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USPS is bringing you closer to home a little bit sooner

USPS is now about... personalizability

The United States Postal Service is turning user friendly. Our new mission is customer service and personability. This service is prepared to offer you an experience more simple, more convenient, and more personal than ever before. Our capabilities are no longer limited to our own products, but to whatever means you and your family require from us. Your service is a sacrifice of many different things. It doesn’t have to be a sacrifice of family. Let us help make your sacrifice a little bit smaller..

What is Solase?

Soldase is a branch of the United States Postal Service aimed at bringing a more personable approach to the postal system. As in many other countries, post is becoming about consumer convenience, service, and preference. USPS is bringing this idea to the states in the form of a new branch of connection. The Soldat branch of USPS offers all kinds of capabilities not offered before. There are options for personalization, access to other kinds of services, and an added convenience of never having to leave home. Packaging takes on a new meaning and the compilation of products from across the economy becomes a reality. The options are endless, and the end product is a happy customer and the connection of people of all different relationships and distances.

So it’s basically... ...the branch of the USPS that is bringing you closer to home by bringing home to you. This is an interface meant to allow the users, you and your family, to stay connected through more than just technology. This service gives your family the abiltiy to send you weekly, monthly, or annual compilations of gifts,

supplies, letters, photographs, etc. All you have to do is select and send. Every aspect of this service is personalized to you and your family. For instance, your family has designed the can in which you recieved this message. Learn how to enhance and strengthen your bonds with loved ones in the service,

What can it do?

The purpose of this service is to bring you closer to home. We enable your family to do online shopping for you, compile it in to one account, and then send it when it’s full. This compilation can include in-person letters, pictures, and other memoribilia as well. Our goal is to set up an interface in which your family can send you whatever it is you want or need during your service abroad. The online capabilities are tools for your family and yourself, but do not limit the personable quality of your account.

»» Locate soldier abroad with the help of the official Army Locater service »» Compilation of products from online shopping sites »» Compilation of personal memoribilia, letters, pictures, albums, tidbits, etc. »» Combining all sources mentioned above in to one package to be sent to the abroad soldier »» Personability and with the other online capabilities, as complex or as simple a proccess as desired »» Ability to personalize products and the selection of products

We miss you!

»» Ability to personalize packaging »» Soldier wishlist, accesible to

How does it work? Browse any store

Add selections to your USPS cart

Pay for items when ready

It will be packaged when instructed

And sent to you

All you have to do is know what you want and get ready to show the love... Don’t forget that your family always has the option to come in person to a USPS store and add anything to the package and the account. Personalization is an option with every step of this process. Keep an eye open for those little details. You never where your family might try to brighten your day.

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It’s up to them to...

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Tell their friends

What goes on my wishlist?

»» How often do you want your family to send your package? »» Would you prefer products found online or physical memoribilia? »» Can you think of anything you would like to have that you forgot to bring with you? »» Are there any personal affects from home you miss? »» Are there any events back home you wish you had been to? »» Is there anything you really need more of, or anything that the country you are in does not supply you with? »» Can you give your family any guidance or clues as to how they can best meet your needs from a distance?

Don’t let the distance hold you back from what matters

Don’t wait. Let Soldat bridge the gap between reality and home. You’re family believes this is the best way. They know they can’t be with you right now and that patience is the only way forward. They’ve been there for you your whole life, and for the first time, it feels like there’s nothing they can do for you. That’s about to change. Your family is going to make your sacrifice a little bit easier. Let us help them. Let us help you.

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USPS Headquarters 475 L’Enfant Plaza SW Washington DC 20260-0004

USPS is bringing you closer to home a little bit sooner

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