Portfolio: Architecture Design _ Kyu Eun Jeong

Page 1


:architecture design Kyu Eun Jeong


Academic Projects

Additional Works



MULTICOMPLEXity: Cultural Center in Myeongdong


Osaka Trip Guide




BETWEEN WALLS Seoul City Wall Project


Panel & Book Layout Photoshop, Indesign Workouts

Marina Bay East Materplan


Travel Booklet

Mock-UP Model Making



MEMORIAL PERSPECTIVE Memorial Space in China Town

05 2012


03 2014


02, 04 2015


01 2016




Academic Projects



:Cultural Center in Myeongdong Thesis Project

date status location program

year 5 spring, 2017 personal work myeongdong, seoul cultural center

When you walk through downtown, you can see full of signs. Advertising and attracting people’s eyes, store has bigger and more visible decorations. Whole facade is covered by signs, even in windows are coverd by sticker ads. People see the buildings, but they only can see advertising. Program in the building quickly change, accordingly sign is also changed. Architecture’s role is only providing the concrete box. In this situation, what could architect talk about this building. Architecture need change, to react and responding about modern facade, sign.

Thesis When you walk through downtown, you can see full of signs. Advertising and attracting people’s eyes, store has bigger and more visible decorations. Whole facade is covered by signs, even in windows are coverd by sticker ads. People see the buildings, but they only can see advertising. Program in the building quickly change, accordingly sign is also changed. Architecture’s role is only providing the concrete box. In this situation, what could architect talk about this building. Architecture need change, to react and responding about modern facade, sign. My thesis explores the dual quality of contemporary architecture as signage and shelter in the post-indeustrial information age as architecture becomes more flexible to adapt to thge changes in complex, multicultural society. Pluralism and multiculturalism; symbolism and iconography; popular culture and the everyday landscape; heneric building and electronic communication are among the many ideas which have been studied.


Site Plan Project Site: Myeong-dong, Jung-gu, Seoul Site is located in intersection. It is facing the department store and between post tower and Myeong-dong main street. This site has unique view. Korea Bank and Shinsegye Department Store is classical style building next to modern style office. Post tower is symbolic building.

Myeong-dong Street

Project Site

Post Tower




Thesis Study Complexity and Contradiction Ambiguity and Tension, Richness of Architecture Modetn architecture is pursuing simplicity. However we need to recognize that simplicity is not only solution of architecture. It is one of kinds, then architect need to think about other way also to show diversity. Robert Venturi said, “...the medium of architecture must be re-examined if the increased scope of our architecture as well as the complexity of its goals is to be expressed. Simplified or superficially complex forms will not work. Instead, the variety inherent in the ambiguity of visual perception must once more be acknowledged and exploited.” Complexity and ambiguity by contradiction would make a confusion. But it would make a tension and richness. If components are harmonized, it looks ambiguous but people can recognize the meaning of them and have a question, not confusion.

Learning from Las Vegas Duality of Architecture: Duck and Decorated Shed “Duck” is duck. What you see is what they are. “Decorated shed” is shed with ornamentation. If they don’t have a sign, they are not themselves any more, it is just shed. n modern city, many building is “decorated shed”. In modern city, lots of signboard cover the building facade. This is appropriate way to show many space in one building. This is very complex and messy. Sign is secondary in architecture, then architect think about how show these complexity by architecture. How about between Duck and Decorated Shed?

Decorated Shed


Duck (Grape)

Architecture as Signs and Systems Theory: Shifting Paradigms At thesis first, according to society is changing, architecture paradigm also need to change. In space, Scott Brown use analogy of a glove vs. a mitten. A glove is made to fit in orginal users, but a mitten can be various users because of its extra ‘wiggle room’. And this thesis consider sign as function of communication and information. It refers hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, the mosaics of the byzantine and Early Christian Churches, and the stained glasses of Gothic architecture, considered fine art now, but originally intended to communicate religious content. Scott Brown talk about changing depts of decoration in architecture over time. And Venturi suggest the use of ‘pixilated electronic surfaces’ such as LEDs, as the singage that is able to communicate an unlimited amount of information in real-time, for information Age. And we can easily see this sign in modern society. But it’s not architectural way.













