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TomĂĄĹĄ Labanc is architect, urban planner and designer graduated from the Academy of Fine Ar ts and Design (AFAD) in Bratislava, Slova kia. He focuses on op en and flexible spatial solutions that respect environment and the user. Before founding he was collaborating for more then 5 years with archi tect Ramon Bernabe under acronym BL AU. He worked with Vallo Sadovsky Architects devel oping residential projects and spent 3 years in Shanghai where he worked in companies such as RTA Of fic e or DEDO Design.

Brno Transport Hub

International Competition / 4th Prize 2016

The Brno Transport Hub is designed as an active urban mixed use node that organises mobility and public life in a continuous shared space, consisting in several interlinked terminals. Brno, Czech Republic Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Georgia Adamou, Alfonso Bertrรกn Gil, Sonia Bilardi, Albert Casas, Begum Cehreli, Lazar Djuric, Izabela Franczak, Robin Gringhuis, Ferran Iglesias, Paulina Kasza, Roman Kekel, Lucile Kopczynski, Sophia Kunze, Syrine Siala. Programme: Infrastructure, Office, Public Size: 20000m2 Client: City of Brno

Our proposal for the new Brno Transport Hub goes beyond infrastructure architecture to become an active urban enclave in Brno. Its strategical

position in the city will determine the relationship between the historical centre, the new development and the surrounding areas. It is our concept

to transform what used to be a barrier into a connecting node with an attractive programmatic offer.

Brno transport hub is the gateway for all passengers arriving to Brno by

train and bus. The Brno Transport Hub is designed as an active urban mixed use node that organises mobility and public life in a continuous shared space, consisting in serveral interlinked terminals.

This dense urban node will organise the interchange between the local

network of tram and buses with national and international rail transport, and at the same time vehicles, bikes and other forms of movement.

By redistributing the accesses to platforms in a wider area, with a sequence of scattered pavilions, we aim to organise the vast surface of the area to find the correct human scale.

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The Future of Brno

International Competition / 4th Prize 2016

We propose a resilient and efficient evolution of Brno traditional courtyard blocks that allow a variety of individual infills, thus creating a strong base for a long lasting and lively neighbourhood. Brno, Czech Republic Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Georgia Adamou, Alfonso Bertrรกn Gil, Sonia Bilardi, Albert Casas, Begum Cehreli, Lazar Djuric, Izabela Franczak, Robin Gringhuis, Ferran Iglesias, Paulina Kasza, Roman Kekel, Lucile Kopczynski, Sophia Kunze, Syrine Siala. Programme: Housing, Office, Retail, Culture, Public Size: 122ha Client: City of Brno

This urban proposal is not a crystallised design, but a base for urban planning. The project consists in a list of regulations for urban growth and a catalogue of qualities for project implementations.

The site framework is composed by urban stripes along a central public spine that connects the new area with the historical center to offer a cultural,

research and sports corridor for the city. Each urban stripe is a self-sufficient micro city that allows flexible phasing over time. The submitted buildings and spaces are just one of the multiple possible urban configurations for Brno centre area.

We propose a resilient and efficient evolution of Brno traditional courtyard

blocks that allow a variety of individual infills, thus creating a strong base for a long lasting and lively neighbourhood.

Nevertheless, our method is not generic and has been specifically designed for the geographical, economic, social and political context of Brno, with the

intend to create a valid document for the citizens to decide their future in a referendum.

The goal of this proposal is to help the City of Brno to transform its city into a modern location with a strong cultural and research offer, affordable housing and a functional mobility concept.

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Social Housing Glories

International Competition 2016

T he A t ri u m i s a mu ltifu n c tio n al space, impulsing a resident ial mod el m o r e p l e a s a n t a n d c o n d u c in g to p o s itive relat ions bet ween resident s. Barcelona, Spain Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Dori Komloszy, Cosmin Mihai, Dominika Kowalczuk, Nikoleta Nikolova, Programme: Housing, Retail Size: 7,800m2 Client: City of Barcelona 1.75














Th e chos en loc at ion to b e d e v e l o p e d c o rre s p o nds to t he p l o t loc at ed in t h e c o rn e r b e tw e e n Gra n Vi a and Pl aça de las G lòr ies C a ta l a n e s . T h e b u i l d i n g i s a dou bl e b l o c k by it s c apa c i ty to e x te n d h o u s i n g , m a i ntai n ing th e qualit y of t he re s u l ti n g ty p o l o g i e s a n d t he ci r c u l a ti o n s pac es , in a d d i ti o n to th e p o s s i b i l i ti e s offered by i ts c ent r al at r ium to i mp ro v e th e e n e rg y e ff i ci ency of the hous ing bloc k .

















