Summer Arts Prize - Sponsorship Document

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8 Clarendon Cross | W11 4AP | London

Lacey Contemporary Gallery, based in Holland Park, London, opened its doors in September 2014. We are a contemporary art gallery representing Britishbased artists, and focussing on painting and sculpture. As a gallery, our ethos is to work closely with a small stable of emerging artists, which allows us to retain a personal relationship with each artist we work with. As a mission statement, we aim to work with contemporary, emerging artists, that exhibit strong craftsmanship and technique at the forefront of their work. In keeping with this gallery ethos, Lacey Contemporary is proud to launch their inaugural

Summer Arts Prize to support emerging talent both locally and across the

world. The Summer Arts Prize encourages diverse artworks in all mediums, and provides non-represented artists with an opportunity to exhibit in our beautiful new space. The arts prize will take place in August 2015 with a two-week exhibition of the selected finalists at the gallery, and the overall prize winner and runner-ups selected by a panel of invited judges from the London Arts industry. We are calling out to companies who wish to align themselves with The Summer Arts Prize, by donating cash or in-kind support to our award which will go directly to the winning artists. This includes the exciting opportunity to become our naming sponsor which allows your company to align themselves with a regular (annual) arts prize, make use of our extensive promotion, and give something back to the emerging art markets. We are also looking for secondary partners who are willing to donate smaller cash prizes or in-kind support for our runner-up prizes. as well as partners who can assist with the event catering. Benefits may include naming rights to a specified runner-up award, as well as extensive promotion through the Summer Arts Prize marketing campaign to artists, curators, and the art-world in general. If you are interested in being a sponsor for our Summer Art’s Prize 2015, please read on for further information on our sponsorship levels and benefits.

Launching in 2015, the Summer Arts Prize will present a varied collection of painted, sculptural, drawing, printed, and photographic works, which explore and celebrate the diversity of, and different approaches to each of these mediums. The aim of this competition is to surprise, challenge and impress entrants and audiences alike, whilst championing emerging contemporary artists who are in the pioneering stages of their careers. From March 2015, Lacey Contemporary will launch an extensive campaign, calling out to artists to enter the competition. The campaign will make use of a variety of channels including: - Networks in the local press - Online advertising sources - Network of local and international artists - List of collectors and buyers - Social media channels - Printed flyers in businesses throughout London.

A finalist exhibition, comprising of approximately 20-30 works selected by the gallery, will be opened to the public this August at Lacey Contemporary Gallery, located in Clarendon Cross (W11).This shortlist exhibition will then be judged by a selected panel of judges including representatives from our sponsors and the London art industry, culminating in a winner’s announcement event hosted by the gallery. The winner of the Summer Arts Prize, as chosen by our panel of judges, will receive a generous cash prize (or equivalent) from our Gold Naming sponsor. Three other shortlisted artists selected by our judges panel will then receive highly commended awards with prizes donated by our Silver Sponsors. Every work selected for the exhibition is eligible to win the Visitors’ Choice Award, a further small cash prize (or equivalent), which will be voted for by visitors to the exhibition. The Summer Arts Prize 2015 will be the first of its kind at Lacey Contemporary, and will target emerging artists working in all mediums from all around the world. We wish to establish the prize as an annual event and hope to have a naming sponsor who will want a long-term relationship with the event.

We are currently looking for ONE naming (Gold) sponsor for the Arts Prize who will donate the main prize money for the overall winner, as well as up to four subsequent (Silver) sponsors for the smaller Highly Commended awards. Sponsoring our Summer Arts Prize provides you with the unique opportunity to connect with the Clarendon Cross, Holland Park and Notting Hill communities, by building brand awareness, and showing your company’s serious investment in the emerging art markets. A lengthy marketing campaign of six months will provide long-term recognition and exposure across a variety of media outlets and marketing channels. This document outlines the sponsorship packages available. Any package is open to negotiation and your input is valued.


Large Cash Prize (at least £1000) or equivalent, for example: • Studio Space • A public commission • In-kind prize of substantial value • Further suggestions welcome

Benefits to the Sponsor: • Naming Rights to the Arts Prize - i.e “The XXXX Summer Arts Prize at Lacey Contemporary” • Representative from your company to be on the judging panel for the Arts Prize (optional) • Representative from your company to help present the awards at the main opening event (optional) • The opportunity to use our gallery space to host a networking event for your company and clients during the course of the exhibition. • Acknowledgement of company name and logo on prominent signage at official event • Name and logo on all advertisements for the prize in print and online (see outline of marketing campaign on pages following) • London wide flyer distribution for the competition and event • Social media recognition through the gallery networks - Noticeable shift to positive feedback on social media channels • Inclusion on VIP lists for invitations of Private Views and special events – Opportunity to meet the artists. • The alignment of your company with the emerging arts industry in London.


