ANĂ€LISI MUSICAL Every second counts Maria Sagana
Lletra original
It's a beautiful day and the sky is blue Wanna smile just cause we're on earth Why are we always complaining When we should be saying We only have one life to live, so don't miss your chance
Fa un dia preciós i el cel és blau Vull somriure simplement perquè estem a la terra Per què sempre ens queixem Quan hauríem d'estar dient Només tenim una vida per viure, així que no perdis la teva oportunitat
I will be with you Living it baby I'll never let you down Don't miss a second Cause every second counts
Jo estaré amb tu Vivint-ho nena Mai no et deixaré caure No perdis ni un segon Perquè cada segon compte
If you cherish your life And the air that you breathe And you laugh everytime you can You'll see life is much easier Much more than we make it We only have one life to live, so don't miss your chance
Si acaricies la teva vida I l'aire que respires I rius cada vegada que puguis Veuràs la vida molt més fàcil Molt més de com la fem Només tenim una vida per viure, així que no perdis la teva oportunitat
I will be with you Living it baby I'll never let you down Don't miss a second Cause every second counts
Jo estaré amb tu Vivint-ho nena Mai no et deixaré caure No perdis ni un segon Perquè cada segon compte
Today is a good day to share some affection Today is good to dance Today is good to make the craziest things you'll do Uh uuh uh uuuh
Avui és un bon dia per compartir una mica d'afecte Avui és bo per ballar Avui és bo per fer les coses més boges que faràs Uh uh Uuh uuuh
It's a beautiful day and the sky is blue Wanna smile just cause we're on earth Why are we always complaining When we should be saying We only have one life to live, so don't miss your chance.
Fa un dia preciós i el cel és blau Vull somriure simplement perquè estem a la terra Per què sempre ens queixem Quan hauríem d'estar dient Només tenim una vida per viure, així que no perdis la teva oportunitat.
Anàlisi musical Obra: Every Second Counts Autora: Jackie Sagana Intèrpret: Maria Sagana Estil: Pop comercial Formació: Bateria, guitarra acústica, sons electrònics i veu Forma i estructura: - Introducció - Estrofa 1: It's a beautiful day and the sky is blue Wanna smile just cause we're on earth Why are we always complaining When we should be saying We only have one life to live, so don't miss your chance - Tornada: I will be with you Living it baby I'll never let you down Don't miss a second Cause every second counts - Estrofa instrumental - Estrofa 2: If you cherish your life And the air that you breathe And you laugh everytime you can You'll see life is much easier Much more than we make it We only have one life to live, so don't miss your chance
- Tornada: I will be with you Living it baby I'll never let you down Don't miss a second Cause every second counts - Estrofa instrumental - Pont Today is a good day to share some affection Today is good to dance Today is good to make the craziest things you'll do Uh uuh uh uuuh - Estrofa instrumental (x 2) - Solo - Estrofa 1: It's a beautiful day and the sky is blue Wanna smile just cause we're on earth Why are we always complaining When we should be saying We only have one life to live, so don't miss your chance.