Middle School Art Lesson Plan - Visual Poetry Printmaking

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Lindsay Abramo Lesson Plan TITLE: Visual Poetry: Creating Prints Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages GRADE LEVEL: Intermediate TIMELINE: Three 40 minute classes DESCRIPTION: For this lesson students will use magazine and newspaper clippings to create scratch foam board prints that address an important issue, topic, or theme of the students choice. They will draw inspiration from John Baldessari’s photomontage artwork. The students will choose two images from the newspaper and magazine clippings that can be combined to create a commentary about an important issue of their choice. Students will use juxtaposition and appropriation of their images to visually represent what they are trying to say. The students will speak their mind using the juxtaposition of imagery and printmaking to represent their important message. Essential Questions: • How can images be used to tells a story? • Why is it important to explore issues that impact our lives? • How can the juxtaposition of images be used to create a commentary about important issues? OBJECTIVES: • Students will view and discuss the work of artist John Baldessari • Students will be able to use expressive qualities and imagery to represent their theme • Students will be able to understand the artistic process of printmaking • Students will be able to use their art making practice to respond to what is happening in society STATE STANDARDS: Standard 1: Creating, Performing, and Participating in the Arts Standard 1 B: Intermediate Students will know and use a variety of sources for developing and conveying ideas, images, themes, symbols, and events in their creation of art. Standard 2: Knowing and Using Arts Materials and Resources Standard 2 A: Intermediate Students will develop skills with a variety of art materials and competence in at least one medium. Standard 3: Responding to and Analyzing Works of Art Standard 3 D: Intermediate Students will compare the ways ideas, themes, and concepts are communicated through the visual arts in other disciplines, and the various ways that those ideas, themes, and concepts are manifested within the discipline. Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages


Standard 4: Understanding the Cultural Contributions of the Arts Standard 4 C: Intermediate Students will create art works that reflect a particular historical period of a culture. MOTIVATION / ACTIVITIES: Day One: (40 minutes) Introduction: • Assess prior knowledge • Students will be asked questions to spark their interest and find out what they already know Activities: • Powerpoint presentation • Introduce the artist • Students will be shown images of John Baldessari’s photomontage artwork • Student will be asked observational questions throughout the presentation • Introduce new vocabulary and have the students respond to these new terms • Juxtaposition - Placement of two thing next to each other, especially for comparison (same) or contrast (different) • Appropriation - Adopt, borrow, or recycle images • Discuss the artist’s process of creating artwork Introduce the project and explain how to complete the “Talk Back” think sheet • • With the remaining class time, the students will fill out the “Talk Back” think sheet that will help them decide on a issue, topic, or theme that they will address in their artwork • Clean-up Closing: • Students will be asked to reflect of a few closing questions: • “What is one new thing you learned today?” • “Would anyone like to share the issue, topic, or theme they have chosen for this project?” • A few students will be asked to share their answers with the class • Students who have not completed their think sheets will be asked to complete it for homework Day Two: (40 minutes) Introduction: • Review what was learned in the prior class • Ask students questions to assess prior knowledge • Review new vocabulary Activities: • Explain today’s activities and demonstrate project • The students will be instructed to look through the pile of pre-cut magazine and newspaper clippings

Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages


• Students will have five minutes to choose two images that can be juxtaposed to address their topic • After choosing their images, the students will be instructed to attach their images to the scratch foam board • If the students have extra time they can begin carving out their image • Clean-up Closing: • Students will be asked to reflect of a few closing questions: • “Why is it important to explore issues that impact our lives?” • “Would anyone like to share the issue, topic, or theme they have chosen for this project?” • A few students will be asked to share their answers with the class Day Three: (40 minutes) Introduction: • Review what was learned in the prior class • Ask students questions to assess prior knowledge • Review new vocabulary Activities: • Explain today’s activities and demonstrate project • The students will be given a demonstration on basic printmaking techniques • Students will finish carving out their images and prepare to print • Students will each complete two prints • After their prints are complete, students will fill out their self assessment/checklist • Clean-up Closing: • Students will place their best print at their table and all students will walk around viewing their classmates artwork like a gallery walk • Students will be asked to reflect of a few closing questions: • “What did you think about the artwork your classmates created?” • “Could you understand what issue, topic, or theme was being addressed in the artwork you looked at?” • “Any final comments or reflections?” • A few students will be asked to share their answers with the class ADAPTATIONS FOR EXCEPTIONAL STUDENTS: • Students having difficulty choosing a topic for their project, they will have the opportunity to work with a partner • Students having difficulty juxtaposing images will have the opportunity to choose pre-selected pairings of magazine or newspaper clippings • Students having difficulty physically carving out their images will have have the opportunity to use other printing materials such as pre-cut stamps to complete their prints

Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages


KEY TERMS: • Juxtaposition • Placement of two things next to each other • Especially for comparison (same) or contrast (different) Appropriation • • Adopt, borrow, or recycle images SUPPLEMENTAL MATERIALS: • Powerpoint presentation • “Talk Back” Think Sheet • Student Assessment / Checklist Handout PROJECT MATERIALS: • • • • •

Colored Paper Images from magazines and newspapers Scissors Scratch-foam board Ink

• • • • •

Brayers Wax paper and tape (ink slab) Ballpoint pens or hard tool for carving Masking tape Large manilla envelopes to hold materials


John Baldessari EXEMPLAR: NEGATIVE: Scratch Foam Board BEFORE PRINTING

Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages



ASSESSMENT RUBRIC: Rated 0 - 4 (Zero being the lowest and five being the highest score)