Small Cash Prize (at least £200) or equivalent for example: • Gift Vouchers • Art Supplies/Framing • Printing services/products • Further suggestions welcome

Benefits to the Sponsor: • Naming Rights to one of the award categories within the prize - e.g The XXXX Highly Commended Award or The XXXX peoples choice award. • Company logo listed as a sponsor on all advertisement for the prize in print and online (see outline of marketing campaign in page following) • Company logo printed on our London wide flyer distribution during May/June during the call-out to artists • Company logo printed on our official invitations to the opening night event and private view for the finalists exhibition at Lacey Contemporary • Social media recognition through the gallery networks - Noticeable shift to positive feedback on social media channels • Inclusion on VIP lists for invitations of Private Views and special events – Opportunity to meet the artists • The alignment of your company with the emerging arts industry in London.


In-kind support for our opening night event and award night • Drinks supplies/catering • Hire equipment • Exhibition Catalogue printing • Further suggestions welcome

Benefits to the Sponsor: • Exclusive rights to the event (e.g the only wine served to our audiences and VIP guests) • Professional photography of your product at the event • Company logo listed as a sponsor on all advertisement for the prize in print and online (see outline of marketing campaign in page following) • Company logo printed on our London wide flyer distribution during May/June during the call-out to artists • Company logo printed on our official invitations to the opening night event and private view for the finalists exhibition at Lacey Contemporary • Social media recognition through the gallery networks - Noticeable shift to positive feedback on social media channels • Inclusion on VIP lists for invitations of Private Views and special events – Opportunity to meet the artists • The alignment of your company with the emerging arts industry in London.

Below is a brief outline of the intended marketing campaign for the Summer Arts Prize. Sponsors of the prize will have their logo included on all marketing material both printed and online, and will be listed in all our press releases for the event. Lacey Contemporary has close ties with the Arts Press in London as well as the local Notting Hill press. See opposite page for a selected list of coverage that the gallery has already had in local and arts press, since opening in September 2014.

Target Audience: • • • •

Practicing Artists of all mediums both UK and international Collectors of emerging contemporary art Arts press and industry in London Audiences of all ages interested in viewing and buying emerging contemporary art

Advertising and Press: • • • • • • • • • •

• • • •

Online marketing campaign with an international and UK focus to target artists (including a range of online listings, call-outs on blogs, social media, press listings etc) 2000 Competition flyers distributed to residences and businesses throughout key London boroughs (March - July 2015) 2000 Flyers advertising the Finalist exhibition distributed to residences and businesses through out key London boroughs (late July 2015) Printed invitations for VIPs and press guests for the private view of the exhibition in August March/April: Written press release announcing exhibition and key partners to be release to our extensive mailing list (2000+) including buyers, collectors and press contacts May: Written press release to our mailing list as further call-out to artists to enter the competition June: Written press release to our mailing list for final call to artists for exhibition July: Written press release to our mailing list announcing shortlist for the Arts Prize and details of the opening night and exhibition August: Written press release to our mailing list for the Opening of the exhibition. Advertised listing of Finalist exhibition in the New Exhibitions printed brochure and online listing (25,000+ copies of the print edition distributed via art galleries, museums and art venues throughout the UK & Ireland) Online advertised listings targeting city of London to promote finalist exhibition and winner’s announcement event Printed and electronic invites to the Summer Arts Prize winner’s announcement event Partners/sponsors recognised on in-gallery signage and labelling Partners/sponsors recognised on the Lacey Contemporary website, with links to partner’s/sponsor’s website/s

Examples of recent editorial and coverage from press since Lacey Contemporary opened in September 2014

Notting HIll Post, January 2015

Notting Hill & Holland Park Magazine January 2015 edition

Sleek Art Online, December 2014

CHASED), Dec 2014

Platform505, Oct 2014

Out of Home International, Oct 2014

Notting Hill & Holland Park Magazine October 2014 edition

Ultra Vie, Oct 2014

Halpern Hotlist, October 2014

CURA Magazine, Oct 2014

World Arts Online, Oct 2014

Aesthetica Magazine, October 2014 (exhibition review)

Artweek, Oct 2014

The Hill Online, 23 Sept 2014

FAD Magazine Online, Sept 2014

Aesthetica Magazine, August 2014 (exhibition review)

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