20 minute read
FEATURE Revival Runway
from July 9, 2021
by Ladue News
NewFaces inFashion
Byandreasmith |PhotosbyPhillipHamer,courtesyofRevivalRunway
A newprogrAm At St. LouiS’ nonprofit revivAL SchooL ofthe ArtS provideS reSourceSAnd A networkof LocAL expertS toinSpire cAreerS inthe fAShionbiz.
Whenateenagerdeclares heorshewantstobe afashiondesigneror model,suchalofty aspirationmightbe disregardedasachildishdream.ButatSt. Louis’nonprofitRevivalSchooloftheArts, suchdreams–includingthoseinmusic, dance,artandphotography–arevaluedand workshoppedintoviablecareerpaths.
“AtRevivalSchool…we’regoingtotake youseriouslyandnotjustlookatyoulike you’reakidandyoudon’tknowwhatyou’re talkingabout,”saysAlohaMischeaux,program directorofRevivalRunway.
Theinternationalfashioncollaborative ofdesigners,photographersandmodels officiallylaunchedthisspringinresponseto anincreasedinterestinfashionamongRevival Schoolstudents.For10years,theschoolhas connectedyoungrefugeesinthecitywith peopleandotherresourcesthatempower themtopursueacreativeinterestwithina collaborative,cross-culturalcommunity.
“Refugeeswhoarecominghere,they havegifts,abilitiesandtalentsthatmake theSt.Louiscommunityricherandmakeus betteroff,”saysMichaelRamsey,executive directorofRevivalSchool.“Thekeyingredient istheculturalcollaboration–thatwe’re dependingoneachotherandrecognizing thatpeoplefromdifferentculturesarecoming withdifferentstrengthsthatweneedto complementourweaknesses.”
RevivalRunwayprovidesstudentswith anurturingspacetoexpressandhonetheir artisticinterests,educationonhowtomakea careeroutofthoseinterestsandanetworkof industryprofessionalswillingtohelpstudents alongtheway.
Claudia“Coco”Nkurunzizawasraisedin Burundi,asmallcountryincentralEastAfrica, andmovedtotheU.S.asateenagerin2015. Withinthenextcoupleofyears,shedeveloped aninterestinmodelingandconnectedwith RevivalSchoolandSt.Louis-baseddesigner BrandinVaughn,whoarrangedherfirstgig–a photoshootfortheBrandinVaughnCollection.
Sincethen,Nkurunziza,now18yearsold, hasgainedexperienceasarunwaymodeland isworkingwithRevivalRunwaycollaborators tobuildherportfolio,applytomodeling agenciesandprepareforRevivalRunway’snext fashionshow,inSeptember.
“Itmademeconfident,”shesaysofwalking inRevivalRunway’sfirstofficialfashionshow, onMay1.“I’mworkingveryhardtoachievemy dream,whichistobeasupermodel…Revival Schoolhasbeenreallyhelpfulforme,andI don’tknowwhatI’ddowithoutit.”
Mentoringyoungpeople–particularly peopleofcolor–whohopetomakealivingin thefashionindustryhasbecomeintegralto Vaughn’swork.TheSt.Louisnativeestablished hisbrandinthemetroareaandnowoperatesa storefrontonCherokeeStreetthatfeatureshis owndesigns.
“Iknowwhatitwaslikecomingup,and [I]didnothaveamentororsomeonetosay ‘keepgoing,’”Vaughnreflects.Therefore,he says,hestrivestobethatmotivatorforthe nextgenerationoffashionprofessionals. He’staughtandhiredmetroareayouthasan STLYouthJobsmentorandguidedRevival Runwayfashionshowparticipantsthroughthe productionprocess,andnowhe’sgearingupto teachclothingdesignclassesthroughRevival SchoolattheIntersectArtsCenter.
RevivalRunway’sshowinMayinvolved about12models,fourdesignersandthree photographers–amateursandprofessionals–andgaveparticipantsarareopportunitytoput theirworkondisplay.BabyLock,aSt.Louisbasedretailer,donatedthreesewingmachines tohelppreparegarmentsandtobeusedin Vaughn’sclasses.
Mischeauxexpectstheupcomingfashion show,slatedforSept.11,willbemore vibrant,elegantandfun.Vaughndescribes itasan“openhouse”forthoseinterestedin participatingintheprogramasastudent, mentororfinancialsupporter.“If[students] wanttocomeinandreallylearnaboutacareer, wehaveaccesstoprofessionals,andwe’re hopingtobeabletopaythoseprofessionalsto comeandreallycommittime,”headds.
