helvetica neue and other mystical creatures of the swiss imagination
helvetica neue and other mystical creatures of the swiss imagination.
nestled deep within the alps in the land of snow, chocolate and graphic design there lived many fantastical and terrible creatures +
from the...
(a variety of dwarf or gnome resembling a small white furred man with a long beard and enormous feet. they live amongst the mountains, using their abnormally long feet as skis or snowshoes to traverse the snowy terrain. during the summer months they hibernate in mountainous caves and do not emmerge until the first snow fall. because of their penchant for extremely low temperatures and high altitudes they are rarely seen by humans although they have been known to help shepards round up lost sheep. their greatest delight is surfing the avalanches on their large feet and are said to give low whistling cries to warn humans of the danger above and often give their best effort in digging humans out from the snow.)
(meaning the bright one. she is a white- robed spirit, beautiful and white like the snow. she is the guardian of wild beasts and goddess of spinning and weaving. she is said to wander the countryside mid-winter and enter homes during the twelve days between christmas and epiphany. she would know whether or not children and young servents of the household had behaved well and worked all year long. if they had they would find a silver coin in a pail or shoe the next morning if they had not, she would slit open their bellies, remove their stomachs and stuff the hole with straw and pebbles. she was particularly concerned to see that girls had spun the whole of their allotted portion of flax or wool over the year.)
and the...
KOBOLDS (woodland sprites who are usually invisible but can often materialize in the form of an animal, fire and human being or even a mundane object. their most popular form is that of a small child. kobolds who live in human homes wear the clothing of peasants; those who live in mines are hunched an ugly and those who live aboard ships smoke pipes and wear sailors clothing. most commonly these creatures are house sprite of ambivalent nature; while they sometimes perform domestic chores, they play malicious tricks if insulted or neglected. the other most common form of kobold are thosewho haunt underground places such as mines. these are often responsible for mine explosions.)
DWARVES: little hill or earth men who are known to be happy and
helpful. they raise cattle and produce cheese. DRAGONETS: fearsome little dragons measuring about five feet in length who feed
off of livestock. JACK O’ THE BOWL: a mischevous yet helpful household spirit. housewives leave out a bowl of fresh cream at night to
thank or pacify him. SAMICHLAUS: otherwise known as st. nicholas. a gentle soul who leads a donkey laden with treats and toys
for children. SCHMULTZI: samichlaus’s sooty, little helper who
carries a broom of twigs for administering punishment to children
whose behavior has not been up to scratch throughout the year. SCHNABELGEISS: a terrible, gruesome and very tall monster with
the the horns of a goat and a beak. HUTTEFROUELI: an old wom-
en who carries her drunken husband in a basket on her back. THE SINGING FIR: a mysterious, melodic tree, hundreds of years old whose singing can be heard nestled deep in the forrest.
but the most magical creature of them all
was the mystical helvetica neue
NEUE 1 9 8 3
born in swizerland in
1983, the
neue is a descendent of the legendary helvetica. developped in the secret laboratory at d. stempel ag by the devilsh mastermind wolfgang schimpf and his trusty assistant, reinhaud
the helvetica
neue is a more legible specimen than his famous ancestor with heavier punctuation marks and increased spacing between its numbers. this creature’s family is made
51 fonts, including 9 3 widths. central european up of
weights and and cyrillic
varieties of the helvetica neue are also said to exist in neighboring countries.
a guide to identifying the helvetica neue
}} capra ibex
gypaetus barbatus marmota marmota cervis canadensis
rupicapra rupicapra aquila chrysaetos vulpes lagopus canis lupus martes foina lynx lynx
Common Species Variations.
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Common Marks and Tracks
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z abcdefghijklm nopqrstuvwxyz 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Species Form Standards
helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue helvetica neue
helvetica neue
helvetica neue
helvetica neue
Species Sizing Standards
while we observe it in itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s natural habitat
t t t t t t t
ttt tt t t helvetica neue
designed and edited by lindi biery in
2010 for anthony rutkaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s typography I class at the maryland
institute college of art with special thanks to wikipedia for providing background information.