Ministerial report from jan o'sullivan td

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Minister Jan O’Sullivan TD Minister for Housing and Planning


CREATING WARMER HOMES AND NEW JOBS My €50m three year energy efficiency stimulus programme for local authority housing has got off to a flying start. Launched during the summer the target was to complete 5,000 homes by year end. We’ve already completed more than 4,500 homes so far this year. The scheme is targeted at improving the energy efficiency of 25,000 local authority homes between now and 2015. The initiative is part of the jobs stimulus programme Minister Brendan Howlin announced in June. Over the coming months thousands of families will enjoy warmer homes and lower energy bills as a result of improved insulation. The scheme will also create or sustain more than 1000 jobs in the energy efficiency sector.

€50m investment will result in warmer homes and lower energy bills for thousands of families in local authority homes

TACKLING BOARDED UP HOUSES Long-term vacant units are a problem for communities. They prevent a family getting a social home, they are often an eyesore and can become a focal point for anti-social behaviour. In 2014 approximately €15m will be set aside to tackle this issue. My new scheme will ensure that more than 300 additional homes are made available to families in need of housing. It will also ensure that communities aren’t blighted by boarded up houses, left vacant for a long time.

Planning reform will ensure that our future generation thrive in a sustainable Ireland

The scheme will kick off in 2014 and in the coming weeks local authorities will receive details of how to apply for funding under the scheme.

LOCAL AUTHORITY HOUSING CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMME The recent budget signalled the return to mainstream local authority house building for the first time in many years. This is a welcome development. In recent times the housing capital budget was targeted at those with a special housing need – people with a disability, people without a home and the elderly. This was the right choice to make with limited resources. However, providing mainstream social housing is an important Labour Party value and I am now restarting that programme. This important departure was made with the support of the Tánaiste and Minister Howlin and I intend to see it expanded over the lifetime of the Government.

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UNFINISHED HOUSING DEVELOPMENTS Tackling the legacy of the boom and bust years is an important challenge. We’ve achieved progress on the scandals of Priory Hall and pyrite. I am also tackling the legacy of Ireland’s unfinished housing estates. Since 2010 I’ve reduced the number of unfinished estates by more than 50%. This is making a real difference to the quality of life of thousands of families. I am now tackling some of the most problematic estates and a special €10m fund will be available in 2014 to encourage additional investment and completion of housing units in unfinished estates.

Increasing social housing supply is a priority for Labour in Government

REGENERATION The Labour Party has always stood side by side with those who are marginalised and disadvantaged. Despite tough budget conditions, I have maintained investment in regeneration. Regeneration is transforming communities in Ballymun and Limerick. Smaller projects are also making huge changes in Dundalk, Tralee, Cork, Sligo and Longford. Labour’s focus on regeneration will also ensure that the communities in Dublin left in limbo after the failure of a Public Private Partnership model will not be left behind. For example, work is currently being completed at St. Michael’s Estate in Inchicore and I expect significant progress in 2014 in relation to the regeneration Dolphin House and St. Theresa’s Gardens in Dublin’s South Inner City.

Regeneration is transforming communities throughout Ireland

ANTI-SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR Anti-social behaviour can cause misery in communities. As minister for Housing I want to ensure that people who respect their neighbours and contribute to the community are supported, not the tiny minority who don’t care about the community. In the coming weeks new Residential Tenancy legislation will give residents associations and community groups a greater say in bringing cases of anti-social behaviour to the PRTB. In the new year I also intend to introduce legislation that will enable local authorities repossess homes in case of very serious anti-social behaviour.

Jan is working with organisations such as Focus Ireland to end long-term homelessness by 2016

ENDING LONG-TERM HOMELESSNESS Earlier this year I announced the Government’s intention to end long-term homelessness by 2016. Homelessness cannot be tolerated and I am determined to work with voluntary organisations, local authorities and Labour Party colleagues to ensure that we eliminate long-term homelessness. My new homelessness policy places appropriate housing at the centre of our approach. For too long, people who are homeless have been trapped in temporary shelter or hostel type accommodation. This is not an appropriate way to assist a person rebuild their life and the new policy direction recognises that. The best way to tackle homelessness is to provide homes and that is what I intend to see happen. There are huge challenges in meeting the 2016 target – ensuring a steady stream of appropriate accommodation is just one of them. However, homeless is a scandal for a modern European democracy and I’m determined to do all in my power to end long-term homelessness.

Jan O’Sullivan TD Mechanic’s Institute Hartstonge Street, Limerick

Phone: 061 312316 Email: Web: JanOSullivanTD @JanOSullivanTD

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