MSc TU Delft application portfolio

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WERONIKA JADWIGA ZDZIARSKA ARCHITECTURE PORTFOLIO SELECTED WORKS 2017 - 2020 +48 793789725 Fałata 6/38 02-534 Warsaw, Poland





FLEXIBILITY, A DREAM Flexible house, California, USA


SHAPING MILAN, NEW FORMS OF LIVING Re-qualification of an abandoned lot in a peripheral area of Milan, Italy


KAIRA LOORO, PEACE PAVILION Museum of peace in Sedhiou, Senegal


THE EOC MANUAL Model of an Emergency Operations Centre for Sub-Saharan Africa


THE STORY OF DISAPPEARING School and community centre in Tarawa, Kiribati

SUMMARY OF MOTIVATION LETTER I am a final year Bachelor student in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano. I received a strong academic background, including both valuable theoretical knowledge and practical skills, essential to tackle design challenges at both architectural and urban scales. I developed a holistic approach to architecture, in which knowledge of the past, sensibility to diverse cultures, engineering and new technologies all play a role. I have been consistently engaged in extracurricular activities focused on impact architecture. I participated in a number of workshops and conferences to deepen my understanding of the field. I took part in six architecture competitions and I was short-listed for three of them. I have also been dedicated to volunteering and community involvement. Recently I participated in an advanced education program offered by YACademy: Architecture for Humanity. All that experiences motivated me to continue learning towards a sustainable, ethical architecture. I am applying to TU Delft as a university of world renowned expertise and research in a variety of disciplines, in order to expand my abilities of addressing the world’s pressing social challenges through architecture. Sustainable housing and neighbourhood transformation are recurrent topics in the current Dutch architecture scene. It was one of the reasons why I became increasingly interested in applying to TU, one of the origins of those unique ideas and realisations. I am applying for the Architecture track, as I am eagerly interested in the ways that innovative building projects can tackle social and spatial challenges in difficult contexts. Many of the design studios specifically cover the topics of my greatest interest and would be a relevant experience for me in order to achieve my academic goals. Without a doubt, the knowledge and skills transferred at this track would broaden my vision of architecture as a whole. For my Master thesis, I would like to focus on the topic of the public sector buildings for culture and education and their influence on re-qualification of run-down neighbourhoods. I would like to research the potential of combining new construction technologies with local craftsmanship to design successful public buildings that can mitigate social and spatial challenges of the shanty towns. The subjects offered in the TU Delft Master program in Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences are specifically in line with my academic goals. With my great motivation to set and achieve ambitious goals, I believe that I can become a valuable asset to the TU Delft academic community. 3


COMPETITION ENTRY FOR ARCHITIZE| 3RD PLACE Location: Rising River Lake, California, USA Group work - Team: Weronika Zdziarska, Clara Lindorfer Tognonato Role in the process: concept design, internal organization of space, model building, photography Contribution: concept models and sketches, plan and section technical drawings, final physical model, presentation photos, explanatory text 1st semester of studies, 2017 Academic supervisor: Agata Bonenberg, PhD

Our dream house is the one that will meet our wishes for change, adapt to a range of new life patterns and renewed aesthetic requirements. The main challenge in this project was to apply a simple, functional and versatile plan to an expressive and individual form of the building with which its users could identify. The house is composed of two distinct parts – livings spaces, outlined with straight lines and biomorphic, sculptured roof silhouette. This freely floating form of an abstract sculpture reflects the organic shapes of the landscape – it was inspired by water movements and wave crests. It offers unique, characteristic views while observed from different perspective and with different light. The internal space is organized arounda central core space. Modular rooms attached to it can be easily arranged in a formal, informal or intimate way. Partition walls are designed as movable or storage-cabinet walls and only the outer walls are load-bearing. This project is about creating flexible internal spaces and an interplay between the rigidity of walls and fluidity of roof.