Th e tw o bloc k s bet we e n 5 a n d 11 p l a n ts i n h e i g ht, and 7 meter s dept h wit h s tru c tu ra l s p a n s o f 5 m , a re con necte d t hr ough a c e n tra l a tri u m w h e re i s l o c a ted the c o re of t he v er t ic al c i rc u l a ti o n s . T h e s e 7 1 h o m es, i n c l udi n g 37 wit h 3 be d ro o ms , 2 6 w i th tw o a n d 8 w i th one, are or ganiz ed i n g ro u p s o f 6 o r 8 d w e l l i ngs per f loor. T he ar t ic ulat io n c o n s i s ts o f tw o a c c e sses i n gro und f loor c onnec te d b y a p ri v a te p a s s a g e a nd sur r o unded by c om m er c i a l s p a c e s o ri e n te d to the park and a n open pat io. I t i s s m o o th a n d o ffe rs a g re at fl ex ibi l i ty to us er s .








































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Open Courtyard

International Competition 2016

To e n s u re a s u cc e s s fu l p ro ce s s , we considers as import ant t o propose a f lexib le u r ba n p l a n n i n g , w h e re e a c h p lo t has t he capacit y t o adapt t o dif f erent d ep t h s Barcelona, Spain Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Dori Komloszy, Cosmin Mihai, Dominika Kowalczuk, Nikoleta Nikolova, Programme: Housing, Retail Size: 30,000m2 Client: City of Barcelona

P P 11P


The u rb an planning o f th i s s e t o f o ffi c i a l y p rotected ho use s, is t he r es ult o f th re e k e y o b j e c ti v e s t o meet the si te and pr ogr am c ri te ri a , a s w e l l a s th e d evel op in g p ro c es s s pec if ie d i n th e c o n te s t ru l e s . T he fi rst ob j e cti v e was t o f ind a s o l u ti o n b e tw e e n b l o c k sof the E i xamp le and G lor ies a re a , w h e re s o m e h i g h i sol ated bu i l di n gs ar e s ur r oun d i n g th e o p e n s p a c e . T h e si tua ti o n re quir es a t y pol o g i c a l s y m b i o s i s b e tw e e n cl osed bl ock and open block s , w h i c h n e c e s s a ri l y h a s to gai n de nsi ty t hr ough t owe rs , to c re a te a p u b l i c s p a ce hi gh qu al i ty and pos it iv e fo rma l re l a ti o n s w i th th e di rect c ontext. M ore ov er, we off er a n e ffi c i e n t v o l u m e tri c a rrange m ent, div ided int o f o u r b u i l d i n g s , a d a p ti n g to the so c i a l h ous ing t y pology, to c re a te a c o m m u n i ty c o hesi on, op en a nd int egr at ed i n th e n e i g h b o u rh o o d . R e s ul ti ng a s oci al l y, env ir onm ent a l l y a n d e c o n o m i c a l l y s u s t ai nabl e proj e ct.



Metro Glories

-1 -2 -3

Parking A 7550m2 -1 -2

Parking B 2830m2

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Linear Promenade

Direct Commission 2018

L i n e a r P ro m e n ad e is a d yn amic u rban proposal orient ed t o sat isf y divers e n eed s f r om c o m m u t e r s, v is ito rs to re s ident s. Amstetten, Austria Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc, Ramon Bernabe





Team: Rafaella Psaroude,Skevi Hadjipetri, Domagoj Vučinovič, Alessia Piva, Dijónalis Harris, Vasiliki Chrysina, Gilberto Golla Programme: Housing, Office, Healthcare, Retail, Sport Size: 18.680 m2 Client: OBB, City of Amstetten