Facade Layer


To design a new facade, I used the depth of facade. Facade layer make a indoor and outdoor space, and ambiguous facade. Column, vertical element, is used as design pattern. Structure column, frame, louver, window frame make a layer. And big opening show inside space.

In Myeong-dong, the most program is service industry. Sales and service is more than 50%. Next office 23%, and financial 6%. Here is a famous place for foreign tourists. Only focusing on shopping. I thaught site need a culture space for tourists. Not only retail, but also culture. Project program is cultural center included gallery, theater, library, class, where people learn and experience culture.

Layer 1: Structure Columns, Louvers, Bookshelves, Sign Layer 2: Frame, Partition Layer 3: Wall, Window Frame, Layer 4: Structure Columns



Class Atrium Meeting

Theater Cafe


Terrace Class

Layer 4

Open Stage


Information Center


Layer 3 Layer 2

Layer 1

Section Perspective 7F Restaurant 6F Gallery 5F Gallery 4F Theater 3F Theater 2F Theater 1F Square

Drawings Project building is 7th floor, 36m heights. 1st floor mass is divide 3 pieces. People pass through the block, connect main road and back street. People sit down on the open stairs and watch some people’s busking and performances. Square is open stage.

1F Plan

3F Plan

1 Information Center 2 Square 3 Retail 4 Storage

1 Cafe 2 Class 3 Theater 4 Library 5 Gallery 6 Terrace




2 3

2 2




5 3 4 4




Back Street Elevation

Main Road Elevation


Education Nexus :Learning Through LIving marina bay east masterplan

date status location program

year 4 fall, 2015 team work singapore urban design



It has been announced that the leases for 2 of the 23 golf courses in Singapore will not be renewed when they expire in 2021 and the land will be returned to the Singapore Land Authority (SLA). Our studio has undertaken the challenge to address this repossession of Marina Bay Golf Course. The prevailing practice is for land located next to or near MRT stations to be sold for commercial developments and private condominiums, which only a minority in Singapore can afford. The Marina Bay Golf Course is located in the central region, and is close to the Circle Line stations. Should it be sold to the highest bidder to build more condominiums and commercial developments? Rather than real estate, our studio believes that we should invest in our future generation.

Site Location & History Marina Bay East is an extension of the larger Marina Bay land reclamation works which was initiated in 1969. This was part of URA’s long-term plans to expand Singapore’s footprint in order to accommodate the needs of a growing nation. According to URA, the Marina Bay masterplan intends it to be Singapore’s next Central Business District which also hosts vibrant waterfront retail, hotel, and residential developments. The Marina Bay East area has been left vacant until 2006, when it was temporarily leased to Marina Bay Golf Course. At present, many proposals have been drafted for the site before it is officially returned to SLA in 2021.The Marina Bay East Site is about 0.5 kilometer wide and 1.5 kilomoter long. The area is approximately 75 hectares.

Connectivity & Subway At present Marina Bay East is only fairly connected to its neighboring plots and the rest of the island via Tanjong Rhu Road (north of site) and Fort Road (east of site). However, this will improve once the newly constructed MRT Thomson-East Coast Line is completed, which will connect to the existing MRT lines. The site also offers the exploration of other potential modes of transportation such as water-taxis which can be realized since it is in proximity to the water body. Context & Landmark These landmarks as well as the Central Business District forms a picturesque backdrop view of the city skyline in both day and night time. Apart from the view, the site is also surrounded by several green parks and water bodies such as Gardens By the Bay East and West, and Marina Bay respectively.


Singapore Flyer Marina Bay Sands


Gardens By the Bay West Gardens By the Bay East East Coast Park

The site is uniquely nestled amongst iconic landmarks such as Marina Bay Sands, and Gardens by the Bay.


