Los Angeles Council District 13 Highlights

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City Hall 200 N Spring St, Rm. 480 Los Angeles CA 90012 213-473-7013

District Office 1722 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90026 213-207-3015

Contact us online councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org





Four-time Olympic gold medalist Lenny Krayzelburg helped kick off the Fifth Annual Fitness Challenge, an event which serves to promote healthy and active lifestyles in the 13th Council District (CD13). O’Farrell’s annual event includes 5th graders from Kingsley, Rosemont, Glenfeliz, Dorris Place, and Vine Street Elementary schools. The students participated in five activity stations, including gymnastics, a one-mile run, a relay exercise, yoga, and an educational health and hygiene experience. The Fitness Challenge is one of many initiatives by the Councilmember to improve the health and wellbeing of young Angelenos across the City.

More than 200 seniors participated in an annual resource fair which is geared toward providing even greater access to supportive services for those constituents in their golden years. The annual event is sponsored by Councilmember O’Farrell, and serves to bring government agencies and community organizations together to provide attendees with information regarding services. Partner organizations include: Department of Aging, City of Los Angeles Housing Authority, Department on Disability, Metro Los Angeles, LA LGBT Center, and St. Barnabas Senior Services. We were also honored to have two fantastic performances from the Pink Lady & Senior Star Power and STOP Senior Scams.


On Monday, October 8, the Native American community celebrated the first-ever Indigenous Peoples Day with thousands of people including artists such as Black Eyed Peas, Pat Vegas of Redbone and his son PJ Vegas, Darlene Perkins, Levi Ponce, and Votan. The inaugural event was held at City Hall and Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles, and was a momentous day for Native Americans and for Angelenos. Councilmember O’Farrell, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, continues to send a message to other municipalities across the country that replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is essential if we are to ever eliminate the false narrative that Christopher Columbus discovered America. O’Farrell was also instrumental in working with his County colleagues and the community in removing the Columbus statue from Grand Park.



In January of 2018, the Silver Lake community celebrated the debut of the long-awaited South Dam walking path, which expands public access to the Silver Lake Reservoir. Creating the South Dam walking path was an element in the 2000 Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoir Master Plan, but since that time much has changed. Through an agreement with LADWP and the City’s Bureau of Engineering, a new master plan will be created through a robust community engagement process guided by Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell. Photo: Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell with Assemblywoman Laura Friedman.

Friends: One of the great privileges of my life is to serve as your representative on the Los Angeles City Council. Along with the honor comes the responsibility of improving our neighborhoods.

EMBARKING ON NEXT STEPS FOR THE RESERVOIR With the support of Councilmember O’Farrell, the City’s Bureau of Engineering (BOE) is about to embark on a two year, community-driven process to develop a new Master Plan for the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex. As project manager, the BOE will help guide the future improvements at the site. Following an exhaustive search, the firm Hargreaves Associates was selected to lead the engagement with stakeholders and City staff on a plan for the Complex. This is one step of many in working with the Silver Lake community to craft a vision for the future of the Silver Lauke Reservoir Complex. Community outreach will begin in Spring 2019.

My staff and I are working on your behalf to create more affordable housing, house the homeless, and improve our existing infrastructure by enhancing pedestrian safety and accessibility while beautifying public spaces. These are just some of my top priorities in office, and are areas of shared interest in all the communities in the great 13th District. Here’s a list of what we’ve been working on together over the past year. I will always lead the way to improve your quality of life throughout the district as well as in our great city. It is an honor to serve on the City Council, and I look forward to working for you --and with you-- in the year ahead. Warm regards,

Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell

COMMUNITY CLEAN UPS AND BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS Councilmember O’Farrell is taking action on the Los Angeles City Council to make our neighborhoods cleaner, safer, and more inviting. During the Councilmember’s first term in office, he organized more than 48 community walks throughout the 13th District to bring City Hall and its resources to residents, and introduced them to Senior Lead Officers with the Los Angeles Police Department. Month after month, hundreds of volunteers and community partners joined us to participate in service projects to improve the neighborhood. Photo: Volunteers with Project Angel Food assist with a beautification project in Hollywood.


BUILDING MORE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Councilmember O’Farrell is working to ensure our community partners continue to maintain a steady pace of constructing more affordable housing units in the 13th Council District. Since taking office, more than 1000 units have been built. Councilmember O’Farrell also negotiated hundreds more through the City Planning process. The construction of these residential and mixed-use projects resulted in hundreds of good-paying construction jobs, as well as hundreds more with the opening of ground floor retail at many of these locations, all contributing to the local economy. During his time in office, Councilmember O’Farrell initiated a value capture ordinance, which extends affordable housing requirements across the board, for all projects, regardless of a project’s pathway to approval. This incentive-based approach will create certainty on this issue and result in tangible units of affordable housing city-wide. Photo: City leaders and supportive services organiztion People Assisting the Homeless break ground on PATH Metro Villas.

