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RESPONSIBLE DOG OWNERSHIP PROGRAMME “The Council have confirmed in writing to me that a programme of stencilling anti-dog fouling messages on footpaths is being rolled-out in parks throughout the County, commencing with the regional parks in the coming weeks, followed by the Boden Park and Butterfield areas will be one of the first areas that will see the stencilling of anti-dog fouling messages on footpaths rolled out. “Dog fouling is a horrible feature of our locality and I am happy to see the Council take positive steps in ensuring our streets remain clean. “The Council is also engaged in a number of awareness campaigns. The 'Responsible Dog Ownership

NEW INFORMATION CENTRE OPENED Councillor Paddy Cosgrave is delighted to announce the recent opening of a new Citizens Information Centre that will serve the residents of Knocklyon, Ballyboden and Rathfarnham. The new state-of-the-art centre is situated in Hainault House, The Square Shopping Centre, Tallaght (opposite the Garda Station). Hitherto residents would have availed of the services of the Citizens Advice Centre in Dundrum. However the new office has greater facilities to cater to the needs of residents. An expanded range of services is offered is available in the new office, including MABS and an accounts service to help people with mortgage problems and a family advice service to assist in the event of marriage beak down INCOME SUPPORTS EMPLOYMENT RIGHTS SOCIAL WELFARE FAMILY MATTERS HEALTH SERVICES HOUSING EDUCATION OTHER SERVICES

Minister Joan Burton with Paddy.



The Planning Department is to draft a Local Area Plan for the semi-developed area stretching from Stocking Lane across through Stocking Avenue to Ballycullen and Oldcourt in the foothills of the mountains. I am seeking the following to be included in this Local Area Plan: • A sustainable framework to complete existing developments with a bias towards family sized houses to include the Stocking Well and Dalriada developments • The provision of local schools (Educate Together and Gaelscoil) • Better connectivity to public transport facilities • The Provision of Local shops and Community facilities • A footpath/cycle way connecting the greater Knocklyon area from St. Colmcilles Way through Woodstown Estate to Stocking Avenue leading to the Dublin foothills • The further protection of Woodtown Manor house and surrounding lands

"That the Manager designs a plan for the removal of the Bottle Bank facility at the Grange Road/Sarah Curran Ave. This Committee have been trying to find a solution for many years, there is now an opportunity with the proposed extension of permeability for the area." REPORT: The Environmental Services section will develop a plan to deal with the Bottle Bank Facility in this area. Examination of the proposed works plan for the Grange Road Walking and Cycling Route indicated a redesign of the existing hard surfaced area at the junction of Sarah Curran Avenue and the Grange Road and these construction works included for the relocation of the bottle bank units. In assessing the new location, the Council will consider the convenience for householders of travelling to the sites whilst minimising the noise and visual nuisances that may arise at the particular bank. Development of Bicycle/Pedestrian Walkway Park Ave, Rathfarnham to Nutgrove, Grange Manor In February, the National Transport Authority announced that this scheme would receive a grant under the Sustainable Transport Investment Programme with a completion date of 2013. I have been told that work on the project is to begin imminently.

NEW DAIL CONSTITUENCY As you may be aware, the constituency of Dublin South has been abolished. Knocklyon and Rathfarnham are to be included in the new constituency of Dublin South West. Dublin South West also includes the communities of Firhouse, Templeogue and Tallaght. This new constituency will elect five TDs and the local Labour TDs in Dublin South West are Eamonn Maloney TD and Minister Pat Rabbitte TD. Minister Alex White TD will continue to represent the Rathfarnham ward areas.

Public Park with children’s Playground on lands next to Stocking Well

Towards the end of the nineties all lands zoned below the 120 metre above sea level contour line in Ballycullen and Oldcourt was rezoned for housing. This includes a large swath of undeveloped agricultural lands to the south of Oldcourt Road. This land is still zoned for residential development and should be returned to its original greenbelt planning status. Spectrum Print 01 4580565

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Programme' has been established to address the issue of dog fouling which includes pop-up stands, poop scoops and leaflets which are available to schools, community centres and business to raise awareness of the importance of responsible dog ownership. Leaflets on responsible dog ownership are also being issued with new/renewed dog licenses. In addition the Green Dog Walkers initiative will soon be launched - this is a community based project highlighting the issue of dog fouling and promoting the proper way to clean up after your dog. “It is vitally important that all communities in Rathfarnham/Ballyboden/Knocklyon get on board with these initiatives and utilise the 600 litter bins across the county to dispose of waste in a safe and responsible manner.”

