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ΕΥΡΩΠΑΙΚΕΣ ΣΥΝΤΑΓΕΣ ΜΕ ΜΕΛΙ Εργασία που πραγματοποιήθηκε κατά τη συνάντηση των εταίρων στην Ελλάδα στα πλαίσια του Ευρωπαϊκού προγράμματος Comenius με τον τίτλο: «Προωθώντας τα Μαγικά Μέρη της Ευρώπης - Ζώντας στην Ευρώπη του Παρελθόντος, του Παρόντος, του Μέλλοντος»

HONEY RECIPES FROM AROUND EUROPE Task that was completed during the meeting of Comenius partners in Greece as part of the Comenius project called “Promoting Magic Places in Europe Living Europe past, present, and future"




Χημική σύνθεση μελιού


Η θρεπτική αξία του μελιού


Είδη ελληνικού μελιού




Chemical composition of honey


The nutritional value of honey


Greek honey types






1. Fried cottage cheese with honey (LITHUANIA)


2. Honigrecepte – Honey Cake (GERMANY)


3. Revani (TURKEY)


4. Melomacarona (GREECE)


5. Salted kaltsounia from Crete (GREECE)


6. Traditional Loukoumades Recipe (CYPRUS)


7. Honey Cake Recipe (LATVIA)


8. Honey cake recipe (CZECH REPUBLIC)


9. Peres amb mel – Pears with honey (CATALONIA)


10. Torta al miele, semifreddo al miele di millefiori di Toscana - Honey cake, parfait millefiori honey of Tuscany (ITALY)
 11. Filhos with honey (PORTUGAL)




Το μέλι είναι ένα αρωματικό, ιξώδες, γλυκό υλικό που προέρχεται από το νέκταρ των φυτών, το οποίο μαζεύουν οι μέλισσες και το μεταβάλλουν για την τροφή τους σε ένα πυκνότερο υγρό και τελικά το αποθηκεύουν στις κηρήθρες τους. Η αξία του μελιού έχει εκτιμηθεί από τα πανάρχαια χρόνια .Στους Αιγυπτιακούς παπύρους πριν από 3500 χρόνια αναφέρεται το μέλι ως θεραπευτικό μέσο. Στο βιβλίο ζωής των αρχαίων Ινδών αναφέρεται ότι η ζωή παρατείνεται όταν στην καθημερινή διατροφή υπάρχει το μέλι και το γάλα. Στήν Ελληνική μυθολογία με μέλι ανατράφηκε ο Δίας από τη νύμφη μέλισσα και το νέκταρ αποτελούσε τροφή των θεών του Ολύμπου Ιπποκράτης συνιστούσε το μέλι για την θεραπεία πολλών ασθενειών το ίδιο και ο Αριστοτέλης.

Χημική σύνθεση μελιού Το μέλι περιέχει ζάχαρα (Γλυκόζη, φρουκτόζη) Οξέα (οξικό, κιτρικό,







ψευδάργυρος, κάλιο, Νάτριο) Περιέχει ένζυμα (Ιμβερτάση, διαστάση και οξειδάση της Γλυκόζης) Πρωτεΐνες και αμινοξέα ( 19 πρωτεΐνες και 18 Αμινοξέα, βιταμίνες του συμπλέγματος Β και C και νερό. Το μέλι περιέχει τουλάχιστον 180 διαφορετικές ουσίες οι οποίες διασυνδέονται οργανικά με τέτοιο τρόπο ώστε κανείς μέχρι σήμερα να μην μπορέσει να το παράγει τεχνητά παρά την γνωστή του σύνθεση.

Η θρεπτική αξία του μελιού Τα ζάχαρα του μελιού είναι απλά, απορροφούνται αμέσως, γιʼ αυτό και το μέλι είναι μια γρήγορη πηγή ενέργειας για τον οργανισμό. Είναι κατάλληλο για αθλητές, παιδιά, εγκύους και για άρρωστους και ταλαιπωρημένους οργανισμούς. Προσοχή το μέλι δεν πρέπει να δίνεται


σε παιδιά μικρότερα των 12 μηνών.Το μέλι έχει αντισηπτικές ιδιότητες, είναι τονωτικό, αυξάνει το ρυθμό λειτουργίας της καρδιάς, μειώνει τα προβλήματα έλκους στο στομάχι και γενικά συμβάλλει στην καλή λειτουργία του ανθρώπινου οργανισμού.