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Five blocks

Direct Commission 2018

T he u rb a n f o rm is d es ig n e d to p romot e a cohesive and diverse commun it y, wit h in nov a t e l i v i n g an d wo rkin g a c tivit ies int erconnect ed in a vibrant area. Amstetten, Austria Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc, Ramon Bernabe Team: Rafaella Psaroude,Skevi Hadjipetri, Domagoj Vučinovič, Alessia Piva, Dijónalis Harris, Vasiliki Chrysina, Gilberto Golla Programme: Housing, Office, Retail Size: 47.269 m2 Client: OBB, City of Amstetten

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Scattered Blocks

Direct Commission 2018

T he p o ro u s a rra n g e me n t o f s c a ttered blocks, enhances t he idea of a m o r e ac c e s i b l e p u b l i c sp ac e , o p e n n in g the M ulhbach creek park t o wider cont ext . Amstetten, Austria Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc, Ramon Bernabe Team: Rafaella Psaroude,Skevi Hadjipetri, Domagoj Vučinovič, Alessia Piva, Dijónalis Harris, Vasiliki Chrysina, Gilberto Golla Programme: Housing, Office, Retail Size: 9.500 m2 Client: OBB, City of Amstetten

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Amstetten Masterplan

Private Commission 2014

We propose to blur the boundaries between public and private space, the definition of inside and outside, and the designation of local and non-local users. Amstetten, Austria Local Partner: Studio Vlay, Thomas Proksch Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc, Ramon Bernabe Team: Albert Casas, Ander Ushijama, Hugo Munoz Programme: Housing, Office, Retail, Healthcare, Public, Culture Size: 112,000m2 Client: ÖBB, City of Amstetten

Urb an d ens it y of a g i v e n a re a i s d e te rm i n e d by con necti vi ty, eas e of use , a n d p ro x i m i ty. T h e e q u ati on i s ci rcul a r and ev er c h a n g i n g , c o n s ta n tl y re i n fo r ci ng i t se l f. Be c aus e of A m s te tte n ’s s tra te g i c p o s i ti o n a nd po t enti a l , we pr opos e a n i n te n s i fi c a ti o n o f th e exi sti ng ci ty fa br ic t hr ough a p ro g re s s i v e i mp l e m e n ta ti on pro ce ss i n t he s it es dur i n g th e n e x t y e a rs w i th th e goal of bui l di n g higher dens i ty n o d e s th a t w i l l d ri v e th e grow th of n ew ur ban c ent er s i n a n e w s c a l e a n d q u a l i ty. Thi s strategy ‘will’ ac t as a c a ta l y s t o r a s e e d th a t wi l l start t o gro w and c r eat e n e w v a l u e s . It w i l l a l l o w n e w func t i o ns to dev elop as i t e x p a n d s o u tw a rd to re g e nerate t he Ams t et t en c it y im a g e , p ro g ra mma ti c o ffe ri ngs and usa bi l i ty f or it s peopl e . The e xi s t ing ur ban f a b ri c o f A m s te tte n fo l l o w s a cl ear se para tion bet ween p u b l i c a n d p ri v a te fu n c ti o n s. Thi s is ol a tes t he pr ogr am ma ti c a re a s a n d th e u s e rs. A s i t exi sts, t her e is lit t le to c o n n e c t th e s e a re a s and no se nse of c ir c ulat ion. Ou r p ro p o s a l b re a k s w i th that ol d zo ni n g c onc ept t o c re a te a mo re o p e n u s e o f space. We pro pos e t o r igor o u s l y b l u r th e b o u n d a ri e s betw een publ i c and pr iv at e s p a c e , th e d e fi n i ti o n o f i n s i de and outsi de, and t he des i g n a ti o n o f l o c a l a n d n o n -l ocal us ers.

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OPEN Masterplan

Competition / 1st Prize 2013

We propose to create a spatial strategy to transform the sites and offer a platform of urban growth for the future. Amstetten, Austria Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Alex Camacho, Minhui Chang, Yang Huang, Eric Marcuson, Francesc Montosa, Matus Radiansky, Miguel Vilacha Programme: Housing, Office, Retail, Healthcare, Public, Culture Size: 112,000m2 Client: ÖBB, City of Amstetten

‘ When future is unknown, the most logical course of action is to propose something flexible’. The complexity of a city can be difficult to accurately project. Cities are dynamic and ever changing entities, but their growth can be coordinated through the use of basic principles to achieve a desired result. We propose to create a spatial strategy to transform the sites and offer a platform of urban growth for the future. By preserving some of the existing structures and respecting Amstetten’s local typologies, we incorporate the past into the proposal. Building on this heritage, we propose the future by projecting urban strategy to guide future development. Thus we define the present by synthesizing the past and future and defining it with our proposal. We propose flexible typologies with a less straight definition of public and private spaces, that could work for very different programmatic scenarios, allowing change of use in the future and promoting mixed use within. The planning solution will therefore have the capability to quickly adapt to changing market demand. By mixing different typologies, the sites will grow organically into a city of diversity.

