Week 10 studio journal (final submission) compressed

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Studio Jou

rnals Week


constructing environments


constructing environments

WEEK 1 - STUDIO JOURNAL Our group decided to use brick layered approach, like many conventional buildings. We eventually realised that although this method was durable and strong, it was also rigid and stiff, due to the density of the blocks, and consumed a lot of materials in the construction of it.

We then decided to taper the archway without the support beams. We held down the tapered block wby putting blocks on top of them, essentially creating tension to hold them in place. However, we tapered the left side of the archway too much, resulting in the archway tilting to right and not being straight. Because of the tilting, we found that the two sides of the archway could not be joined due to its instability and made a support beam through the middle of the archway.

Our initial plan for the archway was a dramatic taper with support beams to support the extreme taper. Whilst doing so (right photo), we realised that in order to support the taper, support beam would need to be continuously placed whenever a block was tapered, thus leaving no room for the plastic animal to enter. Therefore we quickly changed methods for the construction of the archway.

Using the method of stacking shown in the sketch to the right, we built archway. However, due to the uneven tapering of the archway on both sides, it meant that the top was not perfectly straight. Therefore when the two sides of the archway was joined together using the support beam, there were many block that were slanted (shown in the picture above).

constructing environments


Combination or an archway that is uneven on both sides generated from uneven tapering, high block density, high material consumption, uneven block orientation, skewed shape and in an uneven and unaesthetic tower which was not high at all. However due to the high density of blocks, the tower was very durable and strong, albeit rigid and stiff.

Due to the archway being very big, we found combined with the big block density consumed plan of the tower. It is evident that the tower was indeed too large for its purpose as the plastic was half its size.

Because of the brick approach that was used, the density of the blocks were extremely high neatly due to the semi-circle shape. This meant that we had to put some blocks vertical instead of horizontal, as shown in the sketch above. This lead to some blocks protuding and the structure being unaesthetic. Also, the high density of the blocks made it hard to follow the semi-circle shape.

constructing environments

WEEK 1 - STUDIO JOURNAL The other group made a successful structure. It is important to note that the taller a structure gets, the more it is subjected to sway. This group countered the sway effect by having a high block density at the bottom for a strong base, and then varing the block patterns as the tower progresses upwards. The transition in block patterns can be seen in the close up photo below, where the block density is lowered. Also, as the tower began to taper in to close the structure, the centre of gravity is off put (right photo) and would eventually make the structure topple. Knowing this, the group made the blocks taper inwards very vgradually, allowing for the tension between the block to prevent it from falling.

Refering to the sketch on the right, when there is a low block density, the block on top will bend due to the stress created by gravity. The more bending in the block decreases the strength of the tower.

This was a tower built by another group. Because of the high block density, the base was very structurally sound. Additionally, the sway effect was also countered by using a different block pattern. Because the structure does not taper inwards, the centre of gravity will always be on the block and will never be off put. This makes the structure quite strong and able to withstand a lot of weight, as seen in the photo above.

constructing environments


constructing environments


wood columns tapering in towards a point. The structure layer-by-layer, we would not know the angle the tapering should be. Five balsa columns for each edge of the base were glued and arranged to overlay on each other to ensure there was enough glue to securely holed the columns together.

We quickly realised that without any support or bracing, the tall columns would bend and ultimately snap or topple the structure. Therefore we glued triangular supports to keep the columns in the direction of tapering in towards each other. The triangular supports were placed after every two balsa wood lengths. The supports acted to take some of the gravitational force of the structure to put less strain of the columns. The supports progressively became smaller as the tower got taller.

After the columns were tapered in and the triangular supports were put in place, we found that the structure was still bending from the downwards force, as seen in the photo above. More bracing had to be put in place.

constructing environments


Less stress

In order to relieve the stress on the columns, we placed supports diagonally from column to column. This kept consistent to the triangular pattern of the structure. We found that some columns were bending more than others, so diagonal beams were used to transfer some of the stress from one column to another, as seen in the left sketch. After this was done, the columns did not bend, shown in the photo below.

Another group chose to make the structure layer by layer. Because of this, the tapering was really extreme and the tower was short. They had no other option but to stack single sticks on top of each other at the peak of the tower. All groups used the triangular pattern for their tower. This is because triangles are the most rigid shape in geometry and it adds strength to materials by reducing lateral movement.