Attendeescanexpecttoseeoriginalstyles bylocaldesignersandexceptionalstudents anda“seaofinternationalfaces,”Vaughnsays. “We’reallcomingtogethertocelebratefashion, tobebeautifulandvibrantandtosupporta goodcause.”
Togetinvolvedorfindupdatesonthe upcomingshow,calltheschooloremail Ramseyatmike@revivalschoolstl.org.
RevivalSchooloftheArts,3636TexasAve.,St. Louis,314-550-2350,revivalschoolstl.org
Thekeyingredientisthecultural collaboration–thatwe’redependingon eachotherandrecognizingthatpeople fromdifferentculturesarecoming withdifferentstrengthsthatweneed tocomplementourweaknesses.”
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2021hasseenanunprecedentedhousingmarket,fromhomessellingin record timetobiddingwarsleadingtosaleswellaboveaskingprice.
St.LouisbuyersandsellersalikehavebeenturningtolocalREALTORs tohelpthemnavigatethemarketandmaketheir realestatedreams areality. Turn thepageto readaboutsevenoutstanding realestateagentsandteams thatare notonlysucceedingbut thriving inthischallengingmarket –aswellassomeoftheircrowning realestateachievementsthisyear.
By Maggie Peters
Andel-White & McDonald Real Estate Group
Laura McCarthy Real Estate
CONNECT WITH ANDEL-WHITE & MCDONALD: C) 314-609-0139 (Andel) C) 314-609-0192 (White) C) 314-600-3223 (McDonald) C) 314-800-7715 (Bequette) O) 314-725-5100 W) lauramccarthy.com
For the Andel-White & McDonald Real Estate Group, 2020 was an incredible year, and 2021 has continued in the same fashion. e team has helped sellers achieve multiple o ers over asking price in all areas – Webster Groves, Kirkwood, Brentwood, Ladue, Clayton and Town and Country – and has been fortunate enough to have savvy buyers who partner with them to win in competitive situations.
“Our in-depth market knowledge, exibility and experience with both older homes and new construction [have contributed to such success],” the team con rms, “plus having an incredible network at Laura McCarthy Real Estate and strong relationships with other top agents across the region who know we are honest, have integrity and will get the deal done with the utmost professionalism.” e Andel-White & McDonald Real Estate Group’s mantra includes a tenacious spirit, smile and happy heart to keep everyone on a positive track. ough the market remains unpredictable, the team is looking forward to the challenge.
“ ere’s always another home coming on the market even when inventory is scarce,” the team concludes. “When it’s meant to be, it will happen!”
Over A Dozen Competing Contracts!
110 W. Jackson, Webster Groves. Designed for entertaining, the home’s gracious gardens and welcoming porches are bound to enchant.
Represented Buyer! Won in Competition! Represented Buyer! Won in Competition!
8124 Kingsbury Blvd., Clayton. Situated in the heart of Clayton Gardens, this home is the perfect balance of old and new. 29 Northcote, Brentwood. This picturesque home is situated in the charming York Village neighborhood.
By Maggie Peters
Donna Calamia
Donacy Realty Team RedKey Realty Leaders
Donna Calamia, leader of the Donacy Realty Team, is known and respected for her integrity, creative thinking, diplomacy, enthusiasm and sales expertise. She is consistently ranked among the top REALTORs in the area – and ranked No. 1 in the hearts of her clients! Calamia’s acute business sense, resourcefulness, creative marketing expertise and pure passion for life are key in assisting buyers and sellers to accomplish their real estate goals, e ciently and professionally.
“Our team has had great success selling beautiful properties and getting our buyers into their dream homes,” Calamia says. “We’re on track for a record-breaking year and have enjoyed creating lasting, quality relationships along the way.”
Calamia and the Donacy Realty Team pride themselves on creating trusting relationships with their clients, looking out for their best interests and treating them as valued business partners. e team loves the challenge this year has brought them, helping buyers get prepared so they can put their best foot forward when making an o er.
“We need to stand out over the competition,” Calamia adds. “Understanding what is important to a seller helps our buyers go in strong and win bids, sometimes even when we are not the highest o er amount on the table – all details count.” e Donacy Realty Team has got the key to success, to your real estate goals and to a great experience, and most importantly, the team also has the keys to your new home. “ e Donacy Realty Team, We’ve Got e Keys!”
Sold Fast – $10K Over Asking!
This sought-after villa had multiple contract offers before the ink on the listing was dry.