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Link Hybrid Towers

International Competition / 3rd Prize 2015

Link Hybrid Towers is a project that mixes the typological, programmatic and social qualities of East and West Graz. A point in the map where both city sides merge into a dense urban node. Graz, Austria Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Robin Gringhuis, Jesus Banuls Moja, Maria Eugenia Silva, Sara Neglia Programme: Housing, Office, Retail, Culture, Public Size: 42,000m2 Client: Ă–BB

The urban mass is strategically oriented following the west to east direction in a series of 7 lineal interconnected buildings to enhance the spatial connection, views and flow between both sides of the rail tracks.

The urban ground floor is designed as a 24h active shared space, where

urban mobility, natural features, retail spaces, cultural events, sports activities and playgrounds are happening simultaneously.

The residential and offices masses on top are strategically organised in a zig zag movement to maximise the distance between them, increasing direct sun light and views.

The distribution of program is mixed along the 7 buildings, vertically stratified from public to private functions. Public space has been extended through

the cores until the terraces and roof top, where a series of leisure programs

are available to residents and visitors reinforcing the sense of community.

Our proposal offers a very diverse housing and office typologies to promote social diversity among the neighbourhood.

LINK is a design tool that starts a flexible project process adaptable to changes in the future.

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Smart City School

Competition 2015

We believe the development of a school that welcomes diversity and promotes integration is extremely necessary to create a successful next generation. Graz, Austria Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Robin Gringhuis, Sara Neglia, Maria Eugenia Silva Programme: Educational, Public Size: 6,500m2 Client: City of Graz

Our proposal understands the VS (primary school) and NMS (middle

school) as one’s first place of social integration for the Smart city youngest citizens. Its role within the social spectrum is key since these are the spaces where we learn to interact and collaborate. Our proposal aims to create a school where students can develop their individual personalities

while increasing their ability of working in groups. In order to allow this variety of functions, we propose a building that aims to become a teacher itself by offering multiple arrangements and combinations. The circulation spaces are re-envisioned as potential learning and teaching spaces that

enable the spatial connectivity between the program and the surrounding site.

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Malacky Masterplan

Invited Competition

The urban configuration consists of small groups of residential typologies around a central public park that extends to protected area ‘Malina’ Malacky, Slovakia Client: Private Developer Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Programme: Urban Planning, Residential, Mix-Use Size: 28 Ha

This design proposal is a modern urban area that highlights the positive

elements of the site. The project combines contemporary architecture, excellent connectivity, public services and open areas in direct contact with nature.

The urban configuration consists of small groups of residential typologies

around a central public park that extends to the protected area ‘Malina’,

to bring all residential areas closer to the natural surroundings and create the perfect atmosphere for a healthy lifestyle.

Thanks to the smart strategy of a central open space and the logical

distribution of building masses, this urban design can offer the best

conditions to all residential buildings - open views to the forest and the Little Carpathians, access to the park and direct sunlight- increasing most residents’ life quality as well as its property market value.

The simplicity and quality of this concept will differentiate the project

from other ongoing developments in the region and gain customers’ interest thanks to its added value.

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Berlin TXL Landscape Design

Invited International Competition 2015

Rather than a static and closed design, we propose a system of themes that could be implemented in diverse ways along the sites. Berlin, Germany Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Teams: Beth Gali BBGG, BLAU, Estudio HA Programme: Landscape, Culture, Infrastructure Size: 250,000m2 Client: City of Berlin

From the beginning, the project for Berlin TXL, is declared as a work in progress rather than a finalised design. Our proposal has the capability to adapt during the complex transformation process that will occur during

the following years at Tegel. It consists in a flexible system that will fit to the ever changing economic, territorial and architectural processes that are part of large scale projects. Rather than a static and closed design,

we propose a system of themes that could be implemented in diverse ways along the site, creating four geographic areas:

1. The surroundings of Terminal A. Purely urban space due to its central position and connection to the upcoming university.

