Liam Gallagher
Kyle Strehlow N 232 Growth & Development ISSUU
Meet the Family Liam was born in 2010 into a very dynamic south-side Chicago family. He is now 8 years old and is attending a private boarding school. Liam is the youngest Gallagher and has been put in some very unique situations. Because Liam is black, it was originally thought that his real dad is Frank’s AA sponsor, however a DNA test proved that Frank is the real father. During season 4, when Liam was just a few years old, he experienced a cocaine overdose. Liam’s siblings were concerned that he might experience developmental delays, however they were proven to be incorrect. Liam appears to be normal height and weight for his age (similar to that of his friends), and communicates with them effectively. Liam’s father, Frank, is an egocentric alcoholic. Frank’s lack of care and inability to act as a father figure has undoubtedly affected Liam’s future options. Frank often involves Liam in money peddling schemes and places Liam in risky situations with drugs and homeless drug addicts. Frank is unemployed until season 8, where he earns his first real job. Monica is the estranged wife of Frank and mother to Liam. Monica suffers from severe bipolar II disorder, and while she shows that she does truly care about her children, especially Liam, her irrational thoughts and self-centered desires caused Liam to be separated from his siblings multiple times as a toddler. Monica Passed away during season 7 and left behind an inheritance of $70,000 in meth for her children to sell.
Family Dynamics: There are 6 Gallagher children, all of whom with the exception of Lip (oldest brother) were raised by their eldest sister Fiona. More recently, Fiona has left Lip and Ian (second oldest brother) to care for the younger siblings while she explores selfish desires of her own. Ian has bipolar disorder, much like his mother, and has experienced several manic episodes that have placed Liam in serious danger. Carl (youngest brother) is involved in a drug ring and recently finagled his way into a military school. Debbie is the youngest sister and has a child at the age of 17 and is on a never-ending quest to experience life as a mother in a nuclear-style family. The parenting style of Monica and Frank was, for lack of a better word, absent. Liam would not have been cared for at all if it weren’t for Liam’s older siblings, namely Fiona and Lip to look after him.
Social Network: Thank to Franks Finagling, Liam attends a private boarding school. He is constantly taken out of class to serve as the token black kid shown to prospective parents to display the school’s “diversity”. Liam has one good friend, and they sometimes have play dates at each other's houses. Liam is mostly isolated from his siblings at home, but the older he gets, the more interaction he has with them. Liam’s hobbies include mainly video games.
Growth and Development Expected Milestone
Physical Height/weight: grow 5 cm and gain 2-3 kg per year (Perry et. al., 2014)
While we don’t know Liam’s actual height and weight, he appears to be the same height as most of his classmates and of a healthy weight for his age
Permanent teeth erupt (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam appears to have many of his permanent teeth, as evidenced by teeth that appear too large for his face (ugly duckling stage)
Increased leg length, slimmed waist, decreased head circumference in relation to height (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam has a decreased head circumference in relation to height, slimmed waist, and visibly lengthened legs than in prior seasons
Social Development Peer groups play an important part in social development. Best friend’s are popular. (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam has a new best friend at school and participates in group play
Rules and rituals (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam displays an understanding of time and direction, as evidenced by his waking up in the morning, brushing his teeth and dressing and then walking to school and subsequently walking home after school
Self-concept Values peers and teachers opinions (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam is seen accepting compliments on his artwork from his teacher. Liam values the opinions of his best friend Dillon
Age Appropriate Activities Competitive and cooperative play is predominant (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam plays video games and engages in hobbies with his best friend and other peers while at school
Motor Skills
Expected Milestone
Fine motor skills Play simple board and number games (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam can play simple board games, as well as video games
Makes crafts (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam is seen making crafts in art class
Builds models (Perry et. al., 2014)
Not met, Liam is not seen building any models
Gross motor skills Play hopscotch (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam is seen playing hopscotch
Jump rope (Perry et. al., 2014)
Liam is seen jumping rope
Ride bicycles (Perry et. al., 2014)
Not met, Liam does not ride, nor does he own a bicycle
Play organized sports (Perry et. al., 2014)
Not met, Liam is not observed playing any organized sports
Liam is in Piaget’s stage of Concrete Operations, in which children begin to use thoguht processes to experience events and actions (Perry et. al., 2014). During this stage, children learn to use past experiences to understand what is currently happening (Perry et. al., 2014). Further, children master the art of reasoning instead of relying solely on what they perceive (Perry et. al., 2014). For example, children in this phase begin to master symbols as well as the art of conservation, and they begin to understand that numbers can be deducted as well as added, and are able to reason far beyond that of the what they were able to perceive during the preschool stage. Liam displays many of these capabilities, especially with the addition of his new witty and sarcastic personality. In fact, Liam is portrayed as a smarter than average school-aged child with an understanding of not only the conservation of mass, but the value of money, as evidenced by his ability to reason how much money a pound of meth is worth. Children during this stage also begin to develop a sense of classification, and tend to organize things in accordance with their level of importance and things they derive enjoyment from the most (Perry et. al., 2014). Liam displays these characteristics when he chooses to stay with Lip and Fiona, rather than live on the streets with his dad. During this stage, children master relational terms (Perry et. al., 2014). Liam has shown time and time again that he not only has an understanding of relational concepts, but he often responds to his father and his siblings with sarcastic and witty responses, adding to the idea that Liam is cognitively more advanced than what was expected from any child his age.
