a robust and strong feeling to the product. The openness of the package also allows for easy access to the pieces and the design allows for less material and production.


&RQĂ€JXUDWLRQV 5ISFF EJGGFSFOU DPOmHVSBUJPOT XFSF designed for the packaging, the DPOmHVSBUJPOT XFSF QSPHSBNNFE through solidworks and excel to allow for easy (swapping) between DPOmHVSBUJPOT BOE EFTJHOT

Bag A Box - Conceptualization, Sketch work

Brief The Brief was to design a every day item that made life easier. The product had to be manufactured for under a euro to ensure that the product could be sold for its max price of mWF FVSPT The Product The outcome of the assignment was Bag a Box a reusable carrier bag that separate’s shopping and ensure’s its easy transport from the store to the required destination. Bag a Box combines the user friendly and easy to carry bag with the strength that a Box can provide. The product is cheap to produce and environmentally friendly. Duration - 3 Months

Conseptualisation Sketch work Sketch work was produced to brainstorm different solutions for the products that could make life every day easier, different solutions for the bag design were also considered at this stage such as the folding mechanism of the box, the shape of the bag and the box and some material considerations were considered.

Sketch Models Sketch models were then produced of a selection of designs that were taken from the sketch work and cponceptualisation phases, different solutions for the box such as the folding mechanism and shape were tested at this stage. This phase enabled us to try out different solutions and choose the best shape, size, mechanism and materials for Bag a Box.

Bag A Box - FEA, Prototye, Assembly, Graphic Model Bag a Box was prototyped useing traditional sewing techniques for the Bag and CNC milling for the internal plastic box, the images show UIF $OD NJMMJOH UIBU XBT EPOF VTFJOH mMFT GSPN $"% BOE TMJEXPSLT UP produce the Box section.

FEA Analysis FEA analysis was undertaken using Solidworks program. Analysis such as stress and strain, drop testing and pressure testing were conducted to ensure accurate strength and safe use of the bag could be ensured.


Product Testing

The product was then assembled using wire springs this enables the box to fold nBU FBTJMZ "MMPXJOH GPS FBTJMZ storage of the product

Once the prototype was completed the product could then be properly tested, this was done by using individuals to use the product during there to day lives and note results of UIF CFOFmU PG UIF QSPEVDU 5IF SFTVMUT PG UIF QSPEVDU UFTUJOH XBT FYUSFNFMZ QPTJUJWF XJUI user ability reaching an %80 positive rating.

Branding The branding of the product had to comply with that of the Tidi company, due to this key branding features of the Tidi company such as coliur and text were incorporated into the branding of Bag A Box.


Leaning furniture was a brief undertaken to design a piece of furnitutre that could be fully or partially supported by a XBMM 5IF mOBM %FTJHO XBT a lounge chair with one leg and used the force of the user and of the wall to keep the chair in an up right position. Chair is manufactured through roller forming and its mane body material is stainless steal. Duration - 4 weeks.

Final Design 7KH ÀQDO 'HVLJQ DOORZV WKH XVHU WR ORXQJH RQ WKH FKDLU FRPIRUWDEOH ZKLOVW WKH FKDLU also saves space by being supported by a wall, the chair would be suitable for a small FLW\ à DW WKH FKDLU DOVR KDV DQ LFRQLF DQG VWULNLQJ GHVLJQ

Function The pictures to the left show the functions of the chair and the way in which it can easily lean against a wall to support itself, the chair has a rubber backing to ensure that no slipping takes place and ensures that the wall is never damaged

Desk File

- Sketch work, Models, Final Design

Brief THe brief was to design an ECO friendly piece of stationary for mas manufactureing, the product had to be ECO friendly in regards WR KRZ LW ZDV XVHG LQ DQ RÀFH HQYLRUPHQW PDQXIDFWHULQJ DQG PDWHULDO VHOHFWLRQ The Product 7KH ÀQDO 3URGXFW ZDV D UHGHVLJQ RI WKH JHQHULF PHWDOLF ÀOHLQJ FDQELQHW IRXQG LQ PRVW RIÀFH VSDFHV WKH FDELQHW LV PDQXIDFWHUG DQG produced useing bent and steamed plywood, this is a eco friendly material that can easily be produced and disposed of in eco an eco IULHQGO\ The product is also user friendly and allows IRU WKH XVHU WR HDVLO\ ÀOH SDSHU ZRUN LQ DQ ascending manner from less importan to imSRUWDQW (DFK VOLGH DOVR DFWV DV D FOLSERDUG VR WKH ÀOH LV HDVLO\ WUDQVSRUWDEOH DQG HQFRXUDJHV WK XVHU WR ÀQLVK ZLWK WKH ÀOH DIÀFDQWO\ (Project Duration 3 months, outcome 2:1)

Sketch Work Sketch work showing design of the desk Fileing &DELQHW

Sketch Models

Final Design

6NHWFK PRGHOV ZHUH ÀUVW produced out of carboard of WKH ÀOH LWVHOI DQG ZRRG PRGHOV produced of the clip for the ÀOH FOLS ERDUGV VR DV DIÀFDQW strenght was obtained for the FOLS

Right shows top, back and IURQW YLHZ RI WKH ÀOH

Laparoscopic Graspers - Medical, Technical, Graphic Design

Brief The brief was to improve on the current design of the laparoscopic graspers, improvements were to be made in such areas as user friendliness, comfort and ease of use, FDA protocol were to be followed through out the design so as to ensure for correct production within the medical product Environment. The Product Improvements were made to the main body of the Laparoscopic Graspers, improvements were made to the handgrip and support of the wrist to allow sergeants to easily hold the graspers for longer periods of time, all improvements and research were made through careful analysis and in cooperation with Saint Jamses hospital Dublin.

Medical Design Research was conduced on the FDA and EU Medical Authority to ensure that the product would be designed to medical standard, the product was also graded as a grade two medical product via the FDA.

Technical Design Technical elements were considered through out the design phase such as the head of the graspers, turning function of the graspers, ergonomics, etc.

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