Spring 2012 newsletter

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RATHFARNHAM WARD ROAD WORKS PROGRAMME 2012 Ballyboden Rd Resurface- Tuning Fork to Ballyroan Rd- Selected sections Butterfield Avenue Resurface- west of Rathfarnham Shopping Centre Grange Rd St Endas Park to Loreto- Patch & Repair sections Knocklyon Rd (Phase 2) Resurface from Firhouse Rd Junction to Knockcullen (Recent Bord Gais scheme) Boden Park /Lawn /Close Resurface The Lawn & The Close (Main entrance rd surfaced 3 years ago) Stocking Lane Resurface lower section after completion of Boherboy final works Whitechurch Rd Taylors Lane to Whitechurch Green Roundabout Woodview Cottages Repair Road surface Ballytore Repair misc conc bays Barton Drive Repair misc conc bays Butterfield Avenue Misc drainage works- gullies near Blue Haven Pub Glenmore/Pearse Bros Pk Repair misc conc bays Spawell Link Rd Repair / Resurface misc sections- Firhouse Rd end Tuning Fork Drainage Improvement scheme. (Deal with area of ponding) Hermitage View Rebuild the entrance road Repair Ramps Marian Road, Anne Devlin Road.

LITTER BINS FIRHOUSE ROAD There were nine litter bins on the Firhouse Road. Seven bins are in situ and two bins were removed by the Contractor and will be reinstated by the Council Cleansing Section. There were eight bins in total on the Ballycullen Road, including two bins located in the Woodstown Housing Estate. Three of these bins were removed by the Contractor and will be reinstated by the Council Cleansing section. The bins in the general Firhouse Ballycullen Scholarstown area are emptied at least three times weekly (this includes the Firhouse road).

Dodder CFRAM I was delighted to recently attend the Dodder CFRAM Launch by Minister Brian Hayes and Mayor Caitriona Jones at County Hall Tallaght. The Minister announced that there would be €45 million available this year and each year over a four year period for flood defences throughout the Country from the OPW Minor Works scheme. There was severe damage in the Rathfarnham Ward to homes, gardens, bridges and infrastructure from flooding last October from tribruties of the Dodder River and the river itself. At the launch while speaking to the Minister I urged the Minister to ensure that there would be funding for the works needed in the Rathfarnham Ward from the OPW. To look at more details see http://www.opw.ie/en/

"That the Manager give a report on what works are to be done to repair damage at the Roman Arch on Dodder Park Road to include:• Removal of all graffiti from the Roman Arch. • Removal of ivy from the Arch and adjoining wall and railings. • Provision of CCTV to stop further damage from graffiti and damage by theft of lead from the roof. • Provide a landscape area in front with flowers to enhance this important Speed Ramp at Ballyroan protected structure." REPORT: As result of the ongoing vandalism and theft of lead from Ely Arch over the past few months, a meeting has been arranged with the South Dublin Conservation Officer in order to discuss what measures can be put in place to prevent further vandalism and to establish what repair works are required as well as the future management and maintenance of the Arch. A meeting was also held with the Crime Prevention Officer from Tallaght Garda Station and the following suggestions were made: 1. Open up the area to greater public exposure. Remove any trees which obstruct natural surveillance. Remove ivy from the structure. 2. Existing doors should be replaced with strong lockable grilles. 3. Floodlighting for the structure. 4. Open up the area to greater public use, for example, consider opening up the archway so as to encourage a public thoroughfare. 5. Give consideration to the possibilities of internet camera monitoring. The above matters will be the subject of discussions with the Conservation Officer and an agreed plan of action will be prepared and costed with a view to obtaining the necessary consents and to indentify the funding required to implement it. Additionally, because of its heritage importance and its prominent location in this section of the Dodder Valley, it is proposed to prepare a Landscape Plan to: • enhance the surrounding area in a manner that Alex White TD, Labour Party Dublin South. emphasises the historical importance of the Arch Chairman, Joint Oireachtas Committee on Finance, Public Expenditure and Reform. • interpret the historical and architectural context of the Arch Dáil Eireann, Leinster House, Dublin 2. (01) 618 3972. • to link the Arch with the Dodder River. Constituency office: 4 Main Street, Rathfarnham, Dublin 14. (01) 405 5898. It would be expected to bring back landscape www.alexwhite.ie proposals to the Area Committee later this year. http://alexwhitetd.wordpress.com