Είδη ελληνικού μελιού Υπάρχουν δύο μεγάλες κατηγορίες μελιού. Τα ανθόμελα, που παράγονται από το νέκταρ των ανθέων και τα δασόμελα, που παράγονται από το νέκταρ των ανθέων και τα δασόμελα, που παράγονται από μελιτοεκκρίσεις εντόμων που βρίσκονται κυρίως σε δασικά δένδρα. Η κάθε κατηγορία μελιού έχει τις εξής ιδιομορφίες και χαρακτηριστικά που την κάνει να ξεχωρίζει: Θυμαρίσιο: Έντονο αρωματικό μέλι, εξαιρετικό σε γεύση με ανοικτόχρωμη






ποιότητες μελιού. Κρυσταλλώνει σε διάστημα 6-18 μήνες και είναι τονωτικό, έχει αντισηπτικές ιδιότητες και αυξάνει τις φυσικές δυνάμεις του ανθρώπου. Πορτοκαλιάς: Έχει υπέροχο άρωμα και εξαιρετική γεύση. Κρυσταλλώνει σε 1-3 μήνες. Είναι πλούσιο σε εσπεριδίνη και έχει πλούσια αντιοξειδωτική δράση. Ηλιάνθου: Είναι ανοιχτόχρωμο κιτρινωπό μέλι και κρυσταλλώνει γρήγορα σε 1 μήνα από την παραγωγή του. Παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στη διατροφή μας καθώς είναι πλούσιο σε πολυφαινόλες. Μέλι ρείκης: Είναι μέλι με υψηλή θρεπτική αξία. Έχει οσμή και γεύση







καταναλωτές Κρυσταλλώνει πολύ γρήγορα σε 1 μήνα.


Καστανιάς: Έχει έντονο χαρακτηριστικό άρωμα και γεύση που ελάχιστα








βακτηριοστατική δράση και αντέχει περισσότερο στο χρόνο διατήρησης. Επιταχύνει την κυκλοφορία αίματος. Πευκόμελο: Παράγεται στα πευκοδάση της χώρας μας. Δεν είναι ιδιαίτερα








ιχνοστοιχεία, πρωτεΐνες και αμινοξέα. Μέλι από βαμβάκι: Κρυσταλλώνει σε 1-3 μήνες. Υπερτερεί σε υπεροξείδιο του Υδρογόνου. Ελάτης: Λέγεται και ελάτης-βανίλια καθώς ξεχωρίζει από την εμφάνιση του. Δημιουργεί την αίσθηση των ανταυγειών στο εσωτερικό του. Έχει προστατευόμενη ονομασία προέλευσης (ΠΟΠ). Είναι από τα μέλια που δεν κρυσταλλώνει. Ανθόμελο: Είναι ανάμικτο μέλι. Έχει υψηλή θρεπτική αξία γιατί είναι πλούσιο σε ιχνοστοιχεία. ΠΗΓΕΣ:




ΕΠΙΘΕΩΡΗΣΗ Γεωργακόπουλος Βασίλης, Καλλιντέρη Τένια και Καρδάση Μυρτώ



Honey is an aromatic, viscosity, cake material from the nectar of plants, which is collected by the bees and the change in their food in a denser liquid and finally store the combs of honey tours .Its value is estimated from the immemorial. In Egyptian papyrus since 3500 years ago referred to honey as a therapeutic agent. In the book of life of the ancient Indians reported to prolong life when there is the daily diet of honey and milk. In Greek mythology, Zeus was raised with honey from the bee larva and nectar was a food of the gods of Olympus. Hippocrates recommended honey to treat many diseases and so did Aristotle.

