WRL Presentation - Annual Meeting ICOMOS-IFLA - Delhi 2017

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ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

WORLD RURAL LANDSCAPES A worldwide initiative for global conservation and management Lionella Scazzosi (with Raffaella Laviscio) Annual Meeting in New Delhi- Progress December 2017


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes



ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes



The International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes ICOMOS-IFLA (ISCCL) has decided to promote a Document on Rural Landscapes (ISCCL Meeting in Fontainebleau 26 October-2 November 2011) and has launched in 2012 the World Rural Landscape Initiative that aims to promote worldwide cooperation in the protection, understanding and management of rural landscapes, starting from the awareness that rural landscapes are a cultural heritage around all the world. The contents of the Initiative are to be embodied in: ✓ A Principles Text. It encompasses: definitions of rural landscape and its values, action’s principles to ensure understanding, protection, sustainable management and transmission of rural landscapes. ✓ A series of Appendices to the Principles Text. These will include topics such as: an overview of the state of rural landscapes in the world (atlas) and specific studies on topics or regions, a glossary of key terms, a bibliography. ✓ A Website for collaboration and dissemination of the Initiative that will be associated with a web workspace, and a collaborative network.


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes


Principles Text The document has been the subject of intensive work in recent months (till end of July) by the WG members: - has passed the scrutiny of the national and scientific committees of ICOMOS and other international cultural organizations (FAO, EUCALAND, some experts, etc.). - It was adopted by IFLA on the General Congress in Montreal - Canada (2017, October 15-16th) - It is ready for endorsement at the ICOMOS General Assembly in New Delhi (2017, December 11-15th ).

Glossary The existing draft Data-Base at world level has been implemented until 2016 by the contribution of some members; a Latin America and the Caribbean Working group has worked to define a Regional Glossary.

Web site (www.worlrurallandscape.org) • • •

WRL web site has been connected to the ISCCL new web site (with the support of Monica Luengo). Some pages have been restructured and updated in the contents; concerning the glossary, for example, a form to collect definitions has been added. For the creation of an on-line atlas, several technical and informatics checks suggest creating a easier structure: a static map instead of a dynamic map, easier to manage, and static reports (pdf) linked to the map instead of reports on-line modifiable by many users.

Bibliography: it is to be created (in connection with ISCCL Bibliography edited by Joachen Martz)


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

PRINCIPLES TEXT „Principles concerning rural landscapes as heritage“/ Principes concernant les paysages ruraux comme patrimoine

Preamble/Preambule Principles/Principes I. Definitions/Définitions A. B. C. D. E. F. G.


Rural landscape/ Paysage rural Rural landscape as heritage/ Paysage ruraux comme patrimoine Importance/Importance Threats/Menaces Challenges/ Defis Benefits/Avantages Sustainability of rural landscapes/Durabilite’ des paysages ruraux

Action criteria/ Critères d'action

1. Understand rural landscapes and their heritage values/Comprendre les paysage ruraux et leur valeurs patrimoniales 2. Protect rural landscapes and their heritage values/Proteger les paysages ruraux et leur valeurs patrimoniales 3. Sustainably manage rural landscapes and their heritage values/Gerer durablement les paysages ruraux et leur valeurs patrimoniales 4. Communicate and transmit the heritage and values of rural landscapes/Communiquer et transmettre le patrimoine et les valeurs des paysages ruraux


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes


Structure : after the dissemination of draft guidelines related to the structure of the Atlas, several comments were received by some WRL WG members. They confirm the opportunity to clarify methodological approach rather than give a comprehensive collection of all rural landscapes of the world. A new Atlas structure is proposed.

The WRL Classification was revised (especially by P-M Tricaud) and implemented referring to new examples and UNESCO sites.

• •

The WRL Systems description was revised adding a form to identify and describe WRL units. Web Conference: within the study of WRL, Rural landscape&Villas system study has been improved (after Bath 2016). A small working group is consolidating and is preparing a web conference for JanuaryFebruary 2017 (also with the help of a Phd student in historic gardens preservation (see attachment).

The division of geographic areas of the Atlas to classify rural landscapes is still being revised.