Marketing this beautiful parklike backyard attracted many pandemic buyers to a permanent staycation!
Never Before Listed!
This stunning Tuscan-style home sits on 90-plus acres. $5.5 million
By Maggie Peters
Kim Carney
Coldwell Banker Premier
Kim Carney knows how to handle any market, boasting savvy negotiation skills and creative marketing plans. She goes beyond just sticking a sign in your yard, using top-notch print advertising and media boosts to give every home an impact.
Carney loves selling expired listings and tackling homes that other agents couldn’t sell, and this year, her focus is on working behind the scenes to nd her buyers pocket listings and assisting clients with nding homes o -market.
“ is year has been crazy,” Carney says. “I’ve sold all of my listings, and this is the rst time in over 18 years that I don’t have any listings because they are all selling so fast – many the rst day and over asking!”
Using her connections, Carney has been able to nd her buyers homes that haven’t been listed – and they’ve been thrilled: “Especially a client who bid $350K over on a house, and also bought as-is and as a cash deal,” she adds. “It was nuts! Finding homes o -market has been wonderful, especially for that client!”
A mom to two rising high school seniors, Emma and Grace, Carney continues to give back to her community and donates 10 percent of all income to Siteman Cancer Center.
“ is market is hot, and you really need a resourceful agent who knows the market – especially if you’re looking in the high end!” Carney concludes.
8 Country Estates
Sold for $1,250,000
8121 Stratford
Sold for $1,700,000
314 Gay Ave.
Sold for $1,010,000
By Maggie Peters
Julie Lane
Janet McAfee Real Estate
CONNECT WITH JULIE: C) 314-303-6504 E) julie@julielanerealestate.com W) julielanerealestate.com
Julie Lane has spent the last year helping connect some of her long-term buyers with their dream homes, as well as assisting sellers to achieve multiple o ers – and overasking! “I truly think that experience is paramount in this market,” Lane explains. “We are seeing multiple contract situations more o en than not in some cases. It is important to know how to nesse a contract to make yours stand out for your buyer. As for your sellers, there are so many options when multiples come in that you really need to go over each individual deal, as the price is sometimes not the only important feature. At times, sellers choose more attractive terms to bottom-line price.”
In this current fast-paced market, Lane stays on top by keeping vigilant and keeping up on all on- and o -market sales. Whether buying or selling, whether in a good market or bad, Lane advises to always be ready.
“If you are a seller, this means having your home in show-ready condition from the start and having a plan to market your home to achieve the best price in the least amount of time,” Lane says. “Selling your home ‘o market’ can be appealing, but can keep its real sale potential from being realized. As a buyer, have your nancial plan in order, and have an agent that can write a favorable contract so you can be successful.”
21 Lynnbrook Road
Sold Fast! Nestled on a private street in the heart of Frontenac, this home exudes high-end nishes and both formal and informal open spaces.
23 Dwyer Place
Sold Fast! This 13-year-old home offers a bright kitchen with marble, stainless steel and an open family room with a stacked-stone gas replace.
66 Aberdeen Place
Sold Fast! The modern oor plan and attention to detail make this home perfect for today’s informal and formal lifestyles.
By Maggie Peters
Keith R. Manzer
Gladys Manion Real Estate
CONNECT WITH KEITH: C) 314-609-3155 O) 314-721-4755 E) keithm@gladysmanion.com W) keithrmanzer.com
Celebrating 38 years of real estate success with more than 6,000 closed transactions, Keith R. Manzer continues to demonstrate over and over again that he is one of St. Louis’ most accomplished luxury real estate agents.
While he maintains numerous record-breaking sales, he focuses on serving all his clients, both old and new. From $100,000 to $10,000,000, he consistently delivers with his unique approach to selling properties, while quietly working with some of St. Louis’ most prominent families.
Achieving more than $49,000,000 in sales in his best year-to-date, Manzer is a nine-time Five Star Service award recipient, was named by St. Louis Magazine three times as the “Face of Luxury Real Estate” in St. Louis, ranks as a “Life Member of the Missouri Multi-Million Dollar Club” and currently is the No. 1 agent at Gladys Manion Real Estate.
Manzer gives back to the community on multiple levels. In memory of his partner, for example, he founded the Brian S. Voorhees Scholarship Fund, which bene ts underserved teenagers pursuing art as a passion.