Dublin Foothills Stockingwood Along with my Labour colleagues we are seeking the inclusion of a long term objective of a Public Park to link the area with the Hell Fire Club Park to put in place a permanent barrier to suburban development in the area (similar to Marley Park).

STOCKINGWOOD Mixed Residential development. No taking in charge request yet received and security in place. Parent planning permission is for 10 years and does not expire until Sept 2015, revised permissions do not expire until 2019. Receiver appointed Jan 2012 only for part of the development. Receiver instructed that not all security will be released as the security is for the full development and not only that in receivership and none to be released until publicly accessible services are completed to taking in charge standard. A taking in charge package is awaited but using security or enforcement is not possible to complete services to taking in charge standard while the permissions are live. The receiver has advised of intention to fund taking in charge works from recent house sales and has carried out some works in the estate. The technical requirements of taking in charge process have been outlined to the receiver. Planning Inspector has recently inspected the Hoarding at Stockingwell and reported that it was seriously dangerous and has contacted the receiver to rectify the problem. I have requested that if the response was not forthcoming the site should be reported to the Health and safety Authority.

Stocking Well A Planning Inspector has recently inspected the Hoarding at Stockingwell and reported that it was seriously dangerous and has contacted the receiver to rectify the problem. I have requested that if the response was not forthcoming the site should be reported to the Health and safety Authority.

Dalriada Estate Ballycullen Ellier Development Ltd Mixed Residential Development for 182 units granted by An Bord Pleanala. Further extension of duration granted to Feb 2015. The bond for the development remains in place. Management Agreement submitted. No taking in charge request from developer and only approximately half of the units in the development are constructed and the permission is still active.

GRAVEYARD MAINTENANCE “I have made representations on behalf of many residents concerning the maintenance of Cruagh burial ground at Rockbrook Rathfarnham. The condition of a number of graveyards in the County had caused considerable distress to family members visiting loved ones graves. Hopefully the new cleansing schedule will resolve this long running problem”. “The re-organisation of the Cleansing, Operations, Parks and Burial Grounds Sections The re-organisation involves over 200 outdoor, supervisory and line management staff and over 600 items of plant, equipment and machinery being re-assigned from the former Sections to the new Division. All staff and equipment have now been relocated to one of 7 bases around the county. Already, the Burial Grounds Maintenance programme has been re-organised and aligned with the grass cutting programme. This change will bring the burial grounds into a 3 week routine maintenance regime a significant improvement in the programme”.

RATHFARNHAM TIDY TOWNS Each village may submit proposals for funding for each category above to the maximum amount shown over the first 3-year period of Village Initiative. These proposals will be submitted to relevant Area Committee with a recommendation for approval and a subsequent report to the next Council Meeting. Designated Group: Rathfarnham Tidy Towns Heritage Buildings and Features • Clearing and revamping of old graveyard in village in conjunction with recommendations from the Heritage Officer and the appointed archaeology consultant. Funding requested €5,000 Recommended: €5,000 Painting & Signage • The placement of village name stones or signs at entrances to Rathfarnham village. Funding requested €5,000 Recommended €5,000 This recommendation is in principle subject to detailed plans submitted in advance of drawdown.

RATHFARNHAM Replys to Cllr. Cosgrave Motions & Questions Request for Litter bins at the three bus stops on the Grange Road between Willbrook Road and Nutgrove Avenue. REPLY: Litterbins will be included on the installation list to be installed at the three bus stops on the Grange Road between Willbrook Road and Nutgrove Avenue. To fill in the gaps of the cobbles at the entrance gate to Rathfarnham Castle Park opposite the Annunciation Church Grange Road as residents with wheelchairs, child buggies and walking frames are having problems?" REPLY: This area will be inspected to determine if the setts (cobbles) are a problem for wheelchairs, child buggies and those using walking frames. If they are and do not meet the standard for Access for All then they will be modified.