1. Completed “Talk Back” think sheet and chose a topic, theme, or issue

Did not complete think sheet (0)

Partially completed think sheet but did not choose a topic (1)

Completed think sheet but did not choose a topic (2)

Completed think sheet and chose a topic (3)

Completed think sheet and chose a topic with thoughtful consideration (4)

2. The artwork addresses a topic, theme, or issue that is important to the student

Did not choose a topic, theme, or issue (0)

Chose topic but not important to the student (1)

Chose topic but was unsure of the importance (2)

Addressed topic that was important to the student (3)

Thoughtfully addressed topic that was important to the student (4)

3. The artwork juxtaposes two images

Did not use any images (0)

Only used one image (1)

Used two images but no juxtaposition (2)

Successfully juxtaposition of two images (3)

Thoughtful juxtaposition of two images (4)

4. The images are carefully chosen to tell a story about an important topic, theme, or issue

Did did not chose images (0)

Chose images at random and did not attempt to tell a story (1)

Chose images but did but not tell a story (2)

Carefully chose images to tell a story (3)

Carefully chose images to tell a powerful story (4)

5. Carved the image onto the scratch foam board using proper printmaking techniques

Did not carve an image (0)

Image is partially carved but did not use proper technique (1)

Image is carved but did not use proper technique (2)

Image is carved and proper technique was used (3)

Image is meticulously carved and proper technique was used (4)

6. Printed image twice using proper printmaking techniques

Did not print (0)

One print complete but did not use proper technique (1)

Two prints complete but did not use proper technique (2)

Two prints complete and proper technique was used (3)

Meticulously printed and proper technique was used (4)

7. Wrote name and topic of artwork on the back of print

Did not write anything (0)

Did not include name and/or topic of artwork on the back of the print (1)

Wrote name but did not write topic of artwork on the back of the print (2)

Wrote name and topic of artwork on the back of the print (3)

Neatly wrote name and topic of artwork on the back of the print (4)

Worked throughout class time with care and focus

Did not work throughout class time (0)

Rarely worked during class time (1)

Sometimes worked during class time with care and focus (2)

Frequently worked during class time with care and focus (3)

Always worked during class time with care and focus (4)

Helped with classroom clean-up

Did not help with cleanup (0)

Rarely helped with classroom clean-up (1)

Sometimes helped with classroom clean-up (2)

Frequently helped with classroom clean-up (3)

Always helped with classroom clean-up (4)

Student uses artistic creativity to enhance their final artwork

Did not attempt to be creative (0)

Lacked creativity and did not enhance final artwork (1)

Creativity was attempted but did not enhance final artwork (2)

Creativity was noticeable and enhanced final artwork (3)

Creativity significantly enhanced final artwork (4)

TOTAL GRADE: Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages

/ 40 5

STUDENT SELF ASSESSMENT / CHECKLIST: Checklist: Please check YES or NO box after completing each step





1. Did you COMPLETE the “Talk Back” Think Sheet? 2. Did you CHOOSE a TOPIC, THEME, or ISSUE that is important to you? 3. Did you JUXTAPOSE (combine images that compare or contrast) TWO IMAGES? 4. Do your IMAGES TELL A STORY about your TOPIC, THEME, or ISSUE? 5. Did you CARVE an image onto the SCRATCH FOAM BOARD? 6. Did you PRINT your image USING PRINTMAKING TECHNIQUES learned in class? 7. Did you WRITE your NAME and TOPIC of your print on the BACK of your ARTWORK? Checklist: Please check YES or NO box after completing each step 8. Are you happy with your print? 9. Did you have fun? 10. Did you learn something new? Please answer the following questions: What issue, topic, of theme did you choose? How do the images you chose relate to your theme?

Is there anything else you would like to share about your artwork?

Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages



k c a B alk

PLEASE LIST THREE problems in this world that are important to you (War, body image, poverty, hunger, global warming, immigration, peer pressure, or anything that comes to mind)

Name: ___________________________ PLEASE LIST THREE things in your everyday life that you want to change (anything that pops into your head!) ! !

1. ________________________________




2. ________________________________ !

________________________________ !

3. ________________________________ ________________________________

1. ___________________________ ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ ___________________________ 3. ___________________________ ________________________

PLEASE LIST THREE things in your community that you want to change (violence, togetherness, public art, etc.) 1. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 2. ___________________________________________ ___________________________________________ 3. ___________________________________________ _________________________________________

Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages

ic p o T a g n i s Choo ! INDIVIDUALLY, go thru your lists and decide what TOPICS, THEMES, or ISSUES were your favorite

" BASED ON LIST #1, please LIST THREE TOPICS, THEMES, or ISSUES that you think is the most interesting 1. ___________________________ 2. ___________________________ 3. ___________________________


# CHOOSE ONE TOPIC, THEME, or ISSUE that you will use for your art project _____________________________

$ What WORDS, PHRASES, or IDEAS come to mind when you think of _____________________________? (fill in the theme you chose for #3)

Please LIST below: (Think about how you can tell a story about your topic, theme, or issue)

Lindsay Abramo - Visual Poetry Inspired by John Baldessari’s Photomontages

PRINTMAKING - STEP BY STEP Using Scratch-Foam Board Lindsay Abramo Master of Arts in Teaching - School of the Art Institute of Chicago CHOOSE TWO images

CUT image to size of board



CHARGE BRAYER (Spread paint onto roller)



ADD DETAILS with a hard tool


FLIP over foam board and PRESS onto PAPER


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