Deputy Joanna Tuffy newsletter

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Overleaf... ■ help for those in debt and mortgage arrears

from Joanna Tuffy TD

■ EU Presidency ■ Comhairle na nÓg


■ Junior Cert Reforms ■ Anti bullying Framework

WHAT OPPORTUNITIES ARE THERE FOR JOBSEEKERS? The levels of unemployment are unprecedented. My priority as your local TD is to make this the Government’s main focus this year. A number of initiatives were announced in the budget. While more needs to be done, there are opportunities out there for local people in search of employment and who need experience, education and training. Here are some of the schemes that may suit you:

of social welfare payments including Jobseeker’s but also Carer’s Allowance and the Widow(er)’s Pension amongst others - all listed on the Springboard site. You might also be eligible if you are actively seeking employment and either signing on for credits or previously self-employed .There is no minimum time for these eligibility criteria.

Momentum - If you are unemployed for 12 months or longer you may be eligible to apply for one of the projects on the Government's new Momentum programme. Projects include education and training in areas of high employment in the future. Some projects are aimed at those 25 and under. Momentum projects include work placements and links to identified job vacancies and employers. Lists of projects are available on the Momentum website where you can search by area or by category such as Dublin and or Sports/Leisure or Engineering related. Eligibility: You must either be in receipt of Jobseeker’s Allowance/benefit for 12 months or more, or signing on the live register for Social Insurance credits for 12 months or more. Periods on Youth Reach and certain other schemes may be counted towards the 12 months required. You must apply through your nearest employment services office to confirm your eligibility and get assistance in identifying a suitable Momentum project. Participants continue to receive their jobseekers payments while on the course. Springboard - Eligibility requirements for Springboard cover more types of participants. The courses are free and are delivered by private and state providers including third level colleges. Keep an eye on if you want to increase your prospects of finding work by adding to your qualifications. Eligibility: You can be in receipt of one of a number

TUS - The Tús initiative is a community work placement scheme providing short-term working opportunities for unemployed people since 2011. Unemployed people who are eligible for the scheme will be identified and contacted by their social welfare local office and offered the opportunity to participate in the scheme. If they agree they will be referred to their local development company where they will be recruited for a suitable placement when it becomes available. You can read more about the selection process on Social Employment and Community Employment Schemes There are to be 3000 Social Employment places nationwide run by local authorities who are being encouraged by the Department of Social Protection to apply to sponsor these places. 2000 extra Community Scheme places are to be provided bringing the total places above 25,000. More details in the local Employment Services Offices.

Joanna Tuffy TD holds an information session for constituents in her office with Robert Dowds TD

Where to get information: As well as the websites listed above, you can obtain Jobbridge - information on jobseeker opportunities from the 3000 extra JobBridge places were announced in Citizens Information Centres. In addition, if you wish Budget 2013 by the Minister for Social to contact me, I can arrange to post you out Protection,Joan Burton TD. JobBridge is a information and forms. I am also holding Government initiative designed to offer jobseekers information sessions for jobseekers at my office and an opportunity to enhance their skills and add new if you would like to receive notice please email me ones through an internship lasting 6-9 months. The or phone my office with your contact details. internships are very diverse with a range of employers, both public and private. A report last Please note that the above information is not a definitive guide to training or education services. You should also consult with October found that 52 % of JobBridge 'finishers' the local Social Welfare Offices, the FAS Local Employment were currently in paid employment since finishing Services Offices, the local library, the VEC and other training and their internships. You can apply at education providers.See overleaf for some useful contact numbers.

Eligibility: You must have a live claim and be in receipt of Jobseekers Allowance/Jobseekers Benefit/One Parent Family Payment/Disability Allowance or signing for Social Insurance Contribution credits for at least 3 months (78 days).

HOW TO CONTACT YOUR LOCAL REPS Joanna Tuffy TD Dáil Eireann, Leinster House, Dublin 2

Robert Dowds TD 01 618 3446

Cllr. Breeda Bonner 087 413 2627

Cllr. Caitríona Jones 087 203 4427

Emer Costello MEP 01 874 6109

Dáil Office: 01 6183822 Constituency Office: 01 6218400 Email: Web: Joanna Tuffy TD @joannatuffytd

Cllr. Eamon Tuffy 086 386 3173



I welcome the announcement by the Minister for Children and Family Affairs, Frances Fitzgerald, that €1 million is being allocated by the Government for the development of new youth cafés.

Clondalkin Employment Services Office Main Street, Clondalkin, Dublin 22 Tel: +353 (0)1 4591766 Tel: +353 (0)1 4591612

Thanks to the efforts of local young people, the youth services, the Council, residents and local public representatives, there are a couple of youth cafés in Dublin Mid West. These have provided a place for young people to go and hang out with friends and make new friends. They also facilitate youth services and training. I would like to see more youth cafés both locally and nationally and this funding allows for that possibility. The Labour/Fine Gael Government has already provided €700,000 in 2011 and 2012 for youth café developments.

Citizens Information Centre Ballyowen Castle Community Centre, Lucan Phone: 0761075090

Community and voluntary organisations with a minimum of three years experience of working with young people and the delivery of youth services can apply and information is available from the Department of Children and Youth Affairs and Pobal. There is a toolkit and a booklet "Youth Cafés in Ireland: A Best Practice Guide” on the Department of Children and Youth Affairs website.