Chemical composition of honey Honey contains sugars (glucose, fructose) acids (acetic, citric, lactic) minerals (calcium, sulfur, copper, zinc, potassium, sodium) it contains enzymes (Invertase, diastase and glucose oxidase) and proteins (19 and 18 proteins amino acids, vitamins B and C and water. Honey contains at least 180 different substances which are organic, so that nobody so far has failed to produce it artificially despite the known composition.

The nutritional value of honey The sugar content of honey is simply absorbed immediately, which is why honey is a quick source of energy for the body. It is suitable for athletes, children, pregnant women and sick and weary bodies. Attention! Honey should not be given to children younger than 12 months. Honey has antiseptic properties, calming abilities it increases the heart rate, it reduces stomach ulcer problems and generally it contributes to the proper functioning of the human organism.



Greek honey types There are two major types of honey. The flower-honey produced from the nectar of flowers and dasomela, produced from the nectar of flowers and dasomela produced by melitoekkriseis insects found mainly in forest trees. Each category of honey has the following features and characteristics that make it stand out: Thyme: Intense aromatic honey, excellent in taste with a pale shiny appearance. It ranks in the top quality of honey. It crystallizes within 6-18 months and it has antiseptic properties and increases the natural powers of man. ORANGE: a wonderful aroma and delicious taste. Crystallizes in 1-3 months. It is rich in hesperidin. Its rich in antioxidants. Sunflower: is pale yellowish honey. It crystallizes quickly and it is produced in 1 month. It plays an important role in our diet as it is rich in polyphenols. Heather honey: It is honey of high nutritional value. It has a characteristic odor and taste and has won many discerning consumers. It crystallizes very quickly in 1 month. Chestnut: It has a strong characteristic aroma and it has a slightly bitter taste. It crystallizes in 1-2 years. It has a high bacteriostatic and lasts longer as a retention time. It accelerates blood circulation. Pine: It is produced in the pine forests of our country. It is very sweet and hardly crystallizes. It is rich in minerals, proteins and amino acids. Honey Cotton: It crystallizes in 1-3 months. It is superior to hydrogen peroxide. Eilat is also called as vanilla-fir it stands by its appearance. It creates a sense of reflections inside. It has designation of origin (PDO). It is from the honey that does not crystallize.



Floral: This honey is mixed. It has a high nutritional value because it is rich in minerals. SOURCES: Wikipedia, MELOSTAGMA BEE AND INSPECTION Georgakopoulos Bill ,Kallinteri Tenia and Kardasi Mirto




1. Fried cottage cheese with honey (LITHUANIA)

Recipe in Lithuanian: Keptas varškės sūris su medumi Jums reikės


200 g varškės sūrio su kmynais

2 valg. šaukštai maltų džiūvėsėlių

1 vnt kiaušinis

Recipe in English: Fried cottage cheese with honey

Photo of the recipe:

Varškės sūrį supjaustyti riekelėmis, apvolioti kiaušinio plakinyje, po to džiūvėseliuose. Kepti įkaitintoje keptuvėje su šlakeliu aliejaus. Patiekti su medumi.

Ingredients: 200 g of cottage cheese with caraway seeds 2 tb spoons of dried bread crisps 1 egg Directions (in step with photographs):

1. Cut cheese into slices 2.


Whisk the egg and roll slices of cheese in it


3. Roll the slices of cheese in dried bread crisps

4. Heat the pan, put some oil into it and fry the slices of cheese. Serve with honey.



2. Honigrecepte – Honey Cake (GERMANY)

INGREDIENTS 1 tablespoon butter, softened 5 cups all-purpose flour 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 1/2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 cup almonds, finely ground 1/4 cup almonds, slivered 1 tablespoon unsweetened cocoa 1 teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons ground cardamom 1 tablespoon lemon peel, finely grated 1/2 teaspoon almond extract 1 cup honey 1 cup sugar 1/2 cup cold water

Read more at: http://www.food.com/recipe/honigkuchen-german-honey-cake425937?oc=linkback

