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This is what retirement lookslike
from August 4, 2023
by Ladue News
by Charles Brennan
Retirement has changed me.I’llgiveyou some examples.
BeforeIturned off my microphone at KMOXradio,I gotupevery morning at 5:45. Now, Iregularly sleep in till6:15.
Iused to spend the early morning poring over the newspapertostayabreast of the local issues we’d discuss on my morning radio showand then again Thursday evening on Channel 9’sDonnybrook.
Ok,I stillconsume alot of news. But now, it’s because Ilike to stayinformed. And, retired or not, I’mstillDonnybrook’sresident provocateur
As aretired person, Ialso sit stillless than Iused to.Since May, my wifeBeth and Ihavetraveled morethan 20,000 miles.I’ve taken golf lessons and studied French. But retirementisnot allfun and games. Irake leaves and take out the garbagemore, too.
Since retiring,I’vealso led efforts to plant 10,000 daffodil bulbs in Forest Park and along the River Des Peresand to enhance aHanleyRoadunderpass with chalk art. Even us old guyswant to make St.Louis aprettier place
Ialso hikemore.Ilog 25,000 steps severaldaysaweek.On Sundaymornings, Isometimes runupand down thesteps at Cahokia Mounds20timesor more.Why do Idoit? Because Ican. Also, I’m63. Who’sgoing to stopme?
That reminds me of onething that has NOTchanged since my retirement: my weeklyappointment at 20 Minutes to Fitness in Clayton,whereIhaveworked out since 2006.
ThehalfhourIspendthereonWednesdayafternoonshelpsmebuildthestrength and maintain the energyIneed to livethis glamorous retirement lifestyle.
At my side is my personal trainer DarrellConnor.Heguides me through a series of exercises designed to work everymajor muscle group on specialized MedXequipment.
There’snocheating with Darrell.There’salso no worryabout injuring myself by performing an exercise incorrectly.
Over the years, Darrellhas also become afriend. Rememberthose Sunday mornings at Cahokia MoundsImentioned? Darrellruns those steps with me.
Thetruth is the staff at 20 Minutes to Fitness areall first-rate.Manyhave backgrounds in physical therapyorexercise physiology. Aphysical therapy assistant named Robb recentlyworked wonders on my soreshoulder.Others havehelped me train safelywhile recovering from ahip replacement and ahernia.
If you’re busy,orifyour strength and balance aren’t what theyused to be,or you’re tired of being out of shape,I suggest yougive20Minutes to Fitness a call.First-timers getacomplimentaryin-personconsultationand workout. Youcan’t beat free
If you’re like me,you’llfeel better and haveamorepositiveoutlookafterwards. Retired or not.
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