Nash ged january news drogheda 3087

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Gerald Nash TD


Connolly Hall, Palace Street, Drogheda Email: Office: 041 9810811 Web: @geraldnash

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Drogheda/South Louth/East Meath Live Register Figures 7990


8005 7570

11% DROP IN DROGHEDA LIVE REGISTER FIGURES 58,000 new jobs have been created in the last 12 months, a sure sign that economic recovery is well underway. Over 90% of the new jobs are full time.



We are now creating 5,000 new jobs per month compared to the last three years of the Fianna Fáil government which saw 7,000 people lose their jobs each month. Our next job is to make sure we can bring about full employment and a decent, living wage for everyone. There has been a drop of 11.5% in Live Register in Drogheda over the last year. Tackling joblessness is Labour’s number one priority through Pathways to Work and the Action Plan for Jobs.

SOVEREIGNTY RESTORED AS IRELAND EXITS BAILOUT In 2010 Ireland reached a stage where we could no longer borrow the money to fund our day to day services. The troika officials from the IMF, EU and ECB landed in Ireland and effectively took over from a dysfunctional government. When we entered government, the country was on a cliff edge with five months of money left to keep our schools open and to make social welfare payments. Since then we have restored stability and transformed Ireland’s economic fortunes. On Dec 15th 2013 Ireland left the bailout. There will be no second loan or backup deal. Ireland’s international reputation has been restored. There is still much work to be done but this is an extremely important step on our road to recovery.

Nov 2008 Nov 2009 Nov 2010 Nov 2011

Fianna Fáil

Nov 2012

Nov 2013


FREE GP CARE FOR CHILDREN UNDER-6 Budget 2014 was designed to give something back to those who pay for everything and qualify for little. In the Budget Labour secured funding of €37 million for the rollout of free GP care to children under 6 years of age. This is a commitment we made to help hard-pressed families to meet the day to day costs of rearing children. 250,000 children will benefit from this year’s Budget measure. This the first phase of a plan to roll out free GP care to the entire population.

TAXES ON WEALTH IN BUDGET 2014 Following €500m of Wealth Tax measures in Budget 2013, this year’s budget includes several key measures to tax wealth in Ireland and ensure the burden of adjustments is shared by those who can afford it most. Ireland now has the second most progressive taxation system in Europe. In other words, those who have the most are the taxed the most. ■ Levy on the Banks €150m levy on certain banks and financial institutions to seek the return of funds to the State ■ DIRT Tax – Rate Increase for Savings Standard rate of DIRT for savings increased to 41% for payments made at least once a year. ■ Life Assurance and Investment Funds ‘Exit Tax’ for leaving life assurance policies and investment funds increased to 41%. ■ Pensions Measures Stamp Duty ‘Pension Levy’ to fund the Jobs Initiative to increase to 0.75% for 2014 raising 135m Standard Fund Threshold (SFT) – a subsidy for high earners on large pensions – reduced further ■ ‘Top Slicing Relief’ Abolished Tax reduction on lump sum payments when leaving employment no longer available from 1 January 2014 for ‘ex gratia’ lump sum payments.



Tax relief of 13.5% is available from 25th October 2013 for families who invest in their homes in 2014 and 2015 following a proposal by the Labour Party. The Home Renovation Ged with Minister for Housing, Jan O’Sullivan TD Initiative is designed to incentivise renovations and increase demand for small construction jobs. The relief will be given as a tax credit over two years on spending of €5,000 up to a max of €30,000 and must take place in your principal private residence. The scheme will only apply to registered builders with a tax clearance certificate, to help tackle the shadow economy. Covered work includes extensions, renovations, window fitting, plumbing, tiling and plastering.

Prior to the Budget I was contacted by many parents and teachers in the constituency, who were concerned about the impact of any further increase to class sizes. Education has always been a priority for the Labour Party and this budget shows our commitment to protecting frontline education services.

EXTRA FUNDING FOR HOME HEATING GRANTS €57 million is available in grants for people to make their homes warmer and help them reduce energy costs. If you want more information about how to apply for the schemes please contact me by email at or call me on 041 9810811

Budget 2014 brought in the following arrangements for education: ■ Class sizes protected at primary and secondary level. ■ Book rental schemes for all primary schools ■ Parents to be consulted on school uniform costs ■ 2,800 additional school staff, including classroom teachers and resource teachers to be hired between 2013/14 ■ 390 extra SNAs to be appointed this year ■ Student grants have been kept at the same rate as 2013 ■ The reintroduction of the €70 million minor works and summer works programme for schools

GERALD NASH TD - PUTTING DROGHEDA FIRST BUILDING NEW SCHOOLS The new extension for St. Joseph’s CBS, Newfoundwell Road will start in 2014. New schools to be built in the current programme of work in the town also include St John’s & St Paul’s National School’s, Rathmullen and the new Ballymakenny College second level Educate Together/Education & Training Board college. The headquarters of the new Louth-Meath Education and Training Board (the former Louth & Meath VECs) will soon be located in Drogheda. The location of a new government agency in the town is good news for the area.