More stress

To further increase the height of tower, we glued two sticks of balsa wood on the top. The two sticks were connected by a short stick of balsa to keep it in place, as shown in sketch above. After a while, the two columns on the top started bending and eventually snapped from too much stress placed on the column. The columns failed due to long column syndrome and the acculumation of lateral forces.

constructing environments


constructing environments

WEEK 3 - STUDIO JOURNAL New structure uses a mix of wooden framing, concrete slab for foundation as well as concrete blocks for support, seen in the photo to the right. Plastic sheets are placed around basement of the building has a different structural foundation than the old pavilion. The old pavilion is supported by above ground. Different grades of gravel have been used to make for different types of concrete. General rule fo thumb is that the bigger aggregate of the gravel, the cheaper the concrete. The very coarse red rocks in the top right photo is used as footing on the ground when it is muddy.

Framing for roof structure

Compression Structure

In order to create the round shape of the structure, large circular plates were used while wooden planks were placed vertically around the outside of the plate.

Construction uses wooden frame beams and columns with a concrete slab as the foundation, as seen in the photo to the left. It retains the old pavilions and links the new structure to the existing building. It also links to the football oval.

constructing environments

WEEK 3 - STUDIO JOURNAL The Dalton Library links/ connects to an older sandstone building, United Faculty of Theology. The building uses box gutters placed inside the ceiling of the building as a means to get rid of the typical eaves gutter cannot work, must have a box gutter to transfer rainwater into the ceiling and out the side of the building, as seen in the photo to the right.

Steel H-columns are used on the inside of the building as the framing of the building. The steel columns take a lots of the dead and live loads that the building has and is subjected to a lot of compression.The outside of the building is covered by non-load bearing glass panels which serves as a means to let the sunshine in. The steel columns and glass panels are seen in the photo above.

Concrete columns hold up the roof on the outside of the building. The concrete columns are made on site, where the cement is transported in. This is cheaper than precast concrete. If the external underside of the roof, the sophet, was taken away, the inside of the roof can be seen as criss-crossed beams supporting the roof, held up by the steel and concrete columns of the building. In the photo above, it can be seen that only that particular side of the roof is cantilevered, where it is supported by the concrete columns.

constructing environments

WEEK 3 - STUDIO JOURNAL The Queens College extension is a structure that extends on the existing Nicholas Laboratories. The roof is made from a dark steel sheet, as highlighted in the photo below. The roof is slightly slanted as uses eaves gutters to transfer rainwater away. The eaves gutters are attached to downpipes.

The structure connects the ERC to the Doug McDonell building. The roof, as seen above, is supported by steel half I-beams. Spaces between the beams are covered by a timber sophet. The beams start horizontal and bend to angle upwards and attached to the ERC building, seen in the photo to the left. Because of the bending in the beams, the beams are custom made in a factory and are very expensive. joints between them. This is to allow for the natural expansion of the concrete. The small food booths and pods inside the structure are supported by steel framing with wooden non-load bearing walls. The wooden planks are placed to cover the inside framing.

It can be seen in the photo above that the new structure uses a wooden frame to support itself, and has non-load bearing concrete walls. This method of construction is acceptable on a smaller scale such as this. However, is not sustainable in larger buildings and structures due to the fact that a wooden frame does have the material strength to securely support larger walls of concrete as well as the additional live loads that the structure will be subjected to.

constructing environments

WEEK 3 - STUDIO JOURNAL The MSLE building links the two buildings on either side of it. It is support by steel sheet framing. It essentially uses roof material, steel sheeting, as the wall material for the structure, can be seen in the photo to the left. Because there is no internal framing, the structure uses the buildings on either side to support itself upright. However this presents a potential problem as both buildings are going to move differently. If the structure transmits movement from one building to the other building, the structure may crack and break. From all the factors above, it can be seen that the structure was a small construction project with a small budget.

The top level from inside the structure is cantilevered using steel beams, as shown in the left photo. The steel beams are attached to the external wall of the building that this structure links to.

The structure uses downpipes to transfer the rainwater picked up on the roof to an external water collection place. The structure also have air vents to allow for the air from the inside to go out. The vents are angled downwards to prevent particles going inside.

constructing environments


constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments


constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

Group Presentation

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constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments

constructing environments


constructing environments

WEEK 6 - STUDIO JOURNAL This week groups were told to recreate a structural model of their chosen building with balsa wood, super glue and pins. Our group made a model of the Ormond Theology building, consisting of only the primary structural elements of the building. Because the building was quite large, the plans for the building were very complex and took a while for us to correctly identify the structural elements of it. The model made solely focused on the entrance of the building.