FRONT VIEW WITH MEASURES detailed project of shelves with Clara Lindorfer

photomontage with Clara Lindorfer 4

project location, plan and sections by Weronika Zdziarska

model and photographs by Weronika Zdziarska 5




RE-QUALIFICATION OF A LOT IN PERIPHERAL AREA Location: via Sbodio/via Folli, Milan, Italy Individual project 3rd and 4th semester of studies, 11.2018 - 07.2019 Role in the process: all design phases were carried out individually Exact contribution to the project: all presented work Academic supervisor: Giulia Setti, PhD

The project includes a mixed-use building, a residential building and a public market. Buildings are organized around a perimeter of the block, enclosing a public open space and organizing public, semi-public and private zones. The organization of building responds to the needs of a context and creates an answer to a different edge condition it faces. The market serves as a landmark, bringing attention from the most lively part of the area and introducing new flows of people to the area. Its sculptural form is focused on a play of sloping roofs, visible from the elevated level of via Rombon. With its carefully studied form, it allows for free movement of people in both directions. Cuts in the form create multiple entrances to the site. Through the glazed parts the passers-by can have an insight to the main hall of the building. Multiple entrances in the boxes result in creation of diverse, lively internal spaces. This project is about re-qualifying a peripheral neighbourhood with a mixed use program of buildings of different characteristics but a common grammar.

sketch by Weronika Zdziarska

concept model and photographs by Weronika Zdziarska

masterplan by Weronika Zdziarska student: Weronika Zdziarska


I began the design process from understanding the site in different scales. Key findings included detection of edges: railway, Lambro river, ring road via Rombon, proximity of diverse lively neighbourhoods high vehicular accessibility but poor pedestrian circulation, lack of functionalities and big amount of green areas comparing to Milan - mostly underused, as well as a close relation with river Lambro. The nearest context of the site is chaotic and includes diverse typologies and disorganized edge conditions, that lack a strong definition.

sketch and analysis by Weronika Zdziarska

diagrams, maps and analysis by Weronika Zdziarska

section through the site by Weronika Zdziarska 7

The design strategy focused around three important topics. observations: impact of diverse disorganized void spaces solutions: reaction of spaces various in dimensions, shape and character

observations: potential interesting connections solutions: locating new entrances and circulation patterns, as well as introducing new functionalities

observations: irregularity of building orientation, chaotic context solutions: bringing order to the perimeter of the site design strategy diagrams by Weronika Zdziarska

elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

ground floor plan by Weronika Zdziarska 8

The mixed-use building serves as a barrier to the disorganized industrial area. Its façade closes the existing street frontage. It turns its direction in the central part to create a more interesting view for those arriving from Lambrate-Venturi zone and to provide a transition zone for the offices in its ground floor. Its position and form aims at hiding uninteresting view from the people inside the project area, at the same time allowing free passage along the most interesting connections.

elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

section by Weronika Zdziarska

typical floor plan by Weronika Zdziarska

section by Weronika Zdziarska 9

The residential building closes the courtyards of the existing buildings on the project area. It creates the most private zone of the project and serves as an element bringing order to the perimeter of the site. A cut in its central space serves as a gate to the existing park, introducing the flow of people in this direction. The protruding glazed element over this passage contains a maker space and workshop area for the residents and strangers. The design of the facade refers to the local architecture and is delicate in order to become a background architecture to the main, public building of a market. detailed section and elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

structural system design and analysis by Weronika Zdziarska 10

elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

The market serves as a landmark, bringing attention from via Rombon and from the roundabout. It is located in the busiest and most lively part of the area. Its sculptural form is focused on a play of sloping roofs, visible from the elevated level of via Rombon. With its carefully studied form, it allows for free movement of people in both directions. Cuts in the form create multiple entrances to the site. Through the glazed parts the passers-by can have an insight to the main hall of the building. On the northern side, the movement of its facade is slight, allowing for easy entry. On the southern side, there is a strong contrast between the glazed recesses, and protruding boxes covered with black Corten. Multiple entrances in the boxes result in creation of diverse, lively internal spaces.

elevation by Weronika Zdziarska

structural system design and analysis by Weronika Zdziarska 11

axonometric view based on a digital model by Weronika Zdziarska 12

sketches and concept models from the design process by Weronika Zdziarska 13


COMPETITION ENTRY FOR KAIRA LOORO | FINALIST Location: Sedhiou, Senegal Group work - Team: Weronika Zdziarska, Clara Lindorfer Tognonato, Izabel Todorova Role in the process: team leader, context analysis, concept, architectural form of the building, water collecting and passive cooling solutions, graphic representation, material choice, explanatory text Contribution: concept sketches, building’s architectural form proposal and design, plan - technical drawings, diagrams - concept and water collection/passive cooling solutions, explanatory text Extracurricular activity at 4th semester of studies, 2019