Marina Bay

In Singapore, In Singapore, the educational the educational Concept & Strategies

institutesinstitutes are often are segregated often segregated from the from publicthe realm public realm In Singapore, the educational institutes are often segregated from the public realm


Education Education Hub Hub

Marina Bay East Guidelines

Plot Ratio 3 Max Height 5 Stories Max 100% Site Coverage

Education Hub

Education Hub

An dynamic and sustainable Education Town that is highly walkable and livable, with An dynamic An dynamic and sustainable and sustainable spaces that encourage meaningful interactions Education Education Townthrough that Town is highly that is highly learning.

Instead of real estate, we propose to invest this site for what we believe to be more beneficial for the future of Singapore : Education. In Singapore, the walkable educational are often walkable andinstitutions livable, andwith livable, with segrespacesformal that spaces encourage that encourage gated from the public realm. Students participate in largely education activities such as meaningful meaningful interactions interactions through through lectures, classes and tutorials. This phenomenon is prevalent from primary through tertiary edulearning.learning. cation. On the other hand, we believe that education is not just about formal classroom learning; informal learning is just as essential. We aim to design an dynamic and sustainable Education Hub that is highly walkable and livable, with spaces that encourage learning through meaningful interactions. We hope to nurture an inclusive community by using education as a catalyst. Through the the congregation of people and ideas that clashes and inspires, we aim to nurture a human-centric urban framework that brings people together, creating a lively, sustainable, safe and healthy urban environment.

Singapore’s Urban Planning places high emphasis on vehicular traffic

According to Jan Gehl’s theory, 5 storeys is the maximum height for a person to have meaningful interactions with people on the street. By increasing the maximum site coverage to 100% and maintaining the plot ratio of 3, as well as maximum height of 5 stories, we are able to unlock a large possibility of form and design potentials for architects while maintaining a low-rise, high-density urban environment.

In order to achieve a car-lite community, a hierarchy of road to streets is created. Vehicular traffic is limited to a main road for all day access, while servicing can only be done within a limited time period. Service vehicles can only access up to the primary streets while emergency vehicles can enter the secondary streets as well. This allows for a comprehensive emergency evacuation plan and servicing to be conducted while retaining a car-free environment for the most of the day. The creation of streets rather than roads, which is prevalent in Singapore’s context, allows for more activities and vibrancy in the public spaces.

We want to create an enjoyable walking experience

By rethinking how we utilize ground floor urban space

Typology Neighbourhoods







20m 20m


20m 20m 20m






2 x Precincts








2 x Precincts (Along Waterway)










3 15-30

From the idea of creating a human-centric city, we started by designing how users live on site. Based on our typology studies of urbanscape with vibrant street life, we designed a cluster, keeping the dimensions similar to the precedents, and limiting vehicular traffic within the cluster. This froms the basic design unit. Next, we place 3 clusters together to from a precinct. The size of a precinct is chosen to be smaller than the typical precinct size from HDB, so that residents may more easily get to know their neighbours, creating a more friendly and close-knitted living environment. The precinct type we designed is a basic block, which can be modified according to site conditions, such as waterfront conditions.


We designed a basic form of a neighbourhood, formed from 4 precincts. The number of people in living in 4 precincts is sufficient to require facilities such as ground floor commercial units, as well as civic institutions and places of worship.


The idea of an education hub, a place for the people requires education for everyone - the most basic of which are school-going children. Hence, the first modification of the basic neighbourhood N1 caters for a school, centered around the civic square, which we envision will be a centre of activity, and vibrant street life.


Besides residential and local shops, shopping malls are also needed, and an interesting mix of users is possible when there are varied developments. Hence, we modified N1 to have more commercial area, as well as commercial and residential usage, which allows for SOHOs and other mixed use developments.

Urban Strategies

Entrance A

Entrance B

Open Space Gardens by the Bay East

Entrance C

Connectivity Beyond Site

Creation of Waterway

Main Strategy

Connecting the Institutions

To ensure that transport hubs fall within a comfortable walking distance of 400 meters, we envision 2 on site.

Tapping on the proximity of water, we create a main waterfront spine that can improve connectivity beyond the site and enhance the quality of the living environment.

To bring people together.

Waterway connects the education hubs at the two ends with smaller commercial institutions along the way.

