MDA newsletter

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The Kampong Voice

December 2005 01/05

Pleasant Readings for All With this newsletter we are attempting a more tangible approach to community interaction than we have been used to so far in MDA. We are delighted to present to you this first edition containing information and entertainment on a general level and we hope that the newsletter will be read and received with the usual scrutiny. Constructive criticism will be appreciated and we are certain that this first effort can inspire an ongoing sense of unity

Contents • Chairmans Address • Ambassadors Message Under the Kampong Sun

among the MDA members. The ambition is to keep a bi-annual circulation and to maintain a compilation of updates for the MDA members and others to use. It has been fun taking part in the

A wealth of material The newsletter and the website go hand in hand. While expecting our newsletter to be well received and to have a community impact, we know that with-

Malaysian Danish Association Newsletter

out we would be at a loss for giving proper updated information to our members. So we urge you to visit the MDA web-

newsletter project and sorting out the wide range of topics relevant to our association. For the next issue in June, please don’t hesitate in contributing with even the smallest piece of information. site with frequent intervals and stay informed of MDA activities. Who knows, maybe there’s a makan in the near future or a fun venue for the kids to join. See you on-line and drop us a line!

• Consuls Message • Taking care of new arrivals • Member’s Danish experiences • Getting together • Upcoming events • Bahasa Conversational sessions on Skype • Malaysian cooking in Denmark • Durians on Vesterbro • Charities • Sauna Champion • Global Malaysians • Voluntary Work

The Kampong Voice


The Chairmans Address Since the establishment of MDA on the 11th November in 2001, the various groups of Executive Committee have been busy planning, administrating and organising different types of events solely for the benefits of its members. Besides this, MDA has also been assisting in all the various possible ways that we could provide to support, as well as to promote activities organised by the Embassy of Malaysia in Sweden, Malaysian Tourism Promotion Board (MTPB), and MAS in Denmark. In general, MDA has been contributing to the Malaysian and Danish communities, as well as acting as the media centre for conveying important information received from Malaysia via the Embassy of Malaysia in Sweden to Malaysians living in Denmark and vice versa, through its various means such as MDA Homepage, e-mail and post. No doubt the idea of having our very own MDA Newsletter as one of the media of information and interaction has been recognised as one of the “pet project” by previous Chairman and Executive Committees, but at last it’s truly a great feeling and an

honour to be the Chairman who managed to materialise it together with my group of capable and diligent Executive Committee Members.

helpful and successful association that you can all be proud to be associated with, and I will always be looking forward to share some of your time, expertise and constructive feedback, but above all your excellent continued support by joining us as members of MDA. On behalf of the Executive Committee, I would like to take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt thanks to all MDA Members, ex Executive Committee Members, H.E. Ambassador, H.E. Consul/ MDA Patron, MAS, MTPB, MDA Sponsors as well as individuals who have, in one We are proud to be given a chance to put our ideas, time way or the other been supportand effort together to publish, ing the Executive Committee distribute and share this 2005-2006 and MDA. In conjunction with MDA’s Newsletter with you. 4th Anniversary, I hereby It has been a wonderful time working together with my proudly present the very 1st group of Executive Commit- Edition of MDA Newsletter, tee, and I am sincerely hop“The Kampong Voice” which ing that we will be given the marks yet another remarkable much needed and continuous achievement for MDA. Syasupport and assistance to bas! enable us to continue our Seasons Greetings, and wishunselfish dedication and ing you, your family and voluntary effort to come up friends an abundance of hapwith many more interesting piness, good health, love and activities and projects for prosperity in the New Year! MDA. Glædelig Jul og Godt Nytår! I, myself will personally try Salam Sejahtera. my very best to ensure that MDA is a happy, friendly, Chua Poo Chu


The Kampong Voice

Special message by his Excellency the Ambassador for the Malaysian Danish Association’s Newsletter Dear Friends, It gives me great pleasure to say a few words in this first publication of the Malaysian Danish Association’s Newsletter. Foremost, I would like to congratulate the Malaysian Danish Association for its initiative in publishing this Newsletter which I hope would greatly benefit the members in keeping them informed on the work of the Association. I am pleased to note that the Malaysian Danish Association, since its inception in 2001, has been successful in carrying out a number of activities to promote goodwill, understanding and friendship among its members. I hope Malaysians in Denmark and our Danish friends will continue to give their diligent support to the Association. I believe that with your cooperation and support, the Association will

be able to meet its objectives of bringing the Malaysian community in Denmark closer together and in promoting Malaysia’s good image in Denmark. I am confident that this Newsletter will remain a valuable and informative publication in addition to providing an important channel for networking amongst Malaysians in Denmark. Last but not least, I would like to take this opportunity to wish the members of the Malaysian Danish Association ‛Merry X’mas, Happy New Year and Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Adha’. Jasmi Md. Yusoff Ambassador of Malaysia to Denmark with residence in Stockholm