DIRECTIONS 1 Preheat the oven to 350°F (180°C). 2 Use a paper towel to rub the softened butter over the bottom and sides of a jelly roll pan. Sprinkle 2 tbsp of flour over the butter and tip the pan from side to side to spread evenly. Invert the pan and tap to remove any excess flour. 3 In a large bowl, stir together the 5 cups of flour, baking powder, ground almonds, coco, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom, lemon peel, and almond


extract. In a large saucepan, bring the honey, sugar, and water to boil over medium heat, stirring until the sugar dissolves. Reduce the heat to low and simmer, uncovered, for 5 minutes. Pour the hot honey mixture over the flour mixture and stir together until a smooth dough is formed. 4 Spread the dough into the pan. Bake in the oven for 20 minutes, or until the top is firm to the touch. Remove the pan from the oven and immediately sprinkle with slivered almonds, pressing them gently into the surface of the cake. Let the cake rest for 4-5 minutes, then cut. You can cut it into squares, rectangles, or any sort of fancy shape! Transfer pieces to a wire rack to cool.



3. Revani (TURKEY)

İngredients: 4 eggs, a glass of sugar or a little honey, a glass of yoghurt, a glass of olive oil, a glass of semolina, two glasses of flour, a packet of baking soda. Directions in steps: 1. Eggs are beaten in a bowl.


2. Mixed with sugar honey and stirred for a while.

3. Yoghurt and olive oil are added.



4. Stirred again after adding semolina, flour and baking soda. 5. Mixture is poured into an oiled tray.



6. Baked in 200 degrees for 15 minutes.

7. Upon taking out of oven, syrup is poured on.



8. Cut square and pistachio is sprinkled on. 9. Bon appetit...



4. Melomacarona (GREECE)

Ingredients : Yeast : 1 ½ cup of tea olive oil ½ cup of tea fresh butter 1 cup of tea sugar ¾ cup of tea orange juice ¼ cup of tea brandy 2 teaspoons orange rest 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 teaspoon baking soda 7 tea cups of flour


For the syrop: 2 tea cups of honey 2 tea cups of sugar 2 tea cups of water For the garnish: 1 ½ tea cup chopped nuts 1 teaspoon cinnamon ½ teaspoon clove

Implementation: For the dough:  Mix the first 6 ingredients for 4ʼ in the mixer.

 Shift the flour, the soda and the baking powder in a bowl.


 Open a pit in the center of the flour mixture and put the liquid-ingredients.

 Knead it until youʼve made a soft dough.

 Mould at shapes.


 Bake them at 175° c for 30ʼ( until they get slightly colored).

For the syrop:  Boil the honey, the sugar and the water together for 5ʼ and remove bubbles.


 Pour over the syrop in Melomacarona when we put them out of the oven.  When they absorb it, turn them from the other side and let them settle, until they are completely cold.

 Mix nuts cinnamon and clove and sprinkle them.


Nikoletta Georgakopoulou Elpiniki Bistola Maria-Rafaella Bistola


5. Salted kaltsounia from Crete (GREECE)

Ingredients: Yeast:

½ kg flour ½ cup of tea olive oil ¼ cup of tea tsipouro 1 teaspoon salt Water as much needed for a soft yeast

Stuffing: 250 gr feta cheese 250 gr anthotyro Implementation :  Mix all the ingredients for the yeast together .


Stretch the yeast in the shape of phylla ( leave thin sheets).

 Cut each one in longshaped pieces.  Chop the two types of cheese and mix them in a bowl.  Fill the longshaped pieces of dough with the cheese mixture and take the one long side and place along the other long side.


 Turn it like a snail (coil them).

 Fry them.

 They are surved while hot with a spoon full of watered honey.

