“I’m the Living Lab’s Community GardeningCoordinator,Volunteer studentsencouraging to get involved in growing food on campus.” Amy CommunityGardening VolunteerCoordinator
The Grounds Team only buy peat-free compost, and make their own compost from green waste from campus grounds.
Snapshots Sustainability Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
Carly EstatesProjectsand ProgrammeManager
“I sourced sustainable furniture for the fit out of a new area of the London campus, helping to achieve a SKA Gold certificate for sustainability.”
Sustainability Snapshots Indoor plants at our London campus contribute to wellbeing and improved air quallity.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“Icollecthard-to- recycleitemslike pens,crisppackets andbiscuitwrappers fromouroffice and take them to StNicksinYork forrecycling.”
Clare PASSAdvisor
Snapshots Sustainability Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
Clare SeniorLecturer SchooloftheArts
“I research air quality and turned my bicycle into a stationmonitoring to collect data.” A living wall on our York campus is planted with species that remove pollutants from the air.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
Amy,David,TomandAmy CommunicationsTeam “We commute to work by bike. Between us we save over 7kg of CO2 a day when we cycle instead of driving.” Snapshots Sustainability More than 45% of our vehicles are electric.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“Imanagethe GardenCafe,a student-ledpop-up cafe,bringinghomemade sustainablefoodtoour Yorkcampus.”
Snapshots Sustainability Food waste from our York campuses and student accommodation is transformed by anaerobic digestion into green energy for local homes.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“I Helen SeniorLecturer SchoolofHumanities
reduce the environmental impact of my clothes by wearing items that are thrifted, hand made or owned for more than three years.”
Snapshots Sustainability Our York grounds have achieved a Hedgehog Friendly Campus Gold award.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
Jack OutreachandPartnerships Officer “I have redesigned our outreach activities to to reduce printing, and use methodssustainablemore of travel.” More than 45% of our vehicles are electric.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
I lead the UNPRME* initiative forYork BusinessSchool,which aimstoequipstudents with the skills and knowledgetoadvance sustainabledevelopment.
YorkSeniorJennyLecturerBusinessSchool Snapshots Sustainability Students from the University’s Living Lab project tackle local sustainability challenges through the course curriculum or extra-curricular activities.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“I show staff and students how to grow food on campus as part of Wild Wednesdays, a group that meets to grow edible plants, helpingtotackle food security whilst supportingbiodiversity.”
Martin GroundsTeam Snapshots Sustainability New wildlife ponds on our sports campus in York will support local biodiversity. Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“Iworkedasan interninYork BusinessSchool researchinghow sustainabilityis taughtacrossthe school.”
Megan TourismandDestination ManagementBAstudent Snapshots Sustainability Air source heat pumps have cut gas consumption at three of our buildings in York, helping to reduce carbon emissions.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
Monica ProductDesignBAstudent
“I won an award for sustainablemy coffeedesignbrewing to cut coffeewaste.”pod
The Creative Centre won the Sustainability Award for its design in the RIBA Yorkshire Awards 2023.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“Isignedup localsuppliers likeYorkCoffee Emporiumand VFCtoour foodoutletson campus.”
YSJ Kitchen meals have been awarded the Soil Association’s Food for Life standard.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
EnvironmentandSocial JusticeMAstudent
“I set up the Climate Action Society for students to help awarenessraiseabout environmental issues.”
Solar panels at ten of our locations in York boost renewable energy and cut carbon emissions. Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“Ivolunteerat thelocalGroves RepairCafé, fixingitemsso reusedtheycanbeinsteadof thrownaway.” Snapshots Sustainability Inspiring actions across our YSJ community Each of our graduation gowns is made from 30 recycled
“Idevelopedan appthatcuts helpingfoodwastebypeoplekeep trackofwhat’sin theirfridgesand cupboards.” Somdip Lecturer
Snapshots Sustainability The Grounds Team only buy peat-free compost, and make their own compost from green waste from campus grounds.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“I’mcommittedto savingenergyandtry monitors,tomakesurePCs,photocopiers andlightsinour campusofficeandaroundareswitched offwhennotinuse.”
Susan PASSAdministrator
Snapshots Sustainability Top rated UK university for carbon reduction.
(People and Planet University League 2021) Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“I support our YSJ students and wider community to act as climate throughchangemakers our Living Lab project.” Snapshots Sustainability As one of the first universities to purchase electricity direct from renewable energy generators, over 20% of our electrity comes from wind farms.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community
“Icreateda exhibitionbanquetart in Fine awarenessArtstoraiseabout foodsustainability issues.” Wendy FineArtsBAstudent Snapshots Sustainability YSJ Kitchen meals have been awarded the Soil Association’s Food for Life standard.
Inspiring actions across our YSJ community