A message from his Excellency the Consul Dear Members of MDA, As your Honorary Consul for Malaysia in Denmark it is a particular pleasure for me to write to you all through your first MDA Newsletter December 2005. First of all, I have enjoyed an excellent cooperation with the Malaysian Danish Association, since I became Consul for Malaysia three years ago, and therefore I am delighted to see, how active you

are, latest with this newsletter, an excellent initiative. The Consulate is at your service and Karin Thuesen Jensen and myself are always available to assist you in anyway, we can. Klaus Kjærulff, Consul for We also look very much Malaysia in Denmark forward to seeing you at some of your arrangements you and your families Seasons during 2006. Greetings and all the best for the year 2006 to come. We at the Consulate would like to wish the Association,


The Kampong Voice

Easy Landings To most of us at MDA, arriving at Kastrup airport on a cold winter’s day from the warmth of the tropics is not as daunting as the first time around. We breeze straight through customs and passport check, we head straight for our cars or we hail a cab with the ease of the worldly travelled cosmopolitan. We tend to put behind us, the anguish of having to cope in this new barren environment and indeed after some years when new habits grow and Denmark becomes second nature we even find it hard to empathize with the less experienced.

Recognize the sign? Isn’t it amazing how easily the human mind adapts? We are the pioneers, the oldtimers, the ones whom the new arrivals should turn to, when they are faced with the same sense of utter abandonment. What to do, what to see, who

to speak to? Small matters to the lived-in, but a mountain of problems for a family who has just been here for a week compared to what the Thai and the Filipino communities receive, we Malaysians can only expect a mere trickle to

We will be taking steps to initiate a drive to promote MDA as an organisation, which welcomes all newcomers from Malaysia, whilst at the same time ensuring them that they will be taken well care of within the means of voluntary efforts.

brush up on home news, make new acquaintances and get a fresh outlook on life venture this way. Nonetheless our fellow Malaysians have exactly the same needs when it comes to settling in comfortably and in a way that reduces the hurdles in their paths. What better way to do this than to be assisted by able and experienced compatriots, who take a real interest in the transitional smoothing process. New Initiative It can be mutually beneficial as well. Here is a chance to brush up on home news, make new acquaintances and get a fresh outlook on cross cultural life and lifestyles. And who knows, maybe even renew some of the old recipes, that are becoming somewhat stale.

To this end, we are asking for volunteers to sign up for when the need arises. Zhou Hong To give an example: the young student Zhou Hong called the association in November asking if we knew anyone who could put him up for the night. He was arriving from Struer to take his Danish language tests and was quite alone in Copenhagen. A member quickly arranged for accommodation and opened the doors for an evening of chit-chat and friendly exchanges on life in K.L., Copenhagen and Struer. Young Zhou Hong was positively relieved and of course went away with nothing but the best impressions of MDA and our organisational efficiency. It was first time for the MDA member and he recommends the experience as a way of breathing life into dulled senses of being away from Malaysia for too long.

The Kampong Voice


20 years in Denmark It never crossed the mind of Susan Hendil-Forssell more than twenty years ago that she would eventually settle down in Denmark. It was a crisp September, Susan was just visiting and delighted in Tivoli’s final day of the season. Some years later in 1984 Susan left Malaysia for good and made Denmark her home along with her Swedish husband and three sons. They bought a house in Kastrup and stayed in a hotel for three weeks in the transition period. Food was no problem, Susan

is easy with all types of food, but as for everything else, Susan met with a whole new way if thinking and had to adapt quickly. Culture, language, the system, etc was one thing but having to miss friends and family so very far away in a time without internet and expensive phone rates was another thing completely. Especially during the long, dark, and cold spells of winter. “Horrible”, Susan stresses. There has been a change of attitude in the Danes since then. Susan can sense that they are more friendly, help-

ful, and open toward foreigners than when she first arrived. All the same, it is good that MDA is set up, because suddenly Susan has managed to meet other Malaysians. She never knew that there were actually so many Malaysians living in DK. It is a nice feeling to have your fellow country people to meet up with and to be able to help each other which Susan had missed for many years. For Susan, MDA is positive and is a community where we can help each other.

