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Eric Byrne TD Working with Cllr Michael O’Sullivan

€6 BILLION JOBS BOOST The government has established a Strategic Investment Fund (SIF) which will take over 6.4 billion Euro from the National Pension Reserve Fund to stimulate investment in job creation. The funds can be accessed for projects of merit on commercial terms. “More jobs is our biggest challenge. Given our financial circumstances, this is the first time we will have a dedicated fund to generate economic activity and create jobs. Up to now the NPRF has been investing our pension funds abroad; in future this money will be creating jobs in Ireland.” Already €250 million has been transferred to Irish Water the new water utility where some 2,000 workers will be employed starting from July in the installation of water meters. The idea is to maximise our resources to support and attract investment into Ireland and, most importantly, to create jobs.


LOCAL NEWS ■ New childrens play equipment will be installed on the green area beside Walkinstown Church after Halloween. ■ The Council has begun to replace all the damaged red road ramps in the area with a more suitable material. This work will be ongoing over the coming months ■ The HSE has agreed to the siting of a new Primary Health Care Centre at Curlew road in Drimnagh.This will be a great asset to the residents of the area. ■ The first of the planned improvements for Pearse Park has happened with the replacement of the wall at Windmill Road with railings. This will make the park safer and more attractive for users.

Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2

The approval by the European Parliament of the €960 billion Europe-wide budget, as recommended on behalf of Member States by Tanáiste Eamon Gilmore, it will help get economic activity going throughout Europe. Ireland badly needs Eurozone stability and progress on bank supervision and resolution and these are now in prospect. Where normal bank credit is in short supply, the Strategic Investment Fund will allow major projects to get underway.

This is the worst recession in living memory. Whereas the struggle to maintain social services is painfully demanding, the greater challenge is to put people back to work. For almost a year now every month has added 2000 people to the work force. However, unemployment remains unacceptably high. The recent CSO figures showed how difficult it is for a small trading economy to grow when every other EU country is in recession.

Eric Byrne TD with Cllr Michael O’Sullivan


A return to modest growth (not enough); a small increase in the number of people at work (not enough); the creation of the Strategic Investment Fund (6.4 billion) for job creation; a hopeful breakthrough on bank debt and completion of the EU Budget are all hopeful signs.

Phone: 01 618 3223 Email: Web: EricByrneTD @EricByrneTD

Creating jobs today, by building the infrastructure we need for tomorrow €6.4 billion has been allocated to the newly established Ireland Strategic Investment Fund for job creation and maximising commercial investment. This job creation investment plan will provide the basis for sustainable, export-led jobs. Investment sanctioned under the plan must create economic activity and jobs and generate a commercial return. It is part of Labour’s main focus in government of getting the Irish economy back on track and getting people back to work. First time that Ireland will have a strategic fund purely for investment and growing jobs here at home. Delivers on a key Labour commitment to establish a fund focused on jobs and job creation through the work of Labour Ministers, TDs and Senators.

PUTTING JOBS FIRST ■ 250,000 jobs were lost between 2008-2011 under Fianna Fail. ■ Now 2,000 jobs per month are being created in the private sector. ■ Jobless rate has decreased to 13.7%, first time since 2010 it has dropped below 14%

GREEN LIGHT FOR 2013 SCHOOL PREFAB REPLACEMENT LABOUR CONTINUES SCHOOL BUILDING MODERNISATION SCHEME ■ 115 prefab units in 46 schools will be replaced in a €15 million programme in 2013/2014. ■ 2,650 more students throughout the country will now have permanent classroom accommodation. ■ Creates an estimated 300 direct and 60 indirect jobs. ■ Follows on from a 2012 initiative for the replacement of 458 prefabs.

€6.4 billion fund allows for commercial investment in next generation infrastructure with the most job-creation potential including energy, broadband, school building, forestry and water infrastructure projects.

■ Number of rented prefabs in our schools will decrease by 570 – a 37% reduction in just over two years. ■ €7 million savings will be achieved through the establishment of these permanent, modern classrooms.



The unemployment rate is still too high, but the Government is trying to help people back into the workplace through the JobBridge Internship Scheme. A recent report on the scheme found that 60% of people who have used Jobbridge have gotten jobs. The scheme is a great help to people who have good qualifications but don't have the experience they need to find a job. The scheme has the added bonus that if you are on the dole, you will get an extra €50 per week for participating in it. Currently, there are over 2,000 internships available on you have any questions or need any help, please contact my office.

I am very pleased that the Government is continuing to cut politicians pay for a third time. I feel very strongly that politicians need to take large pay cuts when the Government is cutting the public sector pay bill. To give an example of how these pay cuts for politicians are taking effect, the Taoiseach will be earning €100,000 less than what Bertie Ahern was earning when he was in office and there will be big cuts for Ministers and TDs too. At a time when the Government needs to cut the public sector pay bill to sort out the country's finances, this is only right and I am very happy that the Government is cutting politicians pay.

If you wish to raise any issue with me, whether personal, local or national, please contact me.

Working with your local Labour team

Eric Byrne TD Dáil Éireann, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Phone: 01 618 3223 Email: Web:


Michael Conaghan TD 01 618 4033

Gary Honer 087 7519019

Cllr Rebecca Moynihan Cllr Michael O'Sullivan 087 9566588 087 1370972

Cllr Sheila Howes Emer Costello MEP 087 374 6052 01 874 6109

You can talk to me at my advice centres: ■ 11am every Monday morning in the Crumlin Area Office ■ 12pm every Monday at St. Andrew’s Community Centre ■ 6:30pm every Wednesday at Our Lady's Hall Mourne Road, Drimnagh ■ 7pm every Wednesday at 146 Sundrive Road

0612 EricByrneTD

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