Italian group is working on the use of videos for description, characterization, history telling and assessment of rural landscapes. He is collecting and translating them in English. They will be uploaded on the web site in next months.


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

Atlas a. Atlas structure


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

Atlas b. World rural landscapes classes for inventory


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

Atlas c. World rural landscape

systems (form) to identify and describe rural landscape units

Example of «sistem» description:


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

3. NEXT STEPS On Principles’ Text: To disseminate and use the Document: • For example, in Milan, there will be a public presentation at the end of March 2018. The event aims to share the document with national authorities, several Ong, and scholars. • For example, in Culture- Nature Journey it is used ….. To translate the Text in other languages, first Spanish and Italian (any volunteers?).

On Atlas: • • • •

WRL Classification: deeper revision, experimenting it using case studies from Regions (any volunteers?). WRL Systems description: experimentation (Web conference on “Rural landscape&Villa” is scheduled on January-February 2018). Enhance, use and add some deep works prepared at Regional level at Milan Meeting 2014 (Australia, North America, South America, etc.…) as Introduction of the Regions. Preparing reports on Milan rural landscapes to be added on the on-line map of the Atlas.

On web site: •

To implement the section concerning ISCCL Documents: Principles’ Text; Atlas Methodological Documents; Glossary (draft version)

On Glossary: • •

Implementation of some of the listed words. Translation of the words (not of the definitions) in other languages (French, Spanish, Italian, …)nese… )


ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes Rural landscape&villas. Web-Conference (scheduled on January-February 2018) Politecnico di Milano is organizing a web-meeting on "Rural landscapes of Villas" for next January -February 2018. It will be a forum to discuss relationships between villas and rural landscapes all over the world. During the congress on Capability Brown (Bath 2016) and the Annual Meeting of ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes- ISCCL (Bath 2016) a small group of scholars agreed on the opportunity to highlight more than today, in historic gardens studies, relationships between villas-gardens and their agricultural land and activities. As historians of gardens stress, usually villas have been the centre of huge rural productive landscapes (estates): villa-garden-rural landscape is a functional and formal historical system, not only limited to the "villa-gardens" unit. Aim of the web-meeting is to collect and document examples of this types of rural landscape systems around the world, as first basis for larger and deeper studies. Many examples of Rural landscape systems of villas can be found in Italy, as in Tuscany (most of them Medici villas) or in Veneto. Many examples could be found in other countries of Europe (Germany, France, UK) and there are even small examples, such as the manorial landscapes of Scandinavia or East Europe. Other examples can be found in other Continents (as English estates in Australia or huge estates in North America, both realized especially since XVII-XIX century). In many cases, villa, together with its garden and rural land, is not a single complex, but it can be seen as part of a larger scale system, involving other villas-estate belonging to the same place and forming an articulated complex. Landscape historians, practitioners and/or academics in Landscape Departments are invited to take part to this web-meeting in order to create a first form of collaboration. Contacts: Lionella Scazzosi: lionella.scazzosi@polimi.it (Politecnico di Milano)

Raffaella Laviscio: raffaella.laviscio@polimi.it (Politecnico di Milano)

Virginia Neri: virginia.neri@unifi.it (Università degli Studi di Firenze)

Scholars and members of ICOMOS-IFLA ISCCL interested: Elizabeth Brabec (ebrabec@larp.umass.edu) – U.S.A; Annegreth Dietze (annegreth.dietze@nmbu.no) – Norvey; Nathalie De Harlez (ndeharlez@digiline.be) – Belgium Kate Felus (kate@historiclandscapes.co.uk) – UK [Monica Luengo (monica@atpaisaje.com) - Spain] Herman van den Bossche (herman.vandenbossche@vlaanderen.be) - Belgium From Italy: Vincenzo Cazzato; Giorgio Galletti; Luigi Zangheri; Giuseppe Rallo; Margherita Azzi Visentini; Alberta Campitelli



Landscape system

Rural properties


castle- villa Rural village



ICOMOS-IFLA International Scientific Committee on Cultural Landscapes

Thank you for your work!!!!

WORLD RURAL LANDSCAPES A worldwide initiative for global conservation and management Lionella Scazzosi (with Raffaella Laviscio) Annual Meeting in New Delhi- Progress December 2017

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