Just Arrived and getting settled Jannie is married to her Danish husband Allan and slowly getting used to life in an unfriendly climate. I came to Denmark last year. It was exciting at first. Learning and experiencing new things – the culture. I was still a tourist then. However, after a few months, it wasn’t that exciting anymore. I was not on holidays anymore but living here. As much as I am very adaptive to new cultures, deep inside me I would like to find some-

thing or people that I could connect to something Malaysian, as I am a Malaysian. One day I found Poo Chu’s personal website and forum group “Malaysians In Denmark” http://malaysians. and she led me to MDA and to meet up with a few other Malaysians here whom I am still keeping in touch with.

It was really great to be able hear the ‘lah’ and to have people who understand the ‘Malaysian food-talk’! Being able to meet Malaysians through MDA, makes me less homesick. Moreover, they have been sharing their experience on living in DK, and useful tips such as where to get certain food and spices!


The Kampong Voice

Getting Together MDA has become talk of the household amongst members, families and friends since its birth in 2001. One of the good reasons being the numerous events held annually by MDA for dear members, families

especially their children. Merdeka Celebration" is THE EVENT of the year where the spirit of "Negara Ku Malaysia" amongst members and friends enhanced and not to miss out the great variety of

families and friends enjoy the multi cultural evening of Hari Raya Aidilfitri, Gong Xi Fa Cai, Deepavali and Christmas. Multiple entertainments presented and the temptation of tasting the multi cultural

It was a good show of faces when Mahathir was here. and friends. “Swim and Splash" Day at the swimming pool solely utilised by MDA. What a joy to see members and their children enjoyed to their fullest with water games and competitions. "Pot Luck and Green Lungs" Spring Picnic where members have the opportunity to "get away" from the daily hectic working day and "get together" with dear fellow Malaysians and families in "open green lungs" parks. The "Hello Zoo" also adds to another MDA's thoughtful effort for members and

exotic malaysian cuisine served. Cultural performances also add to the highlights of this festive evening. "Muhibbah Celebration" is

A day at the Zoo another successful annual event where members,

menu is above ones description. In addition, the visit of Datuk Seri Dr. Mahathir Mohamad to Denmark and the participation of MDA in ASEM cultural programmes in 2002 also proved the credibility of MDA. MDA wishes to thank everyone for having contributed their indispensable time and effort in making the events possible and successful and hopes the spirit of Muhibbah and harmony strengthened among us for MDA.

The Kampong Voice

Mari - Mari Be sure to mark your calendars for our recurring annual events. In keeping with our delightful tradition of partying and socializing we are pleased to announce three dates for 2006 to mark in your calendars.

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Muhibbah The Muhibbah party celebration on 28th January will take place at “Etnorama”, Nørre Allé 7 on Nørrebro in Copenhagen. Members and non-members alike along

7 with children are welcome for an evening of fun, laughs, contests, and prizes.

advance so that you can make yourself be heard and take part in the AGM.

We will be celebrating: • Deepavali • Eid Mubarak or Hari Raya Aidilfitri • Christmas • New Year • BilledChinese New tekst, som Year

Merdeka Look forward to the MDA fifth Merdeka celebration. On the 26th August 2006 Merdeka 49 is scheduled to


billede All in one not-to-beeller gramissed occasion. fik.

AGM The Annual General Meeting will be held on 25th March at 13.00 Merdeka 2005 at the farm in Lynge hours. We have yet to find and detake place and we expect a cide on a proper venue for big turn out for this summer the meeting, but we will of party. Venue to be decided. course let you know well in

only): Dkk 250 Corporate/Companies/ Organisations Membership: Dkk 2000 (Only two (2) person’s name to be Membership is open for evenominated to represent the ryone and the annual member- corporation/company/ ship fee is applicable from organisation concerned) January until December. The categories and fees are as Members’ benefits include follows: special Entrance Fee rates for MDA Events and Activities, Individual Memberspecial discounts by MAS, Billedtekst, som ship: Dkk 150 beskriver billede and 10 % discount when you eller grafik. Family Group Membership shop in Shopasia or Asia (2 adults, inclusive of own Takeaway at Peter Bangs Vej children under 18 years old 108, 2000 Frederiksberg

Membership Renewals

( MDA Exco is always looking for more contacts and arrangements to enable members to enjoy more benefits through MDA in the near future. So, come on renew or sign up your membership with us for 2006! Any idea or suggestion for future events or activities are most welcomed. Please contact us by e-mail or phone. We will like to hear from you!