Working with the drawing plans, we decided it was appropriate to work with at a scale of 1:20, which would produce a model of appropriate dimensions. In our design, we demonstrated the interactions of the two sections; how the cantilevered roof relies heavily on the column arrangment to create a balanced centre of gravity and to transfer the roof loads to the ground, whilst the roof stays upright due to its connection with the cantilever. We also chose to display the internal structural elements of the two structures, the beams and the columns.

The structure relies heavily on a columns grid pattern to effectively transfer the loads that the building is subjected to into the ground. The front entrance is held up by four columns with a structural beam midway. The roof is held by beams that connect the columns together and the roof is cantilevered by the balso wood columns on the side of the building. In real life, the roof is cantilevers by external concrete columns. Although it is not shown on the model, the building uses shallow concrete footings, also known as a spread foundation. However, in some areas of the building, it uses a concrete slab foundation.

constructing environments


When putting the beam to the test, it was found that the beam failed when the weight reached 200 kg. Surprisingly, it was the plywood that because although the plywood had the vertical direction, there was little This is why the beam underwent

The design chosen is shown in the sketch above. The two plywood strips give the beam the overall shape and form, while the pine wood is used as bracing and giving the right spacing between the phywood strips throughout the beams. The pine wood was cut into lengths to give the desired spacing and nailed into the plywood. As all the beams were rectangular, they were all placed so that the wood would buckle or yield along the larger axis, which means that the wood could take a larger load before buckling. Because the plywood was very long vertically, it was thought that the plywood would have a large compressive strength.

as seen in the photos above and to the left. Also, because of this twisting, the nails that held the pine wood to the plywood began to pull out. However, the plywood did have a high ductility as a lot of cracking could be heard before the plywood fully failed in the middle of the beam.

constructing environments


One of the other groups made a ladder beam, where the two pine wood beams form the shape of the beam and another pine piece was cut to form the spacing. The plywood to nailed diagonally on the side of the beam as bracing. When the above. After a while, the top and bottom chord of the pine wood cracked and failed. The cracks happened to the left and the right of the middle, which is circled in the photo above.

With this beam, the beam consists of 3 pine wood pieces arranged in an I-section. The plywood was nailed on the side as bracing. When tested, the in the photo above. Interestingly, the plywood in the middle stayed in place as the load was concentrated in the middle, while the ends of the Also, the beam failed when the bottom chord of the beam was completely uprooted from the rest of the beam.

This beam took the most load before failing. This beam was arranged so that two plywood pieces were staked on top of each other along the longer faces of the rectangular beam. Again, the cracked and failed perfectly in the middle of the beam where the load was concentrated.

constructing environments


constructing environments

WEEK 7 - STUDIO JOURNAL The site visit this week took place on a construction site on the corner of Lygon St and Edward St. The construction site was a set of residential apartments under development, managed under Little Projects. Many of the primary structural elements were already built in place and the project was in the phase of starting on the secondary structure and decorative elements. were made from hollow box beams made from steel. These joists were held up with steel I-beams placed

In this building, it can be seen that level one is Concrete wall panels have been used for the interior and exterior of the ground a very high ceiling, which is to allow for ventilation. The wall panels are all precast in the factory and assembled on site.

other buildings under construction, which typically used a concrete slab

This is one of the more developed buildings on site. It can be seen that all the primary structure has already been built and the secondary structure, such as window framing, has started Bontek metal beams are used in the construction as they are lightweight and interlocks securely Formwork is used to hold it up while the other strucural members are put in place. On the roof, the bondek is covered with metal sheet before concrete is poured to

slab would be precast in pieces and assembled on site. The slab acts as the horizontal component of the primary structure as no beams can be seen. Concrete columns are also used as the primary structure.

constructing environments


In one of the buildings, the structure utilizes an existing brick masonry wall. It uses a steel post with angled members that attached to the wall for stabilisation. Plates are used to attach steel columns to the existing brick wall as the wall is starting to become loose from age and wear.

Therefore, the steel mesh formwork can be seen on the roof. The concrete is to be layed over the steel bars. The steel bars act to provide the roof with tensile strength, as a concrete roof alone can only resist compression forces but no tensile forces. The wood on the edges are to provide a boundary for the concrete when it is poured. The black metal sheeting that can be seen acts as a waterproof membrane to keeps the underside dry before the roof is put in place.