Cllr. Paddy Cosgrave and Minister Brian Hayes

CFRAMS As a result of the severe flood events of 24th October 2011 South Dublin County Council are now in a position to propose certain flood alleviation schemes to minimise future flooding risks within the County. These schemes have been identified by the Council in conjunction with the Department and Office of Public Works (OPW) with a view to preparing funding applications for the schemes. Irrespective of the event of 24th October last it should be noted that The Eastern Catchment Flood Risk Assessment and Management (CFRAM) study commenced in the Eastern district in June 2011 and will run until the end of 2015.The main aims of the Eastern CFRAM Study are to (i) assess flood risk, through the identification of flood hazard areas and the associated impacts of flooding (ii) identify viable structural and non-structural measures and options for managing the flood risks for localised high-risk areas and within the catchment as a whole, (iii) prepare a strategic Flood Risk Management Plan (FRMP) and associated Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) that sets out the measures and policies that should be pursued to achieve the most cost effective and sustainable management of flood risk, (iv) ensure that full and thorough public and stakeholder consultation and engagement is achieved. The Eastern CFRAM Study being carried out now includes all of the rivers in the South Dublin County Council area. A preliminary flood risk assessment has been carried out to identify areas that need further assessment to determine their risk of flooding. (Continued. Page 2) Spectrum Print 01 4580565

Alex White t.D.


CFRAMS Continued...


Planting of perimeter trees adjacent to the proposed path

Application for grants under South Dublin County Council’s Community Grants Scheme has been received from the organisations listed below. Payment of these grants, in accordance with the conditions of the Scheme and in the amounts set out hereunder, is recommended for approval: Grangebrook Residents Association Running Costs Grant for Community Groups 15/12/11 €200 To ask the Manager to include for pruning of the tree at the side of house 204A Ballyroan Road? " To ask the Manager to have the tree outside house 202 GRANGE Road Hermitage View removed as the tree is too large for an urban road setting & overshadows the house?" REPLY: These trees are not listed on the 2012 Arboricultural Works Programme which was presented to and noted by the Elected Members on the 13th December 2011. In presenting the programme it was stated, inter alia: In relation to trees, priority will be given to trees in the following categories: • Dead and damaged trees. • Trees in very close proximity to public lighting columns (less than 1.8m). • Trees associated with lifting footpaths. • Trees in conflict with overhead utility cables Aside from these categories, works will be carried out to trees only where they are considered to be consistent with good arboricultural practice. Examples of this would be crown lifting (removal of lower branches), crown thinning (reducing the weight of large trees), pruning to deal with weak branch junctions, pruning to improve the shape of the tree and removal of suckers. However, arrangements will be made to have this particular tree examined and assessed to determine a level of priority. If it is assessed as being of a high enough priority to warrant early intervention, it will be considered for action in the existing programme, subject to available capacity. The existing programme was prepared on the basis of dealing with trees considered to be most in need of attention and on the basis of the programme being completed in 2012. The consequence of this is that there are trees, considered to be in need of attention but assessed as lower priority, which are not included in the 2012 programme. The lower priority trees will be re-listed for attention as part of future programmes, having regard to the priorities and resources available at that time.


Herbaceous bulb planting


For these risk areas, flood risk maps and flood hazard maps will be drawn up by 2013. Flood Risk Management Plans (FRMPs) will be developed by 2015. FRMPs will include measures in relation to flood prevention, protection and preparedness. Emergency response to flooding, recovery from flooding and incorporating lessons learned will be important elements of the FRMPs. Issues such as climate change, land use practices and future development will also be addressed in the FRMPs. The public will have a right to access the CFRAMS programme information and to have their say in the development of FRMPs. SDCC has and will continue to apply for funding for flood prevention works under the Office of Public Works (OPW) Minor Works Schemes. When the Dodder River CFRAMS report have been finalized and approved it is anticipated that works to prevent flooding will be recommended in these reports and that these works will be funded through the OPW. Your comments are important to the CFRAMS process and will be addressed in the study. If you would like to comment you do this in writing or by emailing to the following addresses. Dodder CFRAMS, Dublin City Council, Room 409, 68-70 Marrowbone Lane, Dublin 8. Email dodder@rpsgroup.com