The Kampong Voice


Bahasa on Demand All it takes is a broadband connection, a headset and a microphone. With these few technicalities in place you are hooked up to receive free tuition and weekly practice on the internet in Bahasa Malaysia. Skype, the Danish teleco, company recently valued at 25 billion kroner has made it

all possible. With the Skype technology Poo Chu, our Chairman, and her eager attendants go through the weekly lessons much as if they were attending a conference. They can listen in on each others progress and give advice and they can pick up on the many lingual tricks that Poo Chu hands out. It seems that there is a need

Satay Kajang– the Danish way 1.5 kg chicken deboned 1 tsp cummin ½ tsp cinnamon 8 diced shallots 1 tsp coriander 2.5 piece fresh turmeric 1 tsp sugar 1 stalk lemon grass 2 tbsps roasted peanuts salt to taste 2 tbsps cooking oil

turmeric, peanuts, salt, and sugar. Mix this with powdered cinnamon, shallots, and 1 tbsp cooking oil. Marinate chicken in mixture at least 2 hours. 3. Skewer and grill over red hot coal, sprinkling oil with lemon grass. 4. Turn and grill until cooked. 5. Serve with peanut sauce, cucumber and onions.

Peanut Sauce

Method 1. Cube the chicken meat, drain, put aside. 2. Grind coriander, cummin,

300 gms roasted peanuts 2.5 cm piece ginger A piece of galangal 3 tbsps pounded chillies 2 stalks lemon grass 1 cup sugar 1 bombay onion ½ cup tamarind juice salt to taste

for these sessions and Poo Chu has been met with an enthusiastic response to her initiative. Poo Chu points out that there is room for more, so do not hesitate in signing up for a free and fun Bahasa brush up. Joining is easy. Go to Install it, and add contact. If you wish to join, please add Poo Chu’s Skypename - poochu.

Method 1. Grind roasted peanuts and put aside 2. Finely grind lemon grass, ginger and galangal 3. Slice onion and stir fry until soft 4. Add ground chillies and other ground ingredients 5. Add tamarind juice and finally peanuts, salt, and sugar. Let it simmer until gravy thickens. Ideally the open barbecue should be used for Satay, but frying pans and the oven grill can be used in a tight spot with excellent results. All ingredients can be found in specialty shops in Denmark. You might question the fresh turmeric and, yes it is indeed always available at your local Asia imports grocers.


The Kampong Voice

There’s a funny smell in town We all know that Durians are not allowed on trains, boats and planes. And we all know why. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that only a few of this worlds true dedicates will advocate the free movement of durian across borders and barriers. One whiff of the pungent fruit and most Westerners will bend over reeling with delirious disgust. Still, in the cargo holds of a weekly Thai Airways flight, they have managed to pack our favourite fruit in such a way that it can be shipped to

a few select shops in downtown Chinatown, Copenhagen. It is not inexpensive, of

MDA Charity

ute to the local community. One of the ways to do so is by raising funds for the needy organisations, and the Merdeka Celebration was a charity function for Red Barnet, which is a children's charity. It was an evening with excellent multi cultural performances, goodwill and generosity amongst the attendees.

We Malaysians in Denmark celebrated our national independence day with Hari Merdeka Celebration and Charity Function For Red Barnet on the 4th October 2003 organised by the Merdeka Party Committee (ie. Vindy, Poo Chu, Alice, Latipah and Siti Meriam) of the Malaysian Danish Association. It was held in the canteen of our Honorary Consulate's office and was attended by a total of 161 people. We do try our best to contrib-

Durian for the Danes? course, but business is lively when the Durian arrives and

Tsunami On the 12th January 2005 MDA received the appeal from the Malaysian government to please contribute cash donations for the support of the victims of the terrible Tsunami disaster last

for a considerable fee our thorned trophies can be carried of in triumph. Ignorant of the menace to closed compartments, they have not yet banned the Durian on busses or trains in Denmark. But be warned, do not test the Danes on this. Although a tolerant nation, the durian issue will most certainly cause a stir if you push them. On the other hand, perhaps these brave Vikings are up for a rare treat, once they get over the smell?

Christmas of the Sumatran coast and of course MDA responded swiftly. MDA donated DKK 1000.00 to Tabung Bantuan Bencana Negara and DKK 1000.00 to Tabung Bencana Tsunami Asia - Kementerian Luar Negeri. MDA would like to express its condolence to those whose family members and friends were involved in the Tsunami disaster. MDA shared the grief and traumas of victims who suffered, perished and lost their loved ones.