850 Kent Road, Ladue. List price $6,799,000
9633 Ladue Road, Ladue. List price $2,675,000
New Listing
31 Westmoreland Place, Central West End. List price $1,999,000
By Maggie Peters
Rossini Real Estate Group
Laura McCarthy Real Estate
CONNECT WITH ROSSINI REAL ESTATE GROUP: C) 314-303-2137 (Rossini) C) 314-941-0421 (Schneider) C) 314-210-8995 (Gillentine), O) 314-725-5100 (of ce) W) lauramccarthy.com
For the Rossini Real Estate Group, the past 12 months have been both incredibly challenging and ful lling. Team members have been busier than ever before, logging a record year of sales while navigating how to work during the pandemic and what Allie Rossini calls “the craziest market any of us have ever seen.” roughout all of this, they’ve been able to remain focused and stay true advocates of their clients.
“We have had several clients lately tell us that we make them feel like they are the only client we are helping at the time, even though they know we have never been busier,” Rossini continues. “We are very proud of this and truly try to go above and beyond with our level of customer service.”
During challenging times and an unprecedented market, the Rossini Real Estate Group works hard to keep buyers who are feeling as if things are out of control calm and positive, as well as trying to keep expectations with the group’s sellers realistic. e Rossini Real Estate Group’s members nd their greatest reward in helping their clients, no matter the market. “We so appreciate our clients and referrals,” Rossini concludes.
Sold After Multiple O ers!
2 Lindworth Drive, Ladue. This stunning contemporary estate boasts incredible architectural features on a beautifully landscaped 1.42 acres.
Represented Buyer and Seller!
610 West Polo, Clayton. This property has been beautifully updated with a new pool and deck, a rst oor master suite, three main-level living areas, a main- oor of ce and a screened-in patio.
Sold Fast!
4161 West Pine, St. Louis. The main level offers a great open oor plan with exposed brick walls, a dining area and a fabulous kitchen.
By Maggie Peters
Ted Wight
Dielmann Sotheby’s International Realty
CONNECT WITH TED: C) 314-607-5555, O) 314-725-0009 W) dielmannsothebysrealty.com W) tedwightrealestate.com
Ted Wight, with Dielmann Sotheby’s International Realty, has helped 31 buyers purchase homes in the last 12 months, as well sold 44 of their listings. With the competitive market, this is quite an accomplishment and a testament to Wight’s experience as an agent.
“I know it sounds cliché, but experience really is a di erentiator,” Wight says. “While I have sold real estate since 2004 and managed 578 closings, experience does not come from the number of years as a REALTOR but instead the number of transactions. With each transaction, I learn something new.”
Wight adds that the current market is robust and advises that homes that are priced well and in great condition will enjoy the “magic” of this strong market. “Sellers need to know that they cannot throw their house on the market at a premium and expect 10 o ers,” he says. “ ey must still be realistic in pricing and take the time to ensure that their home is properly prepared when it hits the market.”
45 Aberdeen
This gorgeous Hillcrest home features top-of-theline nishes and a walkable location to Forest Park and DeMun.
2565 Melody
This modernized and recently renovated 1850s farmhouse sits on 111-plus acres with two manmade lakes and a hand-built barn.
16 Grand Meridien Forest
This updated estate in Wildwood sits on 1.4 acres and has 10,000-plus square feet of living space. TED WRIGHT PHOTO BY DEVONHILLPHOTO.COM ; 45 ABERDEEN AND 16 GRAND MERIDIEN FOREST PHOTOS BY REED R. RADCLIFFE
By Maggie Peters
Julie Lane Janet McAfee Real Estate
314-303-6504, julielanerealestate.com
Experience this gorgeous 11-year-old home in one of Clayton’s most sought-after neighborhoods. The modern floor plan and attention to detail make this home the perfect blend of bespoke details and spaces for today’s informal and formal lifestyles.
Cindy Handy Janet McAfee Real Estate
314-489-3546, cindyhandy.janetmcafee.com
Welcome home to this traditional beauty located in family-friendly lafayette Farms near Queeny Park. Enjoy a main-floor master suite and an updated kitchen, as well as a great outdoor stone fireplace and deck for all your entertaining!
Andel-White & McDonald Real Estate Group Laura McCarthy Real Estate
314-609-0139 (Andel), 314-609-0192 (White), 314-600-3223 (McDonald), 314-725-5100 (office), lauramccarthy.com
Welcome to the famed Netherby Hall. Here quality, luxury and rich history meet today’s modern amenities, including a spacious primary suite with a custom walk-in closet, two additional bedrooms and an office that could be a fourth bedroom.
