ISSUE#11 presents the 'Screening Sculptures' exhibition curated by Georgia Stephenson (UK) and Ania Sokolova (RUS) in summer 2021 and it's artists: Eleanor McLean, Emily Stapleton Jefferis, Fanny Gicquel, Momo Xun, Petra Schott and Laura Pirgie.
"'Screening Sculptures' invited selected artists to take their sculptural works and explore their filmic quality with dynamism. They have embraced the medium of film as a new landscape for their works to inhabit, and have employed their sculptures as characters, elevated and accelerated by their setting.
" - Georgia Stephenson
"'Screening Sculptures' for me is a kind of multi-layered story about social online reality and the emergence of art in it, which can argue with any reality types." - Ania Sokolova
'Screening Sculptures' is the online video connection of artist, viewer, curator and daily social networks.
11 cm x 14 cm. 50 pages. Limited edition.
Autumn, 2021