2. The Loop. Re-activation of the old infrastructure through program injections surrounded by a natural environment.

3. Green corridors. Three main axes that connect to the surrounding parks and the city centre.

4. Wetlands. The water purifying systems are integral element of landscape design that organise the spaces.

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Crepuscular Rays

Competition 2015

The irregular prism is carefully placed on the site, attached to the terrain from the back and elegantly cantilevered on the front facade enhancing the sloping topography. Jyväskylä, Finland Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Robin Gringhuis, Lazar Djuric, Georgia Adamou, Siala Syrine Programme: Cultural, Exhibition, Retail Size: 280m2 Client: Alvar Aalto Foundatioin

Our proposal consists in a simple pavilion built by a sequence of structural wood ribs that creates an open space between the Alvar Aalto Museum and the Museum of Central Finland. Structure, facade and roof are solved with a unitary system that creates a unique play of lights and shadows, which reminds the Crepuscular rays we can find in the woodlands of Finland. The irregular prism is carefully placed on the site, attached to the terrain from the back and elegantly cantilevered on the front facade enhancing the sloping topography. The height difference between both museums is softly connected by the new extension with 7 stepping platforms 2.4m width, which organize the museum shop and creates a series of different but interconnected areas. This artificial and fragmented slope reminds the terraced landscape in Maison Louis Carre in a gesture of rationalizing nature. The new extension is completely open to a more public area of the Museum of Central Finland lobby and minimally connected to more private Alvar Aalto museum exhibition area. The plan layout is open and flexible allowing different configurations, routes and transformation of use. There is a connection to lower connective gateway near the existing elevator, where mechanical and storage rooms are located.

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Following Lines

Competition 2015

We propose a functional and pragmatic extension that creates a dialogue with the site and Aalto’s buildings. Jyväskylä, Finland Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Robin Gringhuis, Lazar Djuric, Georgia Adamou, Siala Syrine Programme: Cultural, Exhibition, Retail Size: 280m2 Client: Alvar Aalto Foundation

Our proposal for a new extension building is by definition an extension of the main spatial directions marked by the existing walls and spaces in the Aalto Museum and the Museum of Central Finland. The new forms and spaces of the proposal result from a contextual analysis of the existing site. By deeply relating our design to the spatial directionality, program distribution and circulation schemes of both museums, we aim to create a fluid connection between the existing buildings and promote a natural and soft spatial transition between them. We propose a functional and pragmatic extension that creates a dialogue with the site and Aalto’s buildings by contextual operations adapting to the forces, topography and paths of this very unique place. We find in this new building principles of functionality, integration into the landscape and human sensitiveness that are characteristic of Aalto’s architecture heritage. The space is formed by a folded surface that creates a series of horizontal platforms in different levels connected by comfortable stairs. This spatial configuration enriches the user experience with multiple route options, diagonal views and a strong connection between the inside and the outside.

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Urban Primary School

Competition 2015

Our proposal aims to be a flexible primary school, that through its functional design will encourage teamwork between the kids. Hartcourt Terrace, Dublin, Ireland Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Robin Gringhuis, Jesus Banuls Moja Programme: Educational, Public Size: 3,600m2 Client: City of Dublin

Primary school is for most kids one of the first places where they have contact with the real world and social life, an installation where kids learn

skills and attitudes that they will use in next stages of their education

and life. A primary school transmits to pupils the values of our culture: as the world evolves and our culture becomes more open and globalised,

we think schools do too. Contemporary schools are the meeting place

for our youngest citizens, flexible spaces that welcome diversity and promote interaction and integration. A place that is adaptable enough to allow all the possible activities that will happen while using the space.

Our proposal aims to be a flexible primary school, that through its functional design will encourage teamwork between the kids. It will let

them experience sharing, and promote collaborative activities to develop

pupil’s social skills and their capacity to adapt to changes. We designed

a school that transmits calmness and safety, so the students can focus on their personal growth, but at the same time also challenges their imagination and curiosity to explore and discover what is around them.

We consider that the key points for a successful contemporary education are: spatial connectivity, easy access to information and sharing ideas

and creativity. The primary school building should facilitate all these actions and by doing this it becomes a teacher itself, a place made for learning.