Nikoletta Georgakopoulou, Elpiniki Bistola, Maria-Rafaella Bistola


6. Traditional Loukoumades Recipe (CYPRUS)

Loukoumades are traditional Cyprus sweets. They are dough balls which are first deep fried and then soaked in sugar syrup or honey and cinnamon. In this post you can find an easy homemade loukoumades recipe, handed down by generations of Cypriot housewives. Time: 2 hours 30 minutes Amount: around 40 pieces Ingredients: 1 tablespoon dry yeast 240ml lukewarm water for the yeast 315g plain flour 1 teaspoon salt  


1 teaspoon sugar 120ml lukewarm water 200g sugar 320g honey Juice of ½ lemon vegetable oil for frying cinnamon to serve finely chopped walnuts (optional)

Instructions: Dissolve yeast in water and let it set between 10 to 15 minutes. Sift flour and salt together. Make a well in the flour and pour in the yeast mixture. Mix the ingredients together gently and add warm water slowly until a soft and sticky dough has formed. Cover the dough with a damp and clean dishtowel. Set the dough aside in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size.


In the meantime, prepare the syrup: Pour water, sugar, honey and lemon juice in a pan and bring to a boil. Boil for 6 minutes and remove from heat but keep warm.

Heat oil in a deep fryer. Dip a tablespoon in the oil to coat and use it to spoon out the batter and drop into the hot oil.



Repeat until there are enough dough balls to cover the surface but careful not to overcrowd. If the dough starts sticking to the spoon, dip it into the hot oil again. When the batter starts floating and is golden and puffy, remove from the fryer and set aside on a paper towel to drain.



Pour syrup over the hot loukoumades and lightly dust with cinnamon. Sprinkle with chopped walnuts or sesame seeds if desired. Serve piping hot!



 6 tablespoons of honey

1 teaspoon baking soda

3 tablespoons of milk

150 g margarine or butter

pinch of salt

1 glass of sugar


3 eggs

4 glasses of sifted flour

Ingredients for cream filling: 1 glass of sugar

1 liter of 25%-30% sour cream

1 packet of vanilla sugar

Put the milk, honey, sugar and a pinch of salt in the saucepan. Put the saucepan to the stove on a low heat and mix until sugar is dissolved. Then add margarine and mix the mass until it is dissolved. Add soda and mix the mass ~5 min on a medium heat until mass become brown (like in picture). Remove from heat and cool. Then add eggs and flour.  


At first batter may be gluey. Make batter ball, put in the small smack and then put it into the fridge for 20 minutes. Make 6 batter balls.




Take one ball and put it on the baking paper. Roll each ball very thin and stab it with a fork. Put them in an oven and bake at 200째C for ~10 minutes. Cut circles as round as possible, while it is warm. (To make process easier, you can use a plate approx 24 cm diameter)

Cut circles as round as possible, while it is warm. (To make process easier, you can use a plate approx 24 cm diameter). Do the same with all batter balls

1 liter of 25%-30% sour cream whip with one glass of sugar and one packet with vanilla sugar. Whip until cream mass become tough and donʼt fall from spoon. (Process may be ~8 minutes long). Coat each layer with a generous layer of cream and put one batter circle above the other. (You also can put jam of sour berries on the every second circle)

Sprinkle top and sides with crumbs and ground walnuts or crushed batter edges, which left over.


Put the cake into the fridge and Allow to set at least 6 hours before eating.

Enjoy your meal!


8. Honey cake recipe (CZECH REPUBLIC) By Marek and Pepa

Ingredients: 1 cup granulated sugar 2 eggs, beaten 1/4 cup butter 2 tablespoons honey 2 teaspoons baking powder 3 cups all-purpose flour Cream Filling

Cream Filling: 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk 3 eggs, beaten 2 tablespoons honey 1/4 cup butter Preparation: In a large saucepan over medium heat, warmu up sweetened condensed milk then add eggs, honey, and butter. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil; boil until the mixture thickens. Remove from heat and let cool.



Preparation of the dough: In a small saucepan over low heat, melt butter. Let it cool.

In a large bowl, combine sugar and eggs. Add the mixture from the small saucepan, add honey, egg-sugar mixture, and baking powder; stir constantly until well blended and foamy.

Stir in flour until dough is not sticky (NOTE: If dough is sticky add additional flour, a little at a time).