Character of Main Education Hubs

Restricting Vehicular Penetration

Taking advantage of site conditions, the top node becomes a water-centric hub while the bottom node forms an extension of the park.

In order to have a vibrant street life, vehicular penetration is restricted along the periphery.

Overlaying the Typology Grid

Green Penetration

Typology Grid of 100 x 150m.

Introducing green fingers to bring in the park from Gardens by the Bay East.

Marina Bay East Master Plan





Urban Sections The master plan has been designed with a hybrid of primarily low-rise development with some high-rise development which also acts as signifiers or way-finders in the new town. The following schematic sections illustrate the contrast in scale of the proposal to its surrounding context.

Singapore Flyer

Marina Reservoir


Gardens By The Bay

Marina Reservoir


Gardens By The Bay

Marina Reservoir


Street Section The master plan has been carefully designed to host a cohesive network of alternative transportation systems. This is to replace the need for private vehicles while still ensuring ease of movement in the new town. The location of each stops (eg. trams or water taxis) coincides with major nodes such as the public squares and bridges which are approximately 300meters apart. (optimal walking distance)

Primary Street

Secondary Street

Green Finger



Service and Emergency

Emergency Only

Waterfront Promenade

Green Finger







Pedestrian Only

Ring Street



Width (m)

Vehicular Access

M aterial


2 way x 2 lane


All Types


Primary Street

2 way x 1 lane


Only Service*/ Emergency/ Handicapped


Secondary Street

Local Access Non-Motorized Traffic


Only Emergency



Pedestrians Only




Ring Street

2 Lane x 1 way Non-Motorized traffic and tram


Only Service*/ Emergency/ Handicapped

Paved and Landscaped

Waterfront Promenade

Non-Motorized traffic



Paved and Landscaped


Public Square




Public Square


Public Square


Accessibility: Alternative Transport Networks

Accessibility: Green and Blue Plan

Public Square Main Road

MRT & Tram Station

Water Taxi Route

Waterfront Promenade

Tram Station

Water Taxi Stop

Primary Street

Water Taxi Route

Cycling Routes

Secondary Street

Water Taxi Stop

The waterway provides an alternative transport from the central area, and also enhances the living environment for the east district. Green fingers extends Gardens by the Bay East park into our site. It also provides continuous connections from the main road into the rest of the site.

Public Square 0








Street LIfe: Ring Street & Promenade Promenade Ring Street Public PublicSquare Square


The promenade and ring street are two system that form the main artery for the site. They constitute to a different street life and provides choices for alternative walking experiences.

Proposed MRT MRT Station Proposed MRT Station Station





The masterplan is broken down into 4 Districts. Each District has its own characteristic and land use proportion. North and South District Larger Education Hubs West District Predominantly Residential East District Mixed-Used

North District

North District

East District West District

Eas Distr West District

South District

The 4 districts can be group into 2 regions based on the waterway: West bank and East bank. The detailed urban design guidelines creates a more public realm on the East bank, and a more intimate public realm on the predominantly residential West bank.

Detailed Urban Design Guidelines for M arina Bay East Guidelines for

West bank

East bank

Building to be built to the edge along the Ring Street. Ring Street

Waterfront Promenade

Provide covered arcade (min. 2m x 3.5m) along both sides of the Ring Street.

Provide covered arcade (min. 3m x 4.5m) along both sides of the Ring Street.

Building to be built to the edge along the Waterfront Promenade. Min. 8m building height for building edge along the Waterfront Promenade. Provide covered arcade (min. 2m x 3.5m) along the Waterfront Promenade.

Provide covered arcade (min. 3m x 4.5m) along the Waterfront Promenade.

Building to be built to the edge facing any Public Square Public Square

Green Fingers

Provide covered arcade (min. 2m x 3.5m) facing the Public Square.

Provide covered arcade (min. 3m x 4.5m) facing the Public Square.

Provide covered arcade (min. 2m x 3.5m) along the 2 major green fingers

Provide covered arcade (min. 3m x 4.5m) along the 2 major green fingers

Secondary Street

Setback of 3m from the secondary street for the 3rd storey and higher.


