2016 kyle passeneau portfolio

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REFERENCES avi dL.Bar t h,ASLA,AI CP,CPRP PhD Candi dat e Uni ver si t yofFl or i da ( 561) 3089937 Mi chaelI .Vol k,RLA Resear chPr of essor Uni ver si t yofFl or i da ( 352)2941444 Scot tBut t ar i ,ASLA,LEED AP BD+C Seni orAssoci at e St ant ecConsul t i ngGr oup ( 941)9076900x263

I ntroducti on

SeanHuber HeadBoysBasket bal lCoach LemonBayHi ghSchool ( 941)2861787.


Aboutme. . .

Uni ver si t yofFl or i da Bachel orofLandscapeAr chi t ect ur e Bachel orofDesi gn 2010-2015 3. 46GPA Dean' sLi st2013

Fi r stof f ,I ’ dl i ket ost ar tbyexpr essi ngmygr at i t udef ort aki ngt het i me outofyourdayt ovi ew mypor t f ol i o.Si ncemi ddl eschoolmypassi onhas al waysbeendr awi ng.Iwasi nt er est edi never yt hi ngf r om dr awi ngMar vel Comi cst omy8t hgr adeWoodshopcl ass.Iwoul dal wayssket chpi ct ur es f orf r i endsandl ookatpi ecesofl andscapeandi magi newhatIwoul ddo t ochangei t ,i fgi vent heoppor t uni t y.Asaf r eshmani nhi ghschoolIwas i nt r oducedt oAut oCAD i nmyf i r stDesi gn& Dr af t i ngcour seandf el li n l ove.AsIappr oachedgr aduat i onIknew Iwant edt of ur t hermy knowl edgei nt heDesi gnf i el d.Ipur suedmyMast er sofAr chi t ect ur e pr ogr am att heUni ver si t yofSout hFl or i dabuthadt ot r ansf ert ot he Uni ver si t yofFl or i dat of i ni shmydegr ee.Igr aduat edf r om t heUni ver si t y ofFl or i daandI ’ m eagert ogetmyf ooti nt hedoorwi t hyourf i r m.I nmy spar et i meIenj oydr awi ng,pl ayi ngbasket bal l ,wor ki ngout ,andt appi ng i nt omycr eat i vesi debywr i t i ngandi l l ust r at i ngagr aphi cnovel .Iusedt o vol unt eerasacoachwi t hAAU basket bal lunt i lIhadt of ocusal lmy t i meonschool .I ’ m qui t ef l exi bl eonmyhour sandI ’ mj ustsi mpl y r eadyt of i ndaci t yt oset t l edowni n.Thankyouf oryourt i meandI hopeyouenj oymypor t f ol i o. . .

Uni ver si t yofSout hFl or i da Associ at esofPr eAr chi t ect ur e 2008-2010 3. 47GPA Dean' sLi st2008,2009 Manat eeCommuni t yCol l ege Associ at esofAr t s 2006-2008 SKI LLS 5Yr s-AdobePhot oshop 5Yr s-AdobeI nDesi gn 5Yr s-AdobeI l l ust r at or 3Yr s-Ar cGI S 13Yr s-Aut oCAD 3Yr s-Aut oDeskSket chbook 3Yr s-Googl eSket chup 13Yr s-HandRender i ng 13Yr s-Mi cr osof tOf f i ce 1Yr s-Uni t y3dEngi ne AWARDS

A bout M E

2013EPA CampusRai nwor ksChal l enge: 1stpl aceMast erpl an Team Member :Concept ualdesi gn,Model , andConst r uct i onDocument s. •2014Fl or i daAPA Mer i tAwar dSt udentPr oj ect : Gr eenCoveSpr i ngsTeam Member :Mast erPl an.


-Cl ubhouse -Pool -Rest r ooms -Gol fCar tPar ki ng -Mai lBoxKi osk -PoolMachani cs -PoolCabana/Per gol a -Ret ai ni ngWal lonWet l andbuf f er -2Si gnat ur eTr ees( mi n. ) -45LoungeChai r s( mi n. )

Pa rcel ‘ JClubhouse concepts

I nternshi p Sta ntec

I nternshi p Sta ntec

I nPhaset wooft hePar celJ Mul t i f ami l yr esi denceneededa cl ubhouseatt heent r ance.The cl i entr equest edt omeetmi ni mum ameni t i est obesuccessf ul .SoI pr oducedt woconcept st hat meett hecl i ent sameni t i esas f ol l owed:

Whi l est i l li nt heconcept ual desi gnphaset hepr oj ectwast o cr eat eagat edsi ngl ef ami l y communi t yonapeni sul at hat wasal soadj acentt oaexi st i ng commer i ci all ot . Eagl ePoi nt e r equi r edt or eachami ni mum amountofuni t st obevi abl e. Thecl i entr equest edt ousea mi ni mum oft hr eebui l di ng f oot pr i nt st ocr eat edi ver si t y. I naddi t i ont omaxi mi zi ngt he numberofuni t spossi bl et he cl i ental sor equest edt ohavea det achedpoolf orever yuni t . Thi sconcept ualdesi gnwast he mostvi abl eandal l owedmet o pl ace18uni t s( Thr eedi f f er ent bui l di ngf oot pr i nt s;ami ni mum off ourofeachoft het hr ee di f f er entt ypes) .

Ea gle Poi nte M ulti fa m ly

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