Separate dough into four (4) equal pieces and place onto the wax paper or parchment paper; cover each dough section with plastic wrap to keep warm.

Using a floured rolling pin, roll one section into 1/4-inch thick flat cake. Place on prepared cookie sheet (if using wax paper, remove). Preheat oven to 180 degrees C.

Bake 3 to 5 minute or until just barely golden but not brown (watch it carefully). Remove from the oven. Remove from baking sheet and cool. Repeat with the remaining (3) three sections of the dough, re-flouring cookie sheet if necessary.

On a large serving dish, alternate 4 layers of flat cakes and Cream Filling, applying the cream filling liberally between layers. Let the cake sit 6 to 8 hours before serving.



In the end cover the cake with chocolate rating and grade some nuts on the top.

 mine !!!!



9. Peres amb mel – Pears with honey (CATALONIA)

Short description/ some facts about the recipe

Pears with honey are considered a traditional sweet in Camarasa. Pears with honey and butter are placed in the oven with a syrup. We give them dessert at events. They are delicious, and no more complicated.

Prep Time: 10 minutes Cook Time: 20-30 minutes Yield: About 8 pieces Ingredients: 4 pears 3 spoonfuls of honey 15 gr. butter ground cloves


For the syrup: 1 big spoonful of honey A half spoonful of hot water

Directions (in steps with photographs): 1- Peel the pears and cut them in a half to take the heart. Place the pears with the inside up on a tray and fill out the middle of each half with a spoonful of honey and a small piece of butter. Sprinkle with species (ground cloves).

2- Make a syrup mixing 1 big spoonful of honey and a half with hot water and pour it into the tray around the pears.



3- Cook in moderate oven (about 180º) for 20-30 minutes, spraying occasionally the pears with the syrup.

4- Serve the pears lukewarm accompanied with cream.


10. Torta al miele, semifreddo al miele di millefiori di Toscana - Honey cake, parfait millefiori honey of Tuscany (ITALY)

The honey cake is a typical Tuscan recipe. It is very easy and very good. We give them at engagements, weddings, christenings.

Prep Time: 30 minutes Cook Time: About 40 minutes Yield: About 4 people

Ingredients for the cake (with photographs): 250 gr. flour 10 spoons of milk 50 gr. of butter 30 gr. sugar 15 gr. of yeast ½ cup milk 1 lemon natural


1 vanilla pod salt

For coverage of honey: 2 tablespoons millefiori of Tuscany 150 gr. of butter 3 tablespoons of cream 150 gr. walnuts For dessert honey: 1 spoon orange blossom honey a pint of cream 5 eggs 100 gr. sugar 1 vanilla pod Directions (in steps with photographs):

1. Put the flour “a fontana” on a smooth and clean dish.


2. put at the center , butter, milk, yeast dissolved in warm milk, cut the vanilla bean with a knife along the entire length,

3. To grate a lemon peel, a bit of salt and mix little by little all the ingredients with the help of a fork.



4. Working with your hands until the mixture is homogeneous.

5. Let rise for about an hour in a warm place. For coverage of honey: put in a saucepan the honey, cream and butter and cook in medium heat for a few minutes. Combine the chopped nuts For the honey cake: to butter and to flour a cake pan with a diameter of about 20 cm. Knead the dough leavened for a few minutes, then roll out within the cake pan.



Pour over cream of honey, spread evenly and bake preheated to 180 ° C for about 30 minutes. Remove from oven and let cool. For the semifreddo honey in a saucepan combine the egg yolks with the sugar, mix them and add the honey, seeds of the vanilla bean (hacking it with a knife in the sense length)


11. Filhos with honey (PORTUGAL)

ingredients: Half cup of tea of honey One egg One tablespoon of milk Eight tablespoonful of flour One teaspoon of yeast Oil for frying

Preparation: Stir the yeast with the honey and whisk well. Then add the egg, milk and flour and whisk until dough is smooth. Let stand for about 30 minutes. Fry in hot oil. Once fried, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon.



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