The Donacy Realty Team RedKey Realty Leaders
314-368-0279, donacyrealtyteam.com
live your dream country lifestyle at RidgeView Farm. you’ll find plenty of room to roam both inside and outside this spacious Tuscan-style equestrian estate, surrounded by 90-plus rolling acres that include an expansive heated pool and multiple barns and other outbuildings.
Rossini Real Estate Group Laura McCarthy Real Estate
314-303-2137 (Rossini), 314-941-0421 (Schneider), 314-210-8995 (Gillentine), 314-725-5100 (office), lauramccarthy.com
Significant upgrades to this home include a high-end gourmet kitchen, a fantastic primary suite, an enclosed mudroom, renovated baths and more! you’ll be greeted by a beautiful foyer and stairwell with exquisite historical moldings.
Ted Wight Dielmann Sotheby’s International Realty
314-607-5555 (direct), 314-725-0009 (office), dielmannsothebysrealty.com, tedwightrealestate.com
This three-story Federal home in gated Pershing Place features a living room with 30foot ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s perfectly located in the heart of the Central West End and walkable to Forest Park, grocery stores, restaurants and more.
Penny Schneithorst and Mary Slay Laura McCarthy Real Estate
314-280-7747 (Schneithorst), 314-779-8980 (Slay), 314-725-5100 (office), lauramccarthy.com
This 3-bedroom, 4½-bath home has a formal dining room with a large bay window, as well as sweeping views from the formal living room and porch, featuring a wood-burning fireplace adorned with an Italian marble mantel.
Keith R. Manzer Gladys Manion Real Estate
314-609-3155 (direct), 314-721-4755 (office), keithrmanzer.com
Commissioned in 1912 by Bertha Drake Scott, this extremely well-maintained home was designed by Mauran, Russell & Crowell. This stunning property features 7 bedrooms, 6 full baths and 1 half-bath, as well as a heated pool.
New Listing! 1336HauteLoireDrive
St.Louis,Missouri $515,000
314.489.3546 cindy.handy@janetmcafee.com cindyhandy.com
200SouthBrentwood,Clayton,MO63105 • $855,000
Upscale 11/2-storyunitindesiredParkTowerCondos. Tucked withinthecity’sposh,urbanfeelwithothergleaminghigh-risesand acollectionoflocalboutiquesanduniquerestaurants. Exceptional propertyofferingunparallelviewsofShawPark. Comehometo breathtakingandluxuriouslivingspaceswith2bedrooms&3.5-baths andanofficethatcouldbeabedroominDowntownClayton.Custom &top-of-the-linefinishesthroughoutincludingbutnotlimitedtodoors, lighting,cabinets,countertops,floors,moldings&more. Sumptuous, spalikebaths. Formalandinformallivingspaces. Stunningwood floors. Customdressingareas/walk-inwardrobesandclosetspaces. Liveinthelapofluxurywithaverywelcoming&smiling24/7 doorman,grandlobby/parlorwithcrystalchandeliers,state-of-theartfitnesscenter,rooftoppoolwithoutdoorshower, party/conferenceroomwithserver’skitchen,library, underground parkingand more.
Advantage, Realtors
By Maggie Peters | Home photos by www.benphotostl.com Agent photo by Christina Kling-Garrett
Boasting 5,475 square feet, this home is perfectly situated in the Ladue School District. Beautiful finishes present themselves from the moment you step into the marble foyer, including 10-foot ceilings, large and gracious rooms, hardwood floors and exceptional millwork. Whip up meals in your eat-in kitchen, featuring a center island, a gas range, double ovens, two dishwashers and an oversize pantry. The living room has perfect study potential, with its gas fireplace, plantation shutters and glass French doors to the foyer, while the beautiful family room has views of rear gardens, as well as a gorgeous fireplace and walk-behind wet bar. Your spacious master suite has two separate walk-in closets, duel vanities, a BainUltra soaking tub and marble finishes. The additional three bedroom suites feature full baths. Other features include a large, finished basement with a wet bar, a rec area, a sleeping area, an exercise area and more; a three-car-heated garage; and a private terrace with a gazebo.
This 4-bedroom, 5-full bathroom and 2-half bathroom home in Ladue is listed for $1.65 million.
John Ryan, The Ryan Tradition
Coldwell Banker Gundaker, one of St. Louis’ leading residential real estate brokerage companies, offers 19 offices with more than 1,300 sales associates serving metropolitan St. Louis and east-central Missouri. The associates of The Ryan Tradition rank among the area’s most experienced retail professionals, with special expertise in the central corridor.
60 Local Eats 62 Arts Speak 63 Ready Readers 64 FEATURE: “City Campfire” Installation