Liam has entered Erickson’s Industry versus Inferiority stage. During this stage, a sense of industry is achieved when the child is able to become a contributing provider of meaningful knowledge and skills to society (Perry et. al., 2014). This is not possible if the individual cannot compete and cooperate with others while being challenged with tasks (Perry et. al., 2014). An important concept of this phase are rewards for accomplishing tasks, and children must be taught that they will not be able to master every skill (Perry et. al., 2014). Some children with mental limitations are at extreme risk for interiority during this stage, which occurs when they’re unable to acquire certain skills (Perry et. al., 2014). Children develop a sense of industry when they are presented with tasks that need to be accomplished, and are rewarded after successful completion of these tasks by working through indifferences (Perry et. al., 2014). Liam is most certainly tasked with assignments, particularly while at his upscale private boarding school. Unfortunately, he is continuously removed from class in an effort to show prospective parents that the school is “diverse”. Still, Liam is able to accomplish tasks at a higher than satisfactory level, while receiving awards for his well-doing. Liam is a talented young individual and undoubtedly displaying signs of industry.
Young children believe that rules are established by others and that what they are told is correct, and what they believe is often wrong (Perry et. al., 2014). They think that a “bad” or “wrong” doing is one that causes harm or breaks a rule and often feel that accidents are punishment for these wrong-doings (Perry et. al., 2014). Young children don’t understand the reasoning behind rules and expectations, and determination of what is right and wrong is guided by punishment and rewards (Perry et. al., 2014). In later year,s young children can identify the consequences of actions and understand alternative points of view (Perry et. al., 2014). Older children also develop the concept of treating others the way in which they want to be treated. Liam certainly does not display many of the qualities of an older school-aged child, but since he is only 8 years old, that is to be expected. Liam does display a sense of right and wrong, as is evidenced by Liam locking frank out of the house when Fiona tells him that Frank is not allowed back inside. Liam also treats his best friend Dillon with the same amount of respect and generosity that he would likely appreciate, as evidenced by Liam being a good host to Dillon when they had a sleepover at teh Gallagher house.
Nutrition Status
According to, Liam should be
eating 1400 calories per day. recommends that young children eat 9 servings of grains (cereals, rice, pastas, bread), 4 servings of vegetables, 3 servings of fruits, 2 or 3 servings from the milk group, and 2 (or 6 ounces) servings from the meat and beans group. Despite Fiona’s best efforts, Liam is not provided with a consistently nutritious diet. Fiona is seen watering down the milk to make it last longer and the house is often void of food to provide for healthy home cooked meals. As a result, Liam is often fed whatever is available, which could include restaurant food from Fiona’s restaurant (breakfast diner), and fast food and sodas. Liam is also on his own a lot, and many of the food choices are his to make, despite the fact that he is only 8 years old. Liam is seen drinking soda late at night and eating bags of chips while playing video games with his friend Dillon on one occasion.
Liam (estimations)
Grains (9 servings)
3-4 servings
Fruits (3 servings)
0 servings
Vegetables (4 servings)
1 serving
Milk group (2 or 3 servings)
1.5 servings
Beans and meats (2 servings)
4 servings
CDC Growth Charts
Liam’s Diet: Is generally limited to fast food, leftover food from the diner, and whatever Fiona can afford to bring home from the grocery store. ● Pancakes and grits ● Waffles ● Eggs ● Soda ● Sausages ● Watered-down milk ● Orange juice ● Chips
Because Liam is a fictional 8 year old
character, there are no height, weight, BMI, or head circumference available. The actor that plays Liam is 5 feet tall (but is also 11 instead of 8) with no disclosed weight. I have provided the CDC expected ranges for height, weight, and BMI below: Weight range: 20-35 kg, 50th percentile = 26 kg Height range: 118-138 cm, 50th percentile = 128 cm BMI range: 13.8 kg/m^3 - 20 kg/m^3, 50th percentile = 15.8 kg/m^3 Liam is observed to be an appropriate height, weight, and BMI for his age.
Orem’s Self Care Requisites Respect
Liam is a respectful young child that has begun to understand the viewpoints of others and is capable of treating others in the same way in which he would like to be treated. Liam shows hospitality to his best friend Dillon while hosting a sleepover and plays cooperatively alongside Dillon on his game console, all the while sharing a soda. Liam also gives in to his teacher’s requirement that he be removed from class in order to be shown off to prospective parents, even though it makes him angry and annoyed. Liam is able to view the consequences of his actions and displays a willingness to get along with others and respect preset boundaries and rules.