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Daegu Gosan Public Library

Competition / Honourable Mention 2012

The new Daegu Gosan Public Library will offer a cultural meeting place in the community by providing an open, multi-media focused facility for the public. Daegu, South Korea Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Jose Angel Remon, Eric Marcuson, Minghui Chan Programme: Educational, Culture, Public Size: 3,500m2 Client: City of Daegu

We believe in a library that provides a dynamic space that facilitates the interactions between people and information, flexible to accommodate the evolving ways in which people access and interact with information.

It is a dedicated place for culture, exchange of ideas and access to information. Creating a new cultural hub will be an opportunity to breathe

new life into the district and attract all members of the community. It will

thus create a node of urban focus in the Susenong-Gu urban fabric. The character of the building is logical and open. It generates a spatial

hierarchy that allows the user to easily understand the function and arrangement of spaces. It radiates order and calm for the user.

The building uses the maximum footprint allowed (60%) and maintains a contextual height. It provides 40% of the site for public gathering space. The building is sited towards the park to activate public space in the north

and south. In this way, the south of the site is not left out. Instead it engages the park and at the same time provides benefit to the buildings to the south. Overhanging floor plates provide relief from the weather and generate

a human scale open space that will act as a reception space for all the students from schools situated in the southern area.

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Chaohu Residential Complex

Invited Competition / 1st Prize 2013

The podium footprint echoes a closely located village urban structure, with a high density lowrise houses and a strong human scale character. Chaohu, China Client: Commercial Real Estate Developer Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc Programme: Residential, Retail Credits: DedoDesign Shanghai Size: 22,000m2

The project’s aim is to develop a residential complex of four high-rise towers where every apartment gets a view to a lake. By minor rotation of each of

the tower we achieve better view conditions and the group of towers create more interesting urban configuration. The towers stand on podiums, that together create attractive public space with restaurants, cafes and shops

on the ground floors. The podium footprint echoes a closely located village urban structure, with a high density low-rise houses and a strong human

scale character. These squares and the lake have a potential to bring people from further communities around the city. The biggest apartments are not located – as traditionally – on top floors but occupy second and third

floor in a cascade shaped form with large terraces and with a direct access to public space. In the rest of the floors are located typical 2 and 3 bedroom apartments where every one of them has an access to a wide terrace

facing south with a view to a landscape scenery. Terraces are protected with light bamboo brise soleils facade that can be moved and adapted by users following their needs.

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Danubia Park

International Competition , 2.nd Prize

Mutual interactions between Forest and Danube river maximize the border between the park and the waterfront Bratislava - Cunovo, Slovakia Client: Danubia Invest Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc Programme: Residential, Hotel, Culture, Hospitality Cooperation: CHKAA

Forest and the Danube river are the main qualities of the space. Their mutual interactions maximize the border between the park and the waterfront, so each apartment is in immediate contact with both atmospheres. Channels extend deep into the earth to enhance the

quality of contact with the water, which is also reinforced by the multiple aspects of the individual fingers of land and the sense of change from one environment to another.

The center of Danubia Park is formed by 4 fingers of land which all have

their own atmosphere, character, program and access to water. This brings urban diversity at the centre of the Danubia Park masterplan.

This diversity fosters clear orientation in the space and is already visible

when entering the dedicated area. The public space is concentrated in the most valuable point of the border between the park and the Danube

river. It is characterized by a large entrance from which people can reach the beach and relaxing promenades, or arrive at a more typical harbour – the parade – thanks to alleys. These space are interconnected by

several other streets and public squares. There is an access to freely walk on natural islands at the very edge of the pier.

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Trekking Cabin

Internatioinal Competition

T he p ro j e c t a i m is to tra n smit p eople ideas about Iceland origins and t h e ver y s pe c i a l l o c a t i on wh ere th e y a re .