For the African continent, lacerated by past conflicts, the baobab can serve as an icon of unity and cohesion. Thus, in the project we decided to translate the symbolism of a baobab into the architectural language. Our proposal for the pavilion is composed of three major parts, reflecting the composition of a tree – its roots, trunk and branches. Each of these spaces has its own meaning, a different atmosphere and evokes diverse feelings, from respect and compassion to contemplation and hope. This building is meant to serve as a landmark in the landscape, at the same time being coherent with the context. By reusing in the modern way the locally recognizable symbol, the pavilion can become the icon for the region. This project for a museum is about taking inspiration from the local symbolism and creating an architectural interpretation of a tripartite composition of a baobab - its roots, trunk and branches.

masterplan with Izabel Todorova

structural scheme by Weronika Zdziarska

section with Izabel Todorova

view with Clara Lindorfer 14

Our main goal was to realise the poetic idea within the building that responds to climatic needs, respects the environment and tradition and provides a healthy and comfortable internal space. We decided to use only local materials and simple yet innovative technologies, not only to greatly reduce construction costs but also to sensitize the communities in the respect to the usefulness, beauty and richness of the natural resources of the area. The design was appropriately planned from a structural and environmental point of view. The total estimated cost of materials was 14,840 €.

view with Clara Lindorfer concept diagram by Weronika Zdziarska

plan and functions by Weronika Zdziarska

climatic solutions scheme by Weronika Zdziarska

view with Clara Lindorfer

view with Clara Lindorfer 15

view with Clara Lindorfer 16


COMPETITION ENTRY FOR KAIRA LOORO Location: Sub-Saharan Africa Group work - Team: Weronika Zdziarska, Clara Lindorfer Tognonato, Izabel Todorova Role in the process: team leader, crisis management and context analysis, masterplan, architectural form of the building, structural design, the algorithm supporting the application, explanatory text Contribution: concept, Grasshopper scripting, plans and elevations - technical drawings, masterplan, construction techniques, climatic response, juncture design, estimation of construction time and cost Extracurricular activity during a sabbatical year, 2020

In the design for a model Emergency Operations Centre we focused flexible system that could be a basis for many architectural solutions, using the information about the local specifics and needs. The technological system we chose is that of a geodesic dome. With a few adjustments we could easily adapt it to tackle any kind of disaster due to its stability, efficiency, and flexibility. It is suitable to be constructed with both pre-manufactured elements and site-available natural or leftover materials. It offers a possibility for the local population affected by the disaster to be actively involved in rebuilding their community. We propose transitional structures and a manual to upgrade them in later stages. This project is about creating a parametric tool that can be efficient and adequate in many emergency contexts. We propose a manual and a smartphone application that are sensitive to local specific data.

climate resilience diagrams by Weronika Zdziarska

construction technique diagram by Weronika Zdziarska

view with Clara lindorfer 17

Our proposal includes a freely accessible smartphone application and a handbook that will enhance the possibilities achieved by the flexibility of geodesic structures. We embedded a parametric system enabling local authorities to quickly choose the most adequate and realistic solution in the event of an emergency. It is a tool not only of reaction, but also of prevention of emergency situations.

functional program, construction staging by Weronika Zdziarska

opening detailing by Weronika Zdziarska

masterplan, circulation patterns by Weronika Zdziarska

junction solutions, location and material analysis by Weronika

plan and elevations by Weronika Zdziarska

cost calculations by Weronika Zdziarska

nesting solutions with Izabel Todorova 18

view with Clara Lindorfer 19


SCHOOL AND COMMUNITY BUILDING IN KIRIBATI | YACADEMY WORKSHOP Location: Tarawa, Kiribati Group work - Team: Weronika Zdziarska, Cynthia Leung, Nohair Zein, Mariam Jacob, Chaitaly Deshpande, Olga Mazurek Role in the process: concept design, site analysis and in-depth research on vernacular architectural typologies, architectural design of the community building (Maneaba) on all stages, technological solutions, detailing Contribution: Maneaba sketches, plan, section and elevation, functional program, concept diagrams, explanatory text Extracurricular activity during 5th semester of studies, 2020 Supervisor: Raul Pantaleo