All alleys (min. 3m x 4m) must be accessible to the public at all times, and not more than 50% of it can be built over. Setback of 3m from the alley for the 3rd storey and higher.


For public housing, at least 80% of every parcel’s rooftops to be used as accessible roof gardens (including use as community farming, visual green, communal facilities)

Provide PV panels for all mechanized carpark rooftops for their respective electricity usage.


Between Walls seoul city wall project

date status location program

year 3 spring, 2014 personal work jongro, Seoul library

Seoul Fortress Wall is built to protect the Hanyang, “Hanyang” is Seoul’s past name. Site is part of whole wall, from Haehwa-mun to Dongdae-mun. Seoul City Hall had a plan to rebuild around the site, to preserve this cultural assets and make a comfortable public space for citizens. This wall cuts throught two villages, have own character. I inspired by surrounded village propertiies. And use wall to combine with castle wall. I focus on upgrading cultural value and making the relationship with villages.

Seoul City Wall Seoul City Wall is fortreess that protected Hanyang, the capital of the Chosun Dynasty. It was built in 1300 by King Taejo. After that some part was rebuilt several time because of war and disaster. Each repair section has a different proportion of stones.

Site A-A’ Section

Seoul City Wall’s west side and east side has different slope. West side, Choongshin-dong has smooth slope and same level with the wall. But the east side, Changshin-dong has very steep slope. People who live east side can’t go to the wall and even they can’t recognize that the wall is there. This neighborhood is a residential area, so it is full of houses. During the daytime, elderly people and children spend a time in the alley. That place could be football stadium, playground and cafe. But that is not a safe place. They need a space for them. Alley

Site Satellite Map




Concept Creating between space is a concept. This space is similar to alley. When Seoul City Wall is alone, there is not a space. But if opposite wall is made, between Seoul City Wall and new wall could be a space. This space for the residential, elderly and children. And this building deal with level difference. People can easily get close to Seoul City Wall and use the public space, library, cafe and gallery.




Level Âą 0 Plan

Level + 2400 Plan

Level - 3000 Plan


Library & Cafe

Library & Gallery

East View from Changshin-Dong


The Green Envelope redesign facade

date status location program

year 4 fall, 2015 team work singapore clubhouse

Re-design of facade in the different dimensions possible for the D’Leedon Residence using facade system and technology beyond concrete and mortar.. We de-construct the facade zone and re-construct the building skin using Zaha Hadid structural form geometry.



Each Petal (pavillion) exist in isolation will its surroundings.

View from circulation space of the Pavilions

Connecting the Petals

The envelope intends to string the petals into a cohesive whole while creating an interesting semi-outdoor space in the process.

Spatial Enchancement

This intervention helps to create an interest :the heart of the development and also create ans enchanced experience at the clubhouse.

View from circulation space of the Pavilions


The greenery aids to significantly reduce the thermal hear gain of its surroundings and improves the overall comfort of the residents / users.


+0.50 Plan

The newly crafted spaces also serves to create an interesting alfresco experience for the existing cafe.

Roof Plan

The geometry of the envelope is derived from the geometry of the existing structure of the clubhouse. The varying heights of the envelope intends to enhance the spatial quality of the existing space.




Section A - A’

Detail A

Detail B

Elevation 1

Greens and Cables

Spot Detail A 1

5mm thk ‘U’ shaped steel beam

2 10mm Ø temsile steel cable for climbing plants to grow 3 100mm thk treated engineered timber bolted to steel plate (cladding) 5mm T-shaped steel plate cladded with timber

4 10mm thk steel plate bolted to 5mm thk ‘U’ shaped steel beam secondary steel beam

Tensile cables 10mm spaced at avg. 400mm

Concrete structure

Spot Detail B 1

5mm thk ‘U’ shaped steel beam bolted to existing structural concrete wall

2 10mm Ø temsile steel cable for climbing plants to grow 3 10mm thk steel base plate bolted to the ground 4 Cast-in-situ to match existing concrete floor finish