Liam has perhaps more of a sense of family than any of us can relate to. He was raised by his older siblings and in a less than ordinary situation. Liam’s family is forced to come together in uncomfortable situations when money is tight and obstacles are in their way. Each of the siblings must help one another in order to succeed in this ever-more-impossible world on the Chicago south-side, and even Liam must show his strengths from time to time. In one event, Liam is required to use his “cuteness” to attract contributions while Ian is panhandling for money.
Against all odds, Liam has satisfied the requisite for friendship. Although Liam only has one true identified friend, it was originally believed that he would be developmentally delayed and it was unclear if he was a mute. In season 8, Liam not only makes a new best friend, but is able to prove that he is capable of socializing with others by engaging with them in school activities and cooperating with them on the playground.
School habits
While it was surprising that Liam would ever become a socially adaptable child, it’s even more surprising that Liam has taken such an interest in school, considering the cocaine fiasco that occured when he was 4. Liam not only walks himself to school, he wakes up, gets dressed, brushes his teeth, and is an active participant in his classes. Liam becomes annoyed when he is forced to leave class in order to be shown off by the school to prospective parents, and Liam even displays his wittiness from time to time while chiming into conversations with peers. Liam is cooperative and excels at school-related tasks.
Recommendations & Interventions Nutrition Concern: Liam is limited in his choice of nutritious foods and is sometimes placed in a position where a meal may not be available or nobody will be available to provide it for him. Intervention: One study showed that school lunches can provide nutritious supplementation to children with food disparities by providing servings of fruits and vegetables (School food reduces household income disparities in adolescents’ frequency of fruit and vegetable intake, 2014). New rules and regulations, in addition to innovative campaigns have led to easier access to school-based food programs. Educate Fiona about the importance of nutrition and provide her with information about school-based nutrition programs.
Physical Development Concern: Due to a lack of resources and adult caretaking, Liam has not been exposed to team sports and does not own any equipment that can help enhance his motor skill development. Because of this, Liam is at risk for missing significant milestones in motor skills development, such as riding a bicycle. Intervention: Enroll Liam in an after school team play activity, such as baseball. Being involved in an after school activity can help refine Liam’s gross and fine motor skills while helping to solidify bone and muscle development. Frequent play is essential in the coordination and musculoskeletal development (Perry et. al., 2014). Alternatively, Fiona or Lip can provide Liam with swimming or bicycle lessons. Liam can also begin riding his bicycle to school instead of walking. Educate Lip, Ian, and Fiona about the importance of exercise in the physical development of Liam.
Social Development Concern: Liam is the youngest in the family and is often left alone or ignored by his siblings and parents. Liam is in danger of having a slowed or undeveloped social development as a result. Intervention: While peer groups are important, studies show that personalities are primarily developed by parents and family members (Perry et. al., 2014). Although Liam is acting as though he wants independence and freedom, he is not ready to be abandoned without parental control (Perry et. al., 2014). Teach Fiona and Lip the importance of spending time with Liam, and that a desire for independence is expected, however Liam will not be ready to be entirely on his own at this point.
Safety Concern: Liam is constantly placed in unsafe circumstances. One example is Liam riding in the front seat of Fiona’s car with no seatbelt, carseat, or booster seat. Intervention: Children should use an approved car restraint system until they reach 145 cm (Perry et. al., 2014). Children should always be seated in the backseat of the car and should be taught appropriate seat belt use when appropriate (Perry et. al., 2014). The QSEN concept of safety for this age is injury prevention. Defensive driving techniques and proper attention to traffic laws should be given at all times. Educate Fiona about the importance of asfe driving and have her demonstrate how to properly strap Liam into the appropriate seat.
References Dietary Guidelines: Build a Healthy Base. (n.d.). Retrieved July 4, 2018, from MyPlate Plan. (2018, June 12). Retrieved July 4, 2018, from https:// www.choosemyplate.gove/MyPlatePlan National Center for Health Statistics. (2017, June 16). Retrieved July 4, 2018, from Perry, S.E., Hockenberry, M.J., Lowdermilk, D.L., &Wilson, D. (2014). Maternal Child Nursing Care (5th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby: Elsevier. School food reduces household income disparities in adolescents’ frequency of fruit and vegetable intake. (2014). Preventive Medicine, 69, 202. Sommer, S., Johnson, J., Roberts, K., Redding, S.R., Churchill, L., Elkins, C.B., & Roland, P. (2013) RN Nursing Care of Children (9th ed.).Care (5th ed.). Untitled Frank Gallagher [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From: Untitled Gallagher Family [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From: Untitled Liam 2nd Page [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From: Untitled Liam Gallagher [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From: Untitled Liam in School [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From:
References Untitled Monica [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From: Untitled Shameless Cover Page [Digital Image]. (n.d). Retrieved From: