Super Clean Gas Filters TM
Simply the best
EP-B-0606960 U.S. Patent 5.478.378
Cartridge Type
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Ultra-high capacity High-purity output ensures 99.9999% Pure gas “Quick connect“ fittings for easy, leak-tight cartridge changes
To check our latest promotions and learn about our lowest price guarantee which can result in a 50% lower price compared to plastic Gas Clean filters.
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To see the complete list of reasons why you should upgrade to Super Clean Gas filters and not downgrade to plastic Gas Clean filters.
Glass inside to prevent diffusion; plastic outside for safety Easy-to-read indicators Super Clean Gas filters are compatible with Gas Clean filter systems To get more information on where to buy Super Clean Gas filters.
Now is the perfect time to UPGRADE your filter systems From Clean...
Plastic filter housing as used in older filter design
SUPER Clean!
Patented Super Clean Gas filter design using glass
Plastic housing Plastic housing Contaminants
Glass housing
Contaminants He He
EP-B-0606960 U.S. Patent 5.478.378
As glass prevents diffusion it ensures a leak -tight and contaminant free system, only filtering out contaminants from the gas and retaining the Helium inside
As plastic is diffuse , it will allow contaminants not trapped by the filter to enter your system and Helium will leak out.
From protection... Plastic filters offer less protection when overheated or damaged on the indicator capacity.
From waiting...
Plastic filters have less choice for combining different filtering materials into a single, easy to use economical cartridge.
From partly indicating... Plastic filters are only available with Moisture and Oxygen indicators...
Plastic outside for inside to prevent diffusion! Longer indicating capacity and ‘emergency‘ adsorbent after indicator is saturated.
INSTANT usage! Eliminate stabilization time by choosing
Plastic filters are not suitable for pre Helium flushing as the Helium will escape through the plastic housing. Therefore the stabilization time for plastic filters used on helium gases is significantly longer compared to our helium specific filter
From expensive...
ULTIMATE protection!
from our range of pre- flushed Argon specific, Helium specific or Hydrogen specific filters, or custom flush with our flush foot to other gas specific needs. No expensive (helium) gas is wasted for stabilization.
COMPLETELY indicating!
Save space, money and environment by choosing single filters which combine different materials such as our triple filter for GC/MS (Carrier Gas) and our combination filters for FID (Fuel gas), or a combination of both.
Super Clean Gas filters are available with indicators for Moisture, Oxygen and Hydrocarbons.