2 minute read
Innovation Hub
from June 25, 2021
by Ladue News
A New Way to Work
By Brittany Nay | Photo by Maddie K Photography
MPWR STL, a new incubator and collaborative workspace for women-owned businesses, is already helping many of the metro area’s female entrepreneurs take their ventures to the next level. LN recently spoke with creator Betsy Nacrelli, MPWR founder and CEO of handcrafted artisan jewelry brand Collections by Joya, about this innovative springboard for local women-led companies.
What inspired MPWR?
Despite 2020 being a challenging year, I felt like I finally had the time to find interesting ways to collaborate with other women-owned businesses. I was inspired by how much we could accomplish when we worked together, shared ideas and shared resources.
When designing the space, I thought about the things that I needed when I started my business from my living room. The architecture and bones of the space are masculine, so I softened the space by adding feminine lines and textures.
We used artwork, wall art and upholstery to incorporate arches throughout the space to pay a subtle homage to St. Louis. We also have amazing quotes from women in business hung throughout the office to keep our members motivated and inspired.
What are your goals for MPWR?
My hope is that each of our members will find ways to lean on each other for knowledge and resources, collaborate and create new projects, and work together to take their businesses to the next level. I would love to see women who are just starting out with a great idea for a business to learn and gather advice from members who were once in their shoes. I hope that within one year, many of our part-time and full-time office members will graduate from MPWR into larger office spaces to accommodate their business growth.
In addition to the collaborative workspace, we offer our members graphic design consultations, photography and model services, conference room access, “Mentor Mondays” with local industry leaders, workshop and tutorial space, networking events and calls with our in-house business and productivity strategists.
What results have you seen so far at MPWR?
It has been absolutely incredible to see how quickly each of the members has created friendships and started working together. We’ve seen some really amazing business collaborations and ideas that have already started during our first month[s] here.
We are so lucky to have found so many amazing women that are equally as passionate about fostering growth and supporting other womenowned businesses. ln MPWR STL, 2815 Locust St., St. Louis, mpwrstl.com
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