Councilmember O’Farrell contracted with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps to create two Council District 13 (CD13) Clean Teams. The crews go out to every neighborhood in the district, including the Los Angeles River, five days a week, to pick up bulky items and perform light trimming of overgrown shrubs and trees that might be blocking sidewalks and line of sight on our roadways. Across the 13th District, both Clean Teams serviced more than 800 sites in 2018. They have also assisted staff at numerous neighborhood events and worked with local organizations on clean up projects and maintaining our community gardens. Follow Councilmember O’Farrell on social media to see a weekly “before and after” photo of the work taking place.

2882 Trees Trimmed

383 Tons of Bulky Items

22.12 Lane Miles Resurfaced Slurry 36.41 Lane Miles

29,313 sq. ft. Potholes Fixed


HELPING OUR HOMELESS The first Measure HHH project in the City broke ground in the 13th District, and Councilmember O’Farrell is identifying other sites that can use HHH funding to build supportive housing with wrap-around services. Additionally, with state funding, the Councilmember is establishing a “Bridge Home” housing facility in Hollywood that will temporarily house homeless individuals while connecting them to permanent housing. Councilmember O’Farrell has established mobile restroom facilities throughout the district and is supportive of expanding these services to include mobile showers. Additionally, Councilmember O’Farrell is working to launch safe parking sites throughout the district that includes case management and supportive services. Photo: artist rendering of the Schrader Bridge Housing facility.

DRIVING ENVIRONMENTAL POLICY Los Angeles is now the largest city in the nation to move forward with a ‘Plastic Straws on Request’ initiative, with the ultimate goal of phasing out single-use plastic straws altogether by 2021. The initiative, spearheaded by Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell, was unanimously approved by the Los Angeles City Council. Photo: Heal the Bay’s “monstrawsity” attacks during the announcement by Councilmembers Mitch O’Farrell and Nury Martinez of a policy to reduce our single use plastic waste.

Through his role in the City’s Arts, Entertainment, Parks, and Los Angeles River Committee, Councilmember O’Farrell is working to restore our river and make it more accessible to residents. O’Farrell is directing policy to establish the first Enhanced Infrastructure Financing District (EIFD) to capture millions of existing property tax dollars for habitat restoration, brownfield remediation, improvements to the public rights of way, and generate production of low and moderate income housing in some of the river adjacent communities. The Councilmember also worked on policy to improve the water quality and proper notification protocols when bacteria levels rise to unsafe levels. O’Farrell continues to support the Los Angeles River Recreation Zone for greater river access to the general public during the summer months, He also funds a clean team to service the area. With the Councilmember’s advocacy, two new pedestrian bridges are fully funded and will break ground in the Atwater and Elysian Valley communities this coming spring.

IMPROVING PEDESTRIAN SAFETY Since being sworn into office in 2013, Councilmember O’Farrell’s top transit priority is improving pedestrian safety and accessibility along major corridors and around our learning institutions. In his first term in office, O’Farrell completed five streetscape projects; Sunset Streetscape in Echo Park, Sunset Junction Streetscape in Silver Lake, and the Micheltorena Safe Routes to School Streetscape also in Silver Lake; Fletcher Drive in Glassell Park; and the Hollywood-Western Streetscape. Each streetscape includes improvements such as sidewalk repair, high visibility crosswalks, upgraded signals, and in some case new trees and bike infrastructure. In addition to these improvements, Councilmember O’Farrell worked with local stakeholders and City departments to install new signalized crosswalks at some of the district’s busiest stretches of roadway, such as the t-intersection of Mohawk and Sunset Blvd near Fire Station 22. O’Farrell also worked on the installation of a new scramble crosswalk at the iconic Los Angeles intersection of Hollywood Blvd and Vine Street, enabling pedestrians to cross from any direction.

SUPPORTING SMALL BUSINESSES AND OUR LOCAL ECONOMY During his first term in office, Councilmember O’Farrell has worked to bring more jobs to the 13th District, strengthen the economy, and make it easier for our locally owned mom-and-pop businesses to thrive in the City of Los Angeles. O’Farrell announced his ‘Open For Business’ reform initiative which has helped streamline the way entrepreneurs obtain permits, cut the bureaucratic red tape associated with opening a business, and reduce the upfront costs for operators to open their doors. Councilmember O’Farrell is a member of the committee that oversees citywide policy on the entertainment industry in Los Angeles. PHOTO: Each month, the Team Mitch “Lunch Bunch” visits a local and independently owned restaurant and shares about the experience on social media. Photo: Councilmember O’Farrell presented a certificate of appreciation to the owners of Tlayuda.



In January of 2018, the Silver Lake community celebrated the debut of the long-awaited South Dam walking path, which expands public access to the Silver Lake Reservoir. Creating the South Dam walking path was an element in the 2000 Silver Lake and Ivanhoe Reservoir Master Plan, but since that time much has changed. Through an agreement with LADWP and the City’s Bureau of Engineering, a new master plan will be created through a robust community engagement process guided by Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell. Photo: Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell with Assemblywoman Laura Friedman.

Friends: One of the great privileges of my life is to serve as your representative on the Los Angeles City Council. Along with the honor comes the responsibility of improving our neighborhoods.