NTA Allocation of Grants Cycle Route - Tallaght to Tempelogue€100,000 has been approved for Design to development a new high quality cycle route via Spawell Roundabout including improvements to the roundabout itself. Cycle parking at local centres funding of €150,000 has been approved to promote more cycle use in urban area. Dodder Regional Cycle Route - SDDC area – €160,000 has been approved to design development of an off-road cycle and walking greenway along the Dodder corridor from the Old Bawn area in Tallaght down through Firhouse, Tempelogue and Rathfarnham.

Dodder Regional Cycle Route

OPEN SPACE PLAN FOR ORLAGH There has been some disturbance to the open space at Orlagh Avenue as a result of recent infrastructure works connected with the installation of the Boherboy Water Scheme. Residents have requested that it is timely for the upgrading of the open space in terms of landscape and facilities and this was conveyed through the Rathfarnham ACM on a number of occasions. The plan now presented at this meeting includes for: ·

A 2m wide perimeter path around the green area


Thinning and pruning of the existing woodland

· Removal of a complete section of existing woodland

It is intended that the plan will be discussed with the local Residents in the coming weeks. Once agreement has been reached on the proposal it would be intended to implement it over a number of years and to include the works in the Parks Budget over the next four years.

To ask the Manager to place a “Go Slow” on the pole at house No. 51 Lansdowne Park on the Knocklyon Road as part of the Traffic Management Works. Recommended provision of slow text plate at this location.


To ask the Manager could the pedestrian barrier at the start of the Knocklyon Road near houses 65/66

Knocklyon Road be moved nearer the road to stop cars mounting the kerb and reinstated green strip there? If one steel bollard were included this would solve the problem Two bollards to prevent driving on the grass margin were recently installed on either side of the barrier at this location. Two bollards to prevent driving on the grass margin were recently installed on either side of the barrier at this location.

HERMITAGE DRIVE/AVENUE Requested Stop Sign and line at this location A yield sign and line is recommended at this location subject to the provision of statutory approval & funding.

FOOTPATH SCHOLARSTOWN PARK/DARGLE WOOD I have been informed that the long awaited Tarmac surface by the Council Contractor will be completed on the 16th April. Residents will be able to use the footpath from this date. Access gates have been erected at all four entrance points. Ducting is currently being laid. The Council estimate substantial completion by end of April. This includes the majority of the works (footpath finishes, access point finishes and concrete block walls, lights) to secure the open space and allow use by pedestrians and cyclists; the more labour intensive and craft based stone work to cover the concrete block walls will take longer. Also it was agreed with residents that some graffiti removal would take place and that will occur later in the year when weather is hopefully drier. During the course of works it was also decided to repair the existing northsouth footpath as it would require maintenance in the near future and it is most cost effective to complete these works at the same time. The north-south footpath has been excavated and hardcored (when the tarmac is being laid the Parks Department will replace the northsouth footpath with one of same width and position as currently exists). The excavation works have been completed and the digger has progressed to laying the ducting for lighting. The lighting poles will be erected and the tarmac will be laid after that. In order to prevent damage to the wider park area the Parks Department are working off the hardcored pathways; this means that work is progressing slowly but it is necessary to ensure that damage is not caused to the wider parkland.

WHITE CHURCH ESTATE A three ton ban be put in place and signs erected at the entrance to Whitechurch Estate? At present the Gardai cannot enforce the ban of three ton trucks in Whitechurch Estate because there are no signs. In February 2004, South Dublin County Council imposed a ban on the parking of vehicles of 3 tonne and over on public roads within its administrative area, with the exception of roads within industrial estates. With the agreement of the Gardai, signage to this effect was provided at all entry points to the County. Signage is not provided at individual estates. The enforcement of this restriction is a matter for the Gardai.

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