Exploded Axonometric

The structure is made of three main parts 1)Steel Structure cladded with timber which is supported by the existing structure 2) Tensile Cables for climbing plants 3) Greens/ Climbing Plants


Memorial Past Perspective memorial space in china-town

date status location program

year 2 fall, 2013 personal work chinatown,incheon memorial space

This site has history of relation with the foreigners and Koreans, stranger and native. How people who lived concession taught each other. They were totally different, appearance, language and culture. First foreigner was japanese and chainese, after that wester people came with strong authorities. Perspective of them was changed by situation of time. Korean felt unfamiliar, authority and competition of foreigners. And currrent people’s perspective how they think about this place, here is just tourist site or historical place. And this project using the light.


#1 Unfamiliar Space: It is space of unfriendly. Stranger and native had a unfamiliar relationship at first. Then the present people go into the past space. And they experience what the past people experienced already. Current people walk the past people’s path.

#2 Authoriative Space : This space is that present people look the past. They stand behind the wall, where the present space. Because we can’t touch or change the past. According to circulation, you would woak around. And they look the void space which is untouchable by crack of wall.

#3 Competative Space It is outside space, layout of mass. Two masses make a flow. It show strength of competition between Japan and China.

#4 Reflection Space Using a reflecting material. The Mirror Wall reflects past space and present people.

Memorial Space 1 People would follow the slit lights. At the end of the circulation, they face the bright view.

Memorial Space 2 Light is falling between sticks. Interval of sticks are different.

Memorial Space 1 Plan

Memorial Space 2 Plan

Additional Works

travel booklet * Schedule Line * Check List * Place Information

panel & book layout Site Myeong-dong is downtown of seoul. Since 1923, here is center of culture people. They gathered in coffee shop and bar in Myeongdong street. After Korean War, this place developed as financial and shopping zone.

1923 Downtown of Seoul

MULTICOMPLEXity: Cultural Center

Site is located in intersection. It is facing the department store and between post tower and Myeong-dong main street. This site has unique view. Korea Bank and Shinsegye Department Store is classical style building next to modern style office. Post tower is symbolic building.

1945 (Independence) Cultured people gathered in coffee shop and bar in Myeongdong street.

Site is one corner of this junction. Main street flow doesn’t extend to site. Because existing building in site is too old so gradually lose commercial function. Only some billboard facing to road. Site could be change to main site in Myeong-dong and one of signature at junction.

1953 (after Korean War)


1956 (urban redevelopment; boutique, jewellery, shopping center, department store, financial institutions)

In Myeong-dong, the most program is service industry. Here is famous place for foreign tourists, but it’s only focusing on shopping.

Since then, the site had made remarkable economic growth and became center of consumer culture.

There are office building near the site, but other part is almost shop. Korea Bank and Post tower is signature building. Lotte and Shinsegae Department Store Facade is chagned by event.

Shopping district for korean and foreigners, Coffee shop and bar changed to stage of art and culture.

in Myeongdong

Until 1970’s, Myeong-dong is the one of famous downtown in Seoul.














School, Religion




Myeong-dong Street

1976 Road-widening project (5m>15m), became present shape of city

After Gangnam and subcenter Development

Financial institutions moved to Yeouido, and new department store and shops filled the site.

Noon Square

2016 Myeong-dong is popular tourist street. Here is still busy commercial area.

Post Tower


Thesis When you walk through downtown, you can see full of signs. Advertising and attracting people’s eyes, store has bigger and more visible decorations. Whole facade is covered by signs, even in windows are coverd by sticker ads. People see the buildings, but they only can see advertising. Program in the building quickly change, accordingly sign is also changed. Architecture’s role is only providing the concrete box. In this situation, what could architect talk about this building. Architecture need change, to react and responding about modern facade, sign. My thesis explores the dual quality of contemporary architecture as signage and shelter in the post-indeustrial information age as architecture becomes more flexible to adapt to thge changes in complex, multicultural society. Pluralism and multiculturalism; symbolism and iconography; popular culture and the everyday landscape; heneric building and electronic communication are among the many ideas which have been studied.