EMBARKING ON NEXT STEPS FOR THE RESERVOIR With the support of Councilmember O’Farrell, the City’s Bureau of Engineering (BOE) is about to embark on a two year, community-driven process to develop a new Master Plan for the Silver Lake Reservoir Complex. As project manager, the BOE will help guide the future improvements at the site. Following an exhaustive search, the firm Hargreaves Associates was selected to lead the engagement with stakeholders and City staff on a plan for the Complex. This is one step of many in working with the Silver Lake community to craft a vision for the future of the Silver Lauke Reservoir Complex. Community outreach will begin in Spring 2019.

My staff and I are working on your behalf to create more affordable housing, house the homeless, and improve our existing infrastructure by enhancing pedestrian safety and accessibility while beautifying public spaces. These are just some of my top priorities in office, and are areas of shared interest in all the communities in the great 13th District. Here’s a list of what we’ve been working on together over the past year. I will always lead the way to improve your quality of life throughout the district as well as in our great city. It is an honor to serve on the City Council, and I look forward to working for you --and with you-- in the year ahead. Warm regards,

Councilmember Mitch O’Farrell

COMMUNITY CLEAN UPS AND BEAUTIFICATION PROJECTS Councilmember O’Farrell is taking action on the Los Angeles City Council to make our neighborhoods cleaner, safer, and more inviting. During the Councilmember’s first term in office, he organized more than 48 community walks throughout the 13th District to bring City Hall and its resources to residents, and introduced them to Senior Lead Officers with the Los Angeles Police Department. Month after month, hundreds of volunteers and community partners joined us to participate in service projects to improve the neighborhood. Photo: Volunteers with Project Angel Food assist with a beautification project in Hollywood.


BUILDING MORE AFFORDABLE HOUSING Councilmember O’Farrell is working to ensure our community partners continue to maintain a steady pace of constructing more affordable housing units in the 13th Council District. Since taking office, more than 1000 units have been built. Councilmember O’Farrell also negotiated hundreds more through the City Planning process. The construction of these residential and mixed-use projects resulted in hundreds of good-paying construction jobs, as well as hundreds more with the opening of ground floor retail at many of these locations, all contributing to the local economy. During his time in office, Councilmember O’Farrell initiated a value capture ordinance, which extends affordable housing requirements across the board, for all projects, regardless of a project’s pathway to approval. This incentive-based approach will create certainty on this issue and result in tangible units of affordable housing city-wide. Photo: City leaders and supportive services organiztion People Assisting the Homeless break ground on PATH Metro Villas.

Councilmember O’Farrell contracted with the Los Angeles Conservation Corps to create two Council District 13 (CD13) Clean Teams. The crews go out to every neighborhood in the district, including the Los Angeles River, five days a week, to pick up bulky items and perform light trimming of overgrown shrubs and trees that might be blocking sidewalks and line of sight on our roadways. Across the 13th District, both Clean Teams serviced more than 800 sites in 2018. They have also assisted staff at numerous neighborhood events and worked with local organizations on clean up projects and maintaining our community gardens. Follow Councilmember O’Farrell on social media to see a weekly “before and after” photo of the work taking place.


City Hall 200 N Spring St, Rm. 480 Los Angeles CA 90012 213-473-7013

District Office 1722 Sunset Boulevard Los Angeles CA 90026 213-207-3015

Contact us online councilmember.ofarrell@lacity.org





Four-time Olympic gold medalist Lenny Krayzelburg helped kick off the Fifth Annual Fitness Challenge, an event which serves to promote healthy and active lifestyles in the 13th Council District (CD13). O’Farrell’s annual event includes 5th graders from Kingsley, Rosemont, Glenfeliz, Dorris Place, and Vine Street Elementary schools. The students participated in five activity stations, including gymnastics, a one-mile run, a relay exercise, yoga, and an educational health and hygiene experience. The Fitness Challenge is one of many initiatives by the Councilmember to improve the health and wellbeing of young Angelenos across the City.

More than 200 seniors participated in an annual resource fair which is geared toward providing even greater access to supportive services for those constituents in their golden years. The annual event is sponsored by Councilmember O’Farrell, and serves to bring government agencies and community organizations together to provide attendees with information regarding services. Partner organizations include: Department of Aging, City of Los Angeles Housing Authority, Department on Disability, Metro Los Angeles, LA LGBT Center, and St. Barnabas Senior Services. We were also honored to have two fantastic performances from the Pink Lady & Senior Star Power and STOP Senior Scams.


On Monday, October 8, the Native American community celebrated the first-ever Indigenous Peoples Day with thousands of people including artists such as Black Eyed Peas, Pat Vegas of Redbone and his son PJ Vegas, Darlene Perkins, Levi Ponce, and Votan. The inaugural event was held at City Hall and Grand Park in downtown Los Angeles, and was a momentous day for Native Americans and for Angelenos. Councilmember O’Farrell, a member of the Wyandotte Nation, continues to send a message to other municipalities across the country that replacing Columbus Day with Indigenous Peoples Day is essential if we are to ever eliminate the false narrative that Christopher Columbus discovered America. O’Farrell was also instrumental in working with his County colleagues and the community in removing the Columbus statue from Grand Park.

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