No rth

Am e

Iceland Client: CDS NORD Property Developers Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Team: Roman Kekel, Dora Komloszy Size: 50m2 ric

tla d-A Mi




lat e


Eu ro


pla te

T he project core id ea is bas ed in I c eland’s geologic al u n i q u e ness – Ice lan d lies o n t he div er gent boundar y bet w e e n t h e E urasian pla te an d the Nor t h Am er ic an plat e. The w a l l s a r e a metaph or of the p lace wher e t he t hes e t wo t ec t oni c p l a t e s meet t o cre ate a rich g eogr aphic al and nat ur al env ir o n m e n t . T he proje ct a im is to tra ns m it people ideas about I c e l a n d o r i gins and the very spe c ial loc at ion wher e t hey ar e. T h e t w o walls f orm the stru ctu ral bas is of t he pr ojec t , a f lex ibl e s t r u c t ure w here archite ctu re c an gr ow in it s own way acc o r d i n g specific co nd ition s. This s y s t em allows m ult iple lo c a t i o n s , l eaving ju st min imal imp ac t in t he ear t h. T he t wo wa lls will b ec om e a v is ual ic on of I c eland ’s l a n d scape, a re co gn isa ble e lem ent and a f oot ing f or a t our i s t s a n d hikers. It’s simp licity re ac t s wit h t he r ic h c ont ex t and t h e i r l i n eal conditio n e nh an ce s t he pat h and t he dir ec t ion of t h e t r e k . B esides th eir p ortra ya l r ole, t hey ac t als o as a s our c e o f n a t u ral energ y a nd as a struc t ur al elem ent s f or t he c abin m o d u l e s . T he buildin g mate riality c ons is t in an ex t er ior f inish i n g o f aluminum clad din g an d light ply wood int er ior s , t hat c o n t r a s t wit h t he na tura l surro un dings and c r eat e s ubt le r ef lect i o n s i n order t o in teg rate the new c ons t r uc t ion wit h it s s ur r o u n d i n g cont ext.

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Great Food Fast

Invited Competition / 2nd Prize

We pro p o s e a fu n c tio n al, n e u tra l and relaxing space where t he main fo cu s is t he fo o d t o e n su re a e n jo y a b le e at ing experience Bratislava, Slovakia Client: Unitas Group Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Programme: F&B Size: 165m2

I n our prop osal spa ce and pr oduc t des ign ar e link e d c r e a t i ng a f ulfilling custome r ex per ienc e t hat m ix es t he b e s t o f a h ealthy life style with th e dy nam ic bus ines s r out ines , i n o r d e r t o attrac t a commu nity of people t hat s har e ideas of b o d y a n d m ind care, e ntre pre ne ur s pir it and r es pec t f or nat ur e. This spa ce is warm an d nat ur al t o off er a diff er ent at m o s p h e r e t o clients from th eir co ld im per s onal wor k ing s pac es, w h e r e t h ey can co me to disco nnec t f r om t heir job dur ing br e a k f a s t , l unch an d a fter wo rk. We want t o c r eat e long t er m c u s t o m e r s b y making the m fee l go od her e. Adapt ing to th e differe nt r equir em ent s along t he day, o u r p r o p osal us es flexible fur nit ur e and adapt iv e light ing s y s t e m s t h at can allo w multip le c om binat ions and c r eat e div e r s e a m b ients, making the most of ev er y m om ent . The project ide a re ferre d t o t he bus ines s c onc ept ` Ro o t s ´ a n d ` B ack to n atu re’ is rep r es ent ed in t he s pac e by t he in t r o d u c t ion of tre es an d p lan t s c r eat ing an unique am bien t w h e r e cust ome r can en joy he alt hy f ood indoor s in dir ec t c ont a c t w i t h n ature.This con ce pt is s pec ially v aluable hav ing in c on s i d e r a t ion the lo ca l wea the r c ondit ions .

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House B

Direct Commision / est construction 2019

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Maserati Lounge Beijing

Commision / 2013

The Maserati showroom was designed to give customers a full experience of the Maserati brand concepts - passion, elegance and innovation. Beijing, China Client: Maserati Partners in charge: Tomas Labanc Programme: Retail, Exhibition Credits: DedoDesign Size: 600m2

The Mase rati sh owro om was des igned t o giv e c us t o m e r s a f u ll experie nce o f the M as er at i br and c onc ept s - pas si o n , e l e g ance and inn ovatio n. T he f ir s t f loor ac c om m odat es M a s e r a t i show roo m with the ca pa c it y of s helt er ing s ev er al v ehic l e s a n d p roducts o n e xh ibitio n. O n t he s ec ond f loor, v is ually c o n n e c t e d to the first floo r, are loc at ed VI P s pac es wit h a lou n g e b a r a nd a flexib le spa ce are a. Ther e ar e 3 int er ac t iv e r oo m s w i t h f ix LE D s cre en h an gin g f r om t he c eiling. I t is pos s ible t o k e e p t h em open d urin g b igg er ev ent s , or c los e t hem and c r e a t e a m ore private sp ace fo r m eet ings wit h c lient s .