The world famous Giro d’Italia will be welcomed to Drogheda in May. Keeping the VAT rate in the hospitality sector at 9% is a welcome boost for jobs in the tourism industry in Drogheda. I also look forward to continuing to work with Minister of State Alan Kelly TD to extend the Boyneside Trail for locals and tourists alike.

The Mill, Drogheda, South Louth & East Meath’s new Enterprise Hub is now complete and has opened its doors to several new companies. 70 Louth businesses have already signed up to JobsPlus, Minister Joan Burton’s scheme which provides direct cash payments to companies who take on those who are long term unemployed. Labour is helping entrepreneurs to set up businesses by providing those who are unemployed and want to start a business with income tax exemptions for two year. Drogheda’s unemployment rate has fallen by 11% in the last year.

A VIBRANT TOWN CENTRE Drogheda Town Centre’s new six-screen cinema is on-track to be completed soon and represents a huge boost to the centre of our town. We can also look forward to the new Scotch Hall Phase 2 development.

WORKING WITH DROGHEDA’S YOUNG PEOPLE Drogheda Youth Development’s new Boomerang Youth Café on Fair Street has opened and is already a huge success. I am delighted to have had a long association with this project and was very pleased to recently secure an additional €50K in capital funding for the café. The government has provided almost €1.5 million to the Drogheda & Dundalk GENESIS project which will work on early intervention projects with families and young people at risk of poverty and disadvantage.

MEETING OUR HOUSING NEEDS I was instrumental in promoting investment in the Boice Court housing project in Mell. This year, the government announced that money would be made available to start building Council homes again. I am working with the Minister for Housing to secure projects for Drogheda. I am pleased to have supported the North & East Housing Association home building scheme at Moneymore which is on target.

HEALTH UPDATE I have worked hard for local women to deliver the extension to the Lourdes Hospital Redress Scheme. I am also working to ensure a just and fair outcome for the women who have been impacted by the barbaric practice of symphysiotomy. Judge Yvonne Murphy has been appointed by the government to work with the women concerned. ■ A site has been identified for a new Primary Health Centre on the North of the town and negotiations are ongoing. ■ More patients than ever are being treated at Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital and the number of patients waiting on trollies has decreased by 50% in the last year. ■ The construction of a new state of the art 35 bed Mental Health Facility at Crosslanes Drogheda has commenced. ■ Plans are advancing for a new extension to Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital.

SOCIAL PROTECTION – ALMOST €20 BILLION SPEND FOR 2014 ■ Over €1 billion to be spent supporting jobseekers to be job-ready - €85 million more than in 2013 ■ ALL weekly social welfare rates, including carers allowance, half-rate carers allowance, disability payments, invalidity payments protected by Labour ■ Child benefit maintained ■ Weekly State pension maintained IN FULL ■ Free travel, free tv licence & 6 month fuel allowance protected

€500 MILLION TO SUPPORT BUSINESS & CREATE JOBS Jobs and growth are our top priority to get people back to work. A package of 25 measures was unveiled on Budget Day along with increased investment in shovelready projects. These included: ■ Tax relief for home improvement & renovation ■ Two years tax free for long term unemployed who start their own businesses.

GERALD NASH TD IN THE DÁIL As a member of the Dáil’s Public Accounts Committee, I am currently involved in a number of investigations, including the scandalous top-up payments made by certain health agencies to their senior staff. This practice will be brought to an end. In the Dáil in recent months I have focused on areas as diverse as economic development, employment rights, climate change legislation and justice for ‘The Disappeared’.

■ €30 million for energy efficiency & retrofit schemes.

As Chair of the Oireachtas Friends of Palestine, I am working with members from all parties to ensure that Ireland's voice is heard in seeking a just and lasting settlement to the Palestinian question.

■ Reduction of Air Travel Tax to 0% - to encourage new routes, deliver new visitors and create more jobs in tourism. As result of this Ryanair has already announced 9 new routes and an additional 300 jobs.

I am also active on the issue of Immigration Reform in the US. This issue affects hundreds of families in Louth & East Meath.

■ Capital Gains Tax Relief for Entrepreneurs to encourage people to re-invest the proceeds from the sale of business assets into new companies and employment.

You can keep up to date with my work in Dáil Eireann by following me on Facebook or Twitter.

■ Increasing the threshold for the Credit Review Office from €500,000 to €3 Million to ensure that SMEs get the finance they need from the banks. ■ Supporting Cash-flow in Retail – the VAT cash receipts threshold is to be increased from €1.25 million to €2 million. ■ Protecting Honest & Compliant Businesses – stronger VAT antifraud measures and increased Revenue powers on tobacco, fuel & alcohol smuggling.

Dáil Office: Leinster House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2 Phone: 01 618 3576 Constituency Office: Connolly Hall, Palace Street, Drogheda Phone: 041 981 0811

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Gerald Nash TD


Email: Fax: 01 618 4397 Web:

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