2 minute read
At the He(ar t)
from March 3, 2023
by Ladue News
A booming, innovative galler y scene lives right under our noses in the center of the city. These five galleries make up an important part of the C entral West End’ s art community.
TheartgallerysceneintheCentralWestEndis well-established,tosaytheleast–someofthe galleriesinthisguidehavebeenaroundfor almost30years–butit’salsoascenerichwith novelty,asitevolvesinrhythmwiththebroaderartworld.
“Theneighborhoodisalwaystryingtoimproveonitself, therefore,wearenotanisolatedisland,”galleryownerDuane Reedsays.“Instead,weareacommunityoflikebusinesses, teamingtalentandenthusiasticloveforthearts.”
ExploreSt.Louis’premierfinearthubthroughour CentralWestEndgalleryguide.
Opensince1994,DuaneReedGalleryisoneofthelongest-standing galleriesintheCentralWestEnd OwnerandfounderDuaneReedhas seentheneighborhood’sartsceneflourishovertheyears.“Havingagallery intheCentralWestEndmakessense,”Reedsays.“Theneighborhood isfilledwithrestaurantsandcompatiblebusinessesthatareeasily accessible. OnourMcPhersonblockarethreeothergalleriesthatare verydiverse…Ican’timaginebeinganywhereelse.”DuaneReedGallery specializesincontemporaryartworkwithafocusonmaterial-basedwork, includingceramics,glass,fiberandmixedmediaconstructionfilledwith detail,textureandcomplexity.“Weareparticularlyknownforexhibiting majorceramicartiststhathavebeeninfluentialintheirfieldaswellas encouragingthosewhoarebreakingtherulesandchanginghowwe lookatthings,”Reedsays.
DuaneReedGallery,4729McPhersonAve,St Louis,314-361-4100, duanereedgallerycom

Fine,contemporaryandmodernpaintingsreignsupremeatPhilip SleinGallery,asidefromtheoddsculptureorphotograph,ownerPhilip Sleinsays.Asitentersits20thanniversaryyear,Sleinsayshe’sputting togetheraspecialanniversaryshowhighlightingabreadthofartiststhat he’sworkedwithoverthelasttwodecades.SleinsaysthattheCentralWest EndhasbeenSt.Louis’go-togalleryhubforthelast20years,andhewants peopletoknowthatit’sopentoeveryone.“Galleriesarenotjustaplaceof commerce;they’reaplaceoflearning,”Sleinsays.“Wereallywantpeople toknowthatwhilesometimesitmightbedifficulttobreakthatthreshold andcomeintoagallery–weunderstandthatgalleriescanbeintimidating places–wereallyencourageallpeople–youngpeople,seriouscollectors, justcasualbrowsers–tocomeintothegalleryandfamiliarizethemselves withwhat’sgoingoninthecontemporary paintingworld”

Houska Gallery
What started out as pop artist Charles Houska’s working studio in 1998 has become a nucleus of artistic collaboration and community. With a goal to elevate artists, Houska Gallery avidly supports St. Louis’ local art scene. Although Houska’s artwork is still for sale and has a home in the gallery, the other showrooms are populated with frequently rotating group shows featuring contemporary up-and-coming artists, both local and beyond Current exhibitions include the work of Roscoe Hall, whose work illustrates brutality, confidence and faith, and Michael Hoffman, a local St. Louis artist who paints geometric, graphic compositions.

Houska Gallery, 4728 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, 314-496-1377, houskagallery.com
projects + gallery
Revolution is at the heart of Barrett Barrera Projects’ gallery, projects + gallery The concept is the brainchild of a crossdisciplinary group of founders, and as such, pushing boundaries and deconstructing how art is defined in society is a prime focus for the gallery. Its website states, “the more unexplored, unusual and crossdisciplinary, the better.” Regional, national and international artists in all manner of mediums have all been shown at this conceptually open gallery.
projects + gallery, 4733 McPherson Ave., St. Louis, 314-696-8678, projects-gallery.com
Link Auction Galleries
This gallery and auction space gets its name from Theodore Link, the German-American architect who designed Link Auction Galleries’ historic building – complete with a gorgeous chapel and courtyard – at 5000 Washington Place. Link Auction Galleries specializes in finding homes for fine art, antiques, decorative art, regional art and more. If you ’ re in the market for buying museum-level artwork or selling rare items, Link should be the first stop on your journey. Link usually hosts auctions monthly ; check its website for specific dates and times.

Link Auction Galleries, 5000 Washington Pl., St. Louis, 314-454-6525, linkauctiongalleries.com

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