The basement houses many drainage pipes. Drainage pipes are placed to Most of time, these pipes go through concrete, so holes are drilled in the concrete before pipes are threaded through the holes.

One of buildings has a basement, which is supported by thick concrete columns to transfer live and dead loads into the ground. The concrete columns are arranged in a grid pattern.

constructing environments


constructing environments

WEEK 8 - STUDIO JOURNAL The section detail chosen, which is shown on the right is a joint between the wall wall and the glass roof. It is on the west side of the new building and joins onto in the ‘Sun Room‘ of the building. Shown to the left is the concrete drawing, the concrete slab is 300mm thick and is represented by triangles arranged randomly with different sizes and directions to symbolise the aggregates used in the concrete.

The section shows that the walls utilize a studded wall insulation system, where the walls are studded by a bracket and thermal insulation is placed between the stud walls. The wall is 65mm thick. The thermal insulation is represented by a wave line which reached from the sides of the wall. How this would look in real is shown in the diagram above. A 13mm plasterboard is then placed over the stud and the insulation to block it from view. Insulation keeps the building at a

constructing environments

WEEK 8 - STUDIO JOURNAL The building uses scoria concrete blocks. The block work masonry is cut into unit masonry that is installed one by one on site and held together by mortar paste. The blocks have a 10mm gap between each other, uses concrete blocks, a lot of water is required for the manufacture of the blocks, and therefore contain a substantial amount of embodies water and energy. The section detail, on the left, the blockwork is represented by diagonal hatching to signify that it has been cut through in the section. However, one of the blocks is shown to have cross hatching, which represents a weephole. This means that instead of the mortar, there is an empty space beneath the block, water penetration and direct the

backing rod between the blockwork and the concrete slab. This is usually a rubber or silicone material which is squeezed into the gap from a bottle and sets.

Wall ties are shown in the section detail, which are used to hold the block other. The most likely wall tie that is used is one that drills into the concrete slab and is laid on the mortar between the blockwork masonry, shown in the diagram above. The section also includes a 10mm thick glass roof. The glass is held in place by an aluminium glazing adaptor, an example is shown to the left. The adaptor is an insulating structure that uses friction to retain the window panel. Silicon sealant is shown in red and blue, on the left, which cushions the window panel and allows for movement, as glass is a very brittle material and will shatter if too much stress is placed on it.

constructing environments


constructing environments

constructing environments

WEEK 9 - STUDIO JOURNAL The axonometric view clearly shows the length of the bricks, which the 2D detail drawing could not show. As previously stated, the blockwork is from scoria rock and the header of the blocks have dimensions 140mm x 190mm. Each brick also has a length of 390mm.

The axonometric view shows weatherproof the section. One the water from the inside of the buiding to the outside through a weephole, marked by cross is used to cover the aluminion glazing adaptor. All the water in the section is deposited on the glass roof, where it easily rolls off the glass and is picked up by box gutters.

Thin sarking boards are used, shown in the axonometric view to prevent water from penetrating the building beyond the exterior masonry wall.

Building Process section. The concrete slab must have been precast and reinforced with steel before delivering on site where it is laid down. The blockwork masonry was delivery block by block, where it was installed with mortar. The glass roof would have been installed last. Pros/Cons The concrete slab is strong in compression, can withstand heavy loads, has a low maintenance cost and is durable. However, the concrete is also prone to degredation and because the blockwork is an existing wall, it will be old and require maintenance. Also, the glass roof is brittle and prone to shattering. Sustainability & Environmental Analysis The mass production of cement and masonry from factories is a large contributor to greenhouse gas emissions which is degrading the environment. These materials also require water during manufacture so it has a lot of embodies energy and water. However, these materials, including the thermal insulation are 100% recyclable and can be reused again in the future. The glass roof is not re-usable as it cannot be re-molded or changes once it has set.