On the flag of Kiribati there is its symbol emblazoned - Eitei, the frigate bird that floats on the wind rather than fighting against it. Just like it, the I-Kiribati draw on centuries of voyaging tradition, of respect and appreciation to nature. Their ancestors made the entire ocean its home. Now the islanders see the threat of the ocean rising. It is predicted that Tarawa atoll will become uninhabitable within a generation. With our project we want to underline the esteem of nature and human fragility in the face of it. We propose architecture that cannot stop the change but can become a language for the struggle and resistance of the story of disappearing. Over time, the complex gradually adapts to the environmental changes, raising awareness and preparing the locals for the inevitable adverse impacts of climate change. At a certain moment, together with the island, it will surrender itself to nature, allowing materials to decompose and disappear in the water. The human habitat will turn to a marine habitat. A symbolic element left behind will be a place of memory and a cautionary tale. The lighthouse on a horizon will remain, forever reminding the I-Kiribati about the power of their cultural pride. This project is about architecture fragility in relation with nature and the beauty contained in the story of disappearing. We pose questions about the longevity of architecture.

masterplan and 3D model by Cynthia Leung and Nohair Zein

concept diagrams by Weronika

The masterplans for 2020 include a high-tide and low-tide situation. The complex includes classrooms, a community building - maneaba, and a central play zone. During the high-tide the central playground is filled with water and becomes a protected pool. It is a form of an early education about changes of nature and its impact on architecture.

masterplan and 3D model by Cynthia Leung and Nohair Zein 20

The masterplans for 2050 and 2080 show a gradual change of the human habitat to a marine habitat. The impact of nature becomes evident and inevitable. The walkway becomes a playground and the complex is accessed by boats. Classes become a place of shelter and a training centre for a planned retreat. In 2080 marine life starts to grow over the gable structure. Maneaba community building starts to disintegrate due to climate conditions. All structures are eroded.

In 2100 marine life starts to flourish and form habitat. Due to climate condition the complex disintegrates. The former maneaba becomes a pleasant diving spot and sea-life breeding and observation space. Above the water only the symbolic elements of the lighthouse remains, steering the ships away and becoming a place of memory. At night bioluminescent plankton is an additional, natural source of light further enhancing how architecture and nature became one at the end of the story of disappearing.

masterplan and 3D model by Cynthia Leung and Nohair Zein 21

Sketches of the previous versions of the maneaba building display the design process, which included different creative solutions for the reinterpretation of the traditional maneaba typology by introducing a new element of the lighthouse.

typological study and community building design by Weronika Zdziarska

The most important building of our proposal is the community building deriving from a study of the most relevant local architectural typology, the maneaba. We introduce two additional levels and a lighthouse element. Ecoconcrete base are used for column footings, whose surface mimics the geometry of a coral reef, which encourages vegetation growth over it. Roof is cladded with coconut leave woven mats that is traditional to the project area. For the junctions we reinterpreted one of the most important parts of the local building construction heritage - beautiful lashings. We developed them in order to be able to achieve more complex angles between beams. The lighthouse is the only element made of imported materials, to become the most durable part of the complex, able to resist the disappearing for a much longer time.

all sketches by Weronika Zdziarska 22

construction system, junction elements, choice of materials and exploded axonometric view with Mariam Jacob 23

stages of disappearing diagram with Mariam Jacob 24

ground floor plan by Weronika Zdziarska

elevation and section by Weronika Zdziarska

functional program diagram with Mariam Jacob 25

Classrooms are the part of the project that is dedicated to meet the needs of the community in the best possible way for 30 years, before the planned retreat. They are designed with local materials and include photovoltaic panels and water collection system in order to be self-sufficient. The flexible internal spaces can also host a training centre or short-term accommodation.

diagrams by Olga Mazurek

construction system and material choice by Olga Mazurek

plan, section and elevation by Olga 26

view with Nohair Zein

view with Nohair Zein


view with Cynthia Leung

view with Cynthia Leung

view with Chaitaly Deshpande 28

THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION WERONIKA JADWIGA ZDZIARSKA +48 793789725 Fałata 6/38 02-534 Warsaw, Poland

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