Complexity and Contradiction

Learning from Las Vegas

Architecture as Signs and Systems

Ambiguity and Tension, Richness of Architecture

Duality of Architecture: Duck and Decorated Shed

Theory: Shifting Paradigms

Modetn architecture is pursuing simplicity. However we need to recognize that simplicity is not only solution of architecture. It is one of kinds, then architect need to think about other way also to show diversity.

“Duck” is duck. What you see is what they are. “Decorated shed” is shed with ornamentation. If they don’t have a sign, they are not themselves any more, it is just shed. n modern city, many building is “decorated shed”.

At thesis first, according to society is changing, architecture paradigm also need to change. In space, Scott Brown use analogy of a glove vs. a mitten. A glove is made to fit in orginal users, but a mitten can be various users because of its extra ‘wiggle room’.

Robert Venturi said, “...the medium of architecture must be re-examined if the increased scope of our architecture as well as the complexity of its goals is to be expressed. Simplified or superficially complex forms will not work. Instead, the variety inherent in the ambiguity of visual perception must once more be acknowledged and exploited.”

In modern city, lots of signboard cover the building facade. This is appropriate way to show many space in one building. This is very complex and messy. Sign is secondary in architecture, then architect think about how show these complexity by architecture.

Complexity and ambiguity by contradiction would make a confusion. But it would make a tension and richness. If components are harmonized, it looks ambiguous but people can recognize the meaning of them and have a question, not confusion.

Decorated Shed

Aalto. Church, Vuoksenniska, near Imatra


And this thesis consider sign as function of communication and information. It refers hieroglyphics in ancient Egypt, the mosaics of the byzantine and Early Christian Churches, and the stained glasses of Gothic architecture, considered fine art now, but originally intended to communicate religious content. Scott Brown talk about changing depts of decoration in architecture over time. And Venturi suggest the use of ‘pixilated electronic surfaces’ such as LEDs, as the singage that is able to communicate an unlimited amount of information in real-time, for information Age. And we can easily see this sign in modern society. But it’s not architectural way.

How about between Duck and Decorated Shed?

Road scene from God’s Own Junkyard


Duck (Grape)

“Long Island Duckling” from God’s Own Junkyard

3F Plan Restaurant





Gallery Class Atrium 2




Theater Cafe






Open Stage


Information Center


1 Cafe 2 Class 3 Theater 4 Library


5 Gallery

1F Plan

Facade Layer






Co St lum ru cturn e Fr am Lo e Pa uver rtiti on

W Wal indo l w


1 Information Center


lu Lo mn uv ru er ctur e


Section Perspective

2 Square 3 Retail 4 Storage

3 4




S_LAB Jeju Guesthouse Mock-up

MMK+ Nodel Island Mock-up

Model Making

I’m *?!$%&*

Personal Information

Kyu Eun Jeong

Activities jkamiso@naver.com

2012.03 ~2015.12

SAMWOO Architects & Engineers

Architectural Organization at Hanyang

Palladio Academy

Feb 2014


2012 - 2017

2016 KAADF Exhibition

Assist Light Environment Research

Physical Model of Award-winning Nodeul Island

Two-week Architectural Workshop

Education Hanyang University

Plus Alpha


May 2016

Physical Model of Jeju Guesthouse

Studio BEYOND Interior Remodeling of Apartment

2016.01 ~2016.02 2016.11 ~2016.12 2016.12 ~2017.02

Bachelor of Architecture

2016 KIA 100 Architects National University of Singapore

Fall 2015

Oct 2016

Physical Model of HP EBC

Exchange Program _ 1 Semester

S_Lab Teaching Assistant for Prof. So Young Kim

2017.03 ~2017.12


UIA 2017 Seoul International Studio

Architectural Design Team 2, Designer

Teaching Assistant

2017.03 ~2017.09

2017 UIA Self-Evolving Cities Exhibition

Sep 2017

Project - New Magok Byucksan Blooming Apartment - Jeju International School (ACS)

Physical Model of Nodeul Island

2018.01 ~2019.01

made by _ kyu eun jeong contact: jkamiso@naver.com

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