constructing environments

WEEK 8 & 9 - REFERENCES 1. Architectural Window Systems 2010, Commercial Glazed Framing, diagram, viewed 25 September 2013, < http://www.awscdn.com.au/images/products/ Ani-424-5.gif > 2. Boral 2009, Boral Masonry, photograph, viewed 6 October 2013, < http://ebc.boral.com.au/ProductCatalogueimages/335_P_brick%20picture.jpg > 3. Expamet Construction 2009, Power-tie Wall-Ties, diagram, viewed 25 September 2013, < http://www.expametconstruction.co.uk/images/power-tie.jpg > 4. Green Energy Generation 2012, Home Insulation Northumberland, diagram, viewed 25 September 2013, < http://www.greenenergygeneration.co.uk/ images/internal-wall-insulation-northumberland.jpg > 5. Kilsaran Build 2013, Blockwork Masonry, photograph, viewed 25 September 2013, < http://www.kilsaran.ie/uploaded/public/517e60f090f967.62549340.jpg> 6. MiTo 2008, Fire Rated Sealant, diagram, viewed 25 September 2013, < http://www.mito.sk/images/upchavky/upchavka08.jpg > 7. RM Industried 2007, Sarking Roof, diagram, viewed 6 October 2013, < http://www.rmindustries.com.au/images/sarking-roof-diagram.jpg > 8. Tamko Building Products 2011, , photograph, viewed 6 October 2013, < http://www.tamko.com/images/download_gallery_-_

constructing environments


constructing environments


Photo above shows the steel reinforcing bars for a concrete retaining wall being put in place. The steel bars range from 800-1000mm deep. The concrete is poured in situ as it cannot be precast in the shape required. The photo above also shows the type of drainage used, which is spoon water away from the building. It is essential to keep water away from the building because the building is below ground level.

Some of the concrete wall panels have a wooden pattern surface embedded in it. This is done by pouring concrete over oregon wood members to leave the wooden pattern impression on the concrete.

Concrete bricks are used in the brick veneer wall, as shown above. Some spaces between the bricks have a weephole instead of mortar. This is to rainwater to the building exterior. The building utilises a portal frame for its primary structure. The frame consists of a mixture of timber column and steel beams, as seen in the photo to the left. The timber column and steel beam connect at a 45째 angle. The timber column has a slot which is 300mm deep, where a steel plate, joined to the steal beam, is inserted into and bolted together 3 times.

The top of the concrete steps have been grooved. This is to allow for

There are holes (some are red) on the top of the concrete block masonry wall, as seen in the photo above. The holes have been drilled to allow for the steel mesh reinforcement to be connected to the masonry wall.

constructing environments

WEEK 10 - STUDIO JOURNAL Roof structure uses the main steal beams as the main support, as seen in the left photo. Z purlins sits on top of the steal beams and the ceiling panels sit on top of the Z purlins. Then the roof battens are on top and lastly the roof material. Each layer sits perpendicular to each other.

Z purlins are used as it can be easily joined together by overlapping for a long run. The purlins are made from galvanised steel, it is light.

In the corner of the portal frame, acrow props are used. These are push props that support the ceiling beam.

The wall shown in the left photo uses laminated timber panels. These panels are joined by tongue and groove, where the tongue on one side of a panel slides into the groove of the other panel. The wall panels have a visible groove where the panels

Mullions are used as the secondary structure for the windows. The building has full height glass as the windows and is caulked in order to waterproof the curtain wall. Steel mullions, which are structural and support the window in place, are behind the aluminium mullions. Above the mullion are aluminium louvers that can be lifted for air circulation. The photo to the left shows the placement for a brick veneer wall that has yet to be built. The brick veneer wall will be the exterior wall of the building while a timber wall will be the interior wall. A cavity separates the two walls. The brick veneer wall is non-structural and will on be an enclosure. Because the brick wall is quite heavy, the concrete slab will be thicker and will have more reinforcing bars to carry the weight of the wall.

constructing environments


The photo above shows the preparation that is made for the concrete wall. Timber members are placed on each side of the reinforcing bar mesh. Concrete is then poured between the temporary timber walls. The timber is then removed, leaving the concrete wall. Another between the concrete wall and the sarking boards and external timber wall.

The rear of the building heavily uses diagonal timber bracing, which resists compressive and lateral forces. The bracing is screwed onto the timber frame.

In other parts of the building, rod bracing is used. In these cases, the timber frame has been notched to allow for the rod bracing to thread through. This has been done so that the plasterboard can sit

The photos to the left shows the wooden formwork for the main entrance of the with clay and aggregate.

Although the photo above does not show it, pipes are used inside the concrete slab. These pipes are colour coded depending on use. Orange pipes are used for electrical cables, white pipes are used for water and sewage and grey pipes are used for communication cables such as telephone lines and internet cables.

constructing environments

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