T h e K a mp o n g V o i c e

Sauna Champion Our own man from Seremban, Ong Lay Pang, to many known as Bernard, has triumphed and taken home the first Danish Open Championship of Saunagus/Sauna Aroma Therapy. He beat five other contestants on March 18. 2005 at the venue in Ålborg. Mr. Ong Lay Pang is married to a Dane and has lived in

We are not alone On the 4th November 2005 a Hari Raya greeting was sent out to Malaysian Associations around the world and the response was warming. From as far away as New Zealand a greeting was returned with best wishes for the Danish branch. We may be one of the younger Malaysian associations compared to some of

Newsletter Editorial Board Editor: Michael K. Dalhoff Layout/Photos: Chua Poo Chu Marketing: Hui Siah Sze Silfverberg (Jannie) Sponsors: Rosalyn Venning

The Kampong Voice Denmark for 20 years. He has three children and is currently working in Frederiksberg Svømmehal as a lifeguard, lifeguard tester, baby-swimming instructor and of course treatment-bath/ spa-bath coordinator. Mr. Ong Lay Pang is also teaching Yang Taichi in Copenhagen Wuzuquan Academy. To many Ong is probably most known for his committed work for MDA as Chairman from 2002 to 1st. May, 2005. our more seasoned compatriots in other countries, but judging from the feed-back we are nonetheless welcomed in the international gathering. We even received an invitation from the association in Orlando, Florida to come over in two or three years for a planned world conference for Malaysians living abroad. So now is the time to start saving and planning if and when it becomes reality. (Disneyland anyone?)

Thank you note MDA has received a personal appreciation from the sons of recently departed Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Børge BekNielsen. MDA sent our deepest condolences and a wreath for the memorial ceremony which was held in Holstebro, the home town of the Tan Sri. He did, however, dedicate more than 50 years in the service of Malaysian Palm oil industry with the company United Plantations in Lower Perak. As such he became a man of considerable fame and respect leaving a legacy of hard work and stamina for his sons Carl and Martin Bek-Nielsen to carry on. Members may recognize the name, United Plantations, as one of our loyal sponsors at our functions.

Malaysian Danish Association Executive Committee Chairman Vice Chairman Treasurer Secretary Committee Member Substitute Substitute

Chua Poo Chu Rosalyn Venning Hui Siah Sze Silfverberg (Jannie) Jan Ziska Michael Kypper Dalhoff Suseela Palby Norsalina Bjerring

Malaysian Danish Association


Assistance and Voluntary Activities by MDA Part of being MDA is taking an interest in the promotion of Malaysian affairs and presenting the country in the best light. Gratefully the members are a hospitable lot who can be counted on. The following points of interest have been taking place recently: 18th April, 2005, Roskilde :- 2 Malaysians, Susan Hendil-Forssell and Poo Chu were invited by a group of Danish women related to the Dansk Broder Orden, who were interested to know more about Malaysia and Malaysians living in Denmark. They gave a talk and a question-answer session as well as displayed an exhibition of some Malaysian arts and crafts items. May, June, 2005:- Poo Chu assisted and managed to arrange for Suseela and herself to be interviewed, as requested by the two Roskilde University students, Felicia Elisabeth Jackson and Camilla Solveig Kristensen who were doing their research about Danes working in Malaysia, "Managers in Malaysia - culture differences" just before they left for Malaysia to conduct their research for their Bachelor in “Kultur- og Sprogmødestudier” (Culture and Language). 18th January, 2006:- They will be organising a seminar “Kacau Kacau” – Den danske arbejdsplads in Malaysia from 09.30 – 16.00 hours at Roskilde Universitetscenter, Kommunikation, Biografen. 31st August, 2005:- Being a last minute request, Poo Chu managed to contact and arranged for Rosalyn, Michael, Julie, Jannie, Allan and herself to attend a meet up with 15 Malaysian business and government ministeries’ people visiting Denmark and organised together with Encik Shaharuddin M Saaid, Executive Director of Malaysian Association of Hotel

Owners (MAHO), to celebrate Merdeka Day Celebration on the 31st August, 2005 at Hotel Maritime, Copenhagen K, Denmark. It was a successful and memorable event as we could celebrate our country’s independence day together with fellow Malaysians even though we were thou-

Merdeka Day away from home sands of kilometers away from home! 14th November, 2005:- Michael K. Dalhoff was kind to offer his place at the request of Zhou Hong, a Malaysian in need of lodging, and accommodated him overnight. As a voluntary and non profit group, we will always be looking forward to welcome sponsorships or assistance in any form or kind. Kindly forward it to: MDA BG Bank A/C Reg. No. 1551 A/C No. 006 006 8631 Address: Malaysian Danish Association c/o Chua Poo Chu (Mrs. Jan Ziska) Finsensvej 11C, 6. t.v., 2000 Frederiksberg, Denmark.

See you in June! We’ll be back with a summer edition of: • • • • •

Events Articles Adverts Messages And much more to keep you informed and entertained Deadline to submit material to the Editorial Board will be 15th May 2006.

MDA is a voluntary non-profit group

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