6 minute read

Facility Adjustments





• SIGNAGE – Set up at all public facing locations/areas including parking lot entrance, front entrance, and elevators.

Parking lot guard station signage

Elevator signage throughout ISD facilities

Lobby entrance signage

Detail of elevator signage


• FRONT LOBBY SECURITY GUARD DESK – Installed an acrylic partition on the front part of the Security Guard Desk.

Eastern front lobby security guard desk with partition installed

• CASHIER WINDOW – An existing security glass partition between staff and the public keeps both parties safe. Since the beginning of the Safer at Home order, the

Cashier Window has been staffed by one employee at a time on alternating workdays.

This arrangement will remain in place for the balance of the COVID-19 public health emergency.

Eastern cashier’s window with existing glass partition

• LUNCHROOMS AND BREAKROOMS – Facilities staff are monitoring the use of these rooms, which employees are entering only to use refrigerators, microwaves, and toaster ovens. Employees are eating lunch at their desks or outdoors.


• BID DESK – Installed an acrylic partition on the front part of the Bid Desk where vendors normally drop off bids in response to solicitations.

Eastern bid desk with partition installed

• PURCHASING AND CONTRACTS ADJUSTED PROCESSES – o Use of technology for communication is being maximized for all meetings, including vendor fairs. o Vendors/contractors may submit bids and proposals electronically in response to solicitations. o Virtual meeting technologies are being used in lieu of in-person meetings and site visits required by Purchasing and/or Contracting policies and procedures. o Vendor Self Service (VSS) link: https://doingbusiness.lacounty.gov/ The website highlights three urgently required services/goods allowing vendors interested in submitting bids/proposals for those goods or services to easily do so: 1. Request for Quotes for Medical Shelter Rooms, 2. Personal Protective Equipment, and 3. COVID-19 Donations. The VSS website also allows vendors/contractors to register their business with the County, provides them with access to view open solicitations, awarded contracts, and other key information.

County of Los Angeles Internal Services Department Presents


Physically Distanced, Virtually Connected


Virtual Contract Connections vendor fair flyer

 Learn how to register as a vendor to do business with Los Angeles County.  Learn about preference programs and small business funding.  Discover opportunities about upcoming Countywide solicitations and how to become a qualified contractor for various County Master Agreements.

RSVP by Friday, July 24, 2020 at https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/CCRSVP2020

Questions contact: ISDContracts@ISD.lacounty.gov

Screenshot of the LAC VSS homepage (https://lacovss.lacounty.gov/webapp/ VSSPSRV11/AltSelfService)



BUILDING 1102 Not public facing, except for the warehouse loading dock. The building has large open spaces; Not public facing, except for the warehouse loading dock. The building has large open spaces; employees physically distance and wear face covers. Signage has been placed at side employees physically distance and wear face covers. Signage has been placed at side entrance to the building where there is a heavily used large hallway. There is signage posted at entrance to the building where there is a heavily used, large hallway. There is signage posted the warehouse loading dock for delivery trucks. at the warehouse loading dock for delivery trucks.

Warehouse loading dock signage with detail


Not public facing, but the building is shared with the Fire Department, Sheriff’s Department, and Centerra (the contractor that services County vehicles). The building has large open spaces; employees physically distance and wear face covers.


Not public facing. The building has large open spaces; employees physically distance and wear face covers. Houses ISD Special Events personnel and equipment; few employees are present.


Not public facing. Employees physically distance and wear face covers.


• Hand sanitizer is available for use by all at the front entry. This is in addition to the hand sanitizer that is provided for each employee.

• IN-PERSON HR PROCESSES – Face covers are available for both staff and employee candidates who are not already wearing them. Upon arrival, the employee candidate is asked to wash their hands, and staff conducting the finger printing wear Nitrile/Latex gloves, which they replace with new clean ones between employee candidates.


• ENTRY RAMP AND FRONT DESK – Currently in the process of procuring an acrylic partition to be installed on the front portion of the front desk. Due to vendor supply backlog, the expected completion date is August 2020.

HR Annex entryway signage

HR Annex front desk

• LUNCHROOMS AND BREAKROOMS – Facilities staff are monitoring the use of these rooms, which employees are entering only to use refrigerators, microwaves, and toaster ovens. Employees are eating lunch at their desks or outdoors.


• The Probation Department is the proprietor of the Downey facility and, therefore, determines facility adjustments.

• ISD provided three safety precaution sandwich boards to Probation to use throughout the building.

Downey parking lot signage

Downey main entrance signage


• ISD has been participating in weekly meetings with the three other building occupants:

Probation, Auditor/Controller, and Registrar Recorder to discuss safety precautions at the building. The proprietor, Probation, has agreed to install an acrylic partition on the front part of the guard desk at the front main entrance to the building, as well as to require that its employees use face covers.

Downey main entrance guard station

• ISD staff are provided PPE, practice physical distancing, and wear face covers.

• Hallway, lunchroom, and restroom doors, in the part of the building occupied by ISD, are propped open to reduce interacting with high touch surfaces and for better air circulation.

Doors throughout Downey propped open

• LUNCHROOMS AND BREAKROOMS – Facilities staff are monitoring the use of these rooms, which employees are entering only to use refrigerators, microwaves, and toaster ovens. Employees are eating lunch at their desks or outdoors.

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