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SKØG Urban Hub

Private Commission / Built 2015

SKØG Urban Hub is a multipurpose space hosting activities as bar, coffee roasters and cultural events. The project idea consists in a process of subtraction to find the essence of the space. Brno, Czech Republic Client: Private Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Programme: Food & Beverage Size: 230m2 Client: Skøg

SKOG Urban Hub is a multipurpose space hosting activities as bar,

coffee roasters and cultural events. It is located in the ground floor of an old secession building located in Brno city centre, the second largest city in Czech Republic.

We removed all unnecessary layers covering hidden potential to find a

6-meters high ceiling, original flooring in some areas, concrete ceiling, traditional brick walls, wooden and steel frames.

Due to budget and tight schedule the additions were reduced to the

minimum creating an undefined space were people is the main focus.

The choice of materials - wood, metal, brick are complementing the place original raw character and create an industrial atmosphere.

The ground floor layout is open to allow high flexibility and only defined by the location of bar, kitchen and the podium for cultural actions.This area

can adapt to the changing atmospheres along the day, from quiet morning coffee to night drinks and live music.

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The frames act as the ‘window’ to green wall behind the object, while empasizing its openness and integration in to the gallery space. Brno, Czech Republic Client: Skog Partners in charge: Ramon Bernabe, Tomas Labanc Programme: F&B Size: 13m2

BLOKK is a temporary object located in the courtyard of Moravian Gallery in Brno. It works a seasonal coffee bar for the gallery visitors and as cocktail bar during the regular summer events.

The structure is composed of four wooden frames - almost 7m long. They define the general form of an object and create open space for

the bar and adjacent storage space. In the same time, the frames act as the ‘window’ to green wall behind the object, while empasizing its

openness and integration in to the gallery space. Built-in parts of the

design are movable wooden pieces that enable easily to close and secure the object.

Thanks to its construction logic, the object is easy to dissasamble during

the winter time, store, and built again for the summer season. One of the side that faces flow of the people is higher to increase the visibility of BLOKK and create a dynamic accent of the simple form.

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House M

Private Commission / Built 2019

Leyenda #

20 21 22 23

32 29 +5,264




1.26 2.64









32 12

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+4,995 9 17 16 15

ARM 5.91 m



19 20 21 22 23 24

30 32

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


25 27

Grava de pedrera 20 cm Cambra d’ aire del forjat sanitari 150 cm Capa filtrant de geotextil de polipropile Llosa de formigo armat hidrofug i tractament impermeabilizant 25 cm Aillament termic de poliestire extruit 6 cm Morter de anivellacio 6 cm Paviment de parquet laminat 2 cm Tub de drenaje Capa separadora Micropilots Revestiment exterior de mamposteria de pedra natural 18 cm Aillament termic de poliestire extruit 9 cm Capa filtrant de geotextil de polipropile Mur de obra d fàbrica de maó calat 13 cm Trasdossat de guix laminat 5 cm Pintura plastica doble capa Revestiment exterior de panell ferro 1 cm Trasdossat de guix laminat 5 cm Teula arab ceràmica de color vermell, col·locada amb morter mixt 1:2:10 Morter de ciment i riostre Capa filtrant de geotextil de polipropile Panell DM 2cm Aillament termic de poliestire extruit incorporat entre corretges de fusta 20 cm Lames de fusta natural 5 cm Listones de madera 3 cm x 2 cm Cresta cubierta Canalo de alumini Sortida fum tir xemeneia Biga perimetral 25 cm x 25 cm Biga formigo 25 cm x 35 cm Muret forjat sanitari Aillament termic de alumini 1 cm Gravel


1 2 ARM Cumbrera 7.61 m 3 4







±0,000 7 6 5 4



±0,000 -0,380






ABRIL 2018











Passatge dels escudellers, 5 Baixos Barcelona 08002

-1,830 8 9 10


Tel. +34696093131


2 3 1










Passatge dels escu


Barcelona 08002

Tel. +34696093131




E: 1/75



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