MicroStation XM David Haskin Production Standards Administrator dbhaskin@transystems.com
What is MicroStation XM? MicroStation XM is an enhancement to the 2004 Edition of MicroStation. Features affected include everything from Licensing to Installation. Very little in XM has remained untouched. Which leads to‌
MicroStation XM
Does XM Utilize a New File Format? No! When the V8 file format was created, it was designed for future expansion and enhancement. All features added to MicroStation XM are compatible with the MicroStation 2004 Edition. Understand this does not mean you will be able to take advantage of XM’s enhancements in the 2004 Edition.
MicroStation XM
1. Features such as fields in XM will appear as regular text. 2. Transparent or gradiated fills will appear as solid. 3. Templates and Tools created in XM will not be available.
Licensing MicroStation XM no longer uses a “heart beat” to communicate with a SELECTServer. Usage is uploaded to your license server once a day. If no license server is found, MicroStation will function for up to 30 days before a connection needs to be established. Once a connection has been established, and usage has been reported, the 30 day clock resets.
MicroStation XM
1. Check-out licenses are no longer needed if the usage will be for less than 30 days. 2. Check-out licenses can be created from SELECTServer and e-mailed to a recipient in the field. 3. Bentley will host your SELECTServer for you if you don’t want to deal with setting up an XM SELECTServer.
Installation MicroStation now uses the Windows Installer 2.0 which allows for silent installs. The MicroStation XM directory structure now conforms to Microsoft Windows standards. Document files are now located under: "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Bentley" Program files are located under: "C:\Program Files\Bentley".
MicroStation XM
1. Silent installs means that MicroStation can be pushed as a network application and there is no longer a need to visit each machine to load the latest version of MicroStation. 2. Document files in MicroStation’s case refers to the workspace and example projects. 3. The location for program files has remained unchanged.
File Format Support MicroStation XM extends capabilities for reading/writing DWG, all versions from R11 through AutoCAD 2007 are now supported. PDF files can be attached as a raster reference (multi-page PDFs supported). JPEG 2000 files can be attached or created. ERDAS IMG files can be attached or created.
MicroStation XM
XM’s Updated Interface Windows File Open dialogs are now the default.
MicroStation XM
1. Allows MicroStation to have file access like all other Windows compliant applications. 2. Easy access to all locations (Desktop, My Computer, My Network, etc‌) where files may reside. 3. You can copy and rename files on the fly. 4. Access to user, project and interface is included.
XM’s Updated Interface The “Main Toolbox” has been split into the “Main” tool box and the “Task Navigation” tool box. Element and View Manipulation
Element Placement
More on Task Navigation later… MicroStation XM
Button Assignments Button Assignments have been expanded. Double clicking the middle mouse button will perform a “Fit View”. Holding down the middle mouse button and moving the mouse will “Pan” the view. Rolling the mouse wheel will “Zoom” in and out of a view. Pressing the right mouse button will bring up a “Contextual” shortcut menu.
MicroStation XM
1. Note that if the middle mouse button is changed to “tentative”, double clicking the middle button will not perform a “Fit View”. 2. Zooming in and out with the mouse wheel is available in the 2004 edition. 3. “Contextual” menus can be accessed by a single right click or a press and hold on the right mouse button, depending on which preference has been selected.
Positional Keyboard Navigation Positional Keyboard Navigation allows you to select tools and tool settings without needing to move the mouse. The keyboard is divided into zones (up to four) with each zone mapped to a tool box or the tool settings window.
Navigation Key
MicroStation XM
1. The number keys 0-9 are associated with the Main Toolbox by default. 2. The characters on the left side of the key-board are associated with the Task Navigation toolbox by default. 3. The characters on the right side of the key-board are associated with the Tool Settings window by default. 4. By default no keys are associated with View Controls.
Color Enhancements True Color is supported, this allows the user to select a color by specifying components in the context of a color model. RGB (Red, Green Blue, 0-255 or 0–1) HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) CMY (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow)
Color Books are supported, this allows you to select a named color from a existing Color Book. Pantone and RAL are delivered Color Books are stored in a DGNLIB.
Gradient Fills are supported.
MicroStation XM
None of the Color Enhancements should be used on files that will be opened in the MicroStation 2004 Edition or earlier.
Transparency You can make the Tool Settings window or any non-modal dialog box partially transparent in order to see more of your model.
You can make any MicroStation Element partially transparent in order to see more of your model or hidden elements.
MicroStation XM
1. User Preferences allow Transparent dialogs to become opaque when receiving focus (off by default). 2. User Preferences also allow the user to force the same transparency setting for all modeless dialogs. 3. Element transparency can be applied as an Element Attribute to specific elements, as a ByLevel setting to add transparency to all elements on that level and as a reference file setting to add transparency to all elements in a reference.
Revision Clouds Revision Clouds are now standard Annotation Tools. Cloud By Points allows the user to place a revision cloud by picking points on screen. Cloud By Element allows the user to modify or copy an existing an element as a revision cloud.
Cloud By Points
MicroStation XM
Cell Enhancements Annotation Cells – Annotation Scale for Cells. The Annotation Cell property is controlled by an additional toggle under Model Properties. When an Annotation Cell is selected for placement the user will have the option of toggling Annotation Scale on or off.
Attach a directory of Cell Libraries. When selected all cell libraries in the selected directory will be displayed in the Cell Manager. Place Cell Index creates an index of all cells in a given cell library.
MicroStation XM
Fence Enhancements Multiple, Named Fences allow the user to place a fence and save it for future recall. This also allows the user to place multiple fences on screen at one time. The Manipulate Fence Contents tool now includes an option to Array fence contents.
MicroStation XM
Model Enhancements When a Model is created you have the ability to create a Project Explorer Link. You can associate a Border Attachment with a Sheet Model. There is an available Sheet Number Property for Sheet Models. History Navigation. Allows you to open any model accessed in the current MicroStation session. History Navigation includes models in other design files.
MicroStation XM
Reference Enhancements
You can attach a reference via a Named Fence. Treat an attachment as an element for manipulation. Move Boundary with Reference. Reference Exchange and Edit.
MicroStation XM
Fields Can be inserted when editing or placing text. Can contain attributes of an element. Placing automatic updateable areas.
Can contain properties of the active model. Placing Sheet Numbers.
Can contain properties of the open file. Placing File Names.
MicroStation XM
Design History Enhancements You now have the ability to delete Design History. You can combine multiple revisions into a single revision. You can retire Design History.
MicroStation XM