Ballyfermot Employment Services Office Ballyfermot Hill, Dublin 10 Tel: +353 (0)1 6055900

Rathcoole Community Centre Main Street, Rathcoole Phone: 4586134 Job Seeker Support Group Griffeen Centre, Lucan Phone: 6217640

Clondalkin Adult Youth & Education Centre (County Dublin VEC) Telephone Number: 01 4670225

PROPERTY TAX HELP AVAILABLE FOR THOSE IN MORTGAGE ARREARS AND DEBT The Personal Insolvency Act has been made law. This Act provides for certain categories of people to work their way out of debt by reaching agreement with their creditors. The new mechanisms under this act are Debt relief, Debt Settlement Arrangements and Personal Insolvency Arrangements. There is also a shorter period for discharge from bankruptcy brought in under this legislation. The legislation won't provide the way out of debt for everyone but it will help some people in unsustainable debt. Under the legislation an Insolvency Service is due to be established and when this happens debtors should be able to start accessing the mechanisms for debt relief under this bill. There are services that will advise people in debt and or mortgage arrears including the Free Legal Aid Service, MABS and the Citizens Information Service. Banks are also regulated by the Central Bank and the Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process. Some mortgage holders are eligible for Mortgage Interest Supplement through the Department of Social Protection. If you’re affected by debt and need someone to point you in the right direction please feel free to contact me for advice.


For further information regarding Local Property Tax you can phone the Revenue Commissioners on Lo-call 1890 200 255 by post: LPT Branch, P.O. Box 1, Limerick, or Aertel: Page 593. Web: Please note it is recommended that you only ring Lo-Call 1890 number using a land line as calls using mobiles may be expensive or if I can be of any help please do not hesitate to contact me at 016183822.

ACCOUNTANTS TO PROVIDE FREE, INDEPENDENT ADVICE ON RESTRUCTURING OFFERS TO DISTRESSED MORTGAGE HOLDERS Mortgage holders offered long-term restructuring by their lenders can avail of free, independent financial advice from more than 2,000 accountants nationwide. The provision of the advice is a key element of the Mortgage Arrears Information and Advice Service and the Government’s wider response to the mortgage arrears issue. The Mortgage Arrears Information and Advice Service is run by the Citizens Information Board under the remit of the Department of Social Protection. The Service includes the website and the Mortgage Arrears Information Helpline (0761 07 4050), both of which provide information to people who are having difficulties meeting their mortgage repayments. The Service also includes a Panel of Accountants, established to offer independent financial advice to borrowers who are offered a long-term resolution proposal by their lender, such as a split mortgage, mortgage-to-rent, or long-term interest only. The cost is borne by the lender, who will pay €250 to an accountant of the borrower’s choice from the panel.

Ireland holds the Presidency of the European Union until the end of June. As part of this I am co-chairing two meetings in Dublin Castle of Chairs of Committees in the Parliaments of EU member states and the European Parliament - a meeting in April on the issue of Youth Unemployment and in June on the Digital agenda. I hope that the outcome of Ireland's term of holding the Presidency is that a Youth Guarantee is adopted by the EU that would guarantee young people unemployed for a certain length of time either a job, or a place on a suitable training programme. I will also urge that the EU counter austerity by investment in education, and capital works that will create jobs.

ANTI BULLYING FRAMEWORK Minister Ruairi Quinn has launched an Anti Bullying Framework for schools. It is a template for schools to tackle bullying and involves a whole school approach.

COMHAIRLE NA nÓG ADDRESS OIREACHTAS EDUCATION AND SOCIAL PROTECTION COMMITTEE As Chair of the Oireachtas Education and Social Protection Committee I Chaired a meeting addressed by representatives of Comhairle Na nÓg and Dail Na nÓg who spoke of work they had done on the issue of the social, personal and health education curriculum and sexuality and relationship education and mental health promotion in schools. The representatives gave evidence of a lack of consistency in the delivery of these subjects in schools and the need for initiatives to tackle this deficiency. If you are a young person interested in having your say in politics you might like to find out more about the work by the local Comhairle Na nÓg - South Dublin County who can be contacted through the Community Services Department in South Dublin County Council. Phone 414900 (ext. 4183) or email Joanna Tuffy TD


Cllr. Caitriona Jones and Joanna Tuffy TD at Archbishop Ryan SNS Art Exhibition

Cllr. Jones, Robert Dowds TD, Joanna Tuffy TD and Cllr. Eamon TUffy with Liffey Sound Maria Murphy at Launch by Liffey Sound

Tommy Keogh signs 'Monastery Boot' for Cllr. Breeda Bonner and Joanna Tuffy TD

Joanna Tuffy TD, Emer Costello MEP, Dr. Safra Ahshamari and Cllr. Eamon Tuffy at launch of exhibition at Clondalkin Intercultural Centre

Robert Dowds TD and Joanna Tuffy TD with Minister Joan Burton at Ronanstown Youth Service

Event to mark long and distinguished service of Michael Gannon

Michael Gannon and Michael Brennan at event to mark Eamon Gilmore, Michael Gannon, Jack O'Connor and Michael's long and distinguished service for the Labour Joanna Tuffy TD movement.

Cllr. Breeda Bonner and Joanna Tuffy TD with Tommy Keogh at the launch of 'Monastery Boot'


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