To repair the footpath inside the entrance gate to Rathfarnham Castle Park at Rathfarnham Wood?" REPLY: This area, damaged during the installation of the new gate is listed for reinstatement in the next month. New park benches with backs at the new Garden at Rathfarnham Castle." REPORT: It is proposed to install seating in the new garden area and consideration will be given to designing these to incorporate back support. Repair the broken flagstones on both sides of the Rathfarnham by-pass at Rathfarnham Village/Rathfarnham Castle." REPLY: The Area Engineer has been asked to inspect the area in question. Flagstones will be replaced where they are broken and present a tripping hazard.

Application for Grants Application for a grant under South Dublin County Council Community Grants Scheme has been received from the organisation listed below. Ballyroan Youth & Community Centre Employment Grant for New or Existing Community Centre: €20,000 Ballyroan Summer Project Community Activity Grant: €500 Ballyroan Writers group For producing a radio event called Rhyme and Reason on Dublin South FM: €120 Whitechurch Ballyboden Summer Project 4 Weeks €2,000

Templeroan View Entrance to Sancta Maria College Templeroan View entrance to Sancta Maria College The planning and costing of the works to change the right of way at Templeroan View are complete and work will start this summer’s school holiday.

BODEN PARK MOTION: Councillor P. Cosgrave "That the Council place Street lighting along the pedestrian footpath from the side of house 38 The Crescent, Boden Park up to the footpath entrance at Scholarstown Road."

White Church Library

REPORT: A design for a Public lighting scheme along the pedestrian footpath from The Crescent, Boden Park up to the footpath entrance at Scholarstown Road is in preparation and is intended to be installed this year.

Free legal advice by appointment will be available every Tuesday in June at 7pm. To make an appointment telephone (01) 4952020.

Work installing the Lighting has started.

Library Opening Hours: Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 2pm – 5pm & 6pm – 8pm Wednesday10pm – 1pm & 2pm -5pm For a full list of weekly events at White Church Library telephone (01) 493 0199

Questions awaiting replies. The two small green areas at the entrance to Coolamber Park at Knocklyon Road

seem to have been missed by the grass cutting staff in recent weeks. Could they please be included in the next round of grass cutting for Coolamber Park? There have been two trees cut down on Idrone Drive a resident has requested that no more trees be removed on Idrone drive. At the entrance to Beverly estate at Beverly Drive and Grove there are cars parked in the mornings causing obstruction to residents leaving for work in the mornings. Could managment survey the area to see if the area is being used as a park and ride area. Yellow lines might be needed to deter parking there. That the Council place Street lighting along the pedestrian footpath from the side of house 38 The Crescent, Boden Park up to the footpath entrance at Scholarstown Road." In relation to Dog fouling in the green area opposite The Green, Boden Park. The administrative area of South Dublin County Council is split into 5 areas, each with a Litter Warden responsible for each area. The Litter Warden's patrol their area regularly. However, if dog fouling occurs without being witnessed by the Litter Warden there is very little enforcement action can be taken. The Council depends on witness reports to identify the persons allowing their dog to foul, for example if the owner arrives in a car we could get the owners name from their car registration. Our awareness team are launching a campaign on responsible dog ownership which the Council hops will assist with this issue.

REFURBISHMENT WORKS AT PEARSE BROTHERS PARK / PALMERS PARK The works commenced in October 2012 and the expected completion date is in the third quarter of 2013. The refurbishment is just about finished, it is expected that the snag list will be finished by the end of May. There has been some outstanding issues still resolved which I have taken up with the Council. • • •

Ramp at side of 1 Palmer Park to allow wheelie bins be taken up to the footpath. This in hand. Mobile caretaker for the elderly to cut grass in the gardens. Shed and clothes line problems.

I have asked that the proposed safety railing be extended at the roadside footpath opposite houses 86-88 Pearse Bro.